The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, April 02, 1886, Image 2

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The New Era. Wn A, Bmckchbimii. W. K. Thom nos. WM. A. BRGCKEmiDCil! * CO., 1 nUtonM d' PuMlihcni. DbIIm. ScorflB, April S, fMNH. THE FLOODS. For mao j years there have not been aa heavy rains over so large an area as there wan the first of this week. From every section* extending from Virginia to Louisi ana, there conies the report of the ravages ot the swollen streams. The loss of all kinds of property is immense, while the datnag) to the ifcilroads and telegraph lines is ench that it has nearly stopped travel and communication through out the section visited by the storm. Numbers o r lives have been lost and conotless miseries endured by those living in the towns and cities on the banks of large streams. Most ot the streams are now reported as subsiding, and the work of repairing the damage to the railroads ana telegraph lines is progressing rapid y, ana in a few days more everything will be in good condition again. INCIDENTS OF THE FLOOD. The waters were higher in Rome than they ever were before. A large number ot houses was wash ed sway, and much damage done to merchandise. No lives lost. The river was over a mile wid e at West Point. The publio bridge, which has withstood the storms tor years, was washed away. One neg4> was drowned near the city. Great loss of property. A large part of Macon is over* flowed. Two or three -litres were lost The beautiful park is ruined^ being washed into great gullies. The slreots ot Atlanta are dam aged fully $10,000. Thousands o' travelers were detained in the ciiy by the stop ing of the trains. The whole country in the vioin- ity ot Montgomery, Ain., is over flowed by the Alubama river. People are huddlnd on the house- .tops, and some huye been swept away and drowned. A great ma- . ny mules, horses and oattle have been drowned, and great damage done to property. The nver at Nashville, Tonn., was forty-eight feet above low water mark. At Chattanooga, Tenn., the river was over fifty foet above low water mark. Over thiee hundred people were compelled to desert their homes on account of their being submerged in water. The above incidents only tar nish an illustration of the devas tation and suffering caused by the floods. Similar tepnrts come from every seotion visited by the storm. A split has taken place in a hardshell Baptist church In Ber rien county. In the course of his sermon, the preacher referred to the fact that Adam had no navel. Thia statement oalled forth argu ment, during which one faction nailed np the church door to such did their angry passions rise. Counsel has been employed to set tic the trouble. Why Mr. Morrison weeps is thus sot forth: His tavorito tariff bill is doing stabbed in the bouse of his friends. When he called on the Sohthern Democrats, the backbone of his party, to be represented be fore the ways and means commit* tee. the following melancholy re sult ensued: South Carolina sent a big delegation to protest against the reduction of duty on rice. Lou isiana appeared in the form of an indignant objector to lowering the tariff on sugar. Alabama entered a Violent and uncompromising objec tion to ^reducing the duty on iron—u hat broke tho camel's back was when Kentucky, the State of the Speaker of the House, presen ted a delegation'** big as a regu lation battalion, with a petition long enough to reach from the White House to the capitol to de fend a high protective tariff hemp! This was too much for Mr.Morrison. He dropped like a blighted rose and has scarcely opened his mouth since the Kentucky delegation left. The Atlanta Constitution says that an Atlantian recently re turned from New York says that Ex-President Arthur is thought to be suffering his last sickness. He has been for some time suffer ing with that terrible trouble Brights disease aful his death is only a question of a few months. The Baxley Banner is inforned that a Mr. Burkett, living in the upper part of Appling oounty, was so enraged at his daughter for go ing to church that he cursed his Maker, and at this junction loet his speech and since has become iun»:r&ly uclpicbcr* A LaGrange lady keeps a penny box on her dining table, and when a member of her family speaks ill of any person she requires them to contribute t» the box. Gen. Henry R. Jacrson, rain's- ter to Mexico,is coming home for a two months’ recration. The seotion of the tenure of office law which has become newly famous through the great debate on ibe president's prerogatives, is likely to be repealed Boon. Ban dolph Tucker, of Virginia, has al ready brought in the house a bill for that purpose, and it is under stood that Mr, Hoar, who has al ready this session distinguished himself by rising above partisan ship in connection with the presi- dential succession bill, will intro duce a similar bill into the Senate. The section is sb fol.ows: Every person holding any civil offica to wliiqh he haB been or hereafter may bo appointed by and with the consent of the Senate and who slmll have become duly qualified to act (herein shall be entitled to hold such office luring the time or term for which h awos appointed,un - less sooner removed by And with the advice and consent of the Sen ate, or by the appointment with like advice and consent, of a suc cessor iu his place. It scams there is no end to Mr. Edison’s inventive genius. His la test invention is the sending of tel egraphic messages to and from a railway train running at full speed. The messages can be sent and re ceived with as much'nccuracy and ease as they can by tho ordinary telegraph'wire. Mr. Edison thinks he can send messages through and across rivers and on ships out at sea without the use of connecting wires and that ships at sea in Ay Communicate with each other as well as with land and all with out the aid of connecting wires. AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS, From the Carroll Free Press. Carrollton won’t receive within five hundred tons as much guano this season as last. Some of tho cit’zcns of Villa Rica District are in open rebellion against the operation of the stock law. They threaten to let their stock run at large and use their guns on anybody who takes them up. Villa Rica ships three hundred dozen eggs a Week. From Acworth News and Farmer. Rev. Elijah Northcutt died at the residence of his sou E. H. Northcutt, 11 miles south ot Ac- wortli, on Tuesday, 22d inst., and was laid to rest at Mars Hill the following day. He had been a pa* tient sufferer for a long time, and only awaited the Master’s call. He was one of our oldest citizens, hav ing lived in this county 48 yews. His ministerial work ran through 54 years. He was widely know and universally loved. TAX NOTICE. W. E. Thompson. I will be at tb m following places on the following dates, for the pur pose of receiving tax returns for Paulding county, Georgia, for the year of 1886: FIRST ROUND. I will be at Pumpkinvine Court ground Saturday, April 3. Dallas, Tuesday, April 6. Utah Court ground, Wednesday, April 7. N ineternth Court ground, Thurs day, April 8. Cairns Court ground, Friday, April 9.. Humphrey's Court ground, Sat urday, April 10. Burnt Hickory Court ground, Monday, April 19. Old Twentieth ‘Court ground, Tuesday, April 20, in tho forenoon, and at Cross Roads in the even ing- A corn tree Court ground, Wed nesday, April 21, in tho forenoon, and ntNewhopo in the evening. California Court ground, Thurs day, April 22. Hiram, Friday, April 23. Brownsville, in the forenoon, and Weddington Court ground iu tho evening, Saturday, April 24. SECOND ROUND. I will be at Pumpkinvine Court ground Saturday, May 1, Dallas, Tuesday, Mav 4. Utah Court gronrd, Wednesday. May 5. Nineteenth Court ground, Thurs day, May 6. Cain’s Court ground, Fridoy, May 7. Humphrey’s Court jground, Sat urday, May 8. Burnt Hickory Court ground, Monday, May 17. Old Twentieth Court ground, Tuesday, May 18. Acointree Court ground, in the forenoon, and at New Hope in the evening, Wednesday, Mny 19. California Court ground, Thurs day, May 20. Hiram, Friday, May 21. Brownsville, in the morning, and at Weddington Court grori*id iu the evening, Saturday, May 22. THIRD AND LAST ROUND. I will June 1. Braswell Juno 2. McPherson Statijn, Thursday, in the fonnoon, June 3. Pumpkinvine Court ground, Sat urday, June 5. Utah Court ground, Wednesday, June 9. J ineteonth Court ground, Thurs day, June 10. Cain’s Court ground, Friday, June 11. Humphrey’s Court ground, Sat urday, Juno 12. Burnt Hickory .Court ground, Monday, June 21. Old Twentieth Court ground, Tuesday, Juno 22, in the forenoon, and CrosB Roads in the evening, .'jAcorntree Court ground, Wed nesday, June 23, in the forenoon, and at New Hope in the evening. Cai’fornia Court ground, Thurs day. June 24. Hiram, Friday, June 25. Brownsville, in tho morning, and at Weddington Court ground in the evening, Saturday, June 26. For the convenience of the tax payers living illconvenient to dis trict court ground I will atop at the following places on the following nights, for the purpose of receiv ing tax returns a few hours next morning: John Y. Allgood’s Wed nesday night, Apiil 7; Calvin El lis’ Thursday night, Apiil 8. O. P. Henderson's Friday night, April 9; John H. Matthews' Mon'ay morn ing, April 19; John N. Sligh’s Monday night, 'April 19- Joel R. Prewett Tuesday night, April 20; Janies L. McBrayer Wednesday night, May 5; Joseph Cole’s Thuir day night. May 6; Uncle Jojiu McBrayer’s Friday night, May*'}; Nathan C. Turner’s Tuesday night/ May 20; John G. Clont’s Fridmy night, May 21, and at Dallas Sat urday, April 17, Saturday, May 1 Saturday, June 19, and-on July 6, 7, 8, 9 and iO, the first . week court at Dallas. Then I will ofrood to close my tax digest for 1886. Pinson M. Cabteb, Receiver of tax returns for Pauldiag county. Wh. V Bbeckenridob. W. E. THOMPSON A CO., PROPRIETORS, DALLAS, - OA. Headquarters for Everything in the Drug Line! ALL ARTICLES MENTIONED BELOW ARE FRESH AND SOTJ) AT THE LOWEST PRICES: Drugs, Faints, Oils,, Toilet Articles, Notions, Toys, Stationary, Lamps, Glass-ware, Crockery, Cutlery, Tobacco Soaps and Fancy Groceries! If you need inodioines of any kind—Standard, Patent of Pj opri- etary—call on us. When you want Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Staffs, Machine Oil, Engine Oil, Lamp Oil, Wagon Oil, Neat’s Foot Oil, Castor Oil, Sweefc Oil, or anything in that line, we can fit you up. be at Dallas Tuesday, Station, Wodnosday. Of toilet articles, we keep a full line of Soaps, Shaving Soap, Shaving Brushes, Tooth Powders, Tooth Brushes, Combs and flair Brushes, Colognes, Face Ckalks, Hair Oils, Hair Vigors and Hair Dyes, Shoe Polish, Blacking and Brushes. In the lamp line, we keep Lamps, Lamp Shades, Shade Holders, Wicks, Chimneys, Burners, Reducers, Reflecters, Bracket Lamps, Chan deliers, Library Lamps, Lanterns, etc. Stationary, including Writing P.qer, Pads, Envelope#, Pena, Inks, Mucilage, Pen Holders, Load Pencils, School Crayons. Blank Books, Memorandums, W bster’a Spellers, Rubber Kinds, Slates, State Spongeo, Slate Pencils, Blank Notes and Receipts, Bill Heads, Ink Stands, and Photograph and Autograph Albums. Glass and Crockery Ware—the biggest lot ever seen in Paulding Conuty—Pitchers, Bowls, Plate*, Cups and Saucers, Dishes, Suit Setts, Pepper Boxes, Cream and Syrtip Pilchers, Tumblers, Uoblots, Bowls, Mugs, and Preserve and Butter Di.-hos. We have n nice line of Pocket Knives and Table Cutlery, Peg ging Awls, Fish Hooks, Scissors, Shoe Button Cull Bells, Rutile i Razors and Straps, Sewing Mnchine Needles and Oil, Fiddles and Fiddle StringB, Bridges, .-crews. Rosin, Bowb, etc. Come and see. When your child wants a'Toy, come and see us. If you feel well and want a bargain, call on u? 4 and you will get it. If you are sick and need medicine, coino in and look through onr stock. . Tobaccos Plug, Twist, Smoking’; Cigars. Cigarettes and Pipes; and “don’t you forget it.” r ^ When it comes to a FULL HOUSE and a BIG VARIETY m “GET THERE, ELI.” Walk right iu under the sum of “NEW DRUG STORE”. w. E. THOMPSON & CO WAGONS AND BUGGIES! We have here, and for sale at factory prices, a fine lot of R, H JONES & SONS' make of wagon? and buggies— BEST WORK IN THE MARKET! Everybody know# that Jones's woik is reliable, and that one o his buggies is worth j 2 or 3 Northern or Western Buggies! fTiptop ONE AND TWO-HORSE WAGONS for f- Approved note and security. Call and see us. W. E. THOMPSON & CO., DALLAS, GEORGIA. CASH, OF