Newspaper Page Text
; swmmt: -y , j?^BjWKy« ,, i , PCT?agKgMWMW^^
For coughs, colds, croup, grippe,
A . Ik bronchial and throat
Should always be within easy reach.
. i t-'Jk
For more than SO years
this has been the favor
ite remedy in the home.
Gives immediate ^relief
in worst cases. Just as
good for adults.
25c a bottle at all
Upon Learning That Albany Had
Been-Vlalted By a Cyclone. .
Tile following letter, received by
S. B. Brown & Co., of this city yes
terday, speaks for Itself:
Louisville, Ky., Jan, 3, 1906.
Messrs. S. B. Brown & Co.,
Albany, Gn.
We have just letrtied from a late
edition bf the evening paper the dis
tressing news that your city has been
visited by a .cyclone with disastrous
results In the loss of life and destruc
tion of property.
We Hasten to extend our sympathy,
with the hope that the loss, par^lcu-
■-H hbeto I aBaa s -■ •';
Bed Room Suit Sale!
For the month of January we ue go
ing to offer Bed Roofn Suits at unusually
low prices and will quote a few prices
; just to show you: • 1
A good, solid Oak Suit, regular * | j? tTgV
$22.50 value; this sale.I 9*yV
A beautiful full quartered and polished Suit,
regular $60.00 • value, during ito pa
this sale •POii.JU
A very handsome Suit, full quartered ari'd pol
ished, 30x40 mirror, regular Jk-TQ crk
$85.00 value; this sale
We have 'a large stock of these goods,
and we are sure we can please you.
S. A. fe? W. T. Freeman.
What She Wapted.
lnrly In human livvs.nmy have been
In any event, wr trust you will not
hesitate to call on us in any way the
situation may jnsltfy, and believe ns,
V»v.* sincerely yours,
By Owen Oathrlght; Treas,
The letter of Messrs. Harhlson &
Gathrlght Is highly appreciated by the
Albany Arm to which It was address
ed, ns It will be' bx all the good peo
ple o’ tills city. It attests '“the,broth
erhood of man" and breathes the beam
t if ill attributes of human sympathy
and charity. "< /.
For the Information of the outside
world The Herald is glad to be able
to state that any Restitution, that was
oaittted by Wednesday’s cyclone has
been promptly relieved by our own
people. It wasn’t great, and those of
pin’ own community who escaped the
ravages o’ the storm were quick to go
to ihe relief of the suffering.
Fortunately the property loss ro-
sujting from the storm falls upon
those who are able to bear it.
Seed Oats,
Horse Oats,
For Sale at
WANTED—Several ladies who have
had experience In steam laundry
work can get steady employment at
the E. & W. Laundry, Savannah,
Ga. 4-3t
FOR RENT—A four-room cottage on
Tift street.
4-3t T. N. WOOLFOLK.
PORTER WANjTED.—Only good man
willing to work need apply’.
3-3t S. STERNE
Title Guaranty and Loan Co.
Examines and certifies
Titles to Real Estate.
Loans Money Promptly
on Lowest Terms.
Buys and Sells all kinds
of Real Estate.
^.conducted entirely by
officials with 20 years
successful experience in
this business.
Will pay 6 per cent, for
time money.
Call on
(Woolfolk Building)
FOR SALE—One' square piano, good
condition.' Will sell cheap for cash
■ or on time. Address. D. care Her
ald. i ' • 3-3t
Or Sam. W. Smith, Vice
Pres, and Gen. Mgr.'-
(Court House.)
Have your for'uhe told by one of
the greatest, astrologers of modern
times. Time limited.
St. John’s Hotel, Broad Street.
Nice Waiting room tor Ladies.
All parties Indebted to us are re
quested to settle their accounts by-
January 15, as o’>v fiscal- ydar closes
on this date.
Kranieh & Bach piano for. sale.
Mirrored wardrobe, hat rack, refrig
erator and dressing table. ’ ■ >
DeWitt, Ga.
FOR SALE—Heavy feather mattress
and second hand stove In good con
dition. Apply to J. M. Tift, at Mock
& Rawson’s.
LOST—An old stylo pin—imethyst
surrounded by pearls. Probably lost
down town Wednesday taornlng:
Will pay suitable reward for return
to Mrs. S. H. Tift: 13-tf
The public is hereby notified that
the partnership hitherto existing be
tween W. L. Veal and Joe Stumm un
der the firm name 9? Baltimore Whis,
key Co., has been this d^' dissolved
by mutual consent. Denard Bros,
hereby assume responsibility' for the
payment of all debts owed by said
firm. W. L.-YEAL, Mgr..
Ga., Jan. ‘
Week of Prayer—Dc"-- Meetings.
Next week- will oBserved as a
week of prayer by *he. Ladies’ Foreign
Missionary Society of the Baptist
church and The Herald Is requested
to announce that there will be dally
meetings at the church at 3 o’clook
p. m. from Monday to Friday Inclu
sive, and It Is hoped that all the mem
hers will attend.
FOR SALE—Pattlson shop propeity
will he withdrawn from the market
after Tuesday for advanced price.
6-3t ED. R, JONES.
The Evangelist—JJy mission In life
is to saie young men.
Old Girl on Back Seat—Then save
a nice looking one for me, please.
‘ • Furious Fighting.
"For seven yenrs," writes Geo. W.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a
hitler bottle With chronic stomach
and liver trouble, but at last I won,
and cured my diseases, by the use
of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly
recommend them to all, and don’t in
tend In the future to be without them
In Ihe' house. They are certainly a
wonderful medicine, to have cured
such a bad ease as mine.” Sold under
guarantee to do the same for you, by
Albany Drug Co., druggists, at 60c.
a bottle. Tr* them today.
FOR SALE—Several close In resi
dences. !(5-3t) ED. R. JONES.
‘Why do you beat your wife every
morning before breakfast?"
"Well, you see, judge, I always feel
pretty strong alter eating, and I’m
afj-ald that I would lick her too hard
If I waited.
Grip Quickly Knocked Out.
’Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weather both my wife and
myself contracted severe colds which
sneedllv developed Into the worst
kind of la grippe with all Its misera
ble symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Egle-
ston, of Haple Landing, Iowa. "Knees
and joints aching, muscles sore, head
stonped up, eyes and nose running,
with alternate spells of chills and
fever. We began using Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy, aiding the same with
a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use
soon completely knocked out the
grip.” I
It Is a good plan to take.a dose of
the Tablets when you have a cold.
They promote a healthy action of the
bowels,' liver and ’kidneys which is
always beneficial when the systefii is
mjested by a icqld or attack of
In addition to the.relief extended
storm sufferers by the city council, a
commlt’ee of colored citizens com
posed of M, H. Hardwick, H. S. Da
vis and C. H, McCarthy made a can
vass Tor subscriptions, and secured
about $70 In n few hours. The Herald
Is r chip sled to’publish the following
list, of subscriptions:
McCarthy Hr. Stowrvt $ 5.00
,T. S. Dil’lS 10.00
Morris Kopnol 1.00
M. H. Solomon 50
A. S. GohPn 50
Daniel Butler 10
N. Mooney 1.00
Lee Althelmer 50
R. M. Culpepper j 25
W. W. Rawlins .! 1.00
Artesian Drug Co. ‘1.50
W. N. Tlcknor 1.00
C. W. Scott. 1.00
M. Gripe' .25
S. Reich ,50
W. T. Sadler 25
L. R. Jefferson 25
Wm. M. Wilder 1.00,
R. C. D 25
S. W. Gunnison .’ 50
A. F. Churchwell j .60
Rov S. Bell 1.00
E. R. West /. 50
Milter Grocery Co. 1.00
Robert Mack, 60
N. M. Mnllis 25
Furniture Co. Bed Mattress.
Milelr rbcery Co ...1.00
W. , W. Pace 10.00
E. W. Williams 50
Phil Harris 25
H. T. Lvnch 25
B. F. Mock .'..1 25
Laura A. Mack 25
Salile Mack 10
C. S. Klnnard 25
W, M. Bryant 50
Ed T. Simmons . .< 25
Sam Farkas 5.00
W. N. B.’Dowdell . 25
Jacob Jackson 2.00
S. W. Kahn 1.00
E. R. JoAes 5.00
R. Bragg 25
R. C. Smith 10
Cash 8.60
Total $64.90
The amount received by the com.
mlttee was distributed among 23
families in amounts ranging from $2
to $6 each.
FOR BALE—Pattlson shop property
. -will be .withdrawn from the market
_ ■ I* 1. -.i'-n
His Excuse;
Mrs. Hobson—I can’t use this milk.
It’s most all water.
Milkman—Well, > guess, nm’am, my
sc u gave the cows a drink before he
u liked them, nm’am.
A Grim Tragedy
is daily -onneted In thousands of
homes, as death claims, In each one,
another victim of Consumption or
Pneumonia. Blit when Coughs and
Colds are properly treated, tile trag
edy Is averted. F. G. Huntley, of
Oklahoma, find., writes: "My wife
had the consumption, and three doe
toys gave her up, Finally, she took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, which
cured her, and today slio Is well and
strong.” It kills the germs of all dis
eases. One dose relieves. Guaran
teed at 60c and $1.00 by Albany Drug
Co., druggists. Trial bottles free.
Willie Bug—If I thought it-wouldn't
make me sick I would like to smoke
Greatly In Demand,
Nothing is more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system clean
ser, such as Dr. King’s New Life
Pills. They are just, what you need
to cure stomach and liver troubles.
Try them. At Albany Drug Co., 26c
Under Some Circumitanccg, • i
The right kind of advice If accepted and
made use of is always cheap at almost any •
price. Our advice Is cheap because it is free— w
and people are making use of it every day.
We are prepared to give you advice in this'. «
matter, correat udvice, time Bavin?, sight aav-,
ing, nerve saving. We are properly equipped ,k
for making thorough and intelligent examine'
tions of the Bye..
Wo furnish them at as low a figure as <
reot OIbshos. good Frames, perfect fit and i
guarantee can bo had anywhere. If you don’t
noed • lnss s wo udvise you of the fact r~*
thank you for the inquiry.
Let Us Advise You.
Pliil Harris
Leading Jeweler and Optician.
Nice Bound- Books at
15c each, worth more
than double the price.
Such authors as Kipling,
Eliot, Schriener, Haw
thorne, Shakespeare and
manv others.
many others.
Boys’ nicely bound books
only 15c, by Henty. Bills,Meade,
Alger and others.
1 000 new stock paper bound
Novels worth 28c for 10c each.
Have you seen the new Sou
venir Post Catds of Albany,
View of Broad Street, Elks
Home, Opera House, New Alba
ny Hotel and Monument Court
Not a Star.
r ’".«
Ab an after-dinner spOaker Jaggs Is
In fact every delicacy tliat a|
Christmas appetite could crave is 1
here in its superlative excellence, i
The Grc
HJjA-opo lot on Washlhfrton street with^rU-
it moon—the fuller he gets the brightr
er he becomes.
What Is saved, and not what Is
made, gives the r^ult of a fortune,
instead of hazardous Investment, It
will pay you to investigate what la
offered In the Investment Savings De<
partment of the Albany Trust Com*
pany of Georgia. R. H. WARREN,
29-lw Secretary and Treasurer.
room houso, barn and s»able. Terms sati
tory, titles perfect,
A nice 200 aoro farm, 125 acres oleared latfd,
75 acre beautiful oak grove, 4 tenement houses,
aood we 1 water. For quick sale, cheap for
cash, bona fide titles. %
Three 4*room houses on Jackson street
cheap on easy terms, -m
Four 2*room houses o« w*™* plantation, John Reynolds place. East
Dougherty, adjoining places of John Johnson
andJV. R. Ramsey. Cheap on eas^r termB, lonr
I &Aore on State str eet with 4 2-room houses,
andone witn 8 rooms, cheap; rents for $2Tper
' One hundred acres, with ail improvement®.
miles; desirable place for truck, dairy and
chicken farm.
Desirable ft acre ou Residence street.
Nix desirable lots on State street:
One beautiful house, % cash, and others on
preferred payments.
Several nice lots in Arcadia. Nice farrri
2miles from city, 411 acres with 2 wells, good
house with 7 tenant houses; in high state of
cultivation, $12.50 per aore..
Also a hundred other improved and nnim
proved. .
Will be glad to show you and figure with you
on what lhave. I do a general collecting bn*
lness and solicit your patronage.
Office in the court house
; ' sfflP
Sharpe 1 —Your boy has a fine head.
Wise—It’s too large. ;
Sabrpe—-Too large?
Wise—Yes; he can’t wear my hats.
Must Be Quick.
Pains in the stomach and attacks
of the colic come on so suddenly, and
are so extremely painful that imme
diate relief mustrbe obtained. There
Is no. necessity of aendjng for a dob-
tor in such casesj if a bottle of Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
The “ Modern Method” systei
high-grade tailoring introduced I
L. E. Hays & Co.. of ( Cincinnati, C
satisfies good drersen ever L
All .'Garments Made i
to Your f*
al moderate t .
and domestic h