Newspaper Page Text
Stock taking is over with us and we find many choice items of desirable jnerchandise which we wish to plose.out at
less than one-third their actual valu 9 > The remarkable values offered during'this sale are such as occtlr only when| quick
disposal is considered of greater importance than profit. All the short lengths of silks, wodlen and cotton dress goods,
waistings. flannels, domestics, lawns, line'hs, etc., have been marked, down to one-third and less than one-third original prices.
These bargain assortments are so extensive that it is next to impossible- to enumerate every item. The list below is but a
preface to the story. The way to convince yourself of the money saving opportunities offered by us is to look elsewhere
and compare the best values you see with those here. We welcome such a test; “$et voiirSelf right,” investigate our offer
ings, it will profit you. , . ,
BELTS AT HALF PRICE.- -Neat smart belts and UNDERWEAR,
BLANKETS.—Values that you can’t afford to miss.
12-4; full weight, all wool Blanket, regular $8.00
value, special at $6.98. 10-4 all wool blanket,
regular $6.00 value, Special, $4.48. , 10-4 all
wool blauket, regular $5.00 value, special, $3.48.
BLACK SUITING CHEVIOT.—A pure* wool fabric,
42 inches widp, regular 69c value, specially priced
next week at'48c yard.
LADIES’ HAND BAGS.—Serviceable purses In/ all
colors, 4 also opera bags in beaded effects, offered at
one-half regular price. '
UNDER WEAR.-All of, our Women’s and Children’s
fall and winter Underwear has been specially
priced—from one-third to one-half regular prices.
All from the best manufacturers. Sizes and qual
ity the best. •
SHIRTWAISTS.—Thirty-five ladies’ waists left over
which we wish to close out. These .are marked in
plain figures at special prices which will sell them
Monday. . . i ' '
GREAT RIBBON VALUES.-No, 100 Taffdta, all
colors, 25c value, 15c yard. No. 80 Taffeta, all
colors, 15c value, 10c yard. x
Those Who Come, and Go—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read With Interest—What Is
Going on in Society, With Now and
Thea a Little Gossip.
Mr. Julian Clark left the city this
morning for a business trip to At
lanta.- :
** *T;v— 1 1
tMr, L. P. Shlppey, of Enigma, Is
looking after, business Interests In AI-
bany today.
. Mrs. J. P. Whitaker has returned
to her home In Leary, after a pleas-
* ant visit In this city.
Mr. Mike Cohen left the city today
tor a business, trip to Columbus and
neighboring cities.
"■ Mr. Pater Gilchrist, of Charlotte, N.
C„ arrives in the city this afternoon.
He will Inspect the plant of the Al
bany Phosphate Company, to see If
the) plans and specifications have
been fulfilled.
Mr. Wiiliam Hawkes, of Atlanta. Is
spending the day in Albany on busl
Mrs. J. 1 T. Brooks is the guest of
friends in Leesburg tor a few days
this week. She left Albany yesterday.
Mrs. Carrie Hunter leaves the city
Sunday for Birmingham, where she
will visit friends several weeks.
The friends of Mr. M. G. Murray
will learn with regret that he is ill
today at his home on Flint street.
Mrs. Sol Hoge was hostess yester
day. afternoon at the regular meeting
of the Northstde euchre club at the
Welch residence on Jackson street.
It was one of the pleasantest affairs
that have occurred in a" hdme noted
for its delightful social gatherings,
nothing being lacking to make It thor
oughly enjoyable. Mrs. C. W. Tift
was ‘fortunate in winning the first
prize, the second prize being captured
by Mrs. F. O. TIcknor.
Miss Madelyn Gilbert is entertain
ing at cards this afternoon, in honor
o! Miss Alma Lindsay, of Savannah,
the guest of Miss Lottie Tift.
\ "
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McLarty enter
tained quite a number of little chil
dren Wednesday afternoon, the occa
sion being the fourth birthday, of their
little daughter, Mary Lee.
Mr. W. M. Pryse,' who left Albany
in April last to return to' hist (firmer
home in Knoxville, Tenn., Is Again In
this city, having returned to the em
ploy oij The Herald as llnofpye oper-
Miss Amelia Dehpn. of Charleston,
who is visiting at the home of her
brother, Mr. Russell Dehon.
Five-hand euchre was played. The
color scheme was red and green. The
home was beautifully decorated
throughout with carnations, ferns and
palms. The party was one of the
most delightful of the season.
MIsb Madelyn Gilbert won the first
prize, a pretty scarf pin, set with a
bar of pearls, and Miss Cobble Hood,
of Cuthbert, win ’ the consolation
prize, a cold cream jar.
Dr. and Mrs. W. .W. Bacon and
daughter, Miss Lula Bacon, returned
on Jefferson street was .brilllaptljj
lfghted on both floors, and' on .the
porch, and various; kinds of cut flovt-
era, bamboo, and fancy lights were
hung conspicuously; and tastily in the
reception, card, and dining rooms. ;
The color scheme of green and white
was very effective, and was faithfully
carried out. Five-hand euchre was
played. There were,eight tables, forty
people having been in attendance at
the splendid entertainment.
The receiving party consisted of the
hostess, Miss Tilt, the guest of,honor,
Miss Lindsay, and/Misses Ethel, Betty
and Madelyn Gilbert'.' At the conclus
ion of the games delicious' refresh-
to the city yesterday, after a short m ents were Berved, The menu being
visit in Tifton. * . elaborate. ■
Miss Rene Wilson Won. the ladids'
Miss Annie Mae Brunson return's to
her home In Blakely
after a visit of several
home of Mr. and Mrs. J.’ W., Joiner, I pearI scarf pin.
irunsoa returns to flr8t prtee a gold scarf pin..,prettily V.“ r - k
ily this afternoon, 8et wIth jewe ls, 'Mr. G* S, Jackson 1aBt nlsht ln the clty ’
eral weeks at the' wag awar <iod the gentlemen's prize, n
r.._ ~r ttt *v v I SS*m DahmaaA.OiiIIah. -
ator. Albanians who knew Mr. Pryse Jr. . She will be accompanied by Mr.
and his family will be no less de
lighted that they return to this city
than The Herald is to have him again
a member ,of its mechanical force.
Mr. J.. P. White, who succeeded Mr.
Pryse in The Herald office, leaves at home in Atlanta last night, after a
and Mrs. Joiner, and Mr. J. M. Stew
art, who will visit at her home for
peveral days.
bit E."C. Davis returned to his
The memory of this moat’ delightful
entertainment will linger - long and
pleasantly with all fortunate • enough
to have'attended. -
We will sell Ladies’ and Misses' Suits 40 par cent, less than
they are marked. You are suYe to Ret a bargain. Also“
Misses’and Children’s Kid Gloves worth $1 for 50c. All
Millinery yeduced 50 per cent, Corsets tjtith supporters, for-
mer prjcb 60o and 76b, will sell now for 36c.
80 Brbad Street.
■i: 1
ial train. The opera wlll - cotae to
■Albany from Columbus, and gdes from,
here to Jacksonville. It hits, only the
high filaoes.
The regular announcements'. w|ll be,
made in The Herald, beginning {&
morrow. 'Watch for them.
- Mr. Henry Merkle, of Macon, spent
once for Montgomery,. where he has
accepted a position, with one of that
city’s a'ter'noon newspapers. He has
made many friends here who regret to
see him leave Albany.
visit of several days with relatives in
Albany. ■
The friends of Miss Mary Cox, who
has been ill several weeks at her
home on Pine street, will be pleased
-Mrs. Russell Dehon will entertain Iearn t,iat slle ,s sitting,up today,
at cards next Wednesday evening, in
honor of Miss Amelia Dehon.
Mr. Jack Davis, of Montgomery, is
spending a few days in\ie city 'on
Mr. Harry Kendall, of Macon, is
amoi^g the well-known traveling men
attending to business affairs here to
Master Mike Neuman, the little son
of Mrs. L. Neuman, of. Cincinnati, who
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Lonsberg; was the victim of
an .accident yesterday. His forehead
was badly cut by a window pane,
through which he Inadvertently thrust
his head!
Miss Willie Walters entertained at
a delightful card party yesterday af
ternoon, in honor of her visitor, Miss
Beulah Pidcock, of Moultrie, and of
Mr. Abe Strauss, of Columbus,
traveling man, is mingling with
friends in the city today.
Tinciely Toilet
When cold winds blow it behooves you to
look to your toilet accessories. There’s
hardly an article, of recognized value, for
beautifying and • preserving the complexion,
teeth and nails, that is not included in our
If it’s good, it’s here.
Albany Drug Go.
b, W. W. Pace will entfertftlii at
ong/day next’weelf, in honor“'<$
Miss Amelig,Dehon, of Charlpsthfi, the
guest pf the let ter's, brotheftt' Mr. RuS;
sell Dehon.
Mr. Joe Wolf, ot : Atlanta, is spend
ing the day in the city' bn business.
Mr. H. Solomon' and daughter,, Miss
Eva Soolmpn, left Albany at noon to
day for a visit with relatives in Mont
gomery. . .
Mrs. J. P. Callaway, Of Leesburg,
a and her gueBt, Mrs. G. D. Walker, of
Atlanta, are shopping in the city to
day •
League Business Meeting Postponed.
- Tho Herald Is requested to- an
nounce that the regular business meet
ing of the Epworth Leagup,- whlih wap
to have been held tonight at the reel,
dense of Mrs. i. A. Johnson,,1s.. post
poned on account o( the weather.,JJue
announcement will be made of .the.
time at which the meeting will be
held. ' ' '
Master Shellle Davis, the young son
of and Mrs. E. C. Davis, IS re
ported much better today. The little
fellow has been suffering with pneu
Mrs. Charles Marks Is entertaining
at cards this a ternoon, In honor of
Miss Esther Hart, of Cincinnati, the
guest o'l Mr. and Mrs. Leo Althelmer.
Mr. D. W. Buntin has returned
from a pleasant vlst to Metoalf, Ga.
Mr. Buntin brought a wife back with
him, having been married Tuesday
night. They are making their abode
ln Albany.
t -
Mr.,J. O. Allen Is attending to busi
ness affairs In Sampson, Ala., for' a
few days.
Mr. A. A. Myers, of South Carolina,
Is spending a few days here, the guest
of his two sons, Messrs. W./E, and
J. H. Myers, at-the. New Albany hotel.
Miss Beulah Pidcock, of Moultrie, re
turns home tomorrow morning,.after
a pleasant visit of several days at the
home of Miss WMle Walters.
One of the most delights’ul and elab
orate-social events of the season, and
one of the most pleasantly'anticipated,
was the card party last night given by
Miss Lottie Tilt, ln honor of her visi
tor, Miss -Alma Lindsay, of Savannah.
Mr. E. Rosenberg, of Cincinnati, a
traveling’ man,/ spent the '/morning In
the city on business. .
Mr. Ed Loh, of Macon, was among
tbi visitors In the city last night*
Mr. S. B. Brown was looking after
business Interests In Macon yester
Mr. G. S. Nelson, of Onkfleld, Is
among the well-known visitors In tho
city today.j.
v . * . ■' . .
Mr, W. A. Newsom left the city at
noon’ today Tor a business trip to
A Star Attraction Coming. 1
One of the most Imposing attrac
tions of the season'—In fact, one of
the biggest anil best Albany has ever
known—will be at the Rawlins th'ea?
ter next week. It comes Friday-
"Little Johnny Jones.” •>.'
It Is a big musical comedy of the
“When .Johnny Comes Marching
Home” and “The Sultan of Sulu” type.
Mr. Bernard ; Si)tlQr,-,proslddht of-the.
United Americans^ with home office hi!
Atlanta, Is ln Albany today, and,was
a welcome vlB'ltqr'jjo-The Herald of
fice, . ' ' •
f"6r SALE —Handsome C-room risi.j
deuce near'Monroe, on Residence
'street; 70»21l)'feet, $2,196. Terms.
* R. Jones; '
Life Is a tunny proposition a’ter all.
9-tf. i"'-' ’
Tte Fii*st Shot
Spring Suitin;
JAN. .3 and 4.
i ' .*' ' v’-T- J ef.; 1 v
Mr. Wood, Gii experienced
cutter, and measurer, will
fye here 'with a- full line 6f
Spring and Rummer
• ri; Pafterns.
^f’you car^to be up-t-o-date
iii the material, cut. and
style of your next suit, let
the Globe Tailoring n
do it.
J. EKrlieli
' "m
FOR 8ALE—SIX tenement houses, 2
rooms and kitchen each, South
street. Rents per mbnth, $201 -Ed.
R, Jones. 12*3t
Stern necessity Is-going Ao very
soon force ’ the paving ,'of several
streets In the business section where
the mud new holds high carnival dur
ing the wet seasons.
FOR 8ALE—A large number o! resi
dences and vacant lots purchased of
Seares, Rowlmck & Co., at bargain
prices.' Ed. R. Jones. 12-3t
, Fr€sh !
25c 50e 75c
The Grocer.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
Phone 367. Prompt 'service. Patron
age' solicited.
Gee! But you have a mean disposi
tion. 9-tf
Mr. John, F. Mazo and Miss Martha
N. Christian, both of Pretoria, were
joined In marriage about tf o’clock yes
terday evening by,Rev. W. L. Rich
ards at the F0 R SALE—Old field rails, best kind-
marriage was quiet. W^ed. •»' „ ng Dn earth . Also - palr n)ule8 ..
only a few friends and relatives. } Tift, at Mopg & Rawson’j. g-3t
jFOR SALE—Wo will sell cheap tor
cash, all bearings and iron work for
cine Fairbanks Railroad Track
•Scales;'Length 80 feet, capacity
100,000 pounds.
Fresh Mackerel
i. .
Fish Roe
CO, Albany, Ga. .
FOR SALE-^Heivy feather mattress
and second hand stove' lb good con-
Attorney and Counsellqr
or. Miss Alma Lindsay, of Savannah. The company numbers nearly a bun- dltlon. Apply to J, M. Tift,, at Mock
The .borne of’Mr. and Mr?. J. M. Tlftjdred, and travels in a luxurious spec- & Rawson’e. Veiatulett Bull