The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, May 27, 1892, Image 1

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THE PAULDING ihsoriS , ' NEW HQH-afN THE ONLY PERFECT S EV/irto TOWHIsm FAMILY USE. Send fur ur u’ and • i'ce list to Sfhseli.- & V ib )!fj. \ All ;ntn, (la. a£- ^T^ETnl SUFFER WiTH 0 DYSPEPSIA a --EET™ W HEN — [PARKER'S OYSrEPSIA CURE IS GUARANTEED [ *TO crro the wont cn*io of Indigestion or UjK|MM)nlftor MONliY ltKiIJMi- *>y«i»ei»«la iii t hiit (lucidful Al^cnr.o ohlcli t:ilu*i* awny vl«ur ntul pitmity of Nlitnhood mid lYotniinlioml, »!■ I oil mukort t 1j r? f:ice,onco clicorful and jrli',h& ( dull mid |mlo. To these utlllotod 3B wo oll'or III'UlTII. For sulo by nil drujr^lsls, SI.00. nmplo on application by or.oloalng 10 cents. Co„ “tfiSST*- hOOFSNG. EfRifallie Woathar Boarding, ’ y Cnhipjota Coiiinga, Corrugated Shooting, SI Hoofing Paints, Iron Roofing, Rave Trouchsi Gutters and Spouting, tc'" A?'forme of Sheet Motal for Building / COMPLETE AND RF.ADY \ \TO APPLY WHEN SHIPPED./ IOK27Jrr ^jsssm^vsi tfrmasaauBSz: WE W ft NT -AN— ssn - ~^r ~jyrcfritf-.' In tlilstown—an om-ruotlc wnrkmim to tnkoorderM and AL’J'IA' our mntorlula i li: tills vicinity. Correspondence solicited; wrlto for nr.loon :uu‘. torm.-i. SCOTT & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. ESTABLISHED 1ST2. L. LoMar Keeps a nice lineo "Do mo WRAK, NKRV OUS, DRHI1.ITATKI) who ill fully ami iirn Ii nne a o trilled a nay tlulr i R0r of nonV, AJIXI) anp IAXIIO0D. causing leu Pile,ilrnhmupoi ■lie wells nf life, Headache, Uaikaclio, Dreadful Dro.uns, Weakness of ileimuy. ■iniplo* the five, and all the elToota < adinff to ('*udeeav. Cnn.uim'tinii o Insanity, send for HOOK OF LIFE scaicto uu,. „,ch jiarticuiaiH ol a hum, cum. X C ire N, |>ay, dr, i>.\rr. I! >l <> X. Cherry, Nashville, Twin. ITflT WOMEN who have Head- aehi'H, I'aekaehi'K, Neural Ruts, Scanty. I*, and l’ain ulMem tniatiumi DU dors, ami Displacement! -( the Won-li and Sccunl Organs, Mur -nr.ess, LcucoiTluna, etc., should sent for WOM AN’S HOOK OF LIFE,(senhd. c "ttli na: t’.cuhirs lor humeeuro. x< •lie. Nn Pay. Ni-ii-niilic ()ualjflcatIoi;s Unlimited {Experience. Careful Diagno sis and Honest Representations ;arj the • ‘ores of ours.ieeesr. Address. C. W.PARKER M. Ih.JHn N. Clmny Nushviii-, Te.mI 1 | DEFORMITIES C. sS Eye 6 Hall- Lip, Curvature of til oil’, Cluh Feet, Hip Joint Disease, and II deformities of the Hinds, Arms ega, and Feet radically ourud. S DlSFrUUilE.tlENTS. Supnrlluuus Hair,’Wine Marks, Moles, t ‘.,ip ilnlossly and perfectly removed on i for iilualde treatise on the ab.iv A Idris-, 0 A'. PARKER 1) ,| , U terry, Nashville Tenn, BR° KE - DOWN men and u omen siiii.u .i jf in of CIlRtiNfC |), KAsK, i ..n seeuro a valuable work, o. their affliction (sealed) free, and lean, how limy can be cun d at home, by writ n:\)l > A RICK II A (Jo. ;M0 North C'licr- , Sticdf. Niislivillo. Tumi, ik ttar write - i fly, ..'lol.tys aro d luftcmtp. please t it >o .i' t!Mi c suit! lius\ louuadlicti d* Save 1-2 Your Money OX’lrJVHUY'l'lllNa YOU lit fX. »Vrite for Our Mammoth Catalogue A oOO-pttfo lijoli, ■ ’untaiulnx illustrations, ami >;iv!n« li.v. at maun i furor’s prices on all kinds of ,'oods mul Huppliin: Giocorios, IIousi lold (Joo<F, furniture, Clothing Lad* • us' and Gents’ Clothing and Furnishing • loods, l>i ©sh G«hmI^, White Goods, my •o >ds, lints and rap!*, foots and Shoes Cl N”Gn •, Glnsswiio,Stationery Wa clocks, Jewelry, Silverwan* g.Jia, Whips, Agiicuituial lmpl • • nta, etc. - . 7*- - ONLY FIPST-^r~^nTT)( [) ' (’atalogue sent on receipt of 20r. f< - • • h ts v: •. Go >1 Agents wanted in cr.vry count nd city to introduce our •goods. T^i^ 'ini cac make ns much ns •■?*>() per wed’ A. RAKPKN A CO., 'jt\ JHd Quincy tree t, Chicago, 111. : .id • III e: <: d' : ■’Vyn-s ten i m\ i SY’f i*2 '■ ■ ye n s hy m'l'io !drt*n v. Idle t el ca . I: so(»‘h' K’l Did take no other kind. (! i the he? f ltd’eve '!> ’-’oolhiug Syrup, Pure Cream-Tartar Powder ENDORSED BY PROF A. L. Jfi£T2,P. H.G, ->f Medical Department Tnlnno VnlvernUy of Louisiana, wiio, utter a carcfnl uiml>>i3, pronounees it a pure Cream Tartar (’owuor, which ho chcerfuJly rocommeiKla to tho public. “THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE” ?URE, WHOLESOME awd POWECFCL. You Want SL Atk Grcoer Fur 1L QULF«lFG.CO., , ’“'il l ““‘ Q E NITIS-T, Offloo ovop T. J Cooper’s Store. Dallas, Ga. Can be found in his office ^hc two irst weeks in each month. All kind if Dental work done in the host of style. Prices reasonable, and r.l ■vork guaranteed. lUlVtr HRE' S’ WITCH H VZEL OIL “The Pile Ointment” for Piles- Esterual. The relief is mmediate- ihe cure certain. For sa’e by all dru (gist. 0 * * * ******** FI n ’S * * * * * * * ***** OrFnllins; Sloknni. enn bo cured. Our romody ourcs after ull other" fall. That you may try it without expense we willsond you onobot tle froo. All flHKlitSI'IIB- PUD. Givo Ago, Post Offloo and Stuto. Addrcu Hall Chemical t'o., WEST PICILA., PA. Wash yaar face, Wasli your hands, Wash your head, Wasa your beard, Wash out stains, Wash away freckles Wash yourself with ko-k:g JELLY For Pure WhltoSkk • T rasPAMio c y- E. L. EALL’WIM A CO wrf 14 PADK PLACE. DETROIT, MICH OEM’S WANTED, SA'.m OR COMMISSI!’-' CAMPLES. fdAiLED 6SIQ ot\ trial hied in A (’an tit, Ga., May Gtl, 1802, Mrs. If. S. Drake, after n protracted illness of eight months passed over tho river. She like nil the truly good of tills earth i * ,ol ' s “ s yours died in great peace and triumph j that tl.o two Heath had no terror for her. Sim ' was perfectly conscious all the while. The day before she died she called her husband, children and many friends around Iter, am! asked them to meet her in heaven May Oth, at (I o’clock she ge.tlh fell asleep and awoke in paradise May ive a!! meet her there. She luul many relatives and friends in Paulding county, who reg.-olted to hear of her death. To the bereav ed we extend our deepest sptnpa- Dcni F!llen gone! a home bereft; A husband sad and lone, Husband, children, sisters left " ith heart strings bleeding—torn Oh God! why did thou thus affiict And send this gieat grief? i'o rend the hearts of those she loved in time so short and btief! 'Vas there a need in heaven above For some more gifted hand I'o aid in music rare and sweet 1 he angelic heavenly band? !e still sad hearts-twas God who sen 1 his sad distress on you, He needed there for harp string titrncc 1 his sister—fond and true. Dond husband, children, sisters all, trust then to Jesus’ care; It won't be long—a few short yeat s H hen you will meet her there. Oh elorjous thonuht Lored ones, gone on before, Thut.thcy will meet us at the gate, And land us safe on Ganan's shore and - Now Try This, It will cost von no'h'njfaud will so y do you good, if you lmvo a Cough* old, or any troublo with, t’bcsi >r I .tines. Dr. Kiti'/s Nei-|)i von- IConsumption, coughs ami colds is gunr- aiiu-uil Lo givon-ltu, or moimy wit, I. I> id back. SufTerors from I.a (irlp|- uml It just the l.hlngaml iind.-rits u »1 a -pcedy and perfect rceovery. Ti ■ sample botth. *,t out expense a- d lii.iri oryouisi-lf just how go »l a thing It i, ■ ial buttles ff e at Honnally * (’um-al V '''’g Store. Largo size 50c, and ♦1.00. WE PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it. We think you will keep it. It pleases everybody. It is an honest piano. It is the WING Piano. You may have a preference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to be settled without due thought. Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. Does it wear well? The WING Piano does. “Look before you leap.’’ Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Our free book tells them. Send a postal card for it. It may help you to buy a dilierent piano. We take that risk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see p. WING Piano. It is worth looking at. *So is the price. »WING & SON, 245 Broadway, New York. Iifpnns Tahtihs tnro Jaundice. A NOVELTY. '‘Frown it you unis’, laugh if y >u can Is good advice for every man.” 25 "Puts in util mi s, to pay pos tage, sent ~to B. VV. Wrcir.i, Gen & Ticket Agent of tin- H„ Penn. Va. & Ga’ ally., Knnxvilh Tenn., will secure you a copy of ■1 murks In IRU .. '• ;| "uges, with ovi* 1* d.”0 iliu I tions, it is the latest r.oielty in Rail- fond mlvei’iising, ami if !v good la -di is ih-m-o a copy of this book should b-o in every home, | speak to him. cun fort him, gi-o Hearing Oao Auatlici-’s 11; f;h,, ' ! l*on Jesus was hen:. Ih - tte.]ii i- 'inent . ’ "Mg tl.e cross to Calvary, stagger. Paul says tho law of Christ is '"o under its weight, a strange- hearing one another's buidens. 011u Simon of Gyrene, |enmo along! Christ, says it is loving your 11 i ;h- «'»u ho look hold of one end of it If. It is pi tin to see U,!, I helped our Lord can- are identical -both ^ hat a blessed service that the same law. One who loves l-.i' ^ 1 ‘ believe that Ji neighbors bens his burdonts and! him some word of thank: is glad to do it. j word of guidance tlmt salt This is not, the only law 0 f: "ito his heart, for wo are told that Christ, for tlioro is another la v , his sons, Mexund ramlllufesbe- prior to it - to love (iol; but this ; pillftrs in Ibe church. If ive is the law about men, and we have | help I In- poo i I, saddest heart to bear its burden, we are doiii"- it. was. spoke to nemo deep (llienp Medici ntv Save Money. All buy medicines, and you want them cheap—at retail at wholosalo rates, Ja cobs' pharmacy, tho largest Southern •‘cutters” of prices, has an advertisement ' ’-lay ■ containing a few pricos , A!! other artielesai-e sold at similar I dens of others, rates. No matter what you \ ant t s t is UHimiiy ke|it in a large drug store send lo l-hon . 1 liey will sell it at astonishing low rat s, Kiprcss charges for packages 11 '' hvn | hi ill" , twenty-llive cniti. at- --. *b aov: tifoirciiis and oric.s. Senil - -r a number of things at once, is a word lo the-sisj suffleiout? so much to do with men tlmt .lames tells us it our love to our neighbor 1 hat is the test of our 1 >ve to God. It was not false teaching that made Abou Ben AdhcmV name !oa i all tlio rest—because heduved his fel low men; for lie who love God loves Ins neighbor also, and con versely, lie who lev-s his neighbor loves God. Love is not divid.-d: ii is one. Bearin',' ono another’s lmrd ns fitliil! i lie- law of (llirist. It is not merely tile law of Christ, but it lulls to the lull its requirement, It is better than the In sL proIVs-im, or tho corrcetest belief, it ii frn:; boarii g, which is what Ohr'v. wanls. 1’eis not content with lloweis, good its they are, but h ask tlie perfected fruit, which i love—burden bearing. Bali -ving the eva-: truth about God or hid son JesUB Christ will not save 11;,. for it does not save the devils. And the devils bolivo and tremble anil are lost. J It is it very remarkable fact Ilia: ... ICIJF WuiKOmU Ml v. Cl -It Paul bids us bear ono mirth -, : burdens and therein fulfill the hi . of Chris’, lie a’so tell ; IIS th .1. 1 a 1 one must boar his own burden 1 The two statements seem at tin to conflict. How can h-sn. thn each must bear bin own b ir l-n and then say al.-o that w - m s each Jbear one another's nur imi Can wa all boar our own and v all boot- the burdens of other.' There is 10 difficulty about it ft is ono of tho blessed para.l'.i s of the Christian life. Tile one who bravely and cheerfully heirs h a own burdens, instead of throw ing them on others, is lii ■ just tin- one who will bo ready to b i vr oth ers’ burders also. Tho man who shirks his own burdens is eurtaln not to try to help any one else to bear lus. Each one’s first duty is to accept his own troubles griefs with Christian resi nation accepting the the blow, on I ring the pains, making no corapl ,i it oE God, wearying no one else with the sad tale of of of all his . but receiving it as tlm whi > 0 0. '- dence of God. Such a on- U-n • » liow to boar, and, having leiru'd how bojis himself li.dped, h- can help others, lie can relieve them of part of their load, and can t -1| them where they also shall fin I strength to boar the ies , Paul w-n right in coupling th i two tog.-: :e-i- for I10 who has learned grit t > bear his own burdens has gained a mi - perior strength which makes his own burdens lighter, and makes him better able to bear the bur. o it for Hu’ Lord, just as truly as Simon of Gyrene, and we shall Lave a Ido.-s-, n g.—Independent, “A YARD OF PANSIES.” Here is n chance ’.for everybody to !t *b cost, an e tqui fit - 1 )fi I i .me 3.J inches Ion (, a conpanion lo “A \ nrd of Rises,” whi - !i nil L 1-.,; ■n and admired. This e-tquisiie pi.-lure, ' A \ sr I of pansies," was painte I bythe Sam - n u id a ist who di 1 the ’*1-. is It is the s size 1 is p si 1 1 1 -."d by ;.rt critics to ir to the “Reset.'’ The tion is equal in every respect to the original, which costs $300, and s bum;.; n tree with every copy of :h - June nuniber of Demorest’s Fanr I-v Magaz-n-:. ' June number in !ir uion o. the seventieth annivor iSi of tile birthday of the publisher '• id k .vortli many times the cost, ■v iii-Ii is only ?.o cents, as every pur ‘-h-i ■ will get, practically free, an ex* qui ritc picture; and to those who ,al ■ l- ady have “A Y id of Roses” “A h ar.-l ol Pansies” will lie doubly valu , na - - mjjnoymg it ue :ul! dir - li.,11 for framing, cither hie “l'.msii-s” or “Roses” at home at a cost of a few cents. You can :;e; the June number of Demorist s F.' Magazine, containing “A Yard of Pansier,” of any of our local N ?w elt-alers; or send eo cents lo the ;>!ibi:.h:r, W. J:;nn’inos Dkmokkst 15 Past 1. tli St., New York. 1 1 (l ii .1111 a 1 It seems that winter will be all the slimmer. Sunday was cold un.l windy., and had some rain. Rev. VY. 1! Armstrong preelml at the Holland sell ml li-iuse last Sunday, Mr. O. Baker who esmo up he;is from Atlanta died Saturd at 0 o'clock p. 11.., and wai b trio at the Baker graveyard at the o.d ham. stea l Sunday at 4 o'u’o .-k [ . in. Services by Rev. \V. B. Ann- Htrong. Itijaas Tabules cure hives. Mr. \V r . Tant says ids bees aie not Cell this year. The. e was a general turn <• j f an i, -r ;o Friendship church Sunday. It was the day set apa t foe communion and washing fee , .Mr. W. E. Taut while plowing !,i ■ corn t'u ehiggors wore so bad lie thought lie would try rubbing ha; shins with some liniment, and went to work and got hot, and his liniment burnt him so bad he was stamping worse than a horse in a jackets’ nest, Mr. Ii, N. Vorjles, a young man In weakness ho is w ' l ' le watching tho coal pits fell in and got badly burnt, and is in a bad fix. /Vpt *r n hjSr n kroutiio! willi :«’rvouF.r tni.tlnj; career overwOikwUl rdiuveJby luklLg lirown’* Iron Hitters, oenulno IMS tnda mirkauaeK^VMWuia on wrutvi^ made strong. Friend, do you see a neighbor — and Jesus has told you who your neighbor is staggering under a heavy burden'-' Remember the burdens you have careied and wh has given you strength to can- / (hem, so that now tlie burden is light. Jesus, who lias borne the world’s burden of sin, lets you fill up what is behind of his lmrd a bearing. Go an 1 lighten your cverburdeusd neighbor. Run Mr. G-. F. France killed a lan e rattle snake. He said would have measured t vclve inches around, ile shot it a id tore up tho rattle a so badly he could not lount them but supposed it had six eon. Our school is moving on nicely. Mr. E. M. Carter is cur teacher, and will touch all the public term, J UM110.