The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, February 17, 1893, Image 2

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TEE HEW PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON. EDITOR and PUBLISHER. TERMS. OXRYKAR 11.00 BIX MONTHS 60c rilRKK MONTHS 26c CJTAdvertising rates sent on appli cation. Entered in the Post Office at Dallas, On., u eooui.(1-class mall matter. . FRIDAY FEB RITA RY17,181>8. ‘ Hon. A. C. Houston, of Picks way, West Virginia, proposes tlinl the People's Party shall adopt tin title, Sn|««. He calls at ten. lion to the fact that the intent ol ill' I'.rosi nt reform momement is to H »pimito tin) functions of Govern in -lit from tho in.livid”*!, and h g'voTxulnsivcIy to the state the w hit'll is the state's, le'erring to that which is his."— J'lii/Jm Pt r'n Paper, Ftb. 10, 1808 If tlio Uni party could enforce their pliitfonn, tlio “reserving tlic i iti 'eii that whi h is hi.V’woulil he = to 0. The preeent congress has been vary liberrl in its appropriations to rivers and harbors. This is supposed to be in line with the idea of government own ership of railr mu's, steamboats, (el g'anlis, telephones, etc. The 3rd party is in favor of the said line of government ownership, etd. Mr. Tom Watson is a 3rd part) man, yet, Mr. Watson is opposed to the nbo e mentioned appropria ions. Whether the appropriations an ight or wrong, to a m in up a tree, Mr. Watson appears to be trying to ride two horses at the wnne lime. Consistency, t ;ou n:t a jewel. C. W. MACUNE. Twoy«ar» ago C. W, Mucnne was one of tho brightest lights of the reform (?) movement. His was the voice of one crying in tho wilderness, saying, “repent ye, for the kingdom of relief ie at hand," Now, he is a traitor, Judas Iscariot, a renegade in the eyes of tho ;o who formerly though that his glance was light and hie words the vocal expression of infin itu wisdom. How the mighty have fallen “Verily, all is vanity and vexation of spi: it.” A Colorado exchange, in a birth notice printed in its columns, af fords an internsting notion of tin composite diameter of the peoph in the far we .t. The child, whose a iveut in tho Holland colony wan niinounoed, is the first Dutch old born in the San Luis va ley. The birth notice wus written by a Dan put in type by a Morraot., the proof read by an American, th< typo place I in the “form" by German and the paper printed by a Mexican.—Atlanta Constitution, Paulding County Sheriff's Sales for March 1893. The f dlowingannouncement, ta kun from the Skagit county( Waah Tim •», is cvtde'itly that of a buai lux s man it ho awoke too late to the value of printers’ ink! I am going to close out my entire stock of dry goods, clothing, hats boots, shoes and notions. Also b’an kets, Comforts, lamps and glassware Hundreds of useful things that every body needs. 1 don’t want 'em Come and gel ’em, They will be sold at a piict that will lift ’em from my shop, ’em. I don't want ’em and wont have ’em. Have been keeping store foi forty five years and it's long enough in '*>“ ,o Tj.-Unp hogs. Mortimer Cook. Anegro pnaehjr liv'ng n ai Rdeigh, N. ('., saw for the first timo in his life tho skeleton of u whale in ti e . tat • mu emn. Aftei learning what it was he walked gravely up and down and critically examined its lingo proportions. TId enormous month seemed to impress him greatly and he fervent Jy exclaimed: “Well, well, well, I’ve bin a preach in’ de gospel for nigh on forty year, an’ 1 sometimes ] reaches about do whale-swallerin’ < f Jonah, but 1 deolar to graeioua 1 nover believed it afore now; de Bible aho is true.’’— Atlanta Con K'ilution, . MR TIIJ MtMlu, Wistkyew Mi.UrUi, M I uwwm. bit. uw’ws’s tiunv ermus - Er ^ - £*'***& ''aMw ' WESTERN ENTERPRISE A Sydney man t)l!s tho folio ving u hara t ristic s'ory of American jou nal ti i ente-pri e:—I was snowed i i o o nt llristo', a little .tationon the N > them 1'acillc. It was 'n th • winter of 1885. Wi were thero for abou‘, five d.iya, w> had p'eaty to eat, s ich as it was but we e all an i us to g -t some thing'o cad. The large majority of passonge e on. the train were in n, a d we want dad dly paper, bnt could not get one for love o, money. Ther > was a little we. kly paper at Bristol, and it tr!e I to fill the wa t. The first day of the •now bl ok do the weokly p pm was issued, and nearly eveiyon 3 on the tra’n took one. I suppose th,. paper had a larger circulation than it has had sinoo or ever had before- The editor proprietor, and report er, a 1 in one, was a wide awake fellow. Hu saw that there was a demand for a daily pr|icr, so hi got one out evory day during o.n s'ay, Ho came do .vn and got on 'iam -sand residences a id publish_-*l them. This of course made tin paper sell. 1 lie next day ho goi something of oiirhistoriesaud wrot thorn up. Tho next day he wrote up how wo passed tho time. By this time ho had exhausted a'l hr whitepaper. II) didn't give up Sot much! Yon don’t fin I a news paper man in tho North west tlm will give up for such trifles as that Ho went out and got some brown paper, usid in tying up bundles ni t e grocery t-torn, and printed liii- ■ditio i on t' at. He got all th brown paper ami wrapping.pupm in town and then lie went for wall pajior, end p i itod his last edition on that. We bought them evory lay, more as little souvenirs of tin snow blockade than for anything else, although I think I r a I every thing that was | ri ;ted, from a re c'po on co kies to th ‘legs' n t ees. — Typo, This it Meant for Yon. It has been truly said that half the world docs not know how the other half lives. Comparatively few of us have perfect he-fith, owing to ihc im pure condition of our blood But we ub along from day to day, with scarcely « thought, fore-oil ( Q our attention, of the thousands all about us who are suffering from scro fula, sail rheum and other serious blood disorders, and whose agonies can only be imagined. The tin ked success of Hood's Sarsaparilla f or these troubles, as shown in our ad vertising columns frequently,certainly seems to justify urging the use of this excelletr; medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Every claim in beh ilf of Hood s Sar saparilla is fully backed up by what the medicine has done and is still doing, and when its proprietois urge ,ts merits and its use upon all who suffer from impute blood, in great or small degrees, they certainly mean to include you. Mr. Cm. IT. Turner SimplyAwful Worst Case of •orofula tha Doctors Ivor Saw VuKtfletely Cured by *6C?»S SAttSAPARILLA. " When I yylit 4 or 5 year* old 1 Imd * terof* iilotit tore c tho middle finger of my left hand, which cot to had that the doctor* cut tho finger off, end »ot«r took off more than holt my hond. Then the tore broke out on my ffirnu come out on my neck oml face on lx»th tide*, nearly destroying Uie tight of one eye, alt** on my right orm. Doctor* tain It wot tl. Worst Case of Scrofula they ever tow. It wni •Imptr awful! Five yours ngo 1 begon to toke llood't Sarsaparilla. GroduoUy I found that the sore* were begin* ulna to heal. I kept on till I had token ten botnet, ira dollar*! Jutt think of whot o return I got for tlmt Investment! A tfcoa* aoa4 I»rr crtlf Yet, in my tliousaud. For the 4 years I lmve had no sores. I Work all the Time. Ileforc, I cm.I* S* wnrh. 1 know not wlmt to say slroiiK -bough to sxpress my a nit Undo to Ilond's Sirssiisrllla lor my rtrtcct cure." <1 r.oii.iK W. Tiiii.nkh, Kuriner, G»l- wny. Hornings ooiinly, N. V. HOOD'S Pills do not wanks-, bo, 1)4 ilfoitlou snd tone tlio *1010(1011. Try them. Mo. YOltKVILLE DOTfc STATE OE GEORGIA, I PAULDING COUNT V. ( WILL be sold at the court house door in the town of Dallas, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in March 1893, the following property, to wit: One Van Winkle saw mill, one 18 horse power engine, Frick & co’s. make, 3 log carts, iron axle, levied on as the property of Prance & Motes,to s atisfy a mortgage fi. fa., in favor of J. D. O’Retr, issued from Paulding Superior court. 'J he above mention ed sawmill and engine can b) seen at the farm of W. M. Hicks, about throe miles nortb-eait of Braswell. The carts can be seen at the court house m Dallas, Ga. . Also at die same time and place will be sold the following property to wit: Oncrthird undivided interest in lots of land Nos. 216,217,218 and 219 in the 2nd district and 3rd . cctioii of Paulding county Ga. Levied on as the property of J. O. Hitchcock, defendaant in fi. fa., to satisfy a Su perior court fi. fa., in favor of Tidwell & Pope. Property pointed uni b • Plaintiffs Attorney. Wiittcn notice qiven tenant in possession as required by law. Phis February 9th 1893. J. A. WESTBROOKS, £h:riff ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W FURR, Deputies- Paulding County Sher iff’s Wild Land Sales for March 1898. Mr. Editor: — Farmers are getting anxious foi so no settled weather. Bn little work has been done b\ our far.i er\ Our oldest citizens prophesy fo a good crop this year. I guess ii • because wo are all but comp died to have one. Pasture fencing is the order ol the day, as stock-law with its fore ing proca‘s is getting near in. Yorkville is improving some. Messr . VV. A. P< ol and J. II laxter are having a lively trad?. Mr. John Davis has purchased i town lot and will build oi. ii toon. \V. A. Pool has just added u ;ood substant al barn to his premi es, an I wi 1 build a large sto.v at a t early date. We ha 3 a gin”, awmill, a goo b'aeksntith sli >p, and will hooi lave a griit mill. Wo n ov need i 'odor, an 1 hope som? kind rondo i ill refer one to ut. Rev. O. 1). Finzer has a (lo ir • hing school at ibis place, Thu \)r’ter visited Mr. J. M. Hoi p.nd, o ir county treasurer, week,and found him in very furbh lieahli. H i; confined to his roo.i ill the fiiue, but is abi) to sit lip u part o tho time. Succo s t > the New Ei:a «n ! al! ts readers. J. II. M. NOTICE. My stallion, Robert E. Lee, will be at Dallas every Saturday, from now until the 1st of next June. Wiley Jon i s. THE INAUGURATION IF PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, MARCH 4TH, 1893, ANNOUN0KMKNT OK BATES. Tlie E. T., V. & G. is tiie first ino to announce rates for thu In- uiguration on Marc’i 4tli. All o ipoil Agents have been instrue.. ced to sell on Alarcli 1st, 2nd and !rd, round trip tickets to Wishing on at one mid one-third f ire for lieroun I trip. These ticke’s will ie good lo return until Ma ch 8th. 1803. With the supeiior train service »f this line,_\vliic!i passes through Cast Tenitcssoe and the beauti’m -ilieuiindonli Valley route, it is tul y prepared to take care of the ini. liens ) crowds which will take ad nntagd of the reduced rates. The Washington & Chattai mg.-i Limited, which is the celebrated Vestibule train, cotupos.'d of Pull man Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, fay L'oa lies and Dining Cur. naves Chattanooga daily at 12:8/1 .oon, taking up eonneoti >us from ill Southern, Southeastei n, West- ■rn and Southwestern points.Bi rlve t Waibington next iiioriiiug at The Slien uidoah Valley Express with Pullniaii cars attaelied, Jeive Dl'iittaiiooga 10:20 p. in. and arrives in VVas’.iingto:i next evening t 11 :lo. Detailed seliedules cun be s-ciii ed liy applying lo any Coupon ticket Agent or Traveling Passed Agent of this eoinpany, or 11 lV. \\ renn, (len’i Pa s. & Titkei Agent, Kuo..ville, Tenn. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) COUNTY OF PAULDING, f ILL be sold before the courthouse door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga , on the first Tuesday in March 1893, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 1109, in tho 2nd district andilrd section of Paulding county. Lev ied on as tho property.of J. J. Smith, to satisfy n tax tl. fn., Issued by W. T, F. Thomas, T. C. of said county, for his state and comity tax for tho year 1802. Also at the samo time and pines will be sold lots ol land Nos. 182, 154 and 227 in the 8rd district md 3rd section of Pau’d- ing comity ti Levied upon as the property of Thomas L, Woinnch, to sat isfy a tax II. fa.,Issued by W. T. F. Thom ,.s, T. C. of said county, for his state and county tax for ti:o year 1802, Also n.t the same timo amt place wilt I eh! lot of Ini'll No. 282 in the 3rd district and 3rd section of Paulding county Ga Levied on ns tlio property of W. Il.Pnync, to satisfy a tax ti. fa„ issued by W. T. K. Thomas, T. O. of said county, for hie state and county tax fjr tlio year 18.12. Also -it the same time nnd place will b» sold lot of land No. 445, in the 10th ' dis I'icti.nd .'lid section of Paulding count) 1 ia. Levied on as tlio property of Tum- IIn * Dobbs, to satisfy a tax II. fa., Issu ed by W. T. F. Thomas, T. (!. >f sail comity, for tlicir state and eouii y ta> for the year 1802. Also at the same time and plaeo will bi sold lot of land No. IM5 in the tilth dis nict ami 3rd section of Paulding count) <!a. Lovied on as the property of .lame. M. Brown, to satisfy a tax tl. fa., issued ')• W. T. K, Thomas, T. C., of said conn y, for bis state and county tax for thi year 18112, Alt buy modlclnes, sad you wsat them heap -at retail at wholesale rates. Ja cobs’ pharmacy, the largest Soothers •cutters” of prieee, has an advertise men in tot day’s paper containing a few prices AU other articles are sold at similar rates. No matter what yen wart that ta usually kept in a large drug store soud to them. They will sell it at astonishing low rates, Express chargee for packages under live pounds, twaoty-fllee cents. Watch these advertisements aad prices uSond for a number of thlngijat ones word to the wise sufficient? M kAllltni h 11 itLuscitrrrxeas, Fur.Ovcr Fifty Years Mus. Winslow's Soothing Sviii?' lias ’>ocn used for overllfty yoais by millio: s 'f niiitlicr.-i for tlicir children while toctli- )g, with Pirfccl succes-, it soothes . [e chib!, soft.ns Die gumf, nlliys nil .> till, cures wind colic, nml is tile best! icnicdy for Diunh-i-a. it \v,li iul ove I lie pool Iiitio sulioror iminudi.Tlnly, Sold Druggissin every piif. of flic world, l ivcoty-lLve cents a bottle. He sure nml ;isk for Air'. WiukIo.v'm soothing Syrup, mi l utku no otiicr kind. w*. PAW KIGRG3F. KILLER CURES ALL DISEASES. !t i. Ihs only r-n.'lrine l’u( c-n be taken in .ar^e cituugii (.u.uuutcd to 6T01* T KiniKNTATIOK, DESTllOV MICROKES, (tho GERMS OF DISEASE), nr..! n-t In any way cause harm to the pmieni. It contain* no Drags whatnvrr, hr. is n wmrr chnr E cd with powerful L-ero-;^ ft cures where oil other reme dies fall. r.f. y l\r^r PHARMACY, Atfautv Cb - Sol* -^-geia-ts, - The Atlanta Constitution and The Paulding New Era for $1.50. - GEORGIA, I Paulding County. { To all whom It may concore:— R. G. Bass and John Cali, hsrs ia due form applied to the undmigaed for letters of administration, dobonis non on the estate of Roderick Me. Duftie, late of said county deceased, and I will paaa upon said application on the first Monday in Matdh 1893. Given under my hand and official signature. This Feb. 8th 1893: E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. If your liver or kidneys are out of order It is noticed at once on the f»:e cither by the skin being a dark greasy yellow, or by dlotches and pimples appearing on the surface. Beggs Blood Purifier auu Blood Maker acts directly on these organs, and will make a dark gresy skin clear anb tran •parent and will remove all bimple and eruptions from the face. Sold .ad warranted by connally & connally. TAKE AN AGENCY FOR 0AG3ETT8 S.ll. baitln, ROASTING PAN Also nt tho Manic timo nml plncc will b, ■sold lot of land No. 400 in tlio 10th din trict nnd 3rdM0ctlou of Paulding count, hi. Levlod on ns tlio property of JoHcp) !). Glover to Hiitisiy n tax II. f«., issued by iV. T. F. Thomas, T. G\, of said coni:ti. or ids stiito and county lax lor the yem 1X02, Also nt tho samo timo nml place will bi '"Id lot of land No. 74,in tlio 10th diacrlc mil 3rd soction of raulding county Gn . .0vied on as tlio proporty of W. L.Ooml- V' tl'i to satisfy n tux It. fn., issiiud by W. F. Thomas, T, U. of uni I county, foi; his statu and county tax for tlio year ,822. Also nt tlio same ti no and plnoc will be old lot lit land No. :l»8 In tha u» v .h <11^ rict mid 3rd section of I’nuhllng count) hi. 1 evlod on as tho proport/ of Tims iohlsniltli, to satisfy a lax li. fn., tnsuci y W. T. F. Thom is, T. V. of said count) for Ills state a in county tax for tlio yom X'I2. Also at tlio samo lime and place wllltn .old lot of land No. 301 ill tlio 3rd distric ■ml 3rd section of l’ruldiug county (in Levied on es I lie property of Thomas L- Vinnack, to satisfy n fax ii. fn., Irsucd b; ■V. T. F. Thoiras, T. V, of said count) or bis stnto and county tax for thu yea i Mr?. Also nt the same time and place will In old lot of land No. 737, in tlio liltii dis riot and 3rd section of Paulding eoupl •a. Levlod on ns the property of W. li Thomason, to satisfy a tax II. fn., Issuei •y '). T. F. Thomas, T. C. of said count, or hi i state nml county tax for tlic yem ISO:’, Also at lliu samo timo and placo ivlt! In «>1<1 lot of land No. 137 ill tho liltii dis rict and 3rd section of Paulding count) in. Levied on as tlio property of J. K Idalr, Lcaudor E. Wells Agent, to snti ')• a tax ti. fa,, issued by W. T. F. Thou is, T. U. of said county, for Ms stnto nno county tax for tlio year 18U2. Also al tlie same timo and piaco will l.i sol I lot of land No. 37U in tho 3rd dis trict and 3rd section of Paulding count G.". Levied on ns tlio property of w. ( Sandora, P. II. Boll, Agent, to satisfy ; tax li. fa., issued by w. T F. Thomas, T i>. of said comity, for his state mid coun cy lax for the year 1832. Also nt tlio same timo and place will b. sold lots ,'f land Nos. 203, 151, 152 mu 153 in tlio 3rd district and 3rd section Paulding county Ga. levied on :is th, proporty of Millnor A Milluor, to sails’) a tux li. fn., issued by W. T. F. Thomas T, O.of said county, for tin ir ataio am county tax for tlie year 1832. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. G. W. FUR It, ISAAC WILLIAMS, Deputies. GEORGIA, I * I’aui.dimo County. | To all whom it may concern:— Notice is hereby given that unless ood cause be shown to the cor t ary an order will be granted on the first Tuesday in March next, establishing 4 new public road in said county, commencing at Antiock church in the 1043rd district G. M., running north east by the residence of John •Vare to the cobb county line; given under my hand and official signature, this the s»h day of January 1893. II.C SCOGGINS, Ohdinaiiy. GEORGIA, Pauldino county. To all whom it may concern: W. L. Rollins, administrator on the estate of William Kenedy late o said county deceased, has in due orm applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at ny office on the first Monday in Aprile next. Given under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 5th da) of anuary 1893. H. C. SCOGGINS, OnniNAHr. Ids (%• Sms 1000 Dollars Reward lo any one who will furnish us receipt that will cure a cough, coin or any disease of the throat or lungt sooner or more effectually than Beggs’ Ciierrv Couch Svrup. Sold and warranted by,' connally & cor- nally. GEORGIA, > I’auldinc County, j I’o all whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins, administrator on hccstaiate of E W. Compton late of mid county deceased, has in due form ipplied to 10 the undersigned for let- cersof dismission from saiu estate and said application will be heard at my office on the first Mondaj in Aprile next. Given under my hand and off i' -ial signature. This the 4th day o January 1893. IL C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, j Paujdinq County. { To all whom it may conoern: Unless good cause be shown to ite contary, an order will be granted on the first Tuesday in march next) establishing a new public road in said county commencing at Antioch church and by L. L. Vernon, Nathan Smith, and intersecting the Dallas and Acworth road near Na than Harris’. Given ur.der my hand and official signature, this January 23rd 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. mw nwa h, tfc, ,/y- *■ P-tAum * Qu.. W. J ■»-- ^ ^ ****** C* *SST GEORGIA, > Paulding Coun tv. f I’o all whom it may concern: The appraisers ap|iointcd to se apart a years support for Mary J WheelerWidow of T. F. Pace,and the miner childem have filed their repoit in my office, and I will pass upon the same on the fits! Monday in march next. Given under my hand and official signature, Omjsmnry 23rd, 1893.’ E- W. Y. ALLoOOD, Orsotaet.