Newspaper Page Text
• • !
i i
THUR8DAY, ..MARCH 29, 1906.
it Rock
It’s a Ginger Ale!
And Then the Lucky Min Made • Bid
for 8ome More.
Stimulates the body and not
* head.
Try It!
Sc the glass at all soda
i or served in 5c bottles
t stores. . , s h
tattling Works,
Albany, Ga.
1 '
parent! are culpably negligent
children’! ey*i, early attention
which would very often obviate life-
-annoyance! and possibly injury
to physical health.
If a child of yo
a child of yours complains that
he can not see clearly, that he has dull
I In the region of the eyes, or that
i is subject to heddaches; or If he
s, looks at objects askance or with
partly closed eye's, he Is suffering from
some defeot of vision, and It Is your
U duty to at once consult in
, lest your negligence or lndlf-
mpy result In permanent In-
ys have your children’s eyes
nlned before sending them to
examination,of children's eyes
-Ha for special tact, as well as pro-
slonal skill. If they do not need
sses, I will tell you so.
In the eighties Sam Davis went to
Carson, Nevada, and assumed the edi
torship of the Carson Appeal, which,
before he went i actively Into state
politics, was one of the most widely
copied country papers ip the United
States. When Sarah Bernhardt first
passed through Nevada on her WMt-
ern tour the Examiner, of San Fran
cisco, wired Davis to board the "di
vine” Sarah's train at Reno and escort
her Into California—alBO to get a good
Interview en route, Mr. Dav,ls made
hlpiselt so agreeable to the entire-
company, says the Success Magazine,
that Bernhardt Insisted that the "ro
mantic monsieur of the press” be as-,
signed by the Examiner to escort her
through the mazes of Western life.
Mr. Davis turned San Francisco up
side down for her .entertainment, and
even arranged a number of attractions
to show her a sample of Western ac
tivity under the stress of strong emo
tion. When the company left San
Francisco, and farewellB were being
said, Bernhardt walked up to Davis,
In the presence of the admiring
throng, and kissed him on either cheek
and on the Ups.
“On the cheeks," she exclaimed, with
a naive toss of her head, "fqr the Ex
aminer and the Appeal; on the lips
for yourself.”
Sam Davis, fof the second time In
bis life, blushed, but recovered him
self In time to remark that there were
a lot more up-country papers that he
represented, all of which would like
to have blm return to Nevada with
Blmliar tokens.
unit am
Always Invite Quest to Have a Smoke
and Cup of Tea.
How the Government Cul
tivates litem and Sends
Them to Farmers for
Soil Improvement.
fp.C.1. Hutcheson $
Albany's Leading Optician, DavlS-Ex-
'• change'Bonk Building.
A Lively Tussle
with that old enemy of the race, Con
stipation, ..often ends In Appendicitis.
To avoid all serious trouble with
Stomkbh, Liver and Bowels, take Dr.
King’s NOW Life Pills. They perfect
ly regulate these organs, without pain
or discomfort. 26c at Albany Drug Co.
caused by Ini
mtlt too much,
attacks of Indlg ...
had »hottns»» of breath] rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation of the heart
If you tat a
or If you are subject to
iition, you have no doubt
Indlgiition cauees tha stomach to
mannal:auiall * earl miff im mnalnat ika
Indlgsitic mmi I
gpMj^jjSwell, and puff up against the
. he -heart and- Inter
fere! with Its action, and In the count of
tlme'the heart beeomse diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
dlgeets what you eat, takts the strain off
of tbs heart and contributes i
i nourishment
strength and health to avary organ of the
ly. Cures Ipdigeetlon, Dyspepsia, Sour
Inflammation of tht mucous
Stomach, W
membranes lining tht Stomach and Diges-
jp want, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Vtemieh.
The discovery made by a Gei
1 scientist some .twenty years ago that
-there exist tn.tbe sail vast numbers
of minute microscopic organisms
ibhlch mhke their home In tuberoutsB
or nodules on the roots of leguminous
plants, such os clovers, vetches, peas,
fisana an* locust trees, has -been util
ized -by itbe Agriculture Department of
tbo United States In 'fts work for tbe
growers of tbe country.
The microscopic organisms perform'
a valuable sendee for tbe plants on
which they live. They pay their sub
sistence by catching from tbe air ni
trogen which the legumeB could not
themselves take Into their system tn
gaseous dorm, reducing it to a nitrate'
In combination with some other ele
ment taken from the ground, and the
legumes easily digest this plant food,
and make rapid and luxuriant growth.
The way in which the government
makes use of these particular bacteria
-Is by propagating them under arti
ficial conditions and sending them out,
In Small quantities to all parts of the
country fqr. the fise of farmers. A
largo laboratory for. this purpose has
a competent staff of -bacteriologists.
8hlpplng -Bacteria to Farmers.
The-method of shipping the bacteria
to the farmer who desires to intro
duce a leguminous crop in- ills region
where Its culture was before Impossi
ble, Is In a box four Inches by six and
a half deep. The box contains three
packages done up in -tin foil. In -one
Is a wad of cotton on which the culture
or germs of tbe bacteria have been
dried; and In the other two are nutrl-
'It ts hard to understand the Chi
nese, but J will give you the facts that
I have deduced from my own experi
ence with them,” said the Rev. A. D.
3. Frauer, who was for some time a
missionary in Southern China, to a re
porter of the Rochester Post-Express.
"The Chinese are economical, very
economical. .1 do not hesitate to say
that 60,000,000 of them could live on
what Is wasted In the United States
alone. They fire industrious and work
hard. Many of them, even Mandarins,
arise as early as 3 In- the morning to
work, and never atop until 7 or 8
o'clock at might
"One thing that I noticed, and a
thing that all foreigners In China
must notice, la the fact that the peo
ple are unusually polite. This may be
all an tbe surface, but, nevertheless, I
it Is very pleasing.
‘1 was surprised with many of the
little courtesies and customs that I
found prevalent among the Chinese.
-For instance, there Is a custom that
when smoking In the presence of an
other It Is necessary that - the other
he asked to smoke, or, If It la possible,
that a guest should -be offered a cup
at tea on all occasions.
“Many other .things In the same vein
I noticed, as that there are set forms
and polite usages for one's manner of
-taking leave, that; an artiole, no mat
ter -bow small, should always be pre
sented to a person with both hands.”
A severe cold that may develop Into
pneumonia over night', can be cured
quickly by taking Foley’s Honey and
Tar. It will cure the most obstinate
racking cough and strengthen your
lungs. The genuine Is In a yellow
package. Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
, Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. 'Phono 893.
He Was Wise.
ent salts, whlah are usually magnes-.
inm sulphate, potassium phosphate, or
ammonium phosphate, with a small
iuld dlitreu nvi>y ro&klnf
would toocomo very woelc.
odd ud it sen me iinmt-
. a lew bottloi 1 em cured.
NICHOLS, Penn Yen, N. Y.
Helen—Whom do you think Is the
greatest of all poets?
Herbert — Shakespeare. I under
stand that be made a lot of money
at the business.
mixture of sugar, to soltdlfy and 'hold
the cultures. A sheet of* Instructions
and a finked envelope accompany
the package. j
The Instructions are simple, and
practically admit of no failure. Pack
age No. 1 of the nutrient salts Is first
to be dissolved In a half gallon of pure
water at ordinary temperature; the
salt dissolves In a very few minutes.
Then the wad of cotton Is to be piaoed
In the solution and left to stand for
twenty-four hours; and next the other
package of tbe nutrient salts Is eipp-
tled Into tbe solution. In another thir
ty-eight hours the cultures are ready
for use. The solution, If no mishap
has occurred, will have turned a milky
cloudy white, very much like the Uquor
of oysters.
Bacteria of Discrimination.
The applicant must specify what
Cere for about four moothi end It ourod mo.
D. KAUHA Monde. O.
Digests What You Eat
St Ul Lit*
I Sfstsvy #1 S.OoMWltt
I ffOo..O)tlcgfo,P.S.A.
Albany Decorating Co.,
Points, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, BurlapB,
Room MouldlnRa.
Rumney Bldg. 'Phone 3*3.
particular variety of leguminous crops
he desires to establish,
found that the bacteria -common to cer
tain f&tntUes of legumes will mot make
their home on the roota Of legumes
-For Bale by Albany Drug Co.
Hllsman-8ala Drug Co.
Loo Latel
Brought Down the House.
The Boy and the Cow on the stage
Tuesday night.
Was to the crowd a very novel sight.
The Boy tried In vain to get the Cow
to stand,
But the Cow was not In humor, and
, he yelled, to beat the band:
“This old Cow belongs to the Enter
prise Store!”
■Of cottrse, the little fellow was all In
-a flutter.
Or perhaps he might have said a little
- bit more
4.bout the richness and quality of the
old Cow’s butter,
“Fox River” Butter, at the Enter
prise Store. ’
Only 36 cents per potytd.
GEO:- H. CARROLL, Manager.
Dr. PUlem—There must bo some
thing radically wrong with your Bys
tem to have your fall out so. You will
have to diet.
Skantlox—Dye it? I'm afraid, doc,
there's not enough of It left to dye.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Ventulett Building
Don’t frown—look pleasant If you
are suffering from Indigestion or sotaf
stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cute.
Hon.'Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Gjfi.,
says: "1 suffered more than 20 years
with Indigestion. A friend recom
mended Kodol. It relieved me In one
day and I now enjoy better health than
for many years." Kodol digests wbat
you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas
stomach, belching, etc. Sold by
bony Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug
of other families. For Instance, the
bacteria that subsist on the roota of
alfalfa will not live on the roots ot
red clover. The bacteria on red clo
ver, however, wUl Inoculate white
clover, crimson clover, buffalo clover,
and all the trifiltum clovers. The bac
teria on bird clover, which Is common
In some parts ot the country, will In
oculate alfalfa. The bacteria ot soy
beans will work on oow-peat and simi
lar members of the bean family.
There are two ways In‘which tbe
culture may be applied. The first way
Is to spread the seed out thinly on
tables and sprinkle the solution over
It; then, when dry, to sow as usual.
The other way Is to take a quantity
ot sbU ht a place out ot the sunshine,
sprinkle the solution over It, stir It up,
and- scatter it broadcast over the
ground to be seeded. Successful Inoc
ulation can be secured by taking Boll
tram a thrifty field ot legumes such
ae alfalfa, clover, or vetches, and scat-
tejUng tt over the field where either ot
these crops may be desired.
Although an expensive undertaking
tor. the government, the results have
Justified the experiments.
Mrs. Jones—You must get the land
lord to come and see for himself the
damage has done to the celling.
Mr. Jones—Yes, and If I do he’ll see
the damage the children have done to
the rest of the house.
Qlven Up to Die.
B. Spelgel, 1204 N. Virginia St., Ev
ansville, Ind., writes; "For over five
It has been Years I was troubled with kidney and
bladder affections which caused me
much pain and worry. I lost flesh and
was all run down, and a year ago had
to abandon work entirely. I had three
of the best physicians, who did me no
good, and I was practically given up
to die. Foley’s Kidney Cure was rec
ommended and the first bottle gave
me great relief, and after taking the
second bottle I was entirely cured."
Why not let It help you? Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co.
Get a Gibson Picture
With the Sunday Edition of
The Atlanta Journal
By Permissl.m COLLIER 5 WEEKLY
Copyrislu 100*. T- F. Collier & Sen.
Every Sunday, beginning April 1st, The Journal will give
away as a supplement with each copy a famous Gibson
picture printed on buff tinted art paper. These pictures
represent the best work of Charles Dana Gibson, and they
have been secured at great cost by The Journal from Col
lier’s Weekly, for which Gibson drew exclusively. Start
with the first picture and save the entire collection. You
will then have a priceless art treasure, fer Gibsou has given
up pen and ink drawing forever.
Some of 'the other exclusive features of The Sunday
Journal are:
GEORGE ADE—(Famous for Fables in Slang.)
LINCOLN STEFFENS—(Greatest Graft Describer
ift the world.)
FRANKLIN FYLES—(Dramatic Critic of interna
tional fame.)
IDA INNERLY—(She writes a social letter that ah
ways sparkles and sometimes blazes.)
MRS. HENRY SYMES—(The wonderful beauty spe
cialist who answers Individual questions.
MARION HARLAND—(The most helpful authority
on household affairs.)
And the greatest NEWS paper of the South.
Get the Sunday Journal. 5c a copy, $2 a year.
See our local agent or address
The Journal
The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co
Everywhere 6c
Hamblen, Tribunes, Recycles.
We point to these Bicycles and chal
lenge their duplicate as to finish, wear
ing qualities and price. Competition in
manufacturing has given us a
Values in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship, and the Finest
material in
Headstones, etc., try
The Albany Marble and
Granite Works.
at a nominal cost as compared to for
mer prices. Our bicycles are the best
to be had. Come in and examine them. "
Examine the new style tires; couldn’t
fie better, could they? Entire wheel A1
and beautiful in finish. Talk bicycle
with us and save money.
The Leading.Wheelman, Pine Street.
Correct Dress!
I TTie “Modem Method” system ol
gh-grade tailoring introduced by
I L E. Hay* & Co. of Cincinnati, O.
| safisfies good dressers everywhere. |
All Garments Made Strictly
. to Your Measure
J. B. Davis. T. W. Ventulett
•I moderate price*. 500 Itylci ol lordgn |
' ' # awhichti
tad domestic fabrics fromv
6 lo choose.
B. BROWN 4 CO., Albany, Ga.
Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur
ance Co.
Offloe—Ventulett Building.
'Phoaee -841—88—122—;—
< Fop
Sprains,Strains 1
Cuts, Bruises
At all Drudd _ __