Newspaper Page Text
Don't bet money on the
Governor's race—it ia gamb
ling. Simply wage a case
of Flint Rock Ginger Ale.
It’s better form and—you
have something to live for.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 24.—A spe
cial from Hattiesburg, Miss., says that
a tornado struck that place during a
heavy rain this morning. Two persons
were severely Injured and Immense
damage was done to property, trees
and wires.
Windows, Doors, Blinds.
Lime, Cement, Platter, Hair, etc.
See our Mantels for, tenement and
cottage houses.
Columns and Balusters turned to
order. » \
Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Fram
ing Lumber.
Telephone No. 44.
Values in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship, and the finest
material in
Needed Money.
Headstones, etc.,
The Albany Marble
Granite Works.
" - Proi
Increase the Value of Your Property
SO Per Cent.
When you see a well-graded yard,
with nice green grass growing over It,
you at once wish your lawn looked the
same way. Why not have yours look
that way? Now Is the time to do 1L
A month from now will be too late.
It will cost me nothing to look at your
lawn, and a little time spent on It
may Increase Uie value of your prop
erty more than you have any Idea.
You can see the kind of work I do at
th6 Godwin residence, comer Jackson
and Flint streets. 1
Is still doing business at his old
place over thei First -National Bank,
samples of all the new colorings In
all and winter fabrics are ready for
nipqction. Our styles appeal forci
bly to well dressed gentlemen, and
our prices are as low as Is consistent
with good workmanship.
I am prepared to take coni
Sowing or pump wells in a
mllnc HV.nnv 11.
Salesman—I'd like to sell you an
.Millionaire—I can’t afford It. My
daughter' Is going to marry Lord Ue
Those Wbo Come and Oo—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read' With Interest—What Is
Ooiag on in Society, With Now and
Then a Little Gossip.
Miss May Ware, of Wadley, Is a
guest at the home of her sister, Mrs.
tV. M. Wilder, on Broad street.
Mr. George Hand Kidd, of Pretoria,
was attending to business affairs here
yesterday afternoon.
The friends of Mr. O. J. Bradley are
pleased to see him up, after an Illness
of several days.
Mr. Nano Fleisher left, the city yes
terday morning for Columbia, Ala. He
will be gone several weeks on a com
mercial tour.
weeks, the guest of
Miss Belle Collier left the city this
morning for Quitman, where she will
visit relatives.
Miss Annie Hobbs will entertain the
Friday Morning Bridge Whist Club on
Tuesday of next week. The change
wgs made because of Lent, which be
gins on Wednesday.
Mr. J. R. Pinson, of Baeonton, was
among the well-known visitors In Al
bany yesterday.
Mr. Pope Whittlesey, of Atlanta, ar
rived here yesterday. Mr. Whittlesey
has accepted a position with the Al
bany & Northern ratlway, and will
make this city his home hereafter^
Mr. ,Ben Watts, of Rome, Is' spend
ing several days in the city, looking
after business matters.
Mrs. E. S. KUlebrew left Albany at
noon yesterday for Eufaula, where she
will be the guest of her parents for
Several days.
Mj. Sol Hatcher, of Worth county,
was among the visitors In Albany yes
terday morning.
Mr. T. H. McClendon, Of Meridian,
Miss., formerly of Americas, has ac
cepted a position In the Albany office
of the Central qf Georgia railway, and
will make this City his home In future.
Mrs. H. T. Watkins, of Baiubiiclge,
is a guest at the home of Mrs. J. C.
Miss Genevieve Johnson arrived In
theiclty yesterday at noon from Thom-
nsvllle, where she had been visiting
A Swell Dress Slide
Lace and Button
the-past three
Mrs. A. H. Hilsmah entertained the
Friday Morning Bridge Whist Club
very delightfully yesterday. Mrs.
Robert Warren won the prize, a pic
ture, one of Henry Hutt's latest and
prettiest. At the m conclusion of the
games,- delicious refreshments
served. 4
Mr. o. H. Dean leaves the city to
night for Atlanta for a short pleasure
Dr. A. S. Bacon arrived here yester
day from ThomasvMe. He left til-
day for Savannah on business,
Miss Hetta Casper will entertain the
Wednesday Afternoon Card Club next
Col. E. A. Hawkins, of Amerlcus, Is
attending to business affairs In the
city today.
Mr. J. C. Cassidy, of Atlanta, a pop.
ular traveling man and well-known
former Albanian, ,wns looking after
business and mingling with friends
here this morning.
Mr. Calvin Rogers, of Doles, was
among the well-known visitors In Al
bany yesterday.
:j. . •
Mrs. M. W. Tift and Mrs. H. W. Mc
Clure entertained at a 6 o’clock din
ner yesterday, In honor of Miss Ellen
Dortch, of North Carolina, the popular
guest of Miss Sarah Tyler. Covers
were laid fqr twelve guests. The af
fair was as enjoyable as it was elab
orate, seven courses being served.
Mr. James Salter, of Leesburg, Is
spending the day In Albany on busi
Mr. Jesse D. Weston leaves Albany
tonight for Atlanta, where he will
visit friends a few days.
Mr. J. JV. Averson, of Oakfleld. was
among the well-known visitors' here
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Whitworth and
children, of Camilla, leave the-city this
afternoon for their home in Camilla,
after a visit of a couple of days at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wes-
losky, on Broad' street.
Mr. R. L. Hall, of Newton, was a
prominent visitor in the city yester
Mr. .1. W. Myers, of Pelham, was
mingling with friends In Albany yes
terday afternoon. .
Mr, W. E. Rowsey left the city last
sight for Atlanta, where.he will stay
a few days, visiting his wife, who Is
under.treatment at a Sanitarium there.
tonight from Tallahassee, Fla., where
she 1ms been attending at the bedside
of her sister, who is quite ill.
Judge John O. Perry, of Newton, Is
among the Well-known visitors In the
city today. '
Mr. Arthur Neuman left the city to
day for Columbus, for a short visit
with friends.
Miss Lois Russell, of Moultrie, ar
rived in the city at noon today. She
Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
John McMillan, on Broad street.
Mr. x Clifton Lee, of Atlanta, spent
the morning in Albany, looking after
Mr. J. p.
among the
DuPree, of Warwick, Is
visitors In Albany this
Mr. Harry Malope will spend tomor
row In Cordele, the guest of friends.
Mr. L. R. Reynolds, a well-known
resident of East Dougherty, Is shop
ping In Albany today;
Miss Nannie Flint Is visiting in
Hampton Springs, Fla., for a tow
-Mr. James Callaway, the popular
representative of the Macon Tele
graph, spent a short time here today.
Mrs. John Mott; of Columbus, Is
guest at the home of her son, Mr. J.
Randolph Mott, on Broad street
Mr. J. N. King, of Lee county, Is
mingling with friends In the city to
Mr. Dick Armstrong will be the
guest of friends In Cordele tomorrow.
r r
Miss Lois Russell, of Moultrie, and
Mrs. E. P. Morgan, of Amerlcus, will
address the Ladles’ Missionary Society
at the Presbyterian church this' after
noon ut 4' o'clock. A full attendance
of the society is expected. Tomorrow
afternoon at 4 o'clock, Miss Russell
will address the Sunday school chil
dren ot the Presbtyerlan church.
LETTUCE PLANTS for sale to gar
deners. Also seasonable vegetables.
O, F. Cheatham.
Can You Tell What Name and Uni
form the Albany Team Will Wear?
Mr. George L. Bunch returned to
his home In Atlanta at noon today,
after a short Visit at the home of Mr.
and' Mrs. R. R. Arthur, on- Society
street. ,
at Ekrlicks.
Mr. William Hawks, of Atlanta, the
well-known Insurance adjuster, Is
spending the day in ( Albany, looking
after business matters.
Mi-. W. R. Maxwell, of New York, a
popular traveling man, Is spending the
day here.
Judge Z./H. Jones, of Pelham, waB
among the well-known visitors in Al
bany yesterday.
Mr. J. D. Holcomb, of Savannah, a
popular traveling man, was here this
Mr. D. A. Majlntyre, of Atlanta, Is
spending the day here on business.
Mrs. N. L. Ragan Is expected home
A Good Garden
Is npt only a luxury, but an e
onjy. It cuts the grocery bills in hall
The Albany Drug Co.’s seeds are
absolutely fresh and of the best qual
ity—they grow:
Albany Drug
..... ..
There are two season tickets coming
to the two Albany ladles who will sug-
gesL the most striking and otherwise
acceptable name for the ^Ibany base
ball team of the Georgia State League,
and the color and finish of the team’s
Manager J. W. Thomns is "dead
anxious”'to give away those two sea
son tickets. He wants a nick-name
for the team, and the most acceptable)
name suggested will he tacked to the
flag-pole of the local organization. As
for the uniform contest, the ladles are
simply to guess what sort of toffs the
Albanians will wear-y-bltie, red, gray,
white, brown, pink, green, azure, lilac,
or brindle; what mannerjof caps, stock
ings, etc., the men will wear, the kind
ot braid, etc. ^
Guess, ladies. It Is an open game,
and free. Send your suggestions and
guesses to J. W. Thomas, 407 Park
avenue, East, Savannah, Ga. #
Guess for either ticket, or for both.
Interesting Days at This Store
For the Ladies. '
Each ot bur departments holds things worth seeing and
knowing about. The time is here for a study of the new
styles, and the pleasure and profit thajt comes with ^ full
knowledge of what is to be worn this spring and summer.
The New Goods.
' 1 :x ; i •.' ; - I
Are arriving daily, and are placed on display as they arrive
The new arrivals will interest you, and we invite your, in
spection. Below we offer some special inducements for
economical buyers:
1 Embroideries
• This week’s special will include some
great values in edges and insertions of
fine Nainsooks and Swisses. (Some
match sets in this lot), worth 20c, 25c
and' ?5c a yard.
Special 15c a Yard.
Two lots to be offered at one-third
less than manufacturers’ cost.
First lot will offer many styles of neat
and dainty effects. Regular 25c, J5c
and 50c values,
i 10c Each. . r
Second lot great values iif fine stocks
and tabs. Regular 50c. 75c and $1
25c Each. 1
Mokairs for Spring
Decidedly the best fabric for spring
wear, sheds the dust easily, wears well
and always holds its own even after
long wear. We offer a 50c and 59c
At 39c the Yard.
A third less tfian regular price for
neat and smart black and colored Belts
of excellent quality. They have the
popular shapes and the material is the
best. Belts that were 50c; 75c and $1,
Specially Priced 25c.
Some of the Pinkston stock and.
some of our high grade Shoes included
in this offering. Mm are equally Up
to the standard in every detail in finish
as well as in comfort and durability.
Regular j?2.5Q value,
$1.48,a Pair.
Hand Bags
Black and colored grain Leather Bags
with double frames. Several styles to
select from. Some are fitted with purse
and mirror; remarkable values at the
prices offered: 1
50c and 75c Bags at 25c.
$1, $1.50, $2 Bags at 50c.
Many desirable remnants left at less than one-third.
Mail orders promptly filled, samples cheerfully sent,
Agent Ladies’ Home Journal Patterns 10c-15c each.
Max Cassel and Sister.
We will sell Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits 40 per cent. lessOthan I
they aro marked. You are sure to get a bargain. Also
Misses’ and Children’s Kid Glpves worth $1 for 60c. Al*
Millinery reduced~50 per cent, Corsets with supporters, for
mer price 50c and 76c, will sell now for 35c.
Max Oassel and Sister.
,80 Broad Street.