Newspaper Page Text
ton’t Wait For Warm
There are two arguments in favor
of having needed plumbing done now:
1. Plumbing demands the tearing up of the
i earth in and about your yard to the depth of several
feet. In the winter and early spring, there is no
' danger in these excavations, but after the weather
turns warm a certain amount of risk is involved.
, Why take the risk? Let us equip your house NOW
• with the celebrated “Standard” fixtures—give you a
guaranteed job.
I ,• 2. The kitchen* sink and the bath room pluinb-
I ' ing assure the carrying off through city sewers of all
II the kitchen offal and unsanitary refuse of the house-
I ; hold. Without this plumbing, these germ-breeding
| i accumulations are thrown into the yard or, at best,
' . into the back alley—to become an offense to' the
| { nostrils and a menace to the health of the household.
The moral of all this is obvious:
You need plumbing.
We want to do it for you.
First Appearance of Dandruff a Fore
runner of Future Baldneao.
i That such Is the case has been con-
jchir vely proven by sclentlllc research.
| rtat. Unna, the noted European skin
specialist, declares that dandruff Is tho
burrowcd-up cuticle of the scalp, caused
Smoko Gen. Putnam Clears. 2-22-tf ■’arasltes destroying the vitality In
the hair bulb. The hair becomes lifeless,
and, In time, falls out. This can bo pre
Newbro's Herplclde kills this dandruff
germ, and restores the hair to Its natural
softness and abundancy.
Herplclde Is now used hy thousands of
people-nil satisfied that It Is tho most
wonderful hair preparation on tho mar-
See Dr. ket to-day.
fohl2fcf Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In
stamps for sample to Tho Herplclde Co..
Detroit, Mich.
HI. H, IJHNISuN— LtmmJl.
Ash Wednesday.
Plenty of lee this moraine.
Phono 280 for Stove Wood and
Weak Eyes made Strong.
See. Eye. Hutchason.
Sportsmen are reminded that only
two more weekB of the open shooting
season remain.
No Wood famine in Albany now.
Barron gets it by trainloads.
They do say that Mayor. Rawson is
quite an experMn handling those who
are brought before him in the police
court for petty offenses.
Albany Drug Go., Special Ajrents
y Brinson & Co., Wood and Cost,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron-
age solicited.
It is to be hoped that the park ques
tion has not been dropped by its ad
vocates. Nothing has been heard of
it recently, but there may be some
thing doing in the park line soon, any
8tartllng> But True.
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chica
go theatre in which nearly six hundred
people lost their lives, yet more than;
live times this number, or over 3,000
people, died from pneumonia In Chi
cago during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice.* Every one
of these cases of pneumonia resulted
from a cold and could have been pre
vented by the timely use of Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear pneu
monia have warded it off by the
prompt use of this remedy. The fol
lowing is an Instance of this sort:
Too much cannot be said in favor of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and es
pecially for colds and Influenza. I
know that it cured my daughter, Lau
ra, of a severe cold, and I believe
saved her life when she. was threaten
ed with pneumonia.". W. D. Wilcox,
Logan, Now York. Sold by Hilsman-
Salo Drug Co.
Received consignment of the famous
Cahaba Soft Lump Coal.
Very fine Sweet Pota
toes for sale.
Cruger & Pace.
The Herald’s troubles resulting
from the Are which recently damaged
Its plant and the building will not be
over' for some time yet. Tho carpent
ers are now at work in the building,
and the work of getting out the paper
In the midst of their noise and ob
structing scaffolding Is dono under
great difficulty.
Jno. D. Twiggs, President. M. Wetlotky, Vice-President.
F. O. Tleknor, Secretary and Manager.
Office Telephone, 30. Manager’s Telephone, 112.
They never gripe or sicken, but
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels. This is the univer
sal verdict of the many thousands who
use DeWltt’s Little Early Risers.
These famous little pills rellev head
ache, constipation, btlllousness, jaun
dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
,ctc. Try Little* Early Risers. Albany
Drug Co., Hllsman-Snle Drug Co.
Office, Second Story S. B. Brown Building.
| Directors—S. B. Brown, Jno. R. Whitehead, M. Wooloeky, Jno. D.
Twiggs, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, F. O. Tleknor.
Leading 'Insurance Agency of South Georgia, representing twenty-live
of the strongest Insurance compnnloB in tho world, with combined nsaets
of over two hundred million dollars, among othors tho Aetna, Homo of
Now York, Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
and nil of .tho stock companies organized in this State, 1. o„ the Georgia
| Home of ColumbUB, Atlanta Homo and Atlnnta-Blrmingham of Atlanta.
All classes of risks written, largo lines, special hazards, farm proper
ty and gin houses solicited. We Insure against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does. Accident and Health, Steam Boiler, Liability Insurance and Fidel
ity Bonis placed In the best companies. If In need of a»y' kind of insur
ance drop us' a card or telephone any of tho olflcors npd a representative
will call promptly. - \ -
| When the curtain dropped on the
; final act of “Monte Crislo” Monday
night, It' marked tho close of tho the
atrical season in Albany. There ure
t no more shows booked. A repertoire
company, or some stray company
, brought here on account of change of
: route, are about all that Albany can
! now expect, and she mny not get even
Afraid of Strong Medicines.
A man who once had rough, horny
hands made them soft aud smoth with
Witch Hnzel Salve, but he used the
genuine—that hearing the name “E. C.
DeWItt & Co., Chicago." For sores,
bolls, outs, burns, bruises, etc., It has
no equal, and affords almost immedi
ate relief from blind bleeding, Itching
and protruding Piles. Sold by Albany
Drug Co., Hilsmnn-Salo Drug Co.
|tttornoy-at-L.w, Albany, Gn.
.1 am bonded In the following well-
known ..companies. Every claim Is
United 8tates Fidelity and Guaran
ty Co., Attys. Dept., Baltimore, Md.',
The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept,
New York; The Association of Bond
ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, WIs.; Mar-
tlndale Mercantile Agency, New York;
Martlndaje’s Guide, New York; United
Bonded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
I represent 40 other well-known
mercantile agencies. All business re
ceives prompt attention and money
remitted aame day collected.
Has just received some olj Lis advance
Spring Goods, some of which are men
tioned below, and for the next week
will go at prices that every cautious
buyer ought to take advantage of.
Towels worth 15c, 20c and 25c will
go at 10c
White Linen Table Cloths, red bor
dered, fringed, worth 75c, will go
at 50c
Turkey Red Table Cloths, fringed,
worth 75c, will go at 48c
On March 1, we will occupy our
new store on Jackson street, where Ladl «' Turn-down Collars, .worth
we will be pleased to meet our friends. 1 15c > 20c and 25c - at on| y 10c
Phone 169. A | arge | ot of W hlte and Colored
Cotton Feather-stitch Braid, per
bunch 5c
Ginghams, for Aprons, per yard.. 5c
A prominent New Yorker spent a
day In tho city last week, looking Into
some business matters. It was consid
ered essential that Albany should be
a good live town if his business here
was to prosper. After a day’s look
over the city he wrote back to his
business confreres a long, eulogistic
letter — “Just like a live Western
town” is the way he described Al
Removal Notice
Tie Enterprise Store
G. W. H. CARROLL. Manager. j
Dawson, Ga.
- Coat of Brick, 8tone, or Wooden
Buddings Furnished.
, Luckiest Man in Arkansas.
"I'm tho luckiest man in Arkansas,"
writes H. L. Stanley, of Brano, “since
the restoration of my wife's health af
ter five years of continuous coughing
and blooding from the lungs; and I
owe my good fortune to tho world’s
greatest medicine, Dr. King's New DIs-
cov'ery for Consumption, which I know
from experience will cure consumption
if taken In time. My wife Improved
with first bottlo and twelve bottles
completed the cure.” Cures tho worst
coughs and colds or money refunded.
At. Albany Drug Co.. 60c and 31.00.
Trial bottle free.
Ball Park Privileges for Sale.
Bids wanted for the privileges of
selling soda water and other refresh
ments, score cards, etc., on the ball
grounds during the present season.
Address J. W. Thomas, 407 Park Ave„
East, Savannah, Ga. 26-lwk
0. Neuman,
Agent for May Minton Patterns:
Pound Sale Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there has
been taken up on the streets of the
city of Albany and Impounded one
gray horse mule, rather old. Unless
called for by owner before .Saturday,
March 3, same will be sold in city
pound 'sale between legal hours of sale
on that date.
27-3t Marshal.
LOST—Qold stick pin, shape of lily,
pearl In center. Mm J. W. Mar
shall, 410 Broad street.
FOR RENT—In Woolfolk building, a
desirable office; Immediate posses
sion. Apply to T. N. Woolfolk. 27-2t
WANTED—By couple with no chil
dren, two or three nice unfurnished
rooms with modern conveniences,
for light housekeeping. Address J.
N. Stinson, 19% Washington St.,
Albany, Ga. 26-3t
FOR RENT — Our former office and
two store rooms, in Wilder building,
on Jackson street. $10 per month.
Albany Electrical and Construction
Co. 26-3t
LOST—One short, tight-fitting jacket,
light tan color. Finder please re
turn to Mrs. Julius Perltz. 2‘24-tf
FOR SALE—30 acres good improved
land, well-watered, 8-room dwelling,
convenient to business. William W.
Anderson, Forsyth, Ga. 2-26-lwk
LETTUCE PLANTS for sale to gar
deners. Also seasonable vegetables.
O. F. Cheatham.
Board Wanted for Thirteen.
Bids wanted by- the undersigned for
boarding the thirteen members of the
Albany baseball team from April 16
until May 2, Inclusive, the time the
team will be in Albany for practice.
Address J. W. Thomas, 407 Park Ave.,
East, Savannah, Ga. 2G-lwk
M Milliury Oping
Will commence TUESDAY, MARCH
6, 1906, at Morris Koppel’s Store.
A stock of Artificial Flowers larger
than ever, also Chiffons and Ribbons,
will be shown at New York cost. The
ladles are especially invited to exam
ine the goods. Everything will be sold
for cash only.
Albany, Ga., Feb. 27.
In Buying a ...
Roller Top Desk
The accommodation and conven
ience which it affords is not the only
thing to be considered. One ol the
essentials of a good desk is being rat-
proof—absolute protection of papers
against the inroads of rats. Another
is a dust-proof and perfectly construct
ed apron. If you buy a desk of this
kind you get one that is absolutely
satisfactory, and you don’t regret your
purchase. This is the kind we han
dle, and we have just received a big
shipment which is now in stock and
readyJfdr inspection.
In addition, we can show you a
large ^variety of Office Tables, Office
Ohairs, etc.
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
Leaders in High Grade Goods.
Are Yo
contemplating investing
real estate?
If so, the Jones & Smith
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
are the people you want to
consult for these reasons:
They guarantee the title to
every piece of property they
They are responsible for
any defects in the title they
They have the most com-1
plete list of desirable proper-1
ties in and about the citv
Vacant lots, nice houses,
and cheap tenant houses for .
sale. See 1S
1 * * j
Wm. E. SMITH, j
Real Estate Ma- ager Jones &
Smith T. G. & T-. Co.. Wor lfolk
Building 1
Telephone No. 156 I S. REICH | 96 Broad Street
White Wash Goods
•I* and.. *
Embroidery Sale.
We have received a special up-date
line of Washable Waist Goods as
All these Goods are at Special Prices.
A pretty line of this veil made Em=
broidery going at
5c, 10c, 15c, 25c per yard.
Agent McCall Patterns.
Our celebrated PINNACLE
the best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or moisture:
:.u:> We also handle acids, kainit and muriate
* evident
■.OK*; £ec. and Treat.
A. P. VA80N, Vice-President
T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager.