The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, June 02, 1893, Image 4

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a Drakctown Nows. Mr. Editor:— Here we come “a galloping in" again with our news. Cotton chopping is getting to be the order of the day now. Wheat is the best it has beea in th 8 section in raa ly years. Mr. I C. Waltom left the 21st inst., to attend court at Douglas- v lle. Mayor Foote left us at the same time for Atlanta on business. Mr. J. Y. Stephens roturned from a business tour to Atlanta the 19th inst. The Harmony Grovo School closed its spring term the 19, inst It closed with a nice entertain ment. 1 he Exercises were opened at d:30 p. m., with an educational address by C. M. Hildebrand. Next, the little folks, about 30, re cited some interesting pieces, etc About “a h;df hour by sun,” the school marched. At 7:30, Mr. It. D. Lathram gave an interesting lecture on education. Then quite a number of recitations nnd decla mations by the young ladies and young gentlemen, after which 7 dialogues and u few comic pieces closed the exercise--. M's- Etta Hutcheson, Mrs. Della Strickland and Mr. William McBrayer made music for the occasion. ' Messrs. John Allgood,Gi iffiu and McPher son, of Temple, and J. W. Hilde brand, of Draketown, have out- heartfelt thanks for assistance. We also return our thanks to Misses Lena Kirk, Dora Allgood, Mr. Mainer and others that assisted in the entertainment. The good women of the community have our thanks for flowers etc., for the occasion. The excroises closed at 10:50 p. m. During the exercises the best of order was secured. There was no “whiskey” on the gi ounds. Although this being the first attempt this school has ever made in this line, it proved a per fect success. Miss Etta Hutcheson leaves in a few day* for Attalla, Ala., where her home is. She has been attend ing the narinonyGrove school this term. We are sorrry to have to give her up. Dick Bustltb. eeive $10,000 for his work. Mak ing a reasonable estimate of t' e cost of making the Btatue it repre. sents at least $50,000, aside from its value as a work of art. In brief, the statue is that of a woman after the severely Greek style of sculpture. She wears a single garment which loaves arms, neck and upper bust bare,and falls just below the knee. A girdle about the waist loosely confines the drapery. On her head is a diadem In her left hand, which is raised alxjve her head,she holds the scales, in which gold and silver balance each other, thus symbolizing Mon tana's stand on the silver question In her right hand, which falls at her side, is a drawn sword. Sho stands on a globe two feet in di ameter, which is supposed to bo floating in the clouds. Hut it is not because of its s ze or because of its value in dollars and cents, or even liecause of its artistic merit, that this statue in tho Montana building will attract such attention, ft is because of two other reasons. It is tho figure of tho perfect wo' n a i from tlio physical standpoint. It is the figure of a woman known all over tho English-speaking world— Mi.-s Ada Uehan.—Calar town Simulat'd. La Grippe. During tho prevalence of tho Grippe the past Hensons it was a uoticeahlo fact hat those who depended upon Dr.King's New Discovery, not only luul a speedy ceoyery, but escaped all of llie troublo- omo after alTocts of the malady. This remedy seems to liavo a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in eases of l.n Grippe, but in all Diseases of Throat Jhust nnd Lungs, and lias cured cases of Vstlima nnd Hay Fuvor of long standing. Try it and he convinced. It won’t dis appoint. Freo Trial Bottles at Connallj * Connally’s Drug Htoro. Monkeying With Taxation- When tho “Greatest Show on Earth” wqsin winter quarters at Bridgeport,a few years ago, a num ber of monkeys were confined to a large circular cage in the center of one of the animal houses. To pre- v:nl constant fighting between the quarrelsome family, the cage was divided by wire partitions into some twenty small compartments When tho daily rations were dis tributed it was noticed that instead of euting bis own portion eacli mor.key would thrust his hand through the wire and filch as much us he could reach from his neigh bor’s dish. The result was a great deal biting and scratching; consid erable food was scattered and was ted; and since, while one monkey was stealing, another was robbing him, the result of their dishonesty was a loss all around, believers in Darwinian theory pletely cured him. The excitement of the origin of species will piob- and change of water and diet inci - - - - Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent phy sician of Lewis, cass county, Iowa, and has been actively engage! in the practice of medicine at that place for the past thirty-five years. On the 26th of May, while in Dcs Moines en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an attack of diarrhcea Having sold Chamberlain’s colic, cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy for the past seventeen years, and know ing its reliability, he procured a 25 cent bottle, two doses of which com- dent to traveling often produce a di- arrheea. Every one should procure ■ a bottle of this Remedy before leav ing home. For sale by connally & cofipally. iti SOLID SILVER. Montana’s Unique and Costly Worjd’8 Fair Exhibit, What singfla thing 011 exhibition at the World’s^Columbian exposi tion of 1893 wiAnttract most at tention and cause most comment? In all probability it will be a statue in the Montana state build ing. Why? There are several rea sons. In the first place, it will be the largest statue of its kind ever made, in that it will be eight feet high, including the pedestal, and of solid silver. Though there are stories of ancient statues of fabu lous size and value, sculptors agree that in all probability no soiid sil ver statue larger than four feet in height was ever made. The statue will also attract at ■ tention because of its great value. The intrinsic worth of the silver is $Ij5,0G0, mu! the scalgtor ia u> re- ahly find confirmation of their vi ws in the recommendations favor of a stringent “listing law” for collecting taxes on personal property under oath. The notion that the general wealth of this state can be increased by setting a greater number of assessors to work with a system of spies and penal ties for failure to make returns of property to tax everybody on their intangible property, is worthy of our Simian kindred. Suppose that the '’listing law”is passe I. While the farmer, whom it advocates, and pre tends to be anxious to benefit,was getting a little more taxes from the merchant or the capitalist who is so wicked as to save money and loan it out mortgages, the latter would shift the tax by charging a slightly higher price for their goods, 01 higher interest on the mortgage And the greatly increased cost of arsessing and collecting taxes would probably soon convince eve ryone that syste ns of taxation founded 01. a supposed antagonism of interest between real ost ite ; n] petsonal property owners vtI t -\as efu 1 wad.Injurious.—X. Y.tiun. E Trial Why suffer from tho bad effect* of tho I* Grippe, Lam* Back, Kidney and Liver disease, Iihcnmatism, Indigestion,Dys pepsia, any kind of weakness, or other disease, when Electricity will cure'you and keep you in health, (Headache relieves in ono „ * .rs’-sirtsil. JUDDS ELECTRIC BELT Prices, $3, *0. MO, and $15, if satisfied. Also Electric Tiusses and Box Batteries. Costa nothing to try them. Can be regulated to suit, and (guaranteed to last fol years. A Belt and Battery combined, and produces sufficient Electricity t. shock Free Medical advice. Write to-day. Give wnist mi asuro, price ami full particular Agents Wanted. Address DR. JUDD, lletri It, Mich. By Subscribing fur your Home Paper, i tub 1- Paulding -New- Era. Devoted to the Development of every In tercst of this section. TERMS: $1.00 Per Annum, -t *■* t- -^ALL * KIND**- OF- dmid&ly amd leatly Both© at this WM. RADAM’S MICROBE KILLER CURES ALL DISEA3ES. STOP FERMENTATION, DESTROY Ml CHORES, (tho GERAIS OF DISEASE), and not In any way cause harm to the patient. It contains no Drugs whatever, hut Is a water charged with powerful germ- destroying gattu*. It cures where all other reme dies fall. Fifty pa,, book, JACOBS’ PHARMACY, Atlanta, Ga — Sale .A-g-ents.— Jacobs'Pharmacy ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Marietta A Peaohtrss Streets, p. O. Bo* SST. A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: B. B. B . . , 67c. Hunnicutt's Rheumatic Cure 66c. Ksdwsy’s Ready Relief. 33c. Chency’i Expectorant 15 sad 33c. Teetkina 18 and 35c. Pond's Extract and 73c. Lemon Elixir and 73c Tutt's Hair Dye .. . 66c*. St. Jacob's Oil 3«c. Allcock's Plasters 10c. Benson's Capsine Plasters 13c. Or. L A. MagiU’s Orange Blossom . . . 67c. Bradycrotine 33c. Horslord’s Acid Phosphate . . . .34 and 73c. White Rose Soap 4711 [3 cakes ia a box] THE 0/1 LY PERFECT SEWIHG {AECIIAMsm .Family USE. Send for circular and price list to Wheeler & Wilson M’fg Co., ^-•Ua,33.ta.. Oct,. SUBSCRIBE „YOH\ per box Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap, cake sic. Cuticura Soap, cake 13c. Hagan's Magnolia Balm 30c. Bay Rum, St. Thomas . . . 14, *4 and sic. Hop Bitters 68c. Hostetter’s Bitters yjc. Brown's Bronchial Troches, box. .... ala. AH Worm Candies, per box . 13c. Everything usually sold in a ftni-ctaM drug store, retailed at wholesale priew. Makt up your orders, send Co us and savo m—tj. Express charges are usually if mil per package under % Iba. YOU WANT THIS PIANO BECAUSE—It is an honest, reliable and durable in strument. It holds its tone and touch, and will give years of unbounded satisfac tion. It embodies the choic est materials, finest workmanship, and latest devices and improve ments. The price is honest and as low as is consis tent with a high grade instrument. - BUY - FROM THE MAKER. Get oun Catalogue and Brncs. KELLKER PIANO C0.*|£^ loMcaQ«e«'«MWMMo*Qasea ESTEY ORGAN CO. ESTEY ORGAN ESTEY PIANO AND THE Matchless Decker Bros. Pianos, HONEST GOODS, FAIR PRICES, (Catalogue Free.y 55 Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA, THIS BEAUTIFUL ORGAN. Only $75. on easy payments Liberal discount for spot cash REMEMBER we include nice stool and large book all free ot freight to your R. R. depot We have a hundred different styles at all prices. Tell us what you want and we cansuit you. Write forPrices. Address, PHILLIPS& CREW CO. ATLANTA, Ga CO s OP t C=J 2 ^ «a=> - *1 ©si 2 •^**•*■4 ’ a Z - (A - < a 8 s ;ij::; :|£ •:: ; ;s: ^ IjVj . •2 < ;Kg| o -Is -2- ’ ’ «' 5 ’I? BS! u 'tU •S»o2 ,Ej< • -S..i= . t, CV, »> <2 X . .O. Ct-V ■ n?Ml« “U ff > i-