Newspaper Page Text
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any Herald
aid Publishing Co.
dclntosh............ President
T. McIntosh Sec. A Treas.
Davis.... ..Bus. Mgr.
■ ;■•■ - —■ ■■
/ Afternoon Except 8und»y,
lily (8 pages) Every Saturday.
' . . ■:
illy Herald,'rine year... 86.00
illy Herald,'six months....... 2.60
ly Herald, three months 1.25
ekly Herald, 8 pages, one year 1.00
All subscriptions payable In ad.
dvertlslng rates reasonable and
de known on application,
ards of thanks, resolutions of re.
ct and obituary notices, other than
se which the paper Itself may give
a matter sf news, will be charged
at the rate of 10 cents a line, ex
it when such notices are publish-
by charitable organizations, when
special pete will be named.
‘•lotlces of church and society and
other entertainments from which
revenue Is to be derived, beyond a
ef announcement, will be charged
at/the rate of 5 cents a line.
Office second floor Postofflce Build-
corner of Jackson and Pine
eelp. i
the Atlanta news quarrel.!' thirty-second miles.
Judge Pendleton, of tho superior) It Is almost Incredible that an auto-
court of Fulton county, has enjoined mobile should be able to cover a dls-
Editor John Temple Graves, of the At- jtance of live miles In two minutes and
lanta News, from using the columns, of thirty-four seconds, yet such was the
The Herald deals with advertising
agents by special contraot only, and
v advertising agent or agency le au-
orlzed to take contracts for adver-
cmdnts to be Inserted In this paper.
Offlolal Organ of the City of Albany.
Official Organ of Dougherty County,
Official Organ of Baker County,
Official Organ of the. Railroad Com
mission of Qoorgla for the Second
Congressional Dlstrlet.
Editorial Rooms and Business Of
fice, 60. -
.Composing Room and Job Printing
Office, 60—3 rings.
If you see It In The Herald It’s so.
If you advertise In The Herald It goes.
_ | ■&!!> /-■;:>■■■; ’ i.'..-TT====rwr-—
* ■ ,■
■;„Ca8t,ro will probably change his
, mind before tho French warships get
thin shooting distance,
>5 BJ —
• In about six weeks more the fruit
crop, especially poach, will begin to
be ruined—in the nowspnpors.
The rains have played havoc with
nnroafia, not only In this Immediate
sebtlon, but throughout the entire
That- much-hornlded cold wave Isn’t
■ 09I1I, after all, down here In God’s
'try. it batne In time anil Is Bnf-
nt, however, to keep peaches and
her fruit trees from jloomlug out
WatBon forgives the Atlanta
nal for everything und folds It to
bosom, while nil other papers In
the state tlipt pretend to he Demo-
ntlc nre given the marble heaft by
“T.rlrd o| Mountain Top."
. Parham, of the WiVcroia .Henan.
'and Grubb] of tho Darien Gazette, n
od poll* to draw to, hio alluding,
across .the wive grass and palmetto
stretch* of country that separates
them, to Colonel Until! as "the next
governor of Georgia.”
that paper for his personal advance
ment or In his candidacy for United
States senator; from reproducing
laudatory commonts on ,his cafidldacy
from the other pnpers'of the state;
nnd from declaring the Atlanta News
for or against any one of the candi
dates for the governorship of Georgia.
Tho temporary Injunction will hold
until tho 27th of Jnnuary, when It will
bo either dissolved or made perma
Tills Is another chapter In the quar
rel In the family of the News, with
Editor Graves at the head of one fac
tion and Charles Daniel at the head
of the other. Daniel and his adher
ents nro unwilling that Editor Graves,
who Is a candldnto for the United
States senate against Senator Bacon,
should boost his candidacy In the col
umns of tho paper, or tlmt he throw
tho Influence of the paper to either
of the candidates now In tho field or
hereafter to announce for governor of
At best, It Is an ugly and regrotta-
bio squabble, Tho rise to favor and
Influence of the News lias been phe
nomeiml, and It Is to be deplored that
the relations of the paper’s official
family are not to remain pleasant.
Tho personality of Editor Graves Is
strongly stumped upon the paper, and
sympathy, so fnr as the public Is con
cerned, will be apt to strongly favor
The Herald, In common with the
press of the state and the public gen
erally, hopes that the troubles now be
ing nlred In tho courts will he speed
lly and amicably adjusted.
TI10 Savannah Nows says: "Speak
er Cannon, It Is reported, Is wearing
a suit of South Carolina Jeans clothes,
nnd a dlspatoh says that a South Caro
linian Iuib sont him a pall- of sus
penders ef Palmetto state brand.
That, however, must, he r. mistake.
Nobody wears 'susppndors’ with jeans
breeches; they must bo 'galluses,'
fastened on with n shingle nail or a
wooden ’skewer.’ Moreover, If 'Uncle
Joe’ can wear Ids breeches with only
one 'gallas' lie will come still nearer
being tho real thing.”
The loss of tho steamship Valencia
nonr, Victoria seems to have been oiio
of the most serious marine disasters
of recent times. Where tho unfortu
nate vossol struck, It was Impossible
for rescuers to reach her, nnd 139 of
the passengers nnd crew hre reported
lost. It. Is a pitiful story the dis
patches bring of tlio sacrifice to the
romorsoloBS appetite of the sen of
women and children, who clung for
long hours In the rigging, waiting and
praying for the relief which could not
achievement of the gasoline car driven
by Hemery on the beach at Ormonde,
Fla., yesterday. A pnrt of the distance
covered must have been at a rate In
excess of two miles a minute, or a
hundred and twenty miles an hour.
This Is faster than the fastest express
trains have over traveled, and, It Is
needless to odd, the risk which the
drivers brave Is Immensely greater In
proportion. Tile stenm or gasoline
car Is strongly nnd carefully built, bid
flaws creep in In spite of abundant
precaution, und tho fatal break is apt
to come at the moment when terrific
speed Is Imposing the severest strain.
Last year the races at Ormonde were
not pulled off without an accident
which snuffed out two lives. It has
come to pass tlint serious and often
fatal’ nccldents occur with nearly
every road or track race In which
cars of very high speed participate.
’l ' Vr % ,
The Amerlcus Times-Rdcbrder per
petrated this paragraph;
A Detroit man has unveiled a
monument to Satan, lie says he
admires Satan and “doesn't- be
lieve a word In the Bible.” If he
Is Bure about that, 5 where did he
get his Information and Impres
sions concerning Satan?
Reproducing which, tho Montgom
ery Advertiser offers this Interpreta
There Is such a thing ns getting
impressions at flrBt hand, without
having to read up on a subject.
Perhaps the Detroit chap Is on
good terms with “Auld Reekie.”
The government Is Introducing some
very damaging tostlmonv against
Greene nnd Gnynor nt Savannah, and
. the modus opornndl of the defense
when it goes to break down the array
III be watched with a great deni of
Interest. ,
The Augusta Chronicle thinks that
'.-‘‘perhaps the Russian masses did not
take kindly to the revolution because
they know Its success would certainly
salt In the organization of the So
ciety of the Daughters of the Russian
H B 5? — •
The "Town Topics reporter” seems
, have set a pace in New York for
the reporters of the metropolitan
lilies. When It conies to “getting
n” where newspaper men are not
Iranibd, n “Town Topics" news liunt-
is about the limit.
The walk-out of two hundred- negro
udents - at the Talladega College,
Talladega, Ala. Is remarkable for
wo things—first, that Southern ne-
. should be aggrieved that a
Southern white man was placed over
, and second, that the Northern
ators In charge of the institution
should have “stood pat" In support of
the Southerner. The last, however, Is
— accepted as an encouraging sign.
It Is stated from Washington that
.France Is to be given n free hand to
deal with Venezuela. All right. But
what Is n free hand, and how far can
It go In a case like that? Suppose
Franco should conclude, after finding
tho job an easy one, to seize the South
American republic and bold on to It
with' the free hand?
Col. W. D. Mann, the resourceful
editor of "Town Topics," seems to be
the most interesting living exponent
of the unlimited possibilities of graft.
There Is Just one thing In the colonel’s
favor; he loved a shining mark, and
robbed only those who could spare
the money. Small game was beneath
his notice.
Indigestion Is easily overcome by
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, be
cause this remedy digests what you
eat, and gives I he stomach a rest—al
lows It to recuperate and grow strong
Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach,
Heart-Burn, etc., and enables the di
gestive organs to assimilate and trans.
form all foods Into tissue-building
blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach,
Belching, Heart-Burn, and all forms
of Indigestion. Palatable and
strengthening. Sold by Albany Drug
Co, and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.
“My mother has been a sufferer for
many years from rheumatism,” says
W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pennsyl
vania. At times Bhe was unable to
move at all, while at all times walk
ing was paln'iil. I presented her with
a bott.lp of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm
and after a few applications she de
cided It was the most, wonderful pain
reliever she had ever tried; In fact,
she Is never without It now and is at
all times able to walk. An occasional
application of Pain Balm keeps away
the pain that she was 'ormerly trou
bled with.” For sale by Sale-Davls
Drug Co.
We Lead in Style, Fit and Quality
No Pill Is ns pleasant and positive
as DeWltt’s Little Early Risers.
These Famous Little Pills are so mild
and effective that children, delicate
ladles and weak people enjoy their
cleansing effect, while strong people
say they are the best liver pills sold.
Never gripe.
Pure Fruit Preserves
1 „
A lot of the finest you have ever used, and each
kind has a true flavor of the fresh fruit.
Raspberry, Strawberry,
Cherry, Fig,
Per Jar, 35 Cents.
We have also just received a gross of genuine
Bitter Orange Marmalade,
Per Jar, 15 Cents.
This is an exceptionally delicious article for cold
supper or lunch and the more you e»t
the better you like it.
Mock & Rawsoru
$7.50 to $20.00
$6.00 to $25.00.
If you are out
for Clothes that are
worthy “In and
Out” and “Out and
In” then come in
and look at ours.
$2.50;to $6.00.
Brown & Co.
Iorthern Railway 1
< Re. ad Down.
| | Read Up.
Vice President.
Nr. C 1
Su. onlyi
No. 4 v j No. 2 |
1 Daily
Dally •[ExrSun.l
Effective Oct.
No. 1
No. 3
Lv. ... Albany .
.. Ar.
S: 20pm
8:2-! anil
Ap. .. Ticknor .
.. Lv.
S :30am
Ar. ... Doerun .
.. Lv.
0:10am 1
9:19 am
Ar. .. Moultrie
.. Lv.
io :00am
G: 35pm
f-: J 5nrr|
f: T'm
1 :55 pm
Ar Pavo ..
.. Lv.
Id: 45am
,?:20pirlAv. ... Boston .
.. Lv.
G :50am
, 4:00pm
t Albany with. S. A. L.
T HIS bank baa a good active board of Directors and a
strong body of Stockholders. In addition to supervis on
by tile national government it bis bi-monthly examinations by
the Directors.
The Citizens National Bank,
Of Albany, GA.\
Nos. 1 and .4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordele, Savan
nah,- Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N.
All trains make connections at Albany to and from all Central of Ga,
Ry. points, including Atlanta, Macon, Americus,and Montgomery. Sleep
ing car service via C. of Ga. between Albany and Atlanta. Leave Albany
p p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:25 a. m. Connections at Ticknor, via
F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. for Quitman,*
■ Vakjosta, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Connections at Moul-
■. tvje via A. & B. for Tifton and Thomasville..
S. A ATKINSON, U. T. A.. G. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr.,
j Albany, Ga. Moultrie, Ga,
•Not only the whole South, but the
whole country, watches with deep In
terest the bulletins from Gen.-Joseph
Wheeler’s bedside. Although the at
tack of pneumonia from which he is
suffering la declared to be of a mild
type, his age is a factor to be reck
oned with, nnd the danger will be
great until convalescence ts fairly
under way.
Thai Hoke Smith-AtUmta Journal'
’Pom Watson alliance, mutual admira
tion society, or whatever else you may
choose to call It. may last through the
campaign, but we doubt it. Hoke is
variable and subject to change on the
ground of expediency, and Tom is
irascible and self-opinionated, while
the Atlanta Journal—well, it’s just the
same old blunderer In politics.
Buy them separately—-mix together, and you
have Paint Perfection, ready to apply.
Albany decor atingco tiPA »y,
V. <s
NO. 18.
Lv. Albany ... ,12;00noon
Ar. Cordele 1:25pm
Ar. Savannah ...S:00pm S. A. L. Ry
Ar. Macon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry
A r. Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Atlanta 7; 50pm C.-oE Ga. Ry
NO. 16.
Lv. Albany J '30pm
Ar. Cordele s .... G :15pm
Ar. Macon 9:35pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Helena ...... 9:30pm S. A. L. Ry
NO. 17.
Lv. Savannah ...7-i5am S.A.L.Ry
Lv. Atlanta 8; 00am C.ofGa Ry
Lv. Macon 11; 30am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. Cordele 2; 10pm
Ar. Albany 3:35pm
NO. 15.
Lv. Macon .. .. G: 45am G. S. & F.I
Lv. Helena 5:30am S.A.L.l
Lv. Cordele 9; 30am
Ar. Albany ...,11:15am
Schedule Effective July 3, 1905—90th Meridian Time.
No. 8» |
No. 79
2; 10p.m.
2:39 p.m.
o: 16p.m.!
2:00 m.
Lv ..Albany.. Ar] 1
Lv ..Sasser.. Ar|l2
Lv .Dawson. Arjl2;
Lv .Richland. Arjll
|Ar Columbus LrjlO:
Ar ..Atlanta.. Lvl 6:
Via A. & N. Ry. j
Lv ..Albany.. Arj 3:
Lv .Cordele. Arj 1
Ar Savannah Lv| 7
No. 8o
| - No. 79
:10p.m. Lv ..Albany.. Ar l:2op.n.
: 16p.m. Lv . Lumpkin. Ar 11:12a.m.
:47p.m. Lv Hurtsboro Ar 9:35an.
1:23p.m. Lv .Ft. Davis. Ar
Mup.m.Ar N'tgomery Lv 7:30a.m
:30p.m. Ar ..Selma.. Lv| 6:00a w
:00a.m. Ar Pensaco'a Lv 11:
:B5n.m. Ar ..Mobile . Lv 12:40a a
:l'6a.m.|Ar NewOrleann livj 4:ir.pit.
:44p.m.)Ar .St. LoUis. Lv 1 8:0Oa.L«
No. 80. Through train to Columbus] making cloaa oOuovutioii ai '.»c
innd and Montgomery for all points West via L. &. N. and M. ti) 8 hi
it Columbus and Atlanta with ail lines diverging for Eastern and Npr'b
joints, roll Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent.
8. A. ATKINSON. U. T. A.. Albany Ga.
W p. SCRUGGS. T P. A- Savannah. Op
For additional information, rates, etc., address
A V. PHILLIPS, Com’! Agt., Albany, Ga. j, s. CREWS
6. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. V. P. & G. M., Albany Ga,
J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting Freight and Passenger Agent, Cordele, Ga.'
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad CtL
For Waycross, Brunswick and Points! From Waycross, Brunswick
South and East. j Points South and E«t!
Train No. 89 Leaves 12:50ami Train No. 94 Arrives... n-so
Train No. ^5 Leaves 2:00pm Train No. 90 Arrives...!
Thomasville, Monticelto and
Points West.
Train No: 71 Leaves 4:00 pm
Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40 am
From Thomasville. Montlceilo
Points West.
Train No. 72 Arrives 11:31
Train No. 74 Arrives.......,y7:l£