The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, September 09, 1892, Image 2

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■ *-.vrurry ^j. ._ T jc . i\| ew . PDA I twagthenfag h J »p' ritua| p°" cr • *™ • ^brought continual accessions to bis PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY'churehc. Much more could be ) EDITOR J.M. SPINKS,} and 1 PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ONE YEAR H -Ob SIX MONTHS f*0. three months 26« jurrif* i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CsJ”Ac!veriising rate? * enl on *PP'> cation. Entered in tbo runt Office at ltalln*. G.I., *w hoc.oIi(Ih Infin inail matter* FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9,1S9. DE. J. G, RYALS DEAD- 11 Rev. .Inme. Gazaway Ryals, 1) D., of the Theological chair o* Mei cer University, died Frida; night at his home near Carters ville, On. Previous to commencement o M< reer Univiusity he had a retnri of the {grip which he had the yea before, Af’or commencement b became very fieble, and almnt Ju If 1st he went rp to his old houu in Bartow county, hoping tlicreh; to henef.t his health. He c< ntii < lied to grow feebler, and about tei days ago he took to his bed. 11. improved a little afterwards* but on Thursday last was attack* with dysentery, nnd sank rapidl until death was cased by som*tliin|t like a hemorrliag* of the bowels. Hu was born in Montgomery county, Ga., April Uril, 1824, ol parents in destitute circumstances By the help of kind friends !i graduated at Mercer University in tool with the first honor. H taught school one year in Colum- bus, Ga. Purchased a farm near C.irtersville and on it studied la privately two years, afterward: practicing seven or eight years, From early childhood lie had strong religious impressions and in early manhood he became tinctur ed with Universalist sentiments Reading the works of Jonathan Edwards obliterated these senti nr-nts from his mind, .though he was then without a hope in Christ In 1869 lie was baptized by Dr Thomas Rambaut and joined the Carters ville church. Iu 18(>8 the Cartersville church, being without a parlor called lira. Ryals, tliougl he had never been licensed, to preach. He accepted the call was ordained and filled that pastorate so von .or eight years. Later taught mid preached to vamoii neighboring churches, being pastor at Raccoon Creek and Acworth i Uurchos twelve or fourteen years Tne la:ter years of his life hav boon given to filling the chair Theology in Mercer University which he did most satisfactorily to its friends and patrons, and to the glory of God. The remains were taken to mh con Saturday nnd Sunday interred. Theusands of hearts today went thu weeds of mourning. Hut they take consolation in the fact tha. t!m same Benevolent Wisdom who g tvo him to the world, called him hence. Let us take the very iai' po-tant lesson tlmt his life had i value beyond the mere acqui meat of Knowledge and the mere pros tuition of our own happines Cultivate the inti llectual part foi the attainment of truth, train tie. moral being for the solemn pur poses of lit., viewing this life in its r lation to the life which is to come. Personally D . Rvals was a love able man and was not only beloved by his churches, but was higblv esteemed by the communities ii, which he lived. He was an able earnest and fearless expounder ai the truth, Bpeaking in love, vet firm and coniciencious. He was logical and remarkably e’e r and forcible in expression. His giqm. r or powers of an lysis, followed by close reasoning brought con vie., and inevitable concbis on«. Wi» asruim being iatedb lual ami more said of his discharge of lifes offices and his attainment of thu “delight ful end of the best life.” Let us bo content to Know tin t Higher Will has interposed, ui - oo. ed the bond of union nnd sped bis iinmo t il soul upward to tin ver of all Being. HIRAM DRUGSTORE Ayer’s Pills May Always to relied upon ns n certain cure for liver troubles, constipation, sick lieadnche, biliousness, dyspepsia, Jaundice, and rheumatism. Unlike most cathartics, Ayer's Pills strengthen the stomach, liver, and bowels, and restore to these organs their normal and regular nction. Taken In season, they check the progress of colds, lovers, and malaria. Doing purely vegotahlo and sugar-coated, Ayer's Pills are The Favorite family medicine, while travelers, both by soaand land, find them to he Indispensable. •'We sell more of Ayer's Pills than of nil other kinds put together, and they give per fect SAtlafnetlon.”—Christensen & Ilanrlow, Druggists, Baldwin, WIs. •• I have used Ayer’s Pills for the past thirty years, and consider them an invaluable Family Medicine I know of no better remedy for liver troubles and dyspopsla.”—James Quinn, Hartford, Ct. Capt. Chas. Muoller, of tlio steamship •' Felicia,” says: “For several years I have relied more upon Ayer’s Pills thnu anything els* In the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels, and those of the ship’s crew. These Pills are not severe In their nction. tint do their work thoroughly. I have used them, and with good effect, for the cure of rheu matism, kidney troubles, and dyspepsia.” Ayer’s Pills raavARsn nr Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lovell, Mass. Every Dose Effective. RACCOON. Mr. Editor:—1 iskyon for roou in vour valuable paper to give tl renders the nows from this auction We have goo l ruins, good crops good neighbors, good fiiunds, goo* meeting and good health nnd makes ui thankful to the gica giver of all good. They are having a good pro traded meeting at old Ilopnw* church. There was eight joinc the church thcro on tlio 4th iusi and hope they will prove fail lift and that they will get many mor Mr. W. 11. Womick is having more dry bread at his house no for he caught seventeen fine hi cats in his iisli basket the othc night, j Mr. A. G. Furguson on Iasi Wednesday drove a fine lieef to Cartersville and sold it for the spot cash. Mr. S. R, McGregor did rais< a fine lot of watermelons to ea and to sell, but they have play out now.’ Mr. S. R. McGregor has a met lot of fine watermolon seed '‘ale. I advise all persons that wan good watermelon teed to phi next year. If you want any cats call on J H. Womick for he has got a fim 'ot them* Well ir. J. II, Womioic is still living on dry b e id, for his fisl limed to tarpo in, for lit caug'i ten of them in a sack the o II ’rday ii: at is high and pocket is dry an. t is hard times y>u k iow, Tar Ili;r.r„ \V. Dean, M. D. J. 11. Eakgi.k, M. IV OFFICE OF DEAN & EARGLE, v i ^liysiclnns, Surgeons, Accouche reanc Druggist; DEALERS IN )i!s, Pauls, Yirnislies, Toilet Articles, Per fum '3, Patent Medicines Efc*. GEORGIA—Paulding County— Notice is hereby given that unless | good cause be shown to the contrr y new second class public road will be tablished in said county on the nth ly of October next, commencing at he public load near Cross Roads lurch and running in the diicctii n f Marietta ard by the residences of F. Foster, ]. T. Lewis, M. P. Lew J. H. Lewis, G. I. Kemp and Wm Kemp to the Marietta and burnt lickory road, This August 31st 892. H. C. Scoggins, jOrdin try. 1’i-imc: i itio i 1 ot:rf d’y oompotiude ljit all ti tl u. a'roimge o' ilm l’e 1 >lo 'of Hiram and surrouu 1 in' snltution witli ouch other Free. We solioii II country. Con IlIRAM, GA, V/.* WITH YOUR D SEL LER. hull law h id order pr ve I, or shall 1 h good p'opln of Da'las le mposed on by tbosn who wo*Id ladly oxch 11. e tl eir p:ospi*ct of let veil for a Vw dollars and emits that carry with them happiness a nl peace from home, leaving in— 1 Inopof a desolation, a fad'd cheek, cli Mien clothed in ragsnn 1 trying for bread? Such a elm lie- or ir he who sets himself up as a gent'mnan nnd secretly entices I e neighbor behind the door nnd there sell* to him some intoxio.U- ug stimulant that dethrones his reason and runs him im.d (laming his imtn irtal soul, there iy doing he work of the devil. Pcop'u of Dallas aiviiKe, to n onsciousnos* of the fact that ii our nvilst are those who arc dail iitaininating your children, yo u >ns and your husbands by tilling hem up with that stud utoxieatiug liquor 1 , which Inn ' recked more lives, blasted mor. homes, beggared more ehil Iren and iont more foils to an endless hel Ii 11 any thin.-else oil earth. Pros- oauto the ,11 lty parties, you owe it to youselves, your children, to society and you owe it to your rod. Do yo :r duty by ridding die town of Dallas of such a curse oid when that is done you have lived yourselves, your cliildien, ■ our county and all tilings snveo will bless you, but all tilings lost •vill curse you. A of Mottai.ity, Paul DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. (..orrccted weekly. PauldiDg Sheriffs Sa'o f\ Oct., lti J2- State of Georgia, count ing. will be sold Indue liousc door if said coun'". in t’ . nvn of Dallas, (la., on t 10 lust T !.iy Oct. no xt, to the hi and estbidder for cash, the folio'.ing property, to wit: Lots of land Nos. 415 ;nd .1'6 ir. he 19th district and 3rd sect n of Paulding county Georgia, levied o 11 h the property of the defends it J - K. Murdock, to satisfy a superior ou t mortgage ti. fa. issued bom he iperior court of Pulido?; eu 11* ■ ii favor of Perkins Machine vr. J. K. Murdock. Notice given as re quired by law. This Sept. 7th, 18;2 J. A. WESTBROOKS, S 1 k ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Ducjiiks. FOR SALE. I hereby offer forsale the brick store house in Jie town of Dal las. Said store house adjoins II r. O, F. Hen derson’s store, it is large and roomy, and can be bought at a bargain. Call on J, M. Spinks. Fub. New Era. Apples Dried Eloncy, ltcnns white [Navy, “ mixed, t . .5c per lb # . . .10 “ “ . . . .Sr.00 bu 75c to 1.25 bu. Corn, .... 70cpet bu CHICKENS. 1 iens . ..*5 Cocks, 15 to 20c Frys, 15 tO 2GC. 1 lucks 15 to 20C. Hirers ....ioc doz. Peas, Clay, ...80c per bu. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ ’* Lard .. 10c per lb W heat, .75c to $1.00 per bushel Flour, JS5.00 per, bll. Irish Potatoes,..., . .30c, per peek. Sweet Potatoes,.. 1.00 per bushel. Meat, 7 1-2 per lb Cats " 6cc pet bu Chiton 7 c. FAST TIME. WASHINBTOH a CHATTANOOGA • LIMITED, • inaugurated julyn, isb2. youth bound. is" j»iw,V“' • ' • Leave Sli*MmndoaU Junetlou • Arrive Bristol f Knateru Tim®) . Leave Bristol (Centra, lime) Arrive Chattanooga east bound. 5SRs«a«p®w.ri.- : ). ■ • Leave Bh,n*Odofttl JuucUun . » Arrive WniMnitOD ■ • J trains consists or One Combination Clinch & 1 BiiegaKe Car. Three I ull- mau bleepers. Pullman j Dining Oar, New Orleans £ New York. Metr" 11:1.1 r. M. 12:01 Noon „ jphls Washington, Nashville Washington. itLLVESHBIilEO CONNECTIONS. I have reco amended lieggs’ l!!o Purifier and Cherry Cough Syrup several times and must say that I have been surprised and more than phased at resu'ts'following lue of same. I am not i. hah t of endor- ing patent medicines, but can sn) truthfully, beggs 1 medicine are at: that is claimed' for them.—Tesal ncs, M. I)., Wintersville, Mo. $500 REWARD Now Try This, It will cost von nothing amt wilt «nn‘ y do you gnnd. if you liavn a Uimg..' 'old, or any trouhlo with Throat, Glicst r Lungs. I)r. King’s New Discovery for 'oiiHiunption, i ouglis and coids i ■. guai- ■ntced to ;,i o rciiof, or nu iny will be pahl hack, SiitTcrcrs from La Grippe found it .just the tiling ami under its use aid a speoily and perfect recovery. Try i sample hiittlu at oill eapense and learn or yuiusi 1''just how good a thing it is. .'rial bottles free at Uoimnlly ,t Coural s Ding Store. Largo si/.o 50c. ai d #1.00. IF. )RGIA —Paiii.iiinii C-wt'.'— To all whom it may concern: — Un '*ss good cause he shown to thereon- h'ary an ordar will bo giantcJ an if L thdry of October nc ;t c tihfishf : new rea l, commencing at Vt. va iah church in the :081st distri t r 1. of said couniy running north tniough the lands of Wily Jones and by the reside 'tcs of the widow Wa k. jir, K. f.. Camp, B. F. Wills, Jackson Mauldin and th: Lite residence of II I. Wills, J. L. McGregor and others, intersecting the Rome and Msristta road at R, H. Mcuillens. Given un der my hand and ollii.ial signature. Phis Sept. 7th 1S93. * . . H. C. Sen.oTvs, “'’is. • Ordinary, GEORGIA, I*uT'iw'jbi County Po all whom it may concern: \V L. Rollins administrator of K. W. Compton deceased, has in due forn- applied to tile undersigned for Lavi to sell the lands belonging to the es tate cf the deceased, and said appli- cation will be heard on the first Monday in October naxt. Sept 8 1892. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary, FARM mi SALE. i offer my f'iirin forsnE I wo miles W est ofDallii >11 the public road., con- aiiiin^ 120 acres, 5( acres of sa no iu a ver; hi^Ti stat.3 of onitivf i n, 4() acres iiiclosH- ' r pasture. TWo dw'el iiicsoii the pi ice. Priu iu! terms rer s Bible. Address E. A. DAVSI PCI IV. Peter St. Atlanta, Ga. ■ """"" S' 3:(JU 1’. Arrive N*w York • • ' , ' _ NO EXTRA. FARE. jj w, WllKWN. 0*ner»l 1‘ A^ent. llicnp Medicine—aave Money. All medicines, ami you wan* them cheap—at retail at wholosaiu rales. .1 a Mbs’ pharmacy, tlio largest .Sou lier n •‘cutters” of prices, lias an advertisemcn t in to day's paper containing a few prit'PH VII oilier articles me sold at similar rates. No limiter wlmt you want tliat is usual'y k0]>t in n large drug store send to them. They will seil it at astonishing low rates, H (press charges fur packages under live pounds, tweiity-liivo cents. Watch these advertisements nnd prices nSend for a numlier of tilings at one word to tliowisj suflletoal'.’ Send ii s name for New Era, you The and Will be paid to the agent of aa-ir scale c ~rtll sag over his own name a* agent, that t panjr who. tne JoNBC. 5 TON WAGON SCALE, $60, is not espial to any Made, and a aUa&od. tniaaUe: •cai*. Ver pu.rui.-ahn m^dirss only HOOFING. .ietallic Weather Hoarding, Crmpiota Callings, Corrugated Sheeting, »i Roofing Paint3, HH Iron Roofing, Eave Troughs, GutUrs and Spouting, All forms of Sheet Metal for Building 1 / COMPLETE AND READY \ Vto apply when shipped./ WE WAN^™" —AN— AGENTi enereetli take orders and Al’FLY our mataiials ' in this vicinity. Correspondence solicitedt write for 1 prices and terms. SCOTT &. CO., Cincinnati, Ohio.! CSTABUSKEO ID72. GEORGIA,'o County.— I call whom it may concern: W. 'I. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of sa d. county deceased, has in cue form rp jpli d to the unders-gned for icttert of dismission from -n : d estate, anc su'd a; plication will be heard at my office cn the first Monday in Decem ber next. Given under my hand and official signature. This sept. S.h 189.". H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. TAKE AN AGENCY FOR DAGGETT’S t<H-bitting ROASTING PAN BEST CTENSILdiAs anlvcrso. A&tnmiMntiN a look, or chiltlruu that v .. j. al. itMin * Oo . viMOHcr. w- Jiv %muN, R«u. r ( . HP. should tuke «a* CWa^rv W~n>U.iU»A aMQ.GJMUUellMA. '/ SWOWS’S IKOJB Mi'l’T* . *»$*. ®s****»*1*^ n T * hr. M**jj*«! m Ivi tak I ; A-a. ujrio " FARMEBSM'&aS* tfJO page tmol-, jAilff ly iilmul'ifti (t.givin. J. nnulacturc*’ low n i Tr-iv 0 '*' t >ricc ' vi| li Jtau V |j,’ifnclnrpi'S’ dlsumi.f *fe£> hJn } Jj.m ,,11 goods manu factured and im ported into liic ini- ied States, MONEY A spend. We Mill only llrst class poods, Grocccics, J uniitun- Clothing, D y Goods, Hats, Cops, Hoot- and shoes, Notions,.Crockery, Jewelry, Buggies and '. Harness, Agricult ural im- pliments, in fact anything you waul. Saved by buying of us. Send 25 con s to pay oxpressago oa cntalo no. a liuu-i s guide. We are the only concern tin t 11s at manufacturer's prices, allowing the buyer tlio same discount that tl o auufacturor gives t«» the J wJu*1.‘sp 0 r.ule We guaranteo all gooffs to l.e equal to representations or money il. f unded. Goods sent by express or 1 • oi“. th piivelego of exaniin > tion l f» paying. A K R'E: *C ). t^ Uuinry b'., CUi cago, ill. keep up with the times, no 111 tin iii rhe county can afford to be without it. Jacobs'Pharmacy ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Marietta & Peachtree Streets, P. O. Box 3S7. ! A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: l b. n. n ' Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure 66c. Railway’s Ready Relief. 33c’ I; £ h "i e .v' s Expeclorant is and 35 ci " X ee |,^ ln 3 and 35C. Pond s Extract 34 and 75 c. Lemon Elixir 7 f c 0 Tutt'. Hair Dye . . . . . 68c' , Allcock's Plasters '_ Benson’s Capsinc Plasters i 5C . Dr. J. A. Magill’s Orange Blossom . . . 67c. Bradycrotine -l c Horsiord’s Acid Phosphate . . . .34 and 7*c' White Rose Soap 47.. [3 cake, in “box] 75 per box J .- c Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap, cake 21c. Cuticura Soap, cake ,e C Hagan's Magnolia Balm Bay Ruin, St. Thomas , Hop Bitters 58c 7 1 \ Hostettcr’s Bitters * Tsc ' ( ! ) Brown's Bronchial Troches, box. *..*!! »8c.‘ J 9 All Worm Candies, per box rqc * \ Sage'* Catarrh Cure . • 35c’ -verything usually sold in a* drag store, retailed at wholesale prices. Make- 1 ttpyour orders^ us lad Usnswry. £jljxcu. tkaai.-c* sot aaunJSj- «- 5 rpex yariuKge ^ JUi. Xj