Newspaper Page Text
Get the Little Tots Ready for Chautauqua
“As the twig is bent, so the tree is inclined.”
Chautauqua is a great occasion for the children. It is right that it should be, and parents should encourage their
children to enjoy all the pleasures and reap, all the profits possible next week. Of course you will want them to look well--,
they should be dressed daintily and becomingly. In accomplishing this you will find this store a great help. We will
state that ,we have an exceptionally large line of Lawns, Mulls, Chiffon-Cloths, Batistes and Linens suitable for children’s
dresses, and will call your special attention to some of the other very attractive goods for children.
Sash and Hair Ribbons Stockings and Socks Pretty Children’s Fans
, Ribbons, of course, form a very important part of
the little* girl’s or misses’ toilet. This Spring finds
ribbon^ not only retaining but increasing their popu
larity. For sashes, and girdles and for the hair, rib
bons will be indispensable! Our line-includes all the
beautiful Spring shades in the season’s newest de
signs and weavings. Handsome ribbons in the popu
lar floral effects. '' ,
Sash Ribbons priced &t.... r ....... .60c and 75c
Hair Ribbons priced from.;... 1.. .v..... ,10c to 50c
A stock of Stockings that you’ll be delighted with.
The quality is so extraordinary and the prices are so
reasonable. Shown in pink, light blue, tan, navy and
black, in Plain Silk Lisle and Lace Lisle. Colored
Stotkings will be very stylish this. Spring and Sum
mer, white shoes being worn with stockings to match
color of hair and sash ribbons.
These beautiful Colored Stockings are priced
at.. 25c, 35c, 50c
Socks of white, black and colors at 15c, 25c, 35c
Be sure to see our special line of Fans for Children.
These fans are in special children’s designs, and are
just the kind to carry delight to the young hearts.
The line is large and we 11 assorted, both as to style
and price. Japanese Fans of attractive designs, suit
able for girls and misses, as well as a beautiful collec
tion of Silk Gauze Fans, in dainty Spring shades, are
included in this lot, which is priced from
5c to $1.00
$1,000 Worth of Baby Caps and Lingerie Hats at Half Price
Beginning Monday ,J we offer a $1,000 line of Baby Caps, Lingerie Hats, and Sun Bonnets at half of their value. There are hundreds of beautiful Caps in this
lot, and quite a number of thfc Lingerie Hats and Sun Bonnets, but scarcely enough of these to last through Monday, so we advise ydu to come early. These Caps
and Hats were bought at absolutely half price—a trick of our expert buyers in New York this winter—and they have just been shipped out. We offer—
At 19c Caps worth.! 38c At $1.00 Caps worth ..! V.'i. $2.00
At 25c Caps worth i 50c At $1.25 Caps worth....... 1 .....".. .$2.50
At 37c?Caps wqrth < 75c At $1.50 Caps worth. r.' .'i. .V....... .$3.00
At 75c Capa-worth $1.50 At $3.00 Caps worth .$6.00
The Quality Store. Hofmayer, JotlCS & ConjLpOny« The Quality Store.
Better Soda. __
Than Ever
; 'V '
; Customers say olir soda is better than ever this year. As we
; bear the same thing every year we are inclined to think our soda
is fast reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to
, make it as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in
our efforts as
'• '
We use the best of
everything in making it
E* t
and serve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the
best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure
soda can be ruined in drawing.tcT'. ■■■
i When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent
soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phono 75.
nr. ■■■!■! ii
Albany Baseball Team Mak
ing Good at Rapid Rate.
Some Fast Players Have
Delicious Ice Cream
For Warm Spring" Days
*v‘ > vi ‘
1 ^ im
Many people find the ; .first warm
days of spring very fatiguing. These
| will find our delicious ice cream espe
cially refreshing.
Expertly Made of Pure Cream.
Served Daily m Many Flavors.
Albany Drug Co.
J. £. MacMillan.
XO. C. Meribuether.
Secy, and Treas.
Good paving, properly put down,
is a paying proposition.
• • ’ ■ . »•
• ’Phone us we’ll put you next.
2m -’ • • v- » • •
Albany Pressed Stone Co*
The local tans are happy. The food
has arrived, and. the fans are feeding.
Ramsburger and Posey .came In last
Ramsburger is a dandy, of the James
variety. Heds going to hold down the
trying Job of short-stopplng. He comes
from Meridian, Miss., having played
last year ip the Cotton States League.
He has a great long-record as a player
Had Been Some Friction Between
Postmaster, as. Custodian of Build
ing, and the U. S. Court Officials.
of good bal), anjl covers ground like , trtelty all the floor of the building in
an April shower. Out at the hall park
this- morning Jie-Jdaa busy getting lim
bored up,, and showed up in fine form.'
Crosley Is another player who rolled
In last night. Ho Is also a Meridian
boy, and does. J)ox work—at which he
is said to excel.' Out In the Cotton
States region Is a household
word among fans, and Manager Thom
as thinks he Is dead lucky In having
landed this left-handefe twlrler of
twinkling twisters.
Posey Is also a pitcher. This Is his
first year at professional ball, but he
“looks good." Over In South Carolina
last year he was the star of, college
balldom, and those who have had a
look at him think he Is going to do
Special to The Herald.
Savannah, Ga., AprU 17.—The As*
soclated Press of yesterday carried the
pews t*>at Postmaster Henry Blun
had been reappointed, postmaster of
the city of Savannah, but It did not
Carry the that the postmaster
and Judge Emory Speer, between
whom {here has been some friction for
some tlnte, have burled the hatchet.
The trouble between' the' postofilce
department and the judiciary • came
about by the postmaster, as custodian
of the public, printing declining to let
the,court officers light up with elec-
About 70 Voicls^t Opening
Rehearsal-4$Mfcimber Will
Probably Be Increased to
which court was held. There was
some sharp correspondence over this,
land the court officers finally won.
Then the postmaster was compelled to
give notice that the elevator had been
ordered stopped. TblB was purely the
result of a telegram from Washington,
but It did not do any good as a peace
maker. Before Judge Speer left on
Saturday night, however, It Is learned
that there was a complete reconcilia
tion all around, and‘It Is not expected
that there will be any further strained
The best safeguard against head-
-be. constipation and liver tronhles Is
'-Witt’s Little Early Risers. Keep a.
Is! of these famous little Pills In the
some more starring In the new league. j’-ouse and take a dose at bedtime when
Eldred, another Meridian man. will '•mi feel that the stomach and bowels
. . ■ -oed cleansing. Thev don’t grine.
be here tonight. I Sold bv Albany Drug Co.. Htlsraan-Sale
Collier was doing excellent work this ( ,£, rU g Co.
morning. He Is an infielder. He | —
comes from Alabama, and Captain To Decorate Auditorium Tomorrow
Alexander thinks he Is going to prove
one of the favorites of the league.
Alexander, by the way. Is showing
The Herald Is requested to give no
tice that all the ladles and gentlemen
form as fast as any man he has, which. who have been requested to assist In
Is not surprising, In view of the fact j decorating the Chautauqua auditorium
that he has been In professional com-' meet the committee, composed of
pany for seven years. I Mrs. J. P. Gill, Miss Annie Hobbs and
All the rest of the ylayers who have Mr. Frank Smith, at the old library
reported—McCormick, Dudley, Smeltz room in the auditorium at 8 o’clock
—are showing good form. Smeltz, by tomorrow, Wednesday, evening. Ma-
the way. Is a man in whom'great hopes terlals will be on hand for the decora-
are centered, and he appears to have tlon work, and if all who have been
all the necessary qualifications for a asked to serve will respond the work
game-getter. can be done In n short -time.
The team will be practicing for the
rest of the. week, morning and even- If you are troubled with Piles and
ing. The morning practices will be can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel
„„ , _„hu„ —in Salve, but he sure you get that made
strictly private, and the public will hy p c DpWitt & Co Chicago. It la
not be admitted to the grounds, as ttie original. If you have used WTtch
team play Is to be worked out In the!Hazel Salve without being relieved It
afternoons, however, all who care to
g0 out to the park will be welcomed.
The grounds are being rapidly put
In shape. The diamond has been
cleaned up, and will be rolled this af
ternoon. The left-field fence is being
carried back a considerable distance,
and the grand-stands will bs put. In
good shape.
LOST—Will the finder of the gold
badge, with entwined monogram,
“A. C. G.,” please leave It at the
Herald office and receive reward?
* 16-at
Is probable that you got hold of one
of the many worthless- counterfeits
that are sold on the reputation of the
genulne-pe .Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Sold by Albanv Drug Co., Hilsman-
Sale Drug Co.
Port Said, April 17—The dry-dock
Dewey reported by wireless today 150
miles off this port
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps.
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. », 'Phone S9S.
The Chautauqua chorus was organ
ized last night with the largest num
ber of volceB attracted to an opening
practice In several years'. About sev
enty ladles and gentlemen were pres
ent, end It is believed that the number
will be Increased to nearly a hundred
by Wednesday evening.
A strong effort Is being made to
make the musical feature 'o^ the Eigh
teenth Assembly something to be long
remembered. The present prospect Is
very encouraging, and' the promise Is
made that this season's audiences will
be treated to something out, of the or
dinary In the way of chorud music.
Dr. Alfred Hallam, musical director
of the approaching assembly, was In
charge at the organization of the cho
rus las tonight. It is his first visit to
Albany, though those who saw him at
work last night expiessed the fervent
hope that It would not be his last.
Dr. Hallam made remarkable prog
ress last night. He is a born leader,
and his long experience in handling
choruses enables him to accomplish-in
hours what others would achieve In
days. The results of his work last
night were surprising, and he im
parted his enthusiasm to those he was
directing. Several choruses were
Miss Sponcler, the accompanist, and
Miss Giles, the assembly soloist, have
arrived, and were present at the prac
tice last night. Their work is destined,
tb add a great deal to the musical fea
ture of the assembly.
Rehearsals will be held each night
this week.
FOR RENT — Four rooms. C. O.
Smith. 2-tt
...Good Groceries all the Time...
If you want the best in the
Grocery Line, and want the
right prices, too, 'phone your
orders to No. 91., ,
Washington St. Grocer
There’s Science in
Shoe Fitting
' No matter how fine, how stylish, or how well made
—if a Shoe doesn’t fit properly it’s not satisfactory.
The day of fitting Shoes by number has past. There
are so many widths, shapes and styles that it is
necessary to have them fitted by expert fitters. We
not only have the Shoes, but have men who under
stand fitting them.
r hey Fit
hat’s It
C. *R. Da-vis ®. Co.
Easter and Imported
Post Cards.
104 Pino street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Gal ■