The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, November 11, 1892, Image 2

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Jm THE: NEW: ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY EDITOR J.M. SPTNKS, S and PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ONE TEAR 11.00 BIX MONTHS 60c three months 26c Liberty Hillfltems. There has been several cases o' fever in onr community since onr last writing Mr. Berry Born* and wife are both down with fever but are some better. [^^Advertising rates sent on appli cation. Entered in tlio Post Office at Dallas, Gn. t ns Hocoi.d-clasK mail matter. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11,1892. YORKVILLE. News is scarce in th so parts at prosent. The cotton crop is about nil gathered and it turnol out « little short. Corn crops turned out very good. W. A. Pool is still selling lots of goods at a reasonable price. We visitod relative) ne tr Ram ns hit week, and found Mr. J. M Holland in very feable health. Dr. Grocn of Cartorsville is treating his so. Mis. Gilford Prewett is still con Toed to her bod almost all thj the ti ne. Wo hear he cry of hard times, but wo nro not to the worst yet, agreeably to the old saying that lots weddings make hard times Was timed last Sunday, Mr. Scab White to Miss Emma Brown . also Mr. Tom Adair to Miss Ida Lyle, also u Mr. Parris to a Miss Wilson, and there s gsod prospect of several mi e very noon near YorKville. Myself and mother spent Inst woeic in Atlanta visiting relatives and riends and selling nptles: wo enjoyod the trip very much, bnt found that wo could buy goods in I)a las as heap as wocenld in At lanta. I would be glad if all the eor * respondents would givo the news oftoner and ton hing on pol- ites as we have been requested to d.y a hint to tho wise is sufficient Best wishes to all. J II, M. Poisenod by Sorofula- Is tho sad story of many lives mnd 0 misoiablo tlirough no faults o their own. Sc-ofula is more espo eially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simple reason Arising from impure and insuffi- cient blood, tho disease locates it self in the lymphatics, which arc romposed of white tissues; there a period of foetal life when the whole body consists of jwhito tis- uos, and thireforo the unborn child is especially ausseptible to this dreadful disease. But (here s a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired- It is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful effect on the blood, ex pels all traco of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of hoalth. If you decid,. to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do no; accept any substitute. NOTICE, Having leased the New Era to Col. L. M. Washington to go into i fleet on the first day of January next, I earnestly appeal to those duo the paper for subscription, job work, legal or other advertisements to come and settle as soon as they possibly can, as our creditors want their money, and we wish to close up our business in tho next few weeks. All that you owe us is due and we owe money and paying a high interest, it would therefore be a great favor to us, one that would be appreciated if we could have prompt and immediate set tlements. J. M. Shines, Pub. Mr. Overton Hitchcock is down with fe er. Mr. Zack Wix departed this life the first day of November with fever; he leaves a ^bereaved wifa and four girl children besides a host of other relatives and fricn s to mourn his departure. He whs a membei of the ivptist church a Whiteoak Springs, wlicro lie wa* laid to rest in Alliance honor. Funeral services conducted by E er Jainos Osborn. Elder M, F. Waddell an la Mr. Dean of IJaral on counly called in and spent lust Friday night wit) tin writer on tl oir way to Non Canaan church. G. W. LINDSEY, X -DEALER IN- Elder S. Foristor, a blind Math dist prune her, the Husband < S’aiali Ann Gogburn, of Alabama preached at Whiteoak Springe last Saturday night and Sunday, fol lowed l>y Eider James Osborn. Sunday night by m. F. Waddell, followed by Elder S, Forister. Til, jj irit o tho l ord b ing in the midst a warm meeting prevailed. How beautiful it is to teu different professional preachers pr.aoh anil pray together ami for each othe., when you can sue there is a love "xist for ca li other, It lias ever been my ilery to me why it is thm wo are all striving to get to the nine place tpul don’t wm t to gi together, but take different routes and ways when wo are taught ilia there is but ono wry, and 1 rooon almost evory man thinks bis way is right, but tliero is a wrong some where sure, and I have about de cided that it is in the heart of man. General Merchandise; SHOES A SPECIALITY I have added 20 feet to my Store House, and have by far (he Largest Stock of Geods ever brought to Braswell. I buy as low as the lowest and sell cheap. CHILDREN'S, MISSES 1 , LA?l!ib AND SVIEN’S SHOES. Guaranteed to Give [Satisfaction, 3R AS WELL, .. GEORGIA F. ORGIA, Pauldinu Countv. > To all whom it may concern:— J. M. Walravon, Administrator of the estate of I’, J. Walravon deceased lias ipplied to the nil,lei signed for letters of lismission iroin said estate and said ap plication will lie heard on the (list Mon day In January lMT;. This Oct, tl 18th'. IMJ. SCOGdlNS, On i>i x au v. GEORGIA, 1 PAULOINO Cot’NTV. ) To all whom it may concern:— •I. Adcock, Administrator of Wm, Ad cock deceased has applied to the intder- igneil for letters of dismission fiom sail’ estate and said application will lie hrard on tho first Monday in January 18:0. This OotoLer 11, 1802. li. C. SCOGGINS, Onm.VAitv. Cheap Medicine—save Money. All buy medicines, and you wan 1 them cheap -at retail at wholesale rates, Ja colis’ pharmacy, tho largest Southern “cutters” of prices, 1ms an advertisement in to. day s paper containing a few prices Ail other articles are sold at similar, rates. No matter what you wki't that is usually kept in a Impelling store semi to them.' They will soil it at astonishing low rat s, E tpress charges for pnekages under live pounds, twenty-Dlve cents. Watch these advertisements and prices uSend fur a number of oneau word to tho wise sufficient? Mr. Sam Moody’s lit. le boy nbo u si { yra-s old was off In-t Sunday in the mountains between Mr Moo y’s and Ji mes Bullock's with some older boys at play, and In got lost from them and takon a different direction and was going from ho ne. who he was found lie was over two miles from home lie .r Mr. Chambers, so it is, if a m?.n had a hundred children an one of them go a stray he will leave tho 99 and never ro;t until ho finds the one that i lost in ho wild >r.i net s, G. IF. C. INVALIDS Coin rapidly In lioalUi and itronglli by tho me ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. -This medicine aubslltiites rich ami pert blood, tor tbs llnpuverlslicd fluid loll in the volns nllor fevers ami oilinr wasting sickness. It In,, proves thu appetite and tones up tha system, so iliat convalescents soon Become Strong active, and vigorous. To relieve that tired feeling, depression of spirits, and nervous debility, no other medicine produces the speedy and permanent effect of Ayer’s Sar saparilla. K. O. Loi-Iiik, Hrockton, Mass., writes: "I aiu confident tbni anyone suffer- Inp from the offects of arrnfult, general de bility, want of appetite, depression of spirits, and lassitude will bo cured By Using Ayer's Snrsaparllla; for I have taken It, and apeak from experience." " In the summer of 1888, I was cured of nervous debility by the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla."-Mrs. 11. Benoit,« Middle st., Paw tucket, It. I. " several years ago I was In a debilitated condition. Other remedies having (ailed, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was grcally Pencilled. As a Spring medicine. I consider It Invaluable." — Mrs. L. 8. Win- Chester, Holden, Me. $ PRIZE PROBLEM CON :E$T A VALUABLE PRIZE WILL BE IVEN FOR EV-T/ CORRECT A'iw R. :i lm pail I One Hundral Dcllr r8 X idling is mnro i itorosting and entort.iliiing li: tlio cnltlvilcd fanii!. him il blight P. 'xe <'oin petit ion !r -li wi 1 bring into active u<o die nbili'.i omp iis when it i i tlcil such competition is cirriml out liy Lh ) o.' tula in u pci f e ij fair and hon3rjbld As a moans of advertising dur bran 1 '^-LL'"’uisite Toilet Soap and intro- iiciug it into thu homcH wild e it is n wit ., woutTortlio following prizes, which will l»o awarded to auueessful uiMitesi tills vi bout any partiality being sliown , person or locality. P3IZES- To tho person sending lirst onr e :t a is vor to t’.io following problem will 1 e given chi ir elioieo between a first I ns JJ , j j^t Piano >f ThlVJ J H J.l J d J 1 fifty Dollars in cash. , For the second correct anawe • will be p lid Two Hundeed Dollar* n «asli Pol the third eorroa: answer will be ,.a I 0,18 H'jndrsd Doll*,' h. 1' or the foul th con-cot answer wtl. lie pall fifty Q fllara n Cash To Hie person sending tlio «. ■ answer whi.-ii is receive I I ist will ,e - iv. n t e r choice between allrst-elas. Uprff III Piano Th-JS HuiJ aj 1 . .1 F.T! Doll rs in Pash. For thu next to tlio 1 \sLoun*c t .11 in Cusli. Other Valuable Prizos. sueli ns Silver W.itelio., I’orlJOporu (iln'Kca, Si v Vegetalde Dishes, Silver To i els, Silver liiseult Jars, Silver S Is, Silv Gako SI anils, Plano I,amps, Silver Disci! Sits, Fruit Ruins,, cie„ ole., will he awarded o eviry person sending c irreet answer. PROBLEM. A frog at tlio bottom of a well .ten feel deep ■ 11ml a up a foot every day an s ides back a half foot ov o,v mg.d. How many d i.vs will it take him to roach tlio Op of t lie well. h CONDITIONS. Every eoiitest’nt imihl enelose with tlieir answer ono dollar for 011c dozen unices of mu Exquisite ToMot 3oap, whi«li i$ tlio purest and llnest soup forth ’ -nIc ,• l’.d complexion iliat h scv.tIhvii 111 imifiictnrcd. it ooBtainu none of tlioH* poison; us which e.utso the nkin toLcot-mo rough and parched. It i« the only Hoap for t-lm t iilot, nursoiy and hath. It positively rent »v« Vmipl s and cures redness an l roil,(line's of Uii*skiti. It is universally aeknowl ‘ dual hy tlmso w!i » h ivo u <:« 1 i; \\ the so ip pfcr uicellenes for all toilut purpose It is sent fcvo of Customs duty t » any part t*f the f nlfwl Mates. Answers may h > mailed at any time liciove X »v« n') >r ! fc, .*%• tieprizon are equitildy di '. ltd oyerenliio linn oompet'.l;oii is open} and pcrftiM tiin tutor atanv time with 11 cquiil »>i poitunity of rceiuirgouc of tho hading prizes. Rtm mbert h • Id 1 v.du thlo prize. three dollars per doxen eakiH, and xw niak# tl is ■’'dy to introduce it, , is a.1 established and financially respoi si •i llu ihovo piizes purely as a legiti n ite 111 11 Ex<j” site Toilet soap to th- people of t!ie Uni v ry an v.erjwi'.l ho This toilet soap is e . ;o.diuary le 'u 'lion in vi The exquisite Toilet Mfg. mauufiietiiring eomjt ny. win* nor of extending (In. s.d« s of t d i.les. Remit hy U. S. *’•» til Not *Kc' istered J .utter, da. il! GEORGIA, j l’AURDINti Cl) UN TV. j I'o all whom it may concern:— F. P. Iluilsiri gunrilian for C. A Williams applied to me for letters ol lismission from said guardianship lid 1 will pass up in said applicatio in the first Monday in December naxt pven under my hand and official sig nature this November the 8il t.892. H. C. SCOfUilNS, Ordinary. EORGIA, Paulding County.— To all whom ll may concern: W. T. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of said county deceased, has in cue form ap plied to the undersigned for ' letter 4 of dismission from said estate, and aid application will be heard at my ? office on the first Monday in Decent ber next. Given under my hand and official signature. This £ sept. 8th 1892. ’ H. C. Scoggins, Ordixary. GEORGIA, / Pauld ng County. | Fo all whom it mny concern:— 'Ihe appraisers to sct'apait ; jears suppotort P. F. Comptm will o\v of E. W. Compton have niadt their return to my office and if nogood : :use is shown the same will be judge minted at my ollice on the first Mon ! yin Dei ember next; given unde 7 land and official signature, thi e 7th of November 1S9J. II. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. G IORGIA, I’au'iding County All persons interested are nerebj 1 itiiied that unless good cause b, si own to the contrary an order wil o granted on the 6th day of Decern .< r next extending public road lea n ' from Yorkviile to J. M. Green' 1 laid county, intersecting the Dal •s and Rockmavt load east of tin " -•wdy; given under iny hand am icial signature, this Nov. 7th 189 11. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. , Ex pro s Mono\ oitlor, Twc-?ents l’.| rs at once. Addicns: 1 1 = EXQUISITE TOILET MFC, CO. No-1 3 YtlNQE VTRIET, TERONVO, CNV3A X" FARME 18,'"“ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla 7 * r. u.t/. ATVr NCO.! IJjWIII, HIM, by nil Druggist., I'ric. »1; .li bottle.,,t. Cures others, will cure you The following persons haro paid on subscriptions to the New Era •niiec our last issue and it is with uleiuure we acknowledge the ro- ceijit for tlio same: F, G, Gray, A. Hu and, -M. F. Waddell, Harris Wade, M. P. Rol erts, J.Mat hews, W. C. Spinks, G. M. Little, oth (I NI oago bool-, l>Uill 1 il! f-.iMti |> g Vin Man 1'aitt.ti'' low n 1 prii'c With Man » Y F utaetnivis' ilmeonnt trjj LJ.V ( Ib.iii nil 1 uutls inanu fin tim'd d im- l'i 1'.i'd into tile l lii- :kI states DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. ! 0 N E Y ^ >11 r AYo by. spoil 1 first class goods, Or icrcii (lolliing, Dry Goods, Hats ami shoos, X»»fcions, Cr >ck Buggies and linn.ess, A;;i i-nil in .1 i:n ! incuts, in fact anything yon wut. Saved l»y buying of us. Scnd^J'/ tea i to pay oxpressage on catah»;',uc, a buyer.•> guide. Wi are the only concern tint sellsat manufacturers prices, nlh wii g lie buyer the same discount that the manufacturer gives to tho * whole -ah t’.vdo Wo gimraptoo all Jgoods tt» he Mpial to represent at ions or money it *.-lidcd. (inods sent by express or i 1 V ' ivolngo of X \ III 1 t'A I paying. KAU T.N &C ). 122 Quincy St., Cl i cago, III. Corrected weekly. Diied .5c per lb Neuralgic Tier sen h troubled witb owronao^ resulting (coin itareor overvrc.k will be relic w<t byiu WnH Broilin’* Iron Kilters. i;,.„iunf vat tiwU m-rk auil ? ‘ncs <vo t, App'i Ilune _ J'OS.vs wbite Navy, $:,oo bu “ mixed, 75c tot. 25 bu. lill 'ter 15c per 11 . L’ t;rn > set pci bu CHICKENS, nets ,.2 S tu 27c Cock*, 15 to 20c Trys, is to 2cc. * ’u-'ks, 15 !o 20c. L''gs, 15c (’oi, f’eas, Clay, goc per La. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ •’ Rye, 65c “ 1 I - artI ' ice per lb '\h;nt, 75c to Si.00 per bushel I'I°ur, J.'.oo per, b! 1. Irish Potatoes 30u, jier peck. Sweet Potatoes 40 per bushel ^ ear > loper lb 1 'ats 50c pel fcu Cotton, 7 3-4- i CORGIA Paulding Count All persons inteicsted tre hercb otin-d that unlevs goo 1 cause be d own t > the contrary an order wi' 1 ' granted on th : Oth d.ijr of Decern ' :r establis.iing a new public ro 1 commencing at the Atlanta nnd I’o v der Spring road in siad county ner Roe Shipp’s running west along set tloment road hy Etta postoffice inter lecting the Dallas anti Acworth road n ear Clarkey MeMichan’s; given un d«r my hand and official signature I bis November 71b 1892. 11. C. SCOGGINS, Ordina.xv, th GEORGIA, } - Paui.dinc County. j‘ Notice is hereby given to all cemeJ, that 1 have filed with :K rk of the Superior (ourt of sai eo nty, my petition a ldressed to sail ourt, returnab’e to the next ten heieof to bn held on Hie first Mor. day in January 18 )3 for the removal of the disabilities impose I upon mi by my intermarriage with Mai Gann, which application will be heai [ at the courthouse in said county a slid term. This Nov. ist iSq.’.J J. B. Gann. jWding Sheriffs Sale For UEO., 18)2- St le of Georgia, county of Pauld- ng. will be sold before the court louse door of said county, in the own of Dallas, On., on the first Tues lay Dec. next, to the highest and iest bidder for cash, the following •roperty, to wit: I.ots of land Nos. 475 and 426 in the 19th district and 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia, levied on is the property of the defendant J- i. Murdock, to satisfy a superior ourt mortgage fi. fa. issued from the uperior court of Paulding county, 11 favor of Perkins Machine Co., vs. E. Murdock. Notice given as re- juired by law. This Nov. 10, 1S92. Also at the same time and place vill be sold one iron gray mare mule ame Kate, age about live years old uul medium si Levied on as the iropefty Tuck Stancel the defendant o satisfy a superior court fi. fa., is- tied from the superior court of Patiid- ng county in favor of S. G. Shaw et. a 1 , vs Tuck Staucel. Also at the sam: time and place .ill lie sold ten acres in the ndrth ist corner of lot of land'No. 230 in ie ssaond district and 3rd section of ’adding coun y. Levied on as the iroperty ot William lion; to satisfy a islice court li. fa., issued from the usticc court of the 1080th district I. M. of said county in favor of W. \f. McGregor vs. William Bone. No tice given as required hy law. Al.oat the same time and place will b* sold an undivided half interest 111 a house and lot in the town of Braswell in said county known as the Eniin and house, it being a put of lan d lot Ne- 9'iS i 1 the iSth listrict and 3rd section of Padding :ount\, and is bounded by the land ,f Henry Braswell on the east; s mill md west, and on the north by land of V. B. Armstrong. Levied on as the property of M. K. Emlin the defend iit to ;a.isfy two justice court fi. fas* ssued from tho 1 (14th district G. M of said county in favor of Nancy • licks vs. M. K. Emlin. Notice giv- ed as required by law. Levy made and returned to us by E. T. Forsyth L, C. Also at the same time and place ,ill be sold land No. 044 in the recond district and shird section of Paulding county, levied upon as the property of John Crompton lo satisfy a superior court (i. fa., issued from the superior court of Paulding comity, in f ivor of J. M. Spinks vs. John Cromp. ton for purchase money of said lot of land. Tenant in possossion no tjlied as required by law. This Nov. 10th 1892. J. A. WESTBROOKS, SilliKlFP. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Deputies. BROWS fROIt BITTERS Cr 3» :riLrtst:on,BllionsneM, Dyspepsia Main rla, Ne). ensues*, and Oeneral De'ilUv n lTK i •lam ;t-coTumen<( U. AU dealer, at); A m..,G u£ ••“'WVl WOO. j‘d*n«r-4«alUi B » oe nreos*. 1000 Dol.'a s Reward To any one who will furnish us a receipt that will cure a cough, cold or any disease of the throat or lungs sooner or more effectually thr.ti Becus’ Cherry Gough Syxup. Sold and warranted by connal'.y & ccn- nally. roR thj; nuoa JWeaJuHSM, Malaria, lusniat\ lOQ tat BiAiousnon, take srown’h man sitthm. SLSSSL^g^. LZJ* b > «B morn «•