The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, October 07, 1892, Image 2

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THE: NEW :ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J. M. SPINKS, J 1 EDITOR AN ) PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ON* YKAR #1.00 •IX MONTHS 50c run** months 25c jyAdvertising rite* tent on appli cation. Knteredln tlio l’ost Office at Dalles, Ga., as aeooi.d-claM mail matter, — FRIDAY OCTOBER 7, 1892. Hints for Home Comfort. Eat slowly and you will no over eat. Keeping the feet warm will pre vent headaches. Late for breakfast—hurried for dinner—cross at tea. A short needle makes the most expedition in plain sewing. Between husband wife little at tentions beget much lore Always lay your table neatly whether you have company or net Whatever you may chooie t< give away, always keep 'your It m per. Dirty windows speak to the passerby of the negligence of thr inmates. There is much more injury don< by admitting visitors to invalid than is generally supposed. Matches, out of reach of child ren, should bs kept in every be- room. They nre cheap enough. When sheets or chamber tow els get thin in tho middle, cu them in two, sew the edges together, and the sides. When you dry salt for the ts- bio, do not place it in the’ salt oel lars until it is cold, ortherwiae ii will harden into a lump. Persons of defective sight, whei threading a needle, should hold ii over somet' ing white, by which the sight will be assisted. same amount of strength in a ch erful person would be taken as an indication of healthfuluess, But these trouble Jbor.owers are always expecting disorders < f e ery Ki d, and if they do not actually come, they arc sick all the same — of disappointment. Thousands of pcoplo are dying every year from this constant supl- cion of their health, while others i*ttle down into to a gloomy state from forebodings of trouble to come. They do not know why it sthoy are expecting something to happen. A bird flies into th window, a salt cellar upsets on the table, or a cricket c ir,»s on the hearth and they thi e ad actu ally expect a messenger to rush in with evil tiding. What good does Lotting do? increases only with inhulgenc like anger or ap e te. I d ranges on 's temper, e c ;rs un pleasant selling to ' a -1 everybody audio f ses the mind, h aliens he whole pori.m, uufl .titg for the .roper completion of tho worn tho trifling inturruption or dis turbance of which startul the fret ful lit, S ppose things go wrong toJi.y; t .n “.omorrow are coining, in ' hiuli to try again, and tho tiling n.t worth clouding your owi spirit and those around you, injur ing yourself anil others physically —for the mind affects tliu body —for such « tri ’o. G. W .LINDSEY, -DEALER IN- General Merchandise; SHOES A SPECIALITY. I have added 20 feet to my Store House, and have by far the Lppgest Stock of Geods ever brought to Braswell. I buy as low as the lowest and 11 sell cheap. CHILDREN’S, MISSES’, LADIES AND MEN S SHOES. Guaranteed to Give ’Satisfaction, BRASWELL, - GEORGIA. Pudding Sheriff’s Sale For HOY., 1892- Stats of Georgia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tucs day Nov. neat, to the highest aud best bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 415 and 4*6 in ths 19th district and j'd section • f Paulding county Georgia, levied on as ths property of the defendant J K. Murdock, to satisfy a superior :.urt mortgage fi. fa. issued from the •uperior court of Paulding county, in favor of Parkins Machins Co., J. E. Murdock. Notice given as re quired by law. This Oct. 5th, 189a J. A. WESTBROOKS, SHcsirr. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Deputies. Poiamsd by Serofkila. Is the sad story of many lives made miserable through no faults o' their own. Scrofula is more espe daily than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simple reason Arising from impure and insufti dent blood, th«|diseaM locates it self in tho lymphatics, which air | in I osed of white tissues; thei r a | criod of fo tal life when thr whole body consists of white tis sum, and th.refote the unborn child L especially susseptible t> this dreadful disease. But there is a remedy for scrofula, avhethe hereditary or acquired It ii Hood's .Sarsaparilla, 'which by its powerful effect 011 the blood, ex» pels all trace of tho disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decid’, to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do no accept any substitute. Headache Usually results Iron, s dornngml lUnimrli nr k ilunlili liver. In either cnee, nn aperient le needed. Arer'e rills. the mildest and ■met reliable cathartic in uso, correct nil Irregularities ol the etomech, liver, Slid bowels, end, In ■ brief I....J, relievo the Biost distressing besdkche. These pllle are highly recommended by the prolesslun, mid tho demand lor them li universal. “I have been kflllcted, lor years, with headache and Indigestion, and though I •pent nearly a fortune In medicines, 1 never found any retie! until I began lo take Ayer's Pllle. Six bottles of these Pills completely •tired me." — Benjamin Harper, Plymouth, Montserrat, W. I. “A long sufferer from headache, I wo* CURED BY twoboxeiot Ayer's l’llls." — Kmnut Keyes, llubbardston, Mass. "For.tlie cure ol houdache, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the most efficient medicine I ever need.''—Robert K. James, Dorchester, Mass. " For years I was subject to constipation and nervous headache, eausod by derange ment of tho liver. Alter taking various rem edies. I have become convinced that Ayer's Pills are the best. They never fall to relieve my bilious attacks In a short time; and I am lure my eyetem retains Its tone longer utter the use of these Pills, than has been tho cast with any other medicine I have tried.” — H. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. Ayer’s Pills raWARBD BY Or. 1. C. AYER A CO., LovtO, Mia Rvery Dose Effective. A PRIZE PROBLEM COHIE-T a_vaiua»le prize Will, be w* nm ev ,-y co roc GEORGIA—auldiuo County— Taall whoss it may concern:—E, Davis has in due form applied to the undersigned, for permanent letters of administration on the estate of A. J Atkeraon late of said county deceased | sad I will pass upan said application , on tha first Monday in November ( next Given under my hand and offi clal signature, this Oct. 4th 189s. H. C. ScoaciNs, Ordinary. Borrowing TroubK Of all £the absurdities extant s 1 rely “borrow troub e” is th greatest. Tho trouble bonowera hava nr enjoyment; it seems as .though the word was omitted from their vo pabulary, their life being oik ceaseless moan, a constant looking forward to that impending doon w!ii< h is to overtake them. If a bree/.e suddenly springs uj n cyclone may be expected— aI in Iu utioi s of the weather propht n it .viiln-t. ndi 1; or does the slo become ovt rcas', a thunder atom, is t I a id. Then there are various domes, tic fore j xli g, from a mild to a severe form—probably a caw of raeascles in the next square, anoth er carse of w hooping cough serosa the-attest. The 1 e is a !a ge class «f pmplo ip in eowataat troldw and aunty aboil their health. DEMOCRACY VICTORIOUS The Btato election is over ami be result is batter for democracy ban was expected. Tho Consti- ution’s ro|>ort in yeiterduy was that Governor Norhern and tl e other itate house ofKeera had 0 tr« ried the state by 70,1 H majority, perhaps tha democratic majorty will be relued somo by tbe official returns, but it seems to be elear that demon mey has won by ove 50,000, This is the great st yic lory democracy had, ami show that it will go very largely ft Cleveland. The state of Florida ent 25. 000 majority for democracy 11 Tuesday, so the return 1 allow nov that Clevaland will carry ever; Southern state and there is m break in the Solid South, but tha: she stands as fair as ever. ANSWB. Nothing is more I itercsting and entertaining in tho cultivated family irol. linn it 1m ight Ibiza C.'onipetition wtiioli will bring into active nee ihe alii M*.- ompnMtors when it la known that an ih competition la carried out by thi .rigii • turn 11 n p« f uii.t fair end honorable miiinmr. „ As a moans of advertising our brand of Exquiaita Tolltt Soap <nd intro ducing it into the homes whore it Is i w nsnt, we offer the following prists, which wil. lie awanltil to suooessf ii contestant' wltliouljnny partiality being shown lo person or Incnliiy.| PRIZES- To the porson sending first cor e ji. nnswor to t >e Viewing pro’lrm wfil 1* 81 rn tlieir choice between a nri'-;lasg Upri jht P IffO nr Tiirae Hjfidnd »*ld Fifty Dollars m tosh. Kor the Hoi'onil correct answer will bo paid Two Doll r. in cash Km the third 'corroe: answer wi.l bo ,> lid On. Huudred Dolt IB in c.iali. Kor the fourtli correct answer \>ilt lie | ni I Fifty Doll rs t'nih. To the person sondiiig lit • correct answer which is n ooivod l ist, wil' 1* riven Iicir choice between a firaurkis.- Upright Piano or Three Hund ad and FIJI Dot Ira in Cxitli. Kor tho next to the l ist orroct answer will bo paid One Hundrtd Dolltrs in Cush. Other V) Ulble Prizes, snob as Silver Watches, l> l|Opcrn Gasses, si ve Vegetable Dishes, Sllvor Ten its, Mlv. r lliscuit Jars, 8ilv r V die. Set), ntlre Cake 8 nnda, I’luno Lamps, Silver Domrt Nets, Fruit Knives., etc., *tc., wil! he awarded lo every person sending correct answer. PROBLEM A frog at the bottom of a well ten feut deep climbs up a foot every day and lull e 1 H'-k a liiilf foot evciy night, llow many days will tt take h:m to reach tho op of the well. CONDITIONS. 1 very contest nt must enclose with ilitir answer one dollar for one dnien cukes <>f out Exquisit j Toilet Soap, wlricli ig ■ he purest and finest aoap for th ,Fkin and complexion that Ii 'sc.erbo n umi.iifauturad. It contain* none of thus, p d otioua prcparnllons wliich cause tire skin to become rough and parched. It is .lie only soap for tho toilot, iiurseiy and bath. It positively removes pimples and cures redness and rouglinos* of ths skin, tt is universally ackuowl edged by those who havo usod it 1, .hesoap par oxcotie ve for all toilet purposes It is sent free of Customs duty to uny part of t 0 United States. Answers may ho mailed at any time butoro Nov nn mr i»t, itMJ, is 1110 prises are d - vided over cutiic iimr. coin petit,on is open] and pi ra ms can enter at any time with an oqucrl r ppo.tnnlty of scuiuingono of the leading prizes. Rim nibir Inat -very correct amwer *wilt bo awirdod a valuable prizo. This toilot soap is ret d cd at throe dollars per doxe 1 cak a, and we make thi* Jxti sordinory reduction in price “imply to introriucc it, The exiprisite Toilot Mfg. Co., is an established and financially responsild u manufacturing company, who offer the abo e pii<os purely as a legiti nite nun ncr of extending the sales of tin ir Exquisite Toilrt h iap to th pruplo of the Uni. tod "dales. Kemlt l y U. 8. fort d Note, Express Mulct order, Tw.. outs U.| lloglstcrod Lotte- and send your answers nt once. Address: EOKG1A—Fauldino County— Notice it hereby given that unless good cause be shown to the contrary a new second clasa public road will be established in said county on the 4th day of October next, commencing at the public toad near Cross Roads' church and running in the direction i Marietta ard by the resideaces J. F. Foster, J. T. Lewis, M. P. Lew is. J. H. Lewis, G. J. Kemp and Kemp to the Marietta and Burnt Hickory road, This August 31st 189s. H. C. Scoggins, ^Ordinary. BALIAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried, 5c per lb Honey, 10 “ “ Beans whiteJNavy, f:.oo bu “ mixed, 75c to 1.25 bu. Butter, ; 13c per lb. Corn, 50c pet bu CHICKENS. Hens. *5 to 27c Cocks, 15 to 20c ^ Frys, ,....i5ito aoc. Ducks, 15 to aoc. dog. Peas, Clay 80c per bu. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ “ Rye 65c “ 1 Lard, 10c per lb Wheat, 75c to f 1.00 per bushel Flour, #5.00 per, bll. Irish Potatoes,..-....30c, per peck. Sweet Potatoes 1.00 per bushel. Meat,...- 7 i-a per lb C'ata 60c pet bu Cotton 7 c. Ch np Mediciuc—f ava Mo ey. Ail buy medicine., and you wan* them cheap -at retail at wholosnle rates. Ja ouba’ pharmacy, the largest Southern 'cutlers” of prices, has an advertisement in to-day's paper containing a few prices All other articles are sold at similar cates. No matter what you wart Hint ia ■malty kept in a large drug store send to diem. They will sell it at astnuishlng low rat s, K (press charges for piw kages under five pounds, twenty-fiive cents. IVatch those advertisements and priors •Send for a number of things .at one word to the wise sufficient? EXQUISITE TOSLET MFC. CO. “X No 170 VOUNGE STREET, TERONTO, C NSDS F R ALE. I hereby offer forsale the brick Mtore house in the town of Dal las. Said store house adjoins Mr. O. P. Hen derson’s store, it is large and roomy, and can be bought at a — bargain. Call on EORGIA, Paulding County.— To alt whom it may concern: W. T. Dewberry admi'iistrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of said county deceased, has in due form ap pli*'d to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate, and said application will be heard a‘. my office on the first Monday in Decern ber next. Given under my hard and official signature. This sept. 8th 189s. H. C. Scoggins, ’ Ordinary. J. M. Spinks, Pub. New Era. HIRAM DRUGSTORE MO OTHER Sarsaparilla has the ■ — careful personal supervision of the proprietor in all the details of its prepa ration as has HOOD’S Sarsaparilla. NOTICE. I hereby forbid any one from hunting on any of my land, either inclosed or uninclosed, and persons hunting on the same will be pros ecuted to the axiint of the law. John Bont. E. W., M. D. J. H. Eabo'.e, M. D OFFICE OF DEAN & EARGLE, Physicians, S rgeous, Accjucheriw, anl Druggist; DEALERS IN )i’s, Pain..8, Varnishes, 7>ikt Articles; P r- fnines, Patent Medicines, Etc. ptions 1 nrfully compounded at all times. We solicit th. Patronage of the People of Hiram and. surrounding country. Con— soltaticjMviilh each other. Free-, UIRAM, GA. GEORGIA, PainmNO County. To all whom it may concern: All persons interested are hereby notifi ed that if no good cause be shown to the contrary an order will b.i granted by the undersigned on the first day >f November next establishing a new oad, commemin^ at the Rockmart md Powdersprings’ at Mrs. Matilda Pickett’s and running by the way of '•V. G. Gann’s, Joseph Carnes, Wm. Sanford’s and W. I. Akin’s, intersect- ng with the Yorkville ard Acworth road at or ner David Dudley's, Oct. 4, 189?. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary, ■ 1 1 ■ ■ 11 1 11 11 .1 _i 1 ■ GEORGIA, J Pauldinc County, f jTo all whom it may concern:— W. M. Rateree has in due form ap plied to.the undersigned for perma- n ent letters of administration on tl e estate of F,. L. Rateree, late of said_ county deceased to be placed in the” hands of W. L. Rollins and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand and official signature, his Oct. 4th 1892. H. (’. SconaiNf. Ordinary, FABMERS~S’&«?,'** 6 >0 page l ook, pl.11. ly illustrated, gvn M*iimaetures’ low n . —._est pries with Han 1 V r nfacturera’ discount k-Ais f AJ011 ail goods manu facturcd ai d im- GEORGIA | Paulding County. To all whom it may concern—Mrs. S. E. Ahxander has in due forn ap- pl a to tl e u idersigned for perira- nart etteis of admit • ration on the estate of W. C. I ste.«, late of sa d ported into the Uni- county deceased to be placed in ti e IfArPY 25* UWW 8 '. enU on | hands of W> L ' Ro,lins > Lv 1 111 VF JY ii X ,>T ' rT rin|! » r you 1 » s upon said appli at on 0 tfce nr.t .1 .. spend. Wesenonly first Monday in November ncx'. nmt ciris goods, Orocccies, Furniture. . . . . ^ 1 lothing, D.-y Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Given under my hand and offici. I and allocs, Notion", Crockery, Jowelry, S1 6 n *ture, this the 4th d ly of October Buggies aud '.Ilanieas, Agricultural im- 1892. H. O. SOOGGNS, i'i nienta, in fact anjlliing yon want. I Ordirnrv •Saved lijr buying of us. Send 26 cents I ' J' In pay axpressage on catalogue, a buyers a^arr.i n - , i guide. Wa are the only concern that “LUIWilA, PAULDING COUNTY. »ell» at manufacturer’s prices, aliowir.g ths buyer the lams discount that the manufacturer gives to the J wholesale To all whom it may concern:—Mrs. A. C. Twilly and Alice Barber has in due form applied to the undei signed We guarantee all feood. to l,e fnr , , 77 , . ‘ . b to representations fr monev re i for l«nuanant letters of admmistra- rade equal to representations or money re funded. Goods aent by express or freigh* tu>n on the estate of B. L. Pace late with rivel.go of eximinitio r ®f said county deceased, to be placed paying. in the hands of W. L. Rollins, and I A. K R *S A CO. 122 Quincy St., CU1 will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November nex^ given. AQHISiSmS^S under my band and <afficud s ' u t&ixCkf.sftb i8gzj l B. V. SooGGnm, * 4 Onimij. caao. 111.