The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, June 10, 1892, Image 1

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■ TIE PAULDING NEW ERA. VOLUME X. FALLAS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1892. NUMBER 29. Ptf-ARM ONLY PERFECT JXMIUYU8E. Send for circular and price list to Wheeler 4 Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, (la. PARKER’S DYSPEPSIA CURE IS GUARANTEED > nnttanntam of Iadlmttoa nr DfMrit or MONKY MAijnD. ro. IlnpqaU to that dmlM —mm which tehee a wav vlvur aa4 X£l. 4 3lPigJ&TB* m,k "* u ~* For sale by all dranrlste, |l.«h •emtlt m Mtllctlltt h, tatlttlni 10 tteto. jflrtlf Cfcliictl Cc., "my *' 1: A ROOFING. Mstslllc Weather Boardlni, Gw pUta Callings, Corrugated Sheeting, ■ Booling Palnto, Iron Roofing, ■ate Tieaflh, Mtwe eat teeettai, AH forme of Shoot Motel for BoMIng WE WANT —AN— la thtoteaa aa aaetae NT !■ mm tsk«snUriN4AFflT • la tNfl vlflMlty. CotmpoBdsM> nIMMi writs ft» SCOTT & COL, Cincinnati, OhIS. ESTABLISH CD tOTO. W. L. Lollar Keeps a nice lineo Whc are WEAK, NKKV Oyt«, DKR1LITATK1) ' lio In folly and lgnoranc 'a o trilled away their Ror of BODY, MIND anp MANHOOD, censing terrible;-! rains upon the wena of life, Headache, Ilackache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, IMoinles upon the face, and all the effects lead Ins to early decay, Consumption o Insanity, tend for BOOK Of LIFE (sealed) free with particulars of a home cor?. Ni’nre No Pay. DR, PARK ER, 840 N. Cherry, Nashville, Tenn. WOMEN who hare Head aches, tiackaches, Neural gias, Scanty. I’refuse, and Pnlnul Menstruations Dis- ders, and Displacements of the Womb and Necual Organs, Par- renness, lamcorrlnua. etc., sliould send fof WOM AN 'S BOOK OF LIFE,(sealed) r ** with particular^ for home cure. No Cure No Pay. Scientific Qualifications Unlimited {Experience, Careful Diagno sis and Honest Representations {are the secrets of our success. Address, C. W. PARKER M. D„ 340 N. Chnriy Nashville. Tenn. DEFORMITIES Cross Eyes Hair Lip, Curvature of th piae, Clnb Feet, Hip Joint Disease, and II deformities of the Hands, Arms Legs, and Foot radically cured. DISFIGUREMENTS. Superfluous Hair,{Wine Marks, Moles otfl., painlessly and perfectly removed Setid for valuable treatise on the abov Address, C . W FAKKEIi D 4* Cherry, Nashville Tenn. «/ £N DOWN men and IJj4A)'' l» women mffaring from any form of CHRONIC DIE EASE, can secure a valuable work, on their affliction (scaled) Iree, and learn hohr they can he curod at homo, by writ lug DR. PARKER * Co. 340 North Cher ry Street, Nashville, Tenn. (lettor write to day, delays are dangerous. Please tntc your trouble nhd how longnffiicted Save 1-2 Yonr Money ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY. Write for Onr Mammoth Catalojrue- A 6-page OOok, Containing illustrations, anil giving low est manufacturer’s prices on nil kinds of goods and supplies: Gioeerles, House Hold Goods, Furniture, Clothing, I,ad ics’ and Gents’ Clothing and Furnishing Goods, mess Goods, White Goods, nry Goods, Hats and caps, Boots anil Shoes Uldvos, Notions, Glassware, Stationery Watches, clocks, Jewelry, Silverware Utifcglos, Whips, Agricultural lmpll- niehts, etc. . ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Catalogue sent on receipt of 20c. for postage. Good Agents wanted in cevry'county and city to introduce our goods. Live men cue make as much aa $50 per week. A. KARPKN A CO.. 12!l Quincy stroct, Chicago, III. SvietelezL'a Arnica Salve. Tiik Bkht Sai.vk in the world for Cut llnlbcs, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay ro quifed. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cfcnts por box. For snle by Connnlly A Connally Druggists OR W. 11. ROBERTSON. mm n&ismsT. Office over T. J Cooper’s Store Dallas, Ua. Can j>c found in his office the two first weeks in each month. All kind of Dental work done in the best of style. Prices reasonable, and all work guaranteed. Pure Cream-Tartar powder ENDORSED BY PNOFA.LMETZ'P.H.S, H a paxaCiwam Tartar PowNs*, •kaarfally iMomawto ta the af Laalstaaa, wha, a piMkiBM It a para whisk ha aharrfhll pubis*. t k h k k » « « FITS »%%%»»%%%» % Or Falling Bioknesa can b« eured. Our rsmsdj sir * ft " all otherr • • % • % % i That you may try it without expense we will send you one hot- tie free. All mien ret- WJJ: An*. Poet Office and State. Item Hall Chemical Co., WMT Fail,A., FA, Wasb your fane. Wash your hands, Wash yonr head, Wash you beard, Wash babies heads, Wash out stains, Wash away dandruff, Wash way pimplts, Wa:h away freckles, Wash yourself with KO-KO JELLY Toilet Soap For Pore White Skli. E. L. BALDWIN S CO., 14 sank placx, DETROIT, MICH. tOIMIS WASTED. SALARY OR COMMISSION. SAMPLES MAILED FHEIT. ortho o tv trial “The southern Favorite;* * | PUNE, WHOLESOME anb POWERFUL. YoaWeetlt. Aik Qfooer Per It EMBRY CHAT. Here I come again from our lit tle hamlet aaking for a little more space in in your ever welcome pa per. Everything is lively in this part We I do declare who would have thought that there,would have been a majority of people’e party men at Embry on last Saturday the 4th instant, but such was the case. The committeo appointed the Hon. B. T. McGarity chairman of the day, who called the people to order, and delivered the wel come address, after which Col. J| M. McBride, of Tallapoosa, who spoke one hour for the democrats; his speech was nothing more than a ridicule of the people's pArty and the St. Louis platform, and was a very dry one indeed; after Col. Me* Bride, Mr. J. W. McGarity was introduced in lmhnlf of the people's P»tty, his speech w as a master piece of oratory and loudly applauded; he spoke an hour and a half, and piaffed the former speech to pieces and showed that the old parties had been tried and Were evenly to bl4mo for the unjust laws which burden the people; after Mr. Mc- Garity, Col. McBride spoke for half an hour, this in short was a tariff reform speech, and when the Colonel come down from the stage ho j hit the grit from there and was not seen any more on the ground. The chairman then adjourned for oni hour, after which Col. A. L. Bojrtlett, of Brownsville, for the democrats spoke half an hour, and when he finished he left, after which Mr. E. W. Y. Allgood spoke for the people's party, then Col. C. D. McGregor, of Dallas, spoke for the democrats; after which Mr. J. J. Colson, of Haralson county, spoKe for the people's party, so ended the debate, The people's part y men claim a great victory in the day’s proceedings. Bluf Dave. QlH.FMF6.Ca, NEW ORLEANS, Wl PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it We think you will keep it It pleases everybody. It is an honest piano. It is the WING Piano. You may have a preference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The auestion is too important to be iettled without due thought. Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. Does it wear well ? The WING Piano does. “Look before you leap.” Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Our free book tells them. Send a postal card for it. It may help you to buy a different piano. We take that risk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. It is worth looking at. -So is the price. eWING & SON, 245 Broadway, New York. SHOWS'! IRON BITTERS ALMA1TAO Far 18V* Contains Onr llandnA Rnlna for mak. lng delicious Caadr cheaply and quickly at home. This book la ,lven away at drus And general store.. ■ A NOVELTY. “Frown if you must, laugh if you can Is good advice for every man.” 25 cents in stamps, to pay pos- tuge, sent to B. W. Wrenn, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent of the East Tenn. Va. & Ga* By., Knoxville. ,Tcnn., will secure you a copy of ‘Remarks by Bill Nyc,” a book of 504 pages, with over 250 illustra tions. It is the latest novelty in Rail road advertising, and if a good laugh is desired, a copy of this book should be in every home, I % CURE CDUDHS OR REFUND MONEY.; AOUSHI. GOLDS, SSTNMA.IR0SCHmS.LURa C g ismmnab- a LUNSI Itoli lnHMSIttrlr to LITTLE ANNA’S C0U6H SYRUP<» ASK DRUGGIST FOR IT: Taka ns othar, far Its sqaal feta aat axial. SENT PREPAID FOR |l.» E. H. CROSS, SafafoR, Sla. FOIL DTSFim, (foe llrawa’. Iraa BHtrra. recommend 1L All dMlm kmp 1L *1.00 prr bottle. MdiNteMWtinrtiwwiHirdikHM* A New Creation. Paul declared, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new ereation.” Out wardly the Christian appears as he did before he came into that new and radically different life. Ha wears the same clothes, eats tha same food, carries oa the same bus iness, and hie new life may not be discerned by the casual observer of tha world. But the fact is, matter how eorroot the life may have been before, all things are now passed away, all thing are be come new, In the realms of the will the evidence of the new crea tion appear. Now the respectable obedience to moral law has given place to a desire to please God' He is my heavenly Father. His loVe has appeared so great in Christ that I gladly say all the time, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” The filial yielding is so dif< ferent from the obedience which was according to law. And then in the realm of thought old things have given way te the new. To rajr mind all the world hae taken on a new order and significance. If I read history, the events are the same as they used to lie re corded . but now I see God’s hand directing and God’s thoughts in terpreting those events. If 1 look abroad over the world and take account of the tendencies of this great today, I do not lose heart and become a soured and hopeless pessimist, but I weave in with the seemingly contradictory move, ments of the present the promise and prophecies of the Ged of hope. I think so differently, too, about myself. I seem so weak and hel|» less, yet into all thinning I take the consciousness of a might for righeousnets and lor aeMsvomaate* and so, in some measure likj Abra ham, I stagger not at the promises being fully persuaded that what he had promised he is able also to perform. And how strangely new is my thought about the judge ment at which 1 must sppaar- Besides the judgement seat I see the cross where my sin was judged anti on the judgement throne 1 see the One who was wounded for my iniquities, and whose sacrifice has made successfuljplea for my for giveness, And can it be otherwise than that, with will and thought so changed, my affections sliould be of a new order? Every man is now my brother, and without any compulsion I count myself in touch with all whom Christ i^iot asham ed to call bretnren. Thus in the renewed heart are old things pas ed away, and all things are become new. Over all the triple realm of the soul’s kingdom I see God as rightful sovereign. Such is the voice of the new creation.—N. Y. Advocate. HAY GA. Mr. Editor—I once more come aeking for a short space in valuable paper. Every thing is going on smoothly here but t!ie third party, they have boon having a mighty storm, but wo find the.w is no damage done. Orops are looking fine here; we have had fine rains here for t ie lAat few days. There was a joint discussion at Embry on the fourth day of this month, betweeu the third party Mid the democratic party; tlinxi was good speakiug on both aides; there was a committee of both par ties to arrange tho speakers, Air. B. T. McGarity was chairman, and he made the welcome address, tli n followed by Col, McBride 010 hour in behalf of the demooral io party, then followed by J. YV, A! 0 - Garity one hour aud a half, and then Col. McBride closing with one half hour, they then taken a recess of one hour, after which Col, Bartlett and Col McGregor was put up for the democratic pari y, and James Coalson and E. YY. V. Algood for the people’s party, and we are sorry to say that tho third party men tryod to brake dotvu Col. McGregor’s spoeoli by inter rupting him all tho way through, and tryiug to laugh it off, why did they do it? Just bccauso tlr-y dreaded him, they knew lie w w going to tell them something abo it that sorry platform of theirs, and of many things that they was doing that was sorry, and they did 11 >t want to hear it. There was a good many shot him a few turn 1, bat ho was ready loaded for the n kind, so they soon quit . him. they say they gained the victry iu tlia speeches, but they did not, so v. a dnwfcgtewikteo.tiMM. YVell, Mr. Subscriber as you come down on Blue Dave so ha i and seem to think that lie is so bad down on Yorkville, aud us you seem to think that he was trying to attack the honusty of your ma istratc, I am sorry that you ao badly misunderstood Blue Dave, it was just the ignorance of him : n place of his honor, so it seems that you havo to learn yet os you go a long, as you charge Blue Da o of not knowing it all yet. A!r. Subscriber you say that if lliu pol itics of this county are to be raoul l- ed by Blue Dave th»t they will g it in a muddle, no doubt but there is all ready a great many in on a ’»y following such demagogues as y >u and your leaders. You seem to think that just because that a ui us is under oath that there is liothi ig but honesty in him and could nob get him to do nothing but rig it, if that is the case God send that every man man in Paulding county be put under oath in less than a week. There will be an all day singing The keeping of the New Hope Smyrna church the second Siiu- grave yard will be let to the lowest day in June . corao one and all „ ld bidder next Saturday at 3 o'clock p. m. The committee that has the matter in charge arn requested to meet at 9 o'clock in the morning on the same day. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Tills remedy is tiecominf; so woll knowl and so popular ns to need no speeia mention. All who havo used Electric Hitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do nil that is claimed Electric Hitters will cure nil diseases of ed not to run for bailiff this till bring wull filled baskets, for tha'. is what makes singings lively. Mr. YV. O. Mauldin and H. II. E., sold lemonade at the |spcakmg, they say that they made money enough to finish their crops wilit- out working any more, if they c ui hire a hand to finish on a credit, io you know they made it. I wonder whnt has gone with Haney, he surely must Lave dacid- ■Htete | the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pirn r u. r 1 * pies, Boils, salt Rheum and other affec 1 *** h# 18 nMt W " tln g 1 rt3l k ’ tlons caused by impure blood.—Will drive on he got enough money out of Malaria from the system and prevent as them men to do him while th iy well as cure all Malarial fevera,—For was accusing of one thing and try- cure of Headache, constipation and In- i„ K for another, hoping to hear digestion try Electric Hitters—Intire , ” ,, ° satisfaction guaranteed, or money refun from you soon Mr. Haney. 0113— ded,—Price 50cts. and $1.00 per bottle a cess to the New Era and its ma iy connally Aconnall. ’a uru^storo 1 leaders. IlAUKY Sto'NEX,