Newspaper Page Text
Editor and Proprietor.
<gMfe the Jttvp ■
Strtd, fuw doors from Uroa/I St.
!>;.<>:mu:it u. is;;.
The Constitution Ratified by a
Large Majority.
- ——
After tie atir and excitement of ( lie
election our people have settled down
to work again, and the ceaseless throb
bing of the public pulse heats as bef ire.
For three or four months we have heard
nothing but the capital question The
respective claims of Atlanta and Mil
lidgerillc, have been thoroughly dis*-
cussed and set forth by their respective
champions, who nave left nothing un
done to gain votes for their respective
'cities. The election Is over arid At
lanta has won, and we wo now hope to
see something else in our exchange*
than the everlasting question, which is
the most suitable place for our State
Of the gentlemen elected to rei ve
our people in t he General A*setnby,
much is expected of them. Too large
vote and majorities which they received
should inspire them with Z'ml to serve
their constituents to the best of their
abilities. Their career nod vote* will
tc closely noticed and scanned, on the
questions coming up in that body. We
have full confidence that that the Sen
aior and Representatives elected from
tho counties (if Wayne, Appling and
Pierce, will make u brilliant and cred
itable record in that body.
Below wo give tho official rn’j iritiea
of ninety counties :
For Ratification 40,ti!)0
For Homcsttal 1877 21 57ft
For Atlanta 27,747
The A limit* Constitution has the
following in regsrd lo tho Mating of
the notorioiiH carpet-bagger Kellogg:
The enut'ia will soon b gm war on i
the roan whom the radical leader* have
eeleeted to cunt a senatorial veto in the
name of Louisiana. The first stop*
will he taken in New Orlcana It will
ba remembered that tho hint legislature
of Louisiana, the one fused by the Hayc*
commission, appointed a committee to
investigate bis ifficial acta. This emu
niittco ha* been steadily at work for
many weeks past and lias nearly coni
cluded its labor*. Judge Rp fforil'a
last charge in hut hi iof ngiiin-t Kellogg,
uumoly ilint ho hail boon gmlty of soi
ling things up for himself with the re
turning board, was made on hint* from
the committee, and in his speech of
Friday Mr. Hill read a telegram from
Mr. Henry Smith, of Now Orleans, sta
ting that proof, Kellogg'* guilt was now
in the possession of the commit too in
documentary form, found in the ar
chives of the governor's quartora. Still,
no attention was paid to this, and Kel
logg was voted in and sworn as a sen
ator tili IBc3, The committee will pro
ceed at once to get the charges in pro
per shape for the grund jury, and it i*
believed beyoud all doubt that material
for five indictments will be furnished
They cover peculation, bribery and cor
ruption of other kinds. The jury will
certainly lind truo bills, on which Gov
Niehelis will litako a requisition for
Kellogg as soon as tie is provided with
them, end tho argument in this oa-o
will reopen the returning board corrup
tion and show how Shuruiiin and Gar
field were implicated in the arrange
ment to provide for K dlogg's election
to the senate, It is asserted that the
hand taken by these cmiuout statesmen
iu that piece of locality will be shown
for the first time conclusively. It will
uot end here. The senators who wore
interested iu solving the Louisiana
protulnoi and worked on stiolt men as
Matthews uud Foster will soon make
HU open charge of treachery against the
former, wheu he oast his vote for Kel
logg, as it is claimed that pledges to
support Spofford were freely given at
the time by those geuileroeu. Kellogg
will fiud ini bed full of looms, lusidu
of a mouth.
(From our luvultL.* l\urt**poi dent.]
NYashinotos, I>. 0., Pec 10, 18)7.
—Coo <;res is off with the old and un
with the new. The extra session eon*
ttuue i iuto the very jaws of (be regular
meeting, so to apeak, and the transition
troai one to the otlt.r was only marked
by * tapping of the gavel aud the formal
announcement that tbe lawful hour for
convening a regular sesstou bad arriv
ed. lot for all t;<i, tho extra session
is more rcmakable for what it dd not
do thao what it really accomplished.
Tt.e only matures reaula of six weeks'
work were two routine appropriation
hills—the army sppropnuLiou for the
current vear, aod the navy deficiency
bill. A gresa deal was undertaken or
begun, however, which may be labor
lost io the end. There were nearlv
eighteen bundled bills introduced in
the House and referred to committees.
The Paris Exposition bill and the geu
eral deficiency bill got. as far as the
Senate, or rather back to the Hous
with Senate amendments, which were
not acted upon.
Sotneofthc President's ippointment’s
got a tad (duck eye. Indeed, the most
important of them over which there was
any contest cave failed except ic
where the Democrats took interest
enough to come to the roscue. Sena
tor Conkling’* triumph in the niattor of
the New York appointments is com
plete. and all bis friends “hold tho fort.’
The same ts the case with Senator
Spencer’s Alabama friends, while the
new Senator from Louisiana appears
likely i.o be master of tie situation it
New Orleans, the confirmation of n
officials th-re having failed also. Vtaw
ing the situation from whatever stand
point one pleases, the natural and ine
vitable reflection is “poor Mr. Hayes.
His position is unenviable.
Judge Humphrey’s decision In tho
habeas corn us case of Senator Patter
son arrested up >n a requisition from
lbe governor of South Ca;oJina, is re
ceived with considerable derision by the
legal frat-rnity. The juge releases tho
prisoner and says the Senate is aole
tribunal for tho trial of his case.
Without regard to the merits of the
prosecution, this decision i* regarded as
very bad law. I'ut'ersi u may or may
not have been guilty of tnc offense
charged, and it may all be true that he
could uot have a fair trial in South Car
olina, hut there is little doubt of the
clear authority of tho courts of the
State. Advices from there, however,
indicate tint public sentiment favor* a
suspension of proceedinga— probaTle
owing somewhat to the Senator’s late
course and votes.
It is tolerably certain that Congress
will tuko a long holiday recess, begin
ning nb nit the 15i|) Inst., and extend
ing to the lOdi of January. Some
thing more about the lobny and promi
nent lobbyists, office-seeking und chro
me i fii (e-seeker*, and gossip about so
ciety and prominent social even's i
reserved for lutuis letters. Pnoso.
Wasiiixoton, Dec, B. —Mrs Sara J.
Spencer and Mr*. Sargent, wife of the
Senator, had nu interview with the
President this morning Tiny asked
him to recommend in his annual me*
sage legislation by which women should
be recognized in foreign a* well as do
mi-l ie appointment*. Abo that he re
commend an amendment to the conatt
lotion to secure woman suffrage in the
State*. Tiie President replied tha 1 at
a futuro time lie might state, in writing
liis vi' WS on the subject; but would now
say that if C ingress should recommend
for adaptation by the .State* such
amendment to tho Constitution it
would meet with his approval.
Atlanta has anew daily—the Tri
ha ne. We hope to soo it soon.
Mr. Claxton Miles, a veteran of the
war of IS l‘d, was found dead in hit
bed, in Hanks county, on the night of
I the 27 ill ult.
I Mr. James Leonard, a train hand in
i _ ’
j the Central railroad was caught be
tween the platform of tho depot at No.
j It, on the Control railroad last Sunday
j slid fatally crushed.
A Laurens county man has harvested
a. hog weighing four huudred and forty-
I three pounds.
The dwelling-houso of Mr. M sat
| WnJley, iu Laurens county, was acci
dently burned the other day.
A sou of lion Joshua Hill was found
on tho (is It It., after the cara had
run over hi a h uly. There is nodus
to show whither ho was murdered or
killed by the train.
The Savannah Weekly A rws will be
enlarged ou tho Ist of January to
double its present size. It will then
bo the greatest paper iu the South.
The daily will oat in anew dreas
on the Ist. We wish friend Estill cm
tiuuod prosperity,
Anew industry has been started at
No. 3, Atlantia and Gulf Railroad, in
the shape of the manufacturing of sy
rup lurrels. The new industry is skill
fully engineered by Mr. leham Bald
win, and will supply a want loug felt
in that tccii >n.
Si n Tout'd A/tjiral'. A cyclone passed
over tho bay west of our city ou Wed
nesday about midnight. It made such
a tioiso it: its passage that many were
awakrned from tloir slumbers. We
met a narrow escape, fer only the out
skirts of the cyclone passed over our
cty. No doubt if the full force of the
wind bait struck us mrny bouses would
have been leveled lo lbs grouud and
trees uprooted.
The joint board of finance of the
North Georgia Conference report that
five thousand 6t‘vou huudred and six
dollars and eighty, live cents had boeu
collected for the support of the super
auuated preachers and tho wiJowa of
deceased preacher* during the ecclesias
tical year, and one thousand six bun*
huudred dollar* for the Bishops fund.
The Savannah News of Tuesday says:
“Tho publication of the decision of
Judge Woods, of tho United Stales
Circuit Court in the ease of Clarke vs
Clark et ah, in yesterday's Sews, hss
recalled the Lot that the same princi
ple- were decided in the same way some
time since by Judge H. B. Tompkins
in t ie case of Donald M. Muoro, com
plainant, aud the Tax Collector et at.,
The ’tome Tribune s*ys that • wag
oner from Eliijay, Georgia, who was on
his way to that eitv, was robbed a few
1 nights ago of one hundred and fif'y
10l ais belonging to Mr. Bishop, a mer
chant of K i’jay. which he wae tending
to the merchsnte of Rome The wego
uer, whose name it did not learn, says
three men armed with pistols, came to
Li* camp and made him deliver up the
wayne eoim.
To all whom it may concern. Whereas,
Benjamin liliteb, of said gtate and County,
applied to the Ord nary for li tter* of admin
istration on the estate ~f Harriet Bbtch, de
ceased, Inte of said county and State; these
are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and cedi or* of said
deceased, to be and appeal- at my office,
within the lime prescribed try law, and show
cause (il any they have) why letter* of ad
ministration on tho estate of said deceased,
ihould not i-sne U the at.plieant. Given
under my hand and official signature, this
Nov. 2!>tb 1577. K. B. Hopps,
Dec o-4t Ordinary, W. C.
GEORGIA—VS'avsE Count?.
VVii.i. be sold l> *f -re tire Court House door
in the town of Jraup of said county within
the legal hours of sale on the first Tnesdav
in January next, subject lo u mortgage lien
upon said property in favor of E A. Elar
bee, lots of land numbers fire hundred and
eight (5uS) and five hundred and nine (50'J)
111 the lilt District of originally Appling,
now said eouutv of Wayne, containing 4!)0
acres, more o'- ies-. Levied on as the
property off. A. Floyd, to satisfy an execu
tion issued Iro.a the Justices Court ol the
1255th District G. M.. in favor of J. L.
Falk ACo , vs. T. A. I-'lo.vd. Levy* made
and returned to me by James Wa ren, con
stable in and for the district aforesaid.
Terms of sale cash, purchaser paying for ti
tles, This Novembor:r)th, I*7o
, J oh* N. Goonnr.Esr),
dec -"-ft Sheriff, VV. C,
GEORGIA—Watnb Corviy.
Wir.i, he sohl before the Court Iloua" door
in the town of Jesnp, ofsaid comity between
the legal hours of sale, on tin; first Tuesday
in January next, 1878, the following (irop
erty to-wit : .'lib acres oflot n unber 211. ; n
fourth district of said county ; levied on and
sold as the property of Isaac L, Thornton,
under and by virtue of an execution issued
from the Tax Colleetor of said county, for
the Stale und eounly taxes due for tin* year
-1877. Property pointed out by the Tux Col
lector of said county. Terms of sale cash,
purchaser paying fur title*. This December
■Oth 1877.
At the same time and place, a part of lot of
land ii- Jssnp of tile comity of Wayne, and
known and distinguished as lot No. 4, with
all improvements thereon, now occupied by
John Massey mid known as his store. Levied
on and sold us the properly of John Massey,
under and liy virtu,* of an execution issued
from the Tax Collector for the taxes due on
said laud for the year 1877. Property point
ed out by Tax Collector Sold to perfect ti
tles. This Dec. oth 1877.
Al tin- mind time and plane, 490 acres of
land in third district of said county with all
improvements thereon, levied on under and
by virtue i fnn execution issued fr >m the
Tsk Collector for the taxes due or, said
lot of land. Tax Collector vs. William A.
Dennison, for the year of 1877. Property
poin ed out by Tax Collector. Terms cash,
purchaser paying for titles. This Dec. sth,
At. the samcPimn anil place, 400 acres of land
No. 309, in fourth district of said county.
Levied on and sold under and by virtue of
an execution issued from the Tax Collector
against, Ann Dixon, for the State and county
taxes duo for the year 1877, on said land.
Property pointed out by Tax Collector.
Terms cash. This Doc. sth 1877.
At the same time and place, 7 acres of
land in lot No. 15|i, in third district of said
conn y, levied on aud sold as the property of
Stepney linker, under and bv virtue of an ox -
i edition issued from the Tax Collector of said
j county lor tho taxes due on [mid lot ot
i laud for the year 1877. Property pointed out
! by Tax Collector. Terms caali. This Dec.
j 6th |877.
At the same time mil place, “00 acre*
of lain! in third di.stiiot of said county,
levied on ami sold under and by virtue
of an execution iss' od from the Tux
Collector against Samuel Nutholls, for
the taxes due on said lot of land for the
"car 1877. Property pointed out by
Tax Oolh’C'nr, Terms cash. This
Dec. stu 1877.
John N. Goonr.nrio.
Sheriff. V*'. C.; tot vrv.
GEORGIA—Am.iso County.
At the next irg liar term, after the expira
tion of thirty days, application will be made
to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said county
for leave to sell one hfih interest in the es
tate of S. A. liell, late ef said county deceas
ed. This Nov. 6th 1877.
Jemi'SEy M Sid.runs.
G EOliG lA Arpu.No County
V. ii.l bo sold before the Court bouse
door in tho town Baxley within the le
gal h airs of sale ou the first Tuesday
in January 1878 the following property
to wit: Uno mouse colored mule, eight
years old, levied on as tho property of
Jo-inh Tillman to satisfy one mortgage
fi fa. issued from the Appling Supe
rior court in favor of F W, &J. Q
Ketterer. Property pointed out by
plaintiff in fi, fa. October 29th 1877
Silas Crosby, Sheriff, A. C.
tiKORGIA Applino County.
Under and by virtue of an order of
the Court of Ordinary of said county,
will be sold at publio outcry before the
court boose door of said county withiu
the legal hours of sale on ttse first Tues
day iu January next, tho follow ug
property 10-wit .‘ Lets of land Ns 321,
43, 34 and 84 in the second aud origin
ally second district of said county. Al
so lots No 55, 214 and all the mill
timber ou lot No 208 in the third and
originally third district of said County,
Also lots Nos. 159, 337 and three
fourths undivided interest in lot Xy
244, iu the fourth and originally fourth
district of sail! county Also lot* Nos.
383 207 and 2 in the fifth and origin
ally filth Gist i tot of said county. All of
the übovo mentioned and described
lots of land containing 490 acres each
more or less, and solo n tne pioprrty
of the estate of Al en P. Surrency de
ceased, for the hem tit of the heirs aud
creditors of said deceased. Ttruis of
sale cash, purchaser paying for titles.
This the 3rd day of Dee. 1877.
Wealthy Spreenot,
Admintr’x of A P. Surrency, dic’d.
G hOKUlA—avnk Con’srv.
, Vi Ibe sold beiorethe Court House door in
thetowuof Je-up of said muaty. between
the U'v:al hoars of Ruleon (he first Tuesday
in February next, 1878 the following proper
ty to-wit : One iron axle timber cart, lex :0.l
on and sold its the property of W. W. Col
quitt uwder sud l>y virtue of and to satisfy
u mortgage fi fa., issued from the Superior
Court of said eooiiiy, in favor of H. Jfc H.
Mattox va. W. tv. ColquHt. Property point
ed out by defoudaut iu execution. Terms of
sale cash, pnrehaser paving fexr titles.
I This Dee lOtn 1877.
Jonx X. GoorutwiAO,
dee 12 4* Sheriff \V. C-
Watches. Jewelry.
Rnmainp Hold. m extensively worn In Pari*, wag flr*t discovered in by the celebrated French
rh* Mom*. I). Be Laufue, who manufactured it into jewelry, and f..r fl\e yearn nold it to the lemlin
jeweler* of *'f*ri*. for Solid Gold. In 1875. w hen hi* secret became known,* ten of the manufacturin ■
jew vlera a ptock company, with a capital of HOOUO.ooO for the purpose of mminfactnrink
Romanic <ioM Jewelry and Watcher*. With this immense capital. and the aid of impiovvri maciiinery
they arc enabled lo produce all the iatef*t patterns of jewelry at legs than one-tenth the cort of Gold*,
and of u quality and color which make* it impoe*ib!e even for exocrtu to delect it from the genuine.
We haw secured the exclusive agency of the United States and Canada, for the sale of aiJ yood.- inann
farturivl from thi? rneial, and in order to introduce them in tho mom gpeeriy maninT, have put up *ortwi
*nmulc lot- a* given helow, which we will sell at one-tentb the retail value until January li,
tue li*)t.
'“harm. 1 pair peart Inland rtcevo button*. 1 Lake
cluster pin. 1 pair (2) heavy band bracelet*.
S.'t.oo LOT.
1 ladie*’ opera cru'ird chain. 1 indie* n**ck chain
and oroe*. 1 beautiful locket. j 1 pair
bund bracelet* 1 jrentV twi*r link vent chair* und
charm. 1 pair onbutton*. 1 r*t ••n>x
ihirt atud-. i new improved co'lar bu ton. 1 ex
tra rut cameo Beal r:n_'. 1 Arizona t-oliuire stud.
Iso Am thygt or top z pin and eardrop-. 3 ladiue’
chemi-e button. 1 plain rill". atampetl It K.
Hadic* opera chain, >*ith flide and taefH,
pri* *• 1 heavy watch rluiin. with curb
charm, (retail price. s'.•*)). 1 I idle*' heavy .on^
neck main. 1 (.•!'■£ nut chared miniature locket for
ladlee neck chain. 1 pc? cameo medallion pi ii and
ear drop*. 1 pair (2) hen .y ehaai.-d baud bracelets.
1 /-nt> -olitairc diamond atud. 1 Rent’- cluster
diamond pin . 1 pair amethyst or onyx but
i -ur. 1 f•. aiuf'a to match auieth>ar or onyx
virv* hultm.B. 1 cle^aru heavy cf. cameo aval rinjf.
1 band or wedding rn / 1 new pnlcnt
collar bfitton. 3 Indio*ciiciuire button. 1 aruetiiyat
or topaz ring, (extra fiuitb).
The r*tal price of the in each Mmpit lot amount* to exactly ten 4ii*e#fa*prjca we ask for
the lot ; for example, our $! Ou lot retail* for SIO.OO : our 5.00 lot for 50.00.
T y one rendinp nan order for the above jot* by axprerp to the amount of 15 00. wa will fend free
one f>o Kmnniije (it Id iluntinff-t.'ape Watch. (Lot* or Ja< ie* piae. warranted to kacp perfect perfect tfme
ii ,o look “(•jim |l v a a well - n KiO.OO j;okl watch. Bv mail prepaid, 15.50. Thin it* our offer to
4tiU>T.H, and i worth a trial, a- tie- watch alone will rcl! or trade readily for from 20 00 to 50.0# OenU
or Indie* watch alone, 7.00 or 8.00, w ith a hoavy Rent's pattern veet chain and charm, or ladies 4 opera
chain with la-pel.
HF.MKMHEft : -Thi* offer only holds if‘>otl until January 1 **t. 1878. After that time we nbjill fell only
to jobber* and wholesale dealer*. m>rl any one wishing onr will then have to pay ful 1 rotil prices.
Kouwdne L'old i-* the be-i. and. In fact. Hie on!y in.iutjon of genuine cold made, bein* the fame in
weight, color and flniah, and all our irood* are made in tiie latuat patterns. Will guarantee hatisfac
tion in < vcrv*in*rnnce, or rc und money.
Send money by I*. O . Money Order, or UeuM*trcd Letter, at our risk. No poods sent C. O. D. nn-
ear; 5.00 accoinprnits the order. Addn.cs plainly,
W. F. EVANS & CO., Sole Agents for U- Sand Canada,
aog*22 (1m
Motor & Brunswick Railroad
General Superintendent's Office (
Macon, Ga.. Nov. ’3th, 1877 f
ON nml after thin date, Passenger trains
one this road will run as follows:
Leav? Macon 0:15 A. M.
Arrive at Cochran 11:3‘2 A. M
Arrive at Eastman 12:341*. M.
Anivc at Jesup 5 55P. M.
Leave Jesup 6:30 I*. M.
Arrive at Brunswick 0:10 P. M.
Leave Brunswick 4:1 r> A. M.
Arrive at Jesup 6:55 A. M.
Ljave Jesup 7:25 A.M.
Arrive at Eastman 12:31 P. M.
Arrive tit Cochran 1 -59 P. M.
Arrive at Macon 4:25 I*. M.
Going down connects with A. Sc G.
11. R. nt Jesup fur Jacksonville, and all
points in Florida. Up train eomccts
at Sesnn f‘> r Savannah.
Down Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Leave Macon 7:45 P. M
Arrive nt Cochran 16:17 P. 51
Arrive at Eastman 11 :2f) P. M
Arrive at Jesup 5:00 A.M.
Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights.
LeaveJesup.... 10:20 P. M
Arrive Eastman. 4:06 A. M.
Arrive Cochran.- 5: 11 A. M
Arrive Macon - .... 7:45 A.M.
Connects ot Jesup with Atlantic fc Gulf
Itailrord to and from Savannah.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Leave Hawkinsville 10.00 A. M; and
1.00 P. M.
Arrive at Cochran 10.45 A. M. and
1.45 P. M.
Leave Cochran 1140 A. M; and
2.45 P. M.
Arrive at Kawkinsvillo 12.25 P. M.
and 3 30 P. M.
Mondays—The above figures will be
run, rxe-pt, instead of leaving Cochran
at 2.45 P. M., traiu will wait until
10.39 P. M.
Wednesdays and Fridays
Leave Hawkiusville 4.15 A. M and
1.00 P. M.
Arrive at Cochran 5.00 A. M. and
1.45 P. M.
Leave Cochran 11.40 A. M. and
10.30 P. M.
Arrive at FTawkinsville 12 25 P. M.
and 11.15 P. M.
Leave Kawkinsrille 4:15 A.M.
Arrive ntCochrwn 5.-Oil A. M.
L/iave Cochran 11:40 A. M.
Arrive at HawninsviHe 12:25 P- M.
Connects at Cochran with both Day and
Night trains to and from Macon.
GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen. Supt.
W. J Jarvis Mrs Trtris.
Baxlev, Ga., November 20th, 1577.
All persons indsbted t> the estate of
Jehu H>il, deceased, sro requested to
make immediate payment, and all per
sous to whom the estate is indebted, are
requested to present their claims prop
erly authenticated, to the undeistgced
within the next sixty days.
Catherine Hall, Administratrix
John J. Clare, Adininistrat jt.
50-lENT LOT,
One 2ent> watch chain, ret; i! price $3 00 !
One pair engraved aie-vu Luitou*. reui! price 75 !
One pion** ret *crf pin, •• •• 7,%
One get (3i spiral ghirt-tnd. •* *• 75
Our improved shape collar button, “ “ 50
One heavy plain
. Total.., $5 00
Tor 50 cents we will send above fix articles post
One pair *leeve buttons, stone setting, one get (8>
spiral shirt h'.ude. One heavy hand engagement
ring. One cet (2) engraved bracelets. One ladies'
long guard or neck chain. One engraved miniature
locket lor tiie ladies' guard or neck chain One
gent’s heavy link watch chain. One Lake George
diamond stud.
#2.00 LOT.
On#* ladies’ neck chain nd charm. One ladies
heavy guurd chain for watch. One set pin and ear
ring-. Amethyst. One extra fine miniature locket.
One ramero; seal ring. </ne very heavy wedding
engagement ring. 1 gent'# heavy watch chain wi lt *
Atlantic and Gulf Railroad
Genbraj. Superintendent’* Office, j
Atlantic and Gulf Hall road, [•
Savannah, August 31 1877. )
ON AND AFTER SUN AY, September 2<l
Pasnger Trams on this Road will run as
NIGHT express.
Leave .Savannah daily al 3:00 P. M
Arrive at Jesup “ fi:so P. M.
Arrive at Bain bridge “ 9:15 A.M.
Arrive at Albany “ 10:00 A. M.
Arrive at Li :t Oak u 1:30 A, M.
Arrive nt Jacksonville “ 7:10 A. M.
Arrive nt Tallahassee “ 7:35 A.M.
Leave Tallahassee “ 5:25P. M.
Leave Jacksonville tl (LOOP. M.
Leave Live Ouk “ 11:30 P. M.
Leave Albany u 2:00 P. M.
Leave Baiubridge “ 2:30 P. M.
LeaveJesup “ 7:10 A. M
Arrive at Savannah r “ 10:00 A.M.
No change of cars between Savannah and
Passengers from Savannah for Tallahassee,
Brunswick and Darien take this train.
Passengers leaving Macon At 9:15 ti. m
(daily except Sunday)connect at Jesup vith
t'os train for Florida.
Passenpeis from Florida by this train con
nect at Jesup with tlie train arriving in Ma
con at 5:45 p. m. (and i ily except Sunday)
No change of cars between Montgomery
and Jacksonville.
Sleeping cars run through to and from
Savannah and Live Oak and Montgomery
and Live Oak on this train.
Connect at Albany with pnssenger trains
both ways on Southwestern Railroad to and
from Macon, Eufaulo, Montgomery, New
Oi leans, etc,
Mail steamer leaves B.iinbridge for Apa
lachicola every Sunuay afternoou; for Col
umbus every Wednesday morning.
Close connection at Jacksonville daily,
Sundays exce ted, for St. Augustine, Pulat
ka and Enterprise.
Trains on B. and A. B. R. leave junction,
going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 11:14 a. m.
I or Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday nt 4:40 p. in.
Leave Savanuah [Sundays exceptedl
at 6:45 A.M.
Arrive at Mclntosh j “ “ 9:35 A. M.
Arrive at Jesup •• 4 12:05 P.M.
Arrive at Blackshear “ “ 3:20 P. M.
Arrive at Dupont “ “ 7:00 P.M.
Leave Dupont “ “ 5:00 A.M.
Leave B.ackshear V “ 9:cO A. M.
Leave Jesup * * 12:15 P. M.
Leave Mclntosh “ “ 2:22 P. M.
Arrive at Savannah “ • 5:00 P.M.
Leave Dupont ‘Sndy’s excepted, at 5:00 A.M.
Arrive at Valdosta* “ “ 7:15 A.M.
Arrive at Quitman “ “ A.M.
Arrive at Thomasvill# • “11:15 A.M.
Arrive at Albany " “ 5:45 P.M.
Leave Albany “ • 6:00 A M.
Leave Thomasville * ]:OOP.M.
Leave Quitman * •• 2:59 P.M.
Leaae Valdosta “ •* 4:16 P.M.
Arrive at Duo nt • “ 6:30 P.M.
George S. Haines, General Ticket Agent.
eneral Superintendent.
Baxley, Ga., Oct. 20th. 1577.
All [versons indebted to the Estate of Paul
Cat ter. deceased, are required to make im
mediate payment, and all persons to whom
the Estate is indebted are requested to pre
sent their claims properly authenticated to
the undersigned within the next sixty davs.
A1 ainis'.r.tor E*t. Paul Carter, dee.
Price List
■ OF
Leading Dry-Goods, Hosiery, Notions A Fancy Goods
1 nu Tiimm
Calico, the very heat quality, at CD
Calico, lower grade at 5 and sic
Quilt Lining Homespun at 3ic
3- Crown Shirring at 5 and 51-gc
7-8 Brown Shirting, heavy, at 81-4, 61-2, 7e
4- Arowo Sl/irtiug, heaviest kind, at 8c
4-4 Brown Sea Island at 7 l-2e
4-4 Brown Spa Island, very best, at 10c
3- Bleached Shirting at 5c
7-8 Bleached Shirtisg at 6 ]-4c
4 4 BU-achad Shining, soft finished at 8 l-2c
4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, luc
Heaviest Brown Drilling at 10c
Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown
at 25, 30, 35 and 40c
Good article Hicxory stripe at 10c
Best ronud-thread Georgia Checks and
Stripes at 10c
Bine Denim, a good quality, at 10c
Good Mattress Ticking at 10c
Good Feather Ticking at 16 2-3 c
Best Feather Ticking at 20e
Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-3e
Best Gingham Cheeks at 10c
Balmoral Skirls at 50c
Boulevard ready made skirts at 50c
Cotton Diape", wide lo yards to tha
piece at ' $1 00
Linen Diaper, apiece, at $1 25, 1 50
2 00 and 2 25
Fronting Linen, yard widest 30c to $1 00
Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c
Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to $1 25
Neck Shawls at 25c and upwards
Ladies Shawls from 1 00 up, very cheap and
nice qualities.
American Black Cashmere at 25c
Euglifb Black Casbmore. yd wide,
at 40 and 50e
French, al'-wool Cashmeres, 40 inches
wide, at 75, 90c, $1 00 and 1 25
Betnbnzine. Hernnni, Australian Crepe,
very reasonable
Alpaca, a nice aiticle, double width
a t 25c
Alpaca, silk finished, double width,
at 50c
Black Silk at 75, 90c. SI 00, 1 25,
1 50, 1 75, 2 00,2 50 and 3 00
Brown Blankets, per pair, $1 25,
vm 1 50, 2 00, 2 50 a nd 3 00
Wbite'Blnnkets, per pair, $2 00.
2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 aud 6 00
Haney Comb Bed Spreads at 75c
Bridal Quilts, the nicest spread out,
at SI 50
Ladies undervo-ts at 50, 65, 75c,
81 00 and 1 25
Hamburg Embroidery, Edgings and
Insertions at bargain prices.
Plain Grot-Grain aud Saah Ribbons,
very cheap. t
Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim
mings, lower than ever,
Italian, French aud Guipure Laces,
very cheap
Ladies’ Silk Tics and Scarfs lOeandnp
Ladies’ Cuffs and Collais at half pi ice.
Umbrellas as low as 35c
Two-button Kid Gloves—Ladies’—
black, white, colored and opera
shades, nt 50c
Two-button Kid Gloves—Ladies’—
better quality, at 75e and $1 00
Kentucky Jeans at 10, 12 1-2, 15 20,
25, 30, 40 and 50c.
Cassiinercs at 50 60, 75, 85c. $1 00.
I 25 an and 1 50.
Black, Blue and Gray Waterproof,
1 1-2 yard vine, at 75c, 1 00 and 1 25
To under-tand our method of business, we have endeavored to explain it in
unmistakable language and for which we request a carsftil perusal We beg to
caution the public to try to discritnii a'e between our dealings arid that of mer
ebants ho offer a few domestic goods only cheap as a bait, to catch the unwary,
aud make them believe that they sell everything equally as low; the intelligent
reader will easily understand this. We offer our go..da for inspection to every
bedy for ice will send samples of Dry Goods, with prices attached, to any one who
will write us for them and give everyone a chance to see for themselves.
IV e have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first-nlas
Dry Goods House, and attached the prices We are aware that this is sufficient
to convey a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to purchase, we will,
upon application, semi auoli sample-, with prices attached, as they may deaire ,
when they can form a much better opinion and select for themselves. Not I
than a million of people have dealt with us and wj are sure we have satisfied ad.
Any one displeased with his purchase cUn return the goods to us at our expense
and we will return the money. On twenty dollars worth of goods we prepay
Height to the nearest station. We make no charges f>r packing or dray age. Wa
dou’i sell one article low aod make it up ou the others,
Which accounts for our Wonderful Success.
We don’t advertise to humbug, but we talk plain business and mean it. Weseli
one yard a. low as we would ten thousand. Those who are tird of paying ex
horbitant prices and appreciate the value of money, are invited to send tbeir
orders, which we n ill fill C. O. D. with privilege to examine, or cau send the
moniy with the order.
Bavifl Weiskein.
Paints and Oils.
Mixed Paints, Ground in Oil. read}’for
immediate us*’, 75 ct., to $1.50 per. eal.
English Roof Paint, grenndin oil. oOcfcs
Liquid Slate Roof Paint, fire proof 75cts
Kelly's Boiled Paint Oil. 50cts
Machinery Oils
E. G. KELLY'S patent sperm oil. 51.00
Filtered Rock Lubricating oil, .60
Send for cards of colors and testimo
No. 124 Maiden Lane, N ew Yore.
Canton Flannels at 8 1-2. 10, !2
15 nnd 20e,
White in'xei Flannels at 15 arid 2Q<
White all-wool Flannels at 25, 30, 4 0 r
50 and 75c.
Fred ad-wool Flannels at 15, 20,
aod 40c.
Red all wool twill Flannels at 25, 3d,
and 40c
Gtay Flannels at 15, 20, 25, and 40a
Opera Flannels, in all colors, at 400
Opera Flannels plaid styles, best at 60c
: Wonler Linsey at 20c
Heavy White Undershirts at 25c sud
Up ards.
olic<> Shirts at 25e and upward*
i-Vbite Dresß Shirts at 75a and upwards
Yard Long Towels at 12 l-2c aed
Towels as low as 5*
Linen Table Cloth, 1 1-2 yard wide, a*
low as 25c
Table Oil Cloth, best quality, at 40e
Woolen Table Cloth*, good, at $1 00
Good French Corse's at 500
Thompson’s Glovt-fittinu Corset
at $1 00 and 1 25
Suspenders, with rubber in back, at 100
Turkey Bed Table Doylies, per
dozen, at 75c
White Lineu Table Doylies, pier
dozen, at 60 and 75c
Table Napkins, per dozen, at $1 00
1 25 and upwards
Children’s Woolen Capes at 400
Veil Berage, best quality, a yd., at 40c
Silk Veiling, per yd , at 50,60 and 75a
Neck Ruches, per duz nt 12 1-2, 15,
20 and 25c.
Neck Kuching, by the yard at 5, 6 1-4,
10c and upwards.
Alpaca Skirt Braid, a bunch, at 5o
12 doz. Agate or Rice buttons for 5c
Fashionable Silk Dress Buttons at 10a
Ivory aud Gutta P.rcba Buttons
at 8, 10 and 12 l-2c.
Children’s Round Combs at 10 and 15e
Ladies’ High-back Combs 10, 15 & 25c
Children's Fancy Stockings at 5 & 100
Misses Fancy Stockings at 12 1-2 & 15c
Ladies’Fancy Stockings at 10c
Ladies’ White Stockings at 5, 6 1-4, 8,
10 and 12 !-2o
Ladies'English Stockings, without
seams at 25
Gftifs’ Half Hos-a at 5, ST 10, 121-2,
15 and 25c.
Gents' Bordered Handkerchief-at 3c
Gent’s Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 10c
Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5o
Ladies’ Colsred Linen Handker
chiefs. at Ir:a1 r :a
The best Needles, a paper, at 5c
Coats’ am Clark’s O. N. Cotton
at 6c. per doz, 650
Negro Handkerchiefs at 10, 15, 25
and 35c
Knitting aud Darning Cotton a ball, 5o
Gents’ Paper Collars, a box. at 5, 10,
15 and 20c
Linen Shirt Fronts, ex<ra length, at 250
Corned Pique, worth 20c at 10
White aud Black Cotton Gloves at 10°
Especially designed for the use of the
Medical Profession and the Family, and
possessing those iutrineio medical prop
erties which belong loan Old and Pure
Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good
for Nervousness, Liver and Kidney
Complaints. A delicious ttnic. Put
up in cases, containing one dr>zn bot
tles each, and sold by all Druggists,
Grocers, etc.
A, 12 & (DO.,
(Established 1778.)
Importers of ITlnes, Brandies, Etc.