The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, December 27, 1883, Image 2

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Paulding New JAMKH BRKCKKNKlDOR, Pablirher. DALLAS, GA.. L>EO. 27. 1883. DALLAS. d Itnprovement 1883. During we look back over the Impr-vo B «a of our town ai d county (luring the pneent year, wa ean not but point to them with pride. On every aide the aplrit of Iraproveiasnt la plainly seen, and Dallas U Miakiog wllb repl.l atridaa to gala an 1m portet poatUow In the boot rank of North Georgia town* Two yeart ego the eplrit oi lto| nftsrasnt diet attack the town, hang Soused by the etnpendoue enkrprlst oi building the K. Term. Va. A On. mllrocd through thle eeetioa of the country. Prior to that lira* It waa only known as a si lage of aoae 1M Inbahltante, and the reputation of being one of the in oat lawless tnwna and •Htioneafeeantiy In the entire Biata. At aeon to the railroad proj.ct waa put in oper ation our people waked np to a reality o| whnt oouM be done, and all went to work with a determination to build up the town and they have aneoetded In making Della* ana of the bant trading polnta on the road between Borne and Atlanta. Situated, ne it it, midway between the two eitlm, with no other town within a redlne of eeveral mllra aad la one of the moat fertile erctlooe ol the foot*. given It an advantage over the average Barth Georgia town. The people In tbia eeetioa oftha country are all prorperoue and fnllaf vim aud antorpriaa. and before tw more yearn (oil by Dallaa will be ono of toe moot yreminent of North Georg ; a town*. ocr comm emn. fee yaare ego there wee not two hundred k.t« of notion brought to Dalle* during the aettoa eamon, but now thlnga are quite dif- Imat Day alter day yon can eee the etreei* lined with —a— loath d with the etaple Prieritoithe completion of the B. T. V A Oa. railroad through thla town the moat of ad in thle conoty wee hauled i to Aownrth, Marietta end Allan- m. rate! eold In thorn town* end citim, end, W n r*“*» of coulee, the mint of the trade )hnk actually belonged to Dalian wee turned to tbeee Iowa*. Lmt year Dallaa made a hatter Ibrnring an a notion market—buying about 1000 kalea of eattoa. People who had hami hnahag their aoUoa to other town* be mm to >m whnt li nn nrtaal fact—that oot ton hnyere af Dallm warn paying morn for gjltoa thw My town in N-nh Georgia, and mowaa wbmled Into rank and turn-d ha tldnof tends to Dallaa. This Mason than wvmd thinned opft r dale 1,*0 bales <1 mSSTbim tbb place, beside, wall, .till to thahaaAi af tha buy an. Tble .how. an tototton over Itot year is tha oot ton trade •ItM af shout twe Ihonmnd balm np to dato and taking Into conaMeratlon tha fact gf the toorteeupa mods thla year oompared •juutry, It la reasonable to suppose that the ganeeul mercantile trade ha* ill crewed in ptoportlon to tha amonnt of cotton received If nett year lea good crop year, Dalle* will ■hip between dva and ala thousand b*Jra ot soil an, aad donbia bar tends In ad brauchr* Dallas ban aliaady considerably orlpplad ti e tends af WH af tha nalgbboring town*. Our marohaata claim tha trade and are g Ing to hava It, no matter who thay Injurs, rl Bair fml1~g and low priom will gain it fur Mtom.’ a ooob raonooa xun, Nothing tend* to build up a town more topldly than tor merchant* being able to handle leodnoa of all bloda eucoersfolly Oar town la one of the beat market* for all kind, of ooaatry produce to be found lu tin Main Our merchant* will buy end pay tin hlgbert markrt price for all kind* of ooun- try pfndnoo, *aoh aa eggs, butter, chicken*, rag), eon fodder, shuoke, potatoes, pea*, , applra, pm the*, and, In faot, anything loan inrm. Paulding county waked up to the curse of eloobol, end, by a petition to the O.din.ry, hed an election order, .1 to fells the question, and the mle of whisky waa restricted by a vote of Are to Our people were not lath fled with merely r.s'rlctlog the tala of the wbbky, and notice wits given that certain eillaen* would make application to the Legl-’attiro o prohibit the 1 a> of It In any quantity In ihe county. Tble act wa. paaoed, and went Into effect throughout the coanty et once, with the exception of the town of Dalle* Two bar-roon s were mm.log Id the town on license granted them by the town author- tier prior lo the passage of the act, Slid the people b*d no J.rrindidiion to slop them from selling until their city lloenw expired, which will be about the Ulb day of Augait next' and Ihen Dal ai, and old Pao'dlug will bo dry. Th<s etep nr on* of lha grand cat o'd Puiilding ha. iw take,. Another improvement, by no mean* in .1, l* our Methodist church, which baa been er-cted during (he year. It I* an ornament tu the town, and an honor to the people who io liberally subscribed money for la erection Do. us lilt our hate and offer tbsnke lo H liu who boa give to our people euck a year prosperity. The Night After Christmas, Twos the night after Christmas; the boya were awake, After stnfflt g with turkey, end pnddlng, end cake. And donglmuta. and oyatem, and pining, and mlnra phs. There were moaning* and groaning* and piteous erie •: ‘On iny stoniscl’. ?’’ "O Moses!” "Ohslpl" ' I .hall die I” "How I wish that I hadn't had half as much pie I" ■ 0 mother I" "Come, hurry I" ‘ Oh what shall I do?" “Bring something lu core me If “Boo-hoo" and “Boo-boo I” And mother alarmed at tha racket and n> lse, Ren Id to see whet ibe c ,ol 1 do f, r the boys Persy Davis's Pais Kill.* .he brought lor relief, And soon mede au end of their noise aud their grief; Ar d then there wea quiet and Joy In the house, And each of the l.da « as ae still as a mouse. GEOK‘!IA-*-Pau|dlug County. Wberet. J F Cook, ndmiul-trator of Dolphus Maliafilej, repie-cnt- to the Court Id hie petit on, dnly filed end an- i*rcd on record, the) he has folly admin istered Dolphus MahaflieyV estate I hla Is therefore lo cl e all perrons concerned, heirs and creditor*, to .how caue-, if any lh, y tan, wbv said admlnl-trator .honld not be discharged from his admlotaira- ton and receive latte., of dismission on the first Moi day in Febrnanr 1884 TC DVWaUAN. Ordluary STATEOF GEORGIA,—Paulding county To all Whom it May Concern: Monroe Ias, administrator on the .state of Willie R iberte, late of (aid cconly droi to ed. has. lu due form applied to the under- ■Igned for leave to mil the lend* belooging to the e tele of mid dfc ased. and mid appli es ton will on the Bret Monday lu I,,„nar. 1804 Thl* *h* 5 h day of Daoeiu ,«r 18*3 T C DUNAGAN. Ordinary TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. wireless. II I as pleased Ood, in hie unei- rir g prof Id-nce, to n move from our mids: tty d a b our worthy brother Wm. Cbeppell. who died at Mllledgevllle, Ua , on the 20th of November, 1883, eg d . On account of mental Infirmities, he wea b. reft of the and arnreute of home r-latlone and frirndr hut shall nevermore have sad, for be la g me, wo hope to lo forever in that pn scute wire e .s fulluem ol Joy, w ill re life 1 * ai.rrow., I la gruans, Its tears, It* vain regrets and hi ter orj.aei can nevsrenter; yet dtatb had no tanon fur him. The menu ry ol the Jnet le bit*-id. Amid the conflicting soeiKa of life, hope, lie blighting cans 'tin a hallowed privilege to retrospect tba peat and dso.I on tha virtues of thorn who have waUcd, bmlde us through mutual love aud e.mpathy lha ckn gta that have cut them ■elves around ui. So we have gently la d In the grave our brother ae others wdl oca saw loiuunoe. II wwnld toko up ths sutii* spam of thi. paper fo; give nn amonnt of tha Improve. l way of new balldiugt, which I daring tbs year. Wa will spl to give more than au Idea of the improvements In thla line. Mr. Thomas J CDaper, one of our most popular merchants, km rmotefi during tha year a twt-story brisk building on ths weat side of tha square, wUh two good roomy store rooms in the lower Boor, with n good ball above, which •Me mash to lha appearance of tha weat rtda af lha square. Mr. Gorie Spink, ha. now nearly aumpletad a brick hotel, with a •Uto roof aad about thirty rooms, at a coal af Mr five thousand dollars. Oartsnvllle Hurt has tha lead In private residences. Mr. Q*,. A. Owens has erected a handsome dwelling In that portion of town during the year, in foot, Dallm baa enjoyed a regular boom la tha way of building during the year. Tha following am tha gentleman we oea sail to tolnd'at this time who have done vmtaartva building during tha aaaaon: Mr. Thomas 0loots, on* good dwsUtog; Mr. G. W. Me trail, dwtUlng and stars bout*; Mr. Beaty BraawsU, dwelling; Mr. J L. Might, two dwellings; Mr. Jamaa Bullock, two dwellings; Bav. J. D. Retd, one dwelling; Mr. Mirei Pinkard, one dwelling; Mr. Wm. BtMaklaad, dwelling; Mr. J. B. Foote he. pot aaothar story on bis brick storehouse. AU the partial named above have built homes wbleh art no ornament to the town Damn* of smaller and laee oommodioo* boil dkgs hove bom treated, and on every side tha.plrlt of Improvement is plainly to ronuiioi. "DaUaabas Increased In popalatlon In the lart two years from 180 to about 800 luhebi touts. Our population Increase, the Increase In tha sottoa receipts and in the business of generally. Is not nil we have to a With pride. Tba morality of the am is making rapid atridi a. One year ago r bar room* numbered it van or eight, but do ua, to eleep till the resurrection moruiug, assured by holy writ “that them -that almp lo Jeeu. will God bring with Him.” Ms* God sauotlfy this affliction to tha e eras, good of hie wife and relatives. God glveth •i d He teketh sway. Aa we can oo more meet our brother on earth, wa hope to meet blot In that lodge above that baa no high twelve, nor where there is no calling on or off, bat one etornal day of pesos and unity Aslrrp In Jtjus, peaceful net, Who-e waking is supremely blmt, Nu rear, no wm, shall dim that hour, That manure's ths Saviour** power. 8. Rohsktsos, I'h’m'n Cora W. R Btbicklaid. F. M. Smith. Committee sppnlntnl by Dallas L"dgs. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Neighboring Exchangee. Tl eirertor.vllle Free 1 r.'»s complains ti n' the outside ewingii.R ol gauxlnjthat town is s nu.a.iiice, ar.d urges Ike city council tosr not « In* prohlblliiig the swinging of them in thn; manner. Simpson and Sugg, the Uartow murd re-rs have not beau heard from jilnio they mud their recipe trom J., 11. The matrimonial epidemic has atrnok thle section of the State. Mr. John G. Davies has severed his con nection with the Carlenville American, aud tha paper will continue under the manng-i. raent ol Mr. Do' g.aa Wiki*. The le,:*l advi rising of Bsrtow ouuniy has been chang'd from tha Free Trees lo the America.. A oonespomlent of the Certeraville Free Trees says ihat u runsway engine pushing four cars lu (rout of It passed through Eto wah last week running at the rate of sixty mllra an hour. Wtu. Chambers, a brake- man, was thrown from the cars and badly hurt, bat not seriously. The 'r.dn was stopped before It done any other Injury. To see a fellow with a shaky character and a bant nip' purse trying to ect the dude, le a spectacle for the gods to langh at.—Marietta Journal. The man, young or old, who falls to ho prompt In pay ing hie debts snd punctual In kaepiug bis word, despoils his own chart,c tar and undermines the foundation to bis income.—Marietta Journal. With the coming of tha holidays comes diluting and carousal*. Did young men wito ere in the habit of drinking iotoxlcat- Ing liquon ever stop to think what such a practice la doing Jfur ihemf It not only threatens to destroy health and manhood, but shuts them out from the better positions of thos* who condnot th* buslnees of the country.—Mb: ietta Journal. Miss Kstle, the daughter of Col. Chas. D. Phillips, of Marietta, wav married to Mr. J. G. Phillips, of Habereham county, last Tueiday week. Her E. F. Mangel uffleat Ing. The happy u,tuple left the same day fur the home of the groom, Cuttiro Arra.iY — Jo* and John Smith, negroes, who live on J. If. Gable's fane on Boswell road on Ssturd ly night last wont loan old colored ineu’a house, named Berry Caisels. living on Mr. P. T. Hamby's farm and knocked at the door end demrnded ed mission. Old man Berry, after coriidaia hie hesitation, let thorn In, but, being in liqnor, they became boisterous and cat np each an'ics that Berry ordeicd them to leave the boms*. At this they became Insulted end Jo* pulled out a knife and cut old man Berry on the herd, arm at.d tack. Joe was arrested, tried and bound over io a $500 boudr Marietta Journal. The negro boy, Ed. Brown, who was run over by a freight train in Acworih, died from the eUc:ls of hie injuries. A Pnmaiticnl Wonder, Ceria'nly the most remarkable enake story bet w* bav* trat heard comes Ir mi old Pinetucky dial-let in (this c >uniy. no .lory, but la vouch id lor by some of the brat men in the county who eaw the won derful monstrosity. Mrs. Bryant A. Gray ordered a bici kmed, and pointedSont one which was small to if* age, thiuklng it would never he of any sue. The cow was four j art uld, and He remarkable su.a l sis had frequently been the subject ol o..nimei,i Af.or the beef was kills I ai.d the diaemb. w eliug proceas gone through, Mr. Cars Abbott noticed that in oue ol ths larger in'e-.ilnre s .instiling we* seen*io move, and keep up a constant mutton^; curiosity 1,(1 him to cut ii open, a ,d, as th a was done, a vtry large a iaka, ll ■ c wCowulp, rau onton the ground rme.d itatioe, but waa killed. By this n ir- acuioilsjreveiatiou, Mr.|liuv< r Gay snd Cap taiu Abbott wera almist coufoui ded, but proceed,d with the-gpuceis .of buic-erii g , out wbeu the windpipe wae opeutd and Uie •aek onvarli g the "lights” or lungs, they weit doubly confounded to discover thlity- seveu emelitr suekea of th* same species Each one of thasa I waa holding on to th* mugs, and thus, we prsruma, s-ourii g lift. After dressing ths beet It only w>"gh«d sight) pounds Ths latory may asem improbable butenot more so than Jonah and.tha whale. It may have been a par. s’tal fargos, but the gantiemra who saw It sttlrin that th* para etiw,|ir such you may call them, wer- snakra. at d tliwffold-f- shlored c> achwhlp, n variety In which! the wire grass country KOltulA.—Paulding County. To All Whom It Mae G noer : J.D Ablra having In pro, or form applied lo me for i^rraanent l^roere of Admlciitni. lion on ths eetste ol G O. Wilkins, late of raid county, this s to cite all and singular (heheirs and creditor* aud next of kin of O O Wilkins, to I t and appear a'm* i fflce within tba time allowed by law; and ehow cause, If any they can. why permanent la, ersol Administration ahonld not be grant «d to J D. Abies on O. O. Wilkins e-*ate Witnes- my hand aud offleiel signature, this the 3 d nay of p-c-roher 1081. T.C DUN AG AN, O-dlnary OC.UKGIA. I’auiuing County. To AU Whom it May Onnce n: h r* A « Garter haalndne form applied to the ui (lerelrned for permanent leite s of aduiiiiletration m tha eatata of of T K Owr ter late ofsnld aounty ,l-*oe«» d aud I will pin* npon m d „pi>llcatioo on the Brat Toea- dec In January 1084. Given nm'e my »•- d and offlclal eigna- tura. tble 3rd day of D ornher 1883 T. 0 DUN AO AN. O dinary. Tk* Orest gyarila (or leuelgb sai Irafosto grAn Internal Remedy, Containing ro Quii ine. Opium, Chloroform, Chloral or - s-rothaof ary kind. Safe and quick in iisac'tou -toM . Maroa e Orrrca. ) LxvaRnno. V* April 19.18T8. | M-eara M uonlvon A Hro: ft afford, me ples-iire to U-«lfy to the great vlrrn* of VO", “Neuralgino” for the cure of nearalgta ami sick head c'ib. It Is I'm brat remedy for ihrae most dm'renting complaints 1 ever us'd. It should be In every fkinily in the aonrtTy. _ „ _ , _ Gao. R. Ha*n, Mavor Leesburg. Va. Mcsara. Hutchison A Bro - I am hnppy to tsv that your '-Neuralgias” solid us espe olflo In my case, rellerlng me In an Incredi bly short time. I would advise all suffering from neural glat Youra.^tc^ „ D HEADQUABIEBS POE LOW PRICES ' >—t RAWLS, BROTHER L 00. OUR HEW B*Am>, OPPOSITB Uses* ■eras. West Side of the Nquare. » We have just opened up our fell stock that coratuAtnls the edmlrauea ef in QUANTITY QUALITY AND PRICES We !nye caliooe* of eve/y shndeend Qealiiy. W E have Dre • Goods, piece goods, latest style end enter*. WE have Lediee Clonks, Jacket*, Sftawli end Zephyr*. We have lAtdiee Veal*. Cnraola, Hoopikins 'lelaiorals and hate. WE have Limeys, Flannels. Rlanketi and Cassimeree. Gents Hnts Gents Hosiery* Gents ('lothing, Gents Overcoats Gents Underwear. •ooui.di — t* tulin O r tta. “ISMS” RHEUMATISM IM THE MACE CurtU 4/ RERRT DAWS RAM EULER, RHEUMATISM IH THE EHEES Curtd bf RERRT DAWS RAW KILLER. RHEUMATISM W THE MUSCLES Curtd bf RERRT DAWS RAW SILLER. RHEUMATISM OR LOHO STAHDWO Curtd b/ RERRT DAWS RAW EILLER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buy of an/ Druggitt Perry Davis’s Pain Killer UKOIt 11A -Paulding Cum ty. To All Whom It May^Coroern: E Duels, having in proper form applle - to me for permanent letter- nf ndministra lion on the e-tate of J. I It wl>, late of said county, d crowd, Thl* in to cite *11 and singular, the creditors and next of kin of J I Bawls, to be and appear at my ( filer with in the time allowed by law aud ibow came If any they can, why permanent letters of Admlnhtratlon should not he granted to E Davis on the eetste of J I Bawl* Given in d.,r mv he’d hi,d cftlclal eigna tare. Till* Dee 25 1, JSS3 T. C. DUNAGAK, Ordinary. GEOBGtA, Paulding Clonnty- Ta all Whom It May Concern: J. W, Cole, of said state, having app'ied to me. with will anr cx> d on the estate of John Cols, lata of said c lunty. this la lo c|te all nnd singular, the credit,ire and next of kin of the John Cole, to be and appear at the January term. 1884. of the court of Ordinary of said county, ami shew cause, if any they can, why Letere of Administration, with the will annexed, should not be gra -ted to the said J. W Cole on John Cole’s , a ete Witness my hand and cfflcUl eignaturc. this th* J d dsy cf December. 1883. T C. DUNtOAN Ordlrerff: Si AIK OF ijhOHul A —PaulUiug U.uuiy. F P. Hudson, guardian of T F a d W B Adair, having applied to the Court oi Ordi nary of .-a d county for a dlrcharge from his guardianship of T F ar.d W B Adair, this ie Ur cite all pervo, s concerned to show came why F P Hut's in ahou,d not be diamiia d from hie guardianship of said minora and r, calve letters nf dismlsiioD. This Decern her the 17,b, 1883 T. 0 DUN AOAN, Ordinary. GEOBGIA, rauldlngCounty: J. L MoUrayer, Ouaid an of P. H. White head live sppllcd to the Ordinary of rai-i c uuty for letters of dismistion from his ra d mist three sre to die all persona to show cause, if auy thiy can. why said J, L. Mc- Bra) ersbcula Uut bediamhsed from his said office, This December the 5th. 1883. T. C. DUNAGAyj. Ordinary. Worms exist in children whose breath is ar'.id and whoso npprarance is morbid and show a disposition to pick tbe r nose, and are generally fretfo’. While’s Cr.'ara Ver mifuge will brin-’ the worms and sperdv heallh will follow. For sale by Connally & CL rial ia .D.iijg’s's. Dallas G*. Georgia ('!itifk« Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Shirting. Drilling:. Sheetlna,,* Jeans, C5 SO Table Cutlery. Table Crockery. Table Oiass Sets, T Cloths Table Oil Cloths. Boots, boots, BOOTS? Shoes / Shoes tl Shoes III MENS, BOYS LADIES AND Hardware,ftroeerlea, Crockery -.ind Olaseware. Canned go .(!«, surdluea, soda and snuff, p-iwdorahot aad caps. Tinware, Lamps and I.nmp Chimneys, Well Buckets, Water Buckets, Tlu Baekets std puus. Trunks,T . Tobsecoes of all grades. Cigar* of every bread. IONS Ai\D F\i\CY fiOftftS OF EVERT VAIIETI. WE DEFY COMPETITION AND GUARANTEE ATLANTA PRICES. CALL AJJD SEE US, Bawls, Brother & Co., PALLAS^ OA.