The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, October 14, 1892, Image 2

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THE: NEW: ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J. M. SPINKS, EDITOR , AND J PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ONE YEAR 11.00 • IX MONTHS 60c three months 25c QTAdvertising rates sent on appli cation. Entoreil In tlio Pont Ofllc. at Dalian Ga., aa second-class mail macter. FRIDAY OCTOBER 14, 1892 An ^ccontric Man’s Coffin A Pitrlflrd Corpse. At Ilnzlewood Cemetery, near Montezuma, la., Charles Block, wishing to remove the remains of his wife who died eight years ago. ened her grave. He found it full of wat r and was astonished at the weight of the cofliin. The combined s rength of five men fi nally bn ught the cod'n out of thr ;rare, and when opened it wa found that the action «f the water h id turned the body to soli I stone, preserving its natural a|>pi*aranc< to a remarkable degree. Even i b inqurt of flowers held by tli< l -ad woman was perfectly petrifi n I. The skin was fair and th< mir as bla k and glossy as in life —Chicago Inter-Occan. The eccentricities of old age ar often more start ling than the pages of roman*e, as the following clip ping will prove: Ail esteemed bu: eccentric old gentleman who lived in a distant villiage, has bad hi* wishes cnrrivd out by being buried in a coffin in the shape of a chair For the past fifteen years he had been unable to rest except in an easy eh sir, end n I list position hr p posed to rest in the grave. H s n lends endeavored to dissuads him from his eccentric notion, but lie ordered a cabinet-maker to eon* struct the curious casket, which was finished before his death. It was substantially built of white oak, with wulnut trimmings. He left instructions to have his body placed in a sitting position, the wrists strapnrd to the arms of the chair the limbs to its legs, and the head and neck to the baok. A glass panel was placed In front. All these instructions were carried out and the coffin placed in an upright position in a huge bo:. The chair- coffin was kept on exhibition in the room of the deceased for eis weeks previous to his death, and lie took especial satisfaction in din- playing it to his friends. Ha was ninety years of age, a wealthy farmer, and wss loved and honored bv his neighbors,—Bangor Com mercial. The Cure For .Krotula was ones siqiptned to b« tin touch ol royalty. To-day, many (ratclul ,..„iplc know that the "sorerrlsn roll.oily" la Ayor’i Haruiparllla. |u werlul nltrr.v lira cxlliimlca "tho crll" hy tliiruURlilj thiulNaluiR all tho striinwua ik.Iioii from the I'loo.l. OiisiinqiUmi, cutarrh. and tsrlmii olhar |>hyolcnl a> well aa tuoulal maladl.a, liavs Utrir orlcln In SCROFULA Wb«n liBreilltary, tills di»cnie maiilfoitn It- i«ll In chlhlliootl I jr glandular nwrlthiKf, mnalnf Bore*, swollen Joints, si id gt'tirral ffi«bl«nrvt of liody. AdministerAyer'itHiirsa- partita on appearance of tho lint symptoms. 11 My llltlu girl wits trouhlml with ft painful sarafulous swaUIng under one of her aims. Tfta physician being unable to effect ft curt, 1 ffftve her one bottle of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and the swelling dlflappftftiftfl." —W. K. Kenurdy, McFarland'*, Ya. "I was cured of scrofula hy thr u.tenf Ayer's Sarsaparilla.”—J. C. Berry, Deer-field, Mo. ” 1 was troubled with n sore hand for orer two years, lining assured the rasa was serefuls, I took all bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and was cured."—fl. II Ink In*, Riverton, Neb. ranrAnan by * Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lovell, Mut. Bold by all Draggleie. Trice $1; els Louise, $t. Po'sinedby Sorofula- In tho sad Btory of many lives made luisorablo through no faults of thoir own. Scrofula is more espo cially than any other a hereditary disc-are, an-l for this simple reason Arising from impure and insufli ciunt blood, the disease locates it self in the ly mphatics, which are composed of white tissues; tbor a period of footal life when the whole body consists of white tis sues, and therefore the unborn child is especially susscptible this dreadful disease. But there is a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired It Hood's .Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful effect on the blood, ex pels all traco of tho disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not accept any substitute. Charity and Politics Mixed Below we print a letter from Joe Taylor col. in his own language as tent into us. Sister Louiza Ray has been waiting cn me for three months for nothing, and the democrats h vo been my best friends since J h ivo be. n sick. I saw Mr. Louis Washington and Col. Bartlett save a colored man from the chaingang lu-t c u i, an 11 do not think (< lor- d m. n should vote in the third party. I voted for Mr. Bart- bit and would do it again. Joe Taylor. NOTICE. I hereby any one from hunting on any of iny land, either inclosed or uninclosed, and persons hunting on the same will fc* ecited Id the ext( m. of the law. John Hoke. Hiram, Ga , Oet. 11th 1892. Thero is a report being circulat ed that I, E. W. Dean onterod in to an agreement with A. C. Bos well that as he was not able to get to the polls, I would not vote and that 1 afterwards violated that agreement and voted 1 hereby brand the above report as an infa nious lie. f never having mad such agreement, as is fully hIio.v by the following affidavit. E. W. DEAN. • EonaiA,—Paulding County. Personally came before me, A. C. Boswell who on oath says that he and Dr. E. W. Dean never made any such an agreement referred to above. A. C. Bohwki l. Sworn to and subscribed before me this October 11, 1892, R. T. Moon, J. P G. W. LINDSEY, -DEALER IN- G3neral Merchandise; SHOES A SPECIALITY. I have added 20 feet to mj Store House, and have by far thr Lrrgest Stock of Goods ever brought to Braswell. I buy a i low as the lowest and .sell cheap. CHILDREN'S, MISSES', LA" I iS AND MENS SHOEi. Guaranteed ts Give .Satisfaction, BRASWELL, •• GEORGIA Paulding Sheriffs Sale For- NOV., 1892- State of Georgia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga, on the first Tues day Nov. nest, to the highest and best bidder for cask, the following property, to-wit: Lots of land Non 415 and 416 in the 19th district and 3rd section 01 Paulding county Georgia, levied on m the property of the defendant J Murdock, to satisfy a superior ourt mortgage fi. fa. issued from the uperior court of Paulding county favor of Perkins Machine Co., vs . E. Murdock. Notice given as re tired by law. This Oct. 5th, 1*91 J. A. WESTBROOKS, SNiairr. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. DaruTiBS. * PRIZE PROBLEM CONTEST a vauiahe rmzt win re entnt ret nror conngc huh Doll ra The best way to avoid scalp dis eases, hair falling out, and prema ture baldnoss is to use the best preventive known for that purpose Hall’s Hair llenewer. The following persons have paid on subscriptions to the Nhw Era since our last issue and it is with pleasure we acknowledge the re ceipt for the same: W. H. Crew, H, W. Dubory, John Woodall, A. J. McBreyer, T, L. Roper, A. P. Urigg., L. F. Matthews, J. T. Monke, * Randal! Vaughn, J. S. Vaughn, R. T. Grogan, G. R. Elsbery, W. B. Barker, John Hitchcock, ANSWER, N'tliinji Is mere I iterestlng and entertaining In the cultivated fa'nil,v cli. linn n lulglit I'rixe Competition which will bring into active use Hie abilities ompotitors when it is known that such competition la uarried out >y ; tin origii tors n II pel fee'ly fair and honorable manner. Ah 11 means of advertising onr brand of Exquisite Toilet Soap »nd Inin ui'iitg it Into tho homea where it la n wused, wa offer the following prlaea, whir 'll. lie awarded to aitccesaful contestants without any partiality being shown t | arson or locality. PRIZES- To tho |>eraoii w ilding first eori ect answer to tho following problem will Iven their choice between a ilrs.-Aus Upd jhl Piano or Three Hundred an .-iffy Dollare in c»»h For the second correct answer will be paid TWO Hundoed Dollar* in < nal For tho third correct answer will lie paid One Hundred Dollar* In cosh. For the fourth correct answer will be paid Fifty Dollar! in Cash. To tho person sending the correct answer which is received last will I* glvei choice between a lint-clues Upright Piano or ; h .« Hund ed and Fill ra in Cnah, For the next to the I >stcorrect answer will be paid One Hundred Dolll, ill Cash. ' other Valuable Prizat. «uoh as Silver Watches, Pe l Opera (llnsscs, Silv Vegetable Uislics, Silver Ton Sets, Silver Hisciitt Jnra, Sllrer Coffee 8-ts. SUv :nkc Slands, Piano Lamps, Silver Insert Sets, Fruit Knives,, ete„ etc., will h awarded to every person sending correct answer. PROBLEM A frog at tlio bottom of a well ten feet deep climbs up a foot every day an e I a, k a half foot evaiy night. How many days will it take him to reach tli op of the well. CONDITIONS. Every contest nt must enclose with their answer one dollar for one doav cakes of our Exquisite Toilet Soap, wrhlcli I, the purest and finest soap for tl. ■skin mid complexion that Ins ever been manufactured. It contain* none of thes’ oisonmia preparations which cause the skin to become rough and parched. It is the only soap for the toilet, nnrseiy and bath. It positively remove pimples and ernes redness and roughness of the akin. It is universally acknow; udged by those who have used It a. the soap pur excalle ice for all toll .t purpose it is sent freo of Custom* duty to any part of the United Slates. Answers mn ■," Inallod at any time before November 1st, 18U2, as tlio prizes are equitably d ided over eutiiu time ooinpetit|oii Is o|miii| and persons can enter at any time will a 1 nqucrl oppoi tunlty of securing one of the leading prixea. Rem mber th very con cot mis worjwlll lie awarded a valuable prixe. Tills toilet soap is ret.d.eil at throe dollar, per dexon cak e, and we make this oxtinordlnnry reduction in price simply to introduce it, The exquisite Toilet Mfg. Co., is an established end financially respnnsib manufacturing eomprny. who offer the above piixes purely aa a legltl nate man ner of extending tlic sides of their Exquisite Toilet soap to th pooplo of the Uni ted Slates. Remit by U. S. ro- tal Note, Express Money order, Tw<. euts U.|(. Slumps o Registered Letter, and send your answer, at once. Address; EXQUISITE TOILET MFC, CO. “X” H.. 170 VOUHGE STSEET, TESONTO, 0 SWA HIRAM DRUGSTORE E. W. Dean, M. D. J. H. Carole, M. D Rtxd the list of legal advertise ments and see if you are interested in any of them. MO OTHER Sarsaparilla can pro- * duce from actual cures saebuoa- doful sUtements of relief to human * B ® E **Y * 11000*0 Sarsaparilla. DEAN & EARGLE, Physicians, Surgeons, Acconchercs, and Pruggist; DEALERS IN Oils, PaiiEs, Varnishes, Toilet Articles; Pur-' fumes, Patent Medicines, Etc. I’lvseiiptions carfully compounded at all times. We solicit the Patronage of the People of Hiram and surrounding country. Con sultation with each other Free-. HIRAM, GA, Cheap All hey medieiaae, and yen wan* Urns sheep -at retail a* wheleeale rata*. Jt cobs’ pharmacy, th* largM* Iwitir* ■eeMere” of prices, haeae ariverGeemeat In t»4ay‘* pap** santaialnff a fa* prices All ethar ertMe* ate sold at thnflar rats*. Me nattier what yen wnet that la usually kepi la a large drag store seed ke i. They trill sell It at aatwriahlng low ratrs, Express skargea fsr package* uim’m five pennda, twenty-file* esata. Wetck thsee advertise—at* and fHttt •Seed for inseha of tklsppt an* ward to the wise auBeleatf GEORGIA, ) Pauldino Countv. f 'o all whom It may concern:— J. M. Walraven, Administrator of th istato of P. J, Walraven deceased hr tpplied te the un lerelgned foi letters Hsmlssion from said eatvte and said a ilieatlon will be heard on theflist Mix »y In January 1891. This Oet. II 180 H.C. SCOGGINS, OnmnaaT. GEORGIA, I Paui.iiino Covmtt. I all whom it may eonoern:— J. Adcock, Admlnlatrator of ffn, Ad -•ck deceased ha* applied to the under ■gned for letters of dlamiatlonf i om aai state and said application will he hear,, 'it the first Monday Is January 1113. This October II, ISM. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ohdixabt. GEORGIA, ) Faui.dino County.' j I'o all whom it may concern:— All persons intereited are htreh; "vified that if no good cause show > the contrary an order will be grant 1 hy the undersigned on the ytl lay of Nov. neat establishing a ntw •s*l commencing at the Dallas an« louglasville road near Mra. Aim leal* ruaniag through the lands ef J (■ Clor.ts and Mrs. F. S. Kiker inter (acting the Hiram and Powde prings road near Mrs. F. S. Kiker 1 . his October nth 189*. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paumhng County, j r« all whom it may concern:— !'-■ W. Moody and J. A. Moody .'uardiane for John Baiter appli*- " '»* fur letters of dismission from ■aid guardiauahip and I will paw >!>on this application on the fire Monday in Nov. nest at my office 11 Dallas, said county. Given an- ter my hand and official •‘gnature riiii the 11th day ef Oet. 1892. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, 1 Paulding County. { To all whom it may concern:— The apprasiers appointed to set apart a twelve months support to Ma' ry Rateree widow of E. L. Ratorce ate of said county deceased out o' the estate of said detested having fil ed their report in my office, all per sons interested are hereby notified that I will pass upon the same at my office on th* first Monday in Novem ber next, oiven under my band and official signature. ThisOctober nth 189s. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. AdmiEl-vt'-ators’s Sale Agreeably to an ordar of the court of Ordinary of Paulding ownty,will be sold at auction at the courthouse door of said county the first Tueday in November next within the legal hours of sale the following property, to-wit- Lot of jand No. 819 in the 2nd district and 3rd section of said county, told EORGIA, Pauldino County.— To all whom it may coocaro: W. I; Dowberry administrator of tho co sts of William Dewberry lot* of sold toonty deceased, has la due form op died to tho underaigoed for lottor s t dismistioa from said catato, and -aid application will bo hoard ot my •Dice oo the first Mooday la Decam ter next. Given ander my haad and •flicial aignaturo. This pept Stk 189a. H. C. ScoeoiNi, Ordinary. IEORGIA, Pautdin® County. To all whom it may coocero: All •ersons interested are hereby notifi- 1 that if no good cause be shown te he contrary an order will be granted «y the undersigned on the first day •f November nett establishing a new •ad, commencing at the Rockmart nd Powdersprings* at Mra. Matilda ’ickett’a aad running by tho way of V. G. Gann’s, Joseph Carnes, Wm. -anford's and H. I. Akin's, intersect- ng with the Yorkville and Aeworth >ad at or ner David Dudley’*, Oct. 4, 4,1. H. C. Scocoins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, > Pauldinc County, f •"o all whom it may concern:— W. M. Rateree hae in due form hp- •lied to the undersigned (or perms- ent letters of administration on tho istato of E. L. Rateree, late of cold iunty deceased to bo placed in tho sndaof W. L. Rollins and I will ass upon said application on tho first tonday in Novombar next. Given mder my hand and official aignaturo, his Oct. 4th 189*. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary, IEORGIA Pauldino County. To all whom it may concern:—Mrs. ■. E. Alexander has in duo fora ap- . idd to tl e U'idersigned for perms- v.nt otter a of admine'ration on the -etateof W. C. Estes, late of Mid :ounty deceased to be plAced in th* hands of W. L. Rollins, and I will a s upon said appli ation on th* rst Monday in November neat.j Given under my hand and officia ■ignature, this the 4th day of October 1892. H. C. Scoggns, Ordinary. •EORGfA, Pauldino Count r To all whom it may cone ora:—Mrs * \. C. Twilly and Alice Barber has ia lue for:.\ applied to the undersigned or per. sanant letters of adminiatra- fj, •ion on the estate of B. L. Pace let*. ■f said county deceased, to be placed n the hand* of W. L. Rollins, and I oil pass upon said application on th* ■irst Monday in November neat, given under my hand and official signature this Oct. 4th 189■« H. G. RouGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Pauldino County— To all whom it may concern:—E. Davis has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanant letters of administration on the estate of A. J. Atkerson late of said connty deceased and I will pats upen said application on the first Monday in November next Given under my hand and offi • •tl signature, this Oct 4th 189s. M. C. Scoooins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paulding Couxtt. | To all whom it may coneom:— Gannett Dudley wife of David Dudley baa applied far exomptiow of personality and avtting apart, and valaatieo of homestead owl of at the property of E, W. Compton, j estate of David Dudl.y and I Terms cash. This tho 6tb day of ■ Odiobor 1592. W- L Roli.ins, Adm. o’cbek or tbs Hat day of October 1892.01 my office. I U.C.8COGGI:;*,