Newspaper Page Text
•ait- t •
•.’’Sir' ••• TlwpwiJjEgy
. r ,- ■ '■ ' ' ’ < : '
on money deposited with the
Albany Trust Co. of Ga. .Our
assets, including capital of
$100,000, are invested in high
class real estate securities of
value largely in excess of our
advances. There can be no
better security. Don’t let
your money lie idle in bank,
but let us explain our inter
est-bearing deposit system.
Albany Trust Co.
Special Notice to
the Ladies !
I have just received a lot of
which were to have been here for
the Easter and Chautauqua trade,
but somehow they were delayed in
transit. In order to dispose of them
quickly I will give my patrons the
benefit of this delay. The regular
prices of such waists are $3.00 and
$3.50 each. My price, as long as
they last will be only
of Georgia.
F. O. Ticknor, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead,
T. M. Carter, . A. W. Tucker,
National Insurance Co,
of Hartford wires us:
“Our 1 losses in San
Francisco will be paid
in full promptly with-
put impairment, this is
true of every Hartford
Values in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship, and the finest
material in
Headstones, etc., try
The Albany Marble anq
Granite Works.
6 Per Cent. Farm Loans.
Koora 811 Davls*Exchange Bank
Building, Albany, Ga.
Come while you, can get your
Q. Neuman,
Agent foe May Manton Pattern!.
Three Sites for Stores
on Broad Street,
(Near Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front on
Broad.street and running back
2fl‘0 feet to alley.
This property, is rapidly en
hancing in value and will be
worth doubje present price in
few years,
Full information on applica
tion to
1 Jigs & M Ti
Power Motors, f. cl b. New
York City: .
1 H. P., $54; 2 H. P., $60; 3
H. P., $70; 5 H. P., $126.
Albany Electrical
-AND —
Construction Co.
105 Broad St., Phone 415.
Q. W. 8AYE, President.
James Tift Mann,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Ventulett Building
\ l '
From the Atlanta Nows
Ex-Governor Benton McMillin, of
Tennessee, was at the Piedmont Hotel
.last evening. He is well known to
many Atlantans as a strenuous Dem
ocratic congressman for many years
and as one of the, best executives the
Volunteer state has had for many
Governor McMillin talked Interest
ingly about the heated senatorial and
gubernatorial campaigns now on in
Tennessee and to be concluded soon
by the state primaries.
“What do you predict as t</the sen
atorial race, governor?" he was asked.
"Oh, I feel certain that ex-Governor
Bob Taylor Is going to run over Sen
ator Carmack in hands down fashion,
He has stirred the people from the
mountains to the Mississippi river in
a most remarkable way. No public
liAll anywhere Is large enough to hold
the people who flock to hear him. He
simply demolishes every position of
the machine ring at Nashville and has
got Carmack by the hip. I predict
that Bob Taylor will win by an over
whelming majority."
“What Is the main Issue between
Taylor and Senator Carmack?’
"It is the undeniable deal by which
Governor Frazier got himself chosen
from the governor's chair to fill the
seat of the late Senator Bate. Taylor
charges and proves by incontestable
facts that almost before the leather
shoes were pulled off the feet of the
dead senator in Washington, the Fra-
zier-Carmack combine were fitting his
political shoes on Frazier In Nashville.
That, too, In spite of the ljundreds of
promises made by Frazier while run
ning for governor that he was not a
pie hunter and, if elected governor,
he would fill out his term and Rot as
pire to the senatorshlp in any event.
That reversal on his part Is now work
ing the same defeat of his partner,
Senator Carmack.’*
Concerning the governorship, Gov
ernor McMillin thinks the same In.
fluences that are leading the people
to prefer Bob Taylor for the senate
are favoring Congressman Patterson
for governor. The present acting gov
ernor is Hon. John Israel Cox, presi
dent of the state senate, hailing from
the Virginia line of Eastern Tennes
see. But a3 'Cox helped to pull oft the
Frazler-Carmack compact by which
Frazier went to. the senate and Cox
intq the governor’s office, the people
who are for " a square deal ” are
against the midnight machine deal and
are knifing Cox good and hard.
Governor McMillin Is not now figur
ing In politics, hut managing his large
business Interests. But, as the politl
cal fates are working, he Is almost
"a dead sure cinch” for the senator-
ship to succeed Frazier when the start
er In that race hollers “Time! ”
The traveling men are taking pos
session of the city.
County of Dougherty, State of Georgia.
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of J. Rosenberg, M. Ros
enberg and I. A. Rosenberg, all of said
State and County, and A. Rosenberg
and Ike Rosenberg, of Pike County,
State of Alabama, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and as
signs, to become incorporated under
the name and style of THE DOLLAR
2. That they deBlre to he so'Incor
porated for a term of Twenty (20)
Years, with the privilege of renewal at
the end of that time.
3. .That the capital stock to be em
ployed by said corporation will be Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), divided
Into shares of the denomination of One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each; and
that petitioners desire that said Incor
poration shall have the right to In
crease said capital stock, from time to
time, as may be deemed expedient, to
any amount not exceeding, in the ag
gregate, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,-
000.00), divided Into shares of like de
4. That the whole of said capital
stock has already been actually paid
5. That the object of the prpposed
corporation Is pecuniary gain and prof
it to its stockholders.
6. That the particular business said
corporation will do and carry on will
be a general dry goods business, con
sisting in the buying and selling, and
otherwise dealing In, at wholesale or
retail, all kinds of dry goods, notions,
clothing, hats, shoes and all such other
articles common to, and usually em
braced In, a general dry goods busi
ness, or profitably handled, or sold, In
connection therewith, or as may be for
the best interests of said corporation.
7. That petitioners desire that said
corporation shall have the right, power
and authority, In Its aforesaid name,
to sue and be sued, to contract and be
contracted with, to have, own and use
a common seal, to make and ordain
suitable rules and by-laws for the regu
lation of Its business, to borrow money
by way of note, deed, mortgage or
otherwise, to purchase, have ftnd own
both real and personal property, and
to do and perform all such other acts
as are, or may be, necessary for the or
ganization of said corporation and the
legitimate transaction of Its business.
S. That the principal place of busi
ness and home office of said corpora
tion will be In the city of Albany,
Dougherty County, Georgia, and peti
tioners desire tlje right reserved to
said corporation to establish and oper
ate branch offices or places of business
in such other places In or out of said
State of Georgia as may be deemed
proper and expedient.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to he
made a body corporate, under the
name and style aforesaid, with the
powers and authority herein applied
for, entitled to the rights, privileges
and Immunities, and subject to the lia
bilities fixed by law.
Petitioners’ Attorney.
. Attorneys-at-Law
And Real Estate.
Phone 408,
State of Georgia, County of Dougherty.
Dougherty Superior Court Clerk’s Of
I, R. P. Hall, Clerk of the Superior
Court of Dougherty County, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing
application for charter of The Dollar
Store Co., Is a true and correct copy of
the original application this dav filed
in this office and now of file therein.
This 4th day of May, 1906.
Clerk Dougherty Superior Court.
State of Georgia, Dougherty County.
To the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of James Hoggard and
W. T. Htlsman, both of said State and
County, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire, for themselves,
their associates, successors and as
signs, to become incorporated under
the name and style of HOGGARD
2. That petitioners desire to be so
incorporated for a term of twenty
years, with the privilege of renewal at
the end of that time.
3. That the capital stock to be em
ployed by said corporation will be
Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00), di
vided into shares of the denomination
of $100.00 each; , and that petitioners
desire that said corporation Shall have
the right to Increase said capital stock,
from time to time, as may be deemed
expedient, to any amount not exceed
ing, In the aggregate, Twenty-five
Thousand Dollars, divided into shares
of the denomination aforesaid.
4. That the whole of said capital
stock has already been actually paid
5. That the object of the proposed
corporation Is pecuniary gain and
profit to Its stockholders.
0. That the particular business said
corporation will do and carry on Is
what is commonly known as a drug
business, to consist In the wholesale
and retail buying and selling, and
otherwise dealing In, all kinds of
drugs, medicines, toilet articles, paints,
cigars, tobacco and any and all other
kinds of articles common and incident
to said drug business, and as may be
necessary or for the best Interests of
said corporation.
7. That petitioners desire that said
corporation shall have the right, pow
er and authority, In Its qforesald name,
to sue and he sued, to contract and be
contracted with, to have, own and use
a common seal, to make and ordain
suitable rules and by-laws for the regu
lation of Its business, to borrow money
by way of note, deetj, mortgage or
otherwise, to purchase, have and own
both real and personal property, and to
do and perform all such other acts as
are, or may be, necessary for the .of-
ganlzation of said corporation and the
legitimate transaction of its business.
8. That the principal place Of busi
ness and home office of said corpora
tion will be In the city of Albany, said
State and County, and petitioners de
sire the right reserved to said corpor
ation to establish’and operate branch
offices or places of business in such
other places, In or out of said State,
as may be deemed proper and expedl
Wherefore, Petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate, under the
name and style aforesaid, with the
powers and authority herein applied
for, entitled to the rights, privileges
and Immunities, and subject to the
liabilities fixed by law.
Petitioners’ Attorney.
If yon are going to Invest In Albany
realty give us an opportunity to show
you how to double your capital.
SEE with reason now that!
later your Eyes may SEE.!
the Serious Consequences
of continued eye Strain?
Priceless beyond all pos
sessions is the eyesight, 1
deserving of youh highest
consideration. Don’t trifle
with your eyes. It will
cost you nothing to see us.
Phil Harris,
, Leading Optician.
We will dispose of the following city
lots In Arcadia for the next tea days
on the following terms: $10 cash, bal
ance $5 per month. Each lot Is for
sale at $69. No Interest will be
charged on deferred payments. Each
lot Is 60 feet front by 135 feet deep to
an alley. If you will oonslder the won
derful growth of Albany and Rbte the
appreciated price of elty lots during
the past twelve months you would not
fall to purchase one or more of these
valuable trdeta. We have disposed of
a great many and have only a few
more on the market Lots of people
have made more than double the pclc#
of their lots bought of us. Here are
the lots:
Ode-half acre, with 6-room cottage,
adjoining S. F. Price resldenoe; $1500
—$760 cash, ball four yehrs in montli-
Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, on Ninth
street, In Block D; each $59; $10 cash,
balance $5 month.
your wheel carefully before starting
on your season's riding. Little de
fects sometimes cause big accidents.
Besides, no defective bicycle ever be
came less sb by> use. If you let us
the damage can be eaBlly, quickly and
cheaply done. If you neglect It now,
you will pay for It-later on, perhaps
la broken bones, certainly lnmoneyL
There Is nothing too small’ atjout a
wheel for us to fix. Thebe is nothing-
on (he.wheel that we cannot adjust.
Avoid expense and danger by letting-’
us fix things now.
The Leading Wheelman, Pine Street.
No. 3 on Eighth street In Block B,
Nos. 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 on
Ninth street In Block F at $69; $10
cash, balance $5 per month; no In
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
c «:“'Kr Laxative Fruit Syrup
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexions of
pimples and blotches.
It Is guaranteed
State of Georgia, County of Dougherty.
Clerk's Office, Dougherty Superior
I, R. P. Hall, Clerk of the Superior
Court of said County, do hereby cer
tify that the foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the original petition
filed In this office the 20th day of
April, 1906. R. P. HALL,
Clerk Superior Court, Dougherty
Sheriff’s Sale.
Will be sold before the courthouse
door lu the city of Albany, Dougherty
county, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale the first Tuesday In May
next the following described property,
to-wlt: One-fourth undivided Interest
In all that tract or parcel of land lying
and being In the county of Dougherty,
State of Georgia, starting at the south
east corner of Mrs. W. W. Wilson’s
lot, rim south 64 feet, thence east 64
feet to a line; thence sputh 100 feet,
thence east 125 feet, thence south 100
feet, thence west 126 feet to starting
line, said lot being northwest corner
of land deeded to W. M. Ramsey by
Mrs. L. A. Walker. Levied on and
sold to satisfy a flfa In Justice court,
945 district G. M. In favor of John
Stokes vs. H. V. Bunting. Tenants In
possession notified. Levy made and
returned to me by J. W. Harrell, con
stable. P. G. EDWARDS, Sheriff.
Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 31 on
Tenth street In Block P each for $69;
$10 cash, balance $5 per month: no
13 lots on Tift street on very easy
3 lots on Planter’s street eaoh for
$176; easy terms.
1 lot on State street, $760.
1 lot on Residence street, $550.
9 acres adjoining western city Ittm-
Its, reaching from Society street to
Residence street. Price for each acre
$600. Will sell the whole or qHli sub
The Lonsberg residence, .8 rooms,
67x210 feet, Pine street; 2-room house
on alley; waterworks, electric lights
and sewerage.
And Real Esfat'e.
Rooms 3, 4 and 8, Hobbs Building.
We Herewith Offer
• a Few
For Next Four Days 1 .
A rich assortment of brand-new
8hlrt Waists, In the very newest
designs, fine In material and finish,
beautiful embroideries and laces,
tastily combined with sheer white
fabrlee; worth 76o, $1.60, $2.00,
$2.76, will go at 48o, 86o, $1.26 and
20 pieces Long Cloth espeolally
softly finished yarn, at 9e per yrf.
Excellent quality sheer India
Linen, 40 Inehet wide, at B</ 2 o pep.
A lot of fine, sheer India Linen
from 8^0 to 16o.
New Spring Percales, light and
dark styles, the 12'/ 2 e quality, 9/ 2 o
per yard.
New plaid Ginghams, big aseort-
ment In syles and eolora, from B</ 2
to 10c per yard.
71 Broad Streets
G.. F. &A. RY.
Low Round Trip Rates to Lanark, Fla.,
Panacea 8prlngs, Fla., via Sop-
•W- ■
Leave Albany via Central of Ga. and
Arlington, 7:46 a. m. and *3:60 p. m,
Arrive Sopchoppy 3:14 p. m. and
•9:61 p. m.
Arrive Lanark 3:46 p. m. and *10:18
p. m.
•Saturdays and Sundays only.
Round Trip Rates from Arlington.
a b c .
To Lanark 4.75 6.30 2.80
To Sopchoppy .4.15 6.65, 2.60
a—Tickets sold dally, final limit 15
days. I
b—Tickets sold dally, final, limit 90.
days. ,
o—Tickets sold Saturday P. M.
trains and Sunday trains, final limit
following Monday, ,
* '