The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, December 09, 1892, Image 2

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THE: NEW: ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON. EDITOR and PUBLISHER. TERMS. ONE YKAIl fl.00 BIX MONTHS 50o THREE MONTHS ■ 25o Advertising rate* lent on appli cation. Entered in tlio Tost Office at Dallaa, Ga., an Hocoiid-clium mail matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER 9,1882. Democratic Ticket for Officers. County For Ordinary, F. P. HUDSON. For Clark S. (!., W. I. FAIN. For Sheriff, LOUISJR, THOMPSON, For Deputy All.riff*, J. P. BAGGETT, Z. P. FULLER. For Treasurer, JOHN W. GARRISON. 5 For Tax Collector, JOHN H. TURNER. For Tx Reo 'iv jr, W. II. MORGAN. For Coronor. THOMAS BELL For Survoyor, JESSE HOLCOMBE. The Third Party ami the Confederal Soldier*. Why is it the 3rd party in Gco.- gia ia in favor of “Liberal prnsioua to uniorn soldiers,” and opposed to eor ia do'ng anything for the roliof of her poor and disablon co ifederate veterans? Why dal tlio 3rd party of Geor gia, in its s'ale convention, pledge tho party to “Liberal pensions” t- union soldiers, and promise not one cent io our confe lent to soldiers? Our 3rd ; art: friends say they are in favor burying sectionalism. So . re all goo 1 men of all par tics. But, dies that menu that we are to open the floodgates of our obari ty to the soldiers of tho North, and turn tho cold shoulder of indiffer ence an 1 scorn to the vsterans the South. \ One of tho sacred writers say* that, “If any provide not for his rwn,” “Ho Until denied the faith and is worse than an infidol.” Tho southern man who sneer* ut tho confederate soldier is a trai tor to patriotism, to gratitude, to bis raco, and to his country, Poisoned by Sorofula- Is the sad story of many lives mad* miserable through no faults ol their own. Scrofula is more espo- cially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simple reason Arising from impure and insuffi cient blood, the disease locates it self in tho lymphatics, which are composed of white tissues; there a period of foetal life when the whole body consists of |wliite tis ues, and therefore the unborn child is especially susseptible to this dreadful disease. But there s a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired. It is Hood's {Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful effect on the blood, pels all trace of tho disease and gives to tho vital fluid the quality mid co’or of health. It you decid to ta'ce Hood’s Sarsaparilla do no accept any substitute. DEMOCRATS. A few in tho south sro trying 10 teach our people to have con tempt for the word democrat. It was democrats who broke the yoke of British oppression. It was democrats that demanded tlio independence of the colonies. It was a democrat thaf framed the declaration of independence. It was democrats that defended and made good that declaration, ns a democrat that suggest ed tho plan of the National con- important than the success or de people were giving more attention to this matter? While overy one is discussing politics find working for his party, ought wo not to be looking after the welfare of our children? Grave questions are agitating the civilized world. Many of thorn are to be eetlled by the rising gene ration. There fore, it behooves all p irents to look well to the education of the’r chil. dren. The prnpor education of the children of the country is more Sexafroo! Sexafrool the wonderful tooth wash. It you desire a pearly wtyite set of teeth and sweet breath, use Sexafroo. Ask for and see that F.ORGIA, Paulding County To all whom It may concern } Cheap Medicine—save Money. All buy medicines, and you want them cheap-at retail at wholesale ratei. by Connally&Connally. stitution, It was democrats that trade it possible for that constitution to be ado ted. It wae the democrats that taught the wo Id to respect Aame-ican citizens, in every land, and upon every ocean. It was a democratic . presidrnt who laid down the doctrine thm foreign tryants should not plant their aeopter upon Auiericun soil It was democrats who extonded the territory of the ‘nation from ocean to ocean, and from tho Jakes to the gulf. Every bright page in l! e hinto'j of the country was written thurt by democrats. It was democrats that rescued Georgia fiom the rule of the car petbagger<. It « as demoorts that took charge of ankrupt Georgia, and made rad t second only to that of tin nation. It is Georgia democrats that have made Georgia the unpin state of the south. Let the demagogues snerr SINGERS Public speakers, actors, auctioneer., teach era, preacher., and all who are liable t« over-tax amt Irritate the voeul nrirnn., flint, III Ayer'* Cherry Vectoral, A .ate, certain, and aiwedy relief. It soothes the larynx, allay. Innaiiiuiatlori, strengthen* the voice, and for whooping cough, croup, sure throat, and the .uddou cold, to which children uro exposed, this preparation Is without equal. William H. Quartly, Auctioneer, Minis- ton, Australia, writes: " In my profession of un auctioneer, any afloetlun of tho voleo or throat Is a serious matter j but, at each attack, I have been BENEFITED BY a tow doses of Ayer's Chorry Teetotal. This romedy, with ordinary care, has Worked such magical effect that I bavo suffered vory little Inconvenience." “ Having thoroughly tested tho properties of Ayor's Cherry Feolnral an a remedy for bronchitis anil throat affections, I ant heurt- lly glad to testify to the Intrinsic merits of this preparation."—T. J. Macmurray, Au thor and Lecturer, Ripley, Ohio. "Ayor's Cherry Pootoral lias cleared and strengthened my voice, so that I am alrlo to speak with very much moro ease and com fort than before." —(Rev.) C. N. Nichols, factor of baptist Church, No. Tlsbury, Muss, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral • I'RXPARKn nr Dr. J. C. AYER A CO., Lovell, Mm. Bold by RllDruggists. Price #1; tlx bottles,**. A Whoat Raising Bull. Mr. Ilonry Frasier of thin coun ty has a bull that has been eutin. nto a stack of wheat straw. The grains of wheat lodging in the hair of his nock has sprontsd, and he nowcarrios a luxuriant growth of ' oat upon his hand and nock. Tha novel crap U said to prom ise a fair yield. Tha truth of this story is vouch «d for by Mr. H, W. H ty. Why is it that the 3rd party is ■ oalottsly in favor of billions of pa. por or fiat money and yet make so much fuss about free silver which they say ttoal I only amount to 30 venis per capi'a? Dip, tint silver X \ ’*4u .\U.tUu -Li tt tv'? Beggs’ E»mily Medicins your troublesome cough can be re lieved in just five minutes by the use of Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup, and one so cent bottle will effectually cure any ordinary cough. Sold and war ranted by t'annally & Connally. of i ny political party. We have bad a sirfeit of p liti- cal me-t'ngs. j N >w, let us have a few school meeting*. Let the people of each cimmu nity g*> together, and devi: e ways and means to secure comfortable ,-chool house t, The teauhai s end children nrr ready, when the house* are prcv pared. The public a. ool fund of t'. * county is about oight th Mtsat'd dollar* p. r yea' . The children of the comity do not re ei.c mere limn half the benefit they slio, d, because tho atajoi ty of the u h.,ve no opportunity to attend s diool •xcept for fc a few weeks in the sum! me "a. Give us belter hott es, and lrt these ishil 'rett lmveanopp rtnnity to attend school six moot is of the year, instead of six v eeks. By virtue of an order of the couit of Ordinary of Monroe county Ga. will be sold on thefirst Tuesday of Januaty 1893 at (he court house in Dallas within the legal hours of sale the following properly to wit: lot I land 208 19th district 3rd section of Pau'ding county and bounded as fol lows on North by lot 143 owned by J. F. G. Hutcheson East by l.,t 207 owned by said Hutcheson on South by 213 owned by Joseph oamell and on west by lot 209 owned by w. H. Baiter sold as the prop rty of Earley Cleavdand deceased late of Monroe county t;a. for the bcncf.t of the It.; 5 Dec. 1st 1893 I hoinas o. Scoot Adn.'nistator. plication will be heard oa the first Mon day In January 1W3. This Oct. 11 18*2. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, I Pauldwq County. j To all whom it may concern:— J. Adcock, Administrator of Wm, Ad cock deceased has applied to the trader- aigifad for letters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard on the first Monday in January 1803. This October 11, 1802. B. C. SCOGGINS, Obdinart. IVotice! Little, but Oh, My! Peggs’ Little Giant Pil s beat the wond, They act like magic, with no b d results. One pill a dose; 40 dos es one bottle. Sold and guaranteed by Connally & Connally, ■F'-vatvira Frwpstxaitlesa. Is an initinctivo law of nature - how neoessary it is to bi prepared for that night-fiend tochilJri n and ho: or to patienta, croup. T;:y- 1 r’s l lterokeo Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein is the panacea coughs, colds ar.d consumption. Tlio hill to pay members, o" the cui'da of 1 d.ication for their rei- v ice.* war defeated in the 1-gisl uro fhis weoK, To all candidate)* iu tho county we " ant t > say, that we nro 1 r imrvd to print ti< Irats at. $1, p t'to imntl; give us yo :r or ioi' sot. Hint we m ty havj plonty of tin, to d > you a g o l jot-. Jacobs’Pharmacy ATLANTA. QCOROIA, Marietta A Peaohtree Streets, f. O. Boa S5T. A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: B. B. B Hunnicutt’a Rhtuivatic C«r«. Railway's Raady Ralitf. jjc. CKanay’a Expect or ant si aal ifC. X #e, *J* n » .*..«• and jjt. fund • Extract M **<»•■ I.cmon Elixir uuA ;m, Tuit'a Hair Dv« Uc. Si. Jacob's Oil iu. Allcock's Plattara toe. Henson's Capsina PUatara ifc. Dr I. A. Maiill'i Oranga Blossom . . . 67c. Hradvcrotint jjt. Morsford'a Acid PKotphalo . ... 34 sad 73c. White Rose Soap 4711 [3 cakes in o boa] per boa 43c. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap, cake sic. Cnticura Soap, cako ijc. Hagan's Magnolia Balm lot. Bay Rum, Si. Thomas ... 14* *4 »»d alt. Hep Bitters Nt. Hostett«r’> Ritters . . , . jjt. Brown's Bronchial Trochaa, boa. , All Worm Candies, per boa'. Sage's Catarrh Cura.... Everything usually sold la a mw-wm* drug store, retailed at wholesale priots. Makt up your orders, sand to * seed astro 1 r Express charges are usually af aaais per package uader % Ika. SCHOOL HOUSES. For the next five months, tlior# will be tlirae thousand id'.o chil dren in this county. These children ought to bo in •chooL They would be iu school if tbr scheols, were in operation. We would have alf % Shy jcRqI- needed, >£ wo h tA .Lfu.-f ciurtMir-r-t J 1 'u. f Q' corulo tA.1 A- Aeimol houne... 3 Mow. in it not t im. -h. . .. ' Hie following porsoua liuvo paid on subscription* to tho New Eit.i since our lad its te and it is with ph asure wo ackno wledge tho re coip' for tho diimu: T. D. I auglny, Noah PinKurd, T. II. I ai d, R. F. Harris. J. D. \b!e*, 0. J. L-ster, T. J. Tibb’.tts, ■T. B, Cooper, F. J. Smith, X. J, Rollins Mrs, Thu'hol Ft s'er, Mrs. S::an And, L F. Cole, L, Si.oftii Id, T. K, Bennett, •Fame’. L. Hight, H, N. Hagan, G. \Y. 'Vomick, M. D,i"ii, M. M. Shipp, '.I. Camp J. W. Bm.son, 0, W. Harris, J. P. Osborn, \V M. Ilitchoo'k, ■Fesse y.. (:o!p, M. F, Owen, J. D. Tientbnm, Fo!m Alexander, J - II, VVomick, W. F. WallCer, ill E. Spink*, J. F. Dewberry. Dr, S. Robertson. G. W. Gentry, T. Tunt. » VSSWWj^ — * AW^WSR XV *v HUIvSpSU flwHfff. fll A J. M. Walravan, Administrator of tho coba' pharmscr, tho largest Southern . - Mteto of T. J. Wslrsren deceased has you get genuine Sexafroo and take applied to the unJeraigred for letter* of no other. Every bottle guaranteed diemluion from esid estate sod said ap- 'eutters” of prices, has sn advertisement n today's paper containing a few prices All other article* are sold at similar rates. Nc matter what yon wart that ia nflnally kept in a large drag store send u them. They will sell it at astonishing low rates, K xpress charges tor packages under five pound*, twenty-flivo cents. Watch these advertisements and price* •Send for a number of thingsjat ouca word to tho wiso sufficient? •P* GEORGIA, j Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— John F' Cole has in due Jotn died to the undersigned for the guar dianship of the property af John 'C McDuffie, minor child of John Me Duffie, late of said county deceased, md said application will be heard on he firat Monday in January next liven under my hand and official iignature. Tiiis the ;th day of Dec 189*. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, 1 Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins adminittrator of L. Pace has in due form appliid the undersigned for leave to sell th lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in Jan uary next. Given, under my hand and official aigniture. This the ;th day of December 189s. H. C, Scoggins, Ordinary. EORGIA, Paulding Countv.— To all whom it may concern: W. !'. Dewberry administrator of the es tate of William Dewberry late of sau 1 county deceased, has in due form ip plied to the undersigned for letter^ of dismission from said estate, and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in Decern her next. Given under my hand and official signature. This sept. 8th 189s. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. DALLAS PRODUCE r\RKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried 5c per It Honey, “ Beans white Navy,. 4 . . .$:.oo bt “ mixed, 75c to 1.25 bu Butter, 15c per lb Corn, 50c per bt CHICKENS. Hens 25 to 27c C° C k s » ... 15 to 20< Fry s i to 20c Ducks, 15 to 20c Ff?K s doz Peas, Clay, '...8oc per bu 11 White, 1.25 to 1.50c “ R y« 65c “ Lard,.... ..rocperlb Wheat, 75c to f 1.00 per bushel Fl° ur > #4.00 per, bll Irish Potatoes, 30c, per peck Sweet Potatoes 40 per bushel Meat > toper lb Da is 50c per bu Cotton 7 3-4 FA!{MEl{Smn r th t0 c'aLl^u S i am PILES! PILESI PILES! They can be believed at once and in time effectually curtd; by a thour- «as£h use of Begg’ German Salvr, we give a positive guarantee win every Coatiillyr .fc^e.pnnaHv, Mow, iait uot tune qu no page lvilhistrated, givi, ilauulacturch’ low 1 TT-r-i^t lirirc with Men i V r nfaoturera’ diHcoum * -L>„„ all good* maim factored and im ported into the l ni ted State*. u n v r v 251,150 c< ' nt, ‘ ML VJ 11 ft I cvol ' v ffnllw you spend. Wo soli onlj first -tiiss good*, Grocccien, Kurnitiire' Clothing, Dry Goods, Hat*, Capa, |BnoU and kIiocs, Notions, Crockery, Jewelry, Buggies and Harness, Agricultural Im- pliments, in fact anytliing you want. Saved by buying of us. Sondja cont* (o pay oxpressago oa catalogue, a buyers guide. We sre the only concern that sells at mannfaciuror’R prices, allowing tho buyer tho same discount that the manufacturer gives to the J wholesale r. ulo Wo guarantco all ;goods to l>e equal to rep resent atirms or money re funded. Goorisaeixt byexpress or frvigh ai. Sk ytuvelogo ofl *x3nii:a:i(. , Mjftnr- A.fCUt b 12aQvr.»r3 St, thi - in GEORGIA, Pauidino County To all whom it fhay concern: Mrs M. J. Shelnutt has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for the guar liatt: hip of the person and properly of May and Jessie Shelnutt minor children of John H. Shelnutt late said county decease. Said applica tion will be heard at office on the 1st Monday in January next; given under my hand and official signature. This December 7th 1892. H. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paulding Countv. J Notice is hereby given to all con- emed, that I have filed with the lurk of the Superior 1 ourt of said ounty, my petition addressed to said ourt, returnab’e to the next term heieof to be held on the first Mon- lay in January 1893 for the remova >( the disabilities imposed upon m * y my intermarriage with Mary J *nn, which application will be heard it the courthouse in said county at .aid term. This Nov. 1st 1892.J • J. B. Gann. Notice. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Agreeably toan.order of the court of Ordidary of Paulding county will be sold at auctioxat the court house door of said county on the first Tues day in Jauuary 1893 within the legaj hours of sale the following property to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 594-595’- 631, F.ast half of lot No. 560, and three acres more or less in the South west corner of lot No. 559 all in the 31 d district and 3rd section of said county, sold as the property of H. J. Wills late of said county dec'd. Termsone half cash, other due in one year, with the priuilege of dis counting at 7 per cent. This Nov 25th 1892. R. H. Wills, B. F. WilIs, Admr’s. Paulding Sheriff’s Sale For JAN., 1893- State of Georgia, county of Pauld ing. will be sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tues day Jan. next, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: A fractional part of lot of land No. 371 in the 19m district and ard sec tion of said county of Paulding con taining 32 acers more or less. Levied on as the property of J. W. Lang to satisfy a justice oourt fifa issued from the justice court of the 1043rd dis trict G. M. of Paulding county Geor. gia infavor of B. R. Legg & Bro. vs J. W. Lang; written notice given as requited by law. Levy made and re turned to us by W. A. Sumerhill L. C. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land number 440 in the 19th district and 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia; levied n as the property of Willi tm Cocht an, to satisfy a tax fi. fa., issued by W' T. F. Thomas, tax collector of said county vs. William Coc'rran for his state and county tax for the year 1892. Notice given as required by law. Levy made »hd returned to us by M. A. Haney, L. C. Also at Ihe same lime and place will bs sold one undivided ninth in terest in lots of land Nos. 427 and 483 in the 19th district and 3rd sec tion of Paulding county Georgia, con taining 80 acres more or less; levied on as,the property of the defendant B. W. Partin, to satisfy a justice court fi. fa., is*used from the justice court of the 1207th district o. m., of Pauld ing county, in favor of Langston Jt Crane vs. B. W. Partin. Notice given as requital by law. Levy made and returned to us by M. A. Haney l. c. Also at the same time and place rooo Dollars Reward To any one who will furnish us receipt that will cure a cough, cold ar any disease of the throat or lungs sooner or more effectually than Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup. Sold and warranted by connally Sc con nally. will be sold lot of land No. 1014th in he 2rd district and 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia. Levied on as the property of J. A. Baker to sat isfy a Justice court fi fa issued from the Justice court of the 1218 distric ‘ G. M. of said county infavor of Bart^ lett and watson. Notice given as rc"^^L qu ired by law. ’ This Deo. 8tli 189 \ J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W. FURR, Deputies. EHT SundaySun $2.00 a Year Contaning mare reading matter hau any magazine published n America- Ad.’ress THE SUN, Kcw Yoifc.