Newspaper Page Text
Marks H., J. & Co. ’s 38th Annual Spring Opening
l , ' . . • • . . , ■ ■ ... * , • r ‘~ ' ' . , '
Never has a more gorgeous array been unstiritingly admired. Indeed, it was a most emphatic ^ demonstration o a
leadership which this store has always maintained and which is recognized as placing H., J. & Co.’s “Quality Store in a
class to itself in Southwest Georgia.
“The most beautiful opening thestore has ever had.” This is the
way most of the women expressed themselves after their first bursts of
enthusiastic admiration over the wealth of loveliness that greeted them
at our formal opening of spring and summer millinery, /, ..
Even for.thosejwhtr^expectedmdst of ysf there'wak'’sufpn^e in the
true elegance of the goods , and the unprecedented size of the stocks.
The great collfectibin of spring and summer hats would do credit to any
city store in the South, rv/,;
Miss Edwards and her assistants have been showered with congrat
ulations, The cleverness evidenced by th'e many attractive hats from
our own work rooms speaks more convincingly of their ability tna
could we here.. - , .
.Just one suggestioii to] thbse who desire to plan their own bats.
; Place your orders now before the rush of the advancing season. Our
large stock of iintrimmed shapes and beautiful trimmings, together
with the conspicuous'ability of. our milliners, aside from any considers- •
tioin of prices, which are the lowest, are reasons sufficient why you
should place theS^ orders at this store.
New Arrivals of Spring
Each day brihgs'stacks and stacks of new suits, waists, silks, woolens, wash goods and dress accessories into the
store. Not much is lacking now to round the stocks into a completeness that will be at once gratifying to us and satify-
mg to our friends and customers.
fV * •• • v c . * , i . • .1 ' 1 . .1, - * '*'•'** ‘
The Quality Stoi%' lfi 'UMTMA VMTI3 inATITQ JR. m the Quality Store,
Albany, Georgia.
\ ' * | , : \! !. !
f, JONES & CO.
Albany, Georgia.
Tha.n Ever
Customers say our soda is better t ever,"Ms year. As we
hear the same thing every year w4 are inclined to think our soda
is fist reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to
make it 'as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in
our efforts as
Hj&v "
We use the best of
everything in making it
and serve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at tl\e
best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure
soda can be ruined in drawing.
When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent
* (parlor and drink soda thaf,is. delicious, refreshing and •
For; practical work; for
living time; for long service
1 complete satisfaction, no
typewriter quite equals
tfle book explaining just
vhy this. is. so will be sent
Better ask about it today.
Smith Premier
Typewriter Company.
[. M. ASHE, State Dealer,
C. A. Building, At-
ata, Ga.
Flint Rock
It’s a Ginger Ale!
Stimulates the body and not
the head.
Aids Digestion.
Try It!
5c the glass at all soda
ftrnnts or served in 5c bottles
at stores.
Bottling Works,
Albany, Ga.
Close Contest Being Waged
Today for the County
Treasurership-Result Is
Was a Native of Albany and Had
Many Friends.In This Section.
The county primary Is In progress
today, and there Is being centered up
on it that Intense Interest which was
expected, In view of the vigorous cam
paigning which has been In progress
for some time past. The only rqce 1b
that for the office of Treasurer. ‘ The
names of two candidates—H. A. Tar
ver and Paul H. Jones—appear on the
tickets, and the contests between them
Is exceedingly lively. ’ In fact, not In
a number of years has greater Inter
est been manifested In a county pri
There has been quite a large crowd
on the court house square all day, and
while the best of order aud good na
ture has prevailed, it Is evident that
the fight is going to be very close,
neither side yielding an inch until
the last ballot has been cast. There
Is a total registration of 760, and the
opinion of those familiar with political
conditions In the county Is that a vote
of 660 to 700 will be polled. No effort
will be spared to Induce all the voters
to visit the polls.
The polls are open at two places In
the county—at the court house and at
Pretoria. i
Intense interest In the contest will
be mnintnlned until the counting of
the ballots Is completed tonight.
Sheriff Edwards, Clerk of'the Su
perior Court Hall, Tax Collector Hes
ter, Tax Receiver Gunnison, Surveyor
Bennett and Coroner Kearney, as has
been stated In these columns before,
hnve no opposition.
rcle and Auto«
mobile Repairing
ive the best equipped repair
in the city and employ only
workmen, insuriug the best
your Bicycle or Automo-
s .working on send it to
All work guaranteed, and
ces are reasonable,
line of liigh grade Bicycles
I. F. Smith,
Pine street.
for tho best, of everything In Spec
tacles and Eye Glasses. He Is not an
Imitator of person or fiction, but Is
original In all doings. He' examines
the Eyes by professional and scientific
measures, not mechanically. He has
had hospital practice, with 30 years
of experience.
are worth ten thousand blind eyes.
See him while yon have eyes.
Dr.C.I. Hutchason
Albany’s Leading Optician, Davls-Ex-
change Bank Building.
The TbomasvUle Tlmes-Enterprlse
of this morning brings the announce
ment of the death .of Dr. H. C. Ram
sey, at his home In that city. Dr.
ftamsey formerly resided in Albany
and In Lee county, and has many
friends In this region who will be
pained by the news of his death.
We take the following from the
Tlmes-Enterprlse’s notice of Dr. Ram
seys' death:
“Th? funeral of the lamented Dr. H.
C. Ramsey will be held at the Baptist
church at i o’clock this afternoon, the
funeral sermon to be preached by Rev.
A. W. Bealer.. ,
“It Is a severe privation to Thomas-
vllle to be without Doctor Ramsey.
He was a man who could be depended
on, and above all things else, he was
staunch to his friends. His nature
was genial, and during his residence
of twenty-five years in Thomasville ho
had bound friends to himself with
hoops of steel.
“Doctor Ramsey was a native of Al
bany, being bom fifty-eight years ago,
and coming to Thomasville about 1880.
He has . constantly practiced hts pro
fession among the people of this sec
tion, and many Is the heart that Is
aching becausq It can no more gain
the benefit of his kindly advice and
his medical skill. /
“Theje are no living members of the
Immediate Ramsey connection, hut the
deceased leaves to mourn him a de
voted wife and two children, Misses
Aatleen and Marcia. Mrs. Ramsey
was married to Dr. Ramsey some
twenty years ago. StfiTwas originally
Miss Hughy, of Atlanta, but at the
time of her marriage to Dr. Ramsey
was Mrs. Cowarte. The deceased was
married early in life to Miss Fleet-
woqd, of Thomasville, who died not
many years after the union.
Is at Home from China--
A Visit to President Roose
velt and a TalK About
. Conditions.
An Immense Amount of Whiskey end
Beer Destroyed.
Louisville, Ky„ March 22. — The
freight depot of the Chesapeake &
Ohio and 1 Louisville & Nashville rail
roads at Winchester, Ky., burned at
midnight, with all Its contents, In
cluding nn Immense quantity of wills
key and beer. The loss is $60,000.
Messrs. Ed. R. and Clayton Jones,
real estate agents, sold three 2-room
cottages on State street this morning
to Mr. C. W. Buntyn, the sale being
made for Mr, W. A. McLarty.
Received consignment of the famous
Cahaba Soft Lump Coal.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
California Dried
Prunes, 10c lb.
Phone 70.
Peaches, 16c lb.
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. 'Phone 393.
Mrs. G. G. Ford, of Worth county,
wife of one of the most prominent citi
zens of. that county, died there Tues
day night, and her body was brought
through Albany today, en route to
Blakely, where the funeral will oc-
' Albany Decorating Co.,
, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. 'Phone 393.
No Pjll Is as pleasant and positive
as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
These Famous Little Pills are so mild
and effective that children, delicate
ladles and weak people enjoy their
cleansing effect, while strong people
say they are the best ltver pills sold.
Never gripe.
Special to The Herald.
Savannah, Ga., March 22. — Dr.
Young J! Allen, a missionary, from
Shanghai, has arrived In Savannah on
a visit to relatives. Dr. Allen Is Just
from Washington, where he called on
President Roosevelt and talked with
him about conditions in China and the
best way to remedy them.
Dr. Allen thinks that the scheme to
invite the leading universities of China
to send some of their students to Am-
erica with the Idea of teaching them
American methods is a good one. He
believes that a sentiment favorable to
America could be aroused by such a
method. He thinks that the educa
tion o’f Chinese students in America
would go far toward restoring the
friendly feeling between the nations.
Dr. Allen says that the conditions In
China are very grave. The country Is
much wrought up, and the boycott of
American goods is But one of the
symptoms of unrest throughout the
FOR SALE—One Eem-Sho.. Typewri
ter, fop $211. V. R. Hush, with llbany
Groceiy Co. l5-7t
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
M18 MAnTEH'1 void".
The Victor Talking
Machines Are the Best.
We receive all the New Records,
as they are made EACH MONTH,
and invite all owners of any make
of talking machines to hear these
New Records, 10-in. size, 60c.
We sell the Victor on eaay pay
ments. Just see how easy It Is to
own one of these fine machines.
Fresh Shipment
25c 50c 75c
The Grocer.
New lot; just received. White, blue and checked.
£1.00 a garment.
Cm *Da t Oif Co.