The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, March 17, 1893, Image 2

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THE HEW ERA. POLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON. EDITOR and PUBLISHER. TERMS. ONE YEAR. SIX MONTHS THREE MONTHS .11.00 ...60c ...25c (7*Advertising rates tent on appli cation. Entered in the Poet Office at Dallas, 6a., m aocoial-class mail matter. FRIDAY MARCH 17, 1898. WljHc Oak Dot*. Editor New Era:— The whooping cough in this com inanity is abating. The farmers are moving soon and late preparing to plant com. We learn that Mr. J. B. Gordon and Mr. Benjamin Drake have swapjied farms,and nr. Gordon has movqd hack to Paulding again. Mr. Tim Hollis thinks there nothing on earth like hit little daughter. I)r. l'eal! was traveling one of those windy days la it week in the weiter i p ,rt of the county, when all at once, a limb btowed from tie • and struck his horse, and frig tened the horse so he hioke both shafts out of his cart, and got one hind foot hung between the spring and seat of the cart. He whs skined up pretty badly but not seriously hurt. Old aunt Serena Harris is yet very fee’ lo. Mrs. Francis AJair,the widow of Mr. Fora Adair, who moved to the Indian Territory about 2 mouths ago, we learn has recently married a man . f property—a young wid ower wit i two children. Wo woto sorry to h?iar ol the t roova\ of our f inner editor. Her. J. M. Spinks. His services as c m is or a e wanted and needed her in l*a .lding Co., as much as they can bo in Campbell Co Wo learn old uncle Jamos „'s yet very feeble, Mr. Rainy's babe has been low for : evernl days but is letter. Miss Youora Wells, of Temple, <ia„ paid visa Lula Colo, of White Oak Springs, a pleasant visit last V o k. Cood luck to all. • Little Dock. | INDIAN WAR PENSIONS. I mill pay 170.08 for the arrest and delivery to me, at any jail in the United States, of I. P. DAVIN, who esefiped from arrest on the jf/ih of Ma rch 18 9 8, n ear Bridgeport, Ala., by jumping from the cars. Ite is about 5 feet and 9 or IQ inches high;weighs from 150 to 160 pounds; dark eyes; black' hair; thin mustache, if any, and has scar over one eye. lie is wanted, in PA ULDI.YG CO U. YTY GEORGIA, for MUR- DER, March 8th 1898, J, A, WESTBROOKS, Sheriff, Paulding County 6a. NEBO DOTS. Co’., very some -A. B.C. Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion result from a neglected cough or cold. Don’t neglect but cure prompt ly with a few doses of lieges’ Cherry Cough Syrup. Sold by connally connallv. WEST SIDE DOTS. Mr. lie , Sh.Il and J. R. Reeves were chopping tt few days «g 0 when Reeves’s axe Hew from the handle and struck Mr. Shell just below the knee, giving him a pain fill b t i ot se.‘.oits wo„nd. Miss Etta Hutcheson is visiting Rev. J. R. Ilu'.thejon. Mr, C. M. HUdei-bran has i school of 40 j upi g at Drakctown. Mr. J, Robt. Hutcbeso 1 has a school of 50 odd pupiU at Harms, ny Grove Academy. Mr. Bill Roney, of Draketown finished gathering emu last wetk’ and is new preparing t > plant a oth r crop. Seed potatoes are scarje in thi i e lion. mi* Fogy. Mr. Editor: — I with I coul I think of something to write that would interest the readers of the New Era, for I like our old county paper yet, if it is a little democratic, for I don't think it intends any harm by bein Won, the weather has mo derated some. Ol I Boreas seems to have return ed to his northern home and the western zephyrs are fanning tin brows of the farmers. The biids are singing a id peac'i trees blooming w.'.icli indicates the near up proa h of spring. ftymers have been clamoring for relief for Beveral years, and some of them have recently found relief, but not from any |K>li:ical party. Mr. —? bad seed pot a toes to sell and lie quickly relieved tlio farmers of their money by sell- ing to them at the rate of .*1.2.) |er bushel I. How times have changed! I remenibjr away buck, when I was a little boy, I used lo go to meeting on Saturjays with my father and mother. 1 hev were old lime baptist, not hardsliells.but simply baptis’. I can yet see in n>y imagination the old soldiers of the cross with tbe:r homespun and homemade hip breech-s and long waistcoats seated ot the front U iches engaged in friendly con versation wniting the arrival of their pastor, while s >mo one of them would ask th i question, “Brethren have you all got ’tater seed enough?” Perhaps some would answer, yes, while perhaps a half dozen would answer, no. The in - vitation was then given. Come or send and get ns many as you want. Nothing said about the price. Such a thing as one neighbor selling another potato seed was not thoughc of in that day and time. Surely tdlishness is now the go 1 of this word. Uncle Billy. If You Are Interested Read The Following. Itheamutisin quickly cured. Three days is a very short time i n which to cure a bad cas.' of rheuma tism; but it can be done, if the proper trea ment is adopted, us will be seen by the following front James Lambert, of New Brunswick, III.: “I was badly afflicted with ihenmatism in the hips and legs, when I bougnt a bottle of ’hamberlain’s Pain Balm. It cured me in three days. 1 am all right to day; and would insist on every one who is afflicted with that terrible dis ease to use ChamlierlatVs, Pain Balm and get well at once.” 5,0 cent bo., ties for sale, by Connally Sc ConJiaJJy. Wo are in rexiiptof a letter from Mr, W. E. Thompson, formetly editor of the New Era, but now employed in the pens’on d_>par> ment at Washing I). 0, Mr. Thompson writes its concern ing a ]tension claim filed by Mrs. Nancy Roberts, wid >w of Hainan Robot ts. As the act was passed fait yo :i and there may be mnny of o ,r readers who are interested,we pub li tit bis letter in full. Mr, Thompson gives a clear an. explicit statement of the reqti.e inents of the law, and th we inter ested will do well lo read t. Below is the letter. Washington, D. (’., Mar, 11, '93, Editor New Kit a:— Some time since I received a let ter from Mrs. Nancy Roberts in regard to an Indian War pension claim. The claim is No. 1794 Imli n War under art of 1892. Claim .nt Nancy Roberts, widow of Ilaicnu Roberts. I Lave b Hilt and lo tked up Ibe matter. There is p uctically in evidence tiled and calls will hi made on It *r for evideneo. She Hee l not pay Bnllmv or any o‘h lawyer < n s cent of fee. That will be puid from here when the pen sion is glinted. If lie refuses to work fot Iter further until his fee is paid tell Iter to sun 1 bit letter to me or to the pens! .11 ollice bare. •Slto must prov", unit no nonnenm ilnut it, tliat,l ;t l|«r husband serv ed in the war as alleged, an 1 when and how long. Give bis contpanv aed regiment, and 2nd that she i> h's widow an 1 also that slto is n •ii'.Upt of the Unite l Stutei, Every poov cl dtnant seems to think the il pat tuients here will take it for ^r lit ■ 1 that on’y bona fide widows a'ply, lit t all pension applicants are truthful and honost &•. &q. 1 li t cross qin .tioning of witnesses 800 tildes o f by mad is slow husi mss, so all the r (piisites had bet ter be up at once. No par leying about.. I’.oof of service, proof of mar ri ge, pro if of c itizenship, proof of nlcii til/ &*, &e., will ho required and then the per.sion will be g ant ed; not 011a day before*. A ou will plea to nxpiain that no* a soul hero knows her or her poo. pie, n r does any on > here know that sh ! is not a Chinese or a negro or nn ind an that fought on the oth er side. Shi must prove—not the government to diyirwe her allega tioiu. Blanks will be sent her fr in bare. Yotr's Truly, . W. K. Thompson. Ur. WtUimm OA»m otbson cut, nt PerfectlyMarvellous 80 Years of Misery With Chronic Diarrheas. A Perfect Cure Ay HOOD’S, •• About 88 year* ago I got overheated while at work in the harvest held, and was sick abed for three months. When I got on my feet again I found that I had a had kidney trouble and chronic diarrhoea, which has drawn on me for over 88 years. Just Think of My MlMry. I dared not eat anything more than would barely keep mo alive. For years 1 felt that my stay on earth would bo short. I hava timei without number been In such d 1st rest ful pain and aching that I could not tum my self In bed, and I would have to aak my Hood’s at Cures wife lo la’te hold of my hands and tun me. In all those years I employed the beat physicians bat nothing gave mo permanent relief. I had an Iron constitution, or I could not have stood the drain upon me. v In the fall of I8R71 waa so weak I could not work. I concluded I would try Hood’* Sarsaparilla. To my surprise and great Joy I soon found that It was doing me good snd when I had used 7 bottles I was parr fcctly cured. It Is now 4 years and to* Curo waa Perfect and Permanent. “ For the past four yean I have enjoyed life and felt better and younger than In any of Iho 8 > year* preceding. I endured every thing a human being could and live, sad I trill recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla long as I live." Wm. Osnonw, Gibson City,.In. HOOD'S Pills cun liver Ills, fomUpsUoo, IQIjUBIH, ftf}| y^||aags^ EMBRY dots. villi The BI00J it the Life,’ Runs the old saying, and everything that ever makes part of any organ of the body must reach its place therein through the blood. Therefore, if the blood is purified an l kept in good condition by the use of Hood's Sar- sapaiilla, il necessarily follows that the benefit of the medicine is impart ed to every organ of the body. Can anything be simplei than the method by which this excellent medicine gives good health to all who will try it flir ty and patiently? .vind E litor: — Il re I come aj batterings. Some sick ess i:i these parts. We are sorry to write the ilentl of Mrs. /.. It, Little, who died ’Hf- Til' • lay night about nine o’cIjc! Aged about 70 years. Her reinaim were interred at Union ccuiotcry She leaves many relatives un riemls 11 mourn her depa; tu.e. Thu f rnurs are most done sow ing o .fcs a id are now pushing tliei work for planting corn and cotton. Oi l Mr. Rob I*, i.ehett, of Cob county, is v'siting the fanily 01 Mr. l\ L. Allgood. Mr. IV. A. Rigsiale, of Hiram mis on oar streets Saturday. \V, are gin 1 lo have Irm call on us. If no fur:her fiwxing weatbei the fruit crop is promising. Tin peach t o.s are patting out very pretty. M ssi's. C. C. and J. F. Erabri visited their br itlier, W. J.Emb-y o 'Carr 11 county, last Friday. II is suffering v ry in ich f.-oin a bro ken thi h. M.M. M. M. The only remedy that has never failed to cure CHICK EN CHOLERA, is sold by Connally & Connally, Dallas, Ga., W. M. Crow, Crowsville, Ga., W. J. Sheffield, Huntsville, Ga., J. R. Lowry, Roxana, Ga., B. J. Camp, “ “ C. B. Fuller, Nebo, Ga., B. Fullsr, '• « J. T. Campbell, Ga., Swan & Dean, Yorkville, Ga., T. J. Clonts, Embry, Ga., C. S. Ellis, Oval, Ga., Bartlett & Watson, Lost Mountain, tia. J. B. Co par, Cooper’s Store, M. S. Turner, New Hope, R. J. masaky, Proprietor, Douglaarille, Ga. GEORGIA, ) Paulding County. | To all whom it may concern:— Notice is hereby given that an election is hereby ordered and will be j. held in and for said county on Tues day, the 4th day of April next, to filj the office of treasurer of said county, made vacant by the death of J. M. Holland. Given undet my hand and official signature. This March 1st 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Obdcnaby. ron thj -wa-orK ’ wSmSms * «-b <**> ****«.,•* NOTICE. My stallion, Kobe;t E. Lee, will be at Dallas every Saturday, from now until the 1st of next June. Wiley Jones. Tim"' IVoiKlersiil Giant* in T nvn!» If you wish to see ibe-n call cm Coawally & Connally and ask f«w Bests' I-ittla- t&uit Lffllk- E ery bet tie 'uagaiUeo.dl. Mvss *. W. H. ilorg an and B T. McCa iity visited Atlanta last wee!, on ‘.ujiness. Jud 0 e H, C. S.oggins was visit ing in this vicinity last Friday, we areg’ad to ee h'm in this part of the county. M!ss Yiolu Crawford is visiting the family of Mr. Joseph Carter, he.' 1 oti sin. IVe are going to organize a Sab. bath school at Smyrna. \Y e hope to r:ee a largo attondance nextSui. ay morning at 9 o’clock to orga nize the rclioo'. IVlio was that young man tin t went to see h's girl last Sundry eve and on h's return to his home became very badly fr gbtened and .ost bis bat and one shoe. He says lie enjoyed the sweet i s well as the bitter. Mr. J. C. Little wil' make a pro ficient printer, lie will be re dy to [i e. it a paper miod. Pleas ' give tiiei jiub ' man a 1 the : id yo uaa. Ail ! fiv»or ‘l’o e irj tla «hse«j. o,v ivill lse4o.rHy appivcate-i ™ U ,U' V Paulding County Sheriff’s Sales for April 1893. STATE OF GEORGIA, I PAL'LDINGCOU.VTY. J M ILL be sold at the court house loor in the town of Dallas, within the egal hours of sale, on the first Tues lay in April 1893, the following iroperty, to-wit: Lot of land No. 977 in the 3rd dis trict and 3rd section of Paulding county Ga. Levied on as the prop erty of I’. P. camp, defendant in fi fa., to satisfy a Justice court fi. fa.. 'ssued from ioo-,rd district G. M., of <ald county, in favor of Thomas Grif fin. Notice given tenant in posses sion, as required by law. Also one six-horse power Kusse| engine, on sills, one 60 saw cotton 1 Doom” gin, with feeder and con Jenser, complete set of irons for 'colts power cotton press, one pair wo-ton Victor w agon scales, com Jete, 10 feet 1 15-16 shafting, two 15-16 boxes, two 1 15-16 set collars me 30x6 pulley, one 16x16 pulley md pulley that runs cotton press; and 63 feet 6 inch rubber belting. Lev ed on as the property of Murdock Sc Mitchell, defendants in fi. fa., to sat is r y a Superior court fi. fa., in favor of ■'erVlns Machine co. Also at the same time and place vill be sold lots of land Nos. 758 and <37, in the 3rd district and 3rd sec ion of Paulding county Ga. Levied -n as the property of James Foster lefendant in fi. fa., to satisfy a Supe. -ior court fi. fa., in f vor of R. V. and R. IV. \\ hitw irth. Property pointed >ut by plaintiffs’ attorney, written tolice given tenant in possession a-* required by law. Tnis March 9th 1893. J. A. WESTBROOKS, •Sheriff. 0. W. FURR, ISAAC WILLIAM*. Deputies, WM. MOAN'S MKMUF KILLER CURM Ati. OlUASta. !t i, the only medicine that can be t>l» n i. large ti.uugu quamme, to M uken *» STOP rERMKNTATIOX, DESTKOV MICROBES, <«ho OERMS OP DISEASE) * nd c *r h,rm ,o ihe It contains no Drn^s whatever, ^ly‘u^Z^ reta wi,h ,tcurww ^^,r^ r,f,r JACOBS’PHARMACY, Atlant,, Ga —Solo ^.aroatR.- Tlie Atlanta Constitution and The Paulding New Era f or .50. GEORGIA, I Paulding County. ) To all whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins, administrator on the estate of Elisha Harris, late at said county deceased, has in due fora ap plied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate, aad said application wilt he heard at my office o» the firkt Monday in June next. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 10th day of March 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Paulding County. \ To all whom it may concern:—~ R. H. and B. F. wills, administra tors on the estate of H. J, wills, late of said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate ind said appli* ation will be heard at ny office’on the first Monday in June iex*.. oiven under my hand and ofll- -ial signature. This the and day of March 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinauy. Notice! Will be let to the lowest bidder on Saturday the 18th inst. at 3 o’clock P. M., near the re. idince of John •Veils in 1081st district G. M., the :ontract for removing lock from pub. ic road. Given under my hand and ifficial signature. This March and ‘893- E. W. V. ALLoOOD. — All buy mwliclnee, and you want ther ■heap -at retail at wholesale rates. Ji ”'h*’ phannaev, the largest Souther: cutters” of prices, haa an advsrtiaemen, II Lsday s paper containing a few price: ill other articles are sold at 1in.11. ates. No matter what you wart that ii isualiy kept in a large drug store send fc hem. They will sell it at aston'shinf owrat s, Ktprot.1 charges for package: aider five pounds, twenty-flivo cents Hatch these advertisements and prices iSond for a nnmlier of tilings .at onus word to tlio wise sufficient? ■EORgIA, Paulding .county. To all whom it may concern: W. L. Rollins, administrator. 01 the estate of William Kenedy late o >aid county deceased, has in du< orm applied to the undersigned fo: etters of dismission from said estati ind said application will be heard al ny office on the first Monday in Aprile >ext. Given under my hand and offi- ial signature. This the 5th da\ ol f.inuary 1893. H. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, v Paulding County. j lo all whom it may concent: IV. L. Rollins, administrator or the estatate of E W. Compton late o, said county deeeased, has in due form applied to 16 the undersigned for let tersof dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at n.y office on the first Mondaj in Aprils next. Given under my hand and offi ctal signature. This the 4 th day 0 January 1893. J H. C. SCOGGINS, QkDINAKV. take an agency for mostti