Newspaper Page Text
W r :
Chautiuqua visitors will find it
to their interest to look at our im
mense line of Sheet Music. We
have everything that is new and
popular, and for this week we are
offering Music at >/ 2 off- Big stock
of McKinley Music at Be per copy
for this week. Come and get a cat
alogue free. A piano to try music
at your disposal.
...Good Groceries all the Time...
If you want the best in the
Grocery Line, and want the
right prices, too, ’phone your
orders to No. 91.
Washington SL Grocer
8* B. Brown, A. W. Muse,
President, V.-Preeident.
J. P, Munnerlyn, Cashier,
Albany National Bank
Opened Buslneee Sept. 0th, 1SOO
8URPLU3. -
- $50,000
- 15,000
Every facility in the banking busi
ness offered to customers.
Savings Department.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
~ ' \. : rt ; ■ •
The late Marshall Field, that great merch
ant prince of Chicago, sent for me after I
had treated his feet, which came very near
frightening-the wits out of me until hesald,
'•my feet are all right, but what I want you
to do is to tell me all about my own feet.” To
be worried almost to death with corns, bun-
t feet Is
pleasing experience, Twenty-five centB a
corn and it does not hurt a sp -ck. Strictly
antiseptic. DR. R. E. WILLIAMS,
Surgeon Chiropodlst-Massiicer-Samarla.
Telephone 282. Thomasuiile, Ga.
JP. S —Dr. Williams offers $5 reward for an
Ingrowing nail be cannot cure without pain.
Mrs. Williams does dainty manioure, mas
sage and hair dressing Scalp treatment
and the inorcol wave a specialty. -
J. S. Davis. T. W. Ventulstt
Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur
ance Co.
Office—Ventulstt Building.
' Arrival and Departure of Trains al
Albany, Oa.
In Effect Jan. 8. 1905.
For Dothan, Fioraila and Lock
hart 7:45am
For Dothan, Fiorala and lock-
hart 3:50pm
For Macon. Atlanta, Augus-
ta, Columbus. Savannah.. 4:06am
For Macon, Atlanta, Colum
bus, Montgomery, Troy....11:54am
For Macon. Atlanta. Savan
nah -' 9:00pm
From Lockhart, Fiorala and
Dothan 8:46 pm
From Lockhart, Fiorala and
Dothan 11:40 am
From Augusta, Savannah,
Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am
From Montgomery, Troy.. Co
lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm
From Atlanta. Savannah, Ma
con, Montgomery, Colum
bus 11:30 pm
Drawing room sleeping care be
tween Albany and Atlanta on trains
arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and
leaving Albany at 3:00 p. m. Parlo:
car between Albany and Atlanta on
train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p
mi. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m
For farther information apply to S.
A. Atkinson,, Depot Tioket Agent oi
B, 8. Morris, Commercial Agent, A)
Results Elsewhere in the
Georgia State League.
Standing of the Clubs.
Clubs— Played Won Lost Pet
Cordele 1 • 1 0 1000
Waycross 2 1 1 .500
Valdosta 2 1 1 .500
Albany 1 0 1 .000
Amerlcus . . ...
Results Yesterday.
At Valdosta—Waycross, 8; Valdos
ta, 3. '
At Albany — Albany-Cordele; t no
game; rain.
At Columbus—Columbus-Americus;
no game; rain.
Games Today.
Cordele at Albany.
Amerlcus at Columbus.
Waycross at Valdosta.
tlon this year. Mike Donliu, McOraw's
eenterllelder, recently got drunk and
has been suspended indefinitely. Don-
lin recently got married. Perhaps the
spree was in celebration.
Posey won’t pitch In this series, but
will start the fun next week.
Jim Fox seems to be a prime favor-
i-o In Atlanta. He is doing gilt-edged
The sporting editor of the Cordele
News came over with the team.
McGrow took a glove yesterday and
slung a few with Collier.
On Alec’s face yesterday there was
a look of grim determination. It will
be there today, too.
Sidney Smith Is making good with a
rush in Atlanta. He began his base
ball career with Wofford College at
Spartanburg, S. C. ,
Poole’s getting hit in the head was
rather unfortunate, but such things
will happen.
Here’s how on today’s game.
Four of the American League clubs
this season have a Jones in the llne-
Both teams hiked out to the park
yesterday, but things looked too
rainy. “His Umps,” McGrath, finally
turned up, but after a conference with
Alec and Holt decided to call things
off. There wasn’t any crowd out, any
way. The weather, and a memory of
yesterday’s performance, combined to
make folks stay at home. Now, the
fane may as well make up their minds
to get used to. dropping a game some
times. We can’t make a 1000 percent
age, nor yet a .999, and lust because it
was the first one needn’t be considered
so bad. The real reason that so many
are kicking is because they dropped a
little coin Thursday. Granted that it
was bad; granted that-the men didn’t
Bhow up so well—It doesn’t necessar
ily imply that the rest are going to be
that way. Just let the team win one
or two and these self-same knockers
will be all smiles, and talk' on the
street corners as If the credit was
Crosley will pitch today. This will
be his first trial, the reBt of the boys
having shown their stuff at: the Val
dosta exhibition games.
McCormack will catch and the rest
of the line-up will be the same. A'
slight change will be made in the bat
ting order.
A large crowd should he there.
Thursday's performance won’t be du
plicated, at any rate. If we don’t win
there’ll be a stiff article of baseball
put up. It’s in the men: they showeS
it Chautauqua week. It was just the
way that Boyd was hit that dlsheast-
enede them, right at the outset The
Cordele fellows can bat, anyway. Let
that be known right now. Manager
Holt has gotten together a strong hit
ting crowd. -
There was some dumb work Thurs
day that should have been avoided. It
was costly, too. But In the rattled
condition of the team it was natural.
If we win today It must be on an er
rorless game.
Umpire McGrath, It might be said
in passing, is a good umpire; and he’s
a husky built youngster. His voice Is
tremorless, when he makes a decision,
too, which is a good sign. Already the
players recognize that he (s here for
Yesterday Eldred was looking over
the names suggested for the home
' ’Redblrds!”’ he quoted scorn-
fully. “I wonder who put that In.”
The laugh that went up was almost a
groan. “Don’t inflict such a name as
that on the boys, please. The person
who put that In ought to be. given a
free ticket to withdraw it.”
The team wore a saddened look yes
“If you want a good outfielder, why
sign me,” said McGrath yesterday.
Collier was eager to pitch today.
He has a likely whip.
Ed. Rauslck, manager of the Augus
ta club, is a manager after the Augus
ta fans’ own heart. He, doesn’t do
much talking, which Is good, but he's
right there, and all the time.
Scott, who holds down the Initial
sack for Cordele, is a good player,
Too bad the rain spoiled the game.
The home club .lost their }40 guaran
tee. And It may happen again.
In' the major leagues they aie strict
ly enforcing the rules about dissipa-
up—Charley with Washington, Fielder
with Chicago, Tom with St. Louis, and
Davy with DeDtroit.
The second amateur target tourna
ment of the Misslsslppl-Delta Trap
Shooters’ League is scheduled to be
gin at Vicksburg tomorrow and con
tinue three days.
“Pop” Shrlver, the veteran catcher
and manager of the champion Wheel
ing team of the Central League, says
that he Is good for ten years’ more
service behind the plate.
The track team of the University of
Chicago engages In its first outdoor
meet of the season today, going up
against the University of Illinois; team
at Champaign.
The supposed weak teams of the
American League are doing all kinds
of things to their stronger brothers.
This Is the date set for. the second
annual Marathon race; under the aus
pices of the Missouri Athletio Club, of
St. Louis. In 1904 the first Marathon
run was held In St. Louis in connec
tion with the Olympic gameB at the
exposition and was won by Thos. J.
Hicks, of Cambridge. Last year Jo
seph Foshaw, who Is now abroad with
the- American Olympic team,, won the
event, covering the forty kilometres
In 3 hours and 15 r mlnutes.
It is Interesting to note that very
few of the "home teams” in the North
won their opening games, while the
Southern baseball dubs that opened
at home were nearly all successful.
In the National League and In the
Conectieut League no home team won
Its opening game. In the American
League New York was the only home
team that won, and in the Eastern
League Providence wts the only win
ner. In the American Association two
home teapis—Louisville and Toledo-^-
were successful. On the other hand,
every home team In the Southern
League won . its first game, while in
the South Atlantic and Cotton States
Leagues there were two teams each
that won on the homo grounds.
The track teams of Ohio State Uni
versity and Indiana University are
scheduled to engage In a dual meet
today at Bloomington.
Both the St. Louis league teams are
working hard to keep out of Ihe cellar
this year, and from present Indica
tions they will succeed in keeping
above ground.
The tennis season for 1906 starts
today when the crack teams of Har
vard, Yale and Columbia line up for
the lnter-scholaslic tournament.
Rube Waddell has set the strlke-out
record for the seaso’n by fanning thir
teen of the Boston Americans.
The Baltimore team played several
of the Virginia League clubs this
spring and ran into some mighty good
ball playing, which Indicates that Jake
Wells is at the head of a hlgh-clasta
minor league this season.
The fifth annual meet cf the Yale
inter-scholastic track games takes
place on Yale field today. About 100
schools have entered and the outlook
Is bright for a successful meet.
Ace Stewart has made a nice start
with his Jackson, Miss., hunch and Is
going to make a hard tussle to land
the flag In the Cotton States League.
Billy Earle, of VickBburg, says that
the first name of the Jackson manager
Is a high card, but he will have to
Large scores are scarce In baseball
nowadays, but the Boston Americans
had two In one week to their credit.
One 12 to 0 game with Philadelphia
and a score of 19 to 2 against Wash
ington established the season’s rec
The Pittsburg and Chicago Nationals
are playing nice hall, but It Is doubt
ful If they can overtake the Giants:
It looks as If the New Yorkers get
farther away every day..
To Albany In Near Future—Such Was
Promise Made Friends Yesterday.
While in Albany yesterday morning
Col. J. H. Estlll, of Savannah, candi
date ton governor of Georgia, stated to
a number of his friends that he con
templated an early visit to this city
for the. purpose of addressing the vot
ers, and would come at any time which
might be deemed expedient.
There Is quite a strong following of
Estlll men In thill county, and the visit
of their favorite candidate yesterday
Inspired them with renewed confi
dence. They are looking forward with
a great deal of Interest to the prom
ised visit of Col. Estlll, to whom they
confidently refer as the next governor
of Georgia.
Unlawful to Catch Fish, Except With
Hook and Line, Between February 1
and July 1.
It is reported that thsre havo re
cently been some very flagrant viola
tions of the fish laws of the state in
this county, and The Herald has been
requested tq publish the law for the
Information of any who may have
been violating It unintentionally.
The law, ae amended by the legis
lature last year, Is as follows:
Sec. 2. Be It further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, that section 6 of
the said aot, as amended by the act
approved August 15, 1904 (Aots 1904,
page 103),’be amended by striking out
the words In ’the fourth line of said
section, "16th day of March,”, and-sub
stituting in lieu thereof “lst day of
February,” so that Said section wheh
amended shall read as follows: "Sec.
". Be It further enacted by the au-
hority aforesaid, That it shall not be
lawful for any person to catch or take
any fish with seine, net, gig or spear,
or like device, from any of the’ waters
of this state, between the first day of
February and the first day of July In
each year, except with hook and line;
In the case of shad the above prohibi
tion as to dates shall apply only be
tween the 15th of April and 1st day of
See. 3. Be It further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, that all laws and
parts of laws in conflict with this act
are hereby repealed.
Approved August 22,1905.
Lnlior lu old-TIniei.
Twelve hours In winter and fourteen
In piimmer was n fair ir’ernge day's
work, bnt In Lyons In 1571 the print
ers worked rrom 2 o'clock In the morn
ing till 8 or It In the evening. In other
trades the working hours were often
from 4 In the morning till 0 at night
or from Ji to 10. Workers In the same
metier generally lived together In the
same street, but the mnltre artisan
had his own malson. The ground floor
was his shop or workshop; above was
his bedroom, which was also the sit
ting and eating room; a small room ad
joining accommodated his children, and
above wak a garret where various
commodities were stored. — Brlsson’s
“Work and Workers.”
Girl niililes In Lapland.
In Lapland us soon as a girl bally Is
born and has been duly rolled In the
snow—a ceremony which seems to take
the place of baptism—she Is dOwcred
by her father with a certain number
of reindeer, which are branded with
her Initials and kept apart as her spe
cial property. In proportion ns they
.ncrense and multiply does hor chance
of making n good match improve.
heivartled Him.
“Excuse me, mum. 1 was goto’ to
try to git you Interested In a face lo
tion that 'ud make the ugliest skin
beautiful, bnt I' see you don’t need
nothin' like that”
“Well—er—I think I’ll buy a box Of It
for a friend of mine.”—Houston Post
Mrs. Brown—She seems to have got
over the death of her first husband.
Mr. Brown—Yes. but her second bas-
band hasn’t
Wise men, though all laws were abol
ished, would lead the same lives.—Arit-
Fired; ’ ' .
Young Mother—Do you think tmb}
looks most like me or his pnpa? Nurse
—Like you, mnm. Mr. Jenkins Is a
mighty handsome man.
Advertisement: Wanted —A compe
tent and. well mannered nurse.
Briggs—Does your wife laugh when
yon tell her a funny story? Braggs—
Ob, yesl I always tell her beforehand
that it Is funny.
Hold on, bold fast, bold out Pa
tience Is genius.—Button.
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease lh the same ratio that the use
of Dr. King’s New Life Pills Increases.
They save you from danger and bring
quick and painless release from consti
pation and the ills growing oat of It
Strength and vigor always follow their
use. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co.,
druggists. 25c. Try them.
For Next Week.
50c China Silk 39c
We offer for next week’s selling our entire line of
China and Jap Silks, values to 65c‘ a 39 c
yard, all colors, yard.
19c Linen Suiting 13c
About twenty pieces Linen Suiting, 30 inches, wide,
values to 20c a yard, we offer it for one
week only at '
Two for a Quarter Vests 8c
24 dozen bleached taped neck Vests, on sale Monday,
real two for a quarter value, for one week at, 8c
$1.25 Ladies’ Waists 89c
Monday we offer one lot of several dozen ladiesdainty ,
■ i- Waists, $1.25 value, different patterns, -
all good, each
15c Indio Linon 11c
32 inch wide India Linen, a 15c quality, yard,
one week
19c White Goods 15c
Monday we offer 19c value white goods, includiiig
sheer lawns and Swiss stripes at uniform 41 “
piice of, yard J.,. !.
15c White Goods iOc
Monday we offer oiie lot of white goods on center table,
including 40 met White Lawn, Nhinsook, Tndjo-
Linon and stripe Dimities, with values
up to 15c, yard
Teh Per Cent!
* y
On Price, and over $6 per cent, on Freight,: is what you
save if you order your Boat through us;. Our order for
a carload will be placed by the middle of next week.
We will allow a discount of 10 per cent, on all orders
placed before this order is sent in. Thp difference in
freight on boats, between carloads and j less than car
loads, is over 76 per cent. / '1 ...
BOATS. They cannot sink.
The Bacon Equipment Company,
■ j 1 !
Albany, Ga. :
I,; m
' O'ttrtM
1 .
Easily applied. No Grease, no Stain. Why suffer
when you can get relief for 25 cents.
Owl Drug iS Seed Go
Best Cream and Fresh Candy.
. : r :■
IwililVi ‘i‘if
4 S