The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, January 20, 1893, Image 2

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THE: NEW: ERA. Published every Friday L. M. WASHINGTON. EDITOR aud PUBLISHER. TERMS. ONE YEAR ....11.00 •IX MONTHS f>0c three months 2.5c igrAdvertising rate? sent cation. on appli- Entered in the Pont Office at Dallas, Gi.. w necoi.dH'laKii mail matter. FRIDAY JANUARY 1:0, 1893 SIRD PARTY A.Vn KARMONY. The "ril party in Georgia has be.'i .limiting harmony ami claim* ing ononrHs of mind and .pirit with their brethren in the weat, a <1 nt th. name titna, they have been thm.ring mud nt the govern* n.ent for appropriating money to the world’. Fair. Now, the 3rd pnrty in Kansas is clamoring for the ftHte to appropriate ♦.in,000 lor a sthte exhibit at .aid fa r, v. h t is ha ninny anyhow? m il’hoTson. Buts. Mr. Editor:— Allow me a small apace in your vauable paper, for a few tinea in thia iasu ?. The health of the people in thia aaotioa iaganerally goed. Old un do W. M. Tho naaon ia quite fee b'a thia week, thia cold weather ia too bad for him. I received a letter thia week frem John F. I lioma ea of Alaba ma hit family ia well. He is coming to ace us in March. He uae not been here in twenty year*. Mr. C. P, Telbert lias his shop up a: MoPboraen. Evry body thaf want* worn done can get it done when they bring it. I am authorized to nay that there will be a horns swapping conven tion en the Saturlay ia each month. I want to boom thia little city if I nan. Little Sara tried it laat week, and the old lady McPherson did not like it much. There was a had wreek on the E. T. Va. R. It,, two miles north of Dallas and three miles east of Mc Pherson, A tr%ia of 16 car* fell through a treads, killing one ne gro and crippling another. The damage it iupp.«ed to be one hundred thousand dollait, Success 11 the New Era Mil l it* readers. 1 o lg Tom. in this section, but it is not fatal. Christmas is over and evrybody seem* to bo al right and no ser ious damage done. All went off phasantly, and merchants and far mers are gone to hard dmn busi ness. The writer took his Christmas in Paulding county. Yt. Oliv t church had a line Christinas tiee the n'giit of the 24th, which was orderly and well attended. The w riter received a nioe present in the form of a ♦ hat. Dullas, also, had a fine tree, w ell attended, and really jo d ouler I received a nice present, for which I hope the giver will accept my many thanks. I am glad it wt s m v happy privilege to meet with the Bap is'. Church at Dallas aid ti*ur Rev. J. M. Spinks preach able sermon, I mot with thu Kim- dayschool in the evening. On Wednesday following the th I mot with the church at \ld- lene. They h: d a fine Christmas tree which was well attends !, wt rncei' ed some fine pr eats. ■v« h .ve alse been to mine n'c veil lings, i inee the now v ar La.- come our pe >p e smhii to I nv. lonhlrd their diligence in In niin merchandising, and serving tin lord, in which I hid them Co speed. we have near our home two good schools now in send n, taiigh by Ptof. J. M. Banks an I Mis l.evola Banks, This is Mr. BiinKi year and our people all lilt « him with best, wishes to tin* mam readers of the New Era, I dose. m. F. VVAI'RELI Poissned by So.'ofula. Is thu sad story of many lives made misoiablo through no fuulto oi their own. Scrofula is more espe cially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simple reason Arising from impure and intufG- cient blood, the disease locates it self in the lymphatics, which ore composed of white tissues; there a period of foetal life when the whole body consists of white tis sues, and thareforo the ut lioni child is especially sussejitihlo to this dreadful disease. But there s a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired. It is Hood's .Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful effect on the blood, ex pels all trace of the disease and gives to the vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decid to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do no f coopt any substitute. TEMPLE, GA. Mr. Editor:— Will you U io kind ai to give n * space ia yo r v luab e pt p<J which we arc aii glad to read. \VV v eliaveinga great deal of sic cues* If your liver or kidneyr arc ou' order it is noticed nt oi ce on the f;i either by the skin being a dark greasy yellow, or by dlotclics and pimple- appearing on the surface. Bcggs Blood Purifier and lllood Maker acts directly on these organs, and wil make a dark gresy skin clear nub tran spared and will remove all bimple and eruptions from the face. Sol and warranted by commit) & i onr a Notice! All the overseers of the v.t i >u roads of the io8a District G. M.. are requested to file, by the aStlt inst., their road lists with tne Ordinartf, for the bene fit of the new road commissioners. W. T. Butler. VV. F.Crew. F. P. H udson, Ci IMS, A SERIOUS R- R. WRECK A serioni wreck • <m t|„ E. T. Va. fi (Ja. It. R. last Mon day evening near I’limpkinviui. Creek. A through freight of li ear* and the citboe e jumps I tin track, wrocning almost thu entin train, and tearing down a trestle One man was Kill 'd, an 1 tw others In tired. PRINTER'S PECULIAR! I IKS, A printer may have a banK and quoin ’ and never be worth a cent have caps and smallcap. and I aw neither wife nor children; otheis may run, hut ho gets along fast.-i b/ setting. He may make siens without elo |Usnco, and st.l tell the truth. Though others can not stand and set, ha can s t st Hid ing, and do both at the same tone may use furniture and have no dwelliag: may make and put a win pi, yet never are nor eat a pie. A human being, ho may be a rat at the same time; may ha'idleu sho rt- ing iron, yet know aught of a gun. caneu or pistol. He may lav his form o i the bo/1, yet be compel leg to sleep ou the floor; i. av use a dagger without shedding blood; from aarth may handle stars; ami he may have a sheep's foot and never be deformed. — ' xchuinjc. ySr* ^niftTHsHurob, - WMtrnns, Mulium, lueiCTatl... . cuoiunaat, lute *- '.IKdttSS mow QITTKRS Mr. Haney Heed Lacoyvlllt?, o. Catarrh, Hoart Failure, Pa ralysis of tho Throat '• 1 Thank (lad mid Hood's Sarsa parilla for Vcrfeel Health.” " (Ifji'.hMiM'h: Kur t!:»» In m (It of sufTorlnft lm- ni.mlty l wl-ili to stutc :i fiuv fiicts: for several v -ais I liavo nutTercil from catarrh ami Iteart fillin', teuton so lout I could not work and Could Scarcely Walk I had a very had spell of paralysis of tint throat aomo time into. closed and OEORf.IA, i I’AL't.nt.vo Coi n rv. | I' ) till V. liorn it may collect n;— Notice is hereby given t tLas good cause be shown to the .>ntr:v\ | an order will be granted cm .!/ a new public road in said .a,.or commencing at Antiock iTu !i . the 1043rd district G. \i.. re north east by the rest'd n.-.j o' '. It, A .itc to tin: uobb county lino . ; n j under my hand and o'lici:.' ... 1 a ut . i this the 5th day of January 1.1 . j II.C >fj. lU'ilA 1000 Dollars Reward To any otic who will t.irui .h receipt that will cure a c. ugh. or any disease of the litre,-.1 1 , sooner or more e.i'e t■... I' v Bi'- Cmmttv 11 S.ui r. and warranted by connal!) ,V nally. xvhleh I took ; My throat oniii not mwhIIow. Tim doctors mid if pauspil by heart millin'. mi l gnv« tno<liclm*. ‘ ' lln« todirntions. tint It did any piod. My wil.* ur ;.*d Hnnupni ilia. tolling nn* ol Mr. who had bucii At Death’s Doc*!* hot was entirely mired hy Hood* Snr.s:u>arlllii. After t;PkllH< Si-ilh Mr. Smith. I concluded to tr\ M'mmI'.h Sar-a| iillla. When I had 1 . . i ti*.n hotth‘4 I felt v«*ry much batter. I Iuim* taklimit, and am now feellnu c.\ I- lent. 1 thank (iod, and Hood's Sarsaparilla my restorafio 1.1- mo i t' a I'll I.S it iij.lly, t*« .li; Runt week s iw t from otli o i f two of t!i apablc and cllicicul, ofiict ovc.' ot'v.'d t o peo U* of Paul !h; r fioHtity, -lu lg ■ II. ('. l-'cog i s air IV. 1. I’u’n. ,'s omli ary. Jinlgt' Scoggins liar been t*v r w tc.i'.i 1 of the .nt rest of the county, lii admin is! fa' i n h :h bee 1 linn, fair inipa tial, an I cm erviitivo. lit Icavi s llie- oil'- after eight jetr of work wit out a spot or h-inis' i ) on his it-cord. W. I. Fain has hoc i e’erk of the superior court fir the last twelve year ;, and it slto \ he remembered, that, dtfir.g th ■ecoilt camp igit in wliieli h ■ w u do 'eatud, Hot th ■ first word \va aver said against his chain ter, no (lie ability a d ellicii ncy will .'illicit he has dlaclta ged the lu‘ i of his office. There was'lio clerk ill Geor ia, A I his Inuk and ’'t.'ior arc inotlel, of iiea!..i > . ami tho o ig .ess. Thev credit to the arc Lil le, but Oh, M • Puggs' Little Giant Pills beat tin- wor d. They net likemigic, with n bail c.-ults. One pill it dose: 40 do:, es rate bottle. Sold guaranteed y connally f. 1 Dtuially, Crawi 11 : i, (Ja., Jan. 1 !, Editor Nutv Era, Dallas, (ia. My tim : is ah t out but sent’ o l tl-p paper. Sen ! r la a. wee 1 ;' pa par; I ,a I d to get it. Ut untie ; i ■!.-,»( w 1 coin ple'.ely .-ttcecs fuI in till thi . man rv. In our county, 1I1 ,| >.nocrat,, had no op i o.dti n. Thu iltir.i pm lv, ill is recti 11, is too tie.d siiin. The Allianro hero can o led away from dem .cr itic p: in cipii s by 1 oii'.ica' th-n . 1, ni s cud my paper t n \ ours wi h lies i\ ishe--, O. L. B. i.isi u. ScNitfroo! Sexafrool tin wondu:'-. ■ ootli wash, 1 f you desires pcu.l. ■'bite set of teeth and sw. ct bre.iti t .c ftcxulroo. Ask fo, m.i , 1 - • ' .it get genuine S.w.tfio 1 1 1 other. Every bottle g .. , .,n’.i by t.onn.i!ly&Coiiiiaily, .inXy to j/ /o: I a 1 n pri'i ur d to | rocure loan: 0 impt'i veil farm lai ds in ,-uu • 00, 'iinl upward at lower r !e., , " ' >c Is 11 ml 1:11 t nsier lerms I a nc ollered by others, !•'. n 1 iesit ing to borrow will do w il t. "Cine I e fore mitking ar a ■ r i! ts elsew here- W11.1. li. Si'.nks. Ally. Dal!:..", Ga. ^'xrxrr.maaariar t Lrjx'FXyi L’c'.'TrT.Trvr DALLAS PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Apples Dried per il Honey, ... . . " Beans white Navy, :-...oo hi “ mixed, 75c to t. .j ] H 15c per II., Corl b set pci Lt CHICKENS. liens 2 j |,i -si Ct cks " !• rys I tucks,.. IS to 2C( IS to oc. ts fo 20c. ..... tsc dor:. .. Soc per Ini. to i.soc “ 65c “ 1 toe per lb 75c to $1.00 per bushel S-!-oo per, hi!. Dish Potatoes, 30c, per peck. .-weet Potatoes 40 per bushel. :, t. Peas, Clay,.. “ White, Rve Lard,.,.. '\ h *at Flour, ME 21 AND t; mmk (Tho Queen ol Faiilos ) FOR LADIES, STRICTLY if 1GHEST GRADE M ts Cotlo ' i p i {i; .-1 1,1 loupcr 1 50c pci bu • • ■ 93M VTl. lUip: *S i V" ■ i I ! J GEORGIA, / i’.UT.Di.Nt; County, j I . all whom it may concern:— M. B. Wat-un has in due form ap ;»led to the undersigned fur perma- '■< nt letters of administration on the .-state of Mrs. Levicie ’sorion, late of said county deceased. Said applica tion will he heard on t' •• first Monday in l'ebuary next. Given under my It.nd and ofti.ial signature. This tile ;lit day of Januaty 1S93. II. C. SCOutJINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) I’ait.ding County. ( i o all whom it may concern:— Mrs. Ella Mauldin has in dt c form plied to the undersigned for pet n.incnt letters of administration on lie estate of Albert Mauldin late of .a d county deceased, said applicant H be heard on the first Monday hern.ary next. 'J his January 4th I!. S< IGGI.N: ()!U>IN. GEORGIA, ) P.wn.niNt: tt mi, ) all ,vhom it may < 1 ticuni:- - . Robertson has in due form tip d to llte u idersigried for perma- R ! tti rs of administration on the He of Alford Moon late if said ■1 1 v dr; can'd to ve-l in the hand;, V. I.. Rollins county adminis . said application will he heard on '■•1st Monday in February next, v. n under my hand find official mature. This the 4th day of Jan ;y 1893. 11 t'. Sc. ct; 1 ns, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) I'.wjldim; County. | all whom it nmy concern: — I y virtue of an order of the court (Irdinary of Paulding county sail ■ will be sol 1 to the highest hid ;t the cmirt I’otn.e door of sail. 1 sty 1 n the fust Tuesday in hehu. [S93, between the legal bouts :,i nivided half interest in 25 acers cl A c ‘ half of lot of lam," nutnbet tnd 30 acers of the We; t side oi umber <y . all in the 1 alt di ,tri ! -v 1 sccboh ol Paulding county 1 is the plop.a ;y of Mary Langs lian of Nimpie 1.. Ratteri e ti e; benefit of said minor. Tit's ■ t dayli of January 1893. Mary Langstcn, Guardian. All buy mcdicinop, and you want them 1 ' elicit], -at retail at wholesale rates. Ja '■oils’ plan maty, the largest Southern ‘cutters” of prices, tins an advertisemen j in to. day's paper containing a few prices j All other articles arc sold at similar rates. No matter what vott wart that is usual 9 kept in a large drug store send to them. They will soil it at astonishing low rat K (press charges for packages under live pounds, twonty-fiive cents. Watch these advertisements and prices :"i!nd a number of things jit ouen word to the wise sttIRelent'.* The Atlanta Constitution and [New Eva for cl i- C’lol.liiii' ;md slid to IL CUSHION and PNEUMATIC —*^TiRES^®— j Warranty With Every Wheel j SEND VOtm ADDRESS FOR CATALOG’.). 1 ARIEL GYCLElYiFG, CO., 00 ^ ci s pile a!l/»w it unit inufacLiii'or "ives to t! lo Wo tuamntco all : ual to roprosontiiHoiis 1 dctl. CJnods sent by pit jiayiiif. j A, KAK C 1X2(0 11 i* A (' >. 122 i^uincy GKOK(J! A, ) r.\'.nl: Cou'. i v. \ ■ . I! whom it may conccrv:— W. L. Rcllins, administrator ■slat,He of !'. A", 0 id county deceased, has in due fern "d to to the itn lersign . ;l for ■ ■ disn --.inn from sain estatt 1! said application will he h;a - [ : 1 c dice on the first Monday in April xt Given under my hand nndoflj li siynriture. This the |l!i day o ut: try 1893. II. e. SCOGGINS, O.-oina: v. 1 < ! G1A, I a: ldi: <; County. i 1. ad whom it may concern; J. B p f. ".ardi .n for J. Z. Moody ant f. K. Met ly, applies to me for let vis a ;;:sn:iusiin from said guar lianship. and ! wiil pass upon tin his application on the first Monday 1 hi hr. ay, n ":t. at my offiu e in Da! as. s ii c -t: ty < live a under m> I a: d and o.'fi.c: I signature, this tin 5'lt e!,iy of January 1893. 1!. ('. Sui ct,ins, < tulinary. s ' 1 -rra.'iv.vr'sr ftiy-c-ree- -ss.- >RG’A 1* LOIN CO-j i' . nil whom it may twrera: ■ I R' d i. . ad. ii.ilstr.itor oi. ■s - id comity -i»-1 eased, J> s iu chu a ai'plied t,, t!i ■ undir.s'gi ed fo " n ton from ud estr.L and su'd appli atic n will ho h.tard a. ■ the first Vlor.t t. in Apriii I’-cxt. Given under my iu'.r.d and otli 1 -ini Jgnature. This the y,t!i da, muavy 1893. u. e. su ;\-y, OltUIXAUV ■ W Bino wit’s mors Brrr*zs <1- ja mil:-cst'.on, lUllousnesu, Dyspepb'.o .'ta n 1 1, Noi.ousiiess, end lieuerat Debtlitv. itiv-, 1, .-ocemmeni it. All iteuliie: set; it" Geni:*u ae nmci. ai i.n m navi or ivcia-.e-. THE Sunday S u n j $3.00 a Year Containing more raaciicg matter han any magazine published n America.. Address THE SUN, New York.