The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, March 31, 1893, Image 2

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THE HEW ERA PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON, EDI TOR and PUBLISHER. TERMS. ONE YEAR .*1.00 SIX MONTHS .. ,50c three months ...25c Advertising rates sent on appli- cation. F.ntcreil in tho Pont Office at Dallas, Ga., as Hucoiid-claxn mail matter. KRiDAY MARCH 81,1898. Tlic Rliriek of the baseball fiend is b-ginning to tie hear.I ill the Ian I. Douglnsville had a jubilee when the appoint inont of Hon. J. S. James was known. The democrats of Paulding are n ‘ither dead nor sleeping. They will bj hoard from in 1894. The official heads of the (Georgia republican postmasters are Iwgin- niug to drop into the basket. I will pay $70.00 for the arrest and delivery tome, at any jail in the United States, oft, P. DA YIN, who escaped from arrest on the Jfth of March lo 98, near Bridgeport, Ala,, by jumping from the cars, He is about 5 feet and 9 or 10 inches high pveighs from lhO to 100 pounds; dark eyes; black hair; thin mustache, if any, and has scar over one eye. He is wanted", in PAULDING COUNTY GEORGIA, for MUtt- UKR, March 8th 1898, J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff, Paulding County Ga. FREIGHT RATES. 'Tom Watson now has plenty of time to prepare his scrapbook and 1 .rid campaign speeches for 1894. Tom Watson and the Atlanta Constitution have buried the hatchet, and are getting to be chums and massinales. I’p in Massachusetts tho third partyites cad themselves socialists. They have just held a convention, and nominated a full ticket for stutu officers. J. S. James, of Douglasville, has bean appointed district attorney for the northern district of floor-, gia, and Major W. T. Gary, of Au- gu ta, for the southern. The people's (?) party leaders claim that the price of silver de termines tho price of cotton. There has been but little change in the price of silver for Several months, yet, cotton lias run the gamut all the way from ti to 10 cent). Hou. Elliott F. Shepard, soo-)n law to the late W. II. Yandeibilt, and editor of the N. Y, Mail ami Express, died a few dajs ago. Dur*. ill ’ his life he reached considerable editor was characterized by his vindictiveness toward the South which ho manifested on evory occa sion posaib'e. writer jiossi- “PAULDINGITE." In last week’s issue appeared communication signed “Paulding' ite ” In a few sentences the pictured the r.sources and bilitiesof the county. 'I he p'eturo is not overdrawn Paulding, in her natural advaii' tuges, is ono of the bes! counties in Georgia. Tlie mi rals of her people are excelled by none. In no county of the state is there less crime. Her schools, wh e falling far short of what they ought to bc,are above the a' erage in Georgia. The people of the county should w iko up to the material resourcer ami pos ibiliti m < f our county and place old l’mild ng where ought to be, in the fro t rank. •A. B.C, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion result from a neglected cough o r cold. Don’t neglect but cure prompt ly with a few doses of Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup.. Sold by connally & connally.. Happenings of the week. A White Cups have been causing considerable trouble r.e. r Fort Vail y. The railroads of the st te have petitioned the rai road commission for a considerable advance in the lo al freight rates. Tinney Rucker, who was de feated for the attorneyship by J, S James, lias been tendered and has accepted the office of assistant distiict at oriicv. General E. Kirby Smi li died at Nashville,Tenn., tho 28, iust. Gen eral Smith was the la;t surviving full general that servo! on either side during the v ar. NOTICE! I will pay the highest cash prices for 1(10 yearlings doli vure.l to nie at Dallas. W. H. HONE, IH HEHORIAH The railroads of tho state arc ask' ing tho raiir iad commission to in- , route the lo.-al freight rates in Georg : a. Tho roads claim tlia' their earn* ingi at present rates hardly pay the expenses. They ask the commission for such an advance as will enable the roads to earn ti p jr cent, on the pro cent value of the property. There may ho justice iu tho request of the roads, but, at the same li lie, it strikes u i as he' ing sandwhiched with some degree o’ < heo’c, The o is another side to th" q lostion which shou'd he consider ecb Are the people able to pay n higher rate of freight than they are n >w paying? If they are not, why secure lo the railroa !s a fixed and handsome profit at the clear ox en o of the people? We understand the ma n obje.t of the cominis lion is to do equity bet vuen the roads and the peop'o. If tiie brsincss of the country ra turns a profit, so fix the m’.ei that there will be afa r division between tho roa Is and tho people. If, on the other hand, there is loss instead of profit, let each side pcommence at the bar, and as an assume its equitable share of the Chmrts* K. pmm 01 Cotmsrsvllle, Ind. Of our departed friend and broth er, Them. (). P. Ilrnnd, who d part* o.l til's life, March the 9th 1893. He bad a severe attack of ty phoid and pneumonia fever, anil lived only 9 days after be was taken sick. lie would have been 38 years old had lie lived till tho 20tb of August 1893. Ho joined the chiii-ch, at New Hope, 4 or 5 years ago, and was a cou. i tent me nbur the balaticu of nis life. His influence for good was felt both in the church u d in the ue'ghboi-lio id. The writer feels that ho has lost a special f. iend and brothei; the church, a prominent and useful member; the Sabbath school, a z alotis w rker; the community, ., g od neighbor; and, his wife and children, a loving and kind husband and father. We would comineml the sorrow ing family to Him who doelh all th ugs well . May He ch cr their h -arts with the hope that through His goo lness they limy some day he permitted to strike hands with the departed in Unit laud where sickness, sorrow, pain, and death, are felt and feared no more. A Fin END. Hip Disease A Boy’s Terrible Experienco Clvon Up by Physician*— Ccnaldorad a Con firmed Cripple " For the beni-llt ol oUier iulTer»t* w« tut* tho cue of our boy, who «u Uktn with hip dlmuo live yuan ago, whin thru roar* old. Tho trouble hogan with »tllfnMl and mvotw pain In hli knm, whloh audilonlg wont to hll hip. The doctor pronounced It • genuine eaag ol hip dlieaae, and laid If he lived he would Always ba m Crlppto. Imagine our feeling* I Charlie waa entirely lu-lplc't. When we went to hl» bed to more or tura him tor real, lio would lereaa aa though wo worn murdering him. After two-month*. t hapwiied to rond of a itmltar eaae i-ured by Hood'aSnriapnrllla. II It hardly neeeiaar; to llod lor n drug store and got a bot- gavo It to our boy. n hi* nip gathered Ken a bottle and a M. M. M. M. I I The only remedy that has never failed to cure CHICK EN CHOLERA, is sold by Connally & Connally, Dallas, Ga., W. M. Crow, Crowsville, Ga., W. J. Sheffield, Huntsville, Ga., J. R. Lowry, Roxana, Ga., B. J. Camp, “ “ C. B. Fuller, Nebo, Ga., Z. B. Fuller, “ ** J. T. Campbell, Ga., Swan & Dean, Yorkville, Ga., T. J. Clonts, Embry, Ga., C. S. Ellis, Oval, Ga., Bartlett & Watson, Lost Mountain, Ga. J. B. Cooper, Cooper’s Store, M. S. Turner, New Hope, R. J. MA8KEV, Proprietor, Donglaavilie, Ga. GEORGIA, I Paulding County, j To all whom it may concern;— Notice is hereby given that an election is hereby ordered and will be held in and for said county on Tues day, the 4th day of April next, to fill the office of treasurer of said county, made vacant by the death of J. M. Holland. Given undet my hand and official signature. This March ist 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, OBDINABT. Paulding County Sheriff’s Sales for April 1893. nni In .Inly several place* on and broke. *“' 1 * naif or the Health Waa Improving. RL« color was better. In fact be waa better In every way. The tore* entirely healed up. We pot him erutehea and be walked with them fer nearly two year*. He grew stronger, and now lor two year* ha* had no tore*, nnd line net used n orutoh for over n year. He Unp* a llttlt Reran* pert Un but I* In the bc*t of health, goe* to school, run* ntul plays Just oa lively a* any of the hoy*; he walk* over half a mile to Sunday aehool and return every Sunday, Hood’s x Cures but I, In tho bc.t of ntul plays Just a* 111 walk, over half a return every Suntlaj -Mywlfo Slid I think there never was »neh A modlulne ma le a* llood’a sarsaparilla. Isaac W. I’kasE, Connersvllle, I ml. Hood’* Pill, rure sll liver Ills, bllloi Jaundice, lmllgeiUon, lick hesdsebs. Its. burden. It is not just to m.-.ko ono till t o loss. hear “Th. Blood it the Life,” Runs the old saying, and everything that ever makes part of any organ o* the body must reach its place therein through the blood. Therefore, if the blood is purified and kept in good condition by the use of Hood's Sar aparilla, it necessarily follows that the benefit of the medicine is impart ed to every organ of the body. Can anything be simplet than the method by which this excellent medicine gives good health to all who will try it Dir y and patiently? “Hello, colonel, just back from Washington? ’ “Oh, yes!” “ i I you get; n olfi.e?” “Xo, int exactly.” “Di 'n’t y u getanythiugat a’l?” “That’s what! 1 got drunk sev en times, g t fine 1 twice in the police court and got s'rapped! I'm eu route home in a side-door sleep- “What’s that?" “A box car!” lion, •I'li'il i C. ni-J.ili- Sao tlis World's Fair for Fif teen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and llf- toun cunts in postage) stumps, wo will Ml .it you prepaid our Souvk.viii 1‘oiimy l.ll) OK TIIK \Volll,I>'s Col.VMIIIAN EXPO SITION, the regular prion is Fifty couts, tmt ns wo want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will Hud it u work of art and a thiuit to be prizod. Il contains full page views oi tin greng buildings, with descriptions of same,nnd is executed iu biglieststyle of art. If not s itlstled with it, after you get it, we will refund the stumps and let you koop the book. Address II. E. MJCLKEN * CO., Chicago, 111. A London social to Tin New York Sun says: “The Paris car* ribd from Southampton t-xhiy tin* most precious freight ever sent to America. Fifty young women, who are supposed to represent Hut best types of beauty, of tho old world were shipped by the liner as a living, ethnological exhibition for the Chicago fa r. I am unable to any whether this dazzling company fitly realizes the poet’s driam of fair women, for no ono was allowed to look upon tho aggregation ol loveliness en bloc. Selections were made from several thousand ambi tious maidens, and no record hn» bj-n made of the heartburnings and jealousies engendered by the cho’ce. Even the fate of the final umpire of rival comeliness is un known.” FOR THX RX3UD. —5.°*^”** M * 1 * rt *. fwWta* inJX ***** •* Pleasant Gap, Ala., March 8th 1893. Mr. Henry Braswell, Dallas, Ga. D.ur Sir;—Please lot mo know if you can get me a first-cl ss mil- jet- anywli re in vour country. 1 have a line mill at Ill's place and I want a good stout man to do the work nnd ono that can make good ,!o.,r and meal. Respectfully, AI. L. Bi:aswhi.l. 3vcclclon.'3 Axnlca Solve. Tin-: Ukst Sai.vk in the woild foi Cut- ihuiauK, sores, L'leera, bait ltlicum, Ko ver Sores, Totter, <Happen liumls, t'hil- blaiiiH, <loins, and i.ll Skin Eijptions, and positively cures Files,. r no pay ic •juircd. it is guar uusil to give perfect siitisl'autioii, or money icfuiided. Priev 25 cents pel l-nx. For sale by (Jennallj Jc Connelly Ilrugiriata, NcrrioE. I My stallion, Robert E. Lee, will ! lie at Dallas every Saturday, fiaun now until the 1st of next June, f V. Jones. Hhemnafhin IJiiiekly Cilml. Three days is a very short time in which to cure a bad cas.-. of rheuma tism; but it can be done, if the proper treatment is adopted, is will be seen by the following from James Lambert of New Brunswick, 111.: “I was badly afflicted with iheumatlsm in the hips and legs, when I bougnt a battle of Chamberlain's Pain ltalm. It cured me in three days. I am all right to day; and would insist on every one who is afflicted with that terrible dis ease to use Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and get well at once.” 50 cent bot tles for sale by Connally & Connally. STATE OF GEORGIA, I PAULDING COUNTY. ( WILL be sold at the court house door in the town of Dallas, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in April 1893, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 977 in the 3rd dis trict and 3rd section of Paulding county Ga. Levied on as the prop erty of T. P. camp, defendant in fi. 1 a., to satisfy a Justice court fi. fa., issued from ioo;rd district G. M., of said county, in favor of Thomas Grif fin. Notice given tenant in posses sion, as required by law. Also one six-horse power Russel engine, on sills, one 6o-saw cotton •‘Bloom” gin, with feeder and con denser, complete set of irons for "colts” power cotton press, one pair two-ton Victor wagon scales, com plete, 10 feet 1 15-16 shafting, two 1 15-16 boxes, two 1 15-16 set collars, one 30x6 pulley, one 16x16 pulley, and pulley that runs cotton press; and 60 feet 6 inch rubber belting. Lev ied on as the property of Murdock & Mitchell, defendants in fi. fa., to sat isfy a Superior court fi. fa., in favor of Perkins Machine co. Also at the same time and place will be sold lots of land Nos. 758 and 1*7, in the 3rd district and 3rd sec tion of Paulding county Ga. Levied on as the property of James Foster, defendant in fi. fa., to satisfy a Supe. rior court fi. fa., in f -vor of R. V. and R. W. Whitworth. Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ attorney, written notice given tenant in possession a>V required by law. This March 9th 1893. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. G.W.KURR, ISAAC W1LLIAMN. Deputies, GEORGIA, ( Paulding County. ) To all whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins, administrator on the estate of Ehsha Harris, late of said county deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate, and said application will be heard at my office oa the first Monday in June next. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 10th dayof March 1893. • E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, I Paulding County. \ To all whom it may concern:— R. H. and B. F. wills, administra tors on the estate ( of H. J, wills, late of said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate and said applii ation will be heard at my office on the first Monday in June next, oiven under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 2nd day of March 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD. Ordinary. All buy medicines, and you want them cheap -at retail at wholesale rates. Ja cubs’ pharmacy, the largest Southern cutters” of prices, has an advertisemen, in to-day's paper containing a few prices Ail other articles are sold at similar rates. No matter what you war-t that is usual'y kept in a large drug store send to them. They will sell it at astonishing low rates, E (press charges for packages under five pounds, twenty-fiive cents. Watch these advertisements and prices uScnd for a number of onca word to the wise sufflclont? NOTICE! All persons indebted to the linns of Tlios. Griffin & Son and Thus. Griffin it Co. are requested to settle with ms at once and save cost. J. Rout. Moon, Receiver. i'AKE AN AGENCY FOFv DAGGETT’S tsH.kiillRf ROASTING PAN ImAH liwm (tall?. Isms 10 Sir WM. MUD’S MICROBE IIUIB CURES ALL DISEASES. It l« the only neillelne thet can be taken in large enough quantities to STOP FERMENTATION, DESTROY MICROBES, (tlie OERMS OF DISEASE), and not In any way cause harm to the patient. It cnntnlne no Drugs whatever, b-t it a water charged with powerful l: crm- dcstruying gases. , It cures where all other reme dies fell. rm, P*«* 0 bjS|5.jr. : l^n» theory JACOBS’ PHARMACY, Atlanta, Qa —Sole -A-E'en, to The Atlanta Constitution and The Paulding New Era for $1.50. ’oF.ORoTA, PauT.dTng county. To all whom it may concern: VV. L. Rollins, administrator on the estate of William Kenedy late o said county deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in Aprile next, oiven under my hand and offi cial signature. This the 5th da> of January 1893. II. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. Notice! Will be let to the lowest bidder be fore the courthouse door in the town of Dallas, on Saturday, the 15 day of May, the repairing of the Nancy Law rence bridge. Said bridge two and one-half miles north-east of Dallas. Plans and : pecifications can be seen at my office. Given under my hand and official signature. This March 23rd 1893. E. W. V. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, t Pauldinc Countv. j 1 o all whom it may concern:— W. L. Rollins, administrator on he estatate of E W. Compton late of said county deceased, has in due form applied to 10 the undersigned for let ters of dismission from said estate and said application will be heard at my office on the first Monda) in April? next. Given under my hand and off: • cial signature. This , t he 4 th day 0 January 1893. II. C. SCOGGINS, Ordinary. , Ir For °ver Fifty Yearn sirs. Winsi.ow’s Soothing Syrup has P tmiir U,l DU 1 h 0Uc ' and “ th ® bt,t m 01 litn» i “ rrha »T rt win raUsT. the bv Dviwii t • Heror Sold 111 * T *7 th* world. itk lor M . w nt *