The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, June 02, 1893, Image 3

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Cotton Buyers and Dealers In General Merchandise, : HAVE NOW ON HAND LARGE QUANTITIES OF * CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, DRY COODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, EDCE TOOLS PLOW GOODS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, SADDLES, BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. ’ \Yc have spent ten years in your midst pleasantly and profitably and by experience claim to know how to please the people of lh>■* oountr- Cotir teons attention will be given to all customers, and, goods shown with p leasure, whether you, wish to bay, or not. Don't fail to call on ns when you are ^ Dallas and make our store your headquarters. To the young ladies and young men it shall be a part of oar ambition in the future to carry a eompletelineof DRESS GOODS, such as willplease the most fastidious, with TRIMMINGS, LACES, EDGINGS, CORSETS, BUTTONS, CUFFS and COLLARS, HOSIERY, DRESS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR and NECKWEAR, to all of which woinviteyour espicial attention. Call on ns and be convinced that we are better prepared to sell yon than any other house in this section- NO HUMBUG. We mean business and are doing business to please the people. Your Friends, , DAVIS A FINCH. Local mm /SmT coutjty mws. Mr. 15. B. Youmans, one of Dal las’ ex-depot agents in town, last Saturday. Some of Rookmart's young gen tlemen ventured down to Dallas again last Sunday. Mr. J. O. Roberts, representing Spragins, Buck &'Co., was in our midst Monday and Tuesday. The third Quarterly Conference will convene at Flint Hill on Sat. urday and Sunday, June 10,and 11. Ulpans Tnbulos relievo scrofula. The officers of Pauldmg Co. S. S. Ass. are requested to meet in Dal las next Tuesday, the filli inst, to decide on a day for our annual eel ebration and other important bus iness. Mon. E. w. Y. Allgood is using a gold pen which, doubtless has a history. A few days ago Mr. w. J. williams while plowing across some old breast-works turned up a silver penstaff, in which lie found the gold point. The stock was broken, but the point, with I he ex ception of a small bruise, is all right. Mr. williams presented the pen to the ordinary. MO OTHER Sarsaparilla pdSses- ses the Combination, Proportion and Process which makes HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Peculiar to Itself. The case of Cowan & Co, et al. Ys. M. C. & J. F. Kiser and M. & J, Ilirseh et. al, was before ihe auditor last Wednesday, in Dallas. Messrs, w. S. Thomson, of the law firm of Candler & Thomson. At lanta; Ivey F. Thompson and W. K. Fielder, of Ceilartown; It. H. Swain, of Cartersville, will is l.a- gin and Morris Hirsch, Atlanta, and the auditor, E. Faw, of Aia- lietta, were in attendance. DO YOU WANT A TEACHER? If you want a lady Ill's summer, you will do well corrne- spond with Prof. J. Harris Chapp. ell, President of of the (Borgia Normal and Industrial College. Prof. Harris has quite a number of young ladies who wisli to t a'ch this summer. Prof. Harris will give his personal recoinendatio i to all whom he deems worthy. It you are in need of a teacher, w: ite him. COURSE BY MAIL WITH THE LEAVENWORTH iirass mm nazflffiswur* TO ADVERTISE OUR COLLEGE i'e will give a thorough course of in duction in double and single entry look-keeping and Commercial Aritli- letic by mail Free oe Charge to a united number of persons. '1 his ourse will be completed in forty les- ons. No charge for Diplomas. Address: PROF. F. J. V ANDERUERG, PRES., Kit!, SOI anil .TOO Delaware Kl.. l.ravciiwortli, linn. Arc you insured? If not, now is he time to provide yourself and f on ly with a bottle of Chamberlain’s :olic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy is an insurance against any serious •.•suits from an attack of bowel com plaint during the summer months. It s almost cenain to be needed and should be procured at once. No oth er remedy car. take its place or do itsi work. 2 ^ and 50 cent bottles for sal e by connally Sc counally. PANDORA’S COLUMN. Dear New Era;— I wus very much amused by tbe actions of a certain young? man last Saturday and Sunday, lie thought, lie had an engagement at a certain place on Sunday, and laughed in his sleeves that he was still beatmg down millinery stocks. Ilis fair friends looking toward his ollico now and then, he just quit work, put on his Sunday coat, and his best smile, and looked very happy. Ilis delight was increase l when he saw a couple of nice fresh chicks tied to a stake near the millinery store, and in his im agination, saw himself with a lady on either side, and he munching away at a chicken bone, and. like Selkirk, monarch of all he survey ed. With such thoughts as tneso he came to the conclusion that I was young, and now am old, But never in all my days Were I half so happy, As when I on them chickens gaze, The world's been good to me, But ’twill be better still, When there is blended heart with heart, Hand with hand, and W ill with Will. With snch revories as these, in his mind, lie asked himself whether he wore in Paradise, Grunt’s Park or Hades, but he must have decid ed on the latter place, as he used a kindred expression to that, w hen he looked across the public square, and saw a couple of fellows, who had again ventured? do.wn from a neighboring city, to engage in the excitoment of tho millinery Stock Exchange. His chagrin can bet tor be imagined than described. On Sunday, a fair damsel, taking pity on him on account of his very distressed look, pinned a nice flow er on his coat, but I10, weeping for his chickens, and refusing to be eomfoited, soon threw it away, thinking it a quid of tobacco. He, afterward, in company with an other fellow of erstwhile Jim-nas tic fame, prevailed on six young girls to become members of the Star Gazers’ Club, with on’y they two*as male members. lie made arrangements to escort.three of the maidens to church Sunday night, but failed to turn up and the poor girls had to go alone. The last heard of he was sitting by a Cart, singing softly: Rock a bye chickens,on the clothes line, While the train runs, the chick ens are mine, When tlie train stops, the chickens will squall, And away goes milliners, chick ens and all. One of our prominent citizens savs that Sunday night’s heavy rain washed away all of his hill side ditches. A young lady tells me that while millinery storks are going down, the material for making fine hats, etc., is going up, in tbe mind of one of our boys. No wonder that one of our boys is such a warm Christian, he al ways carries Furr to church with him if he can. One of our girls couldn’t go to i church last Sunday, because the ! rain would have damaged her Hay. One ef oar doctors has uuceeeried j * in swallowing tho two rabbits whose tails Lave been protruding above his mouth for some time. Mayor Babb's hair is falling out of tho top of his head, and lodging on either side of his face. From good old Paulding county, There comes tho anxious query, Who is this wise Pandora, That is so bright and cherry? Back quickly comes from Dallas town, This short hut sweet reply, We, too, would like to know Who is Pandora so sly, That she walks about unseen, But herself sees every oajier. And then goes straight forthwith And puts it in the paper. First,we tnought’twas hillySpinks, Next, on Bobbins and his pipe wo settled, No, it’s neither of them, by Jinks, For they themselves, are too often nettled. Next, Spoopeudyke came to our aid, He says its Jimmy,.Tamesor deems, We believed his theory for awhile, Till we learned that he was given to dreams, Then again were we plunged in darkness, Nor have we yet reached the light; As to who is the real Pandora, It is still beyond our sight. But wo have come to love good Pandora, * And hope that she may ever stay, To tell us through the paper, What is happening day by day. This was kindly contributed by a friend who, at first, disliked Pan dora very much, and said many hard things about her, but has since learned to love her with all his heart, Pandora would like to say to the dear sweet girls that they should not smile across church at the boys, and they should at all times endeavor to preserve that precious modesty, which is the piide of our Sunny South, and the most inestimable treasure,that any daughter of Eve may possess. She would say to the boys, that tho devil would see the fires of Hell exhausted, to supply lights for cigars, pipes and cigarettes. Good-bye till next week. Pandora. J. K. BEHHETT, DAXjXjAS, G-A- is COMPLETE, and SUMMER My STOCK with SPRING GOODS. Mulls, White Goods, plain and figured. MEN’S STRAW GOODS, Also Ladies’ and Misses’ TROOIFI) HATS, *-Nice and cheap for the Money.-* A nice lot of Mens’ CLOTHIN G —CHEAPER than ever offered to this trade. They were bought at HEAD-QUARTERS, for the cash, and will be sold CHEAP the SAME WAY. CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE YOU —BUY.— I l«£eaa to SELiLi, If CLiOSS PRICES will you to buy. —:North Side Of Public Square.*— SCHOOL HOUSES. As the editor sometime ngo promised tbe readers of tho New Era an article from me on the sublet of “School Houses,” I shall now endoavoi to, although not sticking to the subject, give them something. I wish that I had the “Fluency of language and flippan cy of tongue” to express my feel ings on the subject. Howevor, as 1 have not, I shall send thorn by “mail.” Well, as for school bouses in this county they are so few, so far be tween, so frail, 1 think it best t> touch them “lightly.” If Paulding can boast of one complete school room, 1 am not aware of it. Judging the citizens of this conn ty by their deeds (and I know of no other criterion) we must nec essarily come to the conclusion that their love for their mules e.\- oils that for their beloved little darlingsjlor their stables, as a rule, are more comfortably constructed than tlie school houses, some of which might be considered discred itable for a semi-civilized nation, and certainly reflecting no crediton a Christian country in tho latter part of tlie nineteenth century Now, for the excuse rendered for this state of affairs—poverty _ The people say they are finan cially oppressed; that they are not able to contribute anything for the building of sehoolliouses, That wa are all oppressed I do not deny; but that tho people of this Quality are unable to build at least 'comfortable schoolrooms wliereovor needed is' false. If we but use the means and time that are given us, we can within a few years have schoulhouses in every community in tlie county. The only drawbacks that I can think of at present aio s, negligence, inertia, want of county pride, and personal, local, political and religious prejudice. “Whore there is a will, will al ways be found a way,” is an old proverb containing much truth. Wo need a little more “Get up and be doing” than wo have. AYe tax ourselves for luxuries, idleness, sensual and foolish indul gences more than enough to build plenty of school-houses in this county As we can give no reasonable excuse for past negligence, let us atone as much as possible, by do ing better and more in the future. More anon. W. Z. Spinks, C. S. Gem. Bartlett & Washington L. Bartlett, Brownsville, Ga. f L. M. Washington, Dallas. Ga. ATTORNEYS AT LAW WILL PR CTICE IN JLL HE COURTS. OmCE AT BROWNSVILLE AND DALLAS CA. < MM 11 »'»■». *4. Great Western ORGAN:: Haadsornsr Than Ever. Flneit or All. < ► Solid Walnut, Burled Panels, Elegant Finish. < * sr. iftfw 1 [ NEW STYLE 21 ONLY $80,, And We Pav the Freight. < ► Phillips A Crew Co., Atlanta, Gm. "Tfr.”" - ■ »M'M i. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Is famous as a Cure for severe colds. Famous as a Preventive of pneumonia. Famous as a Preventive and cure for croup. Famous for the relief it affords in case of Whooping cough. Famous as a safe and pleasant Medicine for children. Try it. 50 cent bottles for sale by Connal!y& Connally. MILLINERY! MILLINERY!! Mrs. S. E. Ragsdale has remov ed her stock of millinery to the storeroom on the west side of pub lic square, next door to the ware house. She has in stock a full line of millinery, in all the latest styles which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Her years of experience in the trade is a sufficient guaranty of Mlranu Georgia. Nkw Fra: With trembling nerves, I ver.. ture forth from the hole in which Pandora says I crawled. And now, Pandora, if the popper lias popped the question, and tho popper lias accepted the pop, 1 would like for you lo tell me R you think tlie popper is giving her betrothed that evidence of affec tionate devotion, which lie might justly expect, when she is accusing him of having the jim-jams, crawl ing into holes and even of being the devil himself. Now, I know (bat you—wrtio have seen the snows of 46 winters —have been on the old maids’ list long enough to forget some of the hallucinations of childhood and trot along smoothly witli tho fellow you are about to splice onto. But you can never trot with me now. For judging from a recent display of your bad temper, I had rather be in a shower of mush without a spoon—yes, I had rather bo a knot on a pine sapling, for ‘the school boys throw at, than bo a dog or a cat and have to stay around you— much less bo your loving (?) “Spoopy.” I feel so happy that our engage ment is at an end that I actually feel a poetic chill coming on and I must try to shake it off—so here DR. W. H. BEALL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Rollins, Ga. lias located at tho former resi dence of Mr. M; R. Adair,and ten ders his professional service to the people of Paulding county. Tlie Demon of Despair Insomnia, and its twin brother Dyspepsia, are the offspring of a dis ordered stomach. A positive cure is found in Beggs’ Dandelion Bitters. Sold by all Druggists. The question’s popped, and late hours stopped, .The only pop Pandora ever had, Put now she and I are out, Pandora’s on the pout, And I am getting mad. Pandora has her trousseau, what they arc I don’t know; But the Era says she’s got ’em, The trimmin’ on ’em’s red, to match Pandora’s head, With crinoline all around the bot- NOTICB, My stallion, Robert E. Lee, will bo at Dallas every Saturday, from now until the 1st of next June. Wiley Jones. SATISFACTION It guaranteed ^ to every consumer of HOOD’S Sarsaparilla. One hundred doeea la every bottle. No other does this. MONEY TOLOAN I am prepared to proenre loans on improved farm lands in sum s f $300, and upward at lower rates of interests and on easier terms naht are offered by others. Farmer desiring to borrow will do well ta see mo before making arrange-* ments elsewhere: f Will E. Spinks, Atty. / Dallas. GcC Those Wonderful Giants in Town!! If you wish to see them 'call on Connally & Connally and. ask tor Beggs’ Little Giant Pills. /Every hot tie guaranteed. The Army Bill Is not the one that worries us but the doctor’s bill. Keep a supply at Beggs.’Family Medicines on harvdL abUit to Uil8c bcT , ;atna ^ and reduce your doctor s bills 95 pe it. Sold by connally & conaallyr Be sure and call on her making your purchase-. before I heard Pandora cummin’ her trous seau a hummin’, Her steps got fast and faster; I scuffled like a mole, I crawled into a hole, And pulled the hole in after. She says Spoopendyke is dead,I wish it could be said Of poor old Spoopendasher, For she takes such great pains, about j| all except her brains, ' Addict* That I’ve a blamed good mind to thrash her. SrooMMDXUL TH r SundaySun $2.00 a Year Containing more reading matter ban any magazine published n America. THE SUB, New Y«dc