The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, November 18, 1892, Image 2

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THE: NEW: ERA. IVBEISUED EVERY FRIDAT' From The Democrat L M- WASHINGTON, Edl • t »4 Publisher • TERMS. ONKYRAR. H.00 RIX MONTHS 50c rilltKIl MONTHS..: Jg* L*-”Advertising rates sent os tppli. cation. Entered In tlio 1’oal Office at Dallas, Gn., v< socoinU'laxs mall matter. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18,1891 TO THE PUBLIcT* * After four year*of labor aa edi lor and publisher of tho Nbw Era, wo hare consumated a trad, by which we hare leased tho pa|wr to Col. E, M. JYathiiigiua of this place, who will be the editor aad publitlier from this date, and to hi n belongs the damn* of the Nkw Era, he having assumed full editorial of the same this week Mii.l lm« assumed all tho ret|ionii l> lily for the puhli.'atioii of thi pap rr. All .contralto with us both for advertising and subscription wa will see fully completed. In tak ing this leave of our readers and friends wlio liave so heartily eup ported us, we f«e! that wo are un der many and lasting obligations t int wo owe them a debt of grati t ido tlmt weighs heavily n|ioa our heart and that will not be soon forgotten. We trust that the pee pie will give to tho NswEiia and tho new editor their full support, n id tlmt the paper may do great goo 1 in developing our country and t .i. p rt of the state. J. M. Spink*. With tins I<slte the New F,iu c'l.inges liuiidt. It will liothonim of ilic new muting mieut to give its re ilers nil the g moral a id local . nows that c.inhi furnished by a county paper. Upon public yues- ti >ih, it will lie fmrlowai l out spoken I ut conservative. Itscol a uns wdl l»c o|ion to flioso who wish to cotributo anything that tends to advance and improve our c um'y and sUte. We trust and hope that t-ha people of the county will support and uphold the paper in the future as they have in the past. Yonrs truly, E. :M. Washington, The’following persons have paid on subscriptions to tho New Eka sineu our last issue and it is with pleasure we acknowledge the re ceipt for tho same: W, .1. Smith, J. M. McBfnyrr, K. F. Ilo seford, S. I’. Th .mason, W. C. Abney, W. A. Rng-idalo, R, A. Matt!iow», J. J. Baxter, R. V' Whitworth, Poisoned by Sorofbla. Is the sad story of many lives madi misetnble through no faults of tli dr own. Scrofula is more espe cially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simple reason Arising from impure and insuffi cient blood, the disease locates it- f-olf in tho lymphatics, which are so in posed of white tissues; there a period of foetal lif. when the whole body consists of jwhite tis ues, and therefore the unborn child is especially susseptible to this dreadful disease. But there s a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or nuquirod- It j s 1 food's JSa ran pa rills, which by its piwcrul efTei-t on the blood, ex- pels all trace of tho disease and The Confederate Homo Crawfordvillc, Oh., I, the to serve them.—Sadi. t A mly wfco appoip Is ikuy m Near Atlanta -.there stands *a building which it a put;oitic spirit was built by the people of the -th as a refuge for th* indigent uft dera'.cs. It was not built by xrs levied ii|>on an unwilling people, but by the voluntary sub- script on of liberty loviag Gaor- gians |snd southerners who felt that it was hut due to the brave but needy survivors of the terri ble civil war to give them a rool under which to shelter their head ' When the last legislature met this home was off« rod to the state upon condition that the date appropriate snlfic.ent money to sup port it. Tho property is now worth about fifty or sixty thousand dollars, It bceouivs the property of the s.'atc if legislature will appropriate s sufficient for its maintenance each year. When there are no longer auj veterans to be oared for the horn can bo pnt to such use as those in charge think best. Now, suppose ♦10,000 a yeai should h-- app npriate I, it would le five years before a sum equal t< to the value of tin homo would hr appropriated. At that rate fo years, tho home would cost tin stato nothing, and it is probubl that at the end of that time thr value of the properly would hav increased #20,000. Aer ten year* have p issed, vary few of those who would he b in fi - ed will be in the land of thodiving. Surely the great state of Geeegia will not begrudge thorn a shelter in their declining years, when ii costs the sta'e nothing. Eet no the present legisl ktnre act in the same manner as the last. Eel them not toll the poor, needy vet erans that they are no longer ne d ed; but’ rather, in a patriotic spir I, let them lemembor the snfTering endured an I the dang ts encount er e I by th ■ Georgia volunteers, if any < lass of men that ever lived de* rved good treatment, the stir* vivers of the late war desorro good treatment at the hands of tho pen pie of Georgia. if a*d anolinr man better fee it skis against God t t*rr BOV A Bad Cold If not speeillly rrllorecl, msy lead to aorlnus Issuos. Whom thorn la dlfllciiliy of breath- Inn. eSl'nolorstlon, or aoronoaa of Ihn tlirosl mhI bronchial lubes, wish ft conalnialy Irrl- tftlhiK eousli, tba rory boat remedy la Ayer's Cherry Voctornl. It remorea the phl.'Kln, soothes IrrltftUon, stops coughing. ainl In. tluees repose. As on emergency medicine, Ayer's Cherry l'ecturui should tw In erery household. "There Is nnlhlnx better foreonghsthsn Ayer's Cherry I'actoral. 1 use no other proparutlon."—Annie 8. Butler, let Pond at. rrorldehoe, ft. 1, sulferod sererety from bronchitis! 'cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It saved my llfe. H —I.eo. It. Iltiuler, (loose River, N. 8. "About a year npo 1 took the worst cold that ov«*r a nun had, followed by a terrible coiiRh. The bent rocdloal aid was of no At last 1 l>«ntiii to spit blood, when It was supposed to be all orer with me. Kvery remedy failed, till a neighbor recom- mended Ayer’s Cherry I'eetoral. 1 took half a teas|N»onful of this medicine, three times a day, regularly, and very soon bejjun to Improve. My cough left me, my sleep was undisturbed, my appetite re* turned, my emaciated limbs gained flesh and % reiitfth and, to-«lny, tliauks to the I'eetoral, V* 1 u wo11 hian.” — If. a. Bean, 28 Winter s? . I.awreiicc, Mass. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral rReei'Aiteen nr Dr. i. C. AYER & CO., Lml, Meet. Bold by all Drtigglai* Price ,t; ,1, t^mle., ,5, Memory Gems. I he principles of f any acienc 1 are few an.f will be mustered by thn tru» t ailier. T!ie tea-her must know a thing in orifer to t ach it, nnd the < n s who will not thoroughly learn the ,’principles o: the subject lie ha; to teach is and ouglit to be a failure. If wo suc ceed wo must pay the prt-« of see sccsa—liurd study and bard th me o an ofBoa when t&ere ia in hi* lominion qualified fori. _ n iffid the&JStat*.—Mohammed. Of all the adult mail criminals in Eomlou, not two in a h .adrud have ente.ed upon a conraa •: rima wh> have lived an .fe up to th* aga jtf). Almost al who enter upon see* res af erlme do so lietween the eg a of 8 and 18. ■Cooper. None are all evil — Bj ron . Doat thou loro life? Than do nat squander tinae, for that ia tha stuff life ia mud* of.—Franklin. The, ultima'o result of ahielding men from folly ia to fill the world with fouls,—Victor Cherbuliex. la virtue a thing remote? I w’ah to be virtuous and bl virtae la at hand.—Confue'a«. lie conquera a second time who controls him telf in vi dory.— eyri'a. Hints For Boys A gentleman adverti sed for toy to asaiat him in h's office ami in I nearly fifty applicant* pro (inted themselves before him. Out of the whole ‘nambor ha are lecte I on**, and dismissed th.v rest. ) I should like to know,” said friend, "on wh it giouads you ae- lacted that boy without a aiagl recommendation!” "You am mis aken,” said the gentleman, ' he' kaa a great many. II* wiped his feet when ha ramg, id, and closed lie duob after him showing that He *a* careful; gave up |his seat to that lame old maa, showing tha, lie wu* kind and thoughtful; he cook off his cap when he came uiswered my .questions promptly itud respectfully,'showing that lie viw polite and gentlemanly; hr icked ap a book, v,h ichl had purposely laid on the flesr, and re •laced it on tho tab!*, while a' the rest slopped on it or shoved it (side; ami he waited quietly for uis turn, inateul of pushing ar imwiling. When I talked with i hn I noticed that his clothes wore carefully brushed, his hair in inie* order, and his teeth aa white aa milk, and when ho wrote hiawaiae I mtie d tint h's finger nails ware :leun, instead of being tipped with jet, like that handsome little fe*. • >w’§ in tho blue jacket. Don’t y u call these things letters ef ra- ••ommendationl I do, and I would •five more for what I telt about a «y b 7 'ny eyes ton minute* hun all the letters of reco umen lation he can give me.’*—Seientifi, \ mcrican. The jlnrges Va -o been made jhe indi t uents hare Iw u found tho arraigume.Ru had and a fa moils trial hav jn t con-ludr l, ia hich the great Am -ie n people •onstitiiting the jury, have render •d the vordkt that . exon ,(ated he rnnd old De i orsti i part - and now s> stands supreme in her glory, tri ipkantly g,eat and s ho cun ’eny it? Chronic o.Tice •srkur,, with all their chicanery, huvo sough to de- f*At the successo( the wh ose prirtciples guar,urico t> cv-w Americun citizen, pe.-iici tranquil- hty, and us perfect relief as can be obtained l»y * free and independent people. But they have fa 1-d and a;e m.w among the fallen. To t em, wo would t »y, sleep on amidst your own ruins, as natures God hut decreed it, and thra, alt- molest hI by your own victors, may yo i real in perfect pe.tco, in th* re ilir.ation of the fruits of your o*i condemn,itioa —Rett, Rest, Sweat, .Sweet Rest may you now enjoy. E ORGIA 1% tPAULDiao County, o all wiom Itpkay DO'.iccm:- J. M.^Yalravpii, Admniirtra (late ot P. J.iSVnlravon dec To * nitUrat<ii’ of tlio Ynlravon kcenacil liaa applied V • t!i4hndcraiRi>cd for letters of diamirSloii 'rSbi said estate and said ap- plloatiou will be liouril on tlio Hist Moli- l*y in January ISH!. 18112. TT.C. SCOGGINS, Oiidi.naiiv ntin inoncvniiN co. IB WABASH AVK., • - CHICAGO. PURE dEAM-TARTAR POWDER kNDBUSCD BY PMF A. L ■ETZ.PrH.8, "THE SOUTHERN FAVORITr F¥R«, WHsuweaa PowxnruL. . Yes Want R.; Ask OrtotrFsr It 9ulfINf«.Co, nbw ostusa LA GEORGIA, I‘AUU)IN( Coiom, Murtli* Stancel, wife of C. I S aacel hat applied for the exempli.! •of perso' alty and setting sp it and V-.luation of homestead'and I wi! pass upo.v thejsame at io o'clock it.m on me first day of December 18 2. H. U. Focni'S, 1 . Ordinary. PALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried,..,., Money,. . .5c per II ..10 " | Beans whits Navy, $s.oo bu “ mixed, 75c to 1.15 bu givei -o the ritiil fluid the quality * n • Se.ctcd, und ci’or of health: If .voudecid - Eiberty 1* of more Tula# tham, to take Hood’s . c *rsaparUbvdb*ot ta » ! "d to recti-a i tsi to aallilf \>t any substitute, U««- lib rty. Be assured) that I « men meet eonxMstly aaak(to oMga.'j B*^F*waW«—.warewaa V thv,t>nly tknl they nay •^au-^ Butter,!. 'S'P** lb. Corn, ... CHICKENS. Hens. .. Cocks, .. 15 to a;c Frys, Ducks,... 15 to 20c. Eggs, ... 15 c duz. Peas, Cla f, doc per bu.' M Wh Rye, te, 1,25 to 1.50c " ■* f>5 c " 1 Lard. ... Wheat, 75c to 11.00 per bushel Flour,... >4.00 per, bl). Irish Potatoes, 30c, per peck. Sweet Potatoes 40 per bushel, Heat,.... 10 per 1 fats .... 50c per hu Cotton,.. 7>4 GEORGIA, Paulding County, f To all whom ituiuycoucciu:— J. Adcock, AU-3lnl>bator of Wm. Art' oeekdecease.UiS* sppllud to the under signed for letters of dismission fiom sail cetate and said application will In. loan on thf-flist Monday in January 181)3. ThU October 11, 1802. . . II. C. SCOGGINS, OitmxAiiv. Cheap Medicine—save Money. All buy lnoclicinos, and you wan', them lump -at retail at wholesalo rates. Ja cobs’ pharmacy, the largest Souther* cutters" of prices, has an advertisement in today's paper containing n few price* All other Srtirlcs are sold at similar rates. No matter what you wart that i( usually kept in a large drug store send to them. They will sell it at astonishing low lilts, Ji (press charges for pack ages under Uvo pounds, twenty-filve cents. Wateli these art vcrtiscir.outs and prices iSond for a nunihor of thiugs,at ouca word to tlio uis) mifttofunt? GEORGIA, j Paclding County, j To all whom it may concern:— F. P. Huilsr n guardian for C. A ■Villiams applied to me for letters of iltmission from said guardianship and I will pass upon said applicatio >n the first Monday in December nnxt given under my hand and official sig sature, this November the 8 1 89a. II. C. SCOGGINS, , Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) I'AI'I .DING County, j i"o nil whom it may concern:— The appraisers to set7«pait i ears suppotort P. F. Campto.i wid 'w of E. W. Compton liavj mad veir return to my office and ifnogoo uise is shown the same will be judg' sesteel at my office on the first Mor. ly In December next; given unde '■y Sand and official signature, thi e 7th of November 1832. II. C.’Scoggins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, I’au'idino-County. All perrons interested are nureb; >tiflcd that unless good cause b- iptvn to the contrary an order wil * granted on the Oth day of Decern .-r next extending public road leac g from YorkyUle to J. M. Green' • said county, intersecting the Da s and Rockpiart load east of th • ewMyf-given under my hand an ieial signature, this Novi 7th 183 II. C. Sl-'.O'.GJNxi, Ordinary. .EOUGJA P-Aui.tirNo Count All persons interested ire here') •titUa thvt un'e'S good cause hi •own t) the contrary an order wi * granted on the Gi^ day of Deccir •:r establisiiing a ifiw public rot the Atlanta and Po v or Spring road in siad county nea: (je Shipp’s running west a’ong set- )in«nt road by Elta postoffice inter •cting the Dallas and Acworth road *a'f Clarkty Mc?iiclien’s; given un r my hand and official signature uis November 7th 1892. "if. C. SCOGGrNS, OrIjiNa - y. FARM E US .""‘'c””,;?’ non page hook, plain lyillu" tiktcil, g >in W ami ift.'tiir."-' l..w of pri.c with Man \ 1/ U’ufncturer*' rtiarount I XJ.,11 all p,km1k maim fncturoil a il im ported Into tlie Uni ted States. iMONEY-VH'- ftponu. »\o noli 011 - BrSt class goods, Grocccica, Kumitmwk Clothing, Di r Goods, Hats, Caps, |llnots Hn.UsliDss, fiotionr. Crockery, Jewelry, Euggi** and Harness, Agricultural Im- pllmcnt*. in fact anything you want. £iaved by baying of ut. Scndjjo cents in pay express igu on catalogue, a buyers guide. Ws be the only Concern tliat sail* at muni.|acium’s pricos, allowing thn loiter Hie a.unn discount that flic manufacturer gives to the J wholosn’o rvlc Wo gnirai.'rn n',1 V.iods to lit; qaa) t* -apresenta' on? nr money re f.nwbd. (mods sent. 1 y vapie-s or frii; J - it] priv* afTc o. < : s>,ii,. ' 2 - !»>*> • A. LA* : (ft r <\ Titjf-i r *jt , thi c W V GEORGIA, ) Paulding County, f Noticv is here’))’ given, to ipl con erne 1, that I have filed with th I- rk ef the Superior (ourt of sai- o' my, myifpctition addressed to sail ouit, leturnab'e to the next ten idicof to o>! held oh the first Mon lay in January 18)3 for the remova >£ the disabilities imposed upon m by my inter marriage with Man winn, which application will be heafo it the courthouse in said ctfurrty said term. This Nov. 1st 1892.; J. B. t ANN. M ’‘^PWREYS’ Gb* slii^i HnfiT 1 ' SpKriFiiy nrt‘S(*ientlfl' IhlrtY.rwHiHitemhv' |»»‘«il>l*vKvery HlnirV Injj or r.wl «ov< rill*: Ilya ' ,rT| FKinR. ptirg and a*" in facknud .t r<*Mi<*4lc4oJ tho World. ‘J Warmii Wn “ ^ryiiiar < oil- ,orTwhiuIiik rlip«, of' * i ii:: CollB »t Infi UlC riucKs i 7 tootfhf, Cold. Ilrottciiiu*......-. . 8 TuothHcA..., Fucoftehe.::: ■v re HHudach©a* siolilleutlnche. Vertigo T ? i^y^peBsia, lSllloiiH Moninoh. . b \ i I’-rin l,. 7 l ,v ultra, roo ProftiHn iVrliNts.. !■} l-*r»avc««*i<. mnifui I I ftt 11 ttkeam, Kr: ) •> Moon,,ml.m, K J '» terer a/»d Anne ^ F IMlea, mind or Blao«liij(f . • n a«rx«n>n»i>inn US Lr'r-rv W«fk«..«, Wflttlnx IKkL ..Ho of iHoHoorfiyFBlpjqaMun l.ou I ap recwl Milksi & 1 m f ErjKlpwlaa, trurtloBB. BIN, Klioiuuatlo PaliM li.’j * ‘ K,,, n 1 ilainrla.... KORGIA, Paulding County.— To all whom it may concern: YV. I. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of said county deceased, has in cue form ap plied to the undersigned for letlcr s af dismission from said estate, and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in Decern ber next. Given tinder my hand and official signature. Thip RcpC 8th 1892. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. Paulding Sheriff s Sale For DEC., 1892- St le of Georgia, county of rankl ing. will be sold before the court louse door of said county, in the own of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tucs lay Dec. next, to the highest and jest bidder for cash, the following •roperty, to wit: Lots of land Nos. 415 and 426 in the 19th district and 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia, levied on as the property of the defendant J K. Murdock, to satisfy a superior ourt mortgage Ii. fa. issued from the uperior court of Paulding county, in favor of Perkins Machine Co., vs. I E. Murdock. Notice given as re- •1 uired by law. This Nov. 10, 1892. Also at the same time and place will be sold one iron gray mare mule lame Kate, age about five years old and medium size. Levied on as the property Tuck Stancel the defendant :o satisfy a superior court (i. fa., is- tied from the superior court of Pauld- ng county in favor of S. G. Shaw et. Al. vs. Tuck StaHcel. Also at the same time and place will be sold ten acres in the north east corner of lot of land No. 230 in the sannnd district and 3rd section c f Paulding county.. Levied on as the oroperty of William Bon: to satisfy a justice court Ii. fa., issued from the usticc court of the io3olh district G. M. of said county in favor of W. \t. McGregor vs. William Bone. No tice given as required by law. Also at the same -time and place will be sold an undivided half interest n a house and lot in the town of iraswell in said convey known as the Enlin and Da.'is house, it being a part of land lot N - ;88 i.i the 18th listrict and 3rd section of Paulding :ountx, and is bounded by the land •f Henry Braswell on the east; south ind west, and on the north by land of V. B. Armstrong. Levied on as the iroperty of M. E. Emlin the defend Pit to satisfy two justice court Ii. fas ssued from the 1414th district G. M, >f said county in favor of Nancy ticks vs. M. E. Emlin. Notice giv ed as required by law. Levy made tnd returned to us by E. T. Forsyth L, C. Also at the same time ’ and place vill be sold, lot of land No. 644 in the ; econd district and shird section of ■ ’aulding county, levied upon as t he ’roperty of John Crompton lo satisfy (superior court fi. fa., issued from the •uperior court of Paulding county, in ' "M r of J■ M - Spinks vs. John Crump. :on for purchase money of said h ( -if land. Ienant in possassi?n no- ffied as required by law. This Nov. ldlli IN!-;'. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Shkrijk. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Deputies. ^ | p | ja 1000 Dollars Reward To any one who will furnish us t -ceipt that wil! cure a cough, cold r any disease of the throat or lungs ooner or more effectually iEGGs’ Cherry Couch Syrup tnd wairanted by connally & I ally. than Sold uon- *c>k Tns wunojv iU1 * n ‘ v ne reowss inure siTrxnx *^£***1“ *--j. ra&.