The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, November 25, 1892, Image 2

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— -:r THE:NEW: ERA. ^“'T y lively IDEMOGRATS^^TO THE lH the {tine very 1 around oar fireside toniSht G. W.Oolo ha. recently aoldj The democrat, of the oounty oat end is now moving near White .have met in convention, and after l. M. WASHINGTON, ! Oak Spring.. mtUn del beratione, na led the EDI TOR and PUBLISHER. | Mr Geore , Manor illstmoTi - !~ndidat« who a e to re^c t L ( ^ M d Mr. J. B. Gordon has* ' hn P art J ,n ** cpm « e J ot on TERMS. rn red out. They swapped Vm ,co " l f ° mcM ; A “ d bav,n 8 CNR YEAR $1.00 I done t.o. in a spirit of .-onaarra aix months 50e I was in Kockmart a few da; ■ t ; Bm j t now becomes the duty of 2£ p after the Proiilenf's el -ctio'i and the cotton buyer, were so anxious r.lREE MONTUB. py Advertising rate. .ent. on appli- to bu * cotton that th *J »Pi** r ® d sometimes to ba in each others cation. | way, and of course thev attracted every true democrat in ih, county to come boldly to the front, and putting hi. shoulder to the w’.ie d do all in his po wer to assi.t our stundard bearers to carry the ban Entered In the Tost Office at Dallas, I my attention, the market being so dcnocracy to tryuinph and °* • “ ‘ 0U " ulK1 ‘"" ,n *“ 1 luU in th « P“ st - *■"' 1 « k * d « ° d to victory, and place it, untarnish vnvlfUni?I , " h y w »‘ th fc cotton ed, upon the ’• lerments of the ► 1,11> A \ NON EMBER 2->, 1892. | WIU on suoh a boom today? Oh..^, wliere it may ( or , Ter , T,-,rsr nsm prrnneeerAoe i “ W he ’ tho J h * p ' 1 thhi Cl » v ‘ ,lan 1 1 “waive over the land of free and OB jELETE EXPRESSIONS | i* de led. Well, mid j, what ef* th(J home of th(| braye .-> ect could that have on the cotton „ u , et ug do nl , th5 , it| the trile Mu iy things a>i>l many expres-1 market? Well, said he, you can sions either sii hleiily or gradually I e > for youra If. Well, you t ink pirty because they were '.misled as! ♦o its intentions and had lost alj pe that the democratic jwty wo lie ever succeed in defeating the republicans. The overwhelm'ng election of Cleveland and the crushing d i on of Harrison has fully pruven In them that they were mistaken. Many ef them arc now iciiy'o ;in their old fiiend and com ade . Let them be .vdcome. spirit of democracy, remomberin that wisdom, moderation F. OP.GIA, \ Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— J. M. Walraven, Administrator of the estate of P. J. Walraven deceased hae applied te the undersigned for letters of dismission irom said estate and said ap- ilication will be heard on the flist Mon- lay in January 1881. This Oct. H 1892. B.C. SCOGGINS, OamNAHY. I ®'wn i o'wslote, or changed. This thnt a fact then I suppose? Well, i t , ||th 1||lg ways been the poYr is true because they are substitute I .aid he, that is what they say. of th o democratic partv, ant fur- cd by b itter thing, or better ex- His friend has the bulk of th.‘, tber that tho „ with whom w> . ) i" a o:i\ There are some expres- mon y and that i. what 1, ,y 0 to contend are inighlor* and si ms, nt bust, which are s ion to g > w« want for our cotton, so if that into di iiso, especially in Paulding is a fact, thnt tho thnnghtof Clove, county, nmong th ,m are such ex- I land being oar next president rnis- prousions a. arc uiel to indicate L<1 the price of cotton from 71 to thn 1 n mau feels very bud and lone- Lj j„ , n0 nion ll( | 10;r n) , oU wi | ( blue j. t raiee it in twelve month}? This sum or problem me y be solved by the single rule of three. Little Dojk. ly, so h as I fuel blue, as ‘'blue as thunder," as “blue as indigo," and other like expressions, which indicate that, n man hai a bad liver, or that he has a thii’ly days note due, without cent to pay with, or his wife got up that morning mad aud cleaned up th, hill, or that he has just .ho rd tha his mothor-in-law is (joining. The above expressions will never be used again after tho fi st Wednesday in Jan 1898 when p ople see tho disconsolate, ilefe ted third party candidates, turn the'r faces homeward, and i top, occasionally, to think where am I? What was it hit me? and why did it hit me so hard? and but of all what has become of ray part ? As one will ga/.e upon the blue, a I, countenances of the poor fellows, all th ) other blues . over known, or heard of, will iIiik into iniign fica ice, and fereve there aft ;r, when a man feels that his liver lias been turned up sid down, or ony other calamity be falls hi n, which makes him feel l .at he is loft in the world solitary and alone, and alt igether by him self, he will simply say, 1 feel as bl leas the third party candidates < f Paulding o ninty, the day after the election in Jan. 1833. WniimJitw.4 'ee—siqiwUsMt I "00 1 HAI -3 T *i| • ii iiifmi VK ‘•oMRAni ‘ailwn u-aTwnin* pw C||uedesjes s.islv JO «»nioq »!» qoo:I *vtn|*M( sea mi up pwnira tiiiaq sml mi mm joj pnq situ « mi* psiquorj na j „ ■oj* 'sisfjsaq 'Ajj»n a 'f—„’»ui«tlnje« LwiV jo stn sin 4q vinjojas jo puns na i„ ■VA '•,|WV|J«JJ1* ‘ipstinsa M M- aVMMUniJ Soiusas stn puv ‘S|[|jsdsm* 8 ( JOlV jo imo<l sno is* sasS j •sms • |»j. a* Ofqsuii Su|sq tn|s|s<*a HI ■taio jit. jo ssn js|iun Stimoas tnoisjosn injuiod « t|1|a |>s|qnui| us |J|S sum iR.. '«tnn,dtuls lug st|| ju sausjsstlds no «mn4 -suvji.jaiv jsi<|ti|iupv 'Upoq|onsosisssj isjstisl pits ‘t>ii|n{ iis||oas ‘ssjos laisaol ‘sftimsas J«inp««l» Uq poonpiltis «| j|M ■U WSSJIUOW snsup S|in 'AitUPSis* issa vindoaos ft ie ids so fur as personal relations are concernsd, but in whose politi- ciil metho Is and policy we cannot concur, hut to wh m we are will ng to concede their opinio i« and pr.> •rences. |Hy doing this, th j democrats sill siicc jctl beyond all quest! > i, ami will bury the th'rd party s > d ep on the day of election that they will never be able to rise again. The following persons have paid on subscriptions to the New Kka sinew our last issue and it is with pleasure we acknowledge the re ceipt for the same: W. Z. SpiuIts, Dr. G. F. Gold oil, Y. M. A. H. I) rliam, \V. S. Kinoi id, W. C. Matthews, It. H. B:own, It, B, Ballard, It. B. ^mith, P. M, Carter, Mrs. Willie Brooks, W. P. Turner, C. C. aVoou, II.L. Kinc, 1), K., C. Hake tin v, Z. T, Smith, J. H. Howel', E. M. Cason. J. D. Wisnar. GEORGIA, } PAUi.mso County. J To all whom It may concern:— J. Ailcook, Administrator of Wm. Ad cock deceased has applied to the under- igned for letters of dismission fi om said estate and said application will bo heard on the first Monday in January 1893. This October 11, 1892. II. C. SCOGGINS, Okdinarv. Cheap Medicine—save Meney. All buy medicine*, and you want themi cheap-at retail at wholesale rate*. Ja cube’ pharmacy, the largest Southern, “cutters” of prices, has an advertisement in to-day's paper coutainlng a few prices All other articles are sold at similar rates. No matter what you wart that ie usually kept in a large drug store send to them. They will sell it at aaton'.ahing low rates, K cpresa charges for packages under five pounds, twenty-lllve cents. Watch these advertisements and price* uSend for a number of thlngs>t ones word to the wise sufficient? GEORGIA, { Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— F. P. 11uds< n guardian for C. A Williams applied to me for letters of lismission from said guardianship, ul I will pass up an said application n the first Monday in December naxt given under my hand and official sig nature this November the 8th ? 9 2. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. MO OTHIR Sarsaparilla has i merit to secure the conddsnce the conddsnce of entire communities and hold It year after year, like HOOD’S Sanapuilla. NIAGARA FAL'jS. ei nifpo j|t<n UW ‘■sunn— ru*ew ** n*u «• i«3isii|< j*m* swans p<n 'qutin ‘uo|idintim>o p*»t* em mol] uos.od tnotaiuis sin ||s Iunv«|«n* liqtnniiHn Iq „||»» eqi„ s»|«dJns* srU «ni< piptsad S|I|X •VllindstJ«» ».J»iV SI „ip*WM UIIMMOI., Sin qvqq uouq sidosd imeieit iuvw 'Isp-ox -duedoj |« qsneq sqq sq oq peseddns sene eta etnjejsa J0JdJnQ9l|l Poieaned by Sorofiila. Is tho sad story of many lives made I miseiable through no faults of | their own. Scrofula is more espe daily than any other a hereditary disease, an I for this simple reason: Arising from impure and insufii- dent blood, the disease locates it self in the lymphatics, whioh arc composed of white tissues; there a period of foetal lifo when the | w tolo body consists of {white tis lies, and therefore the unborn child is especially susseptible to this dreadful disease. But then s a remedy for scrofula, whethei hereditary or acquired. It Hood's JSursaparilU, whioh by its I powerful effect on the blood, ex pels all trace of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the qualitq and color of health. If you decid to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do no accept any substitute. An Able Expounder. The Epwarth Herald is respon- lible for this story: “A negro on's her, touched with the ‘higher riticism,’once elaborated a in w theory of tho exodus, to-wit: that the Red sea was frozen over, an I to afforded the Israclit s a safe passage, but wh ;n Pharaoh with his heavy iron chariots attempt d o cress, he broke through a id was rowned. A brother nr se and isked an explanation of that ‘p’int,’ ■isid he; ‘I's been slu 'yin g’o - aphy, and de g'ography say dat un dr pi a e whnr de trop'es am on hot for freelin’; do p’int te be splaine l i. ’bout breakin' f ougb !e ice.’ The preacher straighten* ■d himself up and said: ‘Brnilder, ;lad you axed d:<t questi >n, for it ,ives me ’cusion to ’splaiu it. You see, dat war a great while ago. and befo’ de e we e an ■' t opice.’ ’’ Niagara Kalla will so 1 ha something else to do beriJ ; roar and look grand. For a liundr. 11 years men have U (! i.i aw j . t its thundering might and thought a vast uiiu. el energy w - there watted. Two companies, one in Canada and o"o ia '.mericn. liave lately been organised to uti lize a portion of this vast power. The Ameriean carapany is actual ly at work digging a tuunel under the :irer above the falls, i t which an imin me pipe wilt b‘ fitted to bring ftio water from the ii er aud turn It, nt a g ent <le, t .. upon I; rjo turloin-* wnrte” whei-1* wlfch run t’l? most powerful dy namos known. The waste watei is th .n 'hr .wo in tlie liver under the falls. These two coin;ifnie" crntrol toge her a power estimated at over 8, J00,0 )0 lioria po vor Tin y propo e to utillzo it entirely t n the g meration of al jctric oner- g, for the large cities of the lake r-gi,iu,«»Tl.o ald..c..t e. al Jonthlv Notice! To all candidates iu t’.io county we want ti day, that we are | r - pared to pr ut tickets at £1, p-r t’lousau '; give us yo tr or lor soon that we m iy have plenty i f tim to do you a g o 1 jo!. GEORGIA, Paulding County, Martha Stancel, wife of C. L Stancel has applied for the exemption of personalty and setting ap irt and valuation of homesteadrand i wil pass upon the*same at io o'clock a.m on the first day of December 1892. II. U. Scoggins, Ordinary. EORGIA, Paulding County.— To all whom it may concern: W. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of said county deceased, has in due form ap plii'dtothe undersigned for letter*^ of dismission from said estate, and^i 1 said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in Decern ber next. Given under my hand and official signature. This fcept. 8th 1892. H. C. Scoggins, . Orel ix ary. GEORGIA, I Paulding County, j fo all whom it may concern:— The appraisers to set^apait ears suppotort P. F. Comptoa wid o\v of E. \V. Compton have made their return to my office and if nogood ause is shown the same will be judge nented at my office on the first Mon I iy in December next; given undei my hand and official signature, this the 7th of November 1892. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. DIO OTHER Sarsaparilla haa ef- Is f, fected such remarkable cures as HOOD’S Sarsaparilla, of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and other blood dlaeaaea. WHLTF OAK DOTS. Dallas high schooi DIjTRIOT DEMOCRAT! CL’JBS Why not liavo theao clubs to re« o;gu:ii.:a in thuir respective dis. tr'ot*? They can do much g x> 1. Let them bu oigauizcd ill ev-.ry dis- tri t where there h is bten none l:er tofore. The time is short, cut by prompt action it can be d ne - Thorough organization an 1 a"' live work is needed to Irrilig out the full rote f the party. What say you, gentlemen o’ ihe county executive couunitt.e? The health of this community ir iinprov'ng, except bad colds. Mr. M. L. VV s h:w rolled out f r .'llid a;na. Mr. Samuel Partin a 1 Miss Ida We Is we e m r ed o 1 ng ,ime .! b j. Baggett officiatin'?. Mr. J. P. Hardin, of Cherokee, Ala, paid us a visit last wees. Mr. Al’ew Mauldin is very low at this t ui". Mm. Martha CUitdc, «t h There is now no reason why the >eople of Paulding, wh > wish o lend to a high school, should sen 1 Democrats: Attention! Th re are 400 demoerats in this their children to distant schools, county who hare not been voting, Che academy 11 i ow furnished | Through their negligence this with the best of modern seats, and, 'county is apparently in the 3rd in Prof. A. W. I ah'1 ius, we party column. Get om th is 1 400 have one of thebe.", teachers in at the next election aud pro.e to north. Georgia. He will the world that o'.d Paulding he. a last teachers to assist hi 11. 'ihe bam some majority of g»od o’. I people should support, th a schrvjl' Mlnoned domoj.ista. Tim tr iU: awd miKe i.t the 1 r'uStbt. i.btic iv» ia,thni a nsaiorit* ef'tihe 3rd par- 1 ] r *t,.i tbi couoiy, mm really dem-[ _ ocrvtv T’uej WM*ti»u» Guv. W J DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried, . . . . . .5c per lb Honey, ... . . ..IO “ 1 Beans white Navy, $:.oo bu “ mixed,.! 75c to ..25 bu. Butter, 15c per lb. Corn, 50c pci bu CHICKENS. Hens . ..25 to 27c Cocks, Ij tO 2CC Frys, 15 to 20c. 1 lucks, 15 to 20c. Eggs 15 c doz. Peas, Clay, ...80c per bu. “ White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ •* Rye,....; GEORGIA, Pauiding County. AUpcrjons interested are ntreby .otified that unless good cause be shown to the contrary an order wil! b • granted on the 6th day of Decern b :r next extending public road lead; ing from Yorkville to J. M. (ireenh in said county, intersecting the Dal s and Rockmart load east of th. shewfly;"given under my hand ant icial signature, this Nov. 7th 189-1 H. C. SUOtiGlNS, Ordinary. Paulding Sheriffs Sale For DEO., 1892- State of Georgia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tues . day Dec. next, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following (iroperty, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 4^5 and 426 in the rgth district arid 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia, levied on is the property of the defendant J 1C. Murdock, to satisfy a superior ourt mortgage fi. fa. issued from the uperior court of Paulding county, n favor of Perkins Machine Co., vs. | E. Murdock. Notice given as re quired by law. This Nov. io, 1892. Also at the same time and place will be sold one iron gray mare mule name Kate, age about five years old. and medium size. Levied on as the property Tuck Stancel the defendant, to satisfy a superior court fi. fa., is* ued from the superior court uf P.iuld- ng county in favor of S. G. Shaw et. al. vs. Tuck Stancel. All persons intciested ire herebi public roa. Koe Shipp's running west along set- signature. Lard,.... locpcrlb Wheat, 75c to $1.00 per bus’.cl Flour $4.00 per, bit. Irish Potatoes, 30c, per peck. Sweet Potatoes 40 per bushel. Meat, toper lb Oats 50c pel bu Cotton, 7 3-4 1/ i IJ 41 1^ 1)0 Write for our Mam f A II J1 fillUmnth Catalogue. « tl'K) pnge bool-, i>l„in lj illus ti nted, givin Manufacture*’ low S i iri* ,vt I’ r ' 10 'rid* Man * V r "fsoturers’ .lUcouni it I J Inn nil j'owls maim Licturcd mil im ported into the Uni ted Staten. 1 r A VT 1,' V 25 to IH cents on II till I 1 1 every doll-.r von 1,1 v/ A spend. We net, only first, elans good*, Groccclcs. Furniture' Clotliiii", Pry Goods, lints, Caps, (Hoots nnd shoes, Notions, Crockery, Jewelry. Busrics and Harness, im- plinients, in fact anything yoo want. Saved by buying of 11s. Sondj25 cents to pay axpressago on catalogue, a buyers guide. We are tiie only concern that sells at manufacture!’s prices, allowing the borer tire same discount that tin, manufacturer gives to tho J wholesal rade We guarantee alt .goods to bo equal to representations or mo my re funded. Goods sent by express or foe' it w.tli privelege ot oir 'iistu i- paying. ,V.K‘R (50.122 Qulney St., Lt.i cago 11 hand and official This November 7th 1892. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, > Paulding County, j Notice is hereby given to all con erne.!, that. I have filed with tlu 1. rk of the Superior . ourt of said ounty, my petition addressed to said ourt, returnab'e to the next term heteof tobu held on the first Mon .lay in January 1893 for the remora] >f the disabilities imposed upon me by my inter marriage with Mary Gann, which application will be heard at the courthouse in said county at said term. This Nov. 1st 1892.J J. B. Gann. Also at the same time and place will be sold ten acres in the north east corner of lot of land No. 230 in the ssaond district and 3rd section of Paulding coun'y. Levied on as the property of William Bone to satisfy a jjstice court fi. fa., issued from the ustice court of the 1080th district G. M. of said county in favor of W. 1 M. McGregor vs. William Bone. No tice given as required by law. Also at the same time and place will be sold an undivided half interest in a house and lot in the town of Braswell in said cour ty known as the Emlin and Davis house, it being x. part of land lot Nc- 988 i 1 the :8thi district and 3rd section of Paulding county, and is bounded by the land of Henry Braswell on the east; south and west, and on the north by land of >V. B. Armstrong. Levied on as the property of M. E. Emlin the defend ant to sa isfy two justice court fi. fas ssued from the 14.4th district G. M, of said county in favor of Nancy Hicks vs. M. E. Emlin. Notice giv ed as required by law. Levy made and returned to us by E. T. Fors yth L, C. Dr. llUJU 1 rarrfully |>r*i)ur«*l pr.tjy.trIptlou V|,.|-1 In prl.menr.ialMwkh.u Uiirtr ,.«n* II,-,I hy tn- p-npliv 'Sv.ry .Inula 8pe cult: bi;»jivttciitl ci ir * «*— -— Th *»so Hp«iclflca 'HrucuruM Rrn acl«nlino*lly nr.ri Kl proscrlutloiif : used for many practlcffi with Eunr«iM,audruroVv-7 « r nulMrfng the RystemTaful Ilr;.,!thennvorolca reaicdlo.-rikn World. Worm *«,ijr. Worm Colin ,qj ipl.. Uallc, or 1—thlugof Infnnto llarrlM, of ciiUdna or Ailnlti ‘Jil Drovolor/i Grilling RmoiuCoUe. •' ( Solera MarSaa, Yomlllog tniap Cold. UronchiUn jj Naaralgla, Tooiliache,Fncenohn *l*la. +ooUiacbe, Paonaohe 2 eadachee* Sick Headache.'fcrtlgo .2.', Teeeeala, BUloue Stomaeh .23 tMrrii'.or Palafnl PeHoda. Also at the same lime and place will be sold lot of land No. 644 in the .econd district and shird section of Paulding county, levied upen as the property of John Crompton to satisfy ' superior court fi. fa., issued from the .uperior court of Paulding county, in f iver of J. M. Spinks vs. John CTomp. ton for purchase money of said let of land. Tenant in possossion no tified as required by law. This Nov. 10th 189P. J. A. WESTBROPKS, Sheriff. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR. Deputies. 1000 Dollars Reward To any one who will furnish trs a receipt that will cure a cough, cold or any disease of the throat or lungs sooner or more effectually than’ Cherry Cough Syrup. Sold and warranted by couually & con-- nally. Specifics.