The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, May 06, 1892, Image 1

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THE PAULDING NEW ERA. VOLUME X. DALLAS, GEORGIA, EJECT DAY, MAY G, 1892. NUMBER 24. THE O/ILY PERFECT SEttflHG WHft/Hsf, FAMILY USE. Send for circular and price list to Wl.BClfii !i Vi'iv’jl! .f f. fc., Atlanta, C!a, .."iSriOc' SUFFER WITH if l DYSPEPSIA a ——SWHEN- r— HKEB’S o, IS GUARANTEED T O earn tho worst case of Indigestion y or Dyspepsia or MON EY ItlOFUN D- tf KI>. l»yh l iep.siu Is that dreadful i (llsonso which ti*Ur?s nwny vigor ami ^ vitality of Mnnhncd and Womuiihnnd, 2 which makes tho fnc8,onoe cheerful ruid f bright., dull and pale. To tlicso allliulod J ones wo oiler lilCAf/TII. Jj For sale by all druggists, 01.00. X Sompio on application by enclosin'] *0 oonla. ( | Parkfir ChsiniGal Co., \ ROOFING. Metallic Weather Boarding, Complete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting,- «n Roofing Paints, W& Iron Roofing, E>«. Trough!, Quttiri and Spouting, ^ All forms of Sheet Metal for Building / COMPLETE AND READY \ \TO APPLY WHEN SHIPPED./ WE WANT —AN— AGENT Iu thlstown—an energetio workman to talco orders and APPLY our materials in this vicinity. Correspondence solicited; write for prloes and terms. SCOTT & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. ESTABLISHED 1872. \Y. I.. Lollar lice s a nice Unto >Vli« ariYWK.Mi, NKItV l^fSU I ° US ’ DKHIL1TATK1 1 ! a p l who in folly and i^mnanc IhJI I 1 lui « trillfd invay tliuir v -ViAAJiA y R or of BODY, MIND ati( M AXlfOOD. (Miusiu^ ton i’llu/lniiiiR upoi 1 Do wells of life, Headache, lhi<-kaelu Dreadful Dreams, Weak.less of Mommy, Piniiiles upon the face, and all the i*r«•»•<* 1 -idbirr In or'vdi'.'iw, r,r, .. insanity, send for HOOK OF LIFE vseateu; iieir with f».it tie,iimis ot a t. u tine. N (him No Fay. I)!t, FAIM\ M\, H !0 X. Cherry, Nashville, Tenn. WOMEN who have Head aches, 1 .'Arkadies, Neural phis, Scanty. Fiofusc, and FilialulMenstruations Db dors, and Ibsj.laccinentt m b anti Socual Organs, Far reoneRK. Loueonlitva. etc., should sent for WOMAN’S HOOK (- F LIFE.(sealed •ce with particulars for home cure. Ni luro No Fay. Scicmhie OunliMeati»>uh Fiilimited .Experience. Careful ftingm- Ms and Honest Koprcscnfatimis ary th c! W. PARKER M. D„ 310 N. Clinrry, ..sbviUe, 1eun. D£f ORMITIES Cross Eyes Ilair Lip, Curvature of ll ;>ia,), Club Feel, Hip Joint Disease, an I doformitios tf the Hinds, Arms ..eys, and Foot radically cured. DlsFIdUltEM ENTS. Superlhious Hair,,Wine Marks, Moles t •., painlessly and perfectly removed on 1 forvaliutb'o treatise on the abov Address. C . \V FAKKEU L .'l:t ny, Nashville Tenn, BROKE" , Ml.. 1 . >1 111 ( I I DOWN men and women suffering Knm of ( hi.ON 1C DU EASE, n.n hicme a .valual le work, u. their all! let ion (sealed) fieo, and lean low they can be l ined at ln nio, by writ n r DID FAUKEI1 A- Co. 340 North Clin y street. Nashville. Tenn. Dettvr writ o day, delays are dangcvuis. Flea • ate your tn ul .e and how longattlicti • Save 1-2 Your Money ON v:\ ELYTHINH YOU DUY. iitc fop Gn* Mnmn.oth Catalogue— A EOO-pngo Hook, • m'.aiuing illustrations, and giving low st nninufnct urn's prices on all kinds i f roods and supplies: CJiocericH, llousi Hold Hoods, Furniture, (.'hilling, Lad es’ and Cents’ Clothing and Furnishing ■ »c)i• p. !': ess (.ionds, White Hoods, in, oods. Hats and caps, Hoots and Shoes, • loves, N<>' : ons. (Hat swa e, Stationery aid es, clocks, Jewelry, Silverware ''•ice. Whips, Agricultural Impli • i ts, etc. ONLY FlHsT-CLAFS CO( l)S, Catalogue sont on rcc Jjit of 20e. f« i outage. Hood A u ts wanted in cevry countj ■id < ily to intn dneo our goods. Liv •u n c ac mak: as into h rs?.*0 pt i week. ' V ' ' A CO. 122 Quincy gtroct, Cldcago, Ill. 'll. W. 51.JiOllFBTSON. D & M ^ i s y, Offico ovor T. J Croper’s Stora, Dallas, Ga. Can be found in his office the two nrrt weeks in each month. All kind >f Dental work done in the be;t of tyle. I’rices reasonable, and all vork guaranteed. Expe slve Sympathy, would l>o eo valueless and plcnsure’ess without proj er to call tho attention of l ... , young and su coptiblo girls, and f W0,,ld l> ° ‘comparatively those of older giowtli, to its fearful • • , t. ess wit amt lvn ,ptM — i life long of unmitigated l e giving and of sympa- forl 0 tmnce allrl torture, or the law tuy. »V nil sonv-> of us this may bo 1 , ,, , , . , \ . «nd a savory scandal! so common a blessing that we think I m [j m HI OR REFUND MONEY. (AOUGHT.. COLDS, ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. LUNO- ! tj . FcVErf, LOPS OF VOICE, HOAP^NF.SS, anti nil d>.enr.r8 of tho THROAT, CHEST anti LUPJGL yicl.l Ir.imedlatoly to LSTTLE ANNA’S GOUGH SYRUP, ASK DRUGGIST FOR !T. Taho no other, for its equal {jo&s not exist, SlNT PREPAID FOIt $1.25 E. H. CB03S, Gadstian, Aia. TRUE GREATNESS BY A I,HER 1 PI ICE. There would bo little gr.ntness in a world wheru none could have PI ortnnity given them to dio no bly, like Socrates and Sir Thomas Moore. The world owes most ol its illustrious examples to the tyr ants, the persecuting oilurelies, and the mol). A great Ufa is imper fect unless it hath a lit ending iu a loble death; and to die nobly is more and bettor than the limner ality which by it is best deserved as that which entitles to the laiu A and the crown is ever greater and more exe»l!pnt than the laurel or crown itself. And it is the unmerited mi for tunes of greatness that most seen to round and perfect it, thus prov ing to lie its good fortune, an knninemling it to the mlmiratio. nd remembrance of the world Vo one would wish that Aristide ■hculd not have been ostracized, o 1 Uclisarins beggaro l. No French inun now would be willing to pa < England any part of the slum lint she won by imprisoning Na. poleon upon a rock, when ho ap. ;>o led and trusted to her magnan- mity; nor would hi; m mory be c dear to France, or his greats s 1. o m nifled, if lie had not died so Prometheus chained upon the roe Caucasus was greater in his to tires than Zeus gratified by lii agonies. Cap ivity mi l cha i. make those who led a con lucre people its immortal martyrs an idols; and tho victor confers th peatest favor on the leaders wlion he proscribes or diifranchises, a the tyrant makes thu patroits in; mortal whom he murders The true value of life ou L.t opportunity that it gives u ;o ! well and to die well. All the:.- of it we liav'o in common with L . animal.-. There may be not ; o In. ss, but greatness mi l h r ;s , n the lowliest stations an the bun blest lives; and one m j d e as nobly iu w eo. tage o. a p,. as on the fields of b,;t; le f r or on the scr,Hold for The: t • o , fnilli or fi" ’-in of eon ei -n e And a life in which one may d great deeds to benefit and Id-isi i. fs lows, life that can have s glo ei ding, is more wor .. o im , than an immnrt i l i w e t el e call he no uelf : i:‘;e-, e heioie endurance of mi fortunes, m welcome of d^di fo the sake of truth and the right. eossuviPTio.y (TV.r.u, Ar old iiliyaici i::. nriired no. . priU-uue.hnvJnfi Lttii piiU.i dill libs ‘iaIiue by uu l.u-1 Indm Ltus.*u;D ary tiioloimuin 01 .Miiuiplu ve^utabio rciucviy u*i ♦hoF;>“. , 'iy mui j» nuunL'iitourcoi C'uio.uui|; utio ir.Ni-r Join ,Al s OUS .11 se ms (■ ’ " :ci’ 1 fie' 111 < i 11 • Mcnsl sir'll anti ;i rt.lininc til ( or, but in vain, she inlil :! c was a inert —•Ilicn sin; ti-icil nr, • iv anti after Lite use 1 ottivs, was eoai’iletely say t>r. King’s Xow oisoif its v tight gnltl 11 ei al’ ottle free at connaily Drugstore. * I r.'i little or nothing of it, and we daro say that even in the lower and meaner walks of life, down to lh e very slums, sympathy of varying shades of refinement, but genuine, is ever to be foil ml — tho only ray ol comfort, perhaps, in many a dark and wretched existence. Strange what abject an.l misera ble wo li el, when for any cause we are deprived of the tender or con siderate simputhy of our friends. I ruly this one of tho “blessings that brightens upon Might,’ It matters not the cause, whether a venial.oil miso or, we feel lost, restless and undone. We are out with our inne^selves—the most wretched condition imaginable— and until we find some one “poor enough to give us sympathy” there by restoring our self-complacency, our “meat if bitter herbs. There is one notable exception— when a courageous stand for right against wrong, truth against error, has ortraci/.eil us from tbe sympa- by of our friend. Then the occa sion gives a nerve that stands us in hand iu place of sympathy. It does not cut as in less weighty matters. Thera is so much sorrow, suffer* ing and misery continually before our eyes, that the fount of sympa thy in a tender soul must need be a “perpetual flow.” This wretch edness docs not always demand ‘substantial sympathy,” but full as often just a kind smile or word, a tender tear or caress—in common parlance, a i exhibition of “feller fseliu.” '1 his is a most wonderful alleviator, while in no sense expen sive! The wrong 1->er, wo believe, de mands more sympathy than tin- person iu sorrow, and tho moatjex pensivo kind. The discharge,, clerk, farin-h md or nppivnti e seeks a new employer, and w ih a pitiful tale of overwork, under pay and general oppression, enlists the person’s sympathy, and obtains a job. A short time all goes well, but upon more familiar ue puiin ta ee, the new employer finds his sympathy rather expensive. His work is hut half done, and the debits and credits do not balance, .lie now plainly sees why the young man wiis “dropped. Then there is the divorced man playing'tho fund lore.- to some g od, innocent young woman. In w lat d abodcal colors he pni: t; lit wmiruhehul promised •• o car for till death did them part”—how impossible it was for him to abid her shrewdest disposition < U., lion patiently he had saileivd, am. hoped for a change, until c mv m ... it was no two— nd then, though very revolting to his sense of re finement, he fe.t obliged to resort to law.] With wbat tearf d sympathy the young girl drinks iu this pitiful tale--how lier heart goes out to the wronged ami alllicted man— how she hates even the name of i the cruel woman that gave him ' pain, and she long ', to wo ith • an heal his aches. She takes the wb j But a fortnight scarcely is needed j to show her that the ‘ lieroi • ce n- j dies” of wife No. 1 were c/i e tin tiling for his, not In r, in.bear Ide temper!* A-nd she learns, t >o la e that her sympathy was very ex pensive, and quite vainly bin >.; This is such an everyday - 1 rence, it is right and eminently I It will be found a 'cry wise plan THE THIRD PARTY. To tho New E«a:—I want to say that the Third Party reminds me of a young wasp, it is larger when it first hatched than it ever .. , i 1 * itiy more. Tho Third Party ;," T «— *" l*rato'vmg „„ l0 ,, 0 „ t , |k „ ia ,„ mW „|„,,,,v„ro.,l,,,,pi,.0, tll „ uo „„, , „ 01m . bol either sex, and also upon those who n it i ,, , ■ , ‘ , . they daclaro war on the old demo- are always plaving tho martyr,' ,• , , .... o , “ oiatic. party and organize their bitch sympathy is altogether too , , r , , . . ‘ “, ° , forces to fight her, they, find that expensive for the commonalty of , . . , , mni-plal J the domoornts are not as dead is they thought and not half so scat tering. When tho republicans get such a man as Post, born in the hot beds of tho North to come South,'and to this state to load tlm third party and array it against th e democratic party of our grand old slate. Fonthern manhood will rise IN MEM OKI AM. On last, Friday morning at 3 o’clock all that was mortal of Mrs. Amanda Foote, wife of (}. W. Foote Sr., passed away. She had been s;ck all this year and gradit-1 '.T defend the party of our ally grew weaker, therefore her fathers and bear her flag to victory, death was not unexpected. For they have opened the fight over fifty years she was tho trust.- ull< ^ s Bu'ted the ball, but the dom* fill and helpful wife of her hus- ' oc, ’ ats will meet them at the ballot band, not only being an affectionate i ^ ox ’ 1 hey sny wo aro dead, but wife, but willing and capable of ; wt ‘ will make them think that wo being a great help to her and chil- . lmvu 1,avo C0IM to life before tho (Iron. She was a woman pos essud ' bglit is over, a hilt is right bojg of executive ability far above luo.-t | I® 1 ’" llllV0 11 democratic club in of time of her sex, tills joined to her 0VUI 7 district of this county fight* untiring energy made her labors both pleasant profitable to her hus. band as well aw the entire family. But her labors and her counsel were all lost to earth for ever, when she bid farewell to the world. Her husband who has been left behind, we all know him as Undo George, lie is now bowed down with tile- weight of many year and to him the cutting of tbi earthly tie is almost more than h u is able b air, but we hope that in these hours of trouble lie will bo brought in close union with God and that he may have grace tlm comos from on high, that supports and sustains us in every time of need. In bis bereavement lie is comforted with tho thought that she had no fears of death. Undo George told tho writer the day she died, that sh ■ had talked to him several thimosof late about death mid the short time allotted to her, utul assured him tlmt all was well with her. This is so consoling to tlie old man in his linelincss and sorrow, how we sympathize with Uncle George, for we known him so long , and during that time lie lias always been kind tons, infact lie was oar friend, and now when o 1 age am the hitter cuip has come to him, as we see him, wo pity ban and sympathize with him. She was laid to rest in the Dallas cemetery last Friday even ing at d o’clock, when funeral s ir- vi .es were condutcd by Elders \V. I. Wood and J. M. Spinks, and it was a sad sight to see the chindren, now all grown, talcing the look and imprinting the last ki.-s. In her death we see that many of the old laud marks are being called away therefore let us all remember that sooner or later, wo all must bo called hence, and how important it is, for us all to bo ready lo meet God in peace. Tho Bc3t of All. Of all the medicines I ever heard of or used, I cm. d. r Dr. Jliggets 1 Huckleberry Cordial the best med icine for all bowel trouble and chil-1 dren teething ever used. A. J. Stine, Oxford, N. C. I — For Over Fifty Years Arcs. Winslow’s Soothino Sviiuc lias | been used for ovor fifty years by million 8 of mothers for their children while tee i- I iiitf, >*it!i perfect success. It soothes' tli<; child, softuns the gum.-:, allays al: i pain, cures wind colic, and is tin* 1'os lo nedydor Diarrlmsa. it will rein vo t j oor little suficrer immcdialaly, S>< ly Druggist in ovory part of the wo d v/enty-fivo cents i hottl . He sine ■ a. k for Mrs. Winslo v’s Scothi: g '*jr and tuko no other kin l. iug for democracy and reform, M. A. Hanky. NOTICE TO ALL. On Saturday before tho third Sunday in May there will ho a picnic given by the Mt. Olivet Sun day School. The place seloeto 1 is near Gann’s bridge. Tho order of tho day consists of speeches and essays, and wo expect to haws some songs of praises prepared for that occasion. Wo give t fp'o invitation to all, and wo shall ex pect some good speeches from other schools. Tho subject wo \vi li to discuss on that day is th,. importance of the true Sunday school work. We givo a spacin' invitati >n to our county Smidsy school Bros.; we hope lie may he with us. Wo trust tlmt iniich goo I may be accomplished, and long to be remembered by all, and e.>pe, daily by thoso bright intollig-Mit and promising looking young fanes of old Baubling; it is highly neees- sary that all should prepare a f d| basket oil that occasion. W. M. Hitchcock, See. Mt. () 1 ivet S. S. The man who called S.irxap irilla a fraud, had good re lion, for lie had goi hold of a w .r’.hless mixture t “reduced rates.” He change 1 his opinion, however, when !i: be , i i lo take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It p lys to be careful, when buying medi i us. Pure Cream-Tartar Powder ENDORSED BY PROF A. L. METZ, P. H. 6,, of Medical Department Tulana University of Louisiana, who, after a careful analysis, lironounoes it a pare Cream Tartar Powder, which lio cheerfully recommends to tbs public. “The Southern Favorite” * ?ure, Wholesome «Tu powerful. You Want It. ^Aik GrtoerToMt Gulf Mfg. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, nnd Stonmch disorder 1 , tnus BROWN’S IRON BITTB2KS. JL11 doftlen keep It, $1 per bottlo. Gonuin: L ns All doiilon keep it, 91 pci I Inda-muk aud «n««d .< 0(1 llnosou vrup