The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, August 19, 1892, Image 2

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THE:NEW: iS*I PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J.M. SPINKS, i EDITOR i PROPRIETOR. • TERMS. OMBTRAR. Ii.od BIX MONTHS .., . ,60c TIIIIEK MONTHS 26e yyAdvcrtising rates sent on appli cation. Kntercd in th# Poet onto, at Dalla. G*., u sucoi.d-cla-s mail matter. FRIDAY AU UST HI, 18112. A llid£ For Lift*. Thu folio .ving incident of mi tary adventure oecured wlmn I w t Hohlior in tho army o'JI'aitT u lie woo. Tho chief actor* in the story were two cavalrymen,iletuil oil to «ervo as e cort tj the gener al in command' Our men had just been on ai expedition to West Virginia, an were returning towards Knoxville One day, these two men, feolin, hungry, niude a raid upon a In g of jrca , Having secured wha they wanted, t’ley watched their opportuney. when their nbaeni e would bo least likely to be noticed and slipped behind ths rear guard remaining con :eu1ed while tho linr moved on, . |As soo as th y fclt|aure of not b tig so , tlx y r -de Jr* idly back towards a f*riu*houso they had parsed on their march, intending to got their morl bakud into “corn jion*».” The hazard of this course wua evident, for it was an even chance that they would all bo “gobbled up" by some ono of the many band* of Southe.'u scouts then hov oriug around ou • small urmy. Hut hunger made our adventures lnoro thoughtful of their expected cnk< a than of the risk they were running. The good woman iff the farm house rendily agreed to do th< baiting, especially as the soldiers promised her part of the meal payment. While the “pone* ’ were in prep- Aration, they learned from the ne gre* lounging about the place, tha within two miles n pair of thor oughbred horses were to b< found of a famous Kentucky stock, be longing to a gentleman who wu bitterly opposed to tho Unio: cause Here was a chance of “.opfisti cu ion ” a wording to to tho law of war. Tho troopers quickly as cert ai nod the direction of the pas tore that hold the coveted priz ami tolling their informers tlmi tho cakes were theirs if the did n il return, set ofT at a full gallop, de terniined if possible to secure tl horses, A sharp rid) of two mile 1 rough l thorn in sight of two the finest horses they had seen fo many a day: Fastening their old government nags, they soon brid'ed tho splen did span, and leading them out o tho pasture, sprang upon thei backs. Away they 11 w line con taurs, the new horse i, fresh an high-mettled, seeming scarcely t< touch the ground. Nothing could exceed the exul tntion of their rider. Never be fore, in peace or war, had the: crossed animals of such gloriom spued. They had found a prist- worth running several risks for. Arrived at tho farm house again, they found the br-ud all baked, and dividing this into two packages they wrappe 1 it In grain sacks, and strapped it to the cantles of their saddles. Then away they rode, -without more delay, to oveitake the marching column. Bnt they were not to get b; ck so •wily. Stopping by the ' roadside for a little rat and a bite of corn. jRaHaaly rough! the cho of clatt.ning hoefs behind. In a moment a baud of fifty well- mounted guerillas hove in sight, dashing towards them in full chase, One glance was enouge. Our men put spurs to their swift thor oughbred, and bounded off like the wind. Fleet and sure of foot, thobe splendid Kentm-Ky horses bore their new masters on, short* enin tha distance between them id safety. On entne the lift', wift ami sure as well, while bul lets whistled l>cfore them, and sav age shoui-i ye 1 '. It was a desperate cha>-e, though, and ths t o raiders must ride “light wei ht"for lose. 'Out cime the knives. Tho straps w re cut in a trice. Down tumble i the hard earned bread in to the dirt. Blankets followed' and o erconts sml haversacks,— everything hut their arms. One mile passed, and still on came their pursue! s. Two miles, and the black horses were percep tibly gaining. Three miles, and but a guerillas were in sight behind. Then the boys cheeked their horses as they went up a long hill, that they might rest them a little. Soon again the yells sounded from liehind, and again the bullets came “rip, zip,” over their heads. The hill-top gained, a tur.i in the road p:otect them from shots. A moment's rest for their noblu pro* servers, then a loose rein, a touch of the spurs, and away da lied the horses liks arrows fro u the bow. How they did „o! rattling over the hard road, as fresh as fiee of limb as at the beginni ig of their race. Well ,va< it for tho troop ers that th -ii- pnrsuori wasted their horses' wind coming up the hill! The two Jgainod steadily now, but it seeine I as if tho col iinn of Union troops would never appear ahead. Suddenly arond a turn of tile mad, a thick dust rose bofoiv. them flier* were tho blue-jackets nt itutl A.t t\ie top of t\m\r \ they screamed out: “Friends! Union forever ” ami lashed up to the rear guard. “Halt! About face! Unsling arbines! Guerillas behind!'’ And at tho word, bang, a ’ ! went several shot at tho g a acke s. “How m iny?” “A d z -n." Off to the rear guard after them bur two men taking the lead . n their Kci t y thor ughbi-eds, That night ton unwilling men kept each other company, close! \ guarded in o ir camp, and ss many new horses e ilered tho service of the Unior army of calvary. HIRAM DRUGSTORE E. W. Dean. M. I). J. H. Earolb, M. D' Paulding County Sheriff’s J 8ilemUnreturnedWild Lead for Sept' 1892* OFFICE OF DEAN & EARGLE, Stale of G«ot;a Molding county; will be told before the courthouse deer of Mid county ia the town of Dallas Georgia, on the hist Tuesday ia September ii)i, the following PhyHiciaiiH Surgeons, !Aecoucheros, »nd|p«p w *r towi ‘ : •- 1 I Lot* of laedsNo*. 114 and *4* i" the second district and 3rd section •A said county of Paulding, each con | uining forty acres more or less; levi- d on as uareturaed wildland, to sit. tfy a tax ft. fa. iissued|hy W. T. F, i'homas tat collector of said county ntavor of the state and county vs Aid lots fer their tax for the year Druggist; DKALKltS IN ZZ Oils, Pain.s, Varnish's, Toilet Articles, Per Patent Molicines, Et-;. Proscription* c.-irf illy nomp-mndml at all times. We solicit th< I’utronago of thu IVipIo of llira-n and surrounding country. Con sultation with each othur Free. «Mm * jiiiramjga; WASHINGTON & RII3S0M Dealers in 'Also, at the same time and place I sill be sold lot oflerd No. 46s in the )th district and 3rd section of said ounty of Paulding, containing 4° •crea more or leas; levied on as unre. urned wild land, to satisfy a tax fi. fa tsued by W. T. F. Thomas tax col ectoi of said rounty, for its state and ounty tax for the yuar 1891. This :une jth, 1891} J, A. Wbstbnoobs ■ IShsrlff, f Isaac Wiliams. EC I. W, Furr,| •MM | Depatles. Groceries, Hardware, Staple and Notions, Fancy Goods. WE BUY FORC A H GE TRGI^ —Pauloiho County— Tea l whom it may concern:—Mrs. Willie Maulding, w'dow ef D, Maulding late of said county has in due term applied to the undersigned to have a yean support a.-t apart out of the eatetrof'Mil.decaa'd and if no good cause he shown to the contrary WE SELL FOR CASHil lhe, * m * w i ,lb< j ,,<l * e,nen,ed •* my "■office on the first Monday in Sept, nett. Given under my hand and official signature, this August 4th, 189*. H. C. SCOGGINS, ^Ordinary. WE BUY CHfAP.WE SELL CHEAP.! Tiioy are Gujd Goods, Th.iy are Cheaj Goods. Cheap Medicines Sold at Retail at Wholesale Rates! SAVE MONEY! Brown's Essence Ginger 35 cts. Mellin’s Feed, can 37 and 59 “ Ncstie'a Milk Food 40c., dox 84.50 Hall’s Hair Renewcr 57 “ Ayer's Hair V gor 65 “ Sozodont 50 “ Vin Maranni Cocoa 99 “ Swansdown Powder, and flesh Color 5 10 “ Viola Cream, box 33 “ Hunyadi water *5 '< Fellow's llypophosphites 99 '• Mexican Mustang Liniment 18 “ Pain Killer 18, 38 tnd 76 “ Czrter’s Little Liver Pills 2 Lot. 25 Tutt’s Liver Pills 13c., 2 for 25 " May Apple Pills 19 “ Packer's Tar Soap 15“ Bradfield’s Female Regulator 08 “ Homes’ Liniment, or Mother's Friend 99 “ Murray’s Cyclone Liniment 35 “ Electric Hait Curlers to and 15 “ Winlow’s Soothing Syrup 18 “ Smith’s worm Oil 17 “ Vaseline 5, 8 and 35 “ Paregoric pint 59 » Castor Oil, Baker’s pint 25 “ Peti’s Soap 10 « S. S. S. 39 and 99 f Hood's Sarsaf arilla 75 “ Hoyt’s Cologne 17 “ Pierce’s Favoiits I’rcscri) lion 72 “ Pierce’s Golden medical dis’v'y 73 “ Pe-ru-ni 73 “ Shakers Ezt Hoot 48 “ Warner’s Safe Cure 85 “ Ezsress charges are usually 25 cents per package under five pounds. Address JACOB’S PHARMACY. ATLANTA, GEORCJA. Cheap Medicine—gave Money. All buy medteiue., snd yon wan* them :h.ap—at retail at wholesale rates. Jo w*#’ pharmacv, the largest Hou’hern ‘cutters” ef prices, has an advertisement in to day". Jw|*r containing a few price* All other articles ere cold at similsi -.tee. Ho matter whet ywu want that I* ifnally kept in a large drug store send t< . . hem. They will sell it at astontsliing We nro after thv If tr.l Cis’t. If you havo ^got it we will give you I'ewrstes, Ivpress charges forpackagci l.vt. nf f I ivder Rve pennds, twenty-ltlv. cents 1 ,tR °' «°° U for ifc > - I T.teh them advertisements and pric •Send fer danmher of thing* at o-tc w »nt to th* wise sufficients They worn boujhfc a! fft-adqnartera. You are cordially invite l to n-nsanl sis for yo ir.vtlf, and know that wj havj tbs oh tap »t lim of gojlt overoTerod in Dallas. But they won t tniublw to thu Iisckst mile** ttie ssih b |ni,l •<« tl» *p->t Bo don't forgot your Pojk t B *ok- F ir no one ovt g*t ert I't her? BICYCLES • OLDEST AND LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED —— 88 YEARS. IF YOU WANT EASE, COMFORT, reliability, SFBED, STYLR, QUALITY, AND THE BEST OF rvervthino, BRNO Tone. • COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANY,'to. CHICAGO, _ BOSTON, ~ SAN FRANetSCO. BBND RON CATAhWUR Send us your 5— name for The New Era, and keep up with the DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried . , 5 c j er lb Honey, “ “ Beans white [Navy, y.oo bu “ mixed, 75c to 1.23 bu. Butter 13c per lb. Corn,...* 70cpci bu CHICKENS. H en * 25 to 27c U° c ks to 20c ^yv.. 15 to 20c. Ducks, ^ ,j 1o 20C _ ■ 10c doz. Peas, Clay, '80c per bu. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ “ hy e ,..! 65c 11 1 10c per lb t\heat, 75c to 81.00 per butdicl. *'* our 85.00 per, bll. Irish Potatoes, 301, per peck. Sweet Potatoes 1.00 per I u .liel, ^ eat > 1-2 per lb f'ats 6cc per bu Cotton, ;,■* ...7 c. The Cure For Smcfula wu *.cs suiipossd to bn ths towk .1 royalty. Tivdsy, many yrsUful ps.,1. k.ow that Um ".orsrslgn rrmrdy” Is AyWs Ssrtsparllls. This powerful sltera- lir. tallrpstrs "ike erll" by thoroughly eUmlsstiii, all the etrmnoue yoleon Iron, the Mewl. Cftntumption, catarrh, and various ether phyeical sa weU at mental sialadlee Sava Ikelr orl,in in SCROFULA Whaa keredltary, this dlaanse manlteata H* la .blldhood by glandular ewemnye, maiM sores, ewollen Joists, and ceneral leekleMM of body. Administer Ayer's Sara., awtlis appearsnee nt the Srst symptom.. " Ry llllle girl wu troubled with s painful eaeetttleiia .welling under ose of her arms. l*a physician being unable to elect a cun, I *awe her one bottle of Ayer’s ■anspartlle, and the swelling disappeared.” -W. F. Kennedy, McFarland's, Va. "I wu cured of scrofula by the u.e of Ayer's ■anapaillla."—j. c. Berry, Deerfield, Mo. I wu troubled with a sore hand for over two years. Being assured tha cue wu screfula, I took tlx bottlee of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla aad wu eared.-—n. Dinkins, Blwerton. Neb. riWillD ST s Dr. J. C. AYER k CO., Lmll, Mitt Sold by aU Dr*MMe. Prtat *1; eta mulct, **. Cheap Medicines. RETAILED AT WHOLESALE RATES. r Rcnower. ir Vigor . . . Hairs Hal Ayer's Ha Sosndont Viola Cream, boi . . . . Himyadi Water Hypophosphiles Fellow 1 • nypopnospmiea arc n Mimang Liniment tic si isht !? r ' ' «®, 3* Asd 76c. Hradficld 1 Female KrfulAfor 6ic. Csstor Oil, liaker’s pint Pear'e Soap Hoyt a Cologne Pierce’* Favorite Prescription. . . . I terce * Gulden Medical Discovery Warner’s Safe Cure . California Syrup of Fig* Fly « Cream lUlm Chicheiter's I’conyroyal Pill* . . . mown • Iron Hitter* Shiloh'* Catarrh Cure . . Shiloh’* Covcuinption Cure McF.lree * Wine Cardui Castoria Injection G P.P. P Poweri and Wcightman's Morphine WT Everything cite in proportioR."m« Rxpreia charge* are usually >5 cents per package under five pounds. Addrei* JACOBS' PHARMACY, ATLANTA, GA. Cor. Marietta A Paachtree Sts. • li«; at FARMERS i) ril* fur our Ms noth Cattlogni •Vwipsg* Hook, 1 ly llluatrat*.!, givi i Mauufartur*.' to. j*. . Ir ,,*'t prtr* with Ms* mj-\ \ V h'ifartnr«rs' riiaronn 1 £j.n all g, MH |« fsvlurowl a"H I..' J>ort*8 into the Pal left .State*. tOKElSSlsf*. spend. W* sail onl. : »t r.Uea -g-wwla, Oroceei**, Furwlt'ir*, Clothing, Dry Goods, IUU, Caps, B et* and ahoea,'Notions, C wikery, .Tew -1, * Buggiee and '.Harneu, Avrirnlfnral im- plimente, in fact anything yu wsnt. hy buying af.... vend i't east to pay axpreieag. on eataht;ua, a tm-rrr guide. We are the only eoneen. that Mils nt manufacturer’s prices, allowirg the buyer the same discount thet the mnmifectnrer gtvee h, the! whol-aale ra-l* W ifinrantee all goods to he •i|iiat to reproaeu-.ft'.ii* or nionev re funded. Goods sent hyeipreea or frelgh w “i pr v to ;o of ex.min.tion l,»t r paying. A. K VIG’HN *C >. !>2 Quin -y ?L, Chi ago, III. '•■j times, no man ■in the eonitfy can afford to be without it. 0T eitowra non arrrtHa u a Inillewtlno, Mbeunaaa, -a, .Varvnuwiii'M. amtUWMra] .an. t^oruni-ml It. AUdealcn •ea—:»1e inaia_i'dewo<1mdllnm«giwteaeea TIMK. iwnaiNu warn, o rnjnrv. mt. _ UDiE* ""^asTn^*^ TOl hM3m ^ ■ 8 *-"^ =S! *ws5EW- Bt&szss&i Many Pmmiu Am total down fraa iwnmtnNm Biews’i Irani Bitten .Sa $500 REWARD Will ,bs paid s» Ike affeni ef mm j seals isnsint mhm Will Sffiff OVMBISSVSffiMS an SgSit, lk*lMSjS«S i TON WAGON SCALE. $00, iwdlk||silOtl laae* New Vid^aW^J'.ir* wr.g Jrrtw. Wuaiauiw ... Mr. -M^mg. .V. ■'.■ii— - JSLMtm.fsiut GEORGIA —I’a uu ivr: Countv— To all wi cm it n;ay crmcin: Mis. Maiy E;. Matthews administiallix in he estate of James P. Tatum late o .said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for It Iter of dismission from said estate, an said application will he heard at m office on tho fust Monday in bcplcin ber next. Given tinder my hand and official signature. This June the Clh '®9f- II. C. Scoggins, Ordinarr. ROOFING. Wttallic Weather Boarding. Cewplete Celling*,, Corrugated 8heetlno. ■ Roofing Paint*. Iron Roofing, law. Trust*. e«tt»r» aeS tputlni, ^All Arms ofShsst Mstal for Building (_ COMWLCTK AND READY \ Wo APPLY WHEN BHIPPEo ) WE WANT —AN— AGENT la thlatawB-aa awerweUc WU A Cfi.. Cjadaaafl. nU| 1