The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, November 04, 1892, Image 2

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THE: NEW: ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J.M. SPINKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ONE TEAR BIX MONTHS • ... three months *1.00 f>0c 2iic Or"Advcrlising rate* sent on appli cation. Entered In tlio Post Ofileo at Dallns, On., us HOCohd-claHH mail matter, FRIDAY NOVEMBERS 1802. A New Gotten Picker, C unlituti li, Montgomer , Ain., Oclober 111 —A successful Inst wits n ude today of M. C. Scott's Mibuibnn planlu t on by tlie Southern ! 'ott.m Har vesting company with llieir mini . ly d Scevored ; nd already mac lnjirovcment cotton picking. A simple oontr ranee on four wheel pulled by nt I s, eight feet long three feet wide, and with eigli brushes, wiicr and !'o iblo tin gatherers. In less than ten mile utes, 20 "pounds were picked mu deposited in iho bags, The mu- chine uoutinuiug in that inannci from fur oir to furrow latisfyinp many farmers and business men present that this machine wil work a evolution in picking cotton. The company 1 ad among it, representatives on the spot Me. sis Lam, and Isaac RIrm, and M Mara, all capitalist of Galveston Tex. t o Pratts of Prattville, ami many other prominent man f om different parts of the country. For fear I am making my letter too long I will express my desire fur the continued success of the Nr.'.v Era, also its readers. It. \V. Davis. NOTICE, Having leased the New Era to Col. L. M. Washington to go into ffect on the first day of January next, I earnestly appeal to those due the paper for subscription, jo 1, work, legal or other advertisements to come and seltlo as soon as they possibly can, as our creditors want their money, and we wish to closr un our business ill the next fen weeks. All that you owe us is du* and we owe money and paying t high interest, it would therefore be a great favor to 11s, one that would lie appreciated if we could hare prompt and immediate set lements. J. M. Siiinks, Pub G. W. LINDSEY, —DEALER IN- Pc s ned ly Scriftla- Is the snd story of many lives mad,, lnl-.oiable through no faults o' ih dr own. hV'ofula is more rape chilly than any other a hereditary disea e, an I for this simple reason Arising from impure and insulli blood, the disoaso locales it self in the ly miilmtien, which are romposed of white tissues; then a period of f etal life when the whole body consists of [whites tis- uei, and th.reforo the unborn child i; especially susseptible to this dreadful disease, liut (lion 1 . a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired It i.-. Hood's Sarsaparilla, which by its pow 1 fill offset oil the blood, ex pels all trace of the disease anil giYes to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decid, to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do no accept any substitute. Bir.taliatcliio, Miss Mr. Editor:—Crops are moder ately good; we have gathered corn my father, grandfather and unch made 8!! two-horse loads Th up a id corn was good, but the bot tom was drowned out. The health hero is generally good, mid since wo begin gather ing I like the country better than I did b fore. School .will commence next Mon day. If we had more of our Georgia friends here wo would be glad, we think they could do better here. Mr. Sanders from Lost Mountain "ns here last wee:;, lie likes this 101 nty h • said, \V. jM. Davis was selling out to move to Texas, I wish lie con’d see this country, at least wo would like to lee kiln before be goes. Politics are high here speaking nearly eveiy day, but it will soon be over. Col speed the man that will do the country the greatest good. Tlieic is biinga bridge built near us across tlie river when it is completed we can go to town when w« wish, Ayer’s Pills May always bo rolled upon ns a certain euro for liver troubles, constipation, sick headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, Jaundice, and rheumatism. Unlike most cathartics, Ayer's 1’llls strengthen the stomach, liver, and bowels, and restore to tbeso organs their normal and regular action. Taken In season, they clinek tlie progress of colds, fevers, and malaria. Being purely vegetables and sugar-coated, Ayer’s Tills are The Favorite family medicine, while travelers, both by sea and land, find them to be Indispensable. “Wo sell more of Ayer's Tills than of all other kinds put together, and they give feet satisfaction."—Christensen & llaarlow, Druggists, Baldwin, WIs. “I have used Ayer's Tills for tho past thirty yean, and consider them an Invaluable Family Medicine I know of no better remedy for liver troubles and dyspepsia.”—Janies Quinn, Hartford, Ct. Capt. (’1ms. Mueller, of tho steamship '* Felicia,” says: “ For several years I buvo relied moro upon Ayer's Tills than anything else in the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels, and those of the ship’s crow. These Tills urv not soveru in their action, but do their work thoroughly. 1 have used them, ami with good cITcct, for tho cure of rheu matism, kidney troubles, nml dyspepsia/' Ayer’s Pills rnKPAnsn nv Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, M Every Dose Effective. ■McPherson dim ill* health hero is genoial gioil. I am informed t’ at Mr. lien Foysyth had his house burned last Saturday aiul lost about all ha . ' McPherson is booming. Mrs. Howell lias on hand a new stock of goods and she is a gof.d hand to ■oil them, The wt-utlrr is so nice tho peo- plo are taking cars of the puta o caop, The sinking at Willow Springs Sunday was a success and the young people seemed to enjoy it’ Some of our farmers aie sowing wheat. Long Tom. General Merchandise; SHOES A SPECIALITY • I have added 20 feet to my Store House, and have by far the Largest Stock of Geods ever brought to Braswell. I buy as low as tlie lowest and sell cheap. CHILDREN’S, MISSES’, LACHES AND MEN’S SHOE?. Guaranteed t0 Give ISatisfaction, BRASWELL, - GEORGIA | The following persons have paid ; Cheap Medicine—save Money. Ion subscriptions to the New Era. j since our last' issua and it is with pleasure we acknowledge tho re ceipt fofthe same: S, John Ca n, J. W. ( ana. J. T. Lester, C. J. 1.ester, J. R. Down an, J. P^Denton, Miss Genie Fo tar, W. J, Sli« ffield, , C, W. Baggett, J. C. McRrayer, G. A. Jarman. J. G. Woodal'. All buy medicines, and you wan*, them cheap -at retail at wholesale rates. Ja cohs’ pharmacy, tlio largest Southern cutters” of prices, has an advertisement in to-day's paper containing a few prices All other ai tides arc Sold at simitnr rates. No nml tor what. yo\i .want that is usually kept in a largo drug store send to them. They will sell it at astonishing low rates, Express charges for packages under live pounds, twcnty-iiive cents. Watcly these advertisements aud prioss uSond for a number of thlogsjat one n 0 d to tho wise sufficient? Foot call ut the Fa'r, A a ne of fin t all betc n th M Tier university fir t ekven, a'ld p’cked team, will be played nt aseball [ ark ou the .fairgrounds tomorrow morning. The ba'l wilt e kick d olf at 10:30, Tho pro eeds of the game go to furnishing tKe society pallors and library, l'ho game between tho T. elino logical team an I Mercer will be played here on Saturday A PRIZE PROBLEM CONTEST A \ll\i tl W e PRIZE WILL ViE IIVEM FOR EVT.Y RQRRECT AMW.B. cnsl Tixo Ercosslttoa TD'-i It Is how Mr, (). C. Johnson, of Hel- i , VV.» ex nvs-vs how lie found out what Taylor; (Vie/xikee Remedy f Sweet Gnm and Mullein wax, n 1 how tffi meious it is in curing on hi, cold.! un f croup. [/ 4 I) \1 LI 1)0 Write for our Mam . A 11 ill U 1 lllionth Catalogue g ItlU | age hour, plain lv illunHated, tfivin iClauufai'tmos’ low n i ]»rk® witli M.m l9 .~ Paj , S 1 V If ufnctnrmV cliacount *' W tJX\ ! A-iou all goods inatiu faotnrod and ini* ]iorf«rd into tlio Uui- tml .nIjiU’H. si ON E Y-^^ryCu V/ il li A gpt , n(1 ,v„ soil only first class poods, Grocccies, Kuril turo, Clothing, Dry Goods, lints, Cups, |Hoots and shoes, Notions, Crockery, Jawelry, Maggies nml Harness, Agricultural im- idimeuts, in fact anything you want. haved hy buying of us. SemlJ/’j ecu’./ to pay axpressago on catalogue, a buyers guide. We are tho only concern that sella at manufacturers prices, allowin . avowed candidate before that con- tho lmycr tho same discount that tlw ventjon, and that is tho name of manufacturer gives to thowholosslo T. J. Foster for Ordinary, whose ™ u ’ Wu maranteo all hoods to l.~ J . equal to representations or money rc announcement appeals l.. 11is pa- funded, tioodssent byexpress or ni li par. There will in all probability w privulogo of oximimtn r bo plenty 'of names for all the P n y‘ n K- r J ■ A. KAR Delegatus to the democratic con vention will b* chosen in e»ch dis- triot of the county on Friday the 18th of thl month: then the dele gates from tho se oral districts will meet at Dallas on Tuesday follow- ng, which is on tho .2nd Jay of his month lo nominate candidates for all county offices. At“ this writinr we have heard of but one Ning ii more I arresting ai d onto: ruining lr. the cultivated faint'r circl hau a Iniglit Pilau (,'ompctiliim «liicli will bring into a'tive Ul)r ahililirs oinpolitors when it is known that suoli competition Is carried out by.tln) orig na tors ill a peif t ly fair and honorabla maimer. As a menus of advertising unr brain I of Exquirile Toilet Soap and intro- neing it into tin; iiouies wliore it is n w n ;cd. is ir utter the following prises, whicl will lie awarded to saeeesstul oout 'stanls wi'.liput any partiality being sliowu to person or loealily. PRIZES- To the person sending first corretl ans ver to the following pro'ilem will lie giron choir elioleo liotiveeii a llrst-elass Upri jht PiaftO or rhea's Hantlrid n Fifty Dollars in < nah. For the pocuiid correct answer will ho paid Two Huntleod Dollars For the third coirooi an.swrr will liopaid Ona Hundred i3ollar For the fmu th corroct answer will ho paid Fifty Dollars in Cush. To the person .sending the correct; answer wld**h is received l*st will ’.o * iven t eir choice between aiirst-elass Upright Piano «»r Th^oe Hundred a id FIT') Doll rs in Cash. For tlio next to tho l vsteorroot answer will ho paid Ono Hlindrod Dollop in-Cash. Other Valuable Prizes. *uoh as S’lver WaLdios, Perltopera’ Glasses, Silvt Vegetable Dishes, Silver Tea Nets, Silver Hiseuit Jars, {Silver rSdve Cako.S!Anils, Vhmo I.ninps, Silver Desert tots, Fruit lvniv«h„ etc., cle., will h awarded to every person sending correct lumwer. PROBLEM- A frog at tho bottom of a well ten feet deep elimhs up a foot every day :*n “lidt s back a half foot ovoiy niglit. llow iijnny days will it take him to reach th op of the well. t- CONDITION i. Kvery e. ntost ’ nt must oneloso with their ans wer ono dollar for ono d cakes of our Exquisite Toilet Soap, Which i§ till* purest and. 1'nest soap for tlio *• slcj’imi complexion that Ins over boon manufacture.1. ft/Couti iu none of “ poison us preparations which cause the skin to become rough and parched It is the only soap for tho toilot, nurseiy and hath, it* positively remove pimples and cures roiinoss ami roughness of thoaskiu. If is universally aeknowl edged by those who have used it as tlio soap par o.ieollonca tor alt hni it purposes It is sent tree of Customs duty to any part of the United States. Answt rs may he malic*1 at any time betoro Novomher 1st, 1S02, as the prizes are ly di aled over cntiie lime competition is oponj and pemon^oaii enter atany 4iui»i with n equcrl (ippmtunity of securing one of the leading prizes. Remember til'd very answur^wi’.l ho awar led a valuable prize. This toilet soap is retain’d at throe dollars per doxeu a cakoK, and wc make lids oxtvnordinnry reduction in price simply to introduce it, The exquisite Toilet Mfg. Co., is ,tn established nnd fimineinlly respons \ I maim fact iii'ing company, who ofier the above prizes purely as a logiti nate mail ner of extending tlies .lea of the.r Fxiiuisite Toilet soap to t'lepooplo of the Uni. ted states. Kcinit by U. S. l’ostal Note, Express Money order. Two -cents U.| M; mps KegisUred Lotte’- and send your answers at once. Address: EXQUISITE TOIL ET MFC. CO. “X” No 170 YOUNGE STREET, TERCNTO, C.NAOA EORGIA, Paulding County.— To all whom il may concern;* W. T. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of said county deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate, and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in Dcccm ^ ber next. Given under my baud and official signature, This ;, £ej&- 3lh 1892. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. J AKE AN AGENCY FOR DAGGETT'S Sail, touting ROASTING PAN Bakes the B*** Bri ad iilli Vffli BEST UTENSIL te th« anirerM, Address newest oflUe for tense. W. A. DAssert k Co.. YlnelMd. V. J., Boston. Meet,, ' lento, On., Cblonco, 111., BnU Uke Oty. BtnB, OsAUn*. ;*L, Oelreeton, Ten. EORGIA, >, Paulding County, j "11 all wliom it may concern:— .1. M. Witlraven, Aitmiulstiator of tlu -late of P. ,i. Waliavon doosasud ' lias pplioil to the undorsigood for letters 'hsmlssion Irom said ostvto and said ap- I lioatloii will bo heard on theliist Mon day in January ISDi. LSttg. II. C. SCQOG1NS, Oiidinai: V. ( EORGIA, ) Paulding County. ) lo all whom it may concern:— W. M. Rateree has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for perma nent letters of administration on the es a e of E. L. Rateree, late of said! county deceased to be placed in the- hands of W. L. Rollins and I will p iss upon said application on the first Monday in November next- Given under my hand and official signature., his Oct. 4th 1892. 11. G. Scon oink, Ordinary, OKOItGIA, t Paulding County. J T-i all whom it liny concern:— .1. Adcock, Administrator of Win. Ad- C".:k deceased Inis applied to tlio uik or- si lied for letters of dismission fion, sain t . into and slid application will bo h»:vrd 111 the llrst Mon lay iu January 18.U. This Octo' or 11, 18U2. it. C. SCOGGINS. OmuNAitr. cffices go bjforo tho convention. The district election for delegates will be two weeks from today. &C . 122 Quincy St., ( lit eago, 111. ,-plnv-btl^.fiii iyn>* Ajfi-m-y of ti-rrjv'Tr ’w* mA t lit* Aiuwr-*ji yeuralgic Persons Awl thus* troubled wUh nervoesioiM rosnlting AouicareoroverwukkwiUbe reUevud by taktdV Brewn’t* Iron Bitters, oenuin. MgWIknqflcrc^s—<*«to»ioawnU'tK» DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried 5 c per lb Honey, “ ,| Jieans white Navy, jt;. 0 o liu ijtixcd, 75c to 1.25 bu. Rutter, Corn,. . liens. Cocks, Frys,.. 1 tucks, FgRS,.. CHICKENS. 3 5 .15c per I!). 50c j er bu lo 27c 15 to 20c 15 to 20c. 15 to 20c. 15 c doz. Peas, Clay, 80c per bu. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ •* Rye, . ,65c “ * Lard,.... 10c per lb t\ heat, 75c to £1.00 per bushel Tl°ur, £4.00 per, bib EORGIA, > Paulding County. J To all whom it may concern:— Ali persons interested are herein notified that if no good cause showi o tlie contrary an order will be grar i c I by the undersigned on the 71! < ly of Nov. next establishing a new road commencing at tlie Dallas and i touglasville road near Mrs. Alma Seals running through the lands of J. A.Clorts and Mrs. F. S. Kikct inter- ecting the Hiram and Powder • v firings road near Mrs. F. S. Kiker’s J 'll is October nth 1892. H. C. SCOGGINS, Oruina.-.y. GEORGIA Paulding County. To all whom it may concern:—Mrs. S. E. Alexander has in due forn ap- 1*1 to the undersigned for perma- nant .etters of administration on the state of W. C. Estes, late of said :ounty deceased to be placed in the lands of W. L. Rollins, and I will ass upon said application on the *rst Monday in November next, liven under my hand and officia signature, this the 4th day of October 1892. H. C. Scoggns, Oi dir, ary. 9EORGIA, Paulding County To all whom it may concern:—Mrs.. A. C. ’[’willy and Alice Barber has in, due form applied to the undersigned or permanant letters of administra tion on the estate of It. L. Face late yf said county deceased, to be placed in the hands of W. L. Rollins, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November next, given under my hand and official signature this Oct. 4th 189?, II. O. Scoggins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paulding County. ) To all whom it muy concern:— E. W. Moody ami J„ A. Moody guardians for John Baxter applies to 111c for letters of dismission from said guurdmushtp and I will pass upon this application on tho first Monday in Nov. next at my office in Dallas, said county. Given un der my hand and official signature. This the 11th day cf Oct. 1892. II. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, / # Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— The apprasitrs appointed to set apart a twelve months support to Ma iy Rateree widow of E. L. Ratsree. ate of said county deceased out of the estate of said deceased having fil ed their report in my office, all per- Irish Potatoes,.... .'.30c, ‘pei- peck. I sons interesled rr = Ilereb y notified Sweet Potatoes 40 per bushel, ‘hat I will pass upon the same at my Meat,.. 10 per lb cffice on ‘h* first Monday in Novem- <‘ats Cotton .--7 3-4 50c pei bu ber n 2Xt ' civen under m y hand and official signature. ThisOctober nth 1S92. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. (IEORGIA—Pauldino County— Toa'd whom it may concern:—E. Oavis has in due form applied to the, undersigned for permanant letters of. administration on the estate of A. J.. Atkerson late of said county deceased! and l will pass upon said application on the first -Monday in November next. Given under my hand and. offi cial signature, this Oct. 4th,iS92. H. C. Scoggins', Ordinary.. Paulding Sheriff ’s Sal a For DE^, 1892 State o[_Ge,_. 0 ia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the. town of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tucs day Dec. next, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following, property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 415 and 426 in the 19th district and 3rd section of Paulding'county Georgia, levied on Ls the property of the defendant J.. K. Murdock, to satisfy a superior • , ourt mortgage fi. fa. issued from the . ■ aperior court of Paulding county, in favor of Perkins Machine Co., vs. E. Murdock. Notice given as re quired by law. This Nov. 3rd, 1892. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Deputies. 'V J _ LXOiES wxidlisg a tmie, or Children that want traltdlu* — . UPf aiumlj Ukn ^ EHOWN’ft IRON B1TTEB8. «JL‘Smm 1