Newspaper Page Text
home of her sister, Mrs. Abble Yan-
populnr traveling man, formerly a
resident of. Albany, Isattending to
business affairs In the city today.
Wy? Special Sale
of Under muslins and
Mr. John E. Clark left the olty this
morning for Eu.'aula, on a business
Until a follow can kiss a girl with-
it mussing her hair he Is a mere
Those Who Come and do—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
WIN Read With Interest—What Is
doing on In Society, With Now and
Then a Lillie dosslp.
Mr. "Jonathan Williams, of Dawson,
Is spending the day In the olty on
Mr. L. W. Whitten, of Louisville, Is
spending the day here on business.
Mr. R.Tl Otis, of Louisville, Is at
tending to business affairs here today.
Col. Howell Simmons, at Amerlous,
Is among the well-known vlBltora here
Mies Lula Pond arrived In the city
yesterday afternoon, to the delight a!
her many friends here. She Is out
at Mr. Robert Slappey’e.
Mr. W. R. Barnes has returned to
the. city, after a stay of a few days
in Quitman, on business.
Mr; Newman Laser, of Atlanta, is
spending the day In the city on busl-
Has awakened great enthusiasm among the women of
Albany. All sizes and styles in Undermuslins are still
complete. Due preparations (made months ahead) for
this important event were well considered.
As it is possible now to secure your season s Under
wear at what the hare material would cost, no time
should he lost. Every garment offered is of the highest
standard of quality at the lowest possible price. The
Muslins, Cambrics and Nainsooks are soft and fine,
daintily fashioned and elaborated with the newest laces
and embroideries, the ' workmanship being careful and
tasteful. All the late model garments are shown.
The prices range as folio
Miss Eugenia Clark, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Clark,
Is slightly 111 today at the home of
the family on Broad street.
Mrs. W. H. Gilbert Is entertaining
the Northslde Euchre Club at her
home this afternoon.
Mr. Edwin P. Clark returned to his
home In Cressen, Fla,, last night, after
a pleasant visit of several days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Clark.
Miss Jodie Powell has returned to
the city from Leesburg, where she
visited several weeks at the home of
Col. J. ,H. Tipton, of Sylvester, is
among the prominent visitors In Al
bany today.
Capti J. W. Wilcox returned to his
home In Macon last night.
Mr. T. R. Tlndell, of Moultrie, Is
among the well known visitors In the
city today.
Mr. Byrd Powell, of Sylvester, spent
thq morning In the city, mingling with
his Albany friends and looking after
business matters.
Little Ruth Lonsberg, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lonsberg, 1b
111 today.
Mr. J. F. Farmer, of Worth county,
Is looking after business Interests In
the city , today.
Mrs. E. A. Emmerman entertained
the Tuesday Morning Whist Club at
this week’s meeting. The entertain
ment was highly enjoyed.
Miss Pearl Ledbetter, o' Newton,
arrived In the city last night She
will spend a few days In the city, a
guest at the home of Mrs. R. M. Smith,
on Flint street.
Mr. H. H. Steele, of Tick
spending the day In the city.
Mr. Theodore Hines, of Americus,
was' among the well-known visitors In
the city yesterday.
On yesterday, Mr. L. E. Welch cele
brated the 77th anniversary of his
birth, and he has received many con
gratulations from those-of his friends
Mr. Mose S. Harris, of Macon, a
popular traveling man, is spending
the day In Albany.
The many friends .of Mr. Walter
Hill wilt learn with regret that he Is
111 at his home on Residence .street.
who are aware that he has passed an
other milestone on life’s highway. Mr.
Welch Is still an active man of af
fairs. He has been in Dougherty
county fifty-nine years, having come
here to make his home in 1847. No
man in the county has more friends,
and these unite in the hope that he
has yet many years of usefulness be
fore him.
Mr. DeWitt Pickett, of Dawson, was
among tti^ visitors In the city last
Mrs. John D. Pope will entertain
informally at cardB tomorrow evening.
Mr. C. A. Alforfr, of Sylvester, is
mingling with friends in the city to
Miss Rosa Lonsberg entertained a
number of friends at an Informal card
party at her home on Pine street last
night, and the party was enjoyed from
beginning to end.
The color scheme of pink and green
was tastily carried out. At the con
clusion of the games, delicious re
freshments were served.
Miss Gertrude Plonsky won the first
prize, a pretty gauze fan; Miss Louise
Liebert, of. New York, won the visit
or’s prize, a book, "Princess Elopes,”
and Mr. I. C. Gortatowskv won the
gentlemen’s prize, a very, pretty neck
Mr. John Mlxen, of Augusta, was
looking after business in the city
last night
Life is a funny proposition a'ter all.
Mr. Will Hilsman is spending a few
days in Moultrie, attending to busl-
Messrs. Henry and Preston B. Pow
ell, of Sumter county, spent the morn
ing In the city, en route to Sylvester.
Senate Committee Considering What
Course to Pursue.
If at first you don’t succeed there
are lots of people to say you never
Washington, Jan. 18. — Poultney
Bigelow, the magazlnd writer, who
was denounced by Secretary Taft; for
his criticism of the Panama canal at-
... ■ , ... .. ,.7...
The enemy to race suicide believes
an ounce_.of posterity Is worth a ton
of ancestors.
Mrs. A. W. Mnse entertained at tea
yesterday, complimentary, tp hpr
guest, Miss Maud Slappey, of Fort
Valley. >
fairs, declined today itf dlsclosff: the
source of his Informtlon to the senate
The committee Is In executive ses
sion to consider what course to fol
e prices range as follows
Mr. J. P. Walker, of Griffin, was
among the well-known visitors In Al
bany yesterday.
The engagement of Mr. W. H. Ben
nett, of Hilton, to Miss Nannie Barnes,
of Ddrlen, has been announced, and
the wedding will occur In the early
spring. Mr. Bennett Is well known In
Albany, having formerly made his
home here.
Mrs. Belle Yankey, of Louisville,
Ky., Is. expected In the city In a day
or two. She will be a guest at the
Governor Terrell Will Make the Ap-
f polntment This Afternoon.
The Junior League will have a so
cial tomorrow evening at the home of
Mrs. W. E. Gannaway.
Spring Suiting
JAN. 3 and 4.
Mr. Wood, an experienced
cutter and measurer, will
be here with a full line of
Jan. 18.—(Special.),
Atlanta, Ga.
Governor Terrell will this afternoon
appoint C. H. Branch, of Lawrence-
vlllB, Judge of the western circuit, to
succeed Judge R. B. Russell.
The Governor leaves tonight for
Tampa, Fla., to Join his wife, who Is
on her way to Cuba.
Mr. N. J. Ridley, of Warwick, is
mingling with frlendB In Albany this
® . V tf ALBANY. GA. mP
Miss Eula Fuqua, of Moultrie, ar
rived In the city at noon today. She
Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. McIntosh.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
•Phone 367. Promnt service. Patron
age solicited.
Dpfmg and Dummer
If you care to be up-t-o-date
in the material, cut and
style of your next suit, let
the Globe Tailoring Co.
do it.
Mr. W. E. Colburn, of Baconton, la
attending to business affairs In Al
bany today.
We will sell Ladles’ and Misses’, Suits 40 per oent. lessOthan
they are marked. You are sure to get a bargain. Also )
’ Misses’ and Children’s Kid Giovas worth $1 for 50c. All
Millinery reduced 50 per cent Corsets with supporters, for
mer price 60o and 76c, will sell now for 35c.
1 80 Broad Street.
Weather Forecast.
The following Is the weather fore
cast for Georgia for noxt 24 hours;
Fair tonight and Friday, preceded by
rain In the extreme southern and east
ern portions tonight. Colder tonight
in the northwestern portion. Slightly
colder Friday.
Mr. George Finch arrived In Albany
at noon today. He cpme up to attend
the performance at the opera house
'The man who continues to pay his
wife compliments after they have
been married live years is always sus
pected of not paying her bills.
Mr. John D. Embry, of Louisville, a
FOR RENT—Several 1 to 6-mule
farms, close In. See S. W. Smith.
Don't bet money on the
Governors race--it is gamb
ling. Simply wage a case
of Flint Rock Ginger Ale.
It’s better form and—yon
have something to live for.
Was Charged With Murder, But' Kill,
lng Was Declared Justifiable.
Timely Toilet
Wo Are at Same Old Stand on Pfno Street.
We keep In stock Moatevallo, Climax, Tip Top and Blockton, the best from
the Cahaba, Ala., coal Helds. Also the celebrated BEX and other high
grade Jelllo Coals. Accurate weights and satisfaction guaranteed Con all
Coals sold by us.
SITAlso Hard Coal for Furnaces and Blnoksmlths' Coal]
'Phone 17.
Sylvester, Ga., Jan. 18—All day yes
terday waB taken up in the prelimin
ary trial of Eliza Ford, colored,
charged with the murder of Jim Hob
by, colored, during the latter part of
last November, la Worth county. The
trial was had before ' Judge Frank
Park, a! the city court of. Sylvester,
and after the examination of about
fifty witnesses the defendant was dis
The grand Jury had previously re
turned a no bill, but relatives of the
deceased were dissatisfied and swore
out the warrant leading to yesterday's
trial. The Judgment of the court, like
that of the grand Jury, was that the
homicide was Justifiable.
The defense was represented by
JPayton & Hay, the prosecution by
(Attorneys Mark Tison and L. D. Pass-
When cold winds blow it behooves yon
look to your toilet accessories. The
hardly ah article, of recognized value,
beautifying and preserving the complexi
teeth and nails, {that is not included in
stock. (
If it’s good,’ it’s Here.
For Livingston’s
Closed Cabs
More comfortable but no more expen
sive than the old dpen hacks.
Country Sausage
Improved New Home
Sewing Machines
Lateat Style
Double Ring, Ball . Bearing.
Lightest and best ou the market.
I swap for the old Machine.
-I-will ovorhaul and furnish parts,
attachments and needles for any
make of Machine.
W. F. FLOYD. Mgr.
'Phono 362. Albany. Ga..
Making on my farm today. Phone
orijefs to the Country Store—No. 1X9.
Albany Drugj Co
48c%p Corset Covers........
...; 25c up
48c up Children’s Drawers....
...... 15c up