The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, February 03, 1893, Image 2

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THE: NEW: ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON, EDITOR and PUBLISHER. TERMS. ONK VICAR. li.oc ■ IX MONTHS 60c THREE MONTHS 26c ryAdvertising rates sent on appli cation. Entered in the Tost Office at Dalle*, Ga., u> Hociiiid-clasa mall matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY3. 1898. THE Pf5nTe53o7s D^EAM. O i»» rickety atool, by a rickety door of the editor** room on the upper floor, ! t the inner Minctum of pen and aheare, Sat n printer'* boy of uncertain yean, Waiting for copy; and all wap »t'II Sive the rapping Hcnitch of a rapid quill. The Carrier*# Addrena waa lifting horn hi the ohl-tinie ver** forth* N w Yi And the editor i Hut the hour in rote like a man itippired, a late and the hov wan tired. vrand, •d; CoiurrcMMional Keoorda, in binding griiii^ An,i Patent Kuportn leeked dewn on him— 1'lump vnlmnea revealing th« nation** health, And ofltooliithe edltor’a only wealth. Is irgo file* of pa|H>ra, duaty aid old, In him wept corner* quietly told That hU paper waa aoinnhowa thing ofdatea, While the IMuiiin were reaer red tor happier Aitea. Hut the iNHika, und the Hlea, end the editor gray. Tothedroway l#»y wore fading ft way. And the narrow room waned a gall With rich wrought earvlnga on erer; lleaiitifiil volutnea quaint a d old, Yellow velluina with eUapM of gold, Arranged in elniiiy enao* rare, tireeted hin vlaion every where; And ho noted—the hooka in tona were placed, And a hundred volutnee each alcove graced; Kighteeu were cloned with ahrnicn lmr, Hut the Nineteenth alcove waa atill ajar; No puruhniuiit hare; the hooka were new, Ami the hint wna rrgialaivd Ninety-two; While a Iniy in feature roaemhliug him, Not rugged mid aollod, hut neat and trim, Near the lowerahelf, he awmed to aee I'laelug another marked Ninaty-three; And an angel ant in a golden chair Writing iiieharaetera bright and fair With noiaelaaa pen; and the volume boro On the clear white margin Ninety-four. Mut the viaion vunlihod with—“Johnny,conic Tliia to t he foreman mid then go home. Walt, one Hue moro—u merry cheer! To each mid all a hlltlio New Year!” Ooiio were the uteovea with carving old, And volumea rich with claapaof go|d{ *’he Patent Keporta came hack again, The whitewashed wall und the dingy den; A lie' the angel that aat in glory there Waa the editor gray in hia old arm-chair. WALLACE MKUCE. but hoj>e it is for the test. 1 will enjoy your fellowship tho mo;e whon I i.turn. Well sir, Gainesville is * live lit tle city. It supplies all the moun tain country back to South and North Carolina. The town is full of wagons daily from tho moun tains loaded with produce of ail kiuds. They have two railroads hare, several banks and any num ber of fine hotels. The education al advantages are hardly excelled by any city in the state, they have ■ fine puhitj school system, also n baptist seminary for girls, the same wh.r. Mrs. J. M. Mason and Mrs. E. Davis, of our town, finished their .duentio i, and it is nblazi with interest, so to speak, and is far better than ever before, so.nt from Boston are here. There is a large amount invested her. in the manafaituro of Car riages, and I was astonished to learn of the number of shoes that the factories turn out. Two shoe factories here make over nine hun dred pairs of shoes per day. They , " orM also have a large cotton factory, add to this two fine springs that have already g own iir.mci sidy popular and it makes it, qnito a popular city. It is the homo ol Col. A. I>, Candler, the cx-h'oe g es man Irom the 9th or of l’igem roost notor'ety. It is also Ih« home of Gen. Longstreet, who I saw on the streets hero a few days a,o fo th. first time; no do .bt many of your read -rs, who know him in battle, would like to see him, I would say tint| time is fast telling on him, i.ut I inn t tome to a close. J. M. SPINKS. GAINESVILLE, GA. Mr. Editon— I promised you in my last that I would let yon hear from me again, while I have but little tim. I will give your readers a few items. I am not as homesick as I wt< ]ast week, but I would be glad to so. many friends in Paulding, yet it will !>. two weeks before I will get through. The |>eoplc here arc kind hearted and very attentive to strangers. The writer, after some persua tion, agreed to till the pulpit at the second baptist church here las Sunday, at 11 o’clock, I felt that 1 would be embarrassed, but I had such a wa: m reception when 1 rea died tho church that I felt at home, and it seemed that I had tin- needed inspiration from above. I had not talked long until I be gan to se. the eyes swiming in the congr. gation, then I felt I was in the very family of God, and not among strangers. When I had finished, two we o received into the church. Then 1 had to lave an introduction to the brethren and sisters, and consented to give them a Sunday school talk at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, and we had a crowd, but that you knew was my old fort, so as the old fel low said. I gave them the best I had in stock, so t e day that I bad dreaded so much was tho one en joyed most of any since I left home. I regret very nmols that 1 have Le.u awaj bourn v a; p>int,Aecu, Sira. A. 4. irtldam. Lynn, Mass. For the Good of Others Itev. Mr. William* IJrartily Kn*. dor*c* llooil’* Sar*aitarllla. VVe «irc pleased to present this f:oni Rev. A. A< Williams, of the Sillsbe* street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass.: •' I see no reason why n clergyman, wore than n layman, who knows whereof ho speaks, should hesitate to approve an Articlo of Merit and worth, from which hr bin family ha A* been ntgnully benefited, find whoso commenda tion may servo to extend those benefits to others by Increasing their confidence, My wlfo ha* for many years been ft sufferer from severe Nervous Hoadacho for wliiotl dm fonml lit I lo lioln. Sim lias trlc-il many things that promised, well hut per- lormed little. hn*t fall a friend gave her a hot* tie of flood’s Shi-m pan lift. It Nucllifl siirprlS- ing wlmt simply ouo bottle coilld and did a\\ ior her. T!i • nltltnk.1 of headache decreased lit uumlier and Nvcre-less violent in their inten sify, while her general health has been Im proved. Her appetite has also been better. Prom our ei.perleiico with Hood’s Sarsaparilla I liavi HOOD’S PlLL8 nrntlm beat family enthartU* gentlo untl effectlvo. Try u box. IMco 'Jta A WONDERFUL GIFT. THE ANTI-OPTION BILL.' ^ WMtth T ■ cheap -at retail at wholesale rates. J. I eohs’ pharmacy, the largest Souther, ‘cutters” of prices, has an advartisemen in to-day's paper containing a few prices All other articles are Bold at similar rates. No matter what you want that is A Negro Claims to be Inspir ed of God. , n uended form has passed tno sen • |ate, and will likely pass the house. IGNORANT AND UN All READ EE T>' I Vet Can ynolc ft ly Clmpter of V T I till- I I :le, Which lie Prove;! by Actual Teat. From the Marietta Journal. Alexanedr McCljIluin, it you"g negro from Robeson county, N. C- s'.oji pc ! ov t in Way cross, (J re cantly. Ho mil I t at lie wit* cm liis wuy lo McQuoen.s turp ntine s II oil tho Gei rg'ft So.itlio:':i and Florida railroad, lo e.: hia broth r who is working there. A il a tier he Lirttahatehio, Mis:. LEADING POINTS OF THE HATCH ANTI-OP TION BILL, ■A.-3 aa.o catly I*»as ad. Icy tile, The bill is tho o..o pass d by (lie house of representatives oil .limit 9,1892, with venoms uolialejiinend ments thereto. The fir.t sccti-.ii defines the woid options to mean a centrao or agreement for the right or privi lege to deliver at a fut«: o time within a designated period any oc the articles mentioned in section three. The.:e ondsection defines future to mean a contractor agreement to s ell and deliver at a future time or within a designated period any of such ai tides when the party si contracting was not the owner o such articles or had not agreed To tl'<> right to their future possession Tho act, however, is not to apply to any contract to supply nations' state or municipal governments with nay of su li articles, nor to contracts by farmers and planter* for future delivery, nor to ng;cc ments to pay or deliver part of the product of land as a compensation for its u :e, or us compensation for wo. K or labor done or to bo done on the same, nor to agreements with farmers or planters to furnish such article i for use or consumption provided that such contracts agreements shall not bo made or settled for by any board of trade or exchange. The third section specifies ai ti- dos to which the bill is to apply,as cotton —raw or iininamir>ietur<ju— bops, wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, pork, lard and bacon. The fourth section imposes spe cial t ixo -, as follows: Dealers in options or futures at $l,0l>0, a yea,, license fee and 5 cents a pound on cotton, bops, pork, lard or bacon and 20 lents a bushel on grain. Sections five to fourteen relate to detiils for enforcing the tax,and section fifteen provides that the act shall take effect on tho 1st of July . 893.—Atltinia Constitution, Mr. Edl ot".— Ail 1 uv • no wiiitsn now b <ome time, 1 will ry to give yo i t w items from Mississippi: Wo li vo ! il l n big Silo W 10 or 2 inches d up. We caught, in tills settlement. 0 race o is. Wc went to I ho lis trap six limes dit.lug tho snow . n ca ght lot! pounds of lino fisl Number; of them weighing frci j tj 12 pounds each. Hut the snow is go lc, tho bir In arc singing iiki it was or.iplaiiting time, on 1 w are pro ariug t > so.v our oats. I enjoy r ti ling the lotio.sof ill Nt: v Kit a c irresp mil -nt s. I was very much in!crested in the N E ,v Ku.v’s report of thecoii-o ty eliur ion. Bro. Lest r’s I tier in regard to the democrats, reminded mo of a 1 ilc an ''.d.ite I heard oil a haul-t deacon w'.i > wc t to town to swap off i •. old mule, lie was nccoin- pa lie i b • two follow.i who did not belong to tho i liurdi. Th _> deacon eqm.'sto;l Ids t onipiiiiioiis to trad,, tho mule for him, ns they knew IiIh ^landing and L’utt lie could not af ford to tell a li \ 11 is letter ,-ai I the de nocrats lmd not been leil oil' by (l a Ib.'ats and lb • 3rd pa ty. d c h vu io this c unity both 3 d p .riy p o -'c and democrats. Many fain lies in tliiscounti'y arc gi iug lo Ti xns this fall. 1‘iijni nays lo co tiiiue rending h'm the Ni;,v Ku.v. I'or fear I weary your pill io: ic u. I will dosj with 1 . s' w-.-di -s fin- hr Nkw Ku.v and its many rea l, ors. Your I'r end, K. W. Davis says that he is inspired, .Ini never went to school a day, a dc»S 'iot know a letter in t, a al pliabet when he sees it hid cic piote any vorue or chapter in li iiblo. 11c was talking to o i > wlbit men and negroes at tlm pa TUig - Rtatidi wh m a corrospind it w : passing by, whose i w ailed to tho negro. A cxiiilc said: “Yes I am inspired by (li goodness of tie L- rJ. It guv no.v!: dgo i f th • who Dihl one ay n Oc obe , 188 . If no . tody has a Bible all I will i ll my /versa o • chapter I nil quote it word for Word. No oil • had n copy of the Ilibl an 1 :o a ge tlcinen went and bor rowed one. Ml) e tlilln fifty chit t is nil 1 Verses were cul cd for by ddLieii; gentlemen, a d Alexa dcr q'otel every one, word for word, lie i.■ one of tile Itiost I'cmsi! lie. grooa ev r seen in lids co nti v, lie is i tellig nt a id ape k . t.iii— l.y good Engli li. II • talks rcliglo i all the t me. He is ignorant, of the | olitier* o!' hin co ntry, and i- n iot ren'einhor nryiliiii;; tlm has li tm ti I I him i f a wo idy im- tiiro. He says that he has never opened a Itiblc si ice lie! wits a lil- tle boy when he played with the leaves of the Bible. Ale .'under b 27 yea s of a c. lie um iol talk di tnutly. He says that he won; all the tittle, and always Ims mnir money than he u eds for his com fort. Whoo-cr lias the op o t - nity i f talking w ith him will lie impressed with the fact that llier is something more th in natural in his power of memory, if it coul bo cubed memory. H ; says it is gift of (Joil. Little, but Oh, M/l 1’cggs’ Little (limit fills beat the worid. They act like magic, with n bad results. One pill a close; 40 do es one bottle. Sold a.ul guaranteed y connally Ov comially, If not\ctocd by the picsidcnt it w ill soon ho a law. Its effects upon prices will be watched with interest. It lias long been chargcdjthnt by the method known as dealing m futures the speculators are enabled to control the price of farm pro* iucts to II10 great injury of the producers. This has been stub bornly denied by some who ha: claimed that by tills modern In s - ness invention the trade of the country has boon stimulated,there by securing li tter prices to the pr ducers. Congress was divided upon tlic question without regard In party lines. A practi nl test of the law wil lis 'lose its true merits. A slight decline in the price n cotton is charged to the probability of the bill becoming n law. Cue significant feature of tli agitation of the question has been tile hitter opposition to the mens by the speculators. usual ly kqit in a large drug store send to thorn. They will sell it at astonishing low rates, E <prcns charges (or packnget under live pounds, twenty-flive cents. Watch tliosu advertisements and prices uMoiul for a number of thlngsjat onca word to the wire sufficient? HOTICE. for MCPHERSON DOTS. Ma 1:111. n: —Or. hist bu iday, the 29th u!t., at tiro residence of the ride, Mr. John Butler t 1 Mrs. J. L. Howell. Win. Ilcudarson Esq, ofiLiatmg. Tho happy couple were given a g»ne:o n iofair on tli! fo.lowing da ■ by i.i's f ahcir of e groom, Mr J. M. B.itler. .V li tlo child of Hr. ('aspy .tla'- thews was seriously burned one day week. The skin stripped from its face, il.o child is iinprov- ng .some. All person : ind lit d lo b'u< ksinilliing will pi'iisu com for will' I and settle with me atom" 1 am 11 .din. money and must < ol lect what is d e 1110. J. W. Ai.i.i-'.n. ■wwAtSSii 1 X.AU1B* 'WW/ynOwt mat hwlliUi^ Pai saufby So.-afjla. Is tlm rad story of many lives made miseiallo through no faults of their own. Scrofula is more i spe > iiily than any other a hereditary disease? an I for this simple reus n Arising from inipuro and insulf.- cient blood, tlie disease locates it self in the lymphatics, w iiicli are oni[ioscil of w liito tissues; there a period of foetal life w hen the .vliolo body consists of white tis sues, mid therefore the I child is especially sussoptible to this dreadful disease, itut 1 here I sa remedy lor scrofula, whether icreditary or neipiireil. It. is 3 1 Hood’s Snr. a jiarilhi, which by its iTecC on the blood, e.c I GEORGIA, I Padloino Col’WTY. } To nil whom it nmy e<mcorn:— Notice is hereby given that unless ;ood cause be shown to the contrary an order will be granted establishing .1 new public road in said county, commencing at Antiock church in the 10 t3rd district G. M., running north cast by the residence •( John Ware to the cobb county line; given under my hand and official signature, this the 5th day of January 1804. 11.0 SCOGGINS, OUnlNARY. If y|ur liver or kidneys arc i u irdcr it is noticed at once on the fa :i ■ ther by the skin being a darkgreas; yellow, or by dlotchcs and pimples i;i|'C2ring on the surface. Eoggs lliood Purifier and Wood Maker acts directly on these organs, and wi make a dark gresy skin clear anb tran ■ parent and will remove all bimplc unci eruptions from the face. So und warranted by ccr.rn llj & tomn GEORGIA, | Pauiuun’ci Coijntv. \ I’d all whom it may concern:— The appraisers appointed to set quirt a years support for Mary J. '•VheclerWid uv of T. K. Pace,and the minor childern have filed their repoit ii my office, and I will pass upon ih: same on tho first Monday in ..inch next, (liven under my hand nd official s gn.aturc, this January, : qI'd, iScjr. E. \V. d'. ALEoOOJ), OlUIINARV. EORGfA, Paulding countv. To all whom it may concern: VV. I.. Rollins, administrator on tile estate of William Kenedy late o said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in Aprile next. Given under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 5th day of January 1893. It. C. SCOGGINS, OimiNAiiv. ■GEOI (51.A, j I’ac !>;: 11 County, f l'u all whom i’ may loncom:— Unless good cause be shown to the coniary, n order will be granted on th: first 'I ’..jsday in march next i-siahlishin anew public road in said county commencing at Antioch hurch and runni >g by I,. L. Vernon, Nathan Smii 1, ami iniersccting the Dallas and Acworth road near Na than Harris', (liven under my hand und official signature, ibis January :3rd 1S93, E. \Y. Y. ALLGOOD, OlUIINARV. 1EORG1A, Fai lhino County. 'J o all whom it may concern; J. B cooptr, guardian for J. 7.. Moody and J. H. Moody, applies to me for let ters of dismission from said guar dianship, and I will pass upon the his application on the first Monday in February next, at my office in Dal as, said county. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 5th day of January 1893. II. C. Scoggins, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paulding Countv. j" l'<i nil whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins, ndministriijr , he cstatnte of F, W. C said county deceased, has in due form applied to 10 the undersigned for tersof dismission from said estate and said application will be heard t my office on the first Monday in April? next. 'Given under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 4th day o- JanuarV 1893. . H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordina.-.v. V: Wwi-UCM. .MiUurili, IndjgeaUau ll<r>W.VS IKON ^ITTKISS. ' "'ff, f ' u ' *’*'i Oy mi ,i»m»„ -. GEORGIA, 1 1’aui.ihno County, j lo all whom it may concern:— W at ion has in due form ap- p'i :d to the undersigned for perma- aeiit letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Levicie Norlon, late of rni.l county deceased. Said applica tion will be heard on the first Monday n l'ebuary next. Given under my band mi l official _ signature. Thi the 4i.l1 day of Januaiy 1893. 11. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Pauli. 1 no Don’t forget the first Saturday in each month. Come and In in everything you have to trule on. in I the way of cows, yoarli- gs, horses' 1 ’° | W ‘ . ., ,. |and mules, and lets get this lit ^ [Reis id! race of ; he disease ami j nary ,89 town 00 a boon, it we can. j*™* '°, " ' lld , tUc j iixd «oU)V of bviiKli. !l von dccid ! ' S«aafe«totheKwv Era and it& W;:,-It sH’.s Ss*^ u ULv«U am rone! rs, Losu Jem. mac suAi'sHtutw. ! * ‘ 4 UX'll, ) To all whom it may (oncern:— ■S. Robertson has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for perma nent Inters of administration on the csti te of Alford Moon late of said ‘ ou icy deceased to vc-t in the hand* of W. L. Rollins county adminis ra ter; said a pi lication will be heard on the lirs t Monday in February next. G.ven under my hand and c tli rial goature. This the 4th day of J-..n GEORGIA, | J’aui.uinu County, j J To alLwlioiu it may concern: — lly virtue of an order of the court ot Ordinary of Paulding county said state will be soi l to the highest hid- d.r at the court house door of said county on the fiist Tuesday in Febu. ary 1893, between the legal hours an undivided half interest in 25 acers of 1 he West half of lot of land* m inter 899 and 30 acers of the West side of lot number 900, all in the 18th district ai d 3rd section of Pjitlding county. Sold as the property of Mary Langs ton guardian of Niinpie L. Ratteree, for the benefit of said minor. This the at dayh of January 1893. Mary Langston, Guardian. 11000 Dollars Reward To any one who wil! furnish us a receipt that will cure a cough, cold or any disease of the throat or lungs sopner or more effectually than Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup. Sold and warranted by connally & con nally. II O. Scoggins, <)vdinarv. ■A l! p-Vjc/ mmtmtjf GEORGIA, j Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— Mrs. Ella Mauldin has in due form applied to the undersigned for per inanent letters of administration on the estate of Albeit Mauldin late of saidjeounty deceased, said applicant will be heard on the first Monday in February next. This January 4 th 18 S3 3LC. SOGG1NS, Ordinary.