Newspaper Page Text
will regret to (earn that she la til to
part of a broken dish, tell antj hit her
on the'wrist, inflicting a severe cut
A physician was summoned and the
wound was dressed.
Rosenberg Bros.
Mr. G. D. Baker, Of Dothan, Ala., Is
spending the day In the city on busi
ness. .
Mr. L. 0. Manning, of Phllema, was
among the prominent tisltors In Alba
ny yesterday.
.Mr. Pope Threlkeld-left Albany at
noon tor Columbus, which city will be
hia home In futdre. Mr. Threlkeld
has a host of friends here who regret
his departure, and who wish him the
success he deserves ln'the new Held.
Those Who Come and Go—^Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read With' Interest—What Is
Going on In 8oclety, With Now and
Then a Little Gossip.
Mr. Ed. Vason returned this mom.
lng from a' short visit to Atlanta.
Mr. John Green, of Mitchell county,
Is attending to business affairs In the
city today.
Mr. Sfnlth D. Pickett, of Atlanta, is
ampng the well-known visitors in Al
bany today. .
Mrs. G. W. Peckham, of Poulan,
'was-among the shoppers In the city
yesterday. _ • '
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hewitt annonnce
the I arrival of a baby Boy at their
.home in Hardaway.
Mrs. C. M. Qrantham, of Baoonton,
Is a‘guest of her brother, Mr. H. B.
McCollum, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Smith, on Pine street, this
week. - -
1 Mr. 'T. M. Tlcknor left Albany this
morning for a business trip to Daw
Word was. received In the city to-,
day of the serious Illness of Mr, ,W. B.
Gorton, the father of Mrs. Z. A. Barnes,
at his home In Eufaula, Ala.. Mrs.
Barnes left today to be at the bedside
of her father. Mrs.' Barnes’ many
friends .here hope that her father will
speedily recover.
It was a pleasure for us to receive the ladies of ■ Al
bany and vicinity, who words
of appreciation and their best wishes for the continued
growth of our business. ■ "' !
We know that our first Spring (opening was a grand
success. Nbtwithstanding the unseasonable Weather, the
sales were enormous. It has demonstrated that this store
plays a conspicuous part in the ii^ qf nearly every fam T
Mr. F. S. Bocher, of Atlanta, a well-
known traveling man, la spending the
day In Albany, attending to business
affairs and mingling with friends.
Mr. M. J. DuPree, of Oakfleld, was
attending to business, affatra. ln the
city yesterday^
Mr. B. Wl Livingston Is spending
The friends of Mr. Frank Jay will
learn - with regret that he ir 111 today.
Mr; George Hand Kidd, of Pretoria,
was looking after business Interests
in Albany today.
the week In Albany, the guest of his
folks. He will return to Atlanta Sun
Mrs. W. H. Larramore, of Lee
Mrs. W. H. Larramore, ot Lee coun
ty, was among the visitors In' the city
WANTED—A reliable white boy, 14
or 15 years old, to drive. delivery
wagon. Apply .305 Davlb-Exchange
Bank Building. 22-2t
Mr. Furman Hall, of Oakfleld, was
among the well-known visitors here
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. J. B. Charles, of Poulan, is a
guest at the home ot her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R.' Pinkston, on Broad
Mrs. A. F. Churchwell has returned
from a visit of several weeks with
relatives In Abbeville.
Mrs. S. E.. Cheney, >of Shellman, left
the city at noon today, after spending
several days here shopping.
Mr. Samuel Kramer, of the Ware-
Kramer Tobacco Co., Wilson, N. C„
Is. among'.the-<well«lfnowh < 'vialtorB' In
the city today.
Wife of., Prominent Worth Countlan
Succumbs to Paralytic Stroke.'
Mrs. N. J. Oakley, of Columbia,
Ala., wap among the visitors In Al
bany yesterday.
8peciat to The Herald.
Sylvester, Ga., March 22.—Mrs. An
na Ford, wife of Hon. G. G. Ford, died
of pai-alysls here at.9:15 o’clock Tues
day night. The stroke came about 7
o'clock, shortly after supper, ^and by
the time medical assistance could be
summoned It was seen that Mrs. Ford
was in a dying condition. The re
mains were taken to Blakely for fu
neral and interment.
The deceased was-, the second wife
of Hon. G. G. Ford, and leaves no chil
dren. She w«ii formerly Miss Anna
Heard, of Dothan, Ala. Mr. Ford has
Mr. Hllsman. Walters left the city
today for Moultrie/'where he will be
this afternoon .anfl-'tomorrow, looking
after business matters.
Miss Jennie fWd. of Leesburg, was
among, the shoppers'-in the city yes
Mr.-Price Smith has been employed
>y the Hoggard Drug Company. He
>egan work this morning. !
Easter is
The friends of Miss BesBte Hall will
> grieved to learn that she Is-111 at
sr home on Plne,street
Mr, A. C. fctortatbwsky returned
home 1 this' - morning from Waycross,
where he spent several days on busi
You have seen and studied the correct apparel for
spring and summer, nineteen hundred and six; some
things you have purchased, no doubt,‘butthere are thany
things you have overlooked\or postponed. Let us’ Supply
your further needs. Let us advise you ds to what ,is cor
rect and proper. Every day we receive neyr spring and
summer fabrics, and nrivelties ^rom Easteftt iashibn ati-
thorities. We have | a handsome and exclusive line of
dress materials and trimmings; our Millineiry Department
has mo peer in the South; our Dressmaking Department
we point to with pride and satisfaction. We cap supply
yout* every Easter requirement* and we trust you will give
Mrs. W. W. Haddock, of Damascus,
ras among the Bboppers In Albany
Mb morning. "• - ■ '
Dr. J. M. Dennis, of Acree, Is look
ing after business matters In Albany
Mr. Wade Powell, of Blakely, waB
ttendlng to business affairs hpre yes-
irday afternoon.
Mr. Carl Saye leaves this after
noon for his home In Samson, Ala.,
after a visit of a couple of-days In
Albany,,his former home, with rein,
Uvek and friends.
Mrs; Julius Perltz entertained the
Wednesday Afternoon Card Club very
rightfully yesterday afternoon. The
rst prize, a very pretty comb, was
on by Miss Gertrude Plohsky.' The
tcond prize Was won by Mrs. Bam
ohn, on a cut. The consolation prize,
pretty miniature deck of cards, was
warded to Miss Retta Weslosky. At
le conclusion ot the games, delicious
sfreshments were served the guests.
Corno Chicken Feed, 25c pk; Corn
and Chops, 25c pk. W. E. FIELDS.
Mr. Jacob Shiver, of Acree, is spend
ing the day in the city on business.
Mrs. J. R. PIdcock, of Moultrie, was
among those who attended the milli
nery openings In Albany yesterday,
Special to The Herald.
Sylvester, Ga„ March 22.—It is the
opinion of fruit growers here, that the
heavy frost and freeze of Tuesday
night entirely destroyed the peaoh
crop for this year. All trees of the
Indiana Fruit Co. and the Sylvester
Fruit Co. have been in full bloom for
several days. Ice three-quarters of an
Inch in thickness was found here In
abundance yesterday morning.
Mr. Jerome Statlker, of Louisville,
y„ a well-known member of the
rummers’ brigade, Is spending the
ly In Albany on business.
Mr. ‘ J. E. Evahs, of Baconton, Is
looking after business Interests in the
city today.
The friends of Mr. Joe Myers will
regret to learn that he is 111 at his
apartments In the New Albany.
Mr. A. F. Churchwell has returned
i the city from New York, where he
rrchased the spring stock for the
rm of his name.
Mr. Nano Flelsher left the city yes
terday for a commercial tour.
[Mr. “Cap" Hayes, of Doerun, left the
ty this morning, after a short visit
Ire, attending to business and ming-
ag with friends. ’
Mrs. Sumner, of -Virginia, the guest
pf her sister, Mrs..A. W. Tucker, was
the victim of a pain(ul' accident this
morning. A heavy piece of cut glaBs,
Sugar Cured and Smoked Breakfast
Bacon, 16c lb. The best had at
the price. Phone 70. W. E., Fields.
Max Cassel and Miss Tina Casael have returned from New York With
a full line of MILLINERY. They are also displaying their READY-
TO-WEAR HATS. We have secured Miss-Ray as a trifhmer,. who
is competent of pleasing most fastidious ladies, Everybody invited.
•w 1 V ’, ‘
’he friends of Miss “Fannie Blattner
Dawson, Ga., March 21. — For the
third time In the paBt few months
Dawson had a jail delivery last night,
Fletcher Murphy, Frank Clark and
Elder Brown, negroes, getting their
freedom. Clark, a one-armed negro,
was charged with assault and attempt
to murder W. H. Cobb, a Dawson mer
chant, a few weeks ago. Sheriff Ox
ford has offered 325 reward each for
the capture of the fugitives.
Louisana Sugar Experiment
A Swell Dress Shoe
Lace and Buflon
Analysis of lime from . Longview
Lime Works', sent by J. R. Adams,
Longview, Ala.:
Insoluble matter, .18; Lime, 98.44:
Magnesia, .98: Peroxide of Iron and
Alumina, 26; Carbonic Acid, .32.
This lime is made from a lime rock
containing over 99 per cent, of Car
bonate of Lime. wm. C. Stubbs,
V4 acre, 2 houses, Broad St. Pays
over 20 per cent, interest.
CAPITAL - - *60,000
SURPLUS, - - 16,000
Every facility In the banking- busi
ness offered to customers.
Savings Department.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Albany Drug Co
Sold and handled exclusively by
Telephone No. 44.
at Ekkrlick i
Algeciras, March 22.—Owlnfl to the
Indisposition of the head of the Ger
man mission, the meeting of the dele
gates set for today was postponed un
til Saturday. All delegates have
agreed that the points in dispute are
being slowly settled. Tho situation,
however, is still intricate.
A New City Convenience for
Best "BaKers "Bread
With a new oven'and an old experienced Baker, we are able
to supply <
j'Bread, 'Rolls and CaKes
That will surely please you. Only best material used, insur
ing best results. ’Phone 69-4.
Grocer-S, £. 'B\/SH~ Xa ^ er
. ' Broad Street,
a mule and buggy. Small, light sor
rel' colored mare mule, shod all round.
Top buggy painted blaelf, one spoke
In front wheel split and wrapped with
wire. A small colored boy was left
In charge of team, and boy and team
disappeared. Fair re'ward for return
of team or for lnformatlon-.leadlng to
Its recovery.
Care F. A. UUngslea.
Albany, Ga., March 20, 1906.
Convince you that the King Churn Is
a.success, by'giving you the names of
my SATISFIED customers, and add
your name to the list.
T. Mi NELSON, State Agent
'Phone 119, Country Store.
Which will deliver Standard Kerosene
Oil at .your home every day at the same
old prices.
1 gallon, 20c. '6 gallons, 90c.
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup
Is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. It expels all cold from the sys-
L)m by acting' ad a cathartic on the
-bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Honey
and Tar Is a certain, safe anil harm
less euro for colds, croup and whoop
ing cough.
Jones & Thornton,
’Phone 23.
Brinson &