Newspaper Page Text
Is the 0»ly Poiitble War of Bertag
▲a Effective Cure*
If yo^ see a woman or a man with lux* j
uriant glossy hair, you may be stare net-
ther has dandruff to amount to anything. j
In nearly every case where women and;
men.have thin brittle hair, they owe It j
to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep
arations that “claim" to cure dandruff, I
but not one but Newbro’s Herplclde tells I
you that dandruff is the result of a germ j
burrowing Into the scalp, and that per-
manent euro of dandruff and Its conse- )
quent falling and baldness, can only be !
had by killing the germ; and there Is no !
other preparation that will destroy that
germ but Newbro’s Herplclde. “Destroy .
the cause, and you remove the effect” !
Bold by leading druggists.. Send 10c. In !
■tamps for, sample to The Herplclde Co.,
Detroit Mich.
Albany Drug Go * Special ^gunto
J. W. DORSETT, Dentist, now In
Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 413.
Buy New Furniture
Tomorrow will bo Good Friday.
Phone 70 for best wax candles, 2 tor
!. ' W. E. FIELDS.
a Bottle of
There la plenty of baseball talk In
the air.
Phone 280 tor Store Wood and
The Guards’ Musical Fantasy will
be something out ot the ordinary.
An Easter Egg Hunt.
The Lois Russell Mission Band of
the Presbyterian church will give an
Easter egg. hunt Saturday afternoon,
April 14, at 4 o’clock, on the grounds
of Mr. George McCrary’s residence,
121 Commerce street. Light .refresh
ments will be served, and pretty Eas
ter prizes will be given the boy and
girl successful In finding the largest
number of eggs. An admission fee of
10 centB y/111 he charged, aqd the pro
ceeds of the little entertainment will
he used In the work of the Mission
See Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason, SEE!
Oh! I see, eyea are tested free.
1 . Are they not entitled to the best there is to eat ?
In the words of an humble celebrity, “that brings
on more tallc.”
One thingjis certain: The best there is to eat can
never Be provided;,,with a worn-out stove or rtinge, or
oue/that is second/i^e in quality, or defective in plan
of construction. Tf you have one of these in your kitch
en," you are Wasting/Chough fuel in a-year to cover the
cost of a new range j and are not enjoying the best of
cooking. , • ,
• Let us read "the kitchen riddle for you;
Libby's Roast Beef, 1-lb. tins, 16c;
’ Potted Chicken, Turkey and Sardines,
3 cans for 25c.
Phone 70.
1 Brunswick-Balk
Next week will find Albany busy.
There will be a great deal to do In the
way of preparation for Chautauqua.
Collender Polish
. The very latest shapes In Chiffon,
311k and Straw Hats at Louis Zucker
Importing Co.’s. 10-Bt
Albany Decorating Co.,
Wall Paper, BiirlapB.
Paints. Oils, Varnishes,
The T. P. A.'s of Albany will be
busy for the next few weeks with
preparations for the meeting of the
state organization In this .city.
Rumney Bldg.
’Phone 303.
I and polish up the old furniture. We
1 kinds, and either is .good,
-;.' 1 ‘National” Steel :/ Ranges are positively; unequivocally
I guaranteed, to be the best ranges built. One will, with ordinary
careydast a life time and; will give daily service, beyond compare.
We carry,in stock complete Outfits of duplicate parts for
Hhe stoves and ranges we handle. No other house in this sec
tion does os much, and the advantages to thosb who buy
“Nationals” lire obvious.'
Very Low Excursion Rates to New
Orleans, La., yla Central of Georgia
. Railway. ; ; ; ' t>
Annual reunion United Confederate
Veterans, April 25-27, 1906. Ticket^
on sale April 23 to 26 inclusive, llfiv
ifed to leave New Orleans returning
not lpter than April 30, except tnat ag
extension to May 21, 1906, can be. oD-
talned under customary conditions.
For total rates and full information
In regard to limits, etc., apply to R. S,
Morris, commercial agent, or S. A. At-,
klnson, Union Ticket agent, Albany,
Shinola—the best shoe polish—10c.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Messrs. Touel. G. Hllsman and John
Bllllbgslea were led Into the< green,
pastures of Elkdom at the regular ses
sion of Iklbany; ;^odge'No. 718 last
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
And the Best on the Market. '
Put on with a Five-Year Guarantee,
and sold only by
Indigestion Is much of a habit.
Don’t get the habit. Take a little Ko-
dol Dyapepsla Cure after eating and
you will quit belching, pulling, palpita
ting and frowning. Kodol Digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hlls-
man-Sa’ie Drug Co.
The general presentments of the
grand Jury will be published In The
The grand Jury
Herald tomorrow,
was discharged'yesterday, hut copy of
the presentments did hot reach The
Herald In time for publication today.
Telephone Np. life f S. REICH | SC Broad Street
Do You Use Paint?
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Fireplace and Stove.
Cruger & Pace,
Rumney Bldg.
’Phone 393.
Most of the world does and most of the
world uses !
There Is a probability, Judging from
what has already been achieved, that
strawberry culture In the country
about Albany will. In the course ot a
very few years assume Imposing pro
Sherwin-Williams Paint,
F. O. Ticknob, Manager..
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead,
T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker,
Special sale of up-to-date Pattern
Hats at |2.98. They sell anywhere
else at $5.00 and $6.00, at Louis Zuck
er Importing Co. 10-5t
Come,* and see one of the swellest
lines of „
45c White Silks at - - 29c yd
75c, 36 inch White Silks at V 50c “
$1.00 White Silks at - 75c “
1.25 Waterproof Black Silks, 85c “
1.00, 36 inch Black Taffeta, 75c “
1.25 “ “ “ “ 98c “
1.75 “ “ “ “ 1.48 “
It s Up to Vou !
A-select stock of Easter Skirts in White
Mohair, White Serge, White Panamas, Grey
Voiles and Panamas, Black Voiles and
V .y - . ' . ■
Specialties in Ready-to-Wear Shirt Waists
and Shirt Waist Suits.
It’s made to paint buildings with, inside
and outside. It’s made ready for the
•■brush. It’s made for home use and for
practical painters too. It’s pure lead,
pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by
specially made machinery operated by
experts. It’s made for you.
Representing twenty-five strong
est Insurance Companies, well
kpown for their loss paying ability;
among others the “Aetna,” Com
mercial Union,” “Home” of N. Yr,
"L. & L, &G.,” “Phoenix,” “Roy
al;” “National,!’ “Sun,” and all
the Stock Companies Organized in
Georgia. We avoid “wild cats,”
and are not hampered with "side
lines. I’ Our business is strictly con
fined to insurance against Fire, Cy
clones—and to writing Accident,
Health, Plate Glass and Boiler in
surance and Fidelity Bonds.
If in need of any information re
garding Insurance telephone any of
the officers.
There has never occurred in this
Immediate part of the slate a sham
battle participated In by both infantry
and artillery organizations. Such,
however, will be the spectacle on
Wednesday of Chautauqua week which
parties In Albany will witness.
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup Is a
new remedy, an Improvement on the
laxatives of former i'ears, as It does
not gripe or nauseate and Is plensant
to take. It Is guaranteed. Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co.
We carry a full line of this high grade
goods. Please call and see us; or phone No.
5 for color cards and prices.
] This has proved a busy week In
Dougherty superior court. While no
sensational cases, or cases of extraor
dinary Interest have been tried, there
have been plenty of the other kind
■ and time has not been hanging heavy
on the hands of the court.'
Notice Is hereby given that all
property owners must come prepared
to return the exact number of feet of
each city lot owned. The tax books
will open on April 2 at the Clerk's of
fice, In the Davis-Exchange Bank build
ing, and no returns will be accepted
unless the owners specify In'their re
turns the exact number of feet In each
lot returned, as required by ordinance.
28-lmo Y. C. RUST, Clerk.
25 Washington street,
A very extensive line of Trimmed
Hnts for Ladles, Misses and Children,
at Louts Zucker Importing Co.’s, op*
posite Cox & Livingston. x . 10-5t
New . . .
A severe cold that may develop Into
pneumonia over night, can be cured
quickly by taking Foley’q Honey and
Tar. It will cure the most obstinate
racking cough and strengthen your
lungs. The genuine la In a yellow
package. HUsman-Sale Drug Co.
I hereby announce my candidacy tor
Representative of Dougherty County
In the General Assembly of the State,
subject to the action of the Democratic
primary ordered for the 16th of May.
In the event of my election, I pledge
my best efforts In the Interest ot my
constituency. I respectfully ask the
suffrage of the qualified voters of the
county. SAM H. TIFT.
Thb VuDbR Chair
Hammock combines the
luxurious comfort of a
|big easy chair, or the
restful ease of a well
upholstered couch, with
the gentle motion of a
'hammock. Stop in and
let us show them to you.
New lot Vudor Porch
Shades just received.
Agent McCall Pattern:
Rome, April 12.—Foreigners have
flocked to Rome for holy week. The
city is full of pilgrims and'sightseers
of all nationalities, among them being
many English and American visitors.
The various churches are crowded at
all services.
Parties Wishing to Sell Their Next Season
• , SEE
Don’t frown—look pleasanL If you
are suffering from Indigestion or sour
stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Hon. Jake. Moore, of Atlanta, Ga.,
£ To . draw the fire out of a burn,
heal a cut without leaving a scar, or
to cure bolls, sores; tetter, eczema
and all’akin and scalp diseases, use
DeWItt’s Witch Hazel 8alve. A spe
cific for piles.' Get the’genuine. No
remedy causes such speedy relief.
Ask for'DeWItt**--the' genuine.
•WW: Indigestion. 'A' friem
l! mended Kodol. It relieved n
! day and I how enjoy better he
. for many years.” Kodol. dig:
. -ou eat relieves sour stomac
P. VASON.VIce-Frsaldent,,
I T. N. WQOLFOLK, Managsr,
; W-W. PACE, .President
W. M. WILOER, 8sc. .no Trsss.