About The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD: THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1906, And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of Frill!" This great remedy | them through their most^SdcJ I ordeal with safety and no pain. I RIGHT Is the Plan of Chief Engi neer Stevens, Who Says It Can Be Done in That Time. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror Gowns at 48c. Good grade Muslin, high neck, yoke of embroid ery betjveen tucks, worth up to 65c, this sale. And have your work done by the people who are experts in their line of work. We claim to be all this, and anything in our line we do, we will guarantee you to be abso lutely satisfied with, when your work is com- Vjowns at ooc. Muslin of good grade, a $1.00 value, trimmed with very fine torchon lace insertion, sleeves of edging to QO match, during undermuslin and white sale. . . , Ot/C Jos. Otil. Washington correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution, sends that paper the following: A canal by the beginning of 1913 Is the promise held out by Chief Engin eer Stevens to members of the senate committee, providing his recommenda- i tions for a lock canal are adopted. I Mr. Stevens Is strongly in favor of the lock canal on the ground that it j will save from four to six years of time, as against the sea level project, and at least one hundred million dol lars In expense. , | Mr. Stevens was bofore the canal committee all this afternoon. As on 'yesterday ho was closely questioned | by different senators, particularly by Senator Ktttredge, who, after having | made a close personal study of condl- | tions upon the isthmus, believes a sea |level canal Is the moro feasible- prO; 1 ject. | The members of the committee have ibeen careful throughout their exnmin- lation of Mr. Stevens to refrain from indicating their own attitude. But the opinion Is strong that If, as is ex pected, President Rooseve'lt endorses the recommendation of the minority of the board of consulting engineers and declares with Mr. Stevens for a lock canal, this typo will be adopted. The report of. the minority of the board of consulting engineers favors a lock canal at a summit level of 85 feet. It provides for three locks on the Atlantic or Colon side, and two locks on the Pacific or Panama Bide. Provision Is made for a great dam at Gatun to control the waters of the Clmgres. This Is to bo 95 feet high and about a quatrer of a mile long. Thla will form a lake ending as far as Miraflores, about 35 miles, through which ocean-going ships can pass with their motive power. , i . , The estimate of cost fov tills type of canal Is $147,0.00,00.0.0, and Mr. Stevens says it can be constructed in six and a half years or by the beginning of Hid year 1913. PIANOS ’Worth 65c, of good grade Muslin, wide flounce, embroidery edging, this sale Skirts at 79c. Good quality Cambric, embroidery ruffie, a value at $1.00, this sale Skirts at 98c. Good quality Cambric, wide Torchon edging and inserting; several other patterns Corset Covers, 9c to 69c. Induing various styles and prices, ex- Q , ceptionally good values •'C LU Chemise, 48c. Good quality Cambric, Val. Lace trimming, a good value at 65c, this sale We are in a position to sell you a Piano at the average manufacturers wholesale price and for less than those who claim to sell direct from factory to consumers. ,. . Call and see tor yourself. B&AMAN’S MUSIC HOUSE 104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga RANGES! If you are in need of a Range and comtemplate buying, it will certainly be to your interest to call around to our store and look over our complete stock'of Superb and Art Superb Ranges Before you buy. A range that cooks well, and at the same time heats a Range Boiler, so that you can have plenty of HOT WATER for your BATH ROOM. The prices are right. Fine Cambric, Val. Lace and Val. Beading, a value at $2.00, this sale Drawers, 19c to 98c. Several different prices in showing, IQ . all at values from . . -*■ *7 C 1 Harris Plumbing Co E. P. HARRIS, Mgr. 102 Pine Street. East Store el Rumney Building. If you wanted to purchase a horse blanket you would not think of going to a drug store, neither would you think of call ing at a livery Stable for a bot tle of Plant Juice. When you wanbany cement wbrk done at your home, why we are the only people you want to see. If interested call on or ’phone L. S. Plonsky, 148, or 213. DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED urenwe Just received two carloads Buggies and five more on the road. 22-Gt ALBANY BUGGY CO.. BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling' Co Everywhere 5c. Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire Brick. Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Laths, Shingles, ell kinds of Thmber and | mouldings, Sash, Doors. Blinds, Glass i and Putty, Mantels, GrateB and Tile. Wall Paper anq Paints at C. D. SMITH'S We have succeeded in getting DR. VAUC- AIRE’S celebrated prescription for develop ing the BUST, This prescription has been used for a number of years with the best re sults as a Bust Developer. W asherwomen Strike $1.00 per bottle But we run every day except Sunday and can do your work on short notice. Let us give you a remedy for wash- wdman troubles Owl Drug & Seed Co FRESH SEED. / I I / I WAREHOUSE COMPANY, Our celebrated PINNACLE is the best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or-’moisture: all pure goods. We also handle acids, kainit and muriate of potash. 1 OFFICERS : w. W. PACE, President A. P. VA80N, Vice-President W. M. WillDER, See. end Tress. T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager. contemplating investing in real estate? If so, the' Jones & Smith Title Guarantee & Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for these reasons: They guarantee the title to every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. They have the-most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, iokjahoma’Tnd. and cheap,tenant houses for "** sale. See Wm.E. SMITH, Real Estate Manager Jones & Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfolk Building. Begs to state that he has returned to the city and is prepared to serve his patients. Dr. Hutchason’s offices in the Davis-Exchange Bank Building are now nearing completion and he will be ready in his new office in a few days, thoroughly equipped for the delicate work of expert optician and opthalmist. Morris Weslosky, D. W. James. . President V.-Pret F. H. Bates, Csshtsr. Morris Weslosky, President, imes, W. R.Bell, Vice-Prea. 2nd Vice-Piea, J. Davis, P.W.Jonec, Oaalier. Ass’t Cashier, pirst National Bank, ALBANY, QA. > another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated, the trag edy Is averted. F. G. Huntley, of 1., writes: “My wife had the consumption, and three doc tors gave her up. Finally, she took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and today she Is well and strong.". It kills the germs of all dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaran teed at 50c and (1.00 by Albany Drug' Co., druggists. Trial bottles free. Capital 150,000 Sprplus and Undivided Profits. 70,000 TheWest Construction Company. $50,0 *\JK CAPITAL UNDIVIDEp PROFITS MONEY LOANED. Georgia. Deposits -received subject to Sight ._:i. A general banking business Solicits accounts dt firms and Individuals •„ Draft. A general banking business transacted. Bankers’ and merchants, accounts solicited. &§ Arrived. Ten carloads of Dry Pine Wood. Albany Coal &'Wood Co.