Newspaper Page Text
* jffaots arid' Shfks.
packages BOOTS and SHOES consisting
. „ oi'dictolloivlng kind, viz:
o Cnscs Qentlcmtn r s fine Calfskin Boots
2 t iu do do Sealskin do
4 di> ‘ 4o common do do
a do do Moist bo’d peg’d Shoes,
1 do do Unboand .do dq
1 do do fine danc. Pump: d<|
3 do do com. do do dej
3 do Women’s leather walkiqg. dp
a do do do purapi do
o do Boys lined and bound dp
jj do do ithiek ... no
8 do Children’s Leather Bootees
1 do do Morocco do v
Per sale low by the package M*
pot ii... s'"'
mllEttBrwill ben meeting of the ydung men’s
J. miwiOimty Soclty held at Wesley Chupelon
nn^n.w Evening next at 7 p’clock, an address
ivillWjfeUvcrcd by the Rev. Geo. Hill and n
Collection taken (n aid of the funds|ofthe
society the public are reyiectfullj footed.
Boots arid Shoes,
OCt 11
Offer for Sale,
BUSHELS Baltimore prime Corn,
10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon assorted
5 6 hhds St Croli Sugars,
0 pipes Holland Giii,
10 °° if'y] 810 Brand y CSelgnetts)
joo boxes smoked Herring, (fresh)
. 10 bbis Crainberries,
COO Hams in bags for family use
Oct 8 -: - - Jiff
CVfIR. Jphn, C. .Lege respectfully informs the
OH public that his Dancin&scbool will be open
I lor the season as usual at his assembly ball on
Moiiay the loth Inst. • ...
Days of TUition, Monday. Wednesday and Fri-
day |ft«rdoons at fiveio,clock. ■* ,
‘y. will also attend in private dwellings and
Vies; , , .
llptsfor pentlemen will also be open on
Vevenijrf-at 7 o’clock. V , ,
arfits which will be low/ call at his mi
ce, Doors East, of Mr, James Morrlssons
on street.
VrP* T Saturday the 9,th lust, at 0 O’clock P. Mi
[1 the sale of Tickets in the •
jrA$60?MS^?oj^Tjsa y
JVill bo suspended until after the second Drawing
shall have taken place, which will be positively
10u Wednesday deXtthe 12th ijist.
1 *i few tickets and shares jotfy yet be had at (he
'- jinuf Priwfa ,, x • the subscriber in the
Maryland State .Lottery, have been re.
,ed and are ready-for delivery .
* ... ... - HENRY MApDDNNELL, ,
for Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
a Thompson & Bonney’s Buildings.
r<Ct%-V-r ■
It'W, Drawing Approaches!
jiAEii. Lottery;
| ftltfiakt ptaji at I he. City Hall, in the Oily q/*.
* HI3 Lottery contains a', greater number of
Grand Gapifol Prizes.than any Northern Lot-
some of which will in 411 probability be
^awarded to fortunate adventurers it the ndxt
call without dm,a y At
■% taBiae*
No. 241*BRQAtr-:STREET, ,
DjT TICKETS and SHARES may still be had
« the original prlod, but may soon advance.
Whole Tickets, $10 00
Halves, 5 60'
Quarters, .* 2 50
l.fh. BEERS,
Secretary to ,tht Commissioners.
'iSLB.—Orders received by foe Tuesday night’,
pait before (be Drawing Will be attended to be-
me the Drawing
^octO 186 - . ■
t?Vo, 224, Broad- Street, Augusta.
■RHF, Subscriber has received by recent at*
4m rival!, a gcriera asaoitment
Which he offers for sale, ort reasonable terms.
oaH . i-isi “"“I"*.
[TAS removed his shop to that part ot the house
X J..on tlie,North East corner of Market square,
lately occupladfby Junic-s hjppinger, Esq, Justice
of the Peace, where all kirids ot clothing will be
made in the best manner and at the shortest no*
tice—.1. M. .C. hopes by his attention an! work
manship to give satisfaction to all;those;gentle
men Who will favor him with their patronage,
ont 8 \ Mm . /b
~sellJAg Wm “
T HE SUilSCftlBETt iviH dispose of his prtseht
Stock of goods, at cost and charges either by
.Wholesale or Retail.
AI.BO, .. ,,,
Several negroes, male and female of good char
acter. i ; , ,
One tract of land 202^acres, Henry Coanty.
One do do 490 do Irvjne do.
act 4 . - m||183 '
»/p THE
ifAscww Lorjsrt Yl.
tI J30n000
Nous drawing in the of Augusta, un
der the superintendanee of
1, Hale, , 1 . f A ; StAuuntER,
K. R. Keip, } CommMoneri i \ V ' V „ HoLT .
. I Wray, 1 7, ^ iLD, 5.» •<
J l B. D. IrO-mpsoh.
The Sbcbnd Drawing
Will taka place on the )2tli of October next.
All the Capital Prizes are still (Indrawn, conse
quently the Wheel is very rieh
Prize of $3u,000 is $30,000
.do '* 20,000 “ 20,000
Rfizes ** 10,000 “ 40,olio
do « • 6,U0O « 20,000
do >• 1,000 “ 6,000
do o’ ' 60 o ti 6,i'0(9
do “ 100 M 6,000
do 60 " 6,0o0
do “ 10 “ 60,000,
r Nl'ORM th*ir friends and the public, that for
more convenience,andalso security against fire,
uicy have removed, to those commodious and fire
nrool buildings oh Scott and Andrew Low ^ Co’s.
Wharves, where they cdiillnuef the.
factorage & Commission Biisi-
• j . ,. .... ness‘ • ...
Tlieir best exertions will he, used to merit a edn-
tinnaiice of former pdtromige: They have, to
supply their customers, bestCOTTON BAGGING,
Oct 1 183 ....'
Janies Anderson Co\ ' ’
rTAVE received by the ship Einilyj fronl Liv
VXerpnoi, tlioir usual supply of
Plains, Blankets and Bagging,
and by rccentarrivals-from the North, an qelgant-
and extensive assortment of
Fancy and Stajilc Articles,
which they offer for sale on accommodating terms.
Oct 1 I83r. ’
$ 180,000
6176 Prizes, 1
12826 Blanks, ]
Ltd than twO and tin half Ulunks to a Price.
The Prizes only to be Drawn;
•ill the Prices’tobifloutingfroin thccommtncsmtni,
except the fullowinK, which will he. (Itposited in
the. wheel at definite period*, vis:—*
ON THE first dbawlnu
1 prize of 10,1)00 lx 1 of 6*H) ■
2d. 1 do “ 18.000 1 u 1,000 & 1 6f
8d. 1 do • “ lO'OoO to* 1 “ 600
4th. 1 do “ 6,000 to 1 *•’ 1,000 to 1 of
6lh. J do “ 10,000 to 1 *« 600
6th. l v do “ 6,000 to 1 4 ‘ 1,000 to 1 of 600
7(1). 1 do “ 10,000 to 1 “ 6,OO0‘to 1 «f 60*
8th 1 do “ 20,000 to 1 « t,o00to H 2*of 600
9th’ 1 do • ‘i 30,000 to 1 << 1^)00 to 1 of 600
All m-izcfl payable thirty’days after .the ctnnple
lion of. the drawing, subject to a deduction of tif-
teert pier cent—if nol applied for within twelve
'months, to be' considered u dunalion to the funds
of the Masonic Hull.
A greqj variety o TICKETS and SHARES may
,ye( be,had at thp original price at -
The Augusta Masonic Ilall Lot
• tery Diiice.
All orders from,anj 1 ' purl ol the U,S. post paid
contuiniog cash or prize’tickets shall be pi-oinjitly
attended to by,:
, 1 . 'Tbmnpsot) to bounty’s Buil lilies
ysept C 172 _ ' r 1
JHiljihute of. Quinu.
M-MItE high price o. this nu valuable medicine
has teimitep some wretches to sophisiicate
it—and stuff so debased, ,has already, .beon ex-
hibitudfor sale a( Savunuah; l.ui <lie«iiiir:i wliict.
I offer has been made m Gei msiiV , has hec.n gill
jeeted to chemical tests by myself and found true
-a)id good—So, 1 do recommend ii. ;
sept 24 .■ 180 , * • .
rpHIS ESTABLISHMENT is 6p.ened Ip _
A handioqie Brick Bniidiiig, erected during the
|M«t summer, at the corner of Broad and M’)n«
tosh-Stleets. . It is recommended to Planters aiid
Mercbants, hy its situation, in tbe centre (it the
tewe and ef business, and withip a convenient
distance of Itlje. Bpnk*, Warehouses, and Public
offices.-- 'Stage Passengers will fia.d it convenient
vom its being, opposite (he Pqst-Offiec, the place
J iiep<rtpre of the Stages There *-
oi arrival i
ITAVE removed to (lie middle Vehement,
x J. Vdung-’s Building, where they offer for sale
Fancy. and Staple-Dry Goods,
Received by the latest arrivals from Liverpool
and New;-York. \
junta 23 . J4l ' Av: N
jtnRHf* subscribers have removed to" Johnston’s
sL& Square, next door West of Messrs k. Low fa
Co; whdro they are opening a Handsom# assort
ment of .. . : • • • , •
Faiicy and Stapl'd Dry Goods,
in addition tb their former stock.
upril-5 74 W to H 1 . ROSR.
FUAiNClS“s6knEL *
\ AH Barrels Baltimore Rye Whiskey,
'dtvpLx 60 Bnrrcls Baltimori* Gin,'
26 Barrels 5th proof Whiskey,'
.14 Pipes superior HidlundGiri,
KK5 Pieces Cotton Bagging,'
a . 50 Barrels Loaf Sugar,
iOjOOO Pounds o| BacoVi,
80 Barrels Mess aud Prime Pork;
60 Btirrelsf’loar,
American Shot,
American Castings.
Window Glass, y.
+■: American aud Spanish Segars,^ic. toe.
aept ?0 m!78 .
Sugar, CotleC, Whiskey, &C.
Oik Hogshead* Santa Cruz Supir
O VP 1W Hogsheads N. 0. do
30 barrels loaf do
26 do lump do
lOO bags Coffee
26 do Java da >
160 barrels WhisltaV
■100 do Gin
2() do Malaga Wind
26 quarter casks Toncriffe d6
lo. casks Currant do " .
6 pipes old Brandy ((Jtarff’x brdnd)
25 bags Pepper to Pimcnt©
150,kegs cut Najls
260 bundles bar Lend
300 bags Shot *
30 dozen Shovels to Spades
80 barrels prime Pork
.60 pieces Bagging *
50 boies Pipes ■■
10 eoiis bale Rope
25 kegs Tobacco,-'4'C* too.
. 150 k«gs Duponts Powder .' . ;
Tor sale by • L\ PETTY)!
: Ttiylor'e Wharf.
ept 1() J l74n
Muscovado Sugars,
HHDS very prime
apply to
aug 25 • -• cm 167.
Muscovado Sugars
Tlie ReV. A. CAHTEtl,
W l LL receive into his family and Bersenally
instruct, fi-om four to six Young-Ladii.s
who may Wish to complete their course of literary
education, In addition lo the abovp, a few da-r
scholars of a similar description will he received,
to oominence on (lie first of November,
For particulars, application may be make per
somilly 6r by lelGV.
sept 17 1177 ’ - - . . ,
BY althorily
600 Of the State of Rhode Islttntl
. „ Grand State Lottery j
(Forthe Encouragement jif Dojncstick*Industry,)
Will positively lie' drawn in PROVIDENCE, on
tlie 14th day of OCTpBER next.;
S. &l M. Allen Sc Co. Agents for the &ari
... < agers.
$23,000 flighesi Prize.
,Por Pirovidencdi
Tlio last sailing schooner
••'Growell, Master, \ 1
1 Having most of her cargo engaged,
will ’have immediate dispatch. For b dance of
freight, or. passage, apply to Capt. C. on board at
Jones’upper wharf,or to : ’ 1 ■
bcl8 ,186 A , !
H AVING-made a co 11.iiderajite pnrejmsi; of
last season.’* imported Pto/ILY.S^whicjltliey
offer for sale at tlie,last year’s prices, tor cash or
dratts on dieirfactors, payalile any time'before
the 1st of Apr'd next; wmeli must be, at least,
20 to 25 per ce'ut. less then the ensuiiig Fall Im
portation can he‘hold at. 1
. .. n W. fy H. ROSE.
Savannah, 7th June; 1925.
june 7 128 ,
AVE bn Imnd a few bales of
P L A T N S,
•• ' ' .ANP - , - I '• ‘
Which they will sell at a considerable reductlwi
from the prices of last season. Their usual sup-
Plains, Blankets and lagging
will he received by the first vessel from Liverpool
and they will be able to supply their friends with
at as low rates ns any former importation can be
sold for.
june 23 141
Wholesale and Retail Fashion
able Hat Ware House,
T lJIIi subscriber offers At the above establish-
J mnnt, an extensive and general assortment
Ot the most fushiounble Hats oft*.very description,
ftbiisisting of ail the valioUS patterns that nre the
moJLgoneruHy apgraved ofnt the present time,
andpHtdicularly adapted to all tlie most prevail
ing wshidns both at home and abroad, and that
froRVarticffg his stock of fj.ats may be selected al
nil times, all the various qualities and grade, from
the finest Beaver .down to the most common Ro-
rum, with corresponding prices to each kind; and
those. jvhWi 'bay be the most, tailahle, and made
in conformity id the fashion^ in whatever pnrt of
the United State the purchaser muy reside. Ilis
stock is at all large aiid independfmt of
wh'Ch he Blip pt any time manufacture any quan
tity conformable to order. His present supply
consists ol'those made’ex^resly for the Fall trade
a' ! of whicli are got up io the most.superior style
of workmanship jn every respect, and equal if
npt superior to aby .that can cao f hc offerediu this
City or any otlief part of theOmon. . His stock is
continually replenished with Hats fresh from the
Manufactory, and npne will lie offered for sale
but those which will, be sure to give the most
perfect satisfaction to the purchaser, and ensure a
continuance of hi*'cus‘nm: as to prices he is Sel-
ling as low if not lower than any other house in
this city and on the most liberal terms.
Country Merchants and nftmfrom the. differ
ent parts of tlie U. States andi abroad, who may
visit tl'i.s city, and be in want of,tlie above article
either at Wholesale or Retail, ?re'earnestly re
quested Jo callond examine for themselves, not
forgetting before they leave horaV to lake tlie
number of the above establishment from this ad
vertisement, ■
sept 17
Prize of 35,000
• ( f . M ,
• 1
• 1 ^ tl
. 579.
• 7
'II Cl
II 1.4
ri 4*
#c 41
• 1,
SC ^ cc
: 42,438
12,120 Bribes.
22,TOO SMuiiks. .
TTNBEK-the superintendanee of
U. sidnfers appointed by the G
Die commis-
Governor ‘and
Council, and by the im'provr'd inode of drawing,
.secured by Letters Patent under tlie seal ot the
United States^—the whole to b,e completed in one
day, and will positively take place in the city of
Baltimore in a few weeks. . ,
Highest Prize $30,0(10.
Will be appropriated exclusively ,fo the accOmmO'
flaiion .of Families;, and Ladies, will find them.
J*las quiet and'retired asift Any prltfatfe house,
with the additional advantage of being.jn the ini'
Mediate neighborhood, of (lie.principal Fancy
Stores., The WASHINGTON HALL is superin
tended by W. J. Dudley, whose study ft will be
to please and render comfortable, who way
lavour the House with tbeir ptftronf
Augusta (Ga.) 1825.
_»cpt29 , 1,82 . . . ; ■
10 hire a good’ Cook. Apply to tfab Editor
> Qct fi - .185 ' t
, ' . fitlv Oct. 1826.
I ' . Assize of Bread. . .
I T ,?, ,Vera Se pwne ot Flour being $6 75
I ."UP® li>». weight, the weight of Bread
I we present month must be ,
»21' Ceqts Loaf » . 3- lbs. 1 ot.
j.:. R- (( , I 8iJ
I «’£ f ] vhioh ttR BakPrJatid Seilers of Bread \
I 7 ?“ e notice. , M. W. STEWART, c. T
- 186 ...... - v -
“' Notice -,
vlR^^ff^scribeir (late ofSavannah) lias esth
SiiIvnfY? ■ ^ hi'nsoifi this tjjtjr for tbe transact
di„. i.. 4 - 0 ? i, ?‘ 9 ? , .?n ousjnp.qs at\d fipgs leave to t
«eorgi a ,efVCe3Li frUiios'and- the pifollo
New-York Sept. 1825
Bln WilliafifiGtftto'ti'
^octfi’ , -.185,
Just Received and foi\ Sate,
S0,0.0R^ a h1SSV , &-
< Wfo - " v v
Augusta Masohil
The Jint Drawing is over, and nil th •
ces are Still in the Wheel.
The second Drawing will take place on WED
NESDaY, 12th of' ctuJier next.
,The uupruCudented Richness of the Wee'e
terjllie drawing ofa large, propnition of the
burs, offeisevery possible inducement ;o av
turers. This U evidently the richest l oll
tiie Union, in Grand Capital Pruts, besides .
ry large, proportion of the minor Prizes.
Ticket and Shares, warranted undrawn, mr>
still be (lie original Selieme price at
Tht) Augusta Masonic Ilall Lci.-
, fery Office.
Those who ha.Ve drawn prizes are informed that
(heir tickets shall' be taken as cash for others u ar-
rantea undrawn, .
Orders from any pgrt of the U.S.enclosinglrnsh
dr prize (post paid) shall be promply ei-
executed by application to,
For Augusta Matquic.Hall I.utttry,
Thompson to Bonney’s Buildings, .
•< • A Savannah,
aug 23 165 ,-.
English Copperas, •'
TYy theiarrel or half barrel—For sale by
x> a. PAJkSOINS,-. .
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbon’s Buildings',
april 5 ... b74 - •
■ , . THE
,•■ rtWifi': •- ’
Masonic Hall Lottery Office
I S the only place in this city, where the DARI'.
EN BILLS arc taken at PAR. A grea^variety
of numbers have been received, and are for sale
for prize tickets or cash by
aug 27 168 -- r '
: NOTICE, . .- :
A LL persons having demands against William
Anderson, deceased, of Llbeity County will
render thepadn properly attested, within the time
prescribed by law.,and those indebted to the es-
«“• ‘““"""JSS JOKBS, *4»V.
may ’14
ii* lliis Scheme,with eight drawn ballots,there
wi! 1 be -36 prizefvVitb Three numbers on llinm;
1'150 with,Two numbers o.: them ; and 10,608
Willi ne number on them. Thoso tickets having
non.- uf the drawn baliols on them being blanks.
, To determine the fatp of Ore 34,220 Tickets, the
60 ui)..cis will severally be placed in awheel on
the day or drawing, and eight of them Wilt be
drawn ; and, tout TiekeUiaving on it as a combi-
uiaiuii, the 1st,2d, and 3d Nos. drawn, will been- ^2i),00O. : i ' . i
I’hat baviug on it the 4th, 5th, and 6th,'wi1l be
untied to $10,000. . • • ...
J'liat having on. it the 6th, 7th, and 8(h, will be $5,000. ‘ •. ’■ •
Those .having oil tliem tiie3d,4lh, ahd5tli>—
3d l ;ili and. 8tn.—2d, 3ik and 4tli—2d, 6tli; arrd
811:—’Jui.dtji, ii'ids7th, each ot $1000.. .
That having on it the 3d, 6th;and 8th, $579<.
.Those na.ving on them 2d, 6th, and 8t|i.~2d,
.7tl),nud8(h^T-8a. -U,li, undtilh—3d, 4th, and 7th—
3d, 1th, * and 8th—3cf, 5tli, and 6th—3d, 6th, and
7th, encli ^>600. ... ,j i.. .. ,
Alt others (heirg'db-Tickets) having three, ot
tlie' drawn No's, on them, wifi each be entitled
to fliCk), ' .. ,“V. n ..j,
The 62 Tickets 'having the 3d and 4th drawn
Nol,'only Will each' be entitled to §150. ,
The 156 Tickets having on them the 4th and 5th
or 4lh and 6fli, or 4tli and 7th drawn Nos. only,
wiil each be entitled to $20., , > :
All others (being 1248 Ticket8).witli any two of
•the drawn Nos. on them, will each be entitled to
And those havipg any one of the drawn Nos. on
(hem (being 10,608 Tickets, or 1326 for each
drawn No'.) will each be’entitled to $4.
No Ticket wnicl) shall liave' drawn.a prize of a
superior denomination can be entitled to an infe
rior prize. . ...
, Prizes payable forty days after the drawing,
andsuhjcct., as usual, to a deduction ofl6 pr cent-.
Philadelphia, June 28, 1825. ■;»
Present priue pf Tickets, Whojes $5, Halves
$2 50, Quarters. $1 25, Eighths' 62 cts. .
..Those who, huve ordered Tickets in .the above
Lottery are requested to call and receive theca at
l Prize of #30,iX)0 is
$30, COO
, • 1.- ' -•
. 1, ..
• lOCr- -
W •
• 10
20813 Prizes.
On the Ocniulgee and Oconee.
PTRlHv undersigned have tiro pleasure to on-
<JJ£, tiouhee to the Merchants ahdwpianters ill
this tectlen of the State,, that they .ere, prepared
constantly from Savainiahto Muconand Milledg-
villa,.stopping at the intermediate, landings for
the reception and delivery of Prodiice and'Mer-
cliandize on Freight. ■'< ’ '
The Steam Boat, ill tiok- rfeady, e.pd tbry con
template starting hor on tlie-first trip from Sitvafu
nail.on the fifteenth day of October next, td be
in Macon by.tbe first day of November ; when
Ihty Will* be prepared io receive - Cotton on
Freight tonSavanuah, direct,' without the';delay
and inconrenience of la'iding and reloading in
Dni ieii. g . iV .
They, jyill prov4le hands, so that when the afate
of the rivyjr will not admit of the Steam.iioutnp'
proaching Macon or MllltdgevUie. t^oru'nuecessa'
ry delay vyUl daluin the Tow Boats..* »
insurance, on Merchandize and, Produce-ship-
pvd by this conveyibce, will be provided for tn a
respectable and responsible Office, and opi lower
terms than is now paid diithe Boats In uperntion,
of which those disposed t o' coy,er their property
from all hazards, may avail themselves. •• y
tpltoii to lie shipped by these Boats will be re
ceived in .Mncoh at the customary;istorage, fffid
lie instructions, on very
moderate terms; and when desired, Storage Will
he provided for it in Savannah, subject to tile or
ders of the owner. • • ■ i
t'To^ji the convenience and dispatch to be affor-
de-J' hy this arrangement, they tunfiden'tiy ex
pect the encouragement of the public For
teriin apply to, ' „ .
JOHN -r..,lAMAR, in Macon.
. B. L AM AH, in Savannah.
The subscriber continues to transact the -Fac
torage and Commission Business, in Savannah ;
and tenders the most iinremmiited atie tion to
the interests of those who may favor him, with
their business- , • :
The Cash, will be advanced-cn shipments to'
his address,by application ns abovo either in Ala
con or Savannah. -
i, < G. B LAMAR,
sept 22 m179 ’ • ’
. . A VALUABLE j; , }t
Tide Swamp Plantation and
. T,oll-Mill, ,
foil-sale on savannah River
The sUhscribeclias been spe
cially empowered by the ere
ditori-of the late James H. Ancuu.m
to sel.Uhe PlantdUou (Laurel-Hill) on
'-iavaiiiiuh Back River, which was assigned t<y.him,
iii trust for them. The place is altogether one oi
the finest Rice estate in the Stale of South Caroli
na, on an excellent pitch of the tide, exempt from
injury eitluu- from freshets or salts, and protected
by its locality from the extreme violence of au
tumnal gales. Tlie Plantation cotisisfa Of four Iran
dred a,-res of Ttde-Sivainp. three huhdred and W
WJ.nfy five of which arn iu ..fine’ order aud under
hank.—On it there is, for its size, tlie most eflV
cieut-Mill on the River, which has within the s’ea-
son. pounded 3000 barrels: it is now in excellent
order, aud comntiyids as a Toll-Mill as much bu
siness os she can no. I' ; ,1 l‘.
On the place there are a corn
fortublp dwelling house,, two
barns, wiu/nying house and stacking
yard’, all situated on a find knoll 13
feet above the level of the Swamp,.on which.the
crop was saved during the hurricane of-the last
year,-and which is calculated to afford a complete
protection to it ns well as to the lives, of the- ne
groe* on any siniilar.occasion. There nre also ve
ry good negro houses for one hundred and fifty
negroes, with an overseer's or miller's bouse.. ..
The terms will bo one fourth cash, balance pay
able in three annual installments, .-with a mort
gage of tlie property and an assignment of k poli
cy of insurance-on the tide machine.—Possession
to be given on the 1st of February next, or be
fore if the cron now planted should be sent to
"Mt-kef. • ■ • 1 .
'Capitalists who are dfsposea to vest their funds
in tills uncommonly flue estate, will apply to Pe
tit Th. fillers. F.sq. in Savannfth. Geo wfio will
furmsi|,every facility to tlinso who mky wish to
visit Ihu.Plautntlon; to Ogicrfc-Cit-ter,Charleston
who Lava the P!a, or to the subscriber.
-. i[ Assignee of tne laje J. H. Ancrum.
. M tlie plantation is not sold at private sale pre
viously, it, will be. exposed aj public auction on
foe 18th of November next, by Ogier to Carter,
june"! 1153 -’
GuiinUtui Sules,
1)6 sold ut public, salo -at tlie Court
House iir tlfo city of Savuiinah between
the hours of JO enu 4 o’clock,' •,
A Negro woman uanicd-Mariah.
Sold'as tlie property of Sarah and John • Tucker;
minorsand Orphans,and sold,by ; oydep. of th©
Court of Ordinary of Chatham County.
tVM.P. CLARK, • '' J OnafttUna
V v WINIFRED CLARK, j; Gaard,an *'
Shei iffs sates, continued.
On the first Tuesday »?t Get. next .
W I LL be sold- at tlie, Court Housc -in the city
of Savanneh between tbe bourn of (0 and
4 o’clock, -. • -i ’X'l , •* V: j*
nproxements fo the chy
in of said ci|y as num-
(-22).awen(y -.t\vo Jack-
3vied on us the property
. fa. in favour' of Amos
sc I
of SavuntAh known in |?l
bers (21) twenty one and
sort ward Orleans squareJ
qf.Elene. Early under a i
Shudder. ' » •
, .All the right title knd interest of Andew Knox
riri RiCe’sWlmrfbeing ope^undivided eighth of two
niidevlded thirds uudxjne uridouided Seventh of
One uudevfdb'd- eighth of two undevided thirds,
levied,on asllie projierty of Andrew Knox to sat
isfy Hti execiition (ii favour of Williamson and Ba
Villers. Sold at the risk of the formerpurchaser.
‘ i ' 1. D’LYON .a. c. c..
apt' i *.i7^' t,; , J
I’ax Colluctdi’s ^nles. ^
On thefiril TUESDAft, in November next.
WlHTie sold, nttltfe. Court Houser in the city of
9aVannah, ‘b6tWheti the hours- of 10 and 3
o'clock, tile following tsroperty, or ko much
thereof as’ will; sat^fy i.the state and county
taxes Mid'cosU, fo wiliV Vi. •
Lot letter Lin Decker^Watid, In the city of 3a- _
vantipli, with improvements theivon. ' Leviedoh*
to Satisfy thd Rate and county taxes rtf'John M.
’ M'Culla,' for tlife year 1824, and dusts. .-Amount
of (ax—$39.06:. > C ' ‘ ;
‘Lb/Nb.*38 Columbia Ward, iittbA city of, Sa*
vannalt, snlijvet to grA'tfnd* refit td the^orpora-
ti6n of paid city, with the li^prQVemaptsrtbereoni .
Levied on to'satisfy thej-state and countJ-Staxes isjf
Ami'Rodman, for U-Uj years 1823 undF1824.-
Amountofta*-*-$U 79i. - - ■ i
A Tract ol Laud in Camden Cduiity^on thei
soittli side of Great Satilja- River, totitfimlng OCR)
acres, tnure or less. Levied oil te satisfy the
slate 6nd county taxes oF.lhe flstate oF MnttbeA-
lojituton, for the years 1823 and 1824 anil CostRi
Amount of tax—J10. ‘ V • V ’ »'
Tax Collect■ Chet', County, for 1823ito'l824..
august 30; ? 169 j
Tux Col lector’s salcd,
. Ou the first Tuesdav'.iiiJioitejBiber'nexti! - * '
lir*- hB.SoliT'fttUi'te Jcouff hoKe in The ffty Of.
T V Savannah, h,etwccn the hours- of 10 and 3
o'clock the folfou ing property.'Cg so. mu6hthere
of its fi Hl satisfy the state and county taxes and.
costs, via £-. " ' • .• " , , ; M -.;.”.
A tract of (and iff Little Ogeciiefi DistrictTCliat- '
ham vHinty, containing fiOO acre;, more unless,
levied on to satisfy the state and county tnxes ut
Peter R. Clifton, for the'yfllirs 1823 unit I824 t and
costs; amount cl tux ft9 »4; ;! - * ; V
Lot no. 16, Franklin Ward ifi.thc cKy.of Savon-’
uah, bounded on the east by Jeffei-aon-st. on the'
south by -ryan-st. subject to a ground rent to tho-
corporation of said city, with ( tlte hupfbvenicnU
tbereofi,’cv eiJ*on (6 satisfy tlie'sthte and cou ty
taxes ol the estate of Fiattciii, Doyle, Tof foe Vpara
1823and 1824,jrtul fcbsts j, am’tmffux, EI78 89. -
A tract -of land in , 'Ogeclte*e I)lstMct, Chatham-
county, tdntaiuifig260awus,‘triore or less, levied
on tb satisfy'the'state and county taxes of Nicho
las J. Carter, for the yedr l824, : and costs; amount
of fox 92 04t> ,* .- ... •»'<. ’ - • .** _ »■ -ij
A tract of fandln Glynn' bounty, containing 60(1
acres, more or less, bounded nortir'by land of Jax,
Harrison, nnd oa all 'other sides by vacant lendf*
granted to!John Miller iu 1797, levied on toTatiar’
fy tbe state ap5 conntxfoxes oC.CatKetine Elnv-
bert’for the years 1822 and 1823; amount pLtax
$9 9t *• ■ :'i ■' V
. *-**•• J.AMR3 EPtlNGER,
Tax ColieetorlOiatbmri county for 1823—'S
aug 26 167 - ...
City AlarsliaLf Sate
To Rent,
T c'fter my dwelling house si
tuate in Brougton street, for
one year, or (to suit those who may
wish to he absent during tbe summer
and fall months; from the 1st of Nov. to the 1st of
June ensueing. Apply to John W. Stirk, Esq. or
oct 6 || 185 JOHN MOREL.
40000 Tickets—Not one,blank to a prize.
.The,holder of-two tickets, will be certain o
'obtaining o.t Feast one prize, nnd m jy draw tlii-ve t
Monr. oi- .Drawing.—The numbers will be puf
into ope wheel us usual—aiid in the other hvheei
'will be put one prize above the denomination o
$4,-ajjd the drawing, to progress in the usua-
manner.I, The 20,000 prize of $4, will be award
,ded to the odd or cvcr. numbers in tlie Lottei-yl
(as the cafe mAy be) dopendantoti the drawing
of the Capital Prize of,.THIRTY THOUSaND
IKILLARS—(hat is to say, if the $30,0*4) prize
should come out to an odd number, then every
odd number in the scheme will be entitled to a
$4 prize: .if the $30,000 prize should come out
to an even number, then all the even numbers
in the scheme will be each entitled to $4.
Odd (lumbers are those ending with 1,.3, 5, 7,
or 9.. , . . - .. • .
Evan numbers are those ending with 2,4, 6, 8,
or 0. '
This mode of drawing not only enables the
Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in
one drawing, but lias the great advantage of dis
tributing the small prizes regularly to every alter
nate number in tbe scheme, so that tlie holder 01
1w:o tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd and
one even number, will be certain of obtaining at
least one prizei and >n the ratio for any greater
quantity.- . - • • ■
O’A ticket drawing a superior prize irt this
scheme,■ is not restricted from drawing an inferi
or bnealso, many tickets, therefore, will neces
sarily obtain-two prises each. ■
-Wholesj$5,.Halves $2 6b. Quarters $1 25. All
orders promptly attended to, n.t..
sept 29 1- ■
,..,. Brought To Jail..
I N Savannah on the 14th inst. a negro man \vh,.
says his naineiis Guy und that he . belongs to
MrsHarautalJohnstpn, of Bourke county Georgia,
and that he,ran away about too months ago ,ha is*
6 feet 84 inches high an4 about 25 y ears of age,
he t as a soar under the light eye‘- >.* ’ . ;, v
en JlfOI, i)EWff r *.-« C* 4 ,
f itT 1: . -
sept 1
Shewing Tobacco*.',,
TURT-jfoootved, and it is recommended as be
ta ing a very superior article. For Vale by.
! ' . u ^A.TARSONS,
Druggiit No. 8 Gibbons’ Building.
For Sale.
TIIREL Buildings on Misis
Minis’ lot in Brnughton-street
—one fronting Broug'iton-street and
(he other two on tlie'iane .in -rear of
The unexpfred lease lias 6 years to run
from the 1st January 1826. apply to, • # ■
' ' MR. ARNAUp oh the premises
0ct4 . 183>i* ' .
tlie first.
G EORGIA, Chatham county—By the Hon; the
Justices of the lnferior*5:ourt sitting for ordi
nary-purposes.. , .
To all AVhorn it may concern. - -
WhereRS Win. Roche, applied to the hon- thtv
court ol Ordinary of Chatham county frV letters
i.f administration on the estate nnd effects of-Jno.
Gribbin, late of Savannah merchant, doc. as prin
cipal creditor. ; 1 .-. ; • I jV
Tlift,-ft are therefore 4b cite urid admonish'hli
and singular the kindred and creditors of tlie said
decoased) to file their objections (if any they
have) tq the granting of tlie ndininvstration ot the
estate of tlie deceased .to the applicant-in the
Clerk’s ofee .of the said Court; oh or :, beforc the'
sixth dayotOftober ncy, otherwise letters' of ad-
ministration-will be gr/iited.- j '-., I; ■•*.» tl |:
Witness t[ie.bon. I/i-is I’oi't, orie of the Jurtice
of the, said Couiq Ibb sixth day'of September, A'
D. one thousand /gilt hundred and twenty-five
/ S. M. BOND-c.c.o.-
sept 6^’ ^.' 172 -
^ - -jw ......
. the drat Tuesday in NAv. next.’.' i
iTTlLL be iol-l in front of tl(e;Cqijrf House wp
» T tween the usual -lioih'j of Rf Al M- and ‘jhVx,
M. the following property gras mudli thereof-as-
will pay the taxes, If (hey ale hot paid before that
day. ■ • if i
Lot No. ^7)'“T»>wep Tythiii^, Decker Wacii
bounded east by lot No, 6, south by Broughton si-
west by-lot Np- 8, and north'by a lane, leviedvii
as the property qf the estate ot Matthew M'Allii-
ter, to satisfy .the estate city taxes tor (he present
year, amount due $3 75 and cost. -T, -
•Half lot No. 8, and building TKdstee Gardid*
tfow attached to Greene ward, bounded east by ! ’
east Broad st. south by lot N66.W esl by east broad* ,
st. aud north by lot No 7, levied on as the proper-:
ty ot Moses liei-berl to satisfy a commission and -
his city taxes fur the present year.
Lot -No v 4 lliek* Tythine Percivnl Ward, boun
ded east by lot'No. 6, soutllby Drayton st. Wbst.bjl ,i
lot No. 3, and nortli by Kroilghton st. levied' oh aat
the property of Judy Minis to satisfy .he* chy tai-i
6s for the years 1823 and 1824, hmo.uiit due $40 93?
a’nd cost.-' * " S.’ -.’ ?«V , 1 [i,
A building on Telfairs (p( Joachid) W.Ggietborp* - ‘
\yard,4eviefinff as the property of .Joe Campbell
to satisfy bis city tuxes fur the years 1823, 1824
and 1325, amount due $1 37 and cost. . ;
'A building on lot No. 17, St.jGalh Ogletaorppi —
ward, levied on as the properly‘ol James Curley* _,
to satisfy his city taxe? for the yeai 1823,1824 ana
1825, amount due $ 1 0(J arrd cost-'.'.- 1 * II ‘ '
A building On lot- No. 3, Trustee 1 ’.garden now!
known as Gieenl ward', svt ated on east Boundary
st. levied qn as.the, property of-Mary and Geo. .
d. Carter,(6 .satiijfy tlieir city tax fortheprese(v|t
yeur,«m6uii( due $D 62*. aitd cost I'J-'-t *' “9
I- . . F M. STONE, C ty MarsWl,- i
act 1 \ , 1?3 ... ,' ■ 'r-,r-' ' ~ f {
■Jrt liORG I A, llhathairrCmimy tiijth e lion. "trfi
VX Justices of Ihcfinfxtiertoxu l sitting for ordmit .
ry'pvPposts, .-*> t'*•«■• ..’ , - . g!
, To :all whomltmay htthcVrol/’ ' ?. j
Whereas James J. CuthbCrt has applied to foe' ’
honorable the court of ordinary of Chatham coitn-, I
ty, for letters of guaruiiinshtji-on-foe person and -
property of Gaocga BijSket, an orphan, child-of
Bridgerr jatef &r Chatham county dec’d.,
and under 14 YeiHMffd. Pn, ■ fc .s . <3'
These are ther^hrsJtir cite ahd ; admonish ttll'ir
Select Teas, lor Family. Use,
J UST -Received per recent arrivals, a- fresh
supply.of } V StyyXf
Imported by Thos. H. Bmlth in 1 the ship Maria,
-from Canfon, at N^w^Vork.’-'Customers may de
pend on foe-quality of those Teas, as selected by
'a first-rate ju^se 1 , mid waranted to he of the new
Crop. For sale at retail by A. PARSQNfi
l i >,fi.;Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings.
, ararA 163
and, singular..the kindred -end- friends -’of" the'
said, orphafo to file thauT objections!#any they
have) to the granting of tlie gUrtrdiam'hipOf the,'
said orphan (o’the afipifoufil ■imtHe'-clefkts'-'dflice
,'of the sard-court, on 'oiv'bfifonfi tfie 7tlt.''diiy of’
November; next; otherwise letters of .guardian-
ship will be granted. •• • > ■” «a>* ' - • ! '. ,,i\
Witness-the lionorahle' EHas Fort; one’hf .(he-
Justices of the said Court tins 7lh day njyOAtober,
.A.D. 1825. . . 8. M.i BONt>, c c O.
jict 8 .v~ 1P6 ' , ' -V ;- -■-*
G "EQRGlA, KtfiiiglianiOpfoiiy—-By the Hors.
•the Justices of the. Itiferioijr-CcurJ., of said court. ‘
,ty sitting for ordinary purposes:' ’ ;
1 '•*; •To all w.bojin it may concern. -
Wlieteas Thomas Hurst, execii‘»r i>f Wm M Ga-'
hagin, dec. tias petitioned to the lion, the Justices
.uf’tlie luferior Court sitting for Ordinary purposes
To be discharged from the cxecutofshifTaforesaid.-
; 'These'are therefore '(o cite and admdnish'
’all and singular th^ kindred and creditors of -the
’said deceased, to4T1%.their obj^ejibu? (if Ahy.they
jhay«) in the Clark's office of the saidjOourt, on or
ibefore tlie fourth;other--
.wise letters dismissory wfli bq’^gtanted.' •
(Vitness the-Hoo. Jfilifi C: HelVedstoq, one of
(hd Justices of the said Court; tlie 41 liday of May,
A.D. 1825. JOHN QHARL1 ON, Clerk,
may 6 ' 100-..- ;
Picked up,
B Y a black Boy'a few day since on the Roifd
■ Plaid Cloak' which the owner can have by;
paying for tliis advertiieraent and pay foe boy^
'something for his trouble-
aept 2? 182.
cd v ^
;7i v : .w. -