Newspaper Page Text
Granting Additional Powers and Prlv
nea:s to the Georgia Northern Rail
way Company, In the City of Albany.
. I
Sec. I. Be It ordained by the Mayor
and Council, of the City of Albany,
and It la hbreby ordained by the au
thority of the same, that In addition
to the powers and privileges here
tofore granted to said Railway Com
pany, the following additional powers
and privileges are herebv granted;
The Georgia Northern Railway Com
pany shall have the right and privil
ege of constructing its track from the
Union Passenger Depot along Front
street to the North side of Pine, as
shall be hereafter sot forth in the
plans and specifications provided for
In this ordinance, and to construct
said track from the North side of
Pine street along said Front street
South across Pine, Broad and Com
merce streets as far South as may be
necessary for the proper handling of
its cars to and from its depot grounds
south of Broad street, occupying a
space fifteen (15) feet wide im
mediately east of the center line of
said Front street.
Sec. 2. Be It further ordained that
this ordinance, as adopted, and the
powers and privileges therein set
,'orth, are granted to the said Georgia
Northern Railway Company with the
following conditions and restrictions,
That said Railway Company shall
not begin to exercise the aforesaid
power and privileges until it has
agreed in writing to the conditions
which may be imposed upon it in
writing by the Mayor and Council,
and agreed to start accepted plans
and specifications, showing the man
ner and way in which said track shall
be laid and maintained, which may
be hereafter adopted by said Mayor
and Council, and further that said
Railway Company shall furnish said
plans and specifications.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, that
said Railway Company, before work
• is commenced to carry out said plans
and specifications, shall furnish good
and sufficient bond to the city af Al
bany, to be approved hy the Mayor
and Council to indemnify the city
of Albany against any less through
damage which might arise of result
to adjoining property, and to indem
nify all adjoining property owners
of said
bond shall give said property owners
the right to sue thereon in the name
of the City of Albany for their use,
for such damages, and that said bond
shall be considered cumulative to
any other right or cause of action
which said property owners might be
entitled to against said Railway Com
pany by reason of the carrying out of
said plans and specifications.
Sec. 4.—Be it further ordained that
said plans and specifications shall be
submitted to the Mayor and Council
by said Railway Company within five
months from the adoption o' this or
dinance, and work to carry out said
gians and specifications after their
r r
cleanly Woman.
Erroneously Thinks by Scouring Hen
Scalp That She Cures Dandruff.
Cleanly woman has an erroneous idea
that by scouring the scalp, which re-
moves the dandruff scales, she Is curing
the dandruff! She may wash her Beall
every day, and yet have dandruff her
life long, accompanied by falling hair,
too. The only way In the-world to Cure
dandruff is to kill the dandruff germ,
and there Is no hair preparation that will
do that but Newbro’a Herplclde. Herpl-
clde by killing the dandruff germ,
leaves the hair free to grow as healthy
Nature Intended. Destroy the cause
X®V emova th e effect. Kill the dan-
.? 0 ,™ with Herpriotde. Sold by
for ln^ rug . Kls 4S: s ?" a 10 e- in stamps
trolt a Mich l ° The Her Plcldo Co., De-
Made it a Rule to Borrow No Money and Never
to Issue a Note.
Albany Drug Co., Spools! Arents
ny, by reason of the carrying out of
said plans and specifications.
Sec. 4. Be it further ordained that
said plans and specifications shall be
submitted to the Mayor and Council
by said Railway company within five
months from the adoption of this or
dinance, and work to carry out said
plans and specifications after their
acceptance by the Mayor and Council
shall be commenced . within six
months from the date of acceptance;
else this ordinance becomes null and
Sec. 5. Be it further ordained that
said Albany & Northern Railway
Company shall, under no circum
stances, commence to exercise the
powers and privileges contemplated
in this ordinance until said Company
has agreed in writing to surrender
and waive all the powers and privil
eges previously conferred upon it
by the city of Albany In so far only
as relates, to said railway’s powers
and privileges heretofore granted to
run and operate steam cars, engines
or dummies oh Washington street,
and further agrees In writing to run
on said Washington street in the future
nothing but cars propelled by electric
ity, cable or horse power and to run
and operate such cars only
for the transportation of pas-
sengers, provided that the said
railway company shall have the
right, power and privilege, as here
tofore granted, to run and operate
steam cars, engines and dummies on
Washington street from the north
side of Commerce street south along
said Washington street upon its pres
ent right of way, and unless said
agreemen, surrender and waiver, as
herein contemplated, is tendered with-
in thirty days' from- th acceptance of
the above stated plans and specifica
tions, this ordinance shall become
null and void.
Seel 7. Be It further ordained that
all ordinances or parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby re
oeitb of min ra
ms BE
The firm of Davis & Christian, com.
posed of H. S. Davis and E. C. Chris-
tian, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, E. C. Christian retiring. The
_. . . business will be continued by H. S.
sha^b^commemfed^Uhin 1 six months ^ ^ av * s ’ who assum “ *» llahmtles “<5
from the date of such acceptance;
else this ordinance becomes null and
Sec. 5. Be it further ordained that
all ordfnaces or parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby re
Granting Additional Powers and Prlv
llegl-.s to the Albany & Northern
Railway Company, In the City of
Sec. 1. Be It ordained by the May
or and Council, of the City o’ Alba
ny, and it is hereby ordained by the
authority of the same, that in addi
tion to the powers- and privileges
heretofore -granted to said Railway
Company, the Hollowing additional
powers and privileges are. hereby
The Albany & Northern Railway
Company shall have the right and
privilege of constructing its track
from the Union Passenger Depot
along Front street to the North side
of Pine as shal be hereafter set
, forth in the plans and specifications
provided for in this ordinance, and to
- construct said track from the North
side of Pine street along said Front
[street south to the Southern limits
[of the city, occupying a space fifteen
1(15) feet wide immediately west of
ph'e center line of said Front street.
Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that
{this ordinance as adopted, and the
'powers and ’privileges therein set
forth, are granted to said Albany &
northern Railway Company with the
following conditions and restrictions,
That said Railway company shall
not begin to exercise the aforesaid
powers and privileges until It has
agreed in writing to the conditions
which may be imposed upon it in
writing by the Mayor and Council;
and agreed to and accepted plans and
^specifications, showing the manner
and way in which said track shall be
laid and maintained which. may be
hereafter adopted by said Mayor and
Council, and further, that said Rail
way Company shall furnish said plans
find specifications.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, that
aid Railway Company, be'ore - work
s commenced to carry out said plans
nd specifications, shall furnish good
and sufficient bond to the City of Al
bany, to be approved by Mayor and
Council, to Indemnify the City of Al
bany against any loss through dam-
ge which’ might arise or result to
djoining property, and to indemni-
y all adjoining property owners from
ny loss or damage which might arise
r result from tbe carrying out o.!
aid plans and specifications, which
bond shall give said property owners
the right to sue thereon in the name
of the city of Albany, for their use,
for such damages, and that said bond
shall be considered cumulative to any
"‘.her right or cause of action which
dd property owners might be en
titled to against said Railway Compu
te whom all debts due the firm a
to be paid.
Albany, Ga., Jan. 3, 1906. law-4w
To City Tax and License Delinquents.
All city licenses for the year. 1906
have been due since the first Tuesday
In January, and notice is hereby given
that cases will be made against all
persons or firms who have not paid
their license taxes by noon oh Wed
nesday next, 17th >nst.
Property taxes for 1905 have been
due since the 20th of December, and
notice is hereby given that positive
instructions have been given to issue
fl fas and make levies in cases of all
delinquents after the 25th inst.
By order of the Mayor and Council.
•/ J. W. KEMP,
Deputy Marshal.
Arrival and Departure of Train* at
Albany, Ga.
In Effect Jan. 8, 1905.
For Dothaq and Floraia.... 7:45am
For Dothan and Hartford.... 3:50pm
For Macon, Atlanta, Augus
ta, Columbus, Savannah.. 4:05am
For Macon, Atlanta, Colum
bus, Montgomery, Troy... .11:64 am
For Macon, Atlanta, Savan
nah 9:00 pm
From Floraia and Dothan... 8:45pm
From Hartford and Dothan 11:40 am
From Augusta, Savannah,
Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am
From Montgomery, Troy, Co
lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm
From Atlanta, SaVannah, Ma
con, Montgomery, Colum
bus 11:30pm
Drawing room sleeping cars be
tween Albany and Atlanta on trains
arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and
leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parlor 1
car between Albany and Atlanta on
train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p.
m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m.
For further informrtion apply to S.
A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or
R S. Morris, Commercial Agent, Al
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Lath*,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass
and Putty, Mantels, Grates and Tile,
Wall Paper and Paints et
„ _ ‘
NEW YORK, Jan. 17—Marshall Field, the millionaire Chicago mer
chant, died at the Holland House at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, after
an eight days* illness of pneumonia. Death came peacefully while
members of the family who had been in almost constant attendance for
several days, were gathered around the deathbed. They, as well as the
dying merchant himself, were prepared for the end.
A special train bearing the body o? the late Marshall Field to Chi
cago left here at 11 o’clock this morning over the New York Central
railroad. It will reach Chicago at noon tomorrow. The train consist
ed of a baggage car, two sleepers, a dining car and an observation car.
The party included members of the family who were at the deathbed
and a number of relatives and close intimate friends.
Respect for the Dead Merchant In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Jan. 17.—Out of respect to the memory of Marshall Field,
who died in New York late yesterday, the Field retail and wholesale
stores will remain closed until Saturday.
All stores on State street, Chicago’s greatest retail street, and prob
ably large establishments elsewhere in the city, will be closed two hours'
on Friday, during the funeral.
Mr. Field’s Remarkable Carq-r.
Marshall Field was without question the greatest and most success
ful merchant of his generation, and he was one of the world’s richest
men, his wealth being estimated at anywhere from $190,000,000 to $200,
000,000. He was a native of Conway, Mass., where lie was born In 1835.
His father was a farmer and Mr. Field obtained his education in the
public schools of Conway. At the age of 17 he became a clerk in a gen
eral country Btore in Pittsfield, Mass., where he remained for four years.
He went to Chicago in 1856 and began ills career there as a clerk in
the wholesale drygoods establishment of Cooley, Wadsworth & Co. Dur-
ing the four years that he remained with this house he showed marked
commercial ability, and in 1860 he was given a partnership. The late
Levi Z. Letter was also cpnnected with the firm, and fn 1865 the two
young men withdrew and, in company with Potter Palmer, they organ
ized the firm of Field, Palmer & Letter, which continued until 1867,
when Mr. Palmer withdrew, and the firm became Field, Letter & Co.
This continued until, 1881, when Mr. Letter retired and the firm became
known qs ftrqrshall & Co., as it is today. The house forged to the
front very rapiflly, and it is noty the largest enterprise of its kind in the
world. Its remarkable success is attributed almost entirely to Mr. Field
anj his methods. He made it a rule never to borrow money and never
to issue a note.
We give you tile advice of an
expert in fitting glasses. Grad
uate of four of the largest schools
of New York City, with th*
experience of twenty years.
All the latest methods in fitting.
Our advice is to come and see
us if you want the best and the
frames properly fitted to the
In all the latest designs. Dainty-
ladies’ watohes. Beautiful line
gents' watohes. All good time
keepers. Call and see them.
Phil H;
j Hoke Sat With the
The following, from the Columbus
Evening Ledger, has attracted much
attention in this section of the state
on account of the apparent Incongru
ity of the situation and the humorous
light in which it Is related:
‘‘The night following the joint de
bate in Columbus as a part of the en
tertainment of Mr. Smith by his en
thusiastic friends he was one o’ a
box party seeing a show at the opera
“One of his enthusiastic supporters
from an adjoining county had stayed
over In town till his enthusiasm could
simmer down to a sober condition of
saneness be'ore going home to his
wife and babies, and he finds himself
at the show wlfh one of his Columbus
“He punched Ills friend In the side
and In an audible stage whisper the
following dialogue was indulged In to
the amusement o.' those occupying ad
joining seats:
“'Say, yonder Is Hoke Smith. He's
the biggest man fn Georgia, and the
way he cleaned up Clark Howell and
the corporations was a God’s plenty.
He shore give ’em . You ought
to heard that speech. Clark Howell
just tucked his tall and give it up.; I
don’t mind voting for a man that’s got
the backbone to stand up and fight
the corporations and call ’em right
names. He knows they are thieves
and he just stands up In meetin’ like
Tom Watson and tells ’em so right
smack la the face. Who’s that guy
slttin’ by Hoke, on the side?’
"’Why;' that's his friend, Mr. Louis
Garrard. He’s managing Mr. Smith's
campaign in Muscogee county. He’s
a man of considerable influence here.
He’s attorney for the Columbus Street
Railway Company and some other
railroads, and a stockholder in the
Electric Llgbt Company and all tile
other big things, and a mighty good
corporation iawver besides. Get's big
■'ees and is mighty near as big a man
as,Hoke Smith. In fact, he started
to run for governor once himself?'
"A short sijence ensued and the en
thusiastic supporter of Mr. Smith
turned his eyes once more on the box
occupied bv the illustrious Georgian.
But promptly nudging his friend In
the side agalp he Inquired: ‘Who’s
that other duffer in the box with tbe
" ‘That’s Hon. Reese Craw'ord,’ said
his friend.
“ ‘Who in the —- is he?'
" ‘Oh, he's nearly as big a man as
Garrard; he’s Sam Spencer’s broth
er-in-law—the big railroad - man, you
know. His son is superintendent of
the Central railroad.’
“ ‘Well, I’ll be ! If he ain’t in
the hands of the Philistines and don’t
know it! ’ V
Leading Jeweler and Optician.
Consultation and Advice Free
Nickel A larm Clocks
all fine time keep
ers. We are lead
ers for everything
in the jewelry line..
All the latest novel
ties. Everything Engraved Free
of Charge.
Lending Jeweler and Optician. Every Article
Engraved Free. Phone 1ST.
Fresh Shipment
25c 50c 75c
Nice Bound Books at
I5c each, worth more
tlfan double the price.
Sucji authors as Kipling,
Eliot, Schrlener, Haw
thorne, Shakespeare and
many others.
Boys’ nicely poupd books
only 15c, by Heqty, Bills,Meade,
Alger and others.
1 000 new stock paper bound
Novels worth 28c for 10c eath.
Have you seen the new Sou
venir Post Cards of Albany,
View of Broad Street, Elks
Home, Opera House, New Alba*
ny Hotel and Monument, Court
One Thing Certain.
Never Had a Chance.
“Did you ever bite off more than
you could chew?’
"Never; • I’ve always lived at a
boarding house.” •/
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, the
■v Best Made.
“In fny opluion Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy Is the best made for
Do you know,” shouted the earn
est orator, "what to do to tbe trusts?”
"No. but I know blame well what colds,” says '’Mrs. ’coraTWaiter,‘of
they’re doing to us!’’ said a man In Porterville,' California. There is no
the front row. ; doubt about its being tho best. No
other will cure a cold so quickly. No
The soothing and comforting effects other is 80 sure a Preventive of
of Dewitt’S Witch Hazel Salve, when r meum °nla. No other is so pleas-
applled to Piles, Sores, Cuts, Boils, aI “ and safe W take. These are
etc., subdues pain almost Instantly. g00tl reasons why it should be
This Salve draws out the lnilamma- Preferred to any other. The fact
tton reduces swelling- and acts ss n is that few people are satisfied with
rubefacient, thus circulating the blood rni!L 0 i tller ,r fter k a T* ngonc e used this
through the diseased parts, permit remedy. For sale by Saie-Davis Drug
ting or aiding Nature to permanently
remove the trouble entirely, _ Sold
by Albany Drug Co. and lliieman-
msman- AIwayS ,eav ® tKwn > a «Shing wh<
" ”
FOR 8ALE—We. will sell cheap tor
cash, all bearings and iron work for
one Fairbanks Railroad Track
Scales. Length 36 feet, capacity
100,000 pounds.
CO., Albany, Ga, 10-12t
WANTED—One hundred gopd labor*
ing men for saw mill and railroad
work. Planing mill gran- rs, and ail
l’Sds of saw mill labored, white or
colored. Jackson Lumber Company,
Lockhart, Covington Couucv, Ala.
One yellow cow, a yellow calf and
a dun-colored calf,. have been taken
up at Cruger & Pace’s lumber yard
and tbe owner or owners cau recover
same by paying for this a
and cost of feed; otherwii
be sold as e
contemplating investing in
real estate?
If so, the Jones & Smith
Title & Loan C
are th? people you want
consult for these reasons:
They guarantee the title P
every piece of property the
They are responsible ...
any defects in the title the^
They have the most con
plete list of desirable proper
ties in and about the city.
Vacant lots, nice houses,
and cheap tenant houses fo
sale. See
Wni. E. SMITH,
Real Estate Manager Jones i
Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfoll
Values in Marble and
Granite, for artistic work
manship, and the finest
material in
IS Albany H 5
Granite Works.
Is still doing business at his old
place over the First National Bank,
samples of all the new colorings in
all and winter fabrics are ready for
nspection. Our styles appeal forci
bly to well [dressed gentlemen, and
our prices are as low as is consistent
with good workmanship,
The Tailor
Wishing to reduce my stock
’ itor
before taking Inventory, all
of my merchandise will be
offered for this month at
FOR RENT—A furnished room with
bath for two gentlemen. Apply at
once. Address “X,” eare Herald.
This is a great Bargain Sale
as my stock consists of very
desirable goods in all lines,
and was bought at low prices
>efore the advance of a'I
kinds of merchandise, but i
am determined to reduce my
jresent stock before the'
spring goods come in. and 1
shall give to my patrons the
*ull benefit of it,
0. Neuman,
Agent For May, Manton Pattern*.
The Original Laxative Cough 8
is Kennedy’s Laxative Honey ' r
Tar. It expels all cold from the s;
tern by