Newspaper Page Text
F.i.ixm <*»
, conla iuii|'
itie* nf Opium.
ion. to thu ex.
r and b
r writ of
[nn.liia 8i. r
ui'John Doc ex. deni. Snrnli G.
IticYwd Uoc r i e. James and
Propsrty pointed oul by lloir
rv SngtiM nn-j of the defendant*.
"s.-ptd'J ELISHA WVLLY, «. o. Q.
N . ■ r,,>• Tuoidiiy in l)ec«mher noxt.will
(>.• soi l hi lorn the Court house in tho city
. ; in. ill. !; : we on tho Uinal hour* of*a!c<,
id Run. levied upon by
virtue nl'li f;i3, issued from the Hon. Court of
Common 1*1.>.n. and ofOyoruttd Terminoi for
tho city of Savannah. at tho iintauce of Tho
Purse uni John Slorchl-mn, et al. v*. Uehoeen
Uns«ell. property pirtnted out by Plantitrs at
O N the first Tuesday hi Decumbur next,
will bo sold before tho Comt House ini
the city of Savannah between the usual hour* ofl
sale, one mahogany Hide board, one pair |iiahngfl
any card tables, «ue do end*, ono Mahogany]
dinin'! taldo. nineteen *ti aw bottom chair*. twol
pair ni-hovel and tons*, and one fender, levied
upon by virtue of a distrain warrant. i<mied fiuiU
the Hon. i i. nor Court of Chatham county all
tlu* msUtVte of Rub’t II. Pettigrew, trustee of
Eliza L Petti"Iew hi* wife, vs. Alx. II. 'let
Donnell, property pointed out by plantitr* at*
t 29
I I VI S. RUSSELL. Sheriff
W ILL be aoid on the first Tuesday in
November next, in llinesville, Liborty
County, between ihe usual hour* of sale, the
following property, vix:
One -oriel Horae, levied on a* the property
of A. Smyley, and sold undnr foreclosure of a
mortgage in favor of S. B. Johns,
net,’. 8. S. MOODY.o. s.L.c.
W ILL be sold agreeable to an order of the
Honorable Inferior Court of Burke
county, while silting for ordinary purposes, in
the Town of Waynesboro on the first Tuesday
in Jammy tfext
Ono n net of Land, belonging to the estate of
I-hMii Anderson, la to of *uul comity, deceased,
lying i«n die water* of Rocky Creek, joining
lands .if James Anderson mid B. Miller, and
containing fourteen hundred and twenty four
(142 J) aert-s, more or less, Sold for tho bene
fit of ill*.* heirs of the deceased.
A. II ANDERSON. j 11 u "'
ocl 2fi 2119
O N the first Tuesday in December next
will be sold before tile Colin House ip
Chatham Comity, between the usual hours ot
mile, in- following property, to wit:
Lot No.. It), with imp'rnveuieiiis thereon.
Wa-iiiu e 'toii Ward, city of Savannah, situated
on Uiynii etreej
Also, Lot No. 4*25, containing 490 acres,inure
or loss, lung and being in Apphng County.
Also, Lot No. 74. contaidng 250 acres,'more
or less, in E ilimi Comity, T •
Also. L it No. 162. containing 202J acres,
more or I-**, in Houston Comity.
Also. 2 - tares Planters’ Bank Stuck,of which
per share lias been paid in.
;Soid hv order of the Honorable the Justices
n f -V*- f-Hte-CeartsfChatham Coiiniy.wheiJ
sitting i . ordinary purpose*, lor the benefit of
th« heirs and creditors of the late John O. Cole,
° p t 4 Administrator.
greatest number
_ r —a of Upturn, are
ion for dam* 1 contained in Lnirdaumn Paregoric BlacU.drop,
ii ii issued out of Deunrcotized Laudanum Extract of Opium and
of Chatham Co such Other opiate preparations of this cltvw luilii
~ orto made and to which are justly attributed
those disagreeable eflect* upon the stomach and
nervous system which so ficquciitly follow their
opeiatinn. and limit their usefulness.
‘ This Elixir mav bo adopted in nil those case*
in which either Opium or its preparations aro
administered with tho certainty of obtaining all
theit sedative Htiodyuo and nntierpasmoriic eft
feels without any ol these disngteeabhr conso-
qiHUoua of hnaui4dia nausea vo.uiung com
stipation tremors and a train of oilier unhappy
symptoms which are often as distressing as
those wiiieh it was applied to remove.
The Elixir nfOpiuiu is not only superior to
tho ariliirial compounds of Morphine, in its be
ing moie mild permanent and miilutni ill i»s ol
feci* bill the preparation pu**tiaM-* also a »upoi
• i >r advantage to ilieir Solutions, in not being
liable to decomposition or deterioration from
vaitable temperature or long keeping: a serii
oils objection to which the latter are exposed.
Finallv, Morphine not being lltu full ropro
sen ativo of Opimn cannot nb'iie, and tint in
artificial combination too, produce all the chat*
aciensuc ulfuctsofso triumphal a remedy. When
so many of its other vnlablo priiicipleVn* Codein,
Narcoin and -MemiVlc nchl arc -excluded.
From Dr. Chilton, Me eminent Chemist of New
York, in proof of the accomplishment of this
Dr. John B. McMunn having made known
to me the process by which he prepares hi*
••Elixir of Opium M and wishing mo to statu my
opinion concerning it I therefore say. that the
process is in accordance with well known
Chemical laws and that the preparation must
contain nil the valuable principles of Opium,
without those which are considered n* duleteri
on* and useless.
J. R. CHILTON. M. I).,
Operative Chemist, &e.
New York. Dec. 29. 1890
Having witnessed the effects of Dr. J. B
Me .Muon's Ehxii of Opium wo are of npiuinn
that it is a valuable preparation and recommend
it to the patronage of the profession.
F. U. JOHNSTON M. D., Physician of the
♦ City and Maiiue Hospital.
JOHN \V FRANCIS M. D- Lite Profi-**or
of Midwifery in the College of Fhi* and Sun
geoii*. N.Y.
the New York City Hospital.
to the Marine Hospital N. Y. and late Surgeon
in the U S. N.
JAMES WEBSTER M. 1).. Professor of
Anal, and Physiology in the Geneva Medicul
College N.Y.
New York Feb. 18 1837.
Ur. Mitchell’* trials of tho Elixir of Opium in
the Hospitals.
Now York. February filli, 1837.
Dr. J. B Mc.Mmm. —Dear Sir—Ih-ive made
repeated trials of your ‘Elixir ol Opium' in
the City and Marine Hospital*, and find it to
possess the anodyne and sedative powers of'he
ordinary prepa<niions of Opimft, without pro
ducing ihe excituietit, headiachu, nausea, and
constipation, which m many case* tender those
preprntious objectionable. Its effects are more
permanent than those of Morphia. Yours, &e.
C. I.. M ETC 11 ELL. M. D.,
Resident Fhysician, Njw York Hospital
heokuia « u vniA)i < <*•
To all whom it tiny c.-meiii:
P. Wf-lir.liE.\s Cyrus St.* Inm* h-ith nppli;
V V ,:l l"t i "*ll"li 'I'Ci'lilo! t»: ll-i.ity
1-1 * ; ol!» mi t'.i.mtv. 1*«>1 l.'tii-isv N.lniini-tia
• \ >n on tho -state and elVi-et'"I Jam*-' II- 1>
Foster, lata of Chatham Co* dcr- .-ed,
Them aio therefore to cite and admonish, nil
To :.«l whom it in nmn'in:
|l‘l{r.\S Man Walkoi. 1
Ini'll applied j
^ $ to ;i, ■ 11 - !. tii- t '.mi t of t ‘"!i "V ‘ I
Chat!, C,„inty . I o !.• :• f .\dunin-;i..tum
on tii- mi l . if i> •Lmpsy N* il l’iit.
in inn, la’i: of Chatham County ,l* » <*.i". *l.
1’ iI i • 1 1 ' I Ini.'lii'h, !i'l
LI. person* hnving demands against the
L I 'slut,* of the late Maj. Juo. Harden, do-
kindred and creditor*
and singuliu tin , v .. .
said deccai <l.i<» ti •» their objections (il any
hnvo) to llte gmtiting . of tho administration of
tho estate of the dcceaaeji to the applicant iu tho
Clerk** Otlice of the said Court, on or before
the 31st day of November noxf.olberwiso leliots
of administration will bo granted.
Witness, the lion. A. Fortor.oneoftho Juf
lice* of tho said Court, tho 3laY day of Oct. A.
D. 1839. . EDW’D-G. WlLSON. v
oci3l , *" Dopfy Clerk c. o. c. c.
indr«i andt
* (ifany Uto
me ihsintbj
»« tho granting of the mlunnislrntion or
il.a c.Htato of thn deceased to tho apphcnilt in
t|)o Clerk’s otllco of the said Court,on or beforo
tho 27th day of October noxt, other w tso letters
of administration will bo granted.
Witness, tho lion. Anthony Fortor.ono of tho
Justices of the suid Court, tho 27th day of Sept,
A. D. 1839. EDW’l) G. WILSON,
sept27 Pept’y Cleiko. o o.c
To nil whom it mav concern:
W HEREAS Mrs. C. Iv Stow, hath M»P«*
tul to the lion- the Court of Ordinary
of Chatham County, for Letter* of Adininistrii-
liott on the rstnte and effect* of Mr* C.l'atti*
soil latr'rrfClia'ltnn County dr*ron*eil.
Tho*earn therefor** to cllr* and Htlnuuiish, all
and singular tho kindred ami rredttot* ol the
s iid file their objections (ifnny thuv
havn) to die granting of the administration of
tho o«tato of tho deceased to Ihe applicant iu the
Clerk's office of the said Court, on or before tho
27th day of Gctoher next; otherwise loltors of
administration will lie granted.
W itness, tin*'lion Win. Thorne Williams,
ono of die Justices of said Court, the 27th day ol
Sept. A. D. 1839.
sept 27 Depulv Clerk,c. o c. c.
0150II I.-* | A—A! II.4 Til A ill CO.
To all whom it may coitcorii
W HEREAS Geo. W. lluntor has ap*
plied to tho Hon. tho Court of Ordina
ry of Chiiiluim County, for loiter* of adminis
tration'on tho estate and efibot* of Robert A.
McCredio, lata of said county deceased,
These nm tho refine to ate and admonish’ itll
and •‘iugtilar tho kindred and croditur* of the,
said deceased, to tile their objections (if any
they have) to thu granting of the administration
of tho estate of tho deceased in the applicant in
lltb Clerk’s Office of tho said Court; on or ho.
fiire the (Gilt day ofOct uexijotherwiso letter* of
Vlmiiiistralion will ho gianted.
Willies*; the lion AiiihonyFort nftlie
Justices of tho suid Court, lllo lfith dav of Sept.
. D. 1839. EDW’l) G WILSON.
scprlfi Deputy Cletk c o. r o t
To all whom it mav concern:
W HEREAS Ann C. Futman.has applied
to the lion ilia Court of Ordinary of
Chatham County, for Letters of Adndnistro
lion, on the estate and idler ts of R. II. Filtinati.
lam of said county deceased,
These are tfierefiire to cito ami admonish, nil
and singular tho kindred ntid creditor* of tho
•said deceased, -to file their objection* (if any
they have) to the granting of tho ndnnni«tratioii
of ill** estate of the deceased to the applicant ill
tho Cleik’s office of tho said Comt. on ot he*
fare the I2th<tuy of November next, otherwise
|«3i«B,8pf adiiiiirniiiiitinii will be graotud.
Wt'itess, tho Iloo. A- Forter. quo of the
Justice* of the said Court, tho 12th day of Oc
tuber, A. D. 1839.
oct 12 Deputy Clo'k c o c c.
To all whom it otnv roncorn:
W HEREAS George Oiivur.ha* applied to
the lion, the Court of (JKltuary of
Clinthnni County, fm Letter* of Administration
on the e>ta1e nod effects of Henry I lemur, of
Lincoln. Eoglaiuf but lato of Chatham County;
Georgia, deceased.
Them aro therefore to cito and admonish, nil
and singular thu kindred and creditors of tho
•hid deceased, lo file their objection* (if any
they have) to the granting of the administration
of tho n*i«to of Ihe deceased to tho applicant iu
tho Cletk’H oilier,* of the said Con rt, on or before
tho, 12th day of November next, ntherw ite letters
ol administration will tie gtauted.
Willies*, the lion. Wm. Thorne Williams,
ono of the Justice* of the said Court, the 12(h
day of Oct.'A. D 1839.
oct 12 Deputy Cleik c.n. c c.
A GREEABLY to an order of tho Court of
Ordinary of Liberty County, will bo soldi
on th* fir»t Tuesday in November next, at the
Comt il.. in Hine-villo,. tho one tenth (ICh
part of a tract of Land known a* Palmyra,' for
the bonctit of Louisa M. .Stevens, a minor.
sept 1 177
O N the first Tuesday, in November next,
will be sold at hi* late residence at Wahlr
ortrville. Liberty County, nil the personal estate
and c (Virus, t slave* excepted) of tho late Aueh#
tus O. Bacon. Terms made known on tho day
of sale. WILLIAM LAW, Executor,
sept 13 181
be sold on tho si-cpud Tuesday in
T ▼ November next. i > the highest bidder,
before the Court Homo dour, llinesville.Liber*
ty County,between the usual hours of sale.oue
negro woman mined S uv. for (ho ^benefit of
the heirs and creditors of Jo*. Norinin, lato of
Liberty County <Ipcc i-cd.
*«pt » MMix NORMAN,F.x’trix.
llER. 1839- *
|J EBOLVED, That Whitaker street, from
MM* ilie Bay to South' Broad street, sh ill be
paved, in conformity to the 17th section of an
ordinance, entitled »An Ordnance for regula
ting the election, quailtlcntion and duties of the
City Survey or, to fix tho.iimnber of feet of por,
ticoes railings, enclosures and pavements, mid
to regulate tho samp, and for the better keepirq
of lb,; - | tares, streets ni,r| pul,fie p| aRe * am
wh-tr v«-* and dock* of the city of Savannah free
and eh* tr of nhitruclioii*. and for other pnrpo
8 *s c .iiiiected theiewith.’ Passed 19th Augii*l!
1839—and thatitotico be given according!) .—
Those who lake Opium and its ordinary prei
parations, cannot be igooraot of the fact that il*
distressing and pernicious effects result from the
operation ofitv deleterions principle*, and that
the tremors l-mgiior and lassitude with which its
devotees are afliicied, and for which they repeat
the dose to relieve,are sensations ofns owner eu.
But in consequenne of the exchidon of those
deleterious principle* from the Elixir of Opium
il is nm liable to derange the function* of the
system, nor injure th« constitution nod general
iienhiipieuce us nigh superiority in all ihnso cases,
in which the long continued and liberal use
of Opiates are indientod and necessary to allay
pain & sp ismodic action,& induce sleep .V com
posure. as iu cases of fractures, burns or scalds,
canceious ulcers, and other pninfiil affections.
And to those persons.who fin necessity or vilin*
ted in:!ulgun(%| have been necuntomed to the
use of Opium, this preparation will afford a
gratifying snb*titnte by which they may relieve
themselves fin tho thraldom of pernicious & too
frequently inveterate habit.
Dircttonsfor using the Elixir of Opium
To a child a mouth old, or younger, give from
half a drop to u drop; to a child about six months
old, from 3 to 10 drops; and to udnhs, Iron. 10
to 60 drops, (and even double or treh.e that
much,if tho pain and other sympiioms be Severn
and urgent) mixedi it two or three t*a spoonfuls
of water, according to the size of thu dose. As
die administration of eveiy medicine should bo
governed by its effect*.it is proper to begin with
ihe^inallestdosepuid increase or repeat it atpto
per interval* until the dusired etfucts nro pro.
O* JOHN B. McMUNN. of South Middle
town. Orange County. New York, who is alone
tho di-*coverer of the Elixir ofOpiiiiu. is the on
ly manufacturer of it. And none can be germ
inn without his name written ill foil on the out 1
side label.*
It is to b« had of the principal Druggist* and
Apothecaries in New York. Fhiladelphia, Balti
more, Boston, and in uinxtnfihR principal cities
and 'owns in the United State*.
vFnr sale by PORCH Ell jfc LAROCHE,
sept 23
i'0u rut:
^Extriiel from'*««* mbpt*?*.
Kl '< l1 •*' * * ' I ’ 11 FELT, c. c, pro turn
To ail whom it may concoro:
W HEREAS William Law, Adin’nr of tho
estate and effect* of Mary M. Haig and
Agnes Haig, deceased Jioth applied to the llmi
the Court of Utdinaryof Chatham County
for letters DismisMiry.
These are therefore to cite and admonish, nil
concerned, to file their objection* (if any they
have) in the Clerk's office of the said Court, on
or before the 3d day of January next; otherwise
Idlers Distnissory will be granted.
Willies*, the linn. Wm.Thorne .William*,
one of the Justices ofthe said Court, thu 3d day
of July, A. D. 1839.
July 3 Deputy Clerkc. o.c. c,
roused, ofl'amdc!
pu sent limn without delay ft
tlio-u! indebted to -aid Estate, a
make p.iyuioni promptly, t«>
(i'i'.O. \V
I I7l)t.
aro reqi
pay mailt'
(I to
*d to
g'OIYLEll w. vmirM; C, A„ ntl
V. « u», i,,, i„ c „'y p'
. will
InwioitV W
to lit
.1111- ■,
ft 1,1, persons having demands again
cum L. F. Fohtcy, lato of Camden
ty, deceased,‘are requested to present tin
for payuiouuaud all persons -indebted to him
nru requested to make payment to the suhi«cri-
huts. W. II CLARKE. )
VIC TOR POINCY, } Executors,
aug2l 171 II
Louisville. Ge
professional bn-ii
nee and punctuality. Ho *vviil ? ,e ."'"h
Huimrior Court* of p,,.
iltiiko. Sciiven 0Untle * of
tl Montgomery,’ ’ ® Iani ' hull^
id tii
1 NOTICE. "——
’ 1 miUJS! d * will
. | A m 1 B 'o Ih» Plante*.* D„,v„ ril , 0
f “0'
To tdl whom it may concern:
W HEREAS Lewis J. 0. Fairchild, Guar
dian of Christopher. Day, an orphan,
hath applied to thtrlloir. the Couft of Ordina
ry ofClntham County, for Lutter* Distnissory.
These are therefore incite and admonish, all
Coni-onied. to fily their objections (if any they
Itavo) iu tho Clerk's office ofthe said Court, on
or before tho 2d day of Nov. next; otherwise
letter* distnissory will he granted.
Witness, the lion. Elias*Re,*d. one of the Jus
tides of the said Court, the 16th day of Sept, A.
D. 1839. EDW’D. G. WILSON,
sept 16 4 Dup’y Clerk c, o. c. o.
LL persons having demands agejhit the
estate of David Thomas, Into of Caindon
Comity, deceased, nro requested to present
thorn in terms.of tho luw;oud .thoao indebted to’
make payment to
G. W. THOMAS, Adm’or.
* Jeff-rson.Atig.22, 1839.
nng 26 173^
aimr,- SlocU ofttld Uank. In lh. V*?'
,y nn B U5 >U 9 ■ PiUI -BWCff -
A5BOUS ,v UA.soat g^Trrr-
/t‘, HI LbNDIU "‘mtilfnam of .
iSL silver mill Mnol ftnzor, nf ....n C "''"“N
F OUR months after date, application will
bo made to the Justices ofthe Court of,
Ordinary fur tho County of Camden, lor leave
to s-llnllilto Real Estate, and Bank’Slock, be
longing to tho estate of Joseph Tliomas, Into of
Camden County, deceased.
-JOHN TOMPKINS. j L * or *-
nng 26 174 *
Jj^lOUR months alter date.
plicatinn \yill
Iu) ttiatle to the Jnstino* of the Comt of
Ordinary for tho Comity of Camden, for leave
to sol! all thu real and personal estate of David
Thomas, late of said County, deceased.
~niig26 G. W. THOMAS. Adm'or.
To nil whom it may cbuccfn:
W HEREAS Wm. Ileory Fitts. Admini*
rtator Estate James I). Fitts, late of
Chatham Comity deceased, hath npplted to
the Hon. thu Court of Ordinary of Chathath
County, for Lettera of Didn’tf*sory
Tiieso are therefore lo cite and admonish, all
concerned, to filo their, objection* (ifany they
have) in the Clerk’s office of the said Comt. ott
or before tho I6ih day of March nextjotherwise
letter* dismissorv win he granted.
White**, tho Ifon. W. Thorne Williatns.ono
ofthe Justices of tile said Court.the lUfliday of
Sept. A. D. 1839. EDW’D. 0. WILSON,
sept 16 Dep’y.Cletk c. o. c. o,
JjXOUR month* iifter ditto, application wiH
be made to tho Hon ihq Inferior Court of
mm county, while sitting f* n Court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell all the Real Estate
and Slaves, belougitig to the estate of Einntiup!
Do La Mothi. deceased, lor tho bouefit ofthe
hwr* and creditors of said estate.
jnno17 143•
nimisliip, in cbici, of 'w,!o*, f ,*SSj^j»L
hnudm.: Emet,on,»ml Mwhh* S c,^
MpkOOlulfljJly fnrsalo by Mr 3ll »pi
mi!- lo Slg " or ;!‘ 0 0 " lilc " oiS»;
UESEmodicineshavo Ion. Loon L.
mid npprccinlfjd Tor lhci,„f „
miu immedmio pmvor, of ro« “ I
lioalih Li poi,on, .ufioring undtr
at —wsub?
ry individual in the community. Unlika*MI
host of pnrtiicioiis qtinckeriot. wbffi?.
vegetable ingredient, the Life P || « ' '**A
‘°My-fi t»M. .nd,, o "Z
niiiinu.liv. krnnte, normi, oilier i„i,S ’ '
uny f'.rm whmovur, 'i'licy are einirel,..
posed ofoxlrncts from rare and powerful
lire virtues orwl.ich, ihot.yh
orul Indiian, and rocomly lo
nlmriiiHcoiiticul ohomislH, ore olliuMh., , ''
UllltiWII lit ilia In,,nr.Ill, I * •
F OUR montlis after date, application wit.
lie inhde to (lie Justice* ol the Court of
Ordinary for tho county.of Liberty, for Icnve to
sell Harriet, belonging to tho esintoofAlox. Me
-Ivor. S. SPENCER,
may 13 Guardian for the Minors,
To all whom it may concern:
W HEREAS.Mary C. Barnard. Adminis
tratrix ol Estate Samuel Adam*,late of
Chatham Comity, deceased, has applied to the
llonornlde the Court of Ordinary ofChathum
Comity, for Lettera Distnissory,
These nro therefore to cite and ndtufftish, all
concerned, to file their objections (if nny they
have) in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court.oh
or before the sixth day of November next; oth*
enviso Letters Di*rai**ory will bo granted.
Witness, the Honorable M. Myers, one of
tho Justices ofthe said Court, the sixth day of
May. A. D. ono thousand eight hundred and
mav 7 Pnpniv Clnrko. o- o.c*
F OUR months after date, application will
he made to tho Hutiornble tho Inferior
Court of Bryan County .when silting ns a Court
of Ordinary, for lenva lo sell all the Real F.stnle
of Catharine Sikes, late ofaaid county docons,
ed, for tho benefit of tho heirs.
Adm’or with tho will annexed,
sept 27 186.
UHtltAM ci.nniy. w iilu jiTlIin, ,« n CoihI nr J" l "' l o P'etemlcr, ■
- ■ ’ ■■ •cioncai mid wnro n,»«ibeforemlminju,,.,-' I
so linpimy cflicncioiu n comlniiaium “ "
THE riltENlX BlTTEUa r.Bc
I’o all whom it may eoticerot
W HEREAS Henry F, Willink. Executor
of the last will and leitument «»f David
Ftdgo. late of Chitlhatn County deceased, hath
applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary
of Chatham County, for Letter* Distnissory.
These aro thejrefiiro to cite and admonish, nil
concerned, t,o fife their objection* (if any they
have) in the Clerk's Office ofthe said Court.oil
or before the 3d day of Jatiuuiy next; otherwise
letter* di*mi*«ory will he grained.
Witiie**, the linn Elias Reed, one of tho
JitVlice* tho said Court, the 3d day of J'oly A
D 1839. EDW’D G. WILSON,
July 3 Dopnty c. o. c. c.
To all wfioiii it may concern:
W HEREAS Andrew Dixon, Adm’or of
theestate and effects of Dntiiei Foley,
lato of Chatham County, duceused. hath applied
to the Hon the (Jour! of Ordinary of Cluahuin
County, for Lot'ers Dismissory.
These are therefore lo cite and admonish, all
concum-d. to file their objections (if nny they
have) in the Clerk’s Offic e of tho said Court’,
on or beforo the 3d clay of January next; other'
wl*o letters Disimssmy will he granted,
Witness tho Holt. A. Porter, one of the
Justices of tho said Court, the 3d day of July.
A D 1839.
july Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
To all whom il mav concern:
W HEREAS Thomas ll. Brow, Adminis
trator ofthe estate of John W Graham
cJncpnsed. has applied to tho lion the Coinl nl\
Ordinary of Effingham County, for Letter* Uis*
These are therefore to oitn and admonish all
concerned, to file their objeciiors (if any they
have) :n tho Ckr.k's Ofi’ni of the said Court,
or, or before the 2d day of January next; other,
wise letters dismi*-ory will be granted,
Witness, the lion. C. Powers, one of the
Justice* of the suid'Court, I ho 2d day of July A.
D. 1839.
july 6 JNO. CHARLTON, c. c.'o. x^o
^ l.L per*nn* indebted to thec-sinteonValtor
./%, Dubois, Into of this county, aro requested
lo make payment to ihesiihsfcibers, and llitwe
to wbotn lie* is indebted will present their nu
counts within the time proscribed by lawful
ana 5 Qualified A<lminf*!ra!ors.
Toall may coueorn. ‘
W HEREAS, PH Woodruff, Adm’or of
ostato William cGibson, deceased, hath
unpiiedto the Hon, the Court of Ordinary of
Chatham County, for Letters Distnissoty,
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all
cotirerned. to file their objections (if any they
hove) irt tho Clerk’s office of the said Court,
on or before thu 6th clay of Nov, next ; other,
wise letters Distnissory will be granted.
Witness the Hon. E. Reed, one of tho
Justices ofthe said Court, the Gih clay of May
A D. 1839. EDW’D G. WILSON
may 7
Dopnty Clerk c. o. r. c.
To all whom it may rnureru:
W HEREAS Eliza McGahagan. Adminis*
tfntrix ofthe estate of Wm. McGahagan
decoa ed^has njiplii-d to the Hon the Ocmri’of
Ordinary of Effiogaam County, for Lcttors Dis-
ElHii o
EC El V ED. '>«) ■/.
oct 5
i?Floid K'Mige.for sale
BOXES Leftwiuh’s Cavendish Tobacco,
on hand and for sale by h
oct 4 ■ • A. PARSONS,
T Vl E Casailo Oil for baldness and falling off
of the hair on the head, is known to stand
pre-eminent above ail preparations of the kind.
It is fret **
tree from nvi-ry thing of u deleterious
turo. ami has been pEceksfiilly used whetiotln
er much colcbrnled comoodtions have failed.
Three muuth use in b tldness will effect a
new and rapid growth of iiuir.und in one week
will prevent the Imir from falling oft*, leaving
the surface of the head inoLt and delightfully
smooth. Price 76 cla per bottle. ForYiieby
oct 11 A. PARSONS.
ffO BBLS cold prnaiud Castor Oil
<i do Plantation do do
^ . '
2 cask* Fliix Seed
[2 do Chloride Lttne
1 do Rotten Stone, 2 do B.-rtli Bricks
2 do Pearl Ash, J do Sulurutu*
st received jaml for sale bv "
Corner of Broughton and Wliitakor sts.
oct 12 Oppo-itu the Mansion Hottse.
fll HE Cn.Ada Oil i**o deiiomioated hecnitse
jo. it«» rufnposed of vogetahle mgreiiienl*,
and it* virtue* are pre einiiiuntly displayed in
lh- following respect*: It possesses ptoperti-n
of Him most saliibticms naliirn which
the. xcm if and aft imputilie* of (lie hair; tionri-h-
iw the Infir and prevent* its falling off. and lea*
_ SBirjp tho liability ofthe hair to torn greyjsirengtlt
/"f-en.* tiie weakest hair, and ptnduces a luxuriant
growth; give* a vigor to Ihe hair which soon
produces an inimitably natural curl/ and p«e*
vents its falling out iu a damp aiiiiu*pliere, or
during exercise; renders the hair either -natural
or artificial, bes'itilqilv soft nod* pUjnsant; bur
stow* an inestimable gloss and pleasant pur,
fume to the tresses—in fine, render* the hair
dress Iransceudently beautiful, promotes the
growth of whisker*, eye brow*,.mustache*. Ac.
To children’s hair its effects are singolarly-fjen*
eficial, is perfectly ittoxious. and may v\ itli safe
ty bo applied lo the youngest infant; it eradi*
cates the daitdruft’caNieraud superior to combs,
soap. Ate.; is extremely pleasant to the infant,
gradually strengthens tiie hair, and augments
its growth ho as to produce a ueaiiliful head of
hair. Preserves the hair after sea bathing, vio
lent exercise, and is of preeminent utility fur
K erson* travelling by sea or land, preserves the
air, rendering it peculiarly pleasant, and trl-
ways dressed, tins wonderful effects on the hair
in hot or cold climates, and is held in high e*ti
•nation by distinguished 'persons abroad,
Fold wholesale and retail by the Proprietor
Thos. Quirk, 490 Broadway New York, and
by appointment, by
xept 20 Savannuh.Ga. Agent.
I’o all whom it may concern:
W HEREAS Mrs. Naomi Woitmnn, wld*
n\v. Administratrix of the estate nod
eft-els of Wui'hrm \\ -i'liiiu. d-iea'ed h ull
applied tu the Hon- the Court of Ordinaly of
Effingham County, for Letter* Distnissory,
These are therefore lo cito and admonish nil
concerned, to filo their objections (ifany they
have) in the Clerk’s Office „f the said Court.on
or before the 26th day of January nexl; oliieri
wt*e Letters Dismissory will be granted
VV.ittic*, the Hull. C. Powers, ono of the
Justices of 'lie said Court, the 26th day of Ju
ly, A. D 1839.
J o 11N E11A RLTON, Clerk c. o. k. c,
j'ily26 160
f 'i ILOKLNEmiK Wa»li
Kreusal • do do
Orris do do
An wiortment of English and Americah
Tooth Brushes, receive d and for sale hv
Corner of Broughton and Whitaker sis.
oct 12 ( >i"■ ><-;t'! -t11,; M;in :iou House.
«nperior Ash Oars,
just received and for sale by each,
net 23 (’LAGIIORN & WOOD.
"B /fN 1 KEGS English .White Lead wnr»
JL’AF'If ranted, 250 do Am. No i and 2
10 bhls English Linseed Oil
10 do Whiting. 10 do Chalk
60 kegs Spanish Brown, in oil
100 .canisters Patent English Chrome Green
a superior article for doors, shutters, ships cab
ins, Sic. Just received and for sain low. by
sept20, G. It. HI>NI)KI‘ KSON.
i boxesr
BOXES Patent Steam Refined Con-
V fectibpary. well assorted, 30 a 50 lbs;
ich. Just received and for sale by
sop 18 G. R. HENDRICKS'
'I o all whom it may concern:
W ill.III.AS Samuel Sikes has made np.
plication for Letters of Administration
with the will annexed on the estate of Calhap
ine Sikes, late of *<tid county deceased.
These aro therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred mid creditors of said
deceased, to file 'heir objection* (ifutiv they
have) in the Clerk’s office ofthe Court of OU
dinary, within the time prescribed by law; oth
Orwtse letters of administration'.will be prattled
the said .Sainiiol Sikes. j
Willies*, (Tie j Ion. Israel Bird, ono ofthe
J list ices of said Court of Urditm
of July. 1839. J. hm
july 10 153
this 9lh day
TH, c. c. o.
I’o all whom il tuny t o cent:
W HEREAS John M. Ltict s, Administra
tor of tho estatenf Wiliinut McGHhagin.
net-eased, has upplied to the Hnl the Court of
DiMuissmy^ ,:ffinghaln Cl,UHt y» fur Letters
-These are tlioroforc to cito and admonish /III
concerned, to file th6ir objections (ifany tlmv
have) in the Clerk’s office ofthe said Court, oil
tu before'the Oth day of March next; other,
wise loiters distnissory will he grained.
Witness, the Hmi. C. Powers, one of the
Justices of the Mid Court, Iho 6thday of Sept
A. D. 1839.. JNO. CHARLTON,
' ' j * c.
miasory, ^ w ,,
These are therefore to city and admonish all
concerned, to filq th«ir objections (ifany they
hove) in Ihe Clerk's Office of tho snid Court,
oti or beforo the 6th day of .March next; other,
wise letters disinixsory will he grant'd.
Witness, the lion C Powers ono of the
Justice* of the said Court, the 6th day of Sept
A. D.1839. - ‘
oeptfi JNO. CHARLTON,c.c.o e.c.
rilF.MPORARY Letters of Administration
JL has been granted to the undersigned oil
the estate of Matthew II. Drakn, deceased:—
This is to givfl notice to nil person* holding
’property belonging to said estate, to give up.
or render an account ofthe same without de*
luy, and to all persons indebted to muke pay*
men- within the time prescribed by law; and lo
those whom lie is indebted, to render iit their
account* within tho time, duly attested.
nua 9 Temporary Administrator.
expiring embers of health, to n i
throughout the constitution, as the pbi, llf
snid to be restored lo life from tho nslioi of'! II
own disolution. Tho Ittfoenlx lhttc r sue,, :!,
ly vegotnble.composod of roots found only , n c ,
lam parts ofthe western country, which »iiti
nilibly cue rlvEHS AKD
kiiifl,! will never fliil In ermlicme cmirvlv iliil
iilTecle nf inercury.Infinitely looner tii,nthenM
powfirrnl pio|iarutiiiiie nrsor»a|mri||,, ,rv|3
imtnHiHiiioly cum ihe daletminnlimi nininhi,
TU Tin: IIKADt neve, ftfllhfiKlhShJ I
deni i» young fcmaltn nnd will lie fi.m.J, ttrail I
remedy in ell ceiie* nf nertnus deii/ityudmk I
Hess uuIih mnsi ini|,eired cuiiuinnioiii. I
A. n remedy for Chronic and Iriflannuian Ilia olfieoey oftlie |>| rai ,u |lin
will he dennnwliiiied by tlio use of a
tie. Tho nminl dose uf ilieae bitter, ii L
'vino glean wuler or wine, and diiiqi
lily niny be taken Itvo or three iimeaad.r,il__
hn mi htim before meala, or n lea. qiimUtrl
rimy bo Inkon ntuli tinea. To ihnw who jri |
nfllicled with indigeation niter meals, thrabirl
torawill prove invnlunblo, na they rcir gnult |
iucrenac the nction ofthe principal tkcer., M. I
them to perforin their fnncliotia. indembitl
.tninoeh lo diaclinrgo into tho bowels .I,:;,,
is ofiettaivo. Thus indiaealion ii easily a
apeodily removed, appettla ii alor«d, IML_
motitha of the nhnorbnnt veasefa being clrnwl, I
luilrilion ia fneiliintcd and airengih
energy of mind nro iho hoppy raanlli. ' 1
For further pnrticnlais of M<,(fill's Life i
and I’liocnig Hitters,apply al Air. .MiifT.m'i, 1
No 6IG Urnndway, New York, where tl • I
cm bo olilnined lor35cenu. 60 cents, or j
per boat mill tho Mitlcis for $1 n |3 per
tie Nmnermie certificnlea of the woode
elfir ney or both, may be there inspecied.
For sale by A. BARTofl.
At liia Store on tho Day, corner of Urayton Si. I
uov23 -* 1
A El. persons having claims agniusl the lato
John Dailey, Esq of Camden County,are
reqiioiletl to lliom properly nllesleilpiud
tluiso indebted, will plenst, make immodmlo
paymentlo 0. W THOMAS, I, , ,
ftOBT. LANG. ‘T Admr *
Jefferson, 3d Oct. 1839.
oct7 192
A LL person*huviug claims agniusl the Into
Jeromiuh Cnyler. E*q. are lequcstod to
present* them, properly attested; and those
iii'tebted, will please make payment tu
•WM. II. CUYLER, Qoal. Ex’or.
oct 2 188t(e
A ND Allamii-Souvenir, a .Christmas nnd
Now Year* 1 Present for i84t)‘, edited by
S. G. Goodiich, with 10 engraving*.
The Youths' Keepsake, for young people,
with engravings and cuts,
Southey’s Life of William Cowpor, Eeq. in
2 vo!s.
Man, 111 his physical •tmcture^nd adapta
tion*, by Robert Mudio. I vol. * ( •
Woman as alto xliould lie—1st. 1.^, appro-
2d. The inti ii '
HqA|I‘ I’Y tljonsaiid shp’r old Havana Segars,
JI several choice hratuls, Cnnuoisours will
do Well to examine them For sale hv
US l received per brig Augusta, afresh
supply of Ihe following Garden Send*,
warranted crop 1839—Short Top Scnrtet Ra»
dish long scarlet do, long blood Boat, blood
Turnip do. early York Cabbage, large Butler,
sea do. Sugar Loaf do. For sale by
"RJ EC El VEI). a fresh supply Olio Rose Lip
JI% Salvo. For sale by
DOZEN of the above celebrated Pa.
iioceit direct from Swaim’s Laboralo.
. Iiiladolpbia. Received and for min by
r *« 1^ A. PARSONS, A cent
-«-■ never failed in a single instance to
cure the Fever and Ague, or intormit*
tout fever, when connected with no other di*-
na«os, nnd when punctually and persnveiingly
us.-d. It has been found equally useful iu all
that circle ol diseases allied tu their origin, nn*
inro. no I treatment to favor and ague, viz:—
Nervous Weakness, General DcbiHty, Remit
lent Fover, Dyspepsia, Bad Appetite, Henri,
hum. Water UniHh, Flatulency, Jaundice, D>s,
entery, Diarrltma, Ague Cuke, Costivoness.
Bilious Fever. Which proves it to be one of
Ike most valuable and important ef family rued,
icmes. and deserving of tho exalted character
it tmw enjoys in every pnrt or North America.
I repared Solely by the Proprietor, Dr John
Iff. RoWand. No. 249 Market strnet, Pliibidr-b
pnia. ond can beoblaihed at wholesale or retail
at the store of <}. R. HENDRICKSON,
oct 18 Sole Ag^m, Savannah. Ga.
a I DOZ.Ivory Riitgs
L6 do Gain Kla'Miio Rings, received at
lor sale by ANSON PARSONS.
priate sphere of Woman,
of Christianity on Woman. 3d. The Clirj
education of Womaq—by the Rev
Winslow, 4th edition, M
The Complete Farmer nnd Rural Ecot#-.#
m .. - 1 ■*- "‘wniost
A TKINSON’S Vogoialilu 11 yo
Till Turkish do
Kuwland'n KmoOM ofTjrrn or imperial Pi-
Du gcnuiiiii Maoaa,ar Oil, highly rrcominial- J
ed fin changing gray or red hair, ivliulil A-1
lo ii poruiimiim end beouiiful brown or link, j
A anpnly just received noil for mile by '■
' '' (1. Jl HF.NDUICKSOM
ocl 9
DA. &c.
6 CASKS Pearl Aeli
3 keg. VVu.liing Soda-
B do Sul Drotlia
20 liiixo. Cnlgalo't No. 1 Starch
10 do Fig Blue. Rccoivod and fur nltlf I
ool 21 A. PARSOiVS. *
A SUPPLY or fiuo Spaiiiik Looebtiol
finoordor. lOl reeelved anijiJKjJ'Jf "
nm 21
O. H.
Tg o)5 BOXES Loltwich’a sup r o!dCmn
j. M:\ — iiir
•tale by
del 19
dial, ToIuiiacii, juut received mid W
J OHNSON'.^Camphmat-d iJenirifice.
Antiscorbutic do, do Pentrl Ho
jm^I for sale by A. PARSON-
•ci 10
continuing a compendiotH epitome nf 'fflTiiiosl
important braiir-be* of Agricultural and Rural
Eoonnmy. by Thus. Green Feieender, 4th edi
tion enlarged.
The new Americnu Gardener, containing
practical directions on the culture of Fruits and
Vegetables, by Fesserder, 13th edition.
Mrs. Gilman's Ladys’ Animal Register, and
Housewife* Almanac for 1840.
Marshall Hall's Pjuciicn of Medicine, revised
and enlarged by Dr. Jucob Begolow, fiwt A*
mericau edition.
Tho American Conveyancer, containing a
largo variety of Legal forms and Inslrumonts.
by Geo. P. Curtis ofthe Boston Bar.
Ctjfiis’ Admiralty Digest.
Thu Trial of Jesus before Cainphas and Pi*
late.being arefumtiqu of .Mr. Salvador’s chap,
ter. by M. Du pin, translated from tho French '
Dictionary of Latin .Syoonyinea, for the use
nf school* and privato stiidunts. with a complete
Index, by Lewis Rumsliorn, from iho jFreiich,
by Francis Leilier.
fulJTLEH'8 EFr , ,r'',? tE ‘' T
F OR dyapiqi-iii «r indigvrtwo, ■
'‘.il'iy,. B'J’rv.* 1 ". •'™ d “ cl ‘ 0 '
R ECEIVED ii fr.ah anpply ofCurrom Lo.
ze.ngua. For aillo by
a ■»- A. PAIISONS,
io FtUKINS now Gii.Iiuii Duttor, 35
liiixoii ii,'iv do Chcvsu, just ronoivad
per Niiwurk, und fin aalo by ■ •
ncta c; L. McNISH^
DA BOXES Culgiuo’a No! 1 Starch. For
HP aiilo By
" cia A. PARSONS.
gJULPIIA Il> Quinuiii, Suiphiiiij and A
K3 Into Ilf Aforphinoi Croton Oil. Oil nf DI
. Aoo-
... ,, , . ufBI/ipIi
ro|ipoi. Kriiitaoto. Pineriim. Pro,aio Acid, id-
diim, r.uictiiiQ, Ext. Nux Vnuiicn, llydnidiim.
PoldMn.&d, Juat rcccivod per N,'work nnd
lor mile by G. U. HENDRICKSON,
oct 3 ISO
1N«L —
1 di 111 DOZEN Mnytinrd As Noye'a all'
l NFSy purior Block ink. Ill j pi bottloa
’ 50 <’■’ do do Red do
2 lilila do do lilackink By lliognl'n
3 do do do do, 2d qiuilily, fur
"inking collon Hg«, Arc. Jim received'and
fora,iln by G, R. IIENURICKSON.
IICI3 483,
Hicniach, linbiliial cnalivcneB., rinil,lr: ! ii ’ 1 ,
ue«, gout,gravel, Aic.cnd highly voln (
V. _ Ut A fin.dh RUPP!
genllo cooling pnrgulive. A fieib ia|
HM vcluabla nicdicilio
july 3) 162 -
F ull ike face end •km, °. r ' “,,2»
lonco lo tho aupport of female
Powerful of effect, yol mild of nifiinW ■
admirable apecifio (a preparalion W“I!J
delightful balauniio exolica, end perltw;
from mineral, or oilier pernioiou.
poaaeaaca balsamic propcriics of "“’P.
orgy, it oradicnlea leu. frt;t:klos, p^_
redno»a, and nil culanouiia • rl '?''W [,,
realizing n dalicnlely cliiar. fair •'
trun.l'nrma oven iho most nallow i [0 ,
into radiant whlloneu: render. k«™_ „
akin delightfully -ofl end aninodil imp*
face, neck end arms, a healthy o J
lilminiinnd. Iiydno porsoveraiioo in • jl
lion, prninnioan froo and , "i |, i 1 ,
cise of lliiwo imp'orinnl fnluBillisy
whictiarn nfilic ninuial nerfseitJ co niiJia
snmiiion of heallli and niiaiiiiqfiM
mice of u baainifnl cotn|>ioxio«- |ic | 0 jnili*'
A freali anpply of llna valiiabl'» 1 LofiS J
vuived.and fiirenloliy
n»g P> l«3 ——=7"TT
BALES pnflil Blanket.' K „d
15 canon twilled wool and c0 "
O 15 Canos twilled
0 bale. Rod Flannel.
3 do del unbleached Sl irtmJ
3 do 3.d do do
11) dll Welsh Flaiilicla
1(1 do Slllinhliry do
*2 da liniil'iiiohod Cuntoti
12 do bleoeliad do
Received and y ^
■oral 23 ■ ■■o
•nJy i tin Colton do
no uomm «” , r .. r cnlf
■l Pfr bhfii/.ffl;’'® ■ BEHNi,
GbORGB W; . |1JBJ ,
sc pi 23
Shad's Ut-ilR "l‘