About Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1839)
emitfiit . m;«l 10 tin) uiy. 11 now turluiorit of splcii- lend T, ‘- Alio: BE Broutlitnii s ano ((t>ni) j.ret received per „, ,m nmv« . fromfow Volk or'/ f« ' ^“•''PP'y .„Jh (Junnoii, Iw«*" ‘"'d Enzll.h ftney I 1 '2S*. „,„omo which uro ihu fiillowmg on " *£jK, Phi.li nnd Silk French Shawta * r j ,„d blk O.t'ieh & Cp.hmoro Plume, caja fines) Floreiico llrnii) Bomtuti 1 Callor. ■ \Vadi Blonil* end plain Quilling. J ,'jjTr.'rcid &lf!ng«" | i | j lu«rjinga ij 3° 0 Ui“d M W^h "spo“ 8rju.ro and II. fnnchrtMkS O"® 1 * nlo " d '’ VoH *,? nd l ’“' U | rk ..,]n,“vi!l , ,Eng. Cnllait and Twill Shawl. liiAhi0Vfl(Ui. B«gs n,, d 8oarf* | - 4 :, r i;. , i.«j.bd8h.wU.4 : 4.»d«4 , lofthl. Wai.Ur French Flower, and • * Wreath. ■ „ . . ■ French, Bl*H*H and Ain.ncnn P/ml. I ., £ Mon.de Laine*. Volvct. and Bllko l-V. i m Itelr Rnyand Kuhvlo Sliowle p and Bell Kihbou. Il'irnilin nrni Fur Collar. v "sillr Worsted and Cotlon Ilo.o B tc ’ t 31 South aide Market Square. filV OAllFKTiNUdt HUGS. IIv hrig Wilson Fuller. kllllEsubrcriher. have roeoivodan nddillon [I io ihoir n.snrtmeul of Carpeting, emuis- tofsplendid 3 ply Ond Ingroin OMMtlng. ■real Scotch.) T .v.o—1 halo Bruuoli and Wilton ’Buga, Ubkh are oiFered low. [ocijj J.&E. INGEUSOLL. IIFTY EC 1 Inch will 7,e 4 Li lllll.H 23 half t mid for Bulu by oci 31 i do do now, just received Horn, s:l>f{ V GOODS, wl.u l, win |, it: i-lina .,| ' MrMS n " d,: " i,u ’ 5 m s "^ «"•“•*« nw! ZcZr c,, p; i li "*r beat quoii'r U "l(! h» U R V 1 ' 'F re lie h a " d Ain. Cnlieoea 10 hnlead.4 ,iml44 brown lloiiioipun 0 n«,„ breached SI,ini,,,, „„j si.eotino. ,»5 Pc* whilo nod ted I’liiniiol. 100 dqKnom Papering and llordoring . do Sutinsis, ox.nrtod coloro and qnaliiie. dO do Aoron Chi cks H- I**'** Linen', 29do Lons Lnwn l7,n *»du Negro IJIreiirels 1* l? r Whimpy. Ko,o and JlncUiuaw du d l l dnz iiNsoiied Head Handkerchiefs 10 cn*e*do Florence.braid- and plain Straw Uonneta W PA Ills BONNETS. 85 pc. pi.,in uinl fin'd Silk., uotv ,iylo II. & 8. ROGERS would inlWhi aSljuie-arM'ted Ribbon, o Ilia Ladiea nf Savannah .nd their •”!! , z r “ l “ •* , " l * 1 r cnttmiond wnrttod Hare cn.loinor. generally, that on Wmtyosday ne.i j y?l. l !!‘ l ?“'! * *."° 1 * 11 ?! ld <m«ou Hu«o I mm _ ' COPE At HlUrS. w rtotiSsEs ANFpjiri;— HilDS prims Cuba tMolimea 0 100 dux Fails, just received per ship Carmmtuda, from Boston, for snip low by °°t31 g L. BALDWIN. t «U€U\VlU34T FLOIIH. * J.1 end 1-8 bbls Buckwheat Flmi;* wurtauied fioo from grit, lauding' nnd for sale by oct 3I CLAGHORN & WOOD. AND PULASKI M ■ 1 1 ] 1 1 1 2 30 will Im opened fur lhair in.pecli,m, ,I,o Pari. I , t 1 " 1 ' 1 ' 1 I attorn Bnnnol. for ilia presunl snusutt, logmh. I **° Goiito 00 do La,lice Ind and .ilk tilovea Slneryard n, free from ( LOTUS, CASS1MERES, &o. |g VliltViV JOHNSON havorecaived. lliit, blue bllg. brawn, clerot, green, &o. West of England Cloths. bis, mill, blown, .tripod, ditc. Cn.iiinere. IuCjiJ mill, hill, blown, green, Sr" premium Sudanis jmixt da do, forterv.nl. i, Linscyi, Arc. do do heavy Btiflil lilankel. w.Vmo libban bound Whitney, Koto, Ac. Blanket. |«t» South aide Monument Square' ENGLISH SCISSORS. t ** DOZEN English Scissor., eeeorled rij pitlirniaiidsi.es. Just received and ink by GEORGE W. 11EIIN, ci23 No 2 Shad's Building. SEASONABLE GOOIAS* l| !;r) tUL'LOTHS Block.invisiblegreon, I v ire. blue, dark lulled and cadot mixed, ,| brawn, 1 jiirli.lt double milled. I,merer—I>tab, black, datk gtey (nd Wiped ■Sattinota— Blue, drab, cadet and dark mixed. Snrpoiidore—Elailio end kuitled, olio Extra 11< ieiy-Lambi Wool, Vigonia, white and 1 Colton. ires-Culmed and white lloikin, Buck' a. Silk and Beaver. •Silk and Cnitonr. Satin and Bninbaain, with bow. and BQ,g er with a iplcinlid aasnrlinciil nfPreneh Alillr ncijf. and fancy Gnoda—all late arrivala fiu'in Fe ,,, * South tide Markot Sqnnro. net 15 40D SPLENDID SHAWLS, BILKS, Chally. and Aluti.iin do Lainos. < .. Por thip Guinn U CARTON richBriichoShawls,lutoitilylo JL 2 do. rich nrintod Tliihot Ildkf. . & sopor T.ri.n Shawl., bosl quality 2 dozanpor .Moniliii do latino do 10 pea rich flg’d Ponl dn Side 2 du auper plain Rip. jo 8 dofig'd B U Silk. 8 du splendid printod Chally, latut stylo 10 du rich Miitislin do Laiuc. IDDl) yd. ingrain Carpeting, ill $ • 10 pc. very iiip’r Irish Linen, any mixture 100 do Veivbt Ribbons , 30 do super and low price white Flannel 10 dn do du lied do 5 dn green and yoilow- do 31 dnz very cheap linen cambno Hdkfs 6 pcs super black Bomhasiii., some very cheep 10 du do do Crape. Oil Silk T.fleia Rihlum., mourning cap do pol’d Florence anj Gru do Nop Silk. Ladies nnd Geittleniiiii'siiiper II S Gloves Ladies ond-Alittoi while cotlon IIosc Black Silk Cravalo Black Silk lime and 4 Here,plain Si till'd 0 pci Heel mixed SulliiieU 3 du Koutiicky Jenna 1000 yda.nper apron Chock. 30 doz now style hnzd lldhft For sale nn favorable term., by HNIDr.lt, LATHIlOP & NEVITT. . octIS 109 . , „ Woolen, kid and buckskin dn 2.1 bales Band Boxes. Together with a choice nwnrpiicul ofsilh, lirochc, cotton and worsted Shawls, Uccs, plum, chocked and fig',I M„>- Ims, Shaker BonuoU. &a. Also an asaorlment of Kuody .Made Cluihing. 29 2111-lv A m us lint uiluiikiNus. IIAND.SOMB asxorimmttofJrtvonot nud Swiu Mmliii Eilgitiff and Iimeriinx. for •ale by FULLER, MOURE A-CO. oct9 194 REAL WELCH FLANNEL, Ac. fjMbN pci fnirili impound Welch Flannel JL UlOOydi Canadian Kerseyg 300i) do Cordova Flaini Juat opened by FULLBIt, MUORH & CO. qoI 0 104 NEW 00009. A FEW tela rich FiiruUure Chintz 50 pea low priced do -.do • 25 do Clmlly nnd iMnualin De [.nines Justracaived and fir anln by oct 9 FULLER, MOORE & CO. SATIN KIHBONS, Ai. Jnal received by G. B. Lamar, i Ha hi, j m _ Crwaa—Black Italian and Taney colored.— C1ATIN Ribbons. Muslin Banda ,iM rin i Shins. ' 43 Muslin Edgings and Inserlinga Silk tlonery, Tlwaad Ac. For sale by AVERV A JOHNSON ocl 2 4ct22 -Clotli, hair, nail nnd tooth. lUsdkeichiofs—Wliilo Silk, plain red and ,ol. Jail received and for salo hv PEORGE W. BEHN. -Na. 2 Shad's Buildinga. j,W',H. A S. KOGEUS, I AVt just received from New York,'viz: l Shell, Bufialo A Biozilian Tuck Combs IP* ..-d" -do aido ’ do klionaido do | Shell and Chinese Card Oasaa lraj dressing and pnekul Comba' large anj small shell Snull Boxet I Silver I’eneila and Tooth Picka 'Fhltnblo*, iluuks and Eye. Scissors |WWtCounter.,.Malta, Smelling Salta lUicunrnnJ Beam Oil. Oil or Rose. I Cologne and Lnveiidor Wnlcr.Easde Ro.o IPnlbaia Veibena. Toilette Powder t Cares, Alphabets, Ac. South aide Market Square. rure lr ' *> KOOEIIS N “ 1V Tork, vizi Illf f k c “, V "' *3^varioua qualities I ra .P,° bova do - I White Ulond do * Fft, » 01 . 0| ‘ n " d Froncl1 Cullu™ loptendid Pnrw workod Capes ® dn do Bunds -„JTwUt Shawls | ! ?. ilk f’rinjreand Thule Lnco K b A r , 8 • Cl,ir<l I'lmion Bloud Ltn.rn Ed ^ ng< and biter tings V «Min •• d» do do k 111' n '* ^ a P*' &c. T 3outh side Market Square. |?3 i^f‘® V P~ i| ARKEt' SUU.Alli., I efPsl! "?r d * 'I’lv'tdid niiortmuqt L C ,""’ J Wlhtsr (loud., and invite. voihV '■'"^wmnitto for Ihomsslves. Mnneaa.iHnfBroakc.toih.. Cos.', meres, 'itkit?^’’ Blankols.AIeriiins. fiW? ICuuiiif.ky Jean'., Sine’s! B»k a 0 ' 1 " l ri "”' »t«l"»'.’Uiia iCsinhiic^’ or,c !' Juco,l °t 5>"'»lin., tdami rr..; M /“ndMU'd-BiibUinei., (|i, Silk r Pubbinol If Gimp |U-tSli» t ‘»I H;, M , e ,"* 10 ' ThibBl Wo “ l 1 Ulies irex’Vi *’ ' b,l< 0,ld ““lured M,lnd, d ,, Cen i’ Silk “">1 llcskit, n lle« !„J l L b | b r e i r i S " , E? nd8r *' 8III< "" d I Iron uaf , br fBprtholl Comb., Horn W pZ o“ mb V lv,r P'nted Hook. Butinn«^ > l Ribbon*, Borio u Ll,! ” n '' Hilk and Cot. now Mper^sTmsrwmiJln'gth ELAilKETS, CAUPETINGS & RUGS—Per Excel. A FURTHEil.uppiy of.upor ingrain Car. peling, also veiy superior Tolled ltiig.,3 bale. Iicnvy (willed Blanket., for .ale hy SNIDER, LATilltUP A NEVITT. oot IS 202 MOKE NEW GOODS, Per.hip Gaston, ndb PCS auper Mou.lin De Laincs ssafOJr 5 do cam. do do, fur children & do rich Chally. 4 do 54 primed Saioni.i 700 blk and blue blk narrow Silk nraid. 18 8 4 Urochn Shawls ' 24 Highland dn. fi Viclnria Skirls For nie by AVER V* JOHNSON, oot 12 South side Monument Square. ocl 24 NEW HOODS, NEW UOOUs. rpillE suiiscrihor h it rucoiv«il and now J. opaning fruin brig Savannah ond .hip Celia, a largo’and eiiansivo .os.nrlnient of newost stylo of fancy mid alaplo Goods, ooii.U- Hug in part of the following articles, viz. 100 pcs Cordova Kerseys 120 dn gafiaots 80 dn nowxly:. 4il French Piiiiu » do dn English Calicoes ®} l ‘» b 'k i»id ooPd Scotch Gingham. SO do Kentucky Jean* 10 do White Flannel 40 du Red Flannel, various qualities 80 do Muslindu Lainos 20 dozen Quin Elastic Siiipandera llHI 0i4. G.4 and 8 4 Chineilie Shawls 60 Merino Shawls and Mantles 400 ohawjt Various styles and qualities 100 pcs «f French and English Merinos 50 do Pongee Silk II .ndkurchUfs 20 du hmtltsh SpittnlOeld Silk do 60 dozen Woolen Gloves 20 du Mens Buck mid II S Gloves 20 du Ladies 11 S Gloves 20 do da silk and cotton Glovcsand Lone Mitts a 60* pcs cul'd and blk Silks, newest style 2 cases Canton Flannel 2t) pcs new style Caisimere 20 pbs Vestings 1(1 do Broadcloths, various qualities 30 boxes Bonnet, Cap, TuffeU and Belt Ribbons 100 duzen *ilk, worsted and cotton Iloso . and 4 Huso 10 hexes Satin Ribbons from No 2 to 22 48 loadios white Florence Bonnets and 100 cohired Uontmts, white and cul’d Satins, o d’d Florences, white and blk Crape, blk Love Shawls,blk UomliU'dns. Ladies hemsliched Lin- mi Cambric H/Jk&. Lac« nnd worked Collate, Bonnets Nuns Hoods, and a general assortment of ttatfirnltle goods. For sale by oot 20 ' A. BENNETT. ilOHlUKY, AV. F ULLER, MOORKA CO. have recently received a general assortment, of ladies, gentlemen, misses, and boys Mosisry, amongst which arc. Ladies white, brown, blk and col’d cotton Hose Do black and slate worsted do Do merino and cniduunro do fiont’s while, utihl. and mixed cotton half do Do mixed merino and angola do do Do lambs tvo'd and worsted do do Do cotton and vignnia do Do domestic wool, half do Misses white and co'ored coltnn. do Boys do dc do half do Do do do Vigonia merino and lambs wool Huso Mens and hoys true woolen Gloves Do do course knit do for servants Do do do do Half Hose do Ladies and gent’s silk Hose half Hose, Ac. Ac. oct 20 UMGNT lottery. aO'tT Cl ss, so £0, I' ll 19:19. y—’Jis 10 he determined by tire 'llnwing nf llm U ullshurg Lottoiy.Uln.s No. li.l'ur 18?,«. to bo drown nt Aloximlrin. Vo nn ilm -JJ Nbv. , PRIZE W ! Pn« of fW.OOO • ,u luiwn u" KOI)' <lo 33110 m - 3tion . d » 2500 <o 1093 <•» - 1500 •In 1000 60 of250,7S of200,75 nf 150, 185 of 185. A "■ An, A c. rmlints SIO, llalvus *5. Qusrters $260.— For."loat WITHINGTON'3 oct 31 Lottery *V Exchanzo OlBco. _ Oil A1»IAH ACAOU?I v. ran 11L Winter 8ussimi of this Academy will JL commence on .MONDAY, the 4th day of November nuxt.stnder the following Inatruc* tors: Clanleal Drpartment—J. F,. Lamed, A. B. btnior'Bopi Ho.—A. R. Fulmer, \. B. Junior Oorf do.—D. 8 Dickenson, A. B. Senior Girls' Ho.—E. K. Pynchon, A. M. Junior OirU do -F. B. Fulaor, A. M. Junior Girtf Ho. 2nd Division.—il. II. Mil. lor. Junufo Department.—Miss C. H. Bradley french, Italian, Spanish, German, *c.-J, Uloom. .<*.*• It is de«irablo that tho«i scholdrs which intend to join the school, should he present at the cum* mencement of the term, nt which time the chuMi es will bo arranged for the winter. The Teachers have been selected with much caro, and they will bo permanent. Their char* nctei. talents and experience qualify them for their several elation*. Few !ii«iitutioiis nro so well supplied ns this h, with all tnat gives fa* cilitjr and effect to study: nnd it is offered to the friends of correct education fnr their patronage EDNV. K. PYNCHON, Principal. oct II UiOt WOOD! WOOD!! rBiHE Subsetiber has now on hand, and A. will be constantly receiving, a supply nl first Ipinllity Oak nnd Ash Wood. Apply at the Worn! Yard, East end of the Town. l* 201 II. F. WILLINKt POR LIVERPOOL, The fir>i rh^,hip M.W Jr.R SMI . J. Did,s in nias'er lin- roinmenced iondiug and will iui'i d* "patch. For freight apply tc Ctipt. D on board nt Jones’ up por wharf, oi to QCI2P LADD. TUPPER A 8ISTARB FOK IIAVHE. The coppered ship MONTI- CELLO. (Jnpi, J G. Laurnti, li.ns commencsd loading and will have despatch. For freight or passage, having comfortable accommoda tion*, apply to o«t 24 PADF.LFORO. FAY A CO. -By S. I*li On TUESDAY, 6th Court House, bet we 1 Bnroi H the i 0 ftld Doubb' 11,11 IK'.S o Horeo, 1 Bay ]/(>!•■■ •lafnSfflLWi?"wlii ..■tUfll per share has helm paid. FOU BOUTON, llm parkot brig PANDORA. Cajiliiin Slu'jiliard. lias the piinci f '.l purl itftmr rnrgr, engaged. F«r reighl or passage, having good ao. cuinmndaitnni. apply tn I'ADELFORD, P, FAY* CO. TO KENT, The earner tenement on Brough’ ton nnd Mnnlgmnnry urovts.ni pie. tent occupied by John McNiali— a i . v P n «c««un given on l.t November. Apply lo Scabvrn Goo<iaU net 18 2«2,^ EXANDER DRYAN ’ 4f\ «0 DOLLARH UEITAI4D. Hansway nn the 20th July Inst from the subsnrib*c. his no «ro man SAW NY. He is about 23 veers old. 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, very black and likely, his rather a hollow sepulchral voice, and a deep sicatrice on his side. He was bought «f Mr Hugh Rose about 3years since, and I botiove was brought up on his placo about 10 miles above this city. The above reward will he paid for hisdeliv* cry in nny safe Jail in this Htnto, nr to tho sub' ■cribor. NOBLE A. HARDEE oct 8*4 205 T limn FOU SALE, WO Double Drays, with complete sets of Harness, very tittle used. 19 JOHN MALLERY. NPefr&O WOOLENS. 4 CASES Washington Kerseys 2 do Hanover Jeans 2 hales Canndiati Korseys 3 do Cordova Plains 2 do Potter Hill Jeans y 6 do Duflil Blankets 1 do red Flannel 3 do plaid nnd plain Linseys Pootch OonneN nnd Kilmarnock Cnps.&e. For sale by FULLER. MOORE ft CO. oct 26 209 JOHN RIALLERV, Fashionable and Military Tailor, H A 8 received per recent arrivals, n choice assortment of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ac., which be is prepared to make up to order in the best manner, and on reason- ahlo terms. oct 10 T gkeat bAibgains. HE si'Dsoribur will dispuso of Ills -:.rck of ready made Olothing at very re- vrAlueVicc*. viiUior ntwhulesnl. or retail,— gllnc M;\mnrchimis and oilioradasirou. of pur. -~Witcii lVie invited to call and exnmino fin JOHN MALLERY. ocl 1. A 201 UMBKEEEAS. A very & Johnson have received n good assnrlment Cnitnn nnd Silk Umbrel 1 lea. . South side Monument Square, oct 23 200 l> tub ^eaboveenicie, will be .old r c 'ly occeptnitee. very oot 19 'Iv'yiNTElt GOODS.' ^Eutertment of wliift .nnd red Finn “-ibiIII? Al , n " ,iM " Canton dn ®|11 IfilwwS ricnn do aH| l?NiDPB i . d wWl ° K» '•B. LA UIROI’ Si NEVITT. ^sTisog e its, fc t,, «N ,n V i; d .' u r Ntw 3’utli, viz: lle,t|nm r i'i ' k,,;i1 ‘luod. IjlJh u, °uco Braid Uoiinnt., latoat !,J° America,, do d , h» *d' 0 't7" ,d Flul ' o nco I ...I? Horeo, Heod. J 8l <nvy Buininta, oouil, side SI UNDER SIIIKTS A DRAWERS A FULL supply of Lambs wool, cvlimi-net, merino nnu silk Under Shirts and Draw, era. For aala by act9 JOHN MALLERY’. GLOVES. W HITE Kid. light fanov, dark col’d and tdack liuakin Gkives; also white, black nnd col’d Silk do. Kecoivod per brig Augusta nnd for sale by . JOHN MALLERY. oct9 194 . NE\V STYLE OF HATS. R ECEIVED-por brig Aiigas'a, an insarf meat of fashionable Hat.of.np'rqiiolity. Fur .ale by JOHN MALLERY. oct 9 104 VARIEGATED SCENTED SOAP, BOXES Variegated Scented Saap.in cakes and bars. Juat received nnd for -na by G. R. HENDRICKSON, ocl 23 206 Cone &■ Mills, J in l»,,L ,l’FER for wile, lunding and store, on ao O :--- commodutuig terms, 5 hlid. prime P. R. Sugar 10 hbis do St. Croix do 25 bags Rio Cofi’ee, 10 ling. Culm do 10 bills Boston Ruin, 10 Mil. G'li 10 do Domestic Brandy 1 nipo Cognno du T do Hollaiiil Gin ■ 25 bills Baltimore Flour, now 10 do Cuniil do do 25 lialfdo do do do 40 boxes Soap, No. 1,10 boxes Starch 10 do Popper 6 chests IlysOti Ten 5 do Poucliong do, 1 lb. papers. 5 do Soiicliang do 10 .4 do Hyson do 100 bbls Pilot nnd Nuvy Broad 10 do Buttor Craokers • 10 half do do . 20 bbls Prime Bnef, 15 do Mere Beef 20 do 1’riimU’urk, 10 do Mess Pork 10 imlf libisF. Mi Beef 25 | bids Buckwheat ? frcc fr0111 grit a Bacon, hog round ! ’ TcuerilVe Wine greasks choiceold Madeira i nov 1 NEW GOODS. T HE subscribe, has ju«l rnlurned from N York, mid will receive in a feiv day* por brig Savannah and ship .Celia, hie full supply of fanov and maple Goods, comprising a very general assortment of desirable nnd fnahinnabl'e Gdecis. A. BENNETT, Nn 1 Waring'* Buildings, Murket Square, oct 20 2(H) T lfl , FOU SALE, IIL Plantation owned by John D.and ;Wm. Gray, known hv the name of Roue* ville, situate on the Big Satilla River, in Cam* den County,G« joining Armstrong’,. Bluff. The tract cuuUiin* hy returvey (11794) eleven hun drod seventy niuo and one half acre*, most of which first quality tide swamp, sixty five acre* of which is under good bank*. This tract ha* more natural facilities than any other on tho River, and the land is inferior to nano for tho culture of Rice. Also, all plantation implements, 1*20 neat Cattle, 120 da Sheep somu (logs can be sold if wishodj also the crop of Rice. Tho latter purchases io be cash, but the Laud tn an approved purchaser the terms will be made lib* •ml. WM.HLNKLEY, . Agent for John D. nnd William Gray. Camden Co. G«. Ont, 1839. oct 17 201—lni Spcriu Candles. Claret, Ac. /5TJJ BOXES 8perm Candles (JU 100 boxes Claret 10 boxes Lotiquevillo Claret 10 bags old Java Coffee ■ 60 do Cubn do 20 kegs Goshen Butter G half bbls Pickled Tongues 2 bbls Smoked Tongues 25 ko^s Lard 100 Middlings (Bnlthnoro cured) 100 Hams do do 60 M E-pcmizo Segura 50 M Whitney do 30 boxes Stmtdhourg Pies Just received und for sale by nov 1 J. B. GAUtoY. 90 Dollar* Reward. Ranuwuy from tho subscriber on the 27th ult. a negro man named BEN, calling himself BEN HICKS, about 46 years of nge, dark complexion, five feet eight or ten inches in heighth, rather slender 1tr face but momentarily. Said fellow was forme, ly owpetl by Dr. Uiclmrdsone, and purchased latterly from .Mr. Y. 8. Pickard. Hb i>i well known iu Savannah, having been raised in its viciuity. The above reward will ho paid for his dolivciy in Suvuimah Jail, or to tho subscri ber. lUCH’D. A. BIRD. nov 1 214* To Rent, ~ S TORE No. 2, Wariug’s Buildings, until 1st November, 1840, and possession given im mediately. For terras, apply to A. BE No.lWarii nov 1 «V ^vuiuSmtsr* ,o ui " °’ c ' oc * m < fro - - ih " A likely yimng VVciioli, nborn 17 V nn„ „f iigo.alre ii likely Wencli abom 45 yi bull good Iioiho servants. Terms r/ml, baukn. file uiowey, pmeboaer pay'inz for liile.. ’ Prime Wench, ,®V s *. CI1ILBKICK A < 0. OiiliiasJey next (UI o’elnrk; In from „f *o”' a Wkurli iiIhiiu 31) j.a soraxii, 0 firsi raio wathataud honor.— ll|2£»li, puicliarer paying for tjilea. oel29 .... I’riine Fellow. • ®V S. Fill LB KICK A 40. ■On Ilia first 1 iiesdsy hi Niivumi„>r, in fmnt "f^ Cuu, ‘Houae, betwbzB the u«,nl bums A prime likely Fellow, 2a yeeisorace » fust rmo lioure oervont, osilornml fa„i„ga’dH*r. Sold for no A To,nut},-I,, pmeboaer p.y rep fi'Miiles. 1 * Mari**. h.irncM oct 17 mg or titles. Also—A pair of first rate Blooded voting ami geutle in aiiiglz 0 , d»ublo 1 rernis en.l» i * AdmiuiMrator's Sale. or S. FlULBKIf’K A 4:0. On ilia lust rues,ley in Occrr,.:.,, next, in jroiil »f the Ooiin Home, between tlm mmil linilra or sale, A two .lory wnnileildwelling n,„l out I'niWInas.m, half |„u No., 31* III. Elbert \Ya,tl.hunting on Jcfl'er.on stu-ei. b, bmeme i„ the vatxie »f Dt. A.SHeftell.deee.’ired, .mil .'old by order of ibeAilminiatraior ami Ailmini.tra’ lux. lmimcajjK „ el2 BENNETT, G4KIN IN BULK. OOSS tS BUSHELS 1st quality Com, 4r recoived and for sale in lot* to suit purchasers by oot30 M. DILLON St CO. CANAL FLOCK AND BUCK WHEAT. BBLS nnd 20 half bhl* Canal Flour, and 20 keg* of Buckwheat, just rc. ceived nnd for sale by' NG Si 20 net 5,0 LON PATTERSON. OIK FOK NALL. A SECOND hand Uuggy Gig and Harness, in guud order, will be sold on occummo* dating term*. Apply to on 30 FULLER. MOORE Si CO. Ale, SILKS, SILKS. SILKS. “ A VERY A’ JOHNSON hnve received a good assortment Silk*, among which may bn 6mml—Black and blue blk Grade Afrin, fiff ’d; do do Ponl de Snie. plain, do dn Gro de Swiss do, black single ami double width Mat* lioua, rich fig’d Pool du Snio, plain do do,for sale on accommodating term*. * oct 23 South side Monument Square TICOV ALC. T EN bids (Read & Sous new fall) lauding from brig Savannah. f<> r sale hy oct 29 . • M. DILLON & CO. G44SHEN BUTTER, «e. ’ L ANDING fmipbrigWilsuu Fuller, 20 kegs Goslinn Buttar 50 do Lard, lUUO lbs smoked Salmon For sale bv oct23 CLAGMORN Si WOOD. new I’oiih Whiskey«min'. op eL7 KIIL8 Wbiikey. 60 do Gin, on consignment Fo» Rule by oct28 M. DILLON & CO A CARD. DR. ROBERT II. A. KOCH, P (rnoM i)Rk'*i>ztv, nr saXonv.) ROFESSOR of Mu*ic. for the last four years in the tltius of Baltimore and Am napolis, Md. c now in tho city of 8avanuah, Gn. has the plonktire of informing tho citizous oTSa* vatinnhand its vicinity, that ho will commence to givo lessons on the Organ,Harp.Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin, Flute and Thorough Bass (that is, how to compose Music,) and in Singing, naftftularty Cluwuh Music, uud other Songs.— Ladies ami Gentlemen wishing to associate in this Music School, will please inquire for furth* er information at Dr. Kucit’s room, at tho resi» deuce of A. G. Oemlor, Esq in the morning from 10 to 1 o'clock, and In the afternoon from 3 until Go’clook. FOR SALE—A splendid grand square Pi* ano Forte, with tho limp, Loud Bn-*oou,Drum and Dull pedal, hy which tho performer can ptnduce nine diffetont sounds; also, an Italian Guitar. Flutes, Italian Violin, Clarionet, and an assortment of the newest Music. These article* can be *euu by those who feel disposed to ex> ammo such handsoule instruments, at the above place. Piano Fortes tuned. Order* thankfully re* ceived. 199 oct 15 («. : NOTICIL T HE Pewholders of the Roman Catholic Church, are requested to meat at the Ghureh at ton o'clock on Sunday next, 3d No> vumbar. By order. JUIIN CASS, nov 1 214a Secretary. TO PLANTEKS. T HE Subsorihor, Again for tho Athehe Manufacturing Company, ha* constantly on hand, a supply of their domestic Woollen and Cotton Goods, a superior article fnr Negro Clothing* NOBLE A, HARDEE, •oct 2(1 202 N WINE, BRANDY. DIN, BOT TLES, &c. Q HALF pipe* Star Sherry Wine, of stipe* /rt rior quality, on draught Also—In boxes of 1 nnd 2 dozen each, the following celebrated brands of Madeira, Port and Sberry Wines, in quantities to suit pur* chasers, viz: Oliveira, Alcyone, Remittance, Dimnn. Luna, Wacnmaw, Map Flower. Ed. word Blatidv & Sons, Joy, Alert. Madeira,Bel* viduro Gulden, pale nnd brown Starry* 5 piposOtard. Dupny & Co’s Brandy 2 do superior Holland Gin 10 casks Loudon Porter 100 crate* Wiuo Bottles. For salo bv ocl 24 207 J NO. W. LONG. CUBA COFFEE AND NAILS. BAGS Coffee, a superior article PjJ vfr 60 keg* Nail*, different sizes Received for sale by oct 28 M. DILLON Sc CO. TENERIFFc; Ml NIL 4>>ZTN qr cask, XViiio, auiinlilo furGroura 1919 Rocuived fin aalo by PAINTS, 4HI.S, GLASS, Ac. 3 m’ ikaa UA1.L8. pure Eulliali Lin OlM* aaed Oil 300 nulla. bleactwJ Sperm Oil 600 dn iiiiblciicliod do do 500 do blenched and rofittedAVliale Oil 500 dn unbleached do do do 500 do cmnimin ' do do 200 boxes Window Glaxo, assnitert sv/.ca 60 dnz largo I’lflure do do do 2 lona Wliilo Lend, Kecoivod nnd for •ale hy HAZARD, DENSLOW & CO, niiglO ’ FOR SALE, CASKS Noils, assorted 50 do Cut Spikes 5019 I 75 cask* ’Wrought Spikes 10 tons Canon Fiullow Wore 100 boxes Tin Plato 2000 lb* Get man Steel 3000 do Cast Steal ‘50 coil* Bala Rone Twi CENTRAL KAIL ROAI) AND BANKING CO. OF GEORGIA. Savannah. Oct. 23, 1838. W AST INSTALM ENT.—Notice is hereby JLA given, that tho last instalment on tfie Stuck of this Company, to wit: the gum of two dollar* ami fifty chiu* per share, is diTt etod to be paid in, nl the Blinking House in Sntanuxh, on Thursday, the second day of Jauuar) n txb Stockholder* nt, nnd in tho neighborhood of Mucou, cun ittiiko payment ut the Branch in that city. By nidur H. tt. CUYLER, Cashier. oct 25 208t*2iU LEECHES, LEECHES. Turkish and Spnni*li Leech* IJ VIF4F es, in fine order. Just ruceiv, end for sale by THUS. RYERSON. oct 29 ACCOUDIANS. 1 *“CA9E superior fine toned Accardians, assorted sizes and patterns, just roreived olid for sale by oct 29 KT' 8. nilUtt{j^K A t o. 50 kills aid Uye tfin—'rcc’.l p 0r biig Em- nu, Crain Bosion, pu ll( 7 v , . Ready Made Clnilii„ g ; : M h m s. l'liiLiiiiint Al i'nvaio Mole. 1 Just received per skip G.„i„n. \ c . n liirxo and good Msortinoiituf Ready .Undo Cloihi S .mi,ib e fnr die present andepproeching were,,, Veal, „„d Z2- iTuS," dt * c "P'>u». Bliiria, Wrapper. Also, "y* ■*; An assnrfnient of German Silver Wara.Table te;*' """€* } htm F "'l« 1 n„mr Knives, Jen llnlders. .tin.I I',.,,.. ,y c , m ' O ci’i’Y S111: H, F I^rs7vi^i:7~ V"* “ l r ,,Md *JDecember i rm.wm be sold before llm Court Hun o in ||, C cuynf Sivannnli, between (he usual limit, „f salo. Lot No. timittdej by end t,uui„g „„ Last Uread aticci on die noat, on the norm by ,nt No 7,nn lha cast by tot No. 10 on il„. . m „f, by lot No. 11. containing 90 fi. 0 i n’3 feel in dsplli, (ngiither will, all Ike lnnldi„ c , and improvement* iherenn; levied upon t,v vfr' luooffi fa ., issued rrnni tho H..u. Cmirt of Conimun Fleas and of Oye, nnd Terminer die city nf Savannah 111 die insinnco „f J,,|, Uaudiy el. al. vs. Henry Sogurs 1 S.lgnrs. 1’iuperty poinlcil mil by nl, lornies. LF.VI S. RUSSELL. Sheri - DC1 - 3 ' . 313 W A T4»R’S SA LI 11.1. bo e,dd on die lir,.i Tuesday uary next, bofiiro tlieConn Iloiund I III JiiCUaonbiirn, Sonven County, hl!lV\L‘(jU lll(3 usual liuurv nrrelo. the following proper will 1V One (reel of Laud lying joiiiiug lauds onVilknia II. lYunnaily, R'fc llmringion. jr. nrul Drier Crcell. 467 acres, tmire nr less. Also tin illg in .aid cniiiUy.contaiiiillz si ' acres, more or less, adjoining I Harrington, son , Snloinod Zeil ltubhin.j also five Negroes, lo man about 40 yeaia of nge, lri about ldyears of ago end 1 2 years of ago; Doilo, a girl nhoui ago, ond 11 girl by die name of Slat 111 years of ago. Sold egrecahlo to , like Honorable die Iiiferinr Court < .County while sitting for oxlimiry purnnxo*. a.*, tho property of John >1 Robert.*. (If die benefit of die Inure and creditors late. STEl’Ul N MII.I.S , DELIA HUBERTS oct 29 211 ect 23 M. OI 7. LON Si Co, BACON AND FORK. I D II (IDS Bucnn. sides W 23 bbls prime Pork Just recoived for ialu by ocl 23 M. WLLON St CO. PICKS AND RIATTOX. M Dt)Z steeled Pick Axvs /wHc 24 do do Mattox, for sale bv oct 28 N. B.& M. WEED. ASSORTED cbockeki . e aj CR.VfES wall ns*nrt«d Crockery, >Jw cinilyexpectod per ship John Cummins For sale by M. DILLON 6* CO. oct 17. "FULTON 1IARKET BEEF. T EN HALF bbls, mess Beef, ju at receive and for sale by or9 LONG & PATTERSON. EASTER A RAY. a |X4K dUNDLES pritno Eoslorn Hay landing from Nalb'l Hooper For sale low by <M. DILLON A CO. JUST RECEIVED. Cb IX BAGS Java Coffee,. /ZrCr 50 boxes S'ltiVin Candles 40 halfblds Carul Flour oct 23 J. B. GAUDRY. OOYVDY'S WIN. O NE HUNDRED bhl# L. dowdy’s refilled fitsl proof, Enfield, Conn . Gin, jnal re- ceived direct from die Menufnemrer end for salo by J40ULE A. 11AKDEE, ^oct t4 30110 lbs Bogl one, by 13. A II. LEE’S SO A I’. ■re xz A UOXES late’s No I Soap, land R 111, ing from ship Colls ond for isle by net29 GEORGE II. MAY. ~ UillBlIELLAS. O NE core Silk Umbrellni, ossorted sizes 1 db Colton do ' do do Received per sept 23 SW’i Building G R. HENDRICKSON. T WANTED. WO or three good Vest Mailers, by ect an JOHN MALLERY. SWEET OIL. ■vgh BASKETS superior Sweet Oil, fresh Ov impelled, till file (ops. Just received and for sole by ocl 30 G.R. HENDRICKSON SUWAK, AND COFFEE. V gJ HDDS P KSugar C? 20 bag. Java Colfeo—Landing from ■bin New Jersey Iroin Boston, and fnr sale by oct ]7 L. BALDWIN. O A DJ1INIST RAT Oil’S SALE. N ifib fnsi Tne.day in December next will b«aold before l|io Cunrt Hoii.o ii llluesville, J.iberly Couiily, the following No grnc.:—Nanny, Elsoy, Mary, and Nancv, lin piopeny oftboostaio ofjuo. N. Way. nnd .old by order iy order of the Colin orordinniy for anid coun ty, fur die be lie 111 nfllic heirs. nets W.M.N. WAV. Adm’or. EXciuSoEOVi'Rtiv HUM,: HJBlLLS at 31) ami 69 days slain, fire sale hv JB3 oct.p WASHBURN. Id’. EXCll.tNUi: ^ jjN Fliiladelpbia, fur sale b act 23 S. PIJlLBiUPK & CO. FKFSIK COIMH1 UGMEDICS* G UM Drop*, rose flavored French Jumbo Paste, real Boston’s Uoiisot Lozenges Pectoral Lozuttges ofToler Ellethcirn's Cough Lozenge* Horehouml Candy eo English Refined'• iqnorice Lozenges Anderson's. Church’* and Chapman’s Cough Just received and for sale by G. R. Hl'ND RICKS ON. HiriL!!i VlLLC, l.llt IllCT Y CO. B rought to Jail oc-i..i.- r i>t. a negro man mimed JOHN, about 5 fi*ut 0 inches high. ID or 20 years of nge, who rays bo belong* to it gentleman by tl»*- n.iiiiu oC Sam uel Cliutt, who resides in l.mvnclt", Cmmiy, Georgia. The owner i» hert bv tequeftfd to come furwurd, pay expenses, nrnl tnku him ai way. B»B. MOODY. Jnili’r. oct 3 189 r WANTED T O purchase, n family of six or night N’m groes, for which cash will In* j» ii,j. In. quire of NOBLE A. IIARDLL. oct 29 P WANTED ! ' OR this office, a steady, sober NEGRO— for whom liberal wages will be given, oct 16 Drop*, &o. net 10 Shaving Soaps. C REAM of Soap is a peculiar compound, oontaiuhig a very small proportion ofalka- li, produces a rich and durable lather, either with warm or cold water, and renders the pro- cos* of shaving easy and pleasant, and is partic ularly recommended to gentlomcn who may have heavy beards or tender faces. Cuunossieur’s Soaps, an cmoljent composi tion, which affords an unusual degree of com fort Tn shaving, the directions are as follows:-* VVet the end of tho brush and pass it over the soap, and'nmke a lather on the face, Emolient Soap, a superior article for dhavirig Windsor Soap, do* do do do Naples Compound, do dq db Verbena Cream, a new article, highly perfum ed, it is a cheap and valuable Soap, ana superi or to any in use. Gentlemen desirous of pur chasing any of the above Soaps will be accom-. moduted on as reasonable terms os elsewhere; Forsaleby • PORCHER & LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market: Sign of tin* Golden Globe WANTED TO PCIiCIIASE I MMEDIATELY.for th/» use of a Pi-mirr. an able bodied Negro Mail or Boy, for whom a fair price will be paid. Apply to april8 JOHN BOSTON. FOR SALE) A HORSE and GIG. The Horse , per’ fectly sound uhd gonllo, and in every res'* poet n first rale animal. They will bu soldoij a oredit for approved paper; Apply at this of. fico for further information. j illy 5 ARROW ROOT, TAPIOCAS CASES superfine Arrow Rout srt 1 do ’Tapioca 1 Ho Pearl Sago 6 dozen Roller Ison’s pilleht Burlcv Received and Tor salo by oct 53 • A. PARSONS. TOOTH WASH. B3rHLORJNBy Oiis and Riposot Tooih Wash, highly recommended fur wlijfsu purifving f ing the tooth purifying llm bn * *g a healthy appearance to lii • ta, and impart* gum*. Just received per Wilson Fuller, and for sale bv net 23 G. R. HENDRICKSON. STARCH*