Newspaper Page Text
Chautauqua visitors will Dud It
to their interest to look at our im-,
mense line of Sheet Music. We
hare everything that Is new and
papular, and for,this week we are
offering Music at V2 off. Big stock
of McKinley Music at 5c per copy
fer this week. Gome and get a cat
alogue free. A piano to try music
at your disposal.
P. O. TlCKNOB, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, i. R. Whitehead,
fT M. Carter, A. W. Tucker,
The fIoME Insurance
Co. of New York wires us:
“ Our liability in San
Francisco not over three
and a half million, losses
probably two million, will
be paid promptly, leaving
our surplus seven million.”
Three 'Sites fqr Stores
on ijlroad street,
(ijear Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front on
Broad street and running back
210 feet, to alley.
This property is rapidly en
hancing in value ana will be
worth double preseut price in
few 1 years;
Full information on applica
tion to;
Npr.t Loai Go.
f ,
And FlaWrfo Permlta Sold at,the Coun-
U try Store.
Any^fistyne or boaUug will be pro-
hlbltodytrithout a written permit. The
lake above the dam |s flue for boaUng,
aud the Jfijfhlng below the dam Is un-
excelled, won't forget you must have
• PtsA '[) T. M. NELSON,
,s. Adsmei-al-Uw,
>hootu 111 Davli-Exchenjt. Bank
. ^Bulldlnc, Albany, Ga.
WANTED—Information concerning B.
•• F.^Wblte (or Ms heirs), supposed to
' hive- resided In Albany about 186S
Mr-ifcjjd. Five dollars will be paid
'.A for Information leading to his loca-
. ttoa or that of. hts heirs. Write T.
Fewest, Milton, Fla.
’ Vl9-i 1 w—w 2t
1 Arteslaq Wills, $150.
I am prepared to drill and case
waB^, and guarantee water, for $150,
add-Ebwlng wells by contract la a rn- ten miles of Albany, Oa. Ad
dress - B. F. BOLAND,
111 Plae St, Albany, Ga.
A1 New City Convenience foi
1 will deliver Standard Kerosene
— year home every day at the same
.1 gallon, 20c.: 8 gallons, 90c.
res & Thornton,
’Phone 23.
It Takes Wide Range and
Discusses Nearly Every
thing that Women Wear
and Gives Useful Hints.
New Yprk, April 28.—Among the at
tractive traveling dresses shown this
Spring the moBt stylish are made of
mobalr. They also are most suitable
as they are Impervious to dust and
when of good quality dampness has no
effect whatever upon the material.
Some of these gowns are made of the
pussy-willow gray which Is such a pop
ular shade this season. These some
times have trimmings In white, but
are quite effecUve when trimmed with
folds and plain stitching, or tucks and
plalfe are often trimming enough.
These suits are madd up with long
half-fitting coats, or they can bo made
with the small cape so much liked and
which is shown in so many styles.
Although callod a cape for short these
little wraps are more than that. They
are really bolero Jackets, being capqs
oifTy In effect. -They are cape shaped
back and front, but have bell sleeves
fitted Into the shoulder and a little
close-fitting waistcoat underneath it
A pretty Spring costume bad a skirt
of gray and blue plaid laid In double
box plaits. The gray silk waist wag
concealed by one ot the sack-boleros
made of plain blue cloth matching the
skirt'In Bhade and trimmed with collar
and revere of blue velvet. The hat
was of rough gray straw with gray silk
scarf and a side trimming of a bunch
of blue ostrich Ups springing from a
steol buckle. The gloves worn with
this charming gown were of the favor
ite shade of pearl gray. These gloves
aro of course long wristed enough to
meet the short elbow sleeves now so
The long glove has brought out a
new article of dress known os the
glove-garter. They are many and va
rious In design, although there are
Borno very simple ones made merely
of silk elastic fastened with little
buckles and have no other purpose In
life than to hold the long gloves In
place. Other of these garters are elab
orate In the extreme. Some are made
of moire ribbon and have buckles ot
gold set with jewels. Of course these
glove-bracelets, ns qome call them, can
be made ub costly as fancy pleases,
and perhaps rival the automobile suits
for cost
These auto suits arc now an Indis
pensable part of the Summer outfit
They are of necessity very cosUy, for
materials must be rain proof, dust
proof and warm In texture. Five hun
dred dollars Is the sum patd out by an
auto enthusiast to get herself Into the
trim she needed. This, ot course, In
cluded the Winter clothes, the furs,
the fur gauntlets, the fur hat the fur
boots, and the fur waist. The Sum
mer things were of lighter weight, but
oven so a leather jacket Is a great des
ideratum, a pongee coat and hood and
an auto veil as well as the aueie waist
coat.. If one adds to this list the now-
eat fancy In shoes the sum will be one
to be met only by those who “have
money to burn.”
However, the style In evening shoes
would 6f course not touch the auto
traveler as it is an extreme suitable
only for the costume ball or some
function planned to exceed all that has
gone before. The dainty bell Is put.
ting rosebuds on her dancing slippers
fashioned of chiffon and silk and rival
ing nature In color and shape. Others
are putting all their efforts Into their
heels, which being of gilt or silver will
truly “twinkle in the dance.” These
heels, of course, are not of solid metal,
but o'f filagree, anpl as they are made
to slip over the leather heel they are
known ns “overheels.”
There Is, however, something In
heels much to be preferred to the sil
ver and gold filagree, as these are lia
ble to catch In the flimsy underskirts
with disastrous results. The just as
pretty and much safer fancy dance
shoe Is of hand-painted velvet with
heels ot satin and with wreaths and
roses also painted to match.
For Summer wear there are shoes
In white corduroy to be wom with
white linen and serge gowns and these
are really very chlo and appropriate.
White linen gowns this season are
being heavily worked with all-over
and padded designs. Where there was
last year a bud there Is this year a
bush, and the delicate spray ot a year
ago has grown to need a trellis. Of
the slmpler.'patterns the daisy leads
In favor. There is the English daisy,
a prim little flower, and the French
daisy, perched with a coquettish air
at the top of a little stem, with two
saucy leaves. The Drench also are
fond of the double daisy, using It in
. daisy Imitates the chrysan
themum In size, and the petals have a
ragged effect and a certain whirl, very
attractive and unique when completed.
Here Is a useful hint as to how to
put ruffles on a skirt, and If followed
will make the usually dreaded task a*
easy as sewing a plain seam, lot the
skirt fall on the floor and draw the
hem across the lapboard. Spread the
ruffle evenly on the gather thread tor
an equal length and lay the lower
edge even with the edge of the skirt
Stick two or three pins In the gathers
to hold them temporarily, then begin
at tbe lower edge and pin to the edge
of the skirt Pin every two incheB for
the length ot the lapboard. The gath
er thread Is then drawn taut and a
few more pins put In the gathers, af
ter which the basting is mere play.
Use plenty of pins and yon will won
der that you ever tried to put on ruf
fles without them. ESTELLE.
We’re Right Here, You Know,
Where you can come and “have It out”
with us If anything goes wrong with
anything you buy here. That’s why
we’ve got to take pains to have things
right in the first place—why we’ve
simply got to "square” ourselves with
you on anything that does not prove
jUBt as we say. We’ve got to do busi
ness with you and your friends “on tiTe
level” or not at all.
If you buy a “mall order” buggy or
harness and It disappoints you, you
may get satisfaction, and you may not.
You're only one of thousands of cus
tomers, and the mall order concern
doesn't depend upon the trade ot this
town or vicinity. If you do get satis
faction It will be at a cost in time and
correspondence that will eat up all the
By all means buy where you can buy
to the best advantage, but keep your
money In your clothes tttl you've
talked with us; then If we can’t show
you why and how It 1b better to spend
your harness and vehicle money right
here we won't say another word.
19-9t In Waolfolk Building.
Is the Moon Inhabited?
Science has proven that the moon
han an atmosphere, which makes life
in some form possible on that satel
lite; but not for human beings, wbo
have a hard enough time on this earth
ot ourB; especially those who don't
Know that Electric BltterB cure Head
ache, Biliousness, Malaria, Chills and
Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness,
Torpid Liver, Kidney complaints, Gen
eral Debility and Female weaknesses.
Unequalled as a general Tonic and Ap
petizer for weak persons and especi
ally for the aged. It Induces sound
sleep. Fully guaranteed by Albany
Drug Cq., Druggists. Price only 50c.
G.. F. & A. RY.
Low Round Trip Rates to Lanark, Fla.,
Panacea 8prlng«, Fla., via Sop-
Leave Albany via Central ot Oa. and
Arlington, 7:45 a. m. and *3:50 p. m.
Arrive Sopclioppy 3:14 p. m. and
*9:61 p. m.
Arrive Lanark 3:45 p. m. and *10:18
p. m.
‘Saturdays and Sundays only.
Round Trip Rates from Arlington.
, . a b c
To Lanark 4.75 6.30 2.80
To Sopclioppy 4.15 6.55 2.50
a—Tickets sold daily, final limit 15
b—Tickets sold dally, final limit 90
c—Tickets sold Saturday P. M.
trains and Sunday trains, final limit
following Monday.
Georgia. Dougherty County.
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday
In May, 1906, at public outcry at tbe
court bouse In said county, within the
legal hours of -sale, to tbe highest bid
der for cash, certain property of which
the following Is a full and complete
description: Two and one-halt shares
ot stock In the Odd Fellows BuUdlng
Association, of the par value ot Ten
Dollars per share. Said property lev
ied on as the property of G. E. Ander
son, to satisfy an execution Issued
from the Superior Court ot said Coun
ty, lit favor of A. C. Gortatowsky
against |sald G. E. Anderson; said
property being jjjj possession of W. N,
Tlcknqr, secretary of said Odd Fel
lows' Building Association, and point
ed out by plaintiff's attorney, L. W.
Mdlson. ' 1 ’■■ s '
This 31st day of March, 1906.
WM. GODWIN, Deputy Sheriff.
Reasonable Prices and Liberal Terms of Payments the
Reasons of Our Success.
The fact that our business has nearly doubled during the past few months is not due to the freak
of fortune known as "luck”—It la the result of handling nothing but reliable makes of Pianos, a deter
mination to give the public what they want at prices they can afford to pay, and to offer them a liberal
syatem of accommodation as to payments that makes the ownership of a Piano a source of pleasure—the
payments causing no worry, /■ ,
We Invite a Critical Examination and Comparison.
tle more space than an upright.)
CHICKERING UPRIGHTS of the very latest designs.
A complete assortment of MATHUSHEKS—the Southern favorite—used in
Georgia homes for nearly forty years.
The beautiful “LESTER.” The ADAM SCHAFF. The LUDWIG.
The reliable “LUDDEN & BATES”
And nearly a dozen other well-known makes. INSIDE PLAYERS as well a6 CABINET PLAYERS—
beat suited for this climate—all on liberal divided payments.
Good Used and Second Hand Pianos
At prices and on terms to suit any pocketbook. You will be doing yourself and family an Injustice to not
call or write us If you intend to make a purchase. Comparison will cost you nothing, and may save you
many dollars In the purchase of an Instrument.
All 50c Popular Music 1 7c. '
Correct Dress
The “Modem Method’* system of
high-grade tailoring introduced by
L. E. Hays & Co., of Cincinnati, O.,
| satisfies good dressers everywhere.
All Garments Made Strictly
, to Your Measure
I at moderate prices. 500 styles of foreign
and domestic fabrics from which to choose.
Represented bv
8. B. BROWN & CO., Albany, Ga.
Velds Per
One Of The Results
of liberally using our fertili
zers. la to pay off a mortgage
on the old farm. Read the fol
lowing from Messrs. Wherry
& Son,owners of the Magnolia
Fruit Farm, Durant, Miss..*
"We made $900 from one acre
strawberries, on which your
fertilizers were used. Eight
years ago we bought this place
at $20 per acre. It was then
considered to have been worn
out twenty years before, but
by liberally using
Vlrginia-Carolina Fertilizers
under peas and velvet beans,
we can nowr row almost any
thing, and have boon offered
$360 per acre for the place. Wo
experimented with a great
many brands of fertilizers,
but find the highest per-cent.
Now don’fcyou think
~Fer ‘
Vlrginia-Carolina Fertilizers
would enable you to pay off a \
'mortgage if you had one?
Well, don’t uae any other. <
Ylrglala-Carollna Chemical Co. £
Durham, N, O.
Charleston, 8. O.
Baltimore, Md.
Atlanta, Ga.
Savannah, Ga.
Montgomery, Ala,
Memphis, Tenn,
Shreveport, La.
James Tift Mann,
attorney and Counsellor at law.
Ventulett Building
The Bell •Telephone
Many Steps
From Delays
Less Work
Good Service
Daily Comfort
It is Reliable. The cost is reasonable;'£the service is satisfactory.
It reaches anybody anywhere.
Call Contract Department No. 400.
Southern *Bell Telephone
ts Telegraph Comoany
A PIANO; like a wife or husband, is frequently a
life companion. You therefore want something to suit
you perfectly when you buy. We believe we can give
you satisfaction in the two essential points
104 Pino Street, (Riimney Building.) Albany, Ga
It’s his business to do mending, and
he knows how. It took time for us to
learn the plumbing business and a lot
of practice to become perfect
to compete with us. Your job will
have to be done over again. It will
cost more in the end. Get us.