The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, July 22, 1892, Image 2

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— — THE: NEW: ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY EDITOR J.M. SPINKS, J and PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ONK YKAlt .*1.00 81X MONTHS ...60c TIIHBE MONTHS .. 26c i;.y*Advertising rates sent on cation. appli Entered in the Pont Ofllco at Gil, ah HoeiHid-elftsH mail mutter. Dallas. FRIDAY JULY 22,1802, Court Calendar For 1st ant 2nd Weeks in Aug, 1892. C; ses set for Monday Aug. i,st 1892 Phillips pi’ll iu fi fa vs. II. K. & Mary Orillia Deft's, and Mai Gridin claimant: Lawrence vs. Dallas Cotton Mills, complaint. Johns >11 vs. Ilulsuy, ejectment. Moore vs. Shelton, complaint. RnfT vs. Turner A Pritehrt, com plaint. Cole. vs. Cole ami McCravy, itlo gaHty. Cole et ill vs. Cole, injunction. Miohelb a'}’ A McClendon vh, Rnl & Tumor. Lawro ico vs, Dallas Cotton Mill, garnishment. J lo/d vs. Cole, complaint Tuesday, August 2nd, 1802. Rhodes A Wf tors vs. Leathers trover and hail. Pool vs. E. T. V, A G. Ry. da nags, Thompson vs. E. T. V. A G. Ry, co., damage, Sanford vs. Prather, appeal. Lowe vs. Turnar, and Pickon, c'ainiaut claiir. Havorty co. vs. Matthews, and Matthews claimant, claim. Gridin >s. Camp, and Might claim ant, claim. McEver vs Lungdon Iron co, a‘« tneliment. McEver vs. Laiigdou Iron Co., he oot'ers lien. 5 Wednesday, August 3rd, 1802. Pool vs. E. T. V A. (G. Py. <;o. damage. Harris vs. Rollins adm complaint Loch v i. Abies A Co., complaint. FI) lit vs. Leathers, ejectment. Baxter vs. Howell, ejectment. Watson vii. Seals A Seals, complaint O’Rear A Ce. vs, P.ance A Motes illegality. Thursday, Aug. 4th, 1802. Tidwoll A Pope v . Hitchcock 1 omulaint. Nichols vi. Rollins ndinr. ct al, in junction. Cathcart vs. Foote and Footo clai mant, claim. I m are Carriage Co„ vs. Foote, complaint. Spinivs vs. Compton, complaint: Harris vs. E. T. V. A. Ga. Ry. Co, damage. Harrison vs. E. T. V. G. Ry. Co., damage. Loch vs. Austin A Co., complaint. Friday, Aug, 5th, 1802, Sc ibh. A 'Jo , vs. Sanders A Able?, complaint. Hall & Barr vs. Sanders A Abies complaint. Stubbs A Co., vs. Sanders A Abies and Clms. P. Ball Receiver E. A W. Ry. Co., garnishee, garnish rnent. Bull A Barr vs. Sanders A Abies a id Clias. P. Ball Receiver E, & W. Ry. C'>., garnishee, garnish ment. Adcock ndinr., v,. E. T. V, A Ga. Ry. Co , damage. Watkins vs. E. T. V. &. G. Ry.CoJ nan.age. Satimli;-, Ang. Cth, 18 2. I -a. w.. iiaviU-AUj;, Ul.'.l )’V «1: wiv..„ Normun vs. Norman, libil for di vorce. Wisner v*. Wisnor, divorce. Dean vs. Dean, divorce Smith vs. Smith, divorce. Ferguson vs. Ferguson,divoico Cobb vs. Cobb, divorce. Hardy vs. Hardy, divorce. Criminal docket will be taken up on Monday of the second week. Thursday j Aug. 11th. 1802. Cheatham vs. Howell and Moon claimant, claim. Gann vs. Holcomb and White & Braswell claimant, claim. Gann vs. Holcomb A White and ’’ool claimant, claim. Cowan A Co., et al. vs. Foots, Ki* ter A Co., M. A J. Hirsh et al, in* junction. T. A. Foote agent vs. Adair A Might claimant, claim. ■day vs. Seals A Seals, Seals claim ant. claim Ac. Grillin vs. Hughes and Hughes claimant, claim Ac Roberts A Collins vs McEver and McEver claimant, claim. Dyar is. Bagwell, appeal. Is • mom loathsome, dangerous, and preva lent malady. It (a a Mood J fl]feaje 1 jmunnr off Aorofitloua origin, an treatment Is uneless. Hefor^j^Vli m pos> »ll»n>, the poiion must be the system, and to do this CATARRH ngeroui, and prev HMKdUeaMjjmually an«HHBMpjCal <-r>>re ufeiinfi 1, poa- e erawCaled from via SUCCESSFULLY tha dlacaae must be treated through the blood. For this purpoae no remedy li so effective as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. “ For the past eight yean. I have been aererely afflicted with Catarrh, none of tha many rcmodlos 1 tried affording me any re lief. My digestion was considerably Im paired, and my sleep disturbed by phlegm dropping Into my throat. In September last I resolved lo try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began lo use It at once, and am glad to testify to a great Improvement In my health.’* — Frank Teson, Jr., engineer, 271 West Fourth street, New York City. " My daughter, M years old, was afflicted with Catarrh from lior fifth year. Last Au gust she was TREATED WITH Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and after three esonths of thle treatment she was completely eured. It was a moat eitraontlnary ease, as any druggist here can testify.” — Mrs. D. W. Uarues, Valparaiso, Neb. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla PIBPARBD It Dr. J. C. AYER A GO., Uni, Mm: ■old by ell Druggists. Fries |1 i allboUlee, Rt. NOTICE* To the Dnmooi'ttta of Paulding tin! adjoining counties, notice ii ,’ivru that thoi'e will bt * grand democratic rally at Dal la- Ga., on July 28th, 18(12., at which Gov. W. J. Northern, Hon. John W. Maddox, Hon. R. W. Eretell lion. W. Y. Atkinson, clniiiuim of State Democratic Executive 1 ommittos, Hon, L, F. Livingston lion, J. M. McBride, lion. A. S, 'lay and other distinguished dem ocratic speakers tiro expeectod to >e present. Everybody are invited ■o come and bring well fill basicet*. T. J. Foster, Oluiirmuu Democratic Ex. Coni. Thomas J. Coo.ier Jr. t'liu lioly mail of Cod It itli taught thle lasting truth: Calamities that jiiort 0 the inmost soul o man Arc sent to strengthen wavering faith in Him who brought The soul's redo option tli m h the crucial agony. Weak as ivo aro anil poor of faith, Il« knows who puts Upon our lieaits tliia weight how bird i: to boar, WI1011 IVO mink of him, our kinsm 11 ami our friend, cut down With all ids dreams of future years lof; uimttninod. In him were joined youth's hopefulness nud raanhnrd’s strength; No iv<nkling hoio; no idle, vagrant life lived lie; And though hisd vs worojfew, they wei-c not passed in vain; E'011 in consump on's dread embiaco ho labored on, All 1 with its cl miny sweat up m his brow I10 died I .i simple faith and consciousness of duty done. li.F. ]’_ Dallas, Ga., July, IS92. A person : s ..nimaUirt'v old w.h«i Oddness optics before the for tj-flflfli year. Use H ill’s Huir Rene mcr ttn cep ti e scafp healthy awl! jKgiremJ riMritsA, HIRAM DRUG STORE E. W. DrjtN, M. D J. H. ■ If Office of 1 J Eargi.f, M, D. i 1 1 .A 1. JL DEAN & EARGLE, Pliy trichina, Surgeons, JAec»ucli«ro,, aiin Druggist; DEALERS IN 1 T 7 r ™ 1 j Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Toilet Article^ Per fumes, Patent Medicines, Ete. Prescriptions carfnlly compounded at all times. We solicit the Patronage of the People and Hiram and surrounding country. Con saltation with each other Free. HIRAM, GA. !Paulding Sheriff’s Sale For; August^ 1892- Statc of Georgia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the towtiv'of Dallas, Ga., on tue first Tuet day Aug. next, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following property, to wit: Lot of kind No. 191 in the 19th liirict and 3rd section of said count) Paulding and state of Georgia containing forty acres more or les. levied on as the property of Align oleomb, to salisfy a superior couil r.. ti, u „ aulding county said slate, infavoro JlaRica Lumber Co. vs Angie Ilol oilib- Prop rly pointed out by plff s Uty. written notice given as required jy law. This July the 7th 189.-. J. A. WESTBROOKS, SlIElUFI'. ISA. C WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. DkI'LTIE’. Clu-np Medicine—'ttVe Money. All liny inch Fine*, and you wan Uicm heap— at retail at wholesale rales, .la -!»«’ phairimev, the largest Suil'lioi'ii vutters” of prices, has nn advertisement • to-days paper containing a few price/ 111 other articles nrr sold lit simils- •ites. No mailer wlinl you want that is siinlly kept in a lm god rug j^aire send t > hem. They will sell It at ■nk/nistiing low rat- s, K<pic.sVhargc» fuifi.a knges under live pounds, VfffiltJXtniT, cents. 1/ A I) II LT DC! Write for our Man P A lllll £il\iJ'\>nt | i Calalvgiic. il s) |.agc hunk, 1 . ■ • lylllustrateil, giv.n Maimla tines’ lov . - T .,ert ik-fce with Mill A L IPulaetiHers’ discum Otff Odi I Cion all goods ma u " fsolnrcd . and' • in purled ll»to tin; l 11 led Slates. HONE I'Wir; 11 U U 1 spend. We sell only first class goods, OrocooicK, Knrnituro iVnteh these advertiseir.ents and nriees Clothing, D y. Goods, Hats, Caps, Hi iiSond for a mimhcr of things at w ml to thomse sufficient'.’ ROAD N0TICF. The so.oral overseers of the public|roa Is in the Dallas dGtricl are hereby ordered to work all the public roads in the district without delay,*aml they are hereby ordered to work them as required by the road law. First class roads are to be cleared of all trees thirty fee 1 , and second class roads for twenty feet, and they must lie put in good condition if it takes fifteen days to it do. (G, \V. Helms, ■■I _2,J. \Y. Mituiifu., >, ;.r. K. llii ad, > » Com, Uuaii yjst jRf * , Wash jour h,-, . j liil jour hoi;. ' Wait jour bsai . lull bibiM hr Iasi out stains, Vast aYajdanrt" lain a^aj plmpl «*»J Irecki Wash joursiK *i» Ivf jell? Toilet Soa, For Tori Whites:: MfPfflffllffl •■!, |f E. L. BALOWIN A 00 •a esaa etatt, DETROIT, MICH UUTI WASTED, SAURY DR COMMISSIOS. SAMPLES MAILED FREW. and shoes, Nothin.-, Crockery, Joiveli Huggins and Harness', Agricultural ii plimeikts, hi fact anything you want Sav si by Inlying of us. timid-i'i ecu to pay oxpressago o 1 cat ilognc, a lm 1 guide. Wo are I,he (inly eciicci'" tl 1 ells at inamifa' inrci’s prices, all wi the buyer the same dis niui'. licit 1 inuiittfn Hirer giv s .to llic whojesa Hide, We giiaqint'a all mods t> ci;ti. 1 to repr sen' al.hms or nioiicy funded. Hoods sent hyexpress or-lici With privciege ol exainin ;tion lii payln A K VRPP.N JtC 1. U2 Quincy s', t:ii oigo, 111. ROOFING. . XMaHlc Weathor Boarding, Complete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting, ■ Roofing Palate. Iron Roofing, Ins Trw|kt. GstUrs and Spoullny, ^AlIfkriMRf ShRRt Mstal for Building K e and ready \ ^^^ihbs^hippedJ —AN— AGENT; la thli(owfl^-M •nottetio workman to \ •aka orrt«n aad APPLY our materials ) la Ihltrlelnltj. \ Oovraspondrtiee solicited; write for) priest ani terma j SCOTT L CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. < ESTABLISHED 1872 NOTICE The first Fliday in August the fifth day of the month, 10 o’clocK 1. in., is the tiir.e set apart for the annual meeting of the S, S. of the county. We hope the Sabbath school ollicers stimulate their pupils and their patents and bring them all to (lie meeting. Bring oks, ban ncs and 1 on’t foigt plenty of dinner. Each school orill be allowed tivo songs one ■ssay, and speech. If s- hools aift come as a whole, send dele gates so that wc can get a report of the schoo' work. We will hit e a committee )of Judges who will •arefully note all the of the day and appropriately compliment the faithful workers of this great cause. Come, we will haven nice time. R. E. L.»,vij4 1’res. S..'.A* t* BObiuN hestVVeicht fob your home. BBT B/towrs not irmiu 0» V. 1HIIWWH1. TMlliwa. DptiaSa to»k> Tta.K«n<mr,M.vwlOc-wna RcMUn. rap*. rUM IK—H n«a. All dsln anS a. Omat,.. am- rtewata j. ’m lqlllw ■ ’aulding County Sheriff Salo of Unroturned Wdd Land for Sept' 1892 •Stale of Gior;'a rauldirg county will bj sold before the c—crllion door of said county in the town il Dallas Georgia, on tile fust Tucs.'.n September 1892, the follovvin iroperty, to ivit: Lots of lands Nos. 11 | and 242 i ne so :on.l district and 3rd scctii of said county of Paulding, cadi co .fining for.y acres more or less, ltvi ■d on as unreturned wildland, to s 1 s r y a tax fi. fa. iissned by VV. T. I I’honias tax collector of said count) a favor of the state and county \s aid lots fer their tax lor the yea *91. Also, at the s tmt time and phi fi he sold lot of land No. 462 in l! )th district and 3rd section of sa mi ty of l’aulding, containing 4 es mor :or less; levi -d on as unn ined wild land, to satisfy a tax Ii. I ucd by \V. fi'. F. Thomas tax c:o la toi of said co uty, for its state an unty tax for the yuar 1891. fi ll, ne 9th, 1S92J .?. A. AVusmuooiis. ,Slici i . Isaac Wiilams. (i. W. Furr, Bein’lie.-. Cheap Medicines Sold at Retail at Wholesale Rat.sf SAVE MONEY! Brown s Essence Ginger 35 cts. Mellin's Feed, can 37 and 59 “ Nestie s Milk Food 40c., dox $4.50 tail’s Hair Renewer 57 '• Iyer’s Hair V gor 65 “ Sozodont 30 “ in Maranni Cocoa 99 “ Swansdown Powder, and flesh Color 5 and 10 “ Viola Cream, box 33 “ (lunyadi water 23 “ Fellow s Hypophosplutes «,v> Mexican Mustang Liniment 18 “ Pain Killer 18, 3S and 76 “ C irter's Little Liver Pills 2 bot. 25 B I'utt’s Liver Pills 13c., 2 for 25 “ itay Apple Pills 19 “ Packer’s Tar Soap 15 “ Bradfield’s Female Regulator 68 “ Homes’ Liniment, or Mother’s Friend 99 “ Murray’s Cyclone Liniment 35 “ Electric Hail Curlers 10 and 15 “ Wi ilow’s Soothing Syrup iS “ Smith’s worm Oil 1 / “ Vaseline 5, S and 35 “ Paregoric pint 59 “ Castor Oil, Baker’s pint 25 “ ’ear’s Soap to “ - .O'l GIA—I’vji.niNr, count' .— To all whom it may o ncern: Nc :e is hereby gi en that W. W. Hu. s applied to the unders’g ed t( ive probated i 1 solemn form the la.-. of J, \. Heide-, e of said county deceased This i- t. :e all pel sons concerned and m:x kin to lie and appear at my ollic ■ 1 tl e first Monday in August next 1 I-shew cause if any they have ivli id will should no/ he probated i. '•e.mi form an I ad nitt d to record the last will and tc ita.mmt of sail eceased. Given tinder my hand ant 1 :i d signature. This July 7th ISy: II. C. Scouons, Ordinary $500 REWARD A il! \>c paid to the agent of any scale company who ■"•I 1 S! »y ov «r his own name as agent, that the Jonks 3 T0X WAG0X SC ALL, $($0, ipial to any made, and a standard reliable particulars address only , K.Y. S. S. S. 59 and 99 lood s Sars.ij arilla 75 loyt’s Colo..,ne 1 7 'ieree’s F.ivoi its Prescrii lion 72 ’ieree’s Goldin medical d - v ’> 78 Pj-ru-ni 78 S lakers K .t Root 48 .Varner's Safe Cure «S Butler, Corn, Hens.., Cocks,. i'T ... scale. F01 Kxsress charges are usually 25 cents per package under five pounds. ^JACOB’S PHARMACY. ATLANTA, GKORCIA. DALLAS PRCDUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried 5 c per lb Honey, .....10 “ “ (.can., white,Navy, 8: .00 bu mixed, 75c to 1.23 bu. «SO per lb. 7ct pel bu CHICKEN F. -5 tl ’ 27c 15 to 20'c >5 to 20c. 15 to 20c. doz. 8 jc per bu. 1.23 to 1.50c “ -‘ 6 SC “ ‘ too per lb 750 to 81.00 per bushel. $5.00 per, bll. risli I’utatoes 30c, per peck. Sweet 1 otatoes .... 1,00 per bushel. ...7 1-2 per lb. 1 els 60c per b u Cotter, 7 c • F.ORGIA—1’aui.i inc. Countv—• To ail w it n ay tcneein: Mrs. Buy K. Matthews admin is'rali’x on )8 e.-Unto of James P. fi alum late o a d county dee ared, has in due form pplied to tlie 1 udersipnid for loiter t dismission fiom estate, an ^ aid application will he he; td at my -Dice on the fir: t Monday ii Sep em— >er next. Civm under my hand and )fiieial signature, fi his June the 6th ■092. If. c. Scoggins, Orcli tntrv. “ White, J.ard Mfileat, Flour,.. V iL Wm \ W t I ARIEL : jji** ur tiji -■•A.- AMI TSTAK (Thr. Queen of Ffel.L FOR LASIFS-. STRICTLY ii iGHCST GR/yn 1 DIAMOND FRAME CUSHION and PNEUMATIC -=TIRES*^-» Warbahty With Every Wheh SD» YOUR ABBSEW F-BR CAVftLJ TO, ABiEL CYCLE MF6.00.; COTVEfft HE3. F.Gl-tG A — P.iui.riNc County.— l o all \ horn il may concern: R. Mcon administrator on the estate of fi’. F. Porter late of said county deceased, has in due form applied to h 111 r’eisi: ned for letters ct dirmis (iobfrom said e late, r.ndsaid applica -ion will be heard at my office on the first Monday in August next; given ; di 1 my hand and official signature, his the ( tli of May 1892. H. C. SCOGGINF, Ordinary, I' ORCIA—Paui.mmg Countv— To it whom it may concern: R. H. 'i P>. F. Wills administrators of H Mills deceased have in due form plied to the ruid rsigned fur lerve sell tin: lands belonging lo said es itcof said dece sod, said ap| lcation 'll be heard on the first Monday in ugust ne: t, at my office. Given un ” mv ha' - '' anil oficial si nature. This 6th day of July 1892. ■U. C. SiJGRCtS s, Oidinary.