The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, October 21, 1892, Image 2

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- .n THE: NEW: ERA PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J. M. SPINKS, EDITOR AS I) PROPRIETOR. TERMS. OSK YEAR SI X MONTHS fllREB MONTHS 111.00 r>o. 2.V Qf* Advertising cation. rates sent on appli Entered In tlio 1’ust Office »t Dulls* Gn., is secoiidM'Inss malt mailer, FRIDAY OCTOBER 21, 1892 PLANT A HOME* Young beginer- in life's morning Don’t forget the rainy day; Sun:lime cannot la.t forever, Or the heart he always gay. ' Save the dim a, and then the dollar, Toy up something as you roam— Choose some bloomin' spot of be.iutv Some fair lot, and “plant a home.’ You, too, who have babes around you Coming up to take your place; (live them something to remember— Ho nestcad memories let them trace Would you feel a pride of manhood, Let tne sun your dwelling greet— Breathe the blessed air of freedom, Own the soil beneath your feet. You too, perhaps have srptandered Life's fair morn—'tis not too late! Start at once to woo bright Foitune Rail no more at so called “Fate." Sow the golden seeds of saying In the rich and quickening loam; Spend your last day* not with stran gets, Enter Heaven's gale from “home Poisined by Sorofuli- Is lliu sad story of many lives made misoinblo through no faults of their own. Su’ofula is more rape eially than any other a hereditary disenso, and for this simple reuam Arising from impure and iniuiUi- uioiit blood, the disnaso locates it self in the lymphatics, which are foinposed of whito tissues; tiler a period of foetal life when the wholo hotly consists of w hito tis sues, and tlnreforo the unborn eliild is especially susseptilde to this dreadful disease. But I here >» a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired. It Uood’s Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful effect on the blood, pels all trace of the disease anti gives to the vital fluid the quality ami color of liiulth. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not accept any substitute. Truo to His Old Friend, The Detroit Freo Tress tells a little story illustrating in a very touching manner how one can lie come attached to an aniniil. An old man was leading a thin old hoi sc across tlio commons in the northern part of tlio city, it says when a pusier-by asked him whoi he going. “I’m searching for a hit of green for the poor beast,” lie answered. “I'd send him to the bone-yeard or the glue factory," said the other contemptuously. “Would you?” asked tlm old m in in a trembling voice; “If hi had been the best frieud you had in tlie world and helped you to • arn food for your family for near ly -j years? If the children that’s gone and the chjldren that's livin’ had played with their arms’around his neck and their heads on him for a pillow, when they had no other? Sii, lie’s carried us to mill and to meetin’ an’ please God lie shall die like a Christian, an’ I'll bury him with these old hands. Nobody'll ever abuse old IJ*I1, for if I go afore him there are thoie as are paid to iook after him." “1 bog your pardon,” said the man who had accosted him. “there is a difference in people. “•Aye,and in horses, too,” mid the old man am he parse h on with Vis low-looted friend. DOING HER SHARE, Tile Wowing story i* told in a Western paper. The young phy sician was tired when l.e leturnnd f.’em his evening’s calls, but as he settled back in his easy chair and his pretty wife of only a mouth cr two took a seat beside him, ho ask ed affectionately: “And has my little wife been lonely?*’ “O, no,’ she raid animated! ‘.Ulea^t, not very. I've something to busy myself with. I in organizing a class. A lot of youi g girls and married women are in it, a id no're exchanges ex* perienees and teaching each othe. how to cook. ‘What do you do with tin things you cook?" ho asked inter estedly. “O, we send then) to the neigh bors just to show what wo can do rhere’s one boarding house get* most of it. It's lots of fun.” “Dear little woman,” he said, loaning over ami kissing her. “Al ways thoughtful of your husband's practice. Always anxious la ex tend it." SINGERS fubJIc speakers, nr tors, auctioneers, teach- •rs, preachers, and all who nre liable t< oror-tax and Irrltato the vocal organs, find, In Aynr’s Cherry I’crtu.’nl, A snfe, certain, and speedy relief. It soothes the larynx, allays Inflammation, strengthens tlio voice* and for whooping cough, croup, sore throat, and the sudden colds to which children arc exposed, tills preparation Us without equal. William II. Quartly, Auctioneer, Minin* ton, Australia, writes: •• In my profession of an auctioneer, any affection of the voice or throat Is a serious matter; but, at each attack, I have been BENEFITED BY a lew <10,™ III Ayer’s Cherry I’ortnrnl. Tills remedy, villi ordinary care, Inis worked such insfilonl effect Hint l have ill He rod very llttlu Inconvenience." “ llnrlti* thoroughly tested tlio proportlos ot Ayer’s Cherry 1’eetnriU ns n remedy lor bronchitis sml throat aflcctlons, I am heart ily kind to testify to the intrinsic merits of this preparation.”—T. J. Macmnrrny, Au thor and Lecturer, lllplcy, Ohio. "Ayer’s Cherry rcctoral has clnnred and strenRthnued my voice, so that I am aide to speak with very much more ease nod com fort than before." —(Ilov.) C. N. Nichols, Castor of llnptlst Church, No. Tilbury, Maas. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral * rilRPARRI) IIY Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Man. Fold by all I'rlco $1; .1. betilea, It, A GREAT NEW MTjL West Poiat is to have n new six-hundred tlioiifiimLili l!ai cotton mill. Mr. L. Lanier, the known financier who is president of the new milling co.npsiiv, lm.* 8»le'ted West Point as the site and his decision hat created g eit deal of enthusiasm heir. This is the Larnuete cotton mil's The total stock, $ 10'1,001.', h. ’ cm subscribed und tlio book doted. The mill is to contain 2 3,0' 0 spindles, and 000 broad looms The building will be -100x10' feet, four stories high, rid will re quire a ono-thoitsan i horse j owei engine to run it. The yearly con sumption of cotton 12,00 halos. The stocK of this company i largely owned by tlio West Point Manufacturing Company stock holdess and the management oi his company’* affairs as well the West Point Maiuifictiiring anil the Guleton cotton mills, will be in the hands of Messrs. W. ( :. n t ] L. Lanier. This is sufficient to insure success of the new voturo. There is no business men in Geor gia who stand higher or who have a raoie splendid record of accom plishment than tbo Messrs Lanier. I heir business method have stood the test of a quarter of a century. Starting after the war with noth ing, in an impoverished country they have buildcd manufactories that stand as splendid monuments to their ability. They a-e now held in such high regard that cap italist freely co-operate wi'h them in what over they recommend. The combined capital of those three mills will aggregate ov< r 4*1,000,000 and represents 50,000 G. W. LINDSEY, DEALER IN Gsneral Merchandise; SHOES A SPECIALITY. I have added 20 feet to mj Store House, and have by far the Largest Stock of Geods ever brought to Braswell. , I buy as low as the lowest and sell cheap. CHILDREN’S, MISSES’, LA~ fiS AND MENS SHOES. Guaranteed to Give ISatisfacthd, BRASWELL, .. GEORGIA APRIZE PROBLEM CONTES l A VALUABLE P.TZE WILL BE fqh EV ;r ITWC AN i WEB. Nothing I* more I iteresting an I I'li’orUltilng Ir. the cultivnted fnmll ■ ,|i 1 linn a Might Prize Competition ilileli will l.i-inj' into active use tlio .1,1 !* ! e ompnHtors wlnui It in known that .null co up itiii ui ia carried out by til ■ i tills in a perfectly fair and honorable manner. A» n nienlis Ilf uilvertlilllK'(ini liliind of Exquislts Toilet Soip '"I ini’ lining It into the homua wliei e It ia u w used, ws offer the following pris a. wlii will he awni'ded to auectsaful omits.) Lints wi hout any partiality being -ho vn poraou or locality. PRIZES. To the poison sending drat correct anr vor to the 'oil w'n" pro'lem i Ki en ilielr ehoieo lie!ween a llrst-jlira 'Jp-| |V PilffO ’ ,r Three Hliud ’ id • • Fifty Dollert ill rush ►’or the second correct answer will ho paid Two Hundecd Doll ire In ens Fo; the third corroo: nnawer will lie paid 0*6 Hundred D t'ler* « <’ a'i. For tile fourtli corrct nimwei' will lie pni ■ Fifty Dollsre ii Canh, To the person nenriing the correct nnawer whlrli ia received I *t will he gi, their choice letwcvnailr.i-clasiUpri’ hi Pieno or lit re Hundred t.ld Flf ’ Doll rs in ChhIi. Ft tlio next to the 1 ’itcorrect nnawer will lie .ni l One Hen ired Doha in Citalt. Other Valuable Priz’s, atich na Silver Watchaa, Perl Opera Ola,sex, S. Vegetable Lil lies, Silver Tea seta, Sliver II truit Jars, Silver offrr Sols, Si (Juke Stands, l’lnno l.ampa, silver L)eantScl>, Fruit Kidvif., etc., etc., will ! awarded to every person sending corro t answer. PROBLEM- A frog at tlio liottom of * well ten fout deep clinili* up . foot every dBy ; r sillies hack a half foot eveiy uiglit. How many days will it take him to reach tl op of till* Welle CONDITIONS. Kvery e.n'estent must oneloae with tlirlr answer one d illar for one don \ ikes of our Exqullite ToHot Soap, Which i* tile pureHt and finest soap for tk . sk^ ml complexion Hint h 'a e ver been inannfnctured. It conlal i« none of t i l> a preparations which cause tho skin tolee’.me run h and parched. It Ik tile only soap for the toilet, nurse.y and lMl‘,h. It positively removt pimples and tines redness and roughness of thi> akin. It ia universally aeknow edged by thorn who hivo use I It as the soap par excellence for all toil -t pnrpos it ia senl free of Customs duty to nny pint of the United Slates. Answers ma lie in died at any time beloro Novumlier 1st, tlie prizoa are equitably d ' idl’d over entitu lime competition is openj and persona can enter atany time v n equi rl oppoi tunlty of arcurlng one of the leading piises. Rem inker t * vriy amwerjwlll lie awarded a valuthlu prize. Tills toilet soap is retai.ed at throe dollars per doxru cak a, and we make 11 i oxl. n rdinnry reduction in price simply to introduce It, Tlie exquisite Toilet Wfg. t’o., is nu established and financially respons ii manufacturing uoinprny. who offer tlie above pii/.e» purely as a Icgltl nato mm »er of extending tire sales of tlieir Exquisite Toilet soap to tlie people of the U ttd Sil ks. iicmit by U. S. Postal Note, Express Mime’ order, Two-eents U.| s. Sii nu : .He* isteicd Letter and send your answers at once. Address’ EXQUISSTE TOILET MFC, CO. «X’ No. 170 YOUNQE STREET, TERONTO, CN\D.V Pauidlb • Sheriffs Sale For! fTOV., 1892- State of Georgia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tues day Nov. next, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 415 and 426 in the 19th district and 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia, levied on as the property of the defendant J. K. Murdock, to satisfy' a superior court mortgage fi. fa. issued from the ‘aperior court of Paulding county, in favor of Perkins Machine Co., vs. J. E. Murdock. Notice given as re quired by law. This Oct. 5th, 1892. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Deputies. Ch ap Medicine—save Money. All buy medicines, and you wan* them cheap -at retail at wholesale rates. Ja cubs’ pharmacy, the largest Southern ‘cutters” of prices, lias an advertisement in to-day's paper containing a few prires All other articles ate sold at similar rates. No matter what you wart that is usually kept in a largo drug store send to them. They will sell it at astonishing low rates, K (press charges for packages under five pounds, tweiity-filve cents. Watch these advertisements and pricts uSend for a number of things .at one word to thcwisa sufficient? GEORGIA, \ Paulding Countv. j To all whom it may concern :— J. M. Walravcn, Adinin’strator of the •state of P. J. Walraren deceased lie ppliod to tlie tin lersigned for letters of lismission Irani said ostato and said ap plication will ho heard on tlie fiist Mon Jay In January 189 ). This Oct. 11 ISO? II. <J. SCOGGINS, OllDIXAIIT GEORGIA, I pAiri.niNu County. ( o ail wiioni it may uoncvi 11.— J. Ailcock, Administrator of Wiv, Ail •ck deceased has applied to tho under gned for lett irs of dismission fi om sai •late and said application will be h«ori 1 tho first Monday in January I SAI, This October 11, lSDt. If. C. SCOGGINS, OnmxAHv. 7,4 l»M LM)Q " rltn fur our J A Fi Llu"'oth Catalogue, if Otk) page hook, plain ly ifluurated, givm llaouiactures’ Ion S . ¥TT _ost price with Man * V Ii lfscturers’ discount rl 1 XJ m all goods maim factuicd and im ported into the Uni- led Statis. \f A U 2'> lo W cents 011 Ti U A li I , ' V, ' , T ,r i' 0 " ^ LI XJ A gpend We He „ on]y first goods, Groceries, Furn'turc, ( 1 itliing, D. y Goods, Hats, Caps, |Uoots mid shots, Notions, Crockery, Jewelry, B iggies and Harness, Agricultural im- plinients, in fnct anything yon want. Snvcd by buying of ua. Sendfi) cents iopay oxprcssngc on catalogue,* huyers guide. \V“ are tlie only concern that sells it maiiufaciiirei’s prices, alloning tho buyer the same discount tint tlie manufacturer gives to the J wholesal rile Wo guarantee all Jqoo Is to he equal to rnprcsoii!atioua or money le (mlled. Guilds sent by express or froi h with pri -ul ig) of ux 1 uia ti • r paying. . KAHl'KN Quincy St., CM -■ago. Hi. DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried, Honey, Beans white Navy, . , “ mixed,. Butter, SC per II snintlles. Tlio fsiuories II „ s and tiwaa mamas with Dsrvomwwas -warn* rawiones t w H coil- j kKacareovovevwultwOlbe w&e.«i; . isklj lfeuralfftc feriMK. \ ftM IhvMt troibled witU nin'OMWMw sumo about, 2'i.iftKl bains, yearly. of C<)i,(j nJ lirsmi'. I mm outers. • t'.OO bu • 7S C to 1.25 bu. «SC per lb. ^ orn ’ S°c) ei bu CHICKENS. Dens ; to 27c Cocks to 20c * r y s / • •■ ■ ■ s to 20c. *'- c - :s / >5 to 20c. EgfiSi 15 c do*. Teas, Clay ; 80c per bu. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ R ye 65c » I* arc *' per lb Wheat, 75c to $1.00 per bushel F1 °ur 85.00 per, bll. Irish J’otatoes,......30c, per peck. Sweet Potatoes 40 per bushel. M eat 10 per lb G 'ts 50c pet Vu Cotton, 7 i GEORGIA, ) Paui.dino County. j 0 all whom it may concern:— All persons interested are hcreb ’tilled that if no good cause show the contrary an order will be gram by the undersigned on the 7t y of Nov. next establishing a nsv id commencing at the Dallas an ►uglasville road near Mrs. Alin :als running through the lands of J . Clor.ts and Mrs. F. S. Kiker inte cting the Hiram and Powdc irings road near Mrs. F. S. Kiker his October nth 1892. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordina.x v. GEORGIA, J i’AUM>ING COUNTY, j '«> all whom it may concern: — K. W. Moody a id J, A. Mood uardinna for John Baxter spplii o me for letters of dismission froi aid guardiai (hi > and I will |ur ipon this application on the fin •fonday in Nov. next at my olfic 'it Dallas, said county. Given tin lermy hand and official s ; gnatu rhis the 11th day of Oct. 1892. H.C. SUOuGlNS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, 1 Paulding County, j o all whom it may concern:— The spprasiers appointed to sc' art a twelve months support to M;. t Ralerei widow of E. L. Ratsree te of said county deceased out o he estate of said deceased having f: d their report in my office, all pe tons interesled are hereby notifiei hat I will pass upon the same at nr iffice on th« first Monday in Novem oer next. Given under my hand ant official signature. This October 11 tl 1892. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. Adminl-st' ato/’s’s Sale Agreeably to an order of tin ;ourt of Ordinary of Paulding ountv, will lie sold at auction in tho courthouse door of said county the first Tneday in November next within the legal hours of sale the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 819 in the 2nd district and 3rd section of said county, sold as the property of E, \V. Compton, lata of said county deceased. Terms cash. This tlie 6th day of October 1892. W- L. Rollins, Adair. EORGIA, Paulding County.— To all whom it may concern: W. T. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of said county deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for lettcr s of dismission from said estate, and -aid application will be heard a*, my office on the first Monday in Decern ber next. Given under my hand and official signature. This (,’ept. 8th '892. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Pau'idinb County. To all whom it may concern: All persons interested arc hereby notifi ed that i r no good cause be shown to the contrary an order will b,* granted by the undersigned on the first day of November next establishing a new road, commencing at the Rockmart and Powdersprings’ at Mrs. Matilda Pickett’s and running by the way of W. G. Gann’s, Joseph Carnes, Win. vanroro s ana H. 1. Akin s, imcrsect- ng with the Yorkville and Acworth oad at or ner David Dudley’s, Oct. 4, 1S92. H. C. Scoggins, Oi’dinnrv, GEORGIA, ) f Pauldinc County, j l’o all whom it may concern:— W. M. Raterce has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for perma- lent letters of administration on the :state of F.. L. Raterce, late of said ;ounly deceased to be placed in the lands of W. L. Rollins and I will .iass upon said application on the first Monday in November next. Given inder my hand and official signature, his Oct. 4th 1892. II. C. Scoggins, Ordinary, ► EORGIA Paulding County. To all whom it may concern:—Mis. >. E. Alexander has in due’ forn ap- ,1 *:! to the undersigned for perma- mr.t etters of administration on the state of W. C. Estes, late of said ounty deceased to be placed in the ands of VY. L. Rollins, and I will ,a;s upon said application on (he rst Monday in November next, iiven under my hand and official ignalurc, this the 41I1 day of October .892. II. C. ScoGGNS, Ordinary, JEORGIA, Paulding County To all whom it may concern:—Mrs, \. C. Twilly and Alice Barber lias in me form applied to the undersigned or permanant letters of administra- ion on the estate of 11. I.. Pace late ■f said county deceased, to be placed n the hands of W. L. Rollins, and I rill pass upon said application on the irst Monday in November next, given inder my hand and official signature his Oct. 4th 189:. 11. U. Scoggins, Ordinary. IEORG1A—Paulding County— To all whom it may concern:—E )avis has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanant letters of administration on the estate of A. J, Atkerson late of said county deceased and I will pass Upon said application on the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand and offi C : al signature, this Oct. 4U1 1392. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— Gennett Dudley wife of David Dudley has applied fer exemption of personality and setting apart, and valuation of homestead out of the estate of David Dudley and I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock on the 31st daj of October 1892L alt mj office. 1L C. SCOGGINS, Okduuki.