Newspaper Page Text
the State of Rhode Tsland.
aGe tw appointed bi Law.
Gt •und State Lottery,
• the Encouragement of Domestick Industry,)
Ithird class—NEW series.
nositivcly <m drawn in PROVIDENCE, on
» 1 ,l,o Mill day of OCTOBER next.
s. c. &x sciieyK,
ffavc just received per Ship Emily
S OME of tlu; latest London puhliixtlions, alid
also a few late publications Ironi New-York,
among which are tint following: ,, ,,
The, Laughing Philosopher or.Puii', Humour and
■ Wit; being a selection of 1 choice Aneodotes,
many; of which) never before ii| pi-inti original-
cd) i^or r abdiiti ‘’The Literary Emporium” 1
the MM oay mr I Eccontrib Biography, or Sketch of Remarkable
o 31. Altvil &> Co,. Agents jot the 3Ian I {jlmracters, Ancient and Modern, 1 vol. 18 mo.
offers. 87icti. , ‘
25,000 Highest Prise. . Th« Novice or tile Man of Integrity, by L. B. Pi
& ’ SCHEME - 1 card, author ot the Uil Bias of the
Id if
t IM
Prize of 25,000
» “ *10(000 “
gHrd, author of the Uil Bias of the Revolution,
Alt Ann I 2.vole, 12 ino.. $2. • •
2.>,U0l) l Patience, a-Tale, by Mrs. [lofflatid, author pf In-
‘ ft nnn 1 tegrlty a tale, the Son of a Gonlus, be 1 Vol.
18 uio. SI. , , , •:
Boadena Memoirs of J. P..Kemble, 1 vol. 8vo.
NI'ORM their friends and the pituliu, t.Iiat for
.move convenience, ami also security fig dust fire,
icy have removed to lh<-s’ eornmotfipns'fliilB fire
ironi I'liildiiigs on Scott and Andrew Low 4. Co’s.
Wharves, where they continue the. .
factorage & Coni mission Busi-
. rasa*.
lheir best exertiorisWill bn used to merit a fion-'
tmupnee of former putronage. They, ip
“'•PPylhcir customeit, best COTTON. BAGGING,
Out 1 183 / .
2,000 ]
Wain’s Life of La Fayette, 1 vol, 8 Vo. $3.
'■ sept SiO a!82
foofi Prizes
100 BlVtnUs.
I this Scheme, wi
drawn bill lots, there
J antes Anderson Co.
H AVE’recciui d by the ship Emily, froth Liv
erpool, thwr usual supply of
^lains. Blankets tind Ranging,
and liy rattenf arrivals from the North, an eelgant
ami extensive assortment of.
Fan/y and Staphs Articles,
10 66 prizes with Three numbers on them;
,\vltli T.'Vo numbers on them ; and 10,608.
0 ne uuuibeJon them. Those tickotshaving
of the drawn ballots on thepi being blanks,
determine the fate of the 34,220 Tickets, the
mbc|-s will severally be placed in a wheel on
i B y of drawing, and bight of them will be
n' had that Ticket having on it as a eoinbi-
11 the 1st, 2d, and 3d No?. drawn, will be en-
to.-425,OlJO... ....
at having on It the 4th, oth, alid 6th, will be
led to Sl6,CKk». .
«t traving on it tliejGtli, 7th, and 8th, will be
led to $6,CiOO.
CASKS Gentlemen's hue uuild Boots,
3 do Stout iicgd Siloes,
3 do -Round do do
2 do Womens Morocco Walking do,
1 do do do .. pumps do
2 dp do Leather Walking
1 do .do do {tumps
3 do Boys bound
2 do . do Stout .
1 do Misses Morocco pumps
1' do do Leather do ,
1 .do Children's do Bootees
For sale low by T. S. LUTHER.'
sept 10 1,4
osehaving ori them tfie 3d*, 4th,and6lh,— '
..... f oskes.»
ial having .on it the 3d, 6th,mid^th, SavX<(»>h, Gko.
oscliaviijg on them 2d, 6th, and 8th-2d, F^vFFERS his services 16 : lib; friends and the
nJStll—-3d.4th, aud 6tn-*3d, 4th,ttnd 7t(i—1 PpUlic, in the GENERAL COMMISSION
4th, ail'd |8th*»3d, 5th, hnd 6H1—3d, 6th, atjfl I BUSINESS in tills place, and solicits tlibh- pat-
fothefs^eipg 40-tickets) having, tiiroc ol 1 ^
Irawn Nos. dii th'fem, will each no entitled
lie 62 Tickits having the, 3d and 4th Brawn
only will each be entitled to §60..
iia 156 Tickets having on (hem the 4th and 6th
ill, and 6th, or 4th and 7tli drawn Nos. only, !
« v ' .a»aI-.1 a- <P*r»r\ . I
1 each lie entitled to $20. . . ........ 1
III others (being 1248 Tickets) with any two of
[drawn Nds. on thbin, will each be entitled to
|nd those having any onfc of the drawn Nos. on
a (bring !•',608 Tickets, or 1326 for each
m No.) will each be entitled to$4 ,
Messrs. A. Ldw Co.
Savannah, (ico..
G. Breittnuiyer Co.
AttguslaJ Gto
sept 10 174
ter The Savannah Repuhllcnn and the Geor
gian, will please insert the above oib-c a wttk for
one month, and forward their bill/ to this office
or puyment.
, v „ , , , WASHINGTON HALL.
Ticki-Mvlilcli shall have drawn a price of a Ao. 224) UrOad- Street, AllgUStU
Irior dciiPnilnatiou can be entitled to aii infe-
fers payable forty days after the drawing,
jubjci t. a-iusnal, to a deduction of 16 pr cent.
Tu tnu Wholes ftfi Halves 1 ITlHIS eWaBLISIImKNT is opened in' a
fousrtetd ftl 26 Eiahths 6-2cts^ ’ l I Bands.mle Brick Building, oreetbd during 1 lie
!’.?whn h B v f !nrl^SSrickets ln' the above I P :ist ^"..ner, at the corner ol Broad and M'ln-
iio.eulio have - . tosh-Strcels. It is rccomaiemied to Planters and
ery ore -3— rsvJI/Hg | IfTerchants, by its silualion, in the centre of the
ff/il[J : ^1 P1 r f) Sl([town and of business, and within a convenient
ri KrfiKfiK'T.'Tri? I distance of the Banks, Warehouses, and Public
LXLHAJSOE Ul'l'lLE. StB ^ e p as9enK ers will Bad it eothvehlenl
V® r • from its being opposite the, l’osl-Offlce, the place
jits I Received I of arrival and; dep irtureofth Stages. Tliere is
.... „ . • .V. 4 ;i,auA I connected with the. HALL, An adjsdetit Brick
rs ip f.ouisa Matilda, a large and C10 cb w ith suites »,f Private Apartments, and
supply ot _ , I a Separate Entrance fi-pin Bioad-Street, which
ItnillllP Drugs, LhGniiCRiS,' ftpi- l will he appropriated exclusively to theaccommol
« Ppi-fmiiAvv Dvp Stllffs: diitlon of Families: nhd Ladies,will find them
„S, I U IUinen , Jjyc aiuiis* [selveii as quiet and retird&bstn any private hoU«e
Fancy Articles, A*C «*C'. . I with thU additional advantage of being in th6 im-
[fully selected by the proprietor »t Ijie North, mediate neighborhood oL the. principal Fancy
(particularly suited to this market—which tui- 'tpt'es. .The \\ A. II1NU10N HAL- is superior
III hi: to met stock on hand, fenders his as tendeii by W. .1. Duuj.f.y. whose study it wlll be
|nent,Vcry extensive and web worthy the Bt-J plAiwe and render comfortable, those who may
Ton of Dealers. G. nflerinen. PhysiciAiis, Coin- favour the House with tlierr patronage. —,
taBi-rlmnt', Planters and all others that wi's.b to SugustnjGa.) I81.6.
thase in this line are invited to calf and exam- |...9 e pt2t> . 18^ .... ■ ■-—I
K 1 t!i<-msolverf, As they will be sold on ns lib-1
Itsrmi ns any house mayoflbrinthiscity.-
|tals wholesalenhd retail by
Druggist No 8, Gibbons’ Buildings.
R ANAW AY train^ the Subscriber some lime
r 1 ‘ • -—* ■
., March last,a negro woman abi.ut,28 yearsold
yellow eontplection,, front teeth out, branded on
the breast (with the lettersp. HIPP.) Sbe tormer-
ly belonged to George Hjpp of SaVnhnuli, and I
tliink w ll tfy to make for that place by the way
■1 a l 'Ai'h F'a N A G e/a.
1 a DOZEN Buttles just ideeived pm- brig I of Augusta, mid it is more Ilian probable slit w
f * I'umcey, from EhHadclplila.--Druggi3t8 le try to pus,- for a free. wtjilianT. Any. person giving
[date, will be supplied at the prlginnl niTces. l me infornirtlimi «n tlmt I get her ngnin, or lodga
ipplving to. ' * | her in soul 1 Jail, shall be entitled 1o A rewArd d
ANSON PARSONS, Agent,- I tell dbllurs. .. •
Dlifggist, No. 8,Gibbons'Buildings. I . JOHN T. CARR.
. Willingtnn S. C. Abbeville District
sept 29 Al8 i ,
|pt 6
The Key. A. CARTER,
et-oivc Into his family anti personally I
•et, , from four to si* Young Ladies
Wat< b Lost.
L EFT in'the yarxlot tli. Ciiy Hotel on Snn'da
l orning Jjjsig Dpuble t'ased F.ngi sb )Valc
supposed to he made by E. Johnson, Loudon
H AVE removed to .the middle Tenement
V Aung’s Building, where they oiler for sale
A (.Ar.-jK Atlll OtltRIL ASSOUTMtNL OJ'
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods\
Received by the liitest arrival froth Livefudol
and New-York. ,
-June 23 - 141 ,
siibscrilmrs baFc removed to llolinston’s
Low Si
Sqnu,-c, next do^r. west pf Messrs
Co where thfey Are opfening a t handsome assoh-
inent ot, . _ . .PHW
Fadcymid Staple Dry Chads,
addition to their foriticr stock,
opril h - 74 ~ •• - W. b Hi ROSF.fl
hich tlieyoti'erfnr sale on accommodating terms.
Oct 1 /• 183r.
Barfelit Baitlmoro Rye Whiskey!
60 Barrels Baltimore .Gin,
26 Barrels 5th proof Whiskey,
M Pipes superior Holland Gin,
100 Pluchs.Cottori Bagging,
60 Ban els Loaf S ugur,
40,(XH> Pounds ol Bacon,
30 Bhrrels Moss aud Prime Pork;
60 Barrels Flour,
Aiiiericaii Shot,
Anu-riean Castings!
IVindow Glass', *
• American and Spanish Segarsp&c. tc
sept 20 . m178
Sugar, Colice, Whiskey, t&cT
Oaf a Hogsheads Santa Crua Sugar
Oil 10 Hogsheads N.0. do
30 barrels loaf do
25 do lump do
Ml bags Coffee
26 do Java do
160 barrels Whiskey
lOO do Gin
20 do Malaga Wine
25 qunt ter casks' Ten'eriffe do
15 casks Currant do , .
6 pipes old Brandy (Ota'rd’s brand)
!6 bags Pepper b Pimento
FLA N T E 11 S.
TAVTNG^ made a considerable purchase of
. J. last sobsoii’s imported PL.41AS, wliicbthey
otter for sale at the last year's pricii, fo^ casji or
drafts on their factors, payable aity time before
the 1st of April next; which must,be, al .least,
20 to .25 per cent, less then the eiisuihg Fail' Im
portation can lie sold at. ,
W. $r H. ROSE! .
Savannah, 7th June, 1825.
June 7 128
25 bags Pepper l
150 kegs cut Nails
260 Imndics bat* Lead
300 hags Shot
. 3o dozen Shovels fc ,Spades
60 barrel!) prime Pork
60 pieces Bagging
60 boxes Pipes
Id coils bale Rope
,25 kegs' Tobacco, fyc. '
; 160 kegs Duponts Powder !! .
For sale by L. PETTY,
.. Taylor', Wharf.
ept 10 174b i. ■
Muscovado Sugars,
QlA MUDS very prime Muscovado Sugars
Ovr apply to
ang 25 - jpw167
In Council, loth Sept. 1825.
Of Finance. ....
Minis, Cumming, Parkman, Williams.
Of Market '
Morrison, Gaudry, Glldon.
Of Dry .. .
Waring. Mnrrison, Williams/
Of Hculth(ikA.tiemetry. .
Philbrick, Waring, Wayne.
Of Lamp,'.
Williams, Cumming, Milicn.
Of Pimps.
Wayne, Ja.ikson, Philbrick.
Of Publick Sale,.
Harris. Jackson, Cumming.
' Cumming. Minis, Jackson.
Of Engines, Hooks and Ladders.
Pufkinan, AiiiSen, Morrison.
Of Exchange.
Guudry, Glldon, Parkman.
Of Public Docks.
Gildon, Gaudry, Wayne. ;
M. MYERS, c.c
sept 15 . • - - ,
For New- York,
t'dklrv ' packet
• 7TAVE qu hand a few bales of
P L A I N S,
AnB ’. . ■
Which they* will lie 11 at.a .considerable reduction
from I lie prices of lust season. Their ustial sup
ply of >
Plaids, Blankets atid Bagging
will lie receive'dity the first vessel from Liverpool
and they Will be able to supply their friends with
at as low rtiteS as any former importation can ,be
sold for. ' t •
June 23 141
•/ , THE 7
•• '-'pfim
Masonic IJall Lottery Office
S the onlytilace in this city, Where the DARI
: KN BILLS dre taken at PAR. A great variety
of numbers have.been received, and are for sale''
for prize tickets or cash by, '
' »wi' Agent
,aug 27
Of the State of South Carolina
For the building a Roman catholic Church iu the
tuwu of Columbia.—1st Class,
1 Prize of $9,000 is
Win. Bcbce,.lr. Mastc
j Will,sail oil Tuesday next. For
eight or passage, apply to Cupt. li. on board, or
Octtw -183 •
- • ; . z. vru -nm
and Ocohce.
Ori, the Qciiiulge
UK undcrsigticd have (he pleasure to an
nounce to the M%runknt* and. Planters in
this,section of tile State, that thev are 'prepared
to run a STEAM BOAT und FOU i; ToW BOATS,
constantly from Suvuuimh.tu Macon and Milicdg-
ville, stopping at tlie iutermedi.ate huifllpgs for
the Reception and delivery dfl’roduqe arid Mer
chandize ,on Freight..
The Steam Boat is noW retidy, -bml they co
template slartingliar on the first trip from Sevan
nali on tlie fifteenth day.of October next, fo bn
in Macon by tlie first day of Novembe’r; wiien
tlity will be prepared to receive Colton oii
Freight to Savunnnh, »lirtct, wlthput the delay
nnd Vncimvenlnnce. of lanJingumd reloading In
They will provide honds, so that when the state
of the fiver will not admit of tli<f Steam Boat ap-'
proacliipg,Macon or MiHcdguville, no unuecetsa.
ry delay will detain the Tow Boats.. . '
insurance, oti.Merchandize and Prodiifcc ship
ped by this conveyance, will -be provided fof iu a
respectable nnd'rwponsihle Office, and on ower
terms than is now paid on timeouts in operation,
of which those cover-.their property
from all hazards, indy avail themsfelves.
Cotton to lie.shipped by these Boats will be re-
ceivad iu Macotnil (he. customary storage, and
be forwarded iT^ instructions, on vefy
inodernte termv, nnd wn’eSidgsired, Storage, will
bo provided f«fr it in SaVuniUili, subject to tho or
ders of the owner.
From (lie convenience and dispateh-to be nfibr-
'!<• I by this arrangement, they 'coSodgntly ex
poet the. encouragement of tho poMe For
terms apply (o, v J
JOHN T. LAM Alt, .in Maton
. B. L AM Alt, in Savannah.
City , Marshal s Sale
On the first-Tuesday in Nuv. next. •
I A/ ILL he sold in front of tlie Cum t House be-
v Y tween the ugtiul hotirs of ID A. M. and 4 1’.
M. the. following property , or in much thereof as
will pay the tuxes, if they are not paid befote that
day. j, , ,
Lot No.. (7) Tow-ei- Tylliing, Deoker Ward,
bounded east by lot Noe6, south by Brou^btoo st.
ylot No. 8, und north by a lane, k
a by a
ns the property oftlio estate of Matthew M’ Allis-
ter. ttf satisfy the estatd eity (axes tor the present
year, amount due $3 7'innd cost.
/•Half lot No. 8, and building Trustee Garden
tfcfw attached to Graehe"ward, bound;- I enlt bj
east Broad sf. south liy lot No®west by oust broad
st. atid north by lot No 7; levied on us the pnipcr-
tyot-Moses Herbert to satisfy n commission and
his city taxes for the present year. JP
Lot No. 4 Hicks Tylliing l’crcival warii.ltoun S
dud easiby iot No. 6, soutli hy Di-uytowst. wos( by. '
lot No. 3, and llfoilghton st. levied mi us
the property of Judy Minis to satisfy her ciiy taxs ,
es forllie )ears 1823 and 1824,amount due £<50 U3
and post. , ..7 7Cc ..4 Y
Buildings, on the South west quarter lot No. 40,
‘WH3liirigton ward, bounded east by lot No 39,
south by Brougbtun st. west by.Price -t. and nortU
by a lane, levied on us the pronel ty <>l < linrlott
Squires, to satisfy beg city tax lor the year 1824, .
amount due $2 00 and cost..
Quarter lot find buildings Third TyUiing Anson
ward, bounded east by the cast half Olsnid lot; >
south by South Broad st. west by Drayton st und
nortfi by (lie north quartcrof saidl(>t- levied on as
the property of Wm. C. Mills, for wile uiid cliil-
dren, to satisfy their ciiy tux lor the present year,
amount due $7 75 and cost. • f \<-
A building on Telfairs lot Joachim
ward, levied on as the property of Joe Cninphell
In ■ntSll'li !<!■ hBh f ... <1... ■• * * **■* '
to satisfy tuxes f ir tin- yn
gnd 13-25, amount due $1 t’ / ami i
.1823, 1824
A building on lot No. 17, St. Gall Ogletliorpo
ward, levied on as the propqity of Jumes < uri iy,
to. satisfy his city taxes for the vein 182”, iblMuud
1825, aiifouut due $1 DO and cost.
A'building on lot No. 3, 'fnisu c garden now
known ns Greene wnrdjsitoatcd on east Bn
st. levied on us the pwprrty of .Man
M. Carter, to satisfy.jBeir city tax for tin pres
year, amount due 8'#ti2.4 and cost.
lmA. STONE, C tv Marshal.:
net 1 183
The subicriber continues 16 trtnsnct the Fnc-
tor nge mid CominissiOti Business. In Snvnnnnh -,
nnd tenders tlie most ‘nnreniinitted attc tion to
the interests of those who nmy favor him, witli
their business. ,
The Cash, will lie advanced on shipments to
his add! ess, by application ns above either in Ma
con of Savannah.
sept 22
8HeriH'S;i I c,
On the first luesilav in Notbinlfer st.
W ILL be sold befre the Court House !u Chat
ham County, between the usual h ui -
All that certain tract or parcel of laml Mated
In the Countv of-Chatlmm and State (4 Gfirtrgln
on the salts between the Islands of S.k.-daxvay
aud Burnsides nnd known by the iiumeoi'UcciouliH
Island containing sixty three acres more or less-,
ulsoall tlmt other tract or parct-l of lacd sltuuicd
nnd being on Skidnway Island pi the' (.ounty .
aforesaid, composed of three different ,aml or- ,
■gmally distinct trantof land but unjoining each'
other, the first of which was forigin ally gi anted
to Miclael Ritter for one hundred acres, the sec
ond of which was originaly granted tn .Too. Kills
for fifty aertj?, und the thurd und,lust ofu hich wuey.
, nrgmaiy granted o Aiivtifiei Kiucriornity acres,
MiUcdffevillc, Washington and Charleston which three tracts of land contain in -the whole
1 do
2 Prizes
of 1,000
5 do
4 do
9 do
12 do
20 do
30 ' do
fir _
l To be paid in
51 Tickets in the
I Second Class.,
. $37,000
7,482' Prizosi
R ESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and ]
r ' 1
the. public, tlmt he bus purchased Mr. I* O.
Arts’ interest in the .above well known establish
ment—that his house hits undergone a thorougl;
repair, and that it will alTurd to Boarders Hiid
Travellers, a reception us coniforlahte as. any o-
tlier establishment of the kind in the Southern
The Globe is situated on Broad-street, in the
ery ccntrfi of the city, and offers peculiar advun
ges to the Planters and men of Inisiness
Hams, Flour,. <fc,c
/>c v supm-'mf Hartis in bags .. ’ ,.
“0 bids superfit'e Nfiw FHj'ur
20,000 Tickets,' nt 82 W 5Q,000
*1400 Prizes cf j(5 each, to be entitled to tickets in
the Second Clms, subject to no deduction. ,
•Eirst draumnumberon thelirst day,priseo/!}!1000
iMst drawn r. umber rn the Inst day, print of §tkJ00
1 Prize of 20,000 is
15,000 is
10,000 is
5,000 is
vender, and with faithful and attentive hostlers.
He oqly solicits from his friends and the public,
that (troiiortion of patronage to which his atten
tion to busihess anil to the comfort to his custom
ers, may entitle him. .
Augusta, Ga. Aug-6
O’ The editors of tlie Journal and Patriot,
For sale by
sept ‘20
111 Pipes -Holland Gin
2 no Cognac-Brandy
H ALL & H6tT.
In ffdditiafl to the aBoye-ra few day
i similar description will he received, | with a small gold ring and u brnls key ”t
w”™ | 11! ,. rst ,, N “ vc,I t ber ; , . | lachet) to it by a ribbon. 'J'lie finder will be -uita.
Ilyor by LB • ca 4^ n ^ ma ^ e P er " J-biy regarded liy leaving it at Ibfi Bsr of tlie City
**» -Wf : .. -- ,8,
Just Reef ived and for Sale,
t\l\Li CABANA SKG SftS. by '
Jjl Fat }\ IU J- B. HERBERT k CO.
sapf'20 - - ■ I"
MaJn .s Retiou ticd Fltistt r CIotH.
|INE months after date Application Will be
l laude to *he l;6n. Inferior court of F.ffiu'gliam
Jity fill-leave lb sidl all tlie real Est. of Wm.
[Dipt, late of said county for the purpose of iua-
KAdivision with the Heirs (if said Est.
ft.10 . 174'
. TORG1A, JiiHugb m Cr>uidv r —/.'(/ the Hon.
' \JT the Justices of the Infcriu Cow t of i.Jfi.igharti
County, lilting for ordinary purposes.
To fill whom it may c oncern.
Whereas Mutthew Reiser applies ior’letters of
. administration on the estate and effects of James
-Porter, late of Effingham couiry, deceased.
I. .Those are tlierefore to cite and admonish fill
I and singular the kindred and crediti is of lie said
.deceased, to fiie their objections (if any they have)
For .Sale,•• Ml Wl M ,
IHF, Subscriber offera fbr sale a .trabtof land in ti e Clerk’s office of (he said Cum, on or be
| containing 202J acres iff the 18th District of j fore, the 37th day of September next, olliervvise
finson county. ... L letters will; be granted. . , .
I ELIZA J Si ROBERTS. T Witness the.Hoh. John C. Helyension, our. of
[pl-22 ... m17»V . i i-the. Justices of the said Court, this 27th day of
J — : —“ [August, 1B26.
1 ,vi JOHN CHARLTON, Clerk,
august jjray ,169 . m
I<L persons having demands agati&tj
lOfMrs. Sarfth .MoFarlnnq dec. pD?
tea* 1 [
IU. 1 /; |
lie Est.
. , ... render J
[to the subscriber propfirly attested, and those
plod to said Est."will make payment to. 1
St. Marys.
pt 29 .183
N otice a
;iNE nioutlia aftei* date application will be
. made to the Hou. the justices of tlie’inferior
Court of the County of Chatham foH’leayt! to
sell all the real estate belonging to the estate ol
rt>RGlA Effingham County. By the hon.the ^ ,asth ga^BaKINE aVbRASCH,
Zf^^fihc Inferior court sitting for ordina- |;_j u lyJ2 . Mmin'x. . v .
To all whom it mky concern,
hereas, Mary Ann 5 Porter widow, a]
lonorable the court of ordihary of
Brought to Jail,
tol i-N Savannah on the 2tnll- ult, a negro man who
- .— — -j .. —^ngham x says liis name is William, atid that he belong*.
y for letters of administration on the estate I to MivPatlen, and that lie ranawny from him a-
ffects of William G Pbi-ter dec. late of EL bout six weeks,ago when he was in Augusta, and
tm County. - _ • .. -. - : [ that his master wusonTlis way to New-Orlcaiis, he
Ipse are therefore-to cite and admonish ail M 6 feet inches high and about 25 years of age
[•ngular the kindred and creditors of the said | June 2b 139 - JNO. I. DEWS, j. c. c.
objection? (if.uny they ' & rii
) to the granting of tlie administration of the - til OUght
® of the, deceased-'to the . applicant', in the TN Savannah on the 14th
f 3 Office of the said CouFt, on or before the X sey? his name is Guy and that he belongs to
I day of October next; otherwise letters, of MrsilamutulJohiiston, of Bourke counly Georgia,
Brought To Jail
just, a negro man who
filtration will be granted.' and tjiat lie ran away about too months ago lie is
tnoss the honorable Herman’Elkins, one of 6 feet 84 inches, high and ubout 25 years ot age
Pf 24
icesof the said court this twenty-fourth ho nas a scar under the right eye-
leptember, A. D. 1826. JNO I. DEWS, j.
pt 17 1.77
JOHN CHARLTON, c. o. o. e. c.
Sulphate of Quina.
HE h|gh price of this so valuable medicine RRH f
: h«s tempted some, wretches to sophisticate 1'” ”5”.
White Fine Lumber,
. , . M. MYERS, c. c.
FEET northern white , pine
i fed
lioards und planksofa Snporier
l*t»lf so deliased, has already ‘bejin ex- WATT Ik SMEI3.
d for sale at Savannah; but the Quina which sc l!i 1 1/0M
r has been made in Gerrtimiy ; has been sub
iu i—• hkm 11* ' cv “ i English Copperds,
ISM&m 1 tes,s b > myself and found true D y Ule blu ., u r 0 r half han-et-For sale by
pou—Sa, I dp recommend it. i |-J . , A. PARSONS,
AUGUST G. OEMLER- V Druggist, iN 0.8, Gihbop's Buff dings,
1 ajril(> e74
124,- T80
Sovereign remedy.for all ulcers, sore bruasts,
Boils, sore legs, swellings, sprains, bruises,
pains in the back, the.
Approved find recommended by ajl the! emin-
et Physicians in the city of Philadelphia. For
sate by appointme. t. A. PARSONS.-
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
aue 2 ,
The New Infantry Tactics.
NFaNTRY TACTICS, or Rules for the Exerci-
.-ses fc Manoeuvres pf the Infantry of.the U. H.
Army) revised by Gen/Scott,..and-f? board
of Officers, and'adopted by the last Con-
, grass.—u$5. >'• • ; •
MY,or Military' Institutes, a new edition re
vised by Gen. Scott',—$3.
/ . • *,
METCALF3’.DIGEST, of.Massachusetts'Reports
from 1816 to 182;-)—$1 50.
BIGALQWS’DIGEST, of. Massachusetts. Reports
second'edition comprising tho cases from
. 1785 1o 1824—o,ne large Volume.—$9.
WALTER SCOTTS’. HV ES of the Novelists,,
prefixed to BftUantylies’ Novelists Library. V
now fir?t published separately, 2 Vols.—1
-. . 2$
ROPEPiS on the Law of Property, arising from
.; the relation of Husband and Wife, 2 V.—$10.
portion of the Mississippi Valley in 1821 with
Map und plates.—$3 60.
DRAWING COLOURS, in Boxes of various sizes
’ from 50 uts'to $12.
Together with a variety of other works.
.Bug 9 ul«0
f Prize
2 Prizes
2 Prizes
3 Przes
4 Prizes
5 Prizes, uL
1900 Pities of
of 1
1,000 is
500 is
100 is
■ ■ s a
9918 PVi/.ee
1C000 Tickets at ^
The above Lottery is to be drawn under the
management of : • ;
D. J. M‘CGRD, . . , M. ANTONIO,
ANfi ; . .
JAMES T. GOODWYN,'tsqrt. . . ..
lEf- Orders for Tickets from any part iof tlie
United States, enclosing uish,.'(post paid) shall
lie promptly by the subscriber, who
has been appointed Agent for,the, Commissioners
V* ike Tickets already, ordei-pd have been re-
ceived and are ready fopdefivery. i
Thompson fy Bonncy's Buildings, Savannah
august 30 169 ■- - ,
Wholesale arid Retail Fashion
, able Hat Ware House,
T HE subscriber offers at the above establish
went, an extensive and general assortment
ol the most fashionable Hats of eyetyidescription,
opiisisting of fill the various patterns that are the
most generally approved of at the present time'
d, particularly adapted to all the "most prevail
g fashions both at home and abroad, and - that
Bagging, Nails, fyc.
PIECES 42 inch Cotton Bagging,
190 Casks Cut Nuis
9 Hogsheads b > Philapelphia
37 Barrels j Whiskey
1 Hogshead Tobaco ,
For sale by . H.. LQRD & CQ.
P* 3 171 . . -
Saratoga, Congress and Mhu-
eral Spring, Waters
F OR the acpdrapiodation Of the public, the
celebrated. Saratoga Water,, lias been kept
for some time past, and I shall continue, to keep
it cooled in Jce during the ?eason. .''R will be rea
dy for. delivery every morning at half past five o’
clock precisely. For sule on as liberal terms as
my ueighburs, by A. PitRSONS,
Druggi^No 8 Gibbon’s Buildings.
from amoug his stock of Hats may be selected
all times! all the various qualities and grade, from
tlie finest Beaver down to the most common Ro-
ram, with corresponding prices to each kind, and
those,which may be the most suilable, and made
in conformity to the fashion, in whatever part
the United State the purchaser may reside. His
stock is at all times large and independent
winch he can at any time manufacture any quan
tity conformable tq order.. His present supply
consists of those made expresly for the Fall trade,
all of which are got up in the most superior aty'
of workmanship in every resp?ct,, aud,. equal
not superior to any that can eanbe offered in this
City or any other part of the Union., ;His
continually replenished with Hats fresh from the
Manufactury, and none prill he offered for sale
but those, which, will ,be sure to give tfie most
perfect satisfaction to the purchaser, and .ensure t
(•ijiitiiiimnce of liis..custom-, as to prices lie is, sel
ling as low. if pot loweir.than pny ,.ope? house "
this city' and op tlie,;iu<}gt.Ub6raI terms, ■:
' .Country 1 Merchants und otlfers from the. differ
ent parts.of Jh'eU. States and abimd, who may
visit, ,and be jn want,of the above article
either at Wholesale 9? ,Keiail, are earnestly re-
questedjo cal|, and examine for, themselves, • not
forgetting befpre iiliey leave-home to -take the
number,pf the above establishmentfrom this ad
vertisemenj, v . * -•
, - ; , I . MOSES HOBSON,
sept 17fv~- tTl77
at Jon
BUSHELS prime Maryland whiet
Corn, afloat, i on board schr. Trial
(not including RyBoubt Islaiid) two Hundred mid
thirty seven acres with the appurtenances.' levi
ed on to saUfv the Planters J unk .1’ the state of
Geo..on foreclosure ol inurguge, against John W.
Stirk* M i '• (■
ISAAC D LYON. a.-cf c.
Oet 1/* :• 183 1 ' " H
SlierUrs Sale.
Ou the fo il Tuesday in Dea mhl
TITTILF. be sold.before the Coui-tiHqu
YY finghuui County, between the use
of sale.
Twelve head of -Horses, levied on as the pr^r-
pefty of Joseph. I Thompson, to satisfy a foreclo*
Ilia Stables are furnished with tlie best of pro-[ sure of a mortgage in favour of Joseph Cumming.
r,W. ... v.
«o in Ef-
at hour?
sept 29 ’ M 182
. fc. 0/
{Sheriff’s {Sales. ,. t! .
On the tir-t Tuesdny in Nov. rfixt.
X^/ILL lie sold before the,Court' firnise in Ef-
V V finghaai County, hetweeu tho usual hours of
Milledkeville; Savannah Republican. Washington |-sale< • ;•••)■
News, Charleston Courier, Columbia Telescope, . One hundred acres of land more of less, grar.t-
- -• ■ m 1 ed to Andrew Lambert, and torn bundled -.ere ot
land more or le?s,‘originally granted to Clement
Muituiii, bounded by Abcrcorn Creek oil (lie
North -and .Calvins- Creek on tlie East, lying in
Kffingtiai.n County—Levied on as tlip jir-'jierty of
Seth G, Tlireadcraft, to satisfy an execution b. fa
vour of William Mein, r--
Also, twelve hundi'ed-nrres of land more or less
bounded by lands of Paul Bevlllo ajid^yitfglpiur
vniinah" yiver on the East, and on the Augusta
nnd National Iiitollignncur, will insert tlie iihoVe
advertjsemeiit, weekly for 3 mouths, aniEtul
war d their accounts tbthe sUbscrioi-r.
• - • W.s.
aug 27 168f3i . ■,
by Special act of assembly. 1
NDER the.supcrintendance of the commis-
V/ sinners appointed by the -Governor and
Co'unciL,' and by tl>e improved mode of drawing,
Secured by Letters Patent under the seal ,.ut. tlie
United States—the whole to he completed in one
day, and will positively-takc place iu the city of
Baltimore in a few weeks.
Highest Prize 820,000.
} • , SCHEME.
1 Prize of $30,000 is $30,000 Dollars
Road, lying iii l-'.llinglmm - <foQI>fYe«v'u.d
tlie property of .GrKssc Scrnggs dec. (b aaiisfy an
execution iii favour 61 Elias Rend ami others.’
THOS. ELKINS,,s. e.c.
ept29 • ' 182 , -.r -~ . v*.
Guardian bc>.:< s,
ILL be sold at public r: le nt the Court
vunnali tjc-i-.
W 1
House in the city of
the hours of 10 aun 4 o’clock^'
A Negro woman nariied iV^\ri'i3|»> ! (
Sold as the property of Siu-uii find Julio Tor! or,
ininotsaud Orphans, mid sold by .mv.-r oi the
Court of Ordinary of Chatham County.
WM.P. CLARK, ; ,
W1NTFRKD.CLARK, i ^tiardlang,
aug 23'66 .
G EORGIA, Chatham coin,in
justices of the Inferior cuu
nary purposes.
fo all whom it may concern.
20813 Frizes.
152,000 Dollars.
40000 Tickets—‘Not one blank to a prizn.
The holder of two tickets,' will he certain 6
obtaining at least one |
Mods or Drawing
into one wheel ns usual—and in the other wh'ool
will be put one prize, above the denomination , o.
.$4,and:Ai-uLr.- -—
Whereas Will. Roche, applied to U.-e
jprt of Ordjnufj' of Chat jnffg' county
«.f administration on the es'tatei »ud a.J' . ts of
Grib hi if, late of Savaui.nb meithaul, urn:, us pi
eipal creditor :
' These are thorehc.-y- to cite"find ndniruiEli
afid singular-the kindred find creditors ol lhe<
one prize,and may draw threel f,!( ' 'l 1 '-'"'
iviNO.—The numbers will- be puf-pit^^^ to thegraptiUy of he nduiim t
i usual—and in the other wheel P f i‘‘> N’!’ *•• . *«'
ile'rk’g office o*' f lifi'a-dd CUurt, on or -
of the l
DOLLAks—that is to say-yi
should come put to an .odd number,; then every
odd number in the scheme will' be entitled - to a
$4 prize: if.tlle $30,000 prize. slioiild come out
to ah even number, then all the .even, numbers j
in the scheme will he each entitled to $4. fi l ■ . ,
Odd numbers are those ending With 1,3, 6, 7, Jn 1HE subscriber lias just received to order li-r
The Old English. Rutur*
Improved ued warranted to'sbave welt/
6r9.,v,. Trj,-* ’ j-.. JL Thomas Scacgil, joint Burlier,and G S
•• ..Even numbers'are tkosi endihg witb.2,4,6, 8, iFurnis, Sheffield England—an eleganfassoi-tii.eii*
-or 0
• Iof those Razors, bi'.fod Morpcco cases,: of : p^r? ; ;
This mode oi drawing not only enables the [ and'single, ornaoWnted, and the; u orkniaiisliip
Cummissioners to complete the whole, Lbttery. in 'throughout is warranted to’be of the best kinde ,
one drawing, (rnt has the zreat advantage of dis- r Gentlemen .wishing to purchase fin article of
trib.utingjiie small prizes regularly to every alter Fthiskind,inlay do will to call on .ir -
natu number i« the scheme,so.thaJtthe hnldor .o [j ' A.■ PAR'-ONS,
two tickets er'twosharea o( tickets', one odd and . ' *. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings^
oue.evcn number,wilt btvcerfHin ofobtaipuig at n “ ‘ r ' A rs. -- -- - .:. . '
least one prize, and in the ratio for any greater
quantity. -i , , r -
. CF A ticket drawing a superior _
’scheme, is not restricted from drawing i
or one also, many tickets, therefore, w y , 1 ‘ .1
. .Wholes $6, Halves $2 50. Quarters $1 25.
orders protnptly attended to, at •. -
; - v ; ' 4 EXCjiANGE OFFICE.
; sept 1
Vv-j, : i .Picked up,
B Y. a black Boy a few day since on the Road j.,
a Fluid Cloak which the owner can have by
paying for this advertisement aud pay the boy
something for his trmfble. J, march IF 1
Fresh Spikes,
iTVpUTMEGS,Cinnamon N
JLl Cloves, Mace ’ - :
Alspice, black and red Pepper
Pulv. Ginger, a piu-cMii tiele ~ -,
Emits Currants, English Mustard ,
Sheet lzinglass, a pure article'
• Aim. superior Sweet Oil ■>;
Just received and for sale b)’j
I^ruggt'st, No- 8 Gibhoafi’ Buildiogst.
! I
~. ' | *f>iiiii *li-. ’-iiii-, WEl. *■ i i.'j>/nxhcis-i.vii.■ .-•>**> ft
Wf rtejf