Newspaper Page Text
J A* * 1 » (y ,
A range above reproacb and
without fault to condemn it.
The delight of housekeepers,
the joy of coolcs and the despair
of a host of rivals.
The range with a reputation,
hut the range which needs none,
being able to make its way on
the strength of its own merits*
The range that is “built to
stay." The materials employed
in its construction are not gleaned
from scrap piles.
The range you need. It will
reduce your fuel bill and multi
ply your satisfaction ten-fold.
“NATIONAL" ranges lead
the world.
We sell them. A full as
sortment in stock, and complete
line of duplicate parts always on
“Bell Prices Ring True.’
led Robm Suit Sale!
For the month of January we aie go-*
; to offer Bed Room Suits at unusually
/ prices and will quote a few prices
ist to show you:
good, solid Oak Suit, regular * ■ j? CA
$22.50 value; this sale. ■ OaaJv
, beautiful full quartered and polished Suit,
regular $60.00 value, during 50
very handsome Suit, full quartered and pol
ished, 30x40 mirror, regular *-70 CA
$85.00 value; this sale
We have a large stock of these goods
id we are sure we can please you.
r. A. fs? W. T. Freeman.
... Fernland Farms ..
Dairy Department
Sweet Cream RJch Milk
High Grade] Butter
“Patronage Solicited
For Engagements Telephone No. 199)
lapltal Stock. $100,000.oo
r open and ready for business at Southeast comer ot Broad and
Washington streets, Albany, Ga.
BARTERED to give surety and set as executor or administrator
1 perform all the functions ot a safely managed Trust Company.
I Capaolt,, 10,000,000.
Gee! But you haTe a mean disposi
tion. 9-tf
To draw the fire out of a burn,
heal a cut without leaving a scar, or
to cure bolls, sores, tetter, eczema
and all shin and scalp diseases, use
DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A spe
cific for plies. Get the genuine. No
remedy causes such speedy relief.
Ask for DeWItt’s—the genuine.
E. H. DENISON—Dentist.
23 means exit
"Little Johnny Jones” at the theatre
this evening.
Arrived. Ten carload/^of Dry Pine
Wood. Albany Coal A Wood Co;
Albany was handed another bunch
of jaln this morning.
Give my regards to Broadway. 9-tf
Don’t waste time with green wood.
Try our new supply. Albany Coal ft
Wood Co.
The baseball enthusiasts are begin
ning to get a trifle restleBB. For there
1b ball news In the air.
Cheney’s Expectorant promptly cures
coughs, colds, lagrlppe and croup. 25c.
a bottle at all drug atores.
Albany baseball fans are nnxlous
to see the color of the hair of Mr.
Thomas, of Savannah, tho manager.
Brinson ft Co., Wood and Coal,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Albany business and professional
men will stand loyally by tho Albany
Business Loagtie, which promises to
accomplish great things for the com
munity In tho course of the next few
yearn—and for years then to follow.
Office boy wanted. Good
Cruger ft Pace.
An Emergency Medicine.
For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds
and similar injuries, there Is nothing
so good as Chamberlain's Pain Bnlm
It soothes the wound and not only
gives Instant relief from pain, but
cases the parts to heal In about one-
third the time required by the unual
treatment. As It Is an antiseptic all
danger from blood poisoning Is avoid
ed. Sold by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
It won't take long to have every
ofllce In the Davis-Exchange Bank
Building occupied, and every store
taken. The same way with other
buildings. There are practically no va
cant stores and dwelling houses In
the city. The more that are built, the
larger Is tho demand. The writer can
not think of a single unoccupied store
in the main business section of Al
bany. The same way with houses in
the residence section.
A Grim Tragedy
Is dally enacted In thousands ot
homes, as death claims. In each one,
another victim of Consumption or
Pneumonia. But when Coughs and
Colds are properly treated, the trag
edy Is averted. F. G. Huntley, of
Oklahoma, Ind., writes: "My wife
had the consumption, and three doc
tors gave her up. Finally, Bhe took
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds, which
cured her, and today she Is well and
strong." It kills the genns of all dis
eases. One dose relieves. Guaran
teed at 60c and $1.00 by Albany Drug
Co., druggists. Trial bottles free.
South Georgia Candidate
for Governor is In the
Race to Win—His Own
Our December Sales
Were the Biggest
~Jn Our History
The Btreet pavers on Washington
street have struck their former lick
and they are now moving at a rapid
rate. They have encountered enough
bad weather, not counting other un
avoidable delay “causers," to discour
age almost any set of men.
The secret of mccessfully ridding
the system of a cold Is a thorough
evacuation of the bowels. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar does this
Liquid Cold Cure drives all cold out
of the system. Best for Coughs,
Croup, etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co.
and Htlsman-Sale Drug Co.
There Is considerable talk now of
the Albany Business League. The
Loague scents to have caused a ripple
of enthusiasm, and there nre many
who assert, that the ripple Is going to
keep rippling until Albany Is a great,
metropolitan city, nnd so recognized.
If tills Is so, let ’er rip!
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing Is more In demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for n blood and system clean
ser, such ns Dr. King’s New Life
Pills. They nre just what you need
to cure stomach and liver troubles.
Try them. At Albany’Drug Co., 25c
FOR SALE—The Kogitn lot, corner
Society and Jackson streets. Ed.
R. Jones. 13-Gt
I’m a Ynnke Doodle Dandy. . 9-tf
Judging from many remarks of tils-
satls’action from people of Influence
nnd responsibility, It seems that the
new depot question was not finally
settled when the railroads put a coat
of paint on the celling of the present
one and a few shingles on the roof.
Council, It will he remembered, evi
denced its disapproval at an Inspection
a short while ago.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 17.—While In At
lanta yesterday In attendance on the
meeting ot the board 'of trustees oC
the Soldiers’ Home, Col. John H. Es
tlll, of Savananh, editor of the Sa
vannah Morning News, and the fifth
candidate to enter the guberatorlal
contest, declared he would engage In
no Joint debate with any of his oppo
He says he Is opposed to changing
the present status o? the negro in
Georgia, and is opposed to a division
of tho state school fund between
whltos and blacks.
”1 am In this race for governor to
win,” said Colonel Estlll “I am of
fering for this high office at. the ur
gent request o’ mapy of my South
Georgia friends. Now, this Is no ‘di
vine call’ or anything like that, but
South Georgia Is calling upon me to
The colonel says he will have no
campaign manager. He will run his
own campaign, and he’s going to tour
the state, too. Every section, he
says, will have a chance to see and
hear him before the ballots begin to
While here Colonel Estlll called on
some of his Atlanta friends, just to
count noses ta-"Fulton county, and If
he felt disturbed by anything he saw
or heard, he certainly did ot bIiow it
on the surface.
Use Cheney’s Exoectorant promptly
for coughs and colds, and prevent
pneumonia. 25cts. a bottle at all drug
Phone 280 for Stove Wood that will
burn. Albany Coal ft Wood Co.
Indigestion Is easily overcome by
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, be
cause this remedy digests what you
eat, and gives the stomach a rest—al
lows It to recuperate and grow strong
Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach,
Heart-Burn, etc., and enables the di
gestive organs to assimilate and trans.
form all foods Into tissue-building
blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach,
Belching. Heart-Burn, and all forms
of Indigestion. Palatable and
strengthening. Sold by Albany Drug
Co. and Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
January so far has not been disappointing. Business
has been so entirely good with us that we have had
very little time to devote to our space in the Herald.
But just for a change we want to say to our friends
that notwithstanding the past rapid growth of our
business, we are going to make the year of 1906 the
best yet. Notwithstanding the prestige that we have
always enjoyed for carrying the best and most com
plete line of Furniture and Housefurnishings in this
section, we are going to show you goods this year
that will open your eyes. This assertion not only
applies to our furniture department, but wii! be felt
and seen in our
Hardware and Crockery
We shall not appeal to you with cheap prices on ■
cheap-john goods in any lines, for the very simple
reason that we do not run to bankrupt stock and job
lots. In every instance our goods come direct from
the makers, and therefore you get only that from us
that is reliable and first-class. When you think of
think of us, and buy these goods of us and you will
have no reason for complaint.
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
Leoderjs in High ,Grade Goods.
Thinking of the Cook.
Jones—Wbat mates you think Suubbs
Is abseutnilnded? Freycr—We went In
to au auction store yesterday. The
auctioneer was shoutlug, “Going, go
ing!” and Snubbs shouts: "Please don’t
go! I will give you 35 a month more
and have a girl to help you with the
Contracted Chronic Diarrhoea While
in the Philippines.
"While with the U. S. Army In the
Philippines, I contracted chronic diar
rhoea. I suffered severely from this
terrible disease for over three years
and tried the prescriptions of numer
ous physicians, hut found nothing that
did me any good until I tried Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, two small bottles' of which
entirely cured me, and I have since
had no return of the disease.”—Her-
man Stein, 212 N. Union Ave., Pneblo,
Colorado. For sale by Sale-Davls
Drug Co.
Hli Regular Dnilnru.
“Isn’t It taking your son a long time
to get through college? It seems to me
this must bo his sixth or seventh year.”
“It is, but going to college has be
come his regular business. Why, the
team wouldn’t stand any show without
him.”—Chicago Record-Herald.
Sickening, Shivering Fits
Of Ague and Malaria can be relieved
and cured with Electric Bitters.. This
is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial
benefit in malaria, for It exerts a true
curative Influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out of the system.
It Is much to be preferred to quin
ine, having none of this drug's had
after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Hen
rietta, Texas, writes: "My brother
had jaundice, till he took Electric Bit
ters, which saved his life.” At Alba
ny Drug Co. Price, 50c, guaranteed.
“What do you regard aB the best
protection from burglars?”
“Well. I have found that being Inde
pendently poor Is effective.’’—St. Louis
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.
“My mother has been a sufferer for
many years from rheumatism," says
W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pennsyl
vania. At times she was unable to
move at all, while at all times walk
ing was painful. I presented her with
a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm
and after a few applications she de
cided It was the most wonderful pain
reliever she had ever tried; In fact,
she is never without it now and Is at
all times able to walk. An occasional
application of Pain Balm keeps away
the pain that she was formerly trou
bled wlth.’^ For sale by Sale-Davis
Drug Co. . j
Don t Forget
S. Reich s
Fair Warping
Lasts But 2 Days More.
W. W. PACE, President A. P. VASON, Vice-President
W. M. WILDER, See. and Treae. T. N. WOOLFOLK, M.nS,