The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, May 26, 1893, Image 2

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HETST T?.P. H • a *’ *’ ut we h»ve understood he rep- J * ■**- r ** resents a party that d nimidu tin alminist ration of the government PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY L. M. WASHINGTON. EDITOR anoIMIBLISHER. TERMS. ONB YEAR 11.00 MIX MONTHS 50. three months 25e X3TAdvertising rates sent on appli cation. Entered In the Post Office at Dallas, 6s., a* second-class mail miuter. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1893. THE COUNTY ADVERTISING. Ohr readers have observed that the Ordinary has given notice of changing the county advertising from the New Kka to the Herald. Below we publish some corres pondence between the Ordinary and ourselves in rega'-d to the mat ter: —OFFICE OK— THE PAULDING NEW ERA Dallas, Ga., May 23rd, 1893. Hon. E. W. Y. Allgood, Ord’y. Sir:—Before changing the couli ty advertising from the Paulding NkW Eha, to the Herald, are yon willing to let the county advertise ing to the lowest bidder? By so doing you can, doubtless, save the county* a neat sum of money within your term of office. Respectfully, youm, L. M. Washington, Editor & Publisher of New Era. upon u higher plane of patriotism and statesmanship than that of pirtisanship. Is it possible that there is one of that party who is influenced by he motives of the partisan? If he is not actuated by the spir- tof the paitisan, we know of only one other reason, which is that of pcrsi.nal and pecuniary interest. We do not know whether tin Ordinary is interested in the Iler aid, but if so, surely ho would no allow any personal interest to con trol him in his administration of the county uflairs. Wc am waiting for light. — OFFICE or— COURT OF ORDINARY. Paulding Countv. Dallas, Ga., May 24tb, 1893. Mr. L. M. Washington, Editor Paulding New Eua. Dear Sir:—In reply to yours, of tbe 23rd, inst, in which you say to me, before changing the county advertising from tbe Pauldinu New Era, to the Herald; are you willing to let the advertising to the ply, tbotT have r.o knowledge of any statue, authorizing or requir. ing the county advertising to be let to tbe lowest bidder. I am also of the opinina that ii is the present surrounding circum stances that has cuused you to make the proposition; therefore 1 decline to consider tbe proposition, to let to tbe lowest bidder the county advertising. Yours Respectfully, E. W. Y. Allgood, Oridinary, We do not know of any law re quiring the county advertising to be let to the lowest bidder, nor, do Vye know of any law forbidding it. Sit is supposed that the Ordinary has the power to place the county advertising in any paper of tbe county^# may choose. If that paper sees fit to charge the county nothing, no law is vio lated. \ The New EjRA will continue to publish the legajl advertisements of the county. Oqr subscribers may rest easy upon thitf matter. Had the Ordinary seen proper to open the door to competition he would have saved to the county quite a sum of money,Us the paper that underbid the New Era would do the work for nothing and pay to the county a bonus in addition. Tbe Ordinary is of the opinion that the “present surrounding cir_ cumstances” caused us to make the proposition. For once in bis recent corres pondence, tha Ordinary has “hit the hail on the head.’’ Those circumstances are the cause and the only cause. Now, we should like to know what “surrounding circumstances” caused him to decline to consider the proposition. Is it a spirit of partisanship? Of course an. b. a spirit is. uatur- ‘‘l Am So Tlrfd" Is a common exclamation at this sea son. There is a curtain br icing cf feet in cold air which is lost when the weather grows warmer; and when Nature is renewing her youth, her ad inirers feel dull, sluggish and tired. This condition is owing mainly to the impure condition of the blood, and its failuic to supply healthy tissue to the vurious organs of the body. It is remarkable hoiv susceptible the system is to the help to be derived from a good medicine at this season Possessing just those pur fying,build ing up qualities which the body craves, Hood's Sarsaparilla soon ov ercomes that tired feeling, restores tilt appetite, purifies the blood, and, in short, imparts vigorous health, lis thousands of friends as with one voice declare “It Makes the Weak Strong.” TO THE CITIZENS OF PAULDING COUNTY. While we do not deem it neces sary to reply to the last letter of Hon. E. W. Y. Allgood, yet, the temptation to remove the scab's from his eyes and let him sec “where ho is at” js so enticing that we cannot refrain from the task. With this explanation, we beg in advance the pardon of our readers for this communication. In I lis fij'At, j) I i*'d i ssh t is fi ed and dismtpoint'jd by ihe terms of the settlement. In our veply, we informed him that our duties were to advise with the Ordinary—not to dictate to him, and, if he was not satisfied, to assert his authority and dischatge his duties by forcing the contiact, as lie might think the interest of the county demanded. In his last letter, he tacitly ad raits that he was not bound by our recommendations, when lie assert that the committee was never le gaily appointed, and had no thority to act. Now, we wish to kno ,v whether or nt>t his Honor is scn.dble “where he is at.” To aid him in Railing his true location in the realm of ridiculous ness, and for the amusement of our readers, we give some extracts from Ins two letters. Here they are: FIRST LETTER. | SECOND LETTER. “The report was| “Now the facts Sir. Ororge Smith Urnlilo, Texas. SHAKESPEARE WIittt Mr. Bn • h Tlilnlct II® Would Hive Said About Hood's Sarsaparilla " Had flliake.ipcaro lived hero And Buffered «« J lmvc, I think lio would li.ivo paid, Throw nway nil modldno except Ilood’a Sarsapa rilla. A« an IhiKlhhinau, coming to this rltinati*, 1 liavo fell the luvr vorv inuoli. In tiio iprli* 1 leltna If I hail nil tlio care and nnxloty of America on my mind. I got nn« Tho Presidents Dutlos. Lost month I had n return of prickly heat} II nenniod ItnpoHHlblo to stand up or He down without almost tearing myself to pieces. I then got one more hot I le and tt has not only cured thn heat but I believe It put my blood Hood f Sr«"r. Cures In good condition. I advise nil to take Hood’s HATSAparlllA In tho spring and fall.* dP.oHor. Smith, Uvalde, Texas. Hood'S Pills euro Nansen, Sick Headache, Indigestion, milousneas. Sold by all druggists. accepted and adopted by a I present but my self. I could do nothing more than enter my protest and submit. No one can agine my disap pointment.” “If it was not that I have decid ed to assume the in the case is just this, the commit tee has never been legally appointed by any one, nor have they ever had any legal authori ty, that I know of, to act as a Build ing Committee.’ “The reason why I did not assert my authority and responsibly o f overrule the' corn- settling up the re-lmittee, was tne maining businesslposition tak-n bv without c a 11 i n g them on a question them together any that had just be^n more. I would disposed of. p be ready to an-was. such that it nounce that recep-would have made tions of resign.!- a . strong point tions are m or-against the county jto the amount of '$1,600, or more, in case it had went to law.” der. Now, kind reader.jiwt notice the aliove. quotations fiatn his first; Vt- ter s \*lu«i»ui.iu> UcvR.iU US nth J 1 \ 1 hclplcH ness .Mid his inexpressible dit. appointment, and then careful ly rend tho extracts front his second loiter, wliornin lie tells you tint all of this humiliation was forced it pot him by a coin r.ittee that was appointed with tut authority of law, and a committee that had not the shadow of legal right to act as a Building Committee. What strange power did this il legal and powerless committee hold over him that he “could do noth ing more” than to vainly protest, and how his head in servilo sub mission? Ho says it was because the com mittee h id just disposed of a “ques tion which would have made a strong p lint against the county to the aununt of iJJJQO. or morn, if This excuse (?) gives rise to two pi ,'Blions. The first “Did not the e nnmittee, according to bis exens;, save tlie county the sum of ill-CO t in t'.iat one question?” We believe the Judge said in his first lettor “if there is any saving io the county, they deserve the honor, and not I.” T ,o se ond question is: “If the com ui ton was illegal and without authority, how could any ‘jio.silioi taken by them' on any ‘question’ be binding upon the Ordinary or the county?” It is unnecessary to further dis cuss the uueneviable position in which his honor lias so gratuitous ly placed lii.nsulf. Wo woul I respectfully suggest t° his honor that, when consider in ; the s ihje.t of resignations, a due ion-,ide.iition of his own might he goo I (a te, and a delicate but pertinent acknowledgment that at last he comprehends the ludicrous ly asinine spectacle lie pres mts to the gaze of an admiring and anius ed publi:. As stated in our first letter, we suggested to the Ordinary such ad- justment of the matters as we thong >t uas for the best interest of the county. We still think so. This discus ion was mis night by 'he Ordinary can end it when 1 ever bo desires so to do. J. Rout Muonj T. C. Howell, W. f. Rollins, Building Committee. RAS8 CARTER SHOT, Id Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. E. M. Carter Jr., better known as Rass, was seriously shot in Jacksonville, Ha., on the 17th inst. The family were notified by tel egram, last Friday. His father, Mr. J. E. Carter, left at once for Jacksonville, Fla., followed later by his mother, one of his sisters, and Mr. B. F. Carter, his unch . None of the details have been received,except what can be glean ed from the brief telegrams and the short letters hurriedly written by the grief stricken family at his bedside. Rassjlms beer, engaged in mer chandising for the lustyturor two, and it seems that n negro in the store was behaving in an improper msHiier and Rass ordered him uii Instead of leaving, the negro drew a revolver and began sho iting lit flfcss, wounding him in the shoul der and shotting him through the throat amfneck, the ball pa sing through the windpipe. R is turned tiie file,but only one car tridge of his pistol would explode, the ball wounding the negro in the bowels, fiont which it is leporten the n 'gro has since died. The latest reports say the sur geons think Rass bos some chance of recovery. GEORGIA, | Pa ulding Countv. \ To all whom it may concern:— Notice is hereby given that an election has been ordered and will be held in and for said rounty, on Friday the 30th day cf June next, to till the office of coroner, of said coun ty, made vacant by the death of Jas. Cole. Also at the same time there will be held an election upon the question of issuing bonds to the amount of Twelve Thousand dollars, bearing 6 pjr cent, interest and pay able annually. Said bond to become due as follows: >2,000 llec. 30th l8qs- - • - T ‘—- ai-lL. #8,000 **9Fi F»T Oct. 1898; $2,000 Dec. 30th, 1899; $2,000 Dec. 30th, 1900. I he entire proceeds of said bonds to be paid on. new court house debt. The same tickets will be used in both elections. Per sons who vote on the question of the bonds will endorse on back of bal'ot, ‘‘Bonds,” or “No Bonds.” Given under my hand and official signature, This Ma> 24th, 1893. E. W. Y. ALLoOOD, OijDINAHY. By virtue of a Fieri Facias issued outj of the circuit court of the United States for the Northern district of Georgia in favor of the plaintiff in the following stated case to-wit: The American Free hold Land Mortgage Company of Lon don, Limited, versus Samuel K. McGreg or. 1 have this day levied upon as the property of the defendant. Kamuel it. McGregor, the following: Lots of land Numbers Five Hundred and Five, (505), Five Hundred and Seventy-Six, (570), Five Hundred and Seventy-Eight, (578), Five IImulled and Seventy-Nine, (5711), Five Hundred and Eighty, (580), Six Hundred and Forty-Three, (048), Six Hundred and Forty-Four. (044), Six Hun dred and Forty-Five, (045), Six Hundred and Forty-Six, (040). Six Hundred and Forty-Seven, (047), Six Hundred and Forty-Eight, (048), Six Hundred and For ty-Niuo, (041»), Six Hundred and Fifty, (050), Six llut dred and Fifty-One, (051) Six Hundred and Fifty-Two, (058), Six Hundred nnd Fifty-Three, (058), Six Hundred and Fifty,.Filnr, (054), Seven Hundred ahd Eighteen, (718), Seven Hundred and Nineteen, (710), and Seven Hundred and Twenty, (780), except one acre in the Southwest corner, Five (5) acres of Seven Hundred and Twenty-One (781), being all East of Jtaccoon creek, East half of Sever. Hundred and Twenty- Two, [788], all of Soven Hundred and Twenty-Throe, [788], Seven i.undred and Eighty-Nine, [780], Twcnty-Five[85] ac-ies ot Seven Huudred and Ninety,[700] living all North of the br .noli, Five [5] acres 01 Seven Bundled and Ninety-One [701], in Northeast corner, separated (loin balance of lot by marked line, all in Third [8rd] District and Third [8rd] Section of l'aulding county Georgia. Al so I it Number Six Hundred and Thir teen, [013], and Four [4] aorcs East side of Six Hundred and Eighty-Four, (084) separated from the remainder cf lot 'by load, in Eigghtoenth (18th) District and Third (8rd) section, nil together contain ing Nine Hundred and Seventy-Eight (078) ncrcs, more or less, in originally Cherokee, now Paulding county Georgia, and will rell the same at public outcry before the court house door of Paulding county in the town of Dallas aud state of Georgia on the llrst Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, Dated at Atlanta, Ga., MarchOrd 1808. A. E. BUCK, U. S. Mahmiial I will pay #70.00 for the arrest and deliverij to me, at any jail in the United States, of I. P. DAVIS, who escaped from arrest on the Ifth of Marcli 1893, near Bridgeport, Ala., by jumping from the cars. He is about 8 feet and 9 or 10 inches high;wcighs from ISO to 160 pounds; dark eyes; black hair; thin mustache, if any, and has scar over one eye. He is wanted, in PAULDING COUNTY GEORGIA, for MUR DER, March Sth 1893. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff, Paulding County Ga. GEORGIA, j Paulding County, j To all whom it may cooonrn:- Notice is hereby given that the re quired number of free holders have tiled their petition for an election for Fence or Stock law in the 1207th Dist. G. M. said ccunty and I will r-** 0 upon the same on Friday, the a-vh. 261,1 inst. TrlVeu umta—i—,j mu official signature this May 3rd, 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Obdinary. Paulding County Sheriff Sales for June 1893. STATE OF GEORGIA, PAULDING COUNTY. Sia.clclor5.’3 -<2i.xiv.lca Salve, l'nic Bust Salve in the world foi Cuts Bruises, Sorea, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fe vei- Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ch i l.laius. Corns, and all Skin Ernptious, md positively cures Plies, or no pay re luired. It is guaranteed to give ported i-atifcJSwtinn, ur money refunded. Price Mwetspe, Imx. For sal* by Cumuli j : i LujtaUq- neu^ciate,, ( WILL be sold at the court house door in the town of Dallas, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in June 1893, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 291, in the 19th district and 3rd section of Paulding county Georgia, and containing 40 acres mote or less. Levied on as the the property of Angira Holcomb# to satisfy a fi. fa., issued from Paulding Superior court, in favor of Villa Rica Lumber Co. Pioperty pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Written no tice given tenant in possession required hy law. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 1039 i*. the 3id district and 3rd section of Paidding county Georgia. Levied on as the property of Ilezekiah Camp to satisfy a fi. fa., issued fioni the Justice court of the 1003rd district g, m., of said county, in favor of Lemon McMillan & co., and against IJ. m. canq) and H. camp. Property point ed out by Plaintiff's Attorney, writ ten notice given tenant in possession as required by law . This May nth 1893. J. A. WESTBROOKS, Sheriff. G. W. FURR, ISAAC WILLIAMS. Deputies, GEORGIA, Paulding County. To all whom it may concern:— N. w. Wix has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of Sam Dobbs- colored, late of said county, deceased Said appl cation will be heard on the first Mon day in June, next. Given'under my hand and official signature this 3rd day of May 1893 K. W. Y. ALLGOOD, • Ordinary. GEORGIA, | Paulding County. ) Io all whom it may concern:— Notice is hereby given that unless good cause be shown to the contrar> an order will be granted on the first Tuesday ir June next, making 1 hange in the public road in the 1443 dist, G. M. commencing at the farm of Mr, Ivy and running by the reai- dence of H. K. Marchman and inter- stetingthe Villa Rica road. Given under my hand ar.d official signature this, Mays, *893. K. W. Y. ALLGOOD Ordinary. Mown mo* srrnss aw —1 mm GEORGIA, > Paulding County. j To all whom it may concern: bailie C. McGee has in due form applied to undersigned for permanent letters of administration on :he estate of P. A. C. Alley, late of said county d<ceaied. Said application will be heaid on the first Monday in June next. Given under my hand and official signature. This 3rd day of May 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. M. M. M. M. The only remedy that has never failed to cure CHICK EN CHOLERA, is sold by Connally & Connally, Dallas, Ga., W. M. Crow, CYowsville, Ga., W. J. Sheffield, Huntsville, Ga., J. R. Lowry, Roxana, Ga., B. J. Camp, “ “ C. B. Fuller, Nebo, Ga., Z. B. Fuller, « J. T. Campbell, Ga., R. H. Hilderbrand, Mulbeiy Rock Ga., C. S. Ellis, Oval, Ga., James New, Standing Rock, Ga., 0. C. Embry, Embry, G11., M. S. Turner, New Ho|)e, Ga., J. B. Cooper, Cooper’s Store,Ga Massey M’f’g'Co., Proprietors, Douglasville, Ga. GEORGIA, | Paulding County. | To all whom it may concern:— Notice is hereby given that from and after thirty days from this date, •he legal advertisements of said coun- y will be published in The Herald. Given under my hand and official signature. ThL May 4 th 1893. E. W. Y. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, 1 Paulding CoPnty. { To all whom it may concern: W. L. Rollins, administrator on the estate of Elisha Harris, late of said county deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for letters o dismission from said estate, and said application will he heard at my office the first Monday in June next. Given under my hand and oflici* signature, this the 10th day of March 1893. E. W. \. ALLGOOD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, 1 Paulding Couvtt. ( To all whom it may concern:— R. H, and B. F. will*, adaiaittra- tors on the estate of H. J, wills, lata of said county deceased, has ia da# form applied to the undersigned far letters of dismission from said estate and said applic atioa will be heard at my office on the first Monday in June next. Given under my hand and efi- cial signature. This the and dav mi March 1893. ' E- W. Y. ALLOOOD, o amaar. For Over Fifty Yean Mrs. WiNSLow*a looam Bmp has evn used for overnftr rears !>»—iiu- f m lor their ahild^ ^tU tl^! . m iHicn xor tneir children white teeth. ,g ’ P‘ rf ect anooasN. It soothes |o clnld, softens the gums, alk?, Tn pain, cures wind colic, and 4s the hA. remedy for ilteirhcea. it will relieve? * pom litite mMierm ask tw Mts. *—1—