The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, March 10, 1893, Image 2

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-= THE HEW ERA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON. EDITOR and PUBLISHER. TERMS. ONE VBAR *1.00 SIX MONTHS 60c tiiukr months 26c C3TAdvertising rate? sent on appli cation. Entered in tlio Post Office at Dallas, G«., <u> second-class mnil matter. FRIDAY MARCH 10,1893. SHALL WE ISSUE BONDS? Tlio i r linary desires to raise s vend thousand dollars at once. This is absolutely necessary or !er to meet obligations due upon the new court house. The ordinary is authorized, by law, to huild comity buihli.igs when, i i Lift judgement, they arc necessary. Me can levy n tax suHLicnt to pay f r th in at once, or, he can cml r un election to deci In wlietlier or n ‘t the county shall issue bond for the pirpose of r.ising money to pay its indebtedness. So fa the money I >orrowcd by t he oou tty has been secured upon notes. The money thus obtained, while not at an exorbitant rate of inter est, has been se.aired at a rate higher than the county should pay, Th) most of investors prefer bonds ins tea I of notes, as lionds are more easily negotiated, and their 1 g 1 ty is b it ter understood If I onds worn floated the money might be obtained at a much losrer rate of interest. This qtios io t shonld be tlior oughly n ves igat d and considered by the , eople of the county. I will pay fVO.OO for the arrest and delivery tome, at any jail in the United States, of I. 1*. DAVIS, who escaped rrom arrest on the Jfth of If a r c lb ISO 3, n c a r Bridgeport, Ala., by jumping from the cars. Jfe is about 5 feet and 0 or 10 inches hig'i;weighs from 150 to 100pounds; dark eyes; black hair; thin mustache, if any, and has scar over one eye. He is wanted, in BAULDIJfG COUNTY GEORGIA, for Mi lt DER, March 8th 1S03. J. A, WESTBROOKS, Shoriff, Paulding County Ga. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. Three days is a very short time in which to cure a bad case of rheuma tism; but it can be done, if the proper treatment is adopted, as will be seen by the following from James Lambert of New Brunswick, III.: “I was badly afflicted with iheumatism in the hip and legs, when I bougnt a bottle Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It cured me in three days. I am all right to day; and would insist on every one who is afflicted with that terrible dis ease to use Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and get well at once.” 50 cent bot tics for sale by Connally & Connally Co Children Pay? Does a two year old baby pay for itself up to the time it readies that interesting agfe?Sometimes I think not. I thought so yesterday when Hood’s Cures Owe all My Health to It Caret) of Sick Vomiting Spells, Dlnl* UN, Neuralgia. Weakness. A NEW ERA. Hereafter the s mth will be more liable to reconstruction civi war issues than the west than New England. . It is free at ter a quar er of a century of most p inful and most ignominious sla very. It s too early yet to attempt to ] red ct wha‘ : so it will make of its freedom. Much will depend on events in th s im mediate fiituie In his first terra Mr. Cleveland en couraged the spirit of independent political action in the sou hern states, a the remit the pop ulist movement in North Carolina, South Carolina ami other stutes of the south 1 he populist party on its present basis of socialism will never gain a permanent foot ol I in the south, and ter p iblican party will nev er I live many white votes in the : outhern st ttes, but nevertheless (he spirit of independent political action is likely to show its df in the t re king up of the “soli l sou h,’ it the tendency in that direction recsive from Mr. Clevela id the eucoura emeut many expecthiin to give it.— St Louis Republic. Surely an era of good fellowship is u|)on us! Here wo havo the senators of both parties uniting in a farewell banquet to Mr. Carlisle. Here We have the members of the somite irrespective of party , giving a parting dinner to President Morton. I re wT»have the retiring vice- president violating all precedents by tendering a icceptio 1 to his in coming successor; Here wo have the prosi lent- about-t>go-out and iho president- about lo-go-in exchanging the lor- malpre-ii.aug.iral eouitesics with a cordiality almost unheard of be fore. Here we have tlio Democratic governor of Mass elms tts toaslbm the Rcpublica 1 governor of 01vo i at the national capital, as “a manly man in misfortune” and declaring that“strongerthan politics is friend ship, and stronger than political principles is human ayj^pathy.” Hero wo have a cabinet abso lutely non-sectional in its make lip, ncluding three southerners, two v esteroe;v, two New Yorkers and and one Now Englander. The times havo indeed ohang il. and policies and politicians have changed with them. The days of Hitter partisan feeling that p c- ceded and followed the civil war have passed and a new era of go xl feeling has come. —Atlanta Journal my own baby tlippt d into my s udy and scrubbed the carpet and liii best white-dresi with iny bottle of ink. Ten minutes after h • dug out the center of n nicely baked loaf of cake, and was found in the middle of the dinning-roora table, wi’.li a sugar bowl between his legs and mqst of the contents in his stom ach. He has co t me more Ilian one hundred dollars in doctor's hills, and I think tiiat I am r'ght in at ti Uniting my few gray hairs to the misery I endure 1 while walking the floor with him at night diirin. the first year of his life. Wluit has he ever done to pay ine fu. that? Ah! I hear his little ripple of laughter because he Ims e ,ca; rd his mother, and has found his way t„ my study at a f hidden hour. But the door is closed. The worlh'e s li th* v gahoml can't gel in, and 1 won’t open it for him No, I won't, I can’t bn di til bui. while I a .1 writing, lie cm j 1st c *v if he wants to; I wont b * both- e ed; for ‘T it, tat, bit," go his dim pled knuck’es on tho door. I sit 11 silence. “Rat, tat, tat ” I sit perfectly still. “P*p:t.” No reply* ‘ Feeze, papa?” (trim Hlence. “Papa," says a lLtlo voice, “1 lub my papa; peozo lot baby in?” I a n not quite a brute, and I throw open tho door. In he comes with out strot :!:ed little arms, wit! shining ey s, with laughing face I catch him up in my arms and h s soft, warm little a "ins go a omul my neck, th * not very clean lit’lc cheek is laid clos * to mine, the ba by voice says sweo’.ly: “I tub my papa.” Does lie pay? Well, I g osi lie does He has lost me 111a y anxious dtiyi" and nights, lie may cost me pain and Mr*. S. M. Water* Georgetown. 1). C. **I hAvii often .ecu siatcment. from poo pi* benefited by Howl'll SnrsBpartlln, find I fe«l that I nm not doing Jnotlc* unless my tes timony ii milled. I have been siiffcrliiK with sleli vomltlm spells for three or four years, willi Rldillness, most of the tlmo almost per- feell; proitrat-U. I hrvl no arpetlto, and suf fered also with neuralgia In my head and eyes. ! was treated for two years by the best phyal- rians. lint found no relief. They would tell in* my condition was Owing to my Ago and thnt I mint hnvo pntlcnc®. Hut after tw# years I though patience ccniod to bn n virtue. I wan growing so weak I could not sleep at nl flit. And w .rn I was able to go out, I was nfrniil to go fnr from h •««»*. I was con* Htautly ttrod; 1 could not go tip or down stairs or rnl to iny arms above my bead without gld- dint**, and w e:\mo accustomed to holding iny head down. At Last I was persuaded to take Hood's SarsaparillA and after using four bottles, my Improvement In hnr.lth U vrowrierfnl* I candidly believe 1 nm cured of nil my nlSmonts* Myappetlto Is good, can cat nt any time, nm free from neu ralgia and other troubles. I never fell mm well or was as stout a* now since I was mar ried, and I nm mother of nine children. I have Increased from 125 to 145 pounds. I am perfectly troll f go out every day. When my frtondr nsk what has made such an Improve ment I tell them 1 owe. it all to Hood’s Sarsaparilla mill that I nm ever nttnla.” Mils. S. M. WATE1..I, 1213 32d Hlri.|*t, N. W„ Gi-orgB- tmvn, I). C. T»ko Hood’s Paulding County Sheriff's Sales for April 1893. STATE OF GEOKGIA, I PAULDING COUNTY. ( WILL be sold at the court house door in the town of Dallas, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in April 1893, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 977 in the 3rd dis trict and 3rd section of Paulding county Ga. Levied on as the prop erty of T. P. camp, defendant in fi. fa., to satisfy a Justice court fi. fa., issued front ioo;rd district G. M., of sa : d county, in favor of Thomas Grif fin. Notice given tenant in posses sion, as required by law. Also one six-horse power Russel engine, on sills, one Co-saw cotton ‘•Bloom” gin, with feeder and con denser, complete set of irons for “colts” power cotton press, one pair two-ton Victor wagon scales, com plete, iofeet 1 15-16 shafting, two 1 15-16 boxes, two 1 15-16 set collars, one 30x6 pulley, one 16x16 pulley, and pulley that rum cotton press; and 63 feet 6 inch rubber belting. Lev ied on as the property of Murdock & GEORGIA, Paulding County. To all whom it may concern:— Notice is hereby given that an election is hereby ordered and will be held in and for said county on Tues day, the 4th day of April next, to fill the office of treasurer of said county, made vacant by the death of J. M. Holland. Given undet my hand and official signature. This March 1st 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Omknaby. GEORGIA, I Paulding County. J To all whom it may concent:— W. L. Rollins, administrator on th« estate of Eltaha Harris, late at said county deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for Utters of dismission from said estate, and aaid application will be heard at my office o» the first Monday in June next. Giv-n under my hand and official signature, this the 10th dayof March 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, ORDINARY. Mitchell, defendants in fi. fa., to sat xfrnt<i to look up that I he- j s fy a Superior court ti. fa., in favor of Parkins Machine co, Also at the same time and place will be sold lots of land Nos. 758 and 827, in the 3rd district and 3rd sec tion of Paulding county Ga. Levied on as the property of James Foster, defendant in fi. fa., to satisfy a Supe. rior court fi. fa., in f ivor of R. V. and R. VV. Whitworth. Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ attorney, written no’tice given tenant in’ possession a*f required by law. Tnis March 9th 1893. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. G. W. FURlt, ISAAC WILLIAMS, Deputies. HOOD’S Pills enro liver llln, slok bond- ache, Jaundlco, Indigestion. Try a boa. 2Se. lie’ll Deserve It. Desei wi ng Pi ‘a is e, We ilesirp to aay to our citizens, tlmt for years wo havo been soiling I)r, King’s Now Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bucklon’s Arnica Salvo ami Electric Bitters,and havo never handled romedies that soil as well,nr that havo given such universal satisfa ti mi. Wo do not hesitate to gnar.tntco them every time, ami we stand ready to rofirul tlio purcluixo price,if satisfactory results ilu not follow their use. Those remedies Imvo won their groat popularity pure y on tlioir merits, Connally & Connally Druggists, Stirring Timas Ahead. Mr. Clevelun 1 is now in o lice, called there by tho voice of the people, and ho has surrounded himself by a b sly of earnest and able men who will endeavor to car ry out the pledges made by the party so far as lies within their sorrow Ho has cost me much, but he ha; pai I for it u’l, again and again, i 1 whfsporlng three little wordsinto my car, “I luh papa.” Do yo'ir children pay? -A. B. C. Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion result from a neglected cough or cold. Don’t neglect but cure prompt* ]y with a few doses of Beggs’ Cherry Ct ugh Syrup. Sold by connally & connally., ’ by Mr. un- any not- ;>ower. Tlio impression inn ! the inaugural address ;s that Cleveland will be sternly and com promisingly o >| osed to and all measures which are prompted by the public interest. The self-seekers and spoilsmen and l . reasury raiders need have no ex. peotancy of receiving any tncour - agement from the prssidmat. There arc stirring titr.os -jJ'uud. - ti'W Unatu Rajittcs. This is Msant for Yoj. It has been truly said that half the world does not know how the other half lives. Comparatively few of us have perfect health, owing to the im pure condition of or.r blood But wi yub along from day to day, with scarcely a thought, unless forced to our attention, of the thousands aM about us who are suffering from scro fula, salt rheum and other serious blood disorders, and whose agonies can only be imagined. The nta ked success of Hood’s Sarsaparilla for these troubles, as shown in our ad. vortising columns frequently,certainly seems to justify urging the use 01 this excellent medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Every claim in beh 1 If of Hood's Sar- saparil'a is fully backed up by what the medicine has done and is still doing, :t'id when its proprietois urge jts merits and its use upon all who sulfer from impute blood, in great or s nail degrees, they certainly mean to inc'ude you. An Augusta editor, in refer, ing to Watson’s election contest, says: “It was simply 11 last kick, like the ftrugglos of tv dying chicken when his neck has been wrung,and his head thrown away.” Those Wimitersul (ii.mtsin Town!! If you wish to see them call on Connally & Connally and ask for gs’ Little Giant Pills. Every bot tie guaranteed. NOTTOE* My stallion, Robert E. Lee, will bo at Dallas evevy Saturday, fvotn wxvv until the 1st of next June. W l LEY JoKKK. “I givo and bequeath to Mary, my wife, the sunt o’ one bunder' pound a year,” said an old farmer. ••Is that written down, master?” “Yes,” ropliod tho lawyer. “Uu: she is not so old, she tn tv marry again. Won’t y m tn tko any .liivngo iti thivtoaso? Most people do.” “Ay, do they?” said tho farmer. ‘‘Well, write again and sty that if my wife marries again, l will give an I hoquea h to lur tho s'.im of t.vo bund r’ point Isa year. That’ll do, won't it, master?” “Why, it's jit ;t donbling the sum she woul ! Imvo if she rumttin- 01 unmarried,” said tho lawyer; 4 it’s generally the other way—the legacy is lessened if tho widow mar ries again.” “Aye,” said tho farmer; “hi t It m :"s g ts her’ll uosarvo it.”— i’un and Frolic. Paulding County Sher- ijf's Unr star tied Wild Land Sales for June ISOo. M. M. M. M. The only remedy thit has never failed to cure CHICK EN CHOLEiM, is sold by Connally & Connally, Dallas, Ga., VV. M. Crow. Crowsvillc, Ga., W. J. Sheffield, Huntsville, Ga., J. R. Lowry, Roxana, Ga., B. J. Camp, “ “ C. li. Fuller, Nebo, Ga., /.. B. Fuller, “ J. 'J. Campbell, Ga., Swan & Dean, Yorkville, Ga., T. J. Clouts, Embry, Ga., C. S. Ellis, Oval, Ga., Bartlett & Watson, Lost Mountain Ga. J. B. Cooper, Cooper's Store, M. S. Turner, New Hope, It. J. massey, Proprietor, Douglasville, Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) COUNTY qF PAULDING, f yy ILL be sold before the courthouse door of said county, in the town of Dallas, Ga., on the firstTuesday in March 1893, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, t ie following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. :II0, in tlio tilth district and 3rd suction of Paulding county Ga. r.civic,t on n iiutnrnud wild land to h itisfy u tax fi. fa., issuod by VV, T. F, Thomas, tax collector of said comity, in favor of its state and county taxes for tlio years, 18SI, IS33, J8S0,1887,1888,1859, 1890, 1861, and 1802. This March Otli 1893, J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. ISAAC WILLIAMS, G. W- FURR, Deputies- GEORGIA, | Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern:— R. H. and B. F. wills, administra tors on the estate of H. J, wills, leta of said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate and said applii ation will be heard at my office on the first Monday In June next. Given under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 2nd day of March 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. INTotioel Will be let to the lowest bidder on Saturday the 18th inst. at 3 o’clock P. M., near the re.idcnce of John Wells in 1081 st district G. M., the contract for removing lock from pub lic road. Given under my hand and official signature. This March and 893. E. W. Y. ALLgOOD, Ordinary. WM MINI'S MICROBE KILLER CURES ALL DI3EA3E8. !t is the only medicine that can be taken in larKC enough rjuantuici to STOP FERMENTATION, DESTROY Ml CKO HEN, (tho GERMS OF DISEASE), and net in any tray cause harm to the patient. It rontnint no Drugs whatever, f t is a water charyed with powerful nerra* destroying gases* It euros whero all other rome dies fall. l’lfty pass book, giving norm theory of disease, FUIK. JACOBS’ PHARMKCY, Atlanta, Ga. —Sole Ag-eats.- For Over Fifty Years Mns. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup* been used for over fifty years by millio ,s I Of mothers for their children while toetli- (JK, with ptrfocl siicoes-. It soothes ;|o child, softons the gums, alloys all vat psin, cures wind colic, and is the best,! remedy for Diarrhoea, it will relieve flie '*" ’ pool little suilerer iintnodialaly, Sold by Druggist in every part of the world. "1 ttonty-five cents a bottle. Bo sure ami ask for Mix. Winslow’s Soothing .Syrup, and take no other kind. The Atlanta Constitution and The Paulding Era for All buy medicines, and you want them cheap -at retail at wholesale rate*. Ja cobs’ pharmacy, the largest Southern cutters” of prices, has an advertisemea, in today's paper containing a few pricee All othet articles are sold at similar rates. No matter what you wart that it usually kept in a large drug store send to them. They will tell it at astonishing low rates, £ (press charges for package* under five pounds, twenty-hive cento. Watch these advertisements and prices uScud for a number of thln (i;at onus word to the wise sufficient? gEORgIA, Paulding countv. To all whom it may concern: W. L. Rollins, administrator on tlie estate of William Kenedy late o said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at my ofiicc on the first Monday in Aprile next. Given under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 5th day of January 1893. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. $1.60. ray FOB TH/, BLOOD, Wcstnuis, Nblsrie. '-VimHi —a BlUsaiOTCW. tuSfl M aw»WN*s iron j * rrunr slock Ir. Fot i xadintm. «4N*| GEORGIA, l I’aui.dinc County. | To all whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins, administrator on the estatate of E W. Compton late of said county deceased, has in due form applied to 10 the undersigned for let ters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in April* next. Given under my hand and offi • cial signature. This the 4th day o January 1893. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. TAKEANAGENCYFOR DMSfrrs