The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, February 18, 1887, Image 5

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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Work. Guano. Sunshine. Push your gardening. Mn. Alice Howell is visiting in Rockmart. Don't try to get on nor of! of a moying train. The fanners seem to be sowing more oats than usual. Mrs. Mary Land of New Hope is visiting in Dallas. Mrs. J. H. Washington has re covered from her spell of measles. An infant child of Mr. F. M. Gann is sick. It is near the time when our pub lic roads will have to be worked. Preaching next Sunday at the Baptist church by Rev. A. J. Mor gan. Seed Irish potatoes of all popu lar varieties at NEW DRUG STORE. Mr. T. F. C. Allgood of McPher son is suffering intensely with rheu matism. Let's see—this is only the 18th of February and the wind blows like it was March. Mrs. Ledbetter has returned from a visit to frieuds and rela tives at Cedartown. We had a pleasant call last Tues day from Mr. A. G. Jones of the Atlanta Sunday Telegram. The Agricultural Society, at its lute session at Americus, finally de cided to locute the State fair in Mu- <0.1 permanently. Mf. E. W. Moody of this county was thrown from his mule a few days aj-o and had his wrist severe ly sprained. It is improving. Several cases of measles near the depot iu Dallas. . The chil dren of Mr. Pleas Tidwell ami Mr. Mancil Tidwell are sick, we are informed. We can’t go to sec. Meningitis is raging in some parts of Paulding comity. Four deaths near Yorkville and others are reported to us. There is said to be two eases in Dallas. The Crow Indians in Montana have made about §10,000 during the past year by charging cattlemen for the privelcge of driv ing stock across their reserva tion. ■ • Mr, G. W. Howell has sold out his businoss iu Rome. He says “the liquor business is not what it is cracked up to be.” From this we infer that he is tired of Hum, Romanism and ltuin. He will remain in Dallas. The old lady McLendon of this couuty, mother of James, Moses and John McLendon, died the 12tli inst. Also on tho same day a child of Mr. Moses McLenden. Mrs. McLenden was very old. The flagsman on a freight train, on the G. P. R. R. was run over and killed at Villa Rica last Fri day evening. He was coupling a a car and fell, and the car ran over him and ran over him and cut him intwo. We have enlarged the New Era, as you see, and will hence forth give it our personal superin tendence. We intend to make it the best paper ever published in this county, and the equal of any country paper in the land. Send in your items of news, with one dollar for a year’s sub scription. We have been sending the New Era to a few whose subscriptions had expired. Some feel offended if we stop their paper just when the time is up. They think it rather hard that we cBn not credit them for a few weeks or months. In the first place we do not know who would like to have the paper go on to them unless they renew; and in the second place it is simple folly to suppose that a paper can be run successfully that credits- out subscriptions all over the coun try. We want to make the New Era a perfect success and in a week or two we shall rewrite our subscription books aud all whose subscriptions have expired and that do not renew will be cut off. We want every man in the county to take the paper but we want themto do it in a business way and not as dead-headi A CAPTAINS FORTUNATE. Cant. Coleman, . schr. Wey- mouthd, plying between Atlantic city and New York, had been troubled with a cough so that lie was unable to sleep, and wns in duced to try Dr. Ming’s New Dis covery for consumption. It not only gave instant relief, but allayed the soreness in his breast. His children were similarly effected and a single dose bad the same liap py effeet. Dr Kings New New Discovery is now the standard rem edy in tba Coleman household and on board the schooner. Trial bot tles free at the New Drug Store. M. M. & W. H. Gardner. —PHOTOGRAPHERS— 1» VIA III ETTA MTRKirr ATLANTA. Latest styles. Lowest prices Old pictures copied and en larged. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. S. MOORE & CO. Atlanta Saloon, SENEY, - GA. will sell you per gallon, Puro Pickens County Corn whiskey $1.8.1 In 4 gallon lots 1.75 Sweet Mash Com 1.50 Apple or Poach Urandy 2.50 XX XX Rye 1.75 Kino Old Rye 2.50 The Very llost Ilyo 11.50 All kinds of wines 1.50 Holland Uin 200 jugs 10 cents per gallon extra. Send cash with all orders, cither by ex press or money order on Koine or Atlan ta. Satisfaction guaranteed, floods shipped first train after order is rcciovod. S. S. Moonr. A Co. Seney, Ua, of all Sizes. Writs (or Circular sad tsll n. whst yon wsnL 11. W. Pina * Mill, Drawer lees. Blmlrm, w. v. Or our Mow York Office. Eeatare Aaenu. Him- clams k Co., Poston. Maas. Our letentsd Von icel Boiler will usl prims. Ms deegsr of burning Curs. PAULDING SHERIFFS WILD LAND SALKS FOR MARCH, 1U87. GEORGIA—Paulding County. Will be sold liefore the court house door, in the town of Dallas, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 1080, in the 2nd dis trict and 8rd seetion of said county. Levied on as tho property of Morris Brandon, by virtue of a tax fl fa, issued hy H. S. Williams, T. C., of said county in favor of the State and County vs. Morris Brandon for Ilia state and county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out by Tax Collector. Written notice given as required by law. Also at tlic same time and place lot of land No. 211, in 1st district and 3rd sec tion of Paulding county, Ga., levied on as tlio property of 1). II. Johnson, by virtue of a tax 11 fa issued by 11. S. Wil liams, T. C., of said county, in fnvor of the State and County as, 11. II. Johnson for liia State and County tax for the year 1888. Property pointed out by said Tax Collector. Notice given as required hy isw. Also at the same time and place lot of I land No. 42, in the 1st district and 3rd section of said county levied on by vir tue of a tax fl fa issued by 11. 8. Wil liams, T. C. of said county vs. John , Jones for his State and county tas for the j par 1888. Notice given as required by Also at the same time and place lot of ! land No. H2 in 1st district and 3d aeetion of said eounty. Levied on by virtue of a tax fl fa issued by H. 8. Williams, T. C. of said county vs Alsey Johnson for his State and county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out by said T. C. Notice given as required by law. Also at the same time and place lot of land No. 212 In 10th disgriot and 3d sec tion of said county levied onby virtue of a tax fl fa Issued by R. 8. Wiliams, T. C. of said county in favor of the Btate aud couuty vs 8. D. Leaner fur his State and county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out l.y said T. C. Notice given as required hy law. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 42 iu 3rd district and 3rd section of said county. Levied on by virtue of a tax II fa issued hy H. 8. Williams, T. C. of said county vs A. C. Daniel for his state ami county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out by said T. (J. No tice given as required hy law. Also at tho same time and place, lot of land No. 1201) in 18th district and 3d sec tion of said county. Levied on by vir tue of a tax fl fa issued by H. 8. Wil liams, T. C. of said county in favor of state ami county vs D. L. Forsyth for his state and county tax, for the yoar 1880. l’roporty pointed out by said T. C. No tice given as required by law. Also at tlio same time and place lot of land No. 104 in 3d district anil 3d section of said county. Levied on hy vlrtuo of a tax fl fa issued issued by II. 8. Williams T. C. of said county in favor of the state and county vs P. If. Hell, agent for G. A. Spear, for his state and county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out hy qaitl T. C. Notice given as required bp law. Also at the same time anil place, lot of land No. 712 in tilth district and 3rd sec tion of snld county. Levied on hv vlr- tua of a tax 11 fa Issued by II. 8. Williams T. C. of said county In favor of tlio state and county vs Thus L. Can- for his state and county tax for tlio year 1880. Pro perty pointed out by T. C. Notice given as required hy law-. Also at the saino timo and place, lot of land No. 74 in 10th district and 3d section of said county. Levied on hy virtue of a tax li fa issued hy II. 8. williams, T. C. of said county vs P. H. Boll, agent for T. F. Jones for Ids state nnd county tax for the yenr 1880. Property pointed out hy said T. C. Notico given as required hy law. Also at the same time and place, lots of liind Nos 412 in the first district and 3 suction and 343, 303 and 1187 in the 3 dis trict and 3rd section of said eounty, ovicil on by virtue of a II fa in favor of llie State and eounty vs tv. w. Reynolds for Ids state and county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out hy sain T, of said county. Notice given as ro qtiirud hy law. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 07 in the Iftth district and 3rd section of said county, levied on by vir tue ul a tax ii fa issued hy II. 8. williams T. C. of said county vs A. 11. winn, ugt. for M. J. Strickland, for his state and county tax for the year 1880. Pro|ierty pointed out by said T. C. Notice given as required by law. Also at the suine time and place lot, of land No. 1181 in the 10th district and 3rd section of said county, levied on hy vir tue of a fax fl fa issued by 11, 8. williams T. (J. of said county, in favor of state and eounty vs D. P. Hill, agent for It. A. Murphy, for his state and county tax for the year 1880. Priqierty pointed out by said T. C. Notice given iw required by law. Also at the same time ami place, lot of land No. 517, in the 3d diet, and 3d sec tion of said county, levied on by virtue of a tax fl fa issued by II, 8. williams, T. C. of said county in favor of state and county vs. P, If. Bell, agt for w. M. I li zard, for his state and county tax for the year 1880. Property pointed out hy said T. C. Notice given mi required hy law. Also nt tho same lime and plnce, lot of land No. 854 in the 3d district and 3rd section nnd lot No. 1111 ill the 2nd dis trict and 3 section of-ahld county levied on hy virtue of a tax (1 fa infavor of tlie state and county vs T. T. McCombs agent for T. J. McCombs, for his state and county taxfor the year 1880. Property pointed outby II. 8. williams T. C. of said couuty’ Notice given ns required hy law. Also nt the same time and plnce lot of land No. BI2 ill the 3rd district aud 3 sec tion of said county, levied on by virtue of a tax ti-fa in favor of the state and county vs M. S, I.awton, agent for the es tate of A. S. Jones for his state and coun ty tax for tlie year 1880. Property point ed out by H. S. williams, T. C. of said county. Notice given os required by lnw. Also at tlie same time and place lots of land No 1151 in tlie llltli district nnd 3rd seetion, and lot No. 135 in tlie 10 district and 2d section of said county, levied on hy virtue of a tax fi-fa in favor of the state and county vs H. Reed for his state and county tax for tlie year 1880. Pro perty pointed out by If. 8. williams, T. C. of said county. Notice given as re quired by law. Also, at the same time and place lots of land Nos. 317, 477 and 478 in the 18 District and 8 section of said county levied on by virtue of a Tax fifa in favor of the state and county vs H. J. McCormick agent for C. W. Harris for his state and county Tax for the year 1888. Property pointed out byH.S. Wil liams tax collector of said county. Notice given as required by law. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No. 32 in the first Dis trict and 3 section of said county, levied on by virtue of a tax fl. fa in| Also at the nm time aid yH favor of the state and county versus 1 tot of land No. 469 in the 18 dls- I. Y. Sawtell, agent for the heirs of 'riot and 3 soorion ot aaid county David Trammell, for his state and county Tax for the year 1886. Property pointed out by H. S. Williams, Tax collector of said county. Notice given as required by law. Alao, at the flame time and place ot of land No 128 in the 19 Dis trict and 8 seo’inn of said couuty, levied by virtue a Tax Ufa in fhvor ol the a'ate and county vs A. J. Persell for hie elate and county Tax for (he year 1886. Property pointed out hy H- 8. Williams, Tnx Collector of said county. Notion given as re quired by lnw. Also, at the nemo time and place, lot ofjnud No 108 in the 19 District 3 section of said county, Icviod hy virtue of a Tnx fitu in favor of the state end county vs William J. Rnsoll for his slate and count) lax for the year 1886. Properly pointed by H. 8. Wil- linma Tax oolleotorof said county Notice given as required by law. Also at the same time and plnuo lot ol land no 1264 in the 18 district and 3 aco of aoid county Lcveid on hy airtue of Tax fifa in favor of she state anp county va P. II. Dell agent for Mercer Univer sity for bta state and county tax for the yeir 1886 property p oin od out hy H. 8. Williams Tax col ector ot said coonty notico given as requir’d by law. Also at the same time nud place lot of land No 716 in tho 19 Dis trict nnd 3 section of snid county le< ied on hy virtue 1 i tnx fila iu favor ot llio slate ate. county ye Green Mitchel f'r his state and county tnx lor 1886. Property pointed out by H. 8. Wiltinn.a l ax collector of said county notioe given as required by lnw. ty notice given nsrequird by law. Also at the snnao time and place lot ofland No 152 in the 3 district and 3 section of aaid comity levied on by virtue of a tax fifa in favor of the stale and county vs I. Y. Sautcll agent for J. H. El lington lor hia state and county tnx for the v.iar 1886 property mi nted nut by H. 8. Williams Tax Collector of aaid county no tice given as required by law. Also ut the same timo and place ot ot land No. 760 in the 19 dis riot and 3 section of Held county evifld on by virtue of a Tax fifi in •n favor of iho Mute and s I. Y Haute!l acent for William Bpeu- oor for his state and county tax for the yoar 1886, property pointed cut by H. 8. Williams Tax collec tor of said county notice given as required bylaw. Abo at the snmd time and place lot of land No. 79 in tbn 19 dis trict and 8 section if snid county levied ou by virtue of n tnx Ala in favor of the elate nnd couniy vs I Y. >aute)I agent for J. 8. Jone- den for his stole and county tnx for ihe yen- 1886 property pointed out oy H, 8. Williams Tax collec tor ol said county notico given m revuired by Isw. Also at the same lime and place lots of land Noa, 152 147 148 >he 3 district and 3 aeetion and Nos. 19-221 in tlio 19 district and 3 section all ol said couty levied on dy virtuecof a tax fifa t-sued by H. 8. Williams T. 0. et aaid cjunty in foior of ihe state nnd county vs Collins & Her') for their state slid county tax for the year 1886 priqierty pointed out by saidT. C. notice given as required hy law. Also at the same time and phtoo lot of land No. 2 : n the 19 District aud 2 section of said county levied on hy virtue ol a Tax fifa in favor of the State and county vs R. W. Gable for his State and county tax tor the year 1886 property pointed nut by H.S. Williams tax collector of said county notioe giaeu as re quired by law. AI«o at the same time and place lo s of land Nos. 299-258- 298 ah in the 19 district nnd 3 secion of Bill'd county levied on by virtue of a tux fifa issuod by H. S. Williams T. C, in and fur said county n favor ol state aud county vs A. L. White for his stale ana county tax lor the 1886 property pointed out by H. 8. Williams T. C. notice given as required by law. levied on by virtue of* tax fifa in favor of the state nnd oonnty vn I.. Y. Sawtell aaent for M. P. Kyle for hie elnre snd oonnty tax for Mla'j’snajsrs said oonnty notice given na «•- doirt q by mw. Also at the same time nnd pinna lot of land No. 923 in Uin 2 district nnd 3 Motion of snid oonnty levied on by virtue of o lax fifa in fnvor of th* state end oonnty n F. B.« Breedlove for hia state nnd oonnty tax for the year 1886 property pointed ont by H. 8. William* tax collector of said oonnty Notion given m required by lnw. Also at the seme time and nine* lot of land No. 330 in the 18 Din- triet nnd 3 section of said county levied on by virtue of n Tnx file in favor of the 8tate nod oonnty va I. Y. 8awtell agent for L. u. Brinnn for hia State and county tnx for the year 1886 property pointed ont by H. 8. Williams fog collector of said ciuntv notice given aa re quired by law. Alao nt tlm same time nnd plaM lot of land No. 547 in lha 18 dis trict nnd 3 aealion of said oonnty levied on by virtue of « tax fifa in lavor of tho state and oonnty vs 0. D. McGregor agent for G. L. Johnston for hie atm# and oonnty tax for the yenr 1886 property pointed out by R. a Will turns Tax collector of snid oonnty, notioe given aa required by law. Also at tho came time end place lot ol land No. 74 in the 3 <tisHot nnd 3 Mod in of Mid conn- ty lev! d on by vlrfna of a tax fifa iu favor of the «Ute and oonnty va Mrs If. J. Wood I iff for bar slate and county tax for tlm yenr 1886 property pointed by H. 8.- Williams Tax collector of —H oonnty written notioe given m re quired by law. Also at the same time and plaee Into of In ! Non. 976 98 in the 19 district and 3 seetion of mid oonn ty levied on by virtue of a tnx fits in fnvor ot the state and oonnty va P. M. Bell agent for H. G, Hate- war for hia atste and eounty tax for the year 1886, property painted ont byH. 8, Williams Tax eolleo- tor of said oonnty notioe given M required bylaw. Alao at tho seine timo nnd place lot of land No. 414 In the 19 Dis trict and 3 aacion of mil oonnty levied on by virtue of a Tax fifa In favor of (he Stale and eounty, va P. H. Bell agent fat AT, Leaner for hia Stale end oonnty tax for the yenr 1886 property pointed ont bv H. 8. Will em* tax oolleetor of aaid oonnty notioe given M re qnired by lav, Alao at the same time snd piece lota of lend Non. 1229-1228.653- 556 659-652- 626-483-456 464 -463- 638 and 468 nil in the 18 district and 8 section of Mid oonnty levied on by virtue ol • tax Ufa in fnvor of the state and county va F. M. Scoginn for hia state and oonnty tax for the year 1886 property pointed ont by B.- 8. William* Tax oolleetor of aaid county notiM giren as required hy law. Alao at tho SAtne time and plaee lot of land No 992 in the 3 Die- trio and 3 section of Mid county levied on by virtue of n Tax fifa in favor of the 8tate and oonnty vn D. Dubose agent for the Haute >f R. Toombs for hia SUte and county tax for the year 1886 proberty pointed ont by H. 8. Wiliams tax clleetor of aaid county Notion given m required by Iw. Also nt the same time and plaee lot of land No. 356 In the 19th district amt 3 section also lot No. 541 in the first district and 3 mo tion of asid county levied on by virtue of a tnx fi. fa. in favor of the state aud county vs P. H, Bell agent for J. F. Cooper for Ms eiaie and county tax for the year 1886 property pointed not by H. 8 Williams T. 0. of said ooun ty notice given m required by law. This Jan. 28th 1887. R. W. Russom, Sheriff! J. Rohf. Moon. J. A. Anderson, Deputien