Newspaper Page Text
Seasons . may came and seasons may go,', bat the
season never comes or gees when "COLUMBIA” loses
one whit of its popularity or surrenders any part of
its welUearned title—
“The Best Wheel Built.
Will you need a bicycle this spring
£ and summer? Perhaps the old one has
| seen its best days, or perhaps you are
about to purchase your first steel
In either event, there is but one
safe plan to follow. There is no bi
cycle built that is “just as good” as a
“COLUMBIA,” and the only sure
’ means of guarding against a costly
mistake is by purchasing a machine
bearing that name plate.
Then you are fully insured against
loss or damage. Your mount will
stay with you for years, and wil).
never fail to respond to whatever de
mands, in the line of business or
sport, you may make upon it.
Full line of the standard models
in stock.
Btll Prices Ring Tree.
Jno. D. Twiggs, President. M. Wesloeky, Vice-President.
F. 0. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager.
Office Telephone, 30. Manager’s Telephone, 112.
Office, Second Story S. B. Brown Building.
Director*— 8. B. Brown, Jno. R. Whitehead, M. We.louky, Jno.
Twlgge, T. M. Certer, A. W. Tucker, F. O. Tlcknor.
,l.eadlng Insurance Agency of South Georgia, representing twenty-flvo
of the strongest Insurance companies In the world, with combined assets
01 over two hundred million dollars, among others the Aetna, Home of
New York, Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
and nil of the stock companies organised In this State, I. e., the Georgia
Home of Columbus, Atlanta Home and Atlanta-nirmlnghnm of Atlanta.
All classes of risks written, large lines, special hazards, farm proper-
ty and gin houses solicited. We Insure against Fire, I Lightning, Torna
does, Accident and Health, Steam Boiler, Liability Insurance and Fidel
ity Bonds placed In the best companies. If In need of any kind of Insur
ance drop us a card or telephone any of the officers and a representative
will call promptly.
Are You
contemplating investing in
real estate?
If so, the Jones fit Smith
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
are the people you want to
consult for these reasons:
They guarantee the title to
every piece of property they
They are responsible for
any defects in the title they
r | They have thp most com
plete list of desirable proper
ties in and about the city.
' .Vacant lots, nice houses,
.’ and cheap tenant houses for
"sale. See
Win. E. SMITH,
Beal Estate Manager Jones & Smith
Wt. G. & L. Co., Woolfolk Building.
Attorney-at-L.w, Albany. G a
I m bonded in .the following well-
known companies. Every claim is
United States Fidelity and Guaran
ty Co., Attys. Dept., Baltimore. Md.*,
The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept,
New York; The Association of Bond
ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, WIs.; Mar*
tlndale Mercantile Agency, New York;
Martindale’s Guide, New York; United
Bonded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
I represent 40 other well-known
mercantile agencies. All business re
ceives prompt attention and money
remitted same day collected.
Removal Notice
On March 1, we will occupy our
new store on Jack.on street, where
we will be pleased to meet our friends.
Phone 169.
* Brinson A Co., Wood and Coal,
fftoont S67. Prompt eervlce. Patron-
age solicited.
E. H. DENISON—Dentin.
Phone 413. Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg.
Went Eyea made Strong. See Dr.
See. Eye. Hutcbason. feblJtf
Sunshine, may you never 23.
Smoke Gen. Pntnam Cigars. 2-22-tf
The progressive coal dealer Is now
peddling the bituminous article from
door to door, and selling it at CD cents
per tub.
Phone 280 for Stove Wood and
Albany will have a whole lot of pav
ing to do in years to come, and she
will have a whole lot of valuable ex
perience to fall back on wben sbe getB
ready to do It
Biology ha. Proyod that Haa.nlft la
Canard by a Germ.
8c!ence Is donlg wonders these days In
medicine as well as In mechanics. Since*
Adam lived, the human race has been
troubled with dandruff, for which no hair
preparation has heretofore proved a suc
cessful cure until Neirbro's Herplclde wai
put on the market. It Is a scientific prep
aration that kills the germ that make,
dandruff or scurf by digging Into the
scalp to get at the root^jf the hair, where
It saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp,
falling hair, and Anally baldness. With
out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly.
It Is the only destroyer of dandruff.
Bold by leading druggists. Send He.
In stamps for sample to The Herpl
clde Co.. Detroit. -Mlob.
Albany Drug Go . Special Agent.
No Wood famine In Albany now.
Barron gets It by trainloads.
A young lady walked into a local
dry goods emporium a few days ago
and naked for a fashion plate. She
was referred to the chinaware de
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Prompt aervlce. Patron
age solicited.
North Georgia Block Batter, 30c lb.
Shipment Just In. W. E. FIELDS.
The new organ for the Jewish syna
gogue Is now being Installed, it will
take about two weeks to complete the
job. The organ Is one of tfae band
somest and best in the city.
The largest and best
selected stock of rough
lumber in the city. Also
flooring and ceiling.
Crufer ft Pace.
For the benefit Df the charity hos
pital, a trades extravaganza will be
given here at the Rawlins theatre on
March 22. The extravaganza Is being
arranged by two ladies from Colorado
Springs. Just what form of amuse
ment or enterprise this is, The Herald
wont’ venture to say.
A severe cold that may develop into
pneumonia over night, can he cured
quickly by tnklng Foley’s Honey and
Tar. It will cure the most obstinate
racking cough and strengthen your
lungs. The genuine is in a yellow
package. Hllsman-Sale Drug Co,
Street Overseer DeGraffenreid Is
laying a sewer under the sidewalk
paven^ent on the south side of Pine
street, near Washington, in order to
do which he had to tear up the walk.
In laying tjie curbing, recently, it ap
pears that a sewer to drain the vacant
lot In the rear of the corner stores
was torn up, and those in charge failed
to put another in its place. And this
Is what is causing all the present
trouble and inconvenience.
The best way to rid the system of a
cold is to evacuate the bowels. Ken
nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tnr acts
as a pleasant, yet effectual cnthartic
on the bowels. It clears the head, cuts
the phlegm out of the throat, strength
ens the bronchial tubes, relieves
cough- colds, croup, whooping couch,
etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hils-
man-Sr.le Drug Co.
Tie Morning Star.
The morning star, an iron ball stud'
ded with spikes and fastened by means
of a chain to a short handle, was much
used in mediaeval times as a military
weapon. It was exceedingly formida
ble, for when thrown it could not easi
ly be avoided or dodged, the chain per
mitting it to curve around the arm or
over the shield. It was confessedly
modeled after n common cactus which
grows in every part of Italy.
An UntJHtinl Brent.
“Yes. I sent my uncle a telegram on
Wednesday to say I was com Inf. 1
wonder if he received it."
“I reckon be didn’t, cos I seen him
this niornin’, an’ be didn’t brag about
no telegram.”—Brooklyn Life.
25 ( 50^LOO
All Druggists
Dr. Earl S.SloQn
FOR RENT — Three or four unfur
nished rooms, with conveniences,
suitable for light housekeeping,
close in. Address "H,” Room 212,
Davis-Exchange Baxk Bldg. 6-3t
WANTED—An A1 bookkeeper wants
three or four small sets of books.
Can do work at night. Address S.
C., 9G Broad St. l-6t
LETTUCE PLANTS for sale to gar
deners. Also seasonable vegetables.
O. F. Cheatham.
G. W. H. CARROLL, Manager.
Received consignment of the famous
Cababn Soft Lump Coal.
“There are mean men and mean
men." said an Albanian yesterday to
a representative of The Herald, but
for meanness, pure and unadulterated,
the dog poisoner must be given the
palm. A murderer usually has an ob
ject—reveng^. gain, jealousy, or some
thing else, perhaps. Thief or burglar
is looking for gain, and therefore does
his dirty work. But a dog poisoner
just does his work because it is mean
and cowardly, and he is mean and cow
ardly." ,
Don’t frown—look pleasant If you
are suffering from indigestion or sour
stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga.,
says: "I suffered more than 20 years
with indigestion. A friend recom
mended Kodol. It relieved mo in one
day-and I now enjoy better health than
for many years." Kodol digests what
you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on
stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Al
bany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
are caused by Indigestion. If you eat a
little too much, or if you are subject to
attacks of Indigestion, you have no doubt
had shortness of breath, rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation of the heart
Indigestion causes the stomach to
expand — swell, and puff up against the
heart This crowds the heart and inter
feres with its action, and in the course of
time the heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat takes the strain off
of the heart and contributes nourishment
•trength and health to every organ of the
body. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the Stomach and Diges
tive Tract Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Stomach.
After eating, my food would distress me by making
my heart palpitate and I would become very weak.
Finally I got a bottle of Kodol and it gave me imme
diate relief. After using a f ew bottles 1 am cured.
I had stomach trouble and was in a bad state as I
had heart trouble with it. I took Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure for about four months and it cured me.
a KAUBLE, Nevada, O.
Digests What You Eat
Prvpantf at the Lab
or story of E.G.SsWltt
*Oo„ Chicago, P.B.A.
For Sale by Albany Drug Co. and
Hllsman-Sale Drug Cc.
Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat
j»nd Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
in the
SEED CANE—15,000 stalks of Red
Seed Cano for sale cheap. Apply to
W. P. Haugabook. 16-3w
In Buying a ..
Roller Top Desk
The accommodation and conven
ience which it affords is not the only
thing to be considered. One of the
essentials of a good desk is being rat-
proof—absolute protection of papers
against the inroads of rats. Another
is a dust-proof and perfectly construct
ed apron. If you buy a desk of this
kind you get one that is absolutely
satisfactory, and you don’t regret your
purchase. This is the kind we han
dle, and we have just received a big
shipment which is now in stock and
ready for inspection.
In addition, we can show you a
large variety of Office Tables, Office
Ohairs, etc.
The Steele Furniture and
•Hardware Store,
L'eader sj?[in“ H igh Grade Goods
Teleplione No. 156 | S. REICH f 96 Broad Street
Things Are Coming
Our Way.
You’ll see why when vou see cur lines.
More handsome styles than you ever
set eyes on, in
Wool Batiste, Bnlliantmes,
Silk Warp Henriettas,
Albatross, Serge Voiles.
Wears better, looks better and costs less.
. . . See our Selection of . . .
Silk and Lingerie Waists.
100 pair Women’s Dress Shoes
50c Per Pair.
Agent McCall Patterns.
Our .celebrated PINNACLE
is the best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or moisture*
all pure goods. ■ We also handle acids, kainit and muriate
of potash. 1
H. W. PA.ce, President A. P. VA80N, Vice-President
N. M. WILDER, See. and Tree*. T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager.