Newspaper Page Text
Agent McCall Patterns.
against your policy, you can, by pay
ing 50 cents extra for each $1,000, be
insured against total or partial dis
ability from accident, thus covering
two risks for one premium. Come and
see me. C. M. CLARK,
24-3 mo Agent.
Our celebrated PINNACLE
Real Estate Manager Jones &
Smith T. 0, & L. Go., Woolfolk
Notice Is hereby given that all
parties who have pig pens In the ter
ritory recently annexed to the city of
Albany must do away with same be
fore twenty days hav^ elapsed, aftflr
which time cases will be made against
all who have pig pens within the city
J. W. KEMP, Deputy Marshall.
Albany, Ga., Feb. 15, 1906. 20t
bowels. This is wrong. A new idea
was advanced two years ago In Ken
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This
ttyo mucous mem-
is the, best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or r
all pure goods. We also handle acids, kainit and
of potash.
remedy acts bn tlje mucous mem
branes of the throat and lungs and
loosens the bowels at the same time.
It expels all cold from the system. It
clears the throat, strengthens the mu
cous membranes, relieves coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, etc.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-
Sale Drug Co.
'A. P. VASON, Vice-President
T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager.
The Constant Wearing of n Mat Propo-
srntes Dandruff Germs.
There are many men who wear their
hats practically all the time when awake,
and are blessed with a heavy shock of
hair; yet If the scalp/ of these same men
once became Infested With dandruff
germs, the parasites would mulUply all
the .quicker for lack of air. Baldness
wpuld ensue as the final result' New-
bro’s Herplcldo kills these germs and
stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant
growth. Herplcldo Is a pleasant hair
dressing as well as a dandruff cure and
contains not an atom of Injurious sub
stance. Bold by leading druggists. Send
10c. In stamps for sample to The Hcrpl-
clde Co., Detroit. Mich.
Albany llrng Oo., Special Agents
E. H. DENISON—Dentist,
Wild violets are biooming.
The sun is good to Albany.
Smoke Gen. Putnam Cigars. 2-22-tf
The dust 1b beginning to Show signs
of activity again.
Weak Eyes made Strong. See Dr.
See. Eye. Hutchasoi. feb!2tf
Read the church announcements,
elsewhere In The Herald, and make up
your mind to attend services tomor
8UCCE38FUL lumberman would like
to purchase Interest in saw mill.
Could handle sales and finances.
Would consider timber proposition.
L. P. C„ this office. 23-2t
Try a package of Zwiebach Toast,
.10.. Phone 70. W. E, FIELDS.
LOST—Shepherd pup, about 6 mos.
old; black and white; reward. Eu
gene Malone. 22-2t
Lent Is at band. Ngxt Wednesday,
which will be the 28th Inst., and the
last day of the month, will be Ash
Wednesday, marking the beginning of
the penitential season.
LOST QOG—Small, lemon-spOtted fe
male, bob-tall,;, quick movement.
Suitable reward for return to Charlie
Robinson. 21-3t
Received consignment of the famous
Cahaba Soft Lump Coal.
BOARD—A couple of young men can
secure board close In, at 167 Broad'
street. Mrs. E. G. Culbreth. 21-3t
WANTED—To rent 3 or 4 connecting
rooms close In for light housekeep
ing. Address W. H. D., care C. of
Ga., Ry„ Albany. ’ 20-6t
SEED CANE—15,000 stalks of Red
Seed Cane for sale cheap. Apply to
W. P. Haugabook. 16-3w
We cordially invite you to take
a look at our stock you will see
been lookea after; as carefully
Ladies’ Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched
IfilHfil Handkerchiefs at ■ >(Qc
Dainty Embroidered nnudkerchiefs,
linen and lawn, line and sheer;
ready for gifts, worth, 3b per cent,
more, at from • • 20c t0 85°
Big let White and Figured Hem*
* stitched Handkerchiefs, Ladles'
and dents’, at * * * * g c
85 Boxes Children Initial Handker
chiefs, 3 In a box, at a box, • |gc
Men’s While Silk Handkerchiefs,
high grade, large sizes, well worth
35c per cent more. Holiday prices,
from • ■ * * 25 c ,0 $1.00
$1.25 Ladles' Kid Oloves, fine qual
ity; this wepk at - - - 75c
Hand-Knitted. Woolen Underskirts,
fancy designs, delicate colors,
from ... - 85c to $|.,25
One lot of White Marseilles Spreads,
from - - - ■ 75c lo $3.00
dSFJust received an assortment
of LADIES’ BELTS, stylish and
ESTUnderwear and Hosiery for
the whole family at saving prices.
M. Wcilosky, Vice-President.
F. O. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager.
'• Office Telephone, 30.
Manager’a Telephone, 112.
71 Broad Street*
id Cutting Affray.
The inevitable consequence of an attempt to
plieh the ‘necessary spring sewing with a
r of ancient scissors.
Is the rivet loose? Have the blades lost
their edge? Do they frazzle the cloth when
you attempt to cut it? If .so tfyey have outlived
their usefulness.
Gup cutlery is Guaranteed. Our firm
name is stamped on every implement, and we
will make good any deficiency. Our scissors
and- shears are manufactured by one of the most
celebrated cutlers in the wirld, and in point of
general excellence they are unsurpassed.
If you have a scissors want, we can supply
it. We have in bur show cases an absolutely
complete line of scissors and shears.
Don't tackle the' spring sewing with an old
pair. ‘
“Bell Prices Ring True.”
Jno. D. Twiggs, President.
Office, Second Story S. B, Brown Building.
Directors—8. B. Brown, Jho. R, Whitehead, M. Weelosky, Jno.
Twiggs, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, F. O. Tloknor.
Leading Insurance Agonoy of South Georgia, representing twenty-five
the strongest Insurance compnnlcs In the world, with combined assets
over two hundred million dollars, among others the Aetna, Home of
York, Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
I nil of the stock eomitunlos organized In this State, 1. e„ the Georgia
mo of Columbus, Atlanta Home nml Atlnntn-Hlrmtnghnm of Atlanta.
All olasseB of rlBks written, largo linos, sp'eclnl hazards, farm proper-
and gin houses Solicited. We Insure against, Fire, Lightning, Toma-
1 Accident and Health, Steam Boiler, Liability Insurance and Fidel-
illilff placed In the beet companies. If In negd of any kind of tnsiir-
drop us a ca,rd or telephone any of the officers nnd a representative
II call promptly!
> Rapid progress Is being made on the
annex to the New Albany hotel. It
will he ready for occupancy In the
course of six or seven weeks.
This Is spring weather with a veh-
geance. We may expect to see all
sorts of vegetation bestirring Itself- In
a few days unless the temperature
takes a decided drop.
Eureka Lime,
Beston earth.
Cruger & Pace.
After Monday night’s attraction at
the theatre, there will be very little
doing In that line throughout the reBt
of the season. The remaining book
ings ( are few and far between.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Prompt aervlco. Patron
age rollolted.
1 The citizen who loves to lure the
speckled beauty fvom the deep re
cesses of the Inviting pool Is now be
ginning to dream drenmB which are
ns soothing as they are Inductve of a
restlessness for which thore Is but
one known cure.
They never gripe or sicken, but
lelennse nnd .strengthen the stomach,
.liver nnd bowels. This Is the unlver-
| sal verdict of the mnny thousands who
I use DeWttt’s Little Early Risers.
| These famous little pills rellev head
ache, constipation, bllllousness, Jaun-
j nice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
etc. Try Little Early Risers. Albany
Drug Co„ Hllsmnn-Snle Drug Co.
noy-at-Law, Albany, Qa.
I am borfded In the following well
companies. Every claim Is
nlted States Fidelity and Guaran*
o., Attye. Dept., Baltimore, Md.‘,
'national Surety Co., Attye. Dept)
York; The Association of Bond-
Attorneys, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mao
ale Mercantile Agency, New York;
tlndale’s Guide, New York; United
ed Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
represent 40 other well-known
ntlle agencies. All business re
prompt attention end money
ed tame day collected.
mom liouae, one live room house,
fwl eight room house and some un*
0T8. all on Statest. One-Third cash,
lorn? time SSTczm
ft half acre for building lot and nice
Commerce at. One squnro from
room house ou Washington st.
lagoon Residence st.
threo atorr home on Jefferson st.
‘ lirnblehalf tore In Arcadia,
ie place on Broad st. for $1,750; will
124.00 per month.
— 7 two acre* to any good party
on it; bona fide titles,
of farm lands-
3 Of timber in Florida.
i many bargains to. offer, acd will bo
yon and figure with you on any
te, List- your property with
tree of charge. I do a col-
nd will look after your reuta
of your business,
house. Phone 55.
The fire department has been called
out regularly the past week. The lad
dies lose no time In responding to a
call, lose no time In getting there, and
lose no time In extinguishing the
names. Albany’s lire department Is
somthlng to be proud of.
Frightfully Burned.
Chns. W. Moore, a machinist, of
Ford City, Pa., bad his hand fright
fully burned In nn electrical furnnee.
Ho applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
with the usnnl result; "a quick and
perfect cure.” BGreatest healer on
earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Ec
zema nnd Piles. 25c at Albany Drug
Are You
Has Just received some of his advance
Spring Goods, some of which are men
tioned below, and for the next week
will go at prices that every cautious
buyer ought to take advantage of.
Towels worth 15c, 20c and 25c will
go at \,T..... 10c
White Linen Table Cloths, red bor
dered, fringed, worth 75c, will go
at 50c
Turkey Red Table Cloths, fringed,
worth 75c, will go at 48c
Ladies' Turn-down Collars, worth
15c, 20c and 25c, at only 10c
A large lot of White and Colored
Cotton Feather-stitch Braid, per
Prof. A. J. Barwick, principal of-the
Albany Academy, took his class in
physics nnd chemistry to the Ice plant
a feTY days ago to show the pupils
how ice Is made . He first made some
Ice in the school room, and then
showed them how the theory was be
ing utilized foj* commercial purposes.
This practical work Is always more
interesting to children than just dry
reading, and Is usually worth a week’s
learning out of books.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Something New In Life Insurance.
In addition to carrying your policy
from the 10th to the 20th year for 5
per cent of the premium, and if you
die in.that period no cliarge is made
against your policy, you
ing 50 cents extra for
insured against total or
ability from accident,
'Ginghams, for Aprons, per yard.. 5c
contemplating investing in
real estate?
if-So, the Jones & Smith
Title Guarantee & Loan Go.
are the people you want to
consult for these reasons:
, They guarantee the title to
every piece of property they
They are responsible for
any defects in the title they
They have the most com
plete list of desirable proper
ties in and about the- city.
Vacant lots, nice houses,
and cheap tenant houses for
sale. Se*e
D. Neuman,
Agent for May Manton Patterns.
to be found in the city.
Also full Line of
Cocoa, Napier and Straw
The Steele Furniture and
A.A , « ■ . : '
Leadersgpn H i gh Grade Goods.
Telephone No.* 156 I S. REICH | 96 Broad Street
Two Facts.
No. 1. >'
That we have one of the best se
lected lines of white waistings that
’has ever been shown for public in
Our Three Leaders.
Oxford ^Waistings, Embroidery Swiss
Waistings, Lingerie "Waistings. .
1 , No. 1.
Are you a buyer of Embroideries?
Are you open for the newest and
most exclusive novelties.
Are you open for the best patterns
for less money.
We Have Them.